When the facial skin is considered age. Age-related changes in the skin on the face in women and their causes. Prevention of skin aging

At this age, the final formation of the skin takes place, and although there are no age-related changes yet, other troubles come to the fore: leather unpleasantly shiny, the pores are clogged, which is typical not only for skin adolescents, but also for girls skin... Thus, the main problem the skins of both boys and girls during puberty are placed acne (youthful acne). Acne treatment is complex and long enough, but little consolation can be the fact that as the process of hormonal changes is completed acne fades away and itself gradually disappears by the age of 25-30. However, it should be remembered that in addition to the temporary cosmetic defect their presence can seriously affect the immature psyche of a teenager, as well as, in severe cases of the disease, lead to irreversible or difficult to correct rough scars.

In addition, from the beginning of puberty to the moment of growing up, under the influence of female sex hormones, there is a gradual change in the percentage of ceramides (ceramides) different types... Since ceramides, among other things, play important role in the formation of a skin barrier that controls transepidermal water loss (TEWL), hormonal levels can significantly affect the functioning of this barrier.

Sex differences

It is interesting to note a number of gender differences - the difference in the properties and structure of the skin between men and women. Specific gravity collagen, which characterizes the "packing" of fibrils in the dermis, in women is significantly lower in almost any age periodthan men. This is due to the influence of androgens, so men in in this case luckier - they seem "younger" than their peers of the opposite sex.

Also, there are gender differences in the thickness of subcutaneous fat, as well as in the structure of its distribution over body parts (the so-called female and male type figures).

The sensitivity to pain in women, despite the prevailing opinion, is significantly higher than in men, which is associated with a smaller thickness female skin.

Features of the skin of a woman over 40 years old

Physiological age processes skin changesdescribed grow. The process of involution is observed - "reverse" development, age-related dystrophy. There is a decrease in the thickness of the epidermis, hypodermis, follicle length long hair, atrophy of small sebaceous glands... Collagen fibers thicken, connective tissue degeneration occurs; some of the fibers stick together or disintegrate. The amount of mucopolysaccharides in the skin decreases, which leads to dehydration.

However, all these changes are quantitative, not qualitative. Therefore, with due beauty care appearance a woman over forty may not look very different from her photographs from ten years ago. Especially if you manage to keep the same weight, while not allowing its significant fluctuations - more than 15%.

The external manifestations of age are only becoming noticeable in those zones where several predisposing and unfavorable factors are summed up at once.

So, " crow's feet "appear in the corners of the eyes. This is due to the fact that the skin around the eyes is three to four times thinner than in the rest of the face, under it there is a minimum layer of hypodermis, there are few sebaceous glands in this zone, secretions from which protect the skin from harmful factors environment, few elastin and collagen fibers. Well, in addition - due to facial movements, the skin around the eyes is subject to constant mechanical deformation. All this leads to the fact that the first "age-related" excitement at the mirror occurs about the skin around the eyes.

Other "problem" age areas:

  • nasolabial fold - its depth and "expressiveness" gradually increase.
  • the skin of the eyelids - it becomes in excess, the skin becomes heavy, folds appear on the eyelids.
  • neck skin - the first habitual wrinkles and folds of skin appear on the neck, and with excess weight and "double chin".

In addition, many women experience problems related to hormonal status, such as hair growth on the upper lip. Microcirculatory disorders lead to vascular appearance - rosacea, spider veins and telangiectasias.

Skin of a woman over 50

The increase in skin aging processes becomes an avalanche and is associated with general condition organism. At the pathophysiological level in the skin occur following changes:

  • thinning of the skin
  • reduction of subcutaneous fat on the face, cheeks and neck with a simultaneous thickening of it on others parts of the body,
  • a decrease in the amount of mucopolysaccharides in the dermis,
  • collagen degeneration,
  • reduced blood supply to the skin
  • change in skin type towards dry, sometimes even "parchment"
  • significant slowdown of regeneration processes
  • increase in pH - shift towards the alkaline side
  • decrease in barrier properties.

One of the most significant factors leading in this period of life to external changes in the skin is age-related hormonal changes in women - menopause.

Estrogen inhibits the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands, increases the content hyaluronic acid, converts collagen into an insoluble form, participates in the regulation of melanogenesis, A decrease in the level of estrogen in the blood leads to the fact that the oiliness of the skin decreases, it becomes dry and thin like parchment, its hydration and elasticity decrease, and age spots appear.

Below is a list external manifestations - the most characteristic (more often than 10%) skin changes in women by the age of fifty (the list is sorted by frequency of occurrence):

  • Circles under the eyes
  • Horizontal forehead wrinkles
  • Vertical glabellar wrinkles
  • Wrinkles under the eyes
  • Omission upper eyelid
  • Hair growth over upper lip
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Telangiectasia
  • Pronounced deep nasolabial folds
  • Crow's feet at the corners of the eyes
  • Senile lentigo (senile "freckles")
  • Radial wrinkles around the lips
  • Double chin
  • Enhanced growth hair on cheeks and chin
  • Sagging skin with a change in the oval of the face

All of these signs, except for sagging cheeks, are noted by women by the age of fifty.

Yulia Samoilova | 05/20/2015 | 4566

Yulia Samoilova 05/20/2015 4566

At about 35 years old, I began to notice age-related changes on my skin and began to panic. However, professional cosmetologists reassured me and convinced me that the correct home care behind the face and salon procedures will allow you to look young and fresh even in adulthood.

Step 1 - creating an enabling environment

Facial skin reflects the lifestyle and bad habits of its mistress. Most modern means to eliminate age-related changes will not work if you do not deal with skin problems "from the inside".

If the first signs of aging appear on the face, then it's time to take the following measures:

  • Quit smoking and use alcoholic drinks... Cigarettes and alcohol are always the main enemies of a well-groomed face.
  • Drink clean water. Recommendations for consuming two liters per day are difficult to follow immediately. You can start with one liter, gradually increasing the amount of water you drink.
  • Connect cardio load. Running, Nordic walking, cycling - any physical activity improves blood circulation throughout the body, and the skin of the face is more actively supplied with oxygen.

There is no need to drastically change your lifestyle, it is enough to gradually switch to the correct one drinking regimen and sports. For example, I started by quitting alcohol even on holidays and buying a bike that I ride every weekend.

Step 2 - proper home care

All daily procedures skin care can be done effectively on your own. Professional cosmetologist will help to determine the type of skin and the nature of age-related changes by choosing a line of caring cosmetics.

The daily ritual of facial care includes thorough cleansing of make-up and impurities, exfoliating the top layer, tightening pores, moisturizing and nourishing. In addition, skin with signs of age-related changes also needs special care - lifting and anti-lifting procedures.

The face needs to be cleansed twice a day. For morning wash it is better to use foam or gel, and in the evening - milk for removing makeup.

After cleansing, rub the skin with a tonic to narrow the pores, and then apply a firming cream.

It is very convenient if daily remedy already contains UV protection. Otherwise, apply before going outside special cream with an SPF of at least 20 or use tonal means with a high protection factor.

Cosmetologists advise applying nourishing and moisturizing facial masks twice a week. These funds provide additional care behind the skin. The most popular are alginate masks based on algae, which have a complex effect.

Handful oatmeal grind in a coffee grinder, mix with the foam for washing and treat the face along the massage lines.

Peels free the skin from the top layer of dead skin cells, allowing it to "breathe".

Step 3 - salon treatments for youthful skin

Unpleasant age-related changes can be corrected by salon procedures and cosmetics. The cosmetologist will determine the need to apply one or another effect, after which he will prescribe a course of procedures.

The most popular procedure for aging skin is biorevitalization. On average, it is carried out once a year, and the effect lasts until the next course.

To preserve the effect of biorevitalization, it is necessary to undergo a course of peels that act on the deeper layers of the skin, promoting its regeneration and eliminating dark spots.

I already after the first procedure chemical peeling I noticed improvements in the condition of my skin, and biorevitalization simply consolidated this effect.

Qualitative cosmetical tools and modern salon treatments will help you turn back the clock by paying regular attention to your skin. So that, dear women, do not be lazy to take care of yourself properly - and you will not soon learn what aging is!

Greetings, dear site visitors!

Youth enchants with its beauty, bright hopes and opportunities. Oh, if time did not affect our appearance!

But youth gives way to maturity - the appearance loses its former attractiveness.

Care aging skin face requires a lot of effort, patience, funds, but this is not a reason to give up.

Menopause is most often the signal for the restructuring of the body in women. Hormonal changes begin to occur, the vital activity of many functions is lost.

To this should also be added the negative impact of the environment.
Mature skin requires more careful attention proper care... It is worth paying more attention to anti-aging products and beauty treatments.

  • In any weather it is necessary to apply special protective creams.
  • Morning care should consist of a more intense complex.
  • It is no longer possible to do with only daily caring agents. Nourishing, moisturizing and cleansing masks should be applied once or twice a week.
  • It is useful to make herbal compresses that fill the epidermis the necessary vitamins... Almost any herb that grows in the garden will do it: chamomile, yarrow, mint, sage, lemon balm, rosemary.

For proper care, a certain sequence must be followed.

Daily routines

  1. Should be used instead of soap for washing mineral water or whey. It is also useful in the morning to wipe the surface of the face with a piece of ice from a decoction of herbs. Contrasting washing with water will do.
  2. Loose skin can be freshened up a little with lotions from a weak salt solution.
  3. For deep cleansing use cosmetic milk or natural cream.
  4. After washing your face, lightly pat it dry with a towel.
  5. Freshness and ruddy color will give tonic preparations: tonic, cosmetic milk. Rubbing it with a piece of ice gives the same effect.

Nutritional and vitamin complex

Age changes will be less noticeable if the epidermis is nourished and moisturized daily. Therefore, after the first two treatments, you should apply a moisturizer. Before going to bed - apply a nourishing cream. Since mature skin is more demanding, care should be taken more deeply.

After moisturizing, you need to lubricate the face with a lifting cream - it will help smooth it out.
When choosing nutritional and vitamin supplements, it is necessary to give preference to such basics as:

  • extracts of oats, wheat germ, grape seed or seaweed;
  • vitamins A, C, D, E, F;
  • lanolin;
  • vegetable oils;
  • collagen.

An alternative approach

Even at a deep age, even such intensive care will not always be able to help, so you can resort to other methods. Laser resurfacing will be most effective.

But this procedure not everyone is available, so you can use more conservative methods.
Take advantage of folk remedies, which will not only be able to cope with the problems of epidermal aging, but also replenish it with the necessary vitamins, soothe irritation.
Try these methods.

Rejuvenating mask
Boil one potato until tender. Mash it, add 40 ml of milk. Add raw to this puree egg yolk, stir well. Apply the warm mixture on the face for 30 minutes. Then wash off the mask.

Firming mask for sensitive skin
Dissolve 2 teaspoons of starch in half a glass of water. From this mixture, cook a kind of jelly. Mix the cooled mixture with 40 ml of cream and 1 pc. raw grated carrots. Apply the resulting composition to the face. Hold for half an hour.

Calming Compress with Vitamin Complex
Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves of plantain, chamomile and linden blossom, pour the composition with a glass of floor hot water... Insist 15 minutes, add a tablespoon of honey to it. Moisten a gauze cloth in the solution, put on your face. Keep up to 20 minutes.

The constant use of care products for aging skin helps it not only recover, but also increases the effect of active ingredients.
All that remains is to find the right care package for you.

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Autumn - the best time for facial skin care. Firstly, in summer, the skin is exposed to many stressful influences (sun rays, city \u200b\u200bdust, climate change, specific sunscreen cosmetics) - and in the fall it needs restoration. Secondly, after many procedures, the skin needs a gentle regime: the sun should be avoided. And thirdly, autumn is the time of seasonal fruits and vegetables, that is, additional intake of vitamins into the body, which will enhance the effect of anti-aging procedures.

Anytime, anywhere

There are universal factors that accelerate skin aging: smoking and other bad habits, exposure to sunlight, lack of vitamins in the diet and regular stress. One of the most popular negative impacts, which ladies of all ages regularly practice, is a strict diet. In just a couple of weeks, she can undermine the body and turn a blooming (slightly plump) young lady into a fading pale weakness. Another important factorthat allows you to preserve the youthfulness of the skin - internal hydration, that is, consumption enough pure water... The norm in the cold months is 1.5 liters per day, in the heat - up to 2 liters per day, and not in one gulp before going to bed, but evenly throughout the day.

Youthful skin

Leather young girls 15-25 years old has amazing regenerative abilities, it is smooth, elastic and glows from the inside. Perfectly. Unfortunately modern urban ecology in combination with the complications of puberty, they can play a cruel joke on the skin of the face and turn this blessed age into pure suffering.

The main problems: excessive oiliness of the skin, regular rashes, the formation of comedones (blackheads), post-acne scars that appear at the site of acne. Young people with dry skin are rare - as a rule, the skin loses moisture with age.

Prevention: unfortunately, age-related pimples that scatter across the face against the background hormonal imbalance, it is impossible to completely cure. They normally pass after hormonal background aligns. However, this can be expected for years.

The most obvious and necessary prevention in this case, hygiene. Regular washing can reduce blemishes and prevent blackheads from forming.

Care errors: trying to destroy hated pimples, young ladies begin to use aggressive means - alkaline soap for washing, alcohol lotions, acne creams containing salicylic acid and other drying substances. As a result, the skin loses its natural protection, microbes multiply actively and provoke redness even against the background of dry, tight skin. Pleasure is a minimum, and peeling is added to pimples and dull color faces. And if you supplement these joys with the regular squeezing of pimples, then the face will be covered with acne scars.

Photo: Shutterstock.com

Recommendations: first of all, choose a cleanser (gel, mousse or foam) that does not dry the skin and cleanses the face with high quality. Wash your face twice a day, morning and evening. Do not get carried away with scrubs: they are needed for anti-aging procedures; against the background of rashes, hard particles of scrubs can injure the skin and spread the infection.

To maintain a natural fluid balance, you can pick up a light moisturizer and use it once a day, in the morning. Fatty nourishing creams - prohibited (except in extreme winter conditions).

Contrary to popular belief, women with breakouts are advised to use tonal or BB creams. The texture of the cream should be light, it can have regenerating and moisturizing activity. Such a cream will not only replace a moisturizing day cream, but also protect the pores of the skin from the aggression of the environment: dust and sunlight. One "but": in the evening - you must wash it off!Drying agents can be used pointwise at the sites of inflammation. Alcohol-based acne lotions and creams speed up the disappearance of hated rashes and prevent the spread of infection. And alkaline soap is not for the face at all, forget about it!

Procedures: It is advisable to find a beautician who will help you maintain your ideal appearance. Periodic ultrasound is possible, and in difficult cases - mechanical cleaning... Aggressive treatments are usually complemented by restorative masks. No beauty injections and peels are needed yet, don't even think about it! The main goal is to maintain health, purity and natural radiance

Average age

Is it time - isn't it time?

Some cosmetologists do not recommend using moisturizers for women under 20. The skin will begin to "lazy" and produce insufficient sebumThus, by the age of 25 you will have dry skin dependent on external moisture.

Women about 30 are more responsible for their skin condition, because the first wrinkles are already appearing, and old age is still far away! Of course, the rate of skin aging is due to hereditary factor and ecology (this is not affected), but proper care can work wonders.

Main problems: adipose tissue becomes thinner, and the epidermis thickens, that is, the skin becomes rougher, the radiance of youth disappears, the first mimic wrinkles, crow's feet are formed around the eyes and nasolabial folds. The skin becomes drier, the complexion changes (and not for the better).

Prevention: Gradual aging is the norm. Therefore, suffering over every new fold is as meaningless as abandoning self-care and waiting for what will happen. Need golden mean: healthy image life in combination with daily home care (which simply must be enjoyable) and well-chosen salon procedures.

Care errors: having fallen into a panic from the first wrinkles, some still young ladies begin to smear on themselves anti-aging cosmetics - yes, more! If the jar of serum says 40+, then you don't need it yet. There is no need to pamper the skin - it quickly gets used to good things, and natural processes regeneration slows down.

Recommendations: if in his youth, home care was limited to cleansing and moisturizing, now the list of procedures is supplemented with toning and nutrition. In total, the morning begins like this: cleansing with foam, mousse or gel, toning (lotion or micellar water) and applying day cream... If you have a good BB cream, it can replace your daytime cream. Please note that your day or BB cream must contain an SPF filter.

In the evening, we turn to nutritional procedures: milk - for removing cosmetics, micellar water for toning and night cream with a nutritional component. Plus we add a cream or serum to care for the skin around the eyes.

Now scrubs and home peels are your choice, they should be applied once every 1-2 weeks. For maximum pleasure After the peeling, you can pamper yourself with a regenerating or nourishing mask. And you can replace these entertainment with a visit to a beauty salon.

Procedures: in the fall, ladies + -30 years old are recommended to do superficial peels... As a rule, peeling preparations contain fruit acids, which, in fact, lightly burn the top layer of the skin. Such a controlled burn starts an active regeneration process, and the skin begins to actively renew itself. The first 2-3 days, the skin may look reddened and irritated; sunbeams... As a rule, cosmetologists recommend a series of peels - depending on the condition of the skin, from 3 to 5.

One more mandatory procedure - face massage. Completed a good specialist, it can work wonders: increase skin turgor, change facial contours, improve skin color. Massage can be combined with nourishing masks and, for example, cryomassage - as part of this procedure, cold is applied to the skin, which trains blood vessels and improves blood circulation to the skin.

If the skin is actively losing moisture, biorevitalization - microinjection of hyaluronic acid - may be indicated, which retains moisture in the skin, increases its elasticity and eliminates small wrinkles.

A remedy for all time

Face massage - great way rejuvenation, suitable for any age. Of course, it is better to turn to professionals, but if you wish, you can master self-massage of the face: check out the video tutorials on the Internet.

Mature skin

Many ladies over 40-50 years old believe that wrinkles are a terrible indicator of age. But there is also an alternative opinion: they are a clear illustration of character. Sun wrinkles around the eyes, indicating that their owner laughs with pleasure all her life, can be considered an ornament. So we will not talk about Botox and brutal surgical braces, which can change your appearance beyond recognition. Let's talk about beautiful, noble aging.

The main problem: the main nuisance of aesthetics mature age can be called bags under the eyes and a "floating" oval of the face, due to hormonal changes in the body. As a result of menopause, the skin is actively losing moisture. Collagen and elastin are produced worse and worse, metabolic processes slow down. Age spots may appear.

Prevention: Estrogens are surprisingly multifunctional hormones that, in particular, are responsible for the firmness and hydration of women's skin. With their disappearance, the skin weakens. How can we support it? Some ladies prefer substitutionary hormone therapy (that is, hormonal pills), which allows you to prolong youth for many years. Some are limited to phytoestrogens, herbal counterparts of female sex hormones, which are also available for oral administration and early stages give nice results... The choice is yours, but, most importantly, you cannot prescribe medication yourself. Any interference with the hormonal background should take place under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Care mistakes: sharp extremes that ladies fall into transition period... It makes no sense to strive to regain the appearance of yourself as a 25-year-old - the results of multiple surgeries will never look natural. We propose to officially call a complete refusal of self-care a weakness and not consider it as behavior worthy of a real woman!

Recommendations: the cleansing, toning and nutrition described above remain relevant, instead of moisturizing - anti aging care... Anti-aging serums containing retinol, hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants and others should appear in your arsenal. active substances... Moreover, both for the skin of the face, and for the area around the eyes and the décolleté, which actively gives out age.

With the help of concentrated serums, the care becomes more effective, but it still takes relatively little time. In the morning - washing, tonic, anti-aging day care with a whitening effect (face, area around the eyes), in the evening - washing, tonic, anti-aging nourishing care (face, neckline).

Procedures: the entire arsenal of cosmetology is for you, just choose. Our recommendations are: medium chemical or laser peeling can be done once a year. The precautions are the same: to avoid age spots after peeling - no sun, plus be prepared for extensive redness within 3-5 days after the procedure.

Regularly, for the sake of pleasure and fascinating gossip with a beautician friend, - moisturizing and nourishing anti-aging masks in combination with a facial massage.

It is possible to inject a filler - a filler substance for deep wrinkles. With this procedure, you can significantly improve the shape of the face and reduce deep wrinkles - however, remember: the "magic effect" lasts from one to two years.

Age-related changes in the skin of the face in women will depend on many factors. These include genetics, aging itself, nutrition, environmental influences.

Whether we like it or not, time inexorably leaves its imprint on the skin of the face and body in the form of wrinkles, sagging, spider veins, age spots.

Facial skin changes in different ways in people. You have probably noticed that some people do not outwardly age until almost 70 years old, while others, on the contrary, already at 30 are desperately fighting wrinkles.

Women are more sensitive to their appearance and all changes in the skin, compared to men, fearing that age-related skin changes will betray their age.

Why does skin aging occur? The most vulnerable are the naked areas of the skin: the face and neck, hands, on which age-related changes appear in the form of a decrease in tissue elasticity and fine wrinkles... Sometimes wrinkles appear due to bad habits squinting your eyes from the sun and bright light or poor vision.

Everyone knows that after 25 years, the first signs of aging appear on the human skin, and by the age of 30 they become more noticeable. This is due to physiological changes in internal structure skin, when the basal layer begins to gradually thin, and the upper stratum corneum thickens and becomes thicker. With these changes, the skin loses more moisture and becomes drier.

Both elastin and collagen fibers skin, they flatten, lose their elasticity, the processes of cell renewal in them slow down, which affects the elasticity of the skin.

Against the background of a slowing down of the blood circulation process in the skin, microcirculation decreases nutrients in upper layers epidermis.

The tone of the muscles and skin changes, the muscles of the chin and forehead contract, which leads to the formation of wrinkles, and on the cheeks, on the contrary, they relax, which leads to sagging, deformation of the face oval and lowering of the corners of the lips.

For young age the subcutaneous fat layer on the face is characteristic, therefore the face of young people is usually round, smooth. The fat layer maintains the shape of the face. Gradually, over the years, this layer becomes thinner, thinner. The cheeks, having no frame fat support, begin to stretch and hang, the nose becomes sharper, the eyes sink, and the cheekbones protrude.

During this period, changes in hormonal levels are already taking place. A gradual decrease in the production of the hormone estrogen, which plays huge role in the regulation of the functions of many cells. The hormone estrogen affects the condition of the skin, its dryness, turgor, long-term healing of wounds and cuts.

Age-related changes in the skin after 40 years of age increase and worsen in waves. According to scientists, the process of reverse development of organs begins and their slow atrophy or involution.

The epidermis of the skin, its thickness becomes smaller, the thickness of the muscle fibers also changes, in which the level of contractile proteins and energy substances gradually decreases, small sebaceous glands can stop functioning.

The amount of mucopolysaccharides, which, along with collagen and elastin, form the main intercellular substance in the skin and connective tissue, decreases, the skin loses more moisture for this reason.

During this period, the signs of aging of the skin around the eyes become more noticeable, due to the thinness of the skin, its great mobility and participation in all facial movements, which manifests itself in the appearance of wrinkles - "crow's feet", weighting of the upper and lower eyelids.

The nasolabial folds deepen, wrinkles appear on the neck and the second chin is laid. Often, due to high content male sex hormones - androgens, it is noted increased growth hairs above the upper lip and chin, sometimes there are vascular disorders - rosacea, in the form of asterisks on the skin of the nose, cheeks and chin.

Age-related skin changes after 50 years become deeper due to restructuring hormonal system women, as menopause comes. The lack of the female hormone estrogen entails a string of changes in the woman's appearance.

Blood circulation in the skin is noticeably reduced, which leads to a significant slowdown in the regeneration processes, the skin becomes completely dry and dehydrated, and becomes even thinner. Age spots may appear on the skin.

Horizontal “thinking lines” or vertical “focus” lines on the forehead deepen, giving the face an expression of displeasure. There are dark circles under the eyes, edema, in the form of "bags", overhanging of the upper eyelid.

The most pronounced is the nasolabial fold and folds extending from the corners of the mouth, the sagging of the cheeks, the appearance of "flews", the second chin, which radically changes the oval of the face.

Hot map of wrinkles or characteristic skin changes by age

Scientists of the Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery from America have set themselves the task of finding out which wrinkles on the face appear earlier than others and whether there are characteristic skin changes by age, in their appearance.

There has always been a common belief that skin aging depends on individual characteristics every person, lifestyle, chronic diseases and heredity factors.

But it turned out that there is general scheme withering of the skin, characteristic exclusively for all. which was compiled thanks to the 3D visualization technique. Studies have shown that certain parts of the facial muscles lose their elasticity and tone earlier than others. The reasons for this are mimic loads, a decrease in skin thickness due to a lack of collagen and the influence of gravity.

The subjects included 13 volunteers from 18 to 70 years old, who were asked to portray 6 emotions: surprise, joy, thoughtfulness, anger and bewilderment. Each facial expression was photographed and, using the scattering of light particles, a 3D image was created. In those places where facial skin was deformed more due to facial expressions, there was a large concentration of light particles, which allowed us to create a heat map.

After processing the data on a special computer program, experts identified common areas on the skin of the face, which are primarily susceptible to signs of wilting and are typical for all ages. They turned out to be two zones: around the eyes and in the chin area.

1. Eyelids

  • At the age of 18-25, changes can be associated with facial expressions. For example, if a person constantly squints, then by the age of 25 he will have the first wrinkles.
  • Up to 30 years of age, folds become more noticeable lower eyelids, light crow's feet and bags under the eyes are outlined.
  • Up to 40 years old, goose paws and bags under the eyes are well swept up, the upper eyelid with swelling of 35%
  • After 50 years, wrinkles in the corners of the eyes appear by 62%.

2. Bridge of the nose, forehead

  • After 30 years, as a result of loss of skin elasticity mimic wrinkles become more visible.
  • By the age of 50, the omission of the upper eyelid - ptosis, leads to the fact that the eyebrows also drop. The gloomy appearance of men and women at this age is due to the drooping of the facial skin.

3. Chin

  • Up to 30 years old. If the computer monitor is located below eye level, then constant sedentary work with the head tilted can cause a double chin and drooped corners of the mouth.
  • Up to 40 years old, lack of physical exertion and a sedentary lifestyle, provoke excess weight, which affects the contours and oval of the face. All facial features slide down slightly, changes will affect 34% of the tissues.
  • After 40 years, ptosis covers up to 58% of tissues.

4. Lips and nose

  • Up to 40 years old. Skin prolapse or ptosis is observed at 34%. The nasolabial folds become noticeable. The face takes on a woeful shape.
  • After 45 years. The corners of the lips descend, the nasolabial folds are more clearly visible. The face becomes either more rounded due to the sagging skin of the cheeks, or the chin is sharpened. It depends on the structure of the face. Skin aging covers 58% of the face.
  • After 50 years, a lot of pronounced fine wrinkles appear, and in men less than in women.

5. Cheeks

  • After 30 years, the volume slowly but surely leaves the face. At first, the protruding cheekbones look beautiful, after the sunken cheeks treacherously emphasize age.
  • After 50. Creases may appear on the cheeks.

This is how age-related changes in facial skin appear in women, in the next article you will find out