Synopsis of classes with children with visual impairments. Finger gymnastics "Orange"

Name: Synopsis of classes with children with visual impairments "Mood"
Nominated: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, classes of a defectologist

Position: teacher-defectologist of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU Kindergarten №36
Location: Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region

Lesson with pupils of the senior group with visual impairments "Gnomes" in the field of "Social and communicative development" on the topic "Without a doubt the mood affects all of us"

Educational area:"Socially - communicative development».

Form of carrying out: subgroup lesson using ICT.

Occupation type: generalization, systematization of knowledge.

Lesson type: cognitive - practical.

Technology: personality-oriented.

Target: Create an emotionally positive background, help relieve psycho-emotional stress, improve the communication skills of children with visual impairments.

Correctional and developmental tasks: continue to develop sensory perception, stimulate the visual search activity, develop visual functions of the eye, attention, memory, speech of children.

Correctional educational tasks: teach awareness of your emotional state and the ability to express it in words, the ability to feel the mood of others; perception training emotional states by their external non-speech manifestations, reproduction of facial expressions, expressive postures, gestures inherent in a person when performing various types of activities .

Educational tasks: foster a sense of kindness, a desire to give joy and good mood to each other and those around them.

Preliminary work: watching the video "Big Joy"; drawing pictograms; reading poetry about friendship.

Material for the lesson: projector, multimedia board, magnetic board, presentations: "Mood", "What is joy?" whatman, balloons, flowers, piggy bank - kind cases "Joyful mood", video clips of songs: "Joy", "Childhood".

The course of the lesson.

Organizing time.

View the presentation "Mood".

What feelings do children, people, animals, birds have? (Joy, sadness, fear, fear ...)

What is their mood? (Joyful, cheerful, sad ...)

There are feelings in people, fish, birds and animals

Influences, without a doubt, the mood on all of us.

Who is having fun? Who is sad? Who got scared? Who is angry?

Will tell without a doubt, the alphabet of mood!

Teacher: - So what is a mood? What does it depend on? (From the feelings that we have)

- What will the girl feel if she and her mother go to the circus? (feeling of joy)

The boy broke the vase? (guilt)

Children saw angry dog? (feeling of fear), etc.

The mood depends on the feelings that we experience in different situations.

And can you find out the mood by the expression on your face? How to call a facial expression in one word? (facial expressions)

Show pictograms. Children call the mood. The teacher offers to portray different moods with facial expressions.

And also the mood is conveyed by gestures (movements of the hands, head, legs, body), posture. We use many gestures during communication. Let's play a game! Show:

How are you?

How are you sailing?

How are you running?

Are you looking in the distance?

Are you waving in the trail?

Are you waiting for lunch?

Do you sleep in the morning?

Are you naughty?

The teacher makes a riddle:

Everyone has it, who forgets about adversity,

you want to sing and have fun

She is loved like sweetness.

She is our joy ... (Joy)

- If I made a riddle about joy, what kind of mood do I want you to have? (Joyful)

- What situations, actions, things, phenomena can create joyful mood? (kind words, good deeds, the arrival of guests, gifts, surprises, reading books ....)

And with the help of whom or what can you find out how to create a joyful mood?

Children list (with the help of adults, look on the Internet, etc.) The teacher writes down the children's answers on a large sheet of Whatman paper.

We now know where to find information. And today I will help you create a joyful mood. We all love it when kind words or compliments are spoken to us.

  1. Children with a teacher stand in a circle and say kind words and compliments to each other.
  2. Teacher: - Today I brought a bouquet of flowers to the group.

-For what? (to cheer up, etc.)

–Flowers are a symbol ... (beauty, love, joy, gratitude ...)

Who do they give flowers to? (to mothers, educators ...)

- With what feeling do they give flowers? (Tenderness, love, respect ...)

- When do they give flowers? (birthday, holiday ...)

- What will be the mood of the one to whom the flowers were presented?

3. An interesting story also cheers up, listen carefully and add the words you want.

Two people lived in the same city and they were not alike at all. One was tall, and the other on the contrary __________________

One was called Good, and the other, on the contrary __________________

The Good One was Kind, and the Bad One, on the contrary __________________

The Good One was Smart, and the Bad One, on the contrary __________________

The Good was hardworking, and the Bad, on the contrary __________________

And the Good mood was always joyful, while the Bad __________________

Once they met and became friends. And the Bad wanted to become _________________

And he decided to change.

HE was cowardly, but became ________________

He was angry and became _____________________

He was stupid, but became __________________________

And his mood used to be sad, but it became _______

Previously, no one wanted to be friends with him, but now he has many friends.

Who do we want to be friends with? (who is kind, not greedy, etc.)

Visual gymnastics.

  1. Teacher: Feelings and moods exist not only in humans, but also in animals. Our animals are sad and become black, let's settle them in colored houses.

Game: "Find a house"

Now let's help the hedgehog find a treat. Game: "Walk the track"

- The hedgehog was so happy that he wants to play with you.

Finger gymnastics(Su-jock)

The hedgehog pricks our palms, let's play with him a little.

If we play with him, we will stretch our hands.

Will become nimble fingers, smart girls, boys.

The hedgehog pricks our hands, prepares our hands for school.

5. Teacher: It also gives us joy when they give gifts. But gifts are pleasant not only to receive, but also to give. I have a "sun", but it is still in no mood. Let's paint him a smile and give it to our guests. Children finish drawing the sun and with a wish Have a good mood presented to guests.

And now we will give gifts to each other.

On balloons children draw their mood and exchange balloons with a wish for a joyful mood.

Teacher: - So what is Joy? Show presentation "Joy"

The result of the lesson. Teacher: - Children, can we continue to create a joyful mood for our loved ones and everyone who surrounds us? (yes) -Then we will develop a list of good deeds. Children name what they will do at home on the street in kindergarten. The teacher writes on a large Whatman paper.

Teacher: - I want to give you one more gift - this is a piggy bank of good deeds, here you will put notes that adults will help you write. Today we already have something that can be put here.

Correctional summary -

developing activities

on orientation in microspace

in the older group

for children with visual impairments


Topic: "Traveling with the Ladybug"

Compiled by:

teacher - defectologist

MA DOI number 44 "Dolphin

Correctional and educational goals:

1) Develop spatial representations in children;

2) To intensify the use of prepositions in the speech of children to indicate the spatial position of objects;

3) To activate mental operations, attention;

Correctional and developmental goals:

1) Develop the ability to navigate in space from oneself;

2) Develop visual perception;

3) Develop the ability to navigate on a piece of paper;

4) Development logical thinking, memory, visual attention.

5) Develop the tracing function of the eyes;

6) Develop hand motor skills;

7) Development of breathing.

Correctional and educational tasks:

1) Form the skills of cooperation, initiative;

2) Form an installation on Active participation in class.


Didactic manual "butterfly - box"; circles in red, yellow, green and blue; sheets of paper with green outline, set geometric shapes different colors(circle, square, triangle, rectangle, oval); tables with numbers from 1 to 10; noisy; pencil, paper for drawing a graphic track; colored balls; breathing simulators; puzzles "ladybug"; felt-tip pens (black, red), green leaves with ladybirds.

Methodological techniques:

Verbal and didactic games, award (promotion).


"We feel - we know - we think" - M .: 2004

"System correctional work"- SPb .: 2007

"The program of special (correctional) educational institutions of the IV type (for children with visual impairments)". Moscow: 2003

"Formation of orientation in space in children with visual impairment based on integrated approach». Toolkit... - Publishing house BIRO, Ufa 2009.

Course of the lesson:

I. Organizational moment:

Defectologist. Hello children. Listen carefully to the riddle:

Puts on this baby

Red dress with polka dots.

And he knows how to fly deftly

This is ... (Ladybug).

A ladybug came to our group. Her favourite hobby- crawl in different directions. And today she invites us to take a trip to different sides... But first, she decided to check you how you know the spatial directions.

II. Main part:

The game "Be attentive!"

Defectologist. If I show you a red circle - raise your hands up, if the blue circle - hands on the table, if green - show with your left hand to the left, if a yellow circle - show right hand to the right.

The defectologist, on behalf of the ladybug, praises the children.

Defectologist. The ladybug brought a photo of the lawn she especially loves to visit.

"Orientation on a sheet of paper" is carried out.

Place an orange oval in the upper right corner.

In the lower left corner there is a green triangle.

In the lower right corner there is a blue rectangle.

In the upper left corner there is a red square.

Place a yellow circle in the middle.

The game "Count"

Defectologist. Ladybug has prepared a task for you (shows a picture with ladybirds crawling to the right and left side, tables with alternating numbers from 1 to 10).

Defectologist. And now the ladybug wants to play hide and seek with you, you need to find out her friends in the picture.

The game "Hide and Seek" is being held

Guys, tell me, who is hiding in this picture? (dragonfly, butterfly, caterpillar, bee)

Guys, try to call all these pictures in one word? (insects).

Defectologist. Guys, once a ladybug went to visit her friend - a dragonfly. The path was very long and difficult, let's help her get there.

The game "Labyrinth" is being held.

Children draw a path with a pencil, starting from the arrow: one cell up, two left, two up, one right, one down, one right, two up, one right, two up, one left, one down, two left, one up.

Finger gymnastics:

(On the coordination of speech with movement).

"Cheerful account"

John was left alone

He is his own master.

Two a mouse flew into the window

And I wanted to get into the pot.

Three for the poor mouse a cat

Then she jumped through the window.

And the fourth who is the puppy?

He came running and sat down at his feet.

Five old lady turtle

The puppy screeched in fear.

What is this strange riddle?

How to get it in order?

John thought and wondered

And then he said to himself:

Five and as fast as I could

The turtle crawled away.

And the fourth who is the puppy?

He dragged the slipper away.

Three grabbed a cat mouse

No, you are naughty, my dear!

Two, but the mouse ran away

The cat could not keep the mouse.

Home again John is alone

He is his own master.

Game "Repeat the Pattern"

You need to help the ladybugs to decorate their left wing, that is, to make a pattern on the left half similar to the right one.

Visual gymnastics.

1. "Colored balls" at a distance of 20 cm from the eyes (to the right, left, up and down, slowly bring it closer to the nose and move it away). (2 times)

2. "Draw a figure eight"

3. "Signal label". There is a butterfly on the glass, look into the distance - at the butterfly (4 times).

4. "Wings of a butterfly" - close your eyes, open, blink like a butterfly flaps its wings (3 times).

Respiratory trainers "Ladybug".

We need to quietly take the ladybug,

To plant on your leaflet.

If a ladybug takes flight,

It means joy, health awaits you.

Game "Collect a photo - butterflies boxes"

Defectologist. Assemble the insect picture.

Game "Draw"

Each child is given a leaflet with a ladybug, felt-tip pens (black, red), you need to finish the missing details.

What parts do you think are missing? (circles).

Shade the circles in red with horizontal lines.

III. Final part.

So our journey is over. What tasks did we perform?

What did you like?

The ladybug enjoyed traveling with you, and she would like to thank you with gifts.

Name: Synopsis of classes with children with visual impairments "Mood"
Nominated: Kindergarten, Summaries of classes, GCD, classes of a defectologist

Position: teacher-defectologist of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten №36
Location: Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region

Experience in the use of health-saving technologies in correctional and pedagogical work with children with visual impairments.

The goal of health-saving technologies is to become conscious attitude child to the health and life of a person, the accumulation of knowledge about health and the development of the ability to protect, maintain and preserve it, the acquisition of valeological competence, which allows the preschooler to independently and effectively solve problems healthy way life and safe behavior, tasks related to the provision of elementary medical, psychological self-help and assistance Practice shows that every year the number of children with visual impairments is increasing. Correctional work involves the correction and activation of not only visual functions, but also the personality of children in general. Among pupils with disabilities, there is a high percentage who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and often thinking. Accordingly, it becomes necessary to carry out comprehensive health-improving and correctional work with these children, which includes muscle relaxation, respiratory gymnastics, articulatory gymnastics, finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), physical education, logo rhythm.

In this regard, the question of introducing health-saving educational technologies, i.e. such an organization of the educational process at all its levels, in which high-quality teaching, development and upbringing of children occurs without prejudice to their health, but, on the contrary, contribute to its strengthening. Health-improving technologies are introduced into the educational process in a health-preserving and health-developing environment that provides a favorable hygienic, psychological and pedagogical environment.

The use of health-preserving technologies in my work is becoming a promising means of corrective and developmental work with children with visual impairments. These methods of work are among the effective means of correction, which are increasingly used in special pedagogy and help to achieve the maximum possible success in overcoming not only visual difficulties, but also the general health improvement of preschool children. Against the background of complex corrective assistance, health-preserving technologies, without requiring special efforts, optimize the process of correcting the visual abilities of children and contribute to the healing of the entire body of the child.

In my practice, I use the following health-preserving components:

- visual gymnastics (complexes of exercises aimed at preventing visual impairment, preventing and relieving visual fatigue, developing oculomotor and tracing functions of the eye). Visual gymnastics in the form of a game helps children prevent overwork of the visual analyzer and makes it easier for the teacher to comply with the requirements sanitary standards and educational standards for ocular hygiene.

I offer sets of exercises based on a plot-role basis, which are, first of all, gymnastics for the eyes and set the main goal of relieving fatigue and restoring the visual analyzer. After all, as you know, the visual analyzer gets tired and rests along with the central nervous system. Therefore, in the process of performing the proposed exercises, children not only restore visual acuity, relieve spasm of accommodation, but also reduce emotional tension, stimulate cognitive functions.

In all four complexes, movements are performed along the same trajectories, indicated on the posters. But in the first complex, children move only with their eyes, in the second - the movements are performed with the nose, in the third - with the whole head, in the fourth - the movements of the eyes follow the movement of the hand. All the proposed options provide a minimum overall load on the body, therefore, they have no medical contraindications.

Exercises are performed from the starting position - sitting with a straight back, the feet are completely on the floor, the head is located above the shoulder girdle, along midline body, shoulder girdle down, arms relaxed, lying on the table or down. The mouth is closed, breathing is nasal.

At the beginning and at the end of each complex, it is advisable to perform the palming exercise. The physiological meaning of this exercise consists in general relaxation of the body, including relieving tension from all parts of the visual analyzer, relaxing the muscles that control the eye, restoring their length and improving the conditions of functioning. After palming, do the exercise quick blinking("fly of butterfly"). This exercise helps to relieve static tension from the muscles of the eyes, helps to switch attention to events. outside world, makes the body ready to receive new information.

The set of exercises "The Clock is Naughty" is designed to relieve eye fatigue, prevent refractive errors, restore the length and tone of the eye muscles, relieve emotional stress and increase efficiency.

The game's goal is to travel around the dial of the mischievous clock with Bim-Bom.

The set of exercises "Sunflowers" is designed to relax the visual analyzer, relax the eye motors, muscles of the back of the neck, shoulder girdles, relieve emotional stress and increase efficiency.

Game goal - sunflowers play with the sun.

The set of exercises "Lesovichok" is designed to relieve eye fatigue, prevent refractive errors, restore the length and tone of the eye muscles, relieve emotional stress and increase efficiency.

In-game goal - Lesovichok learns numbers and figures, using the clock face for this.

The set of exercises "Rays" is designed to relieve eye fatigue, prevent refractive errors, restore the length and tone of the eye muscles, relieve emotional stress, form visual - motor coordination and improve performance.

In this complex, the eyes follow the movement of the hand, therefore it is especially important correct position shoulder girdle: the shoulder girdle is symmetrical, lowered, the arms move freely.

The game goal is the journey of the rays along the clock face.

Conducting visual gymnastics in the form of a game makes the educational process more interesting and attractive for the child, forms his habit of using physical exercises to manage your condition: relieve fatigue and improve performance.

articulatory gymnastics;

breathing exercises(a set of exercises according to Strelnikova's method). The essence of the technique lies in the conscious management of all phases of the act of breathing through training the respiratory muscles and regulating the work of the respiratory center, which affects the health of the body;

- acupressure BAT(stimulates or soothes nervous system, increases blood supply, regulates tissue trophism, reduces nervous and muscle tension);

- self-massage (this is a massage performed by the child himself to stimulate the kinesthetic sensations of the muscles);

- phonetic rhythm (a system of motor exercises combined with the pronunciation of speech material);

- development general motor skills(complexes of physical minutes);

- Su Jok therapy (stimulation of highly active points located on the hands). I spend this work in the classroom before completing tasks related to drawing for 1 minute. Stimulation of active points occurs with the help of balls, massage balls, walnuts... Effective and manual massage fingers;

- auriculotherapy (a system of therapeutic effects on points auricle by massage);

- kinesiological exercises (the formation of interhemispheric interaction). For this purpose, when working with children, I use a set of kinesiological exercises: "Ring", "Fist-rib-palm", "Ear-nose", "Castle", etc .;

- a system of work on the development of fine motor skills of hands ( graphic dictations, pattern strokes and image shading, various exercises in the "dry pool");

- psycho-gymnastics (deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the release of mental stress).

All of the above components are carried out by me daily, or they change throughout the week, which has a very beneficial effect on the correction of the development of preschool children with visual impairments.

Having considered many techniques and methods for health-preservation, applying them in practice, I came to the conclusion that the use of health-preserving technologies in corrective work with preschoolers with disabilities gave positive results:

Improved visual function readings;

- the incidence rate has decreased;

- increased efficiency, endurance;

- mental processes have developed;

Correctional and pedagogical work is understood as a system of measures, means, forms and methods of teaching and upbringing aimed at developing compensation processes, overcoming, eliminating shortcomings cognitive activities, personality traits, physical development and motor abilities of children with visual impairments.

The initial theoretical provisions on compensation and correction of impaired functions, the study of the leading role of education and upbringing in the development of an abnormal child were developed by L.S. Vygotsky, T.A. Vlasova and others.

When examining children entering specialized groups, as well as during observations and conversations with medical staff it turns out that most children have postural disorders, all children are weakened cognitive processes(perception, imagination, visual-figurative thinking), mastery is limited social experience... Based on this, classes are built differentially, according to the age of the children, the composition of the impaired functions, and the peculiarities of perception. teaching material... And along with general tasks, special (correctional) tasks are set.

V younger group- the accumulation of knowledge and the formation of techniques for clear ideas about the standards (color, shape, size, spatial arrangement); enrichment of the vocabulary and the development of figurative speech based on the subject correlation of the word.

V middle group- the formation of methods of purposeful perception (algorithmization according to the plan-symbol); teaching children on a polysensory basis using intact analyzers to recognize and distinguish objects from others, to determine their properties and purpose:

■ by essential features;

■ on the basis of mastering the technique of comparison;
training in imitation grouping techniques; teaching
transfer of knowledge, concepts to the level of external speech,
into independent practical activity.

Correctional tasks in older groups: "the formation of methods of purposeful perception according to the plan (in the older group), mastery of the plan (in preparatory group);

■ the formation of the skill of recognition and identification of
mets among others using preserved ana
lysers, determining their properties and purpose for
the basis of mastering the technique of comparison;

■ mastering the techniques of grouping (in the senior group
ne), classification (in the preparatory group);

■ training in the generalization of knowledge about objects and phenomena
the surrounding world in order to form concepts.
Mandatory content special classes

it is not mechanical training of the visual functions of the eye, but work related to the general educational program for the development of all types of cognitive activity of the child. For example, the weaving of rugs is played out in creative games“Shop” or “Guests”, in which a successful combination of colors, sizes is discussed with children, independence and creativity are stimulated.

Sensory and physical education- the basis of correctional work, therefore didactic and mobile

New games with the definition of correctional tasks are planned much more often than in ordinary groups. An effective means of corrective work is a walk, where didactic and outdoor games on the development of the eye, on the accuracy of movements, on orientation. For this, bright, colorful materials are selected that contribute to the development of visual attention and perception.

The corrective orientation of classes is also determined by the choice of methods and techniques, taking into account not only age and individual capabilities, but also the state visual function, the level of development of visual perception. Fast fatiguability children requires a change in activity in the classroom, the introduction of physical education as an obligatory part of any lesson. Narrowed sensory experience requires paying attention to the correct way of doing things, not just the results. For example, it is very important that the child, when drawing up a pattern, does not perform actions randomly, but mentally and sequentially fill the sheet, starting from the center, then using the corners, right, left, top, bottom, between, etc., correctly reproduce the direction, spatial arrangement of figures. It is important to use the shaping movements of the hand when examining and reproducing an object, since they contribute to the development of oculomotor functions.

The corrective orientation of classes is determined by the use of an individual and differentiated approach.

At individual work it is necessary to take into account the child's capabilities, depending on visual acuity, his coming into contact in the learning process, the stability of attention. A differentiated approach to teaching and educational work requires the allocation of subgroups

children, which may include children with low visual acuity, with visual impairment in combination with reduced intelligence, with low visual acuity in combination with delay mental development... The number of such subgroups, as a rule, is 1-2 children. When working with a subgroup, you need to speak more slowly, put questions clearly, briefly, specifically, so that children can understand them, think about the content. If the child is unable to answer, further clarification is needed. You can be allowed not to get up when answering, approach the object during the lesson, use additional material in speech development classes: outline, silhouette, drawing, small pictures, toys. More attention should be paid to the teacher's hands when examining an object, stroking, etc., the hands should move slowly, each movement should be accompanied by a word, a show. An individual assessment of the child is required after each completed task, emphasizing positive sides his activities, independence.

On physical education it is important to use the approximation of a horizontal, vertical target, its large size, additional belay in climbing, jumping off; limitation of certain types of movements in agreement with an ophthalmologist, slow motion display so that children have time to see it. You should reduce the dosage of exercises with bends down, jumping, flips from the back to the stomach, exercises on the abdomen. With some types of exercises (climbing, balance), the occlusion is removed so that the child feels the movement of his body without fear of falling, getting a bruise, since the gluing restricts freedom of movement.

In activity, samples for display should be 2-2.5 times larger than children's works, small details should be

seem to be extra large. For visually impaired children, drawing sheets are used 2 times smaller than for the rest, size. For drawing, you can use both a general and an individual nature, as well as an additional one for 3-4 of the most poorly seeing children. At music lessons, holidays, so that the child has a feeling of freedom of movement in space, its beauty, sometimes you can remove the occlusion. On physical education and music lessons children with low visual acuity are placed behind children with a higher visual acuity, equal to them in the pace of movement, so that there is a reference point for movement in space.

An obligatory component of corrective work with children with visual impairments is visual gymnastics, which is carried out several times during the day for 3-5 minutes. We show an object for visual gymnastics at a slow pace so that the child can follow the movement of the object to the end. The subject is shown just above eye level in front of the sitting children. It should not blend in color with the teacher's clothing and environment. When performing visual gymnastics, children with low visual acuity stand in front of the teacher, the rest are located further away. For gymnastics, you must use small items. Gymnastics is carried out according to verbal instructions, using poetry, nursery rhymes. It is necessary to celebrate the diligence, desire and results of the work of the children.

The organization of the workplace of a child with visual impairment in the classroom also has a corrective focus. Since the correction of a child's vision at the first stage of his treatment consists in stimulating the worse seeing eye by occluding the better seeing eye, a child with amblyopia and strabismus gets into

in the category of the visually impaired. Therefore, the children are seated relative to the teacher as follows: in front are children with low visual acuity (0.4), then with visual acuity 0,4-0,6 and at the third table - children with visual acuity 0,6-1,0. If the child has an occlusion of the left eye, then he should be placed to the right of the teacher, if the occlusion of the right eye, then to the left, children with divergent squint - in the center. When working at the table, the light should fall from the left and from above.

For children with low visual acuity, demonstration material is presented no further than 1 m from the eyes. An additional individual display of the subject is also required. The most favorable display of the subject on a black and white background, or on a green (calming), brown (calm, contrasting) or orange (stimulating). Objects are taken large, bright in color, accurate in shape and detail. You need to place objects on the board so that they do not merge into a single line, a spot, but stand out well separately.

In mathematics classes, the size of objects is up to 15 cm, the size of the nature used is 20-25 cm, handouts are 2-5 cm.

All demonstration material must be natural, i.e. the machine must be less at home, tomato is smaller than cabbage, etc.

Conditions for a complete and accurate perception of the displayed object are:

■ selection of an adequate background;

■ selection of an adequate color, since the color is combined
and may change at a distance (for example, red
next to yellow is often seen as orange, blue
niy - purple, purple with brown -
black, red - burgundy);

■ constant use of the pointer for showing;

■ finding the child when showing an object at the blackboard
sides of an open eye (closed right eye - next
va, left eye closed - right);

■ finding the teacher at the blackboard on the right, is it necessary
tsom to children;

“Presentation of some objects in the picture under consideration with a clear outline (outlined in black along the outline).

The corrective orientation of educational and educational activities in combination with therapeutic ones creates favorable conditions for the development of impaired vision, the correction of secondary disorders, for the general development of the child.

Similar information.

Exercise system for children with visual impairments

depending on visual stress

(taking into account visual acuity, the child's age, the nature of the visual diagnosis and fixation)

First step.

Pleoptics (treatment of amblyopia)

Visual acuity 0,) 1 - 0.3. Strabismus is not counted. The size of the objects is more than 2cm. The color of objects is orange, red, their shades. The shape of objects is varied. With strabismus, the child learns volumetric objects mainly by touch under the control of vision (with a given visual acuity). The time for classes is morning, noon, evening. Children work with color objects during the day (about 12 noon). Achromatic benefits are given in the morning and in the evening. The duration of the lesson is different, all exercises are performed with glasses.

1 ... Working with subject pictures.

Target. Recognition of objects, activation of gaze fixation, development of attention, memory.

Methodical instructions... First, the pictures are examined with the child. It turns out that the child knows. Then it is proposed to consider two pictures: one of those that he has already seen, and one - a new one. Invite the child to carefully consider and remember if he saw such an object. If the child does not recognize, help him, suggest the name of the object, point to it characteristic signs and appointment.

To fix the name of the object and its recognition in different game situations:

    Viewing pictures lying on the table and finding a new one among them;

    Finding several identical pictures;

    Finding a pair - “Find the same one”;

Duration of classes 2-3 minutes

Equipment: pictures for viewing, clear images on an orange, yellow background. The dimensions of the depicted objects are more than 2.5 cm.

2 ... Working with geometric shapes.

Target. Recognition of geometric shapes, the correspondence of objects in color, shape, the development of spatial orientation, visual attention.

    Unfolding shapes in shape (circles with circles, squares to squares, etc.)

    Sorting geometric shapes by color without regard to shape: all shapes are added to one box yellow color, in the other, all the figures are red.

3. Working with colored mosaics.

    Sorting mosaics by color (each color in a separate box)

    Laying out the simplest mosaic patterns (according to the sample, then without the sample). Duration of classes with colored mosaics - 5-6 minutes, with geometric figures - 3-4 minutes.

4. Working with subject pictures, pyramid.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, listening to instructions, development of thinking, visual correlation of objects in size.

    Grouping items by color

    Grouping items by purpose

Duration of classes is 8-10 minutes.

5. Working with a large kaleidoscope, monocular filmoscope, diascope.

Methodical instructions. These devices must first be taught to the child to use. Children incorrectly put the device to the eye, cover the hole with their hand, many children find it difficult to concentrate. Before the child looks, you need to prepare him for what he will see, help him to properly hold the device. If the child looks with interest, tells what he sees - the goal has been achieved. The duration of the lesson is determined by the child's desire.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of stable attention, development of speech, memory.

6. Outlining the contours of objects with a pencil.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of concomitant movements of the eyes and hands.

Methodical instructions. Outlines of objects are drawn on a sheet of paper with bright felt-tip pens. Children from above outline the contours with a pencil.

age 3-4 g

The second stage in the treatment of amblyopia. Orthoptic treatment period.

Visual acuity 0.4 and higher. Objects less than 2 cm. The shape of objects is varied, mostly three-dimensional. Color - yellow, green, red and their shades. The type of strabismus is taken into account. With converging strabismus, exercises are performed to relax the convergence and direct the gaze upward at a close distance.

Games and exercises for converging strabismus.

Common goals: development of divergence, development of attention, development of speech.

1. Viewing through a kaleidoscope with the direction of the tube into the distance.

2. Working with monocular filmoscopes.

3. Working with magnetic constructor on a stand, at an angle of 45.

The duration of the lessons is 3 - 4 minutes.

4. The game "Shooting gallery".

Drawings are applied to a cardboard disk or pictures less than 2 cm in size are glued. From a distance of 2.5 cm (in the future, the distance increases), the child must show the named object with a pointer.

Target. Development of the eye, distant perception, speech development.

5. Sorting geometric shapes by shape, color using supports.

Target. Development of skills of visual correlation of objects.

6. Laying out a pattern of colored sticks using stands.

Target. Development of spatial orientation skills, consolidation of color discrimination, development of thinking, memory, fine motor skills of the hand.

7. Stringing rings, beads at a distance so that the gaze is directed into the distance.

8. Threading the line into the needle model from a distance.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Outdoor games.

1. "Birds and Cars". Children with convergent squint are cars.

Target. Development of divergence, development of attention.

2. "Find your color."

Target. Divergence development, spatial orientation, development of attention.

3. The game "Train".

Target. Development of divergence, spatial orientation, auditory attention

4. Game "Catch the butterfly" (bird).

Methodical instructions. The teacher rotates a stick 1 - 1.5 m long, at the end is tied a cord with a cardboard bird or butterfly (brightly colored, 15 cm long) above the children’s heads at such a height that the children, jumping up, could catch it with their hand. Children jump on both legs and catch with both hands. They are caught on the spot.

Target. The development of divergence, the formation of tracing functions of the eye, the development of the eye, the development of attention.

5. The game "What is gone."

Methodical instructions. On a rope at a distance of 3-4 steps from children at the level of the child's raised hand, objects are tied or braced. Children examine them, remember them. Then the children turn away, and the teacher removes one, later 2-3 objects. Children turn and guess which object is gone.

Target. Divergence development, visual memory, attention, consolidation of color discrimination.

Games and exercises for diverging squint.

Common goals. Strengthening convergence, development of attention, speech.

1. Working with a kaleidoscope with a downward direction of the tube.

2. viewing pictures through a diascope.

3. Working with a mosaic of medium size: sorting, laying out patterns.

Target. The development of the visual correlation of objects by color, the development of spatial orientation skills.

4. Stringing rings.

5. Laying out patterns from colored sticks.

Outdoor games.

1. Game "Birds and Cars". Children with divergent squint are "birds". A complication can be introduced into the game - the "birds" peck at the grains. Children sit down and tap their knees with their fingers.

Target. Enhanced convergence in children with divergent strabismus. Strengthening the ability to act on a signal.

2. Game "Catch a fish".

Methodical instructions. On a stick 1 - 1.5 m long, a bright cardboard fish 20 cm long is tied by a cord. The teacher rotates in a circle around him, and the children must have time to step on the fish (catch it)

Target. Development of convergence, eye, observation.

3. The game "Bring the ball".

Methodical instructions. Children stand on the line next to the teacher. On the command "One, two, three - run" the teacher throws out all the balls from the basket (according to the number of children). Children catch up with the ball, throw it back into the basket.

Target. Strengthening convergence, developing visual and auditory attention, the ability to coordinate their actions with the signal.

4. Game "What's hidden?"

Methodical instructions. The teacher puts several toys on the ground in the center of the circle and invites the children to look and remember. Then the children turn their backs to the center and close their eyes. The teacher hides 1-2 toys, then gives the command to turn around and see what toys are gone.

Target. Strengthening convergence, developing visual memory, attention.

Visual acuity 0.01 - 0.3. The type of strabismus is not taken into account. The size of the object is more than 2 cm. The color of the object is orange, red, yellow, green and their shades. The duration of the classes is gradually increasing up to 25 minutes. Classes are held 2 times a day. For 1.5 - 2 months, work is being carried out to develop visual perception, the oculomotor apparatus of the eye, the development of color discrimination, the perception of space with those who need it. Then these classes are continued, but in parallel, exercises are introduced to develop visual acuity in these children.

1. Consideration of subject pictures ... The principle of carrying out this work is the same as when carrying out with children 3-4 years old, only a larger number of pictures are used.

Duration of training is 3-4 minutes.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of attention, enrichment of the active vocabulary.

2. Sorting items by color, shape, purpose.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of visual correlation of objects in color, shape, development of thinking.

    Geometric figures

    Sorting of subject pictures by color, shape, by purpose of objects. For example: “Take the items that are needed by the cook, builder, teacher.

    Sorting natural material by color, shape.

    "Find the same picture", "Find a pair."

Duration of classes 10 - 15 minutes

3. Viewing in a large kaleidoscope ... The duration of the lessons is determined by the child's desire.

4. Ira in lotto with large pictures : pets, the objective world.

Duration of classes is 10 - 15 minutes.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, the ability to compare.

5. "Domino", "What color", "Chain »Etc. (with bright large pictures)

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, teaching the ability to correlate by color.

(for children with convergent strabismus aged 5-7 years)

Visual acuity 0.4 and higher. Correct gaze fixation. The size of the objects is less than 2 cm. The color is varied. Objects are mostly voluminous.

1. Viewing through a kaleidoscope with the direction of the tube upwards - into the distance. Duration of training is 3-4 minutes. 2 times a day.

2. Working with monocular filmoscopes ... Duration 4-5 minutes. 2 times a day.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation.

3. Stringing beads, rings, buttons on the fishing line.

Duration of classes is 5-7 minutes. 2 times a day.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, increased visual acuity, development of fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Throwing in a thread, fishing line, colored wire in the eye of the needle. The needle is made of cardboard, the diameter of the eyelet is 0.4 cm, the length of the needle is 15 cm. Direction of gaze: upward - into the distance. The duration of the lessons is 5 - 7 minutes. 2 times a day.

Target. The same as in exercise number 3.

5. Sewing on cardboard.

Methodical instructions. Holes with a diameter of 0.3 cm are punched at a distance of 0.5 cm. First, a fishing line or colored wire is pulled along straight lines, then along simple contour images, the drawings are gradually becoming more complicated. Children should keep pictures at arm's length.

Target. Improvement of visual acuity, activation of gaze fixation, development of the eye, fine motor skills of the hands.

6. Lacing: pulling the cord through holes made on a plastic or cardboard plate.

Methodical instructions. Children should hold the plates at arm's length so that their gaze is directed into the distance.

There are two ways to lace up:

1. So that the lace always gets into front side, then the lace will go over the edges of the plate.

2. The child passes the lace once from the front, the other from seamy side, he can touch the hole with the fingers of his other hand.

The hole diameter should gradually decrease, the number of holes on the plate should increase. The duration of the classes is 19 -15 minutes, 2 times a day.

The goals are the same as in exercise # 5

7. "Lotto", "Domino".

Methodical instructions. In order for the child's gaze to be directed into the distance, use the devices: for dominoes - a metal board painted in green color, pictures - dominoes with Magnets glued on the back side. The size of the board is 40 by 30 cm. Magnitki are also glued on small lotto cards. Metal boards are installed on a stand at an angle of 45. Duration of classes is 10-15 minutes.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of thought processes, consolidation of the skills of visual correlation of objects.

8. Hatching flat patterns using a stand.

Duration 5 min.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, development of concomitant movements of the eyes and hands.

9. Coloring pictures, fixed on the board at the level of the child's eyes. Duration 5 min.

Target. Activation of gaze fixation, color discrimination. The development of fine motor skills of the hands.

10. Viewing pictures at a distance. Description of pictures. Duration of training is 3-4 minutes.

11. Examination of pictures, objects on the rotating disc.

Methodical instructions. Objects or pictures are glued to the disc (cardboard or plywood), the sizes of which are gradually reduced. This disc is installed on the player. Children look at the pictures, call them when the disc rotates.

12. Game. "Zagoryuka"

Methodical instructions. On distance arm outstretched each child draws a line on the board in one motion. The result should be some kind of drawing. First, a teacher takes part in the class. He must bring clarity into the drawing with his stroke, explain what he sees. In turn, the guys tell what they see.

Target. Development of the child's imagination, visual memory, development of binocular vision., Activation of gaze fixation.

13. Game "Wax - blot"

Methodical instructions. Blots are placed on a sheet of paper in advance and dried. Children try to find similarities with something and add missing details.

Duration 10 - 15 minutes, 2 times a day. drawings through translucent paper (on a backlit device).

Target. Improvement of visual acuity, development of concomitant movements of the eyes and hands.

Outdoor games.

    Ball games: tossing the ball up and catching it, throwing the ball to each other

    Throwing arrows - sucker

    Throwing bags at the target (bags should be red, yellow)

    Game "Throw a ring". Rings are thrown onto the pins, which are fixed on the stand, the stand is attached to the wall.

Target. Development of divergence, eye, development of coordination of movements.

(children age 5-7 years old, divergent squint)

Visual acuity 0.4 and higher. Correct gaze fixation. The size of the objects is less than 2cm. The color is varied. Objects are mostly voluminous.

General goals: enhancing convergence, improving visual acuity.

1. Working with small mosaics: sorting by color, laying out patterns. The duration of the classes is 3-4 minutes, 2 times a day.

2. "Stringing beads" (the hole diameter gradually decreases). Duration of classes is 4-5 minutes, 2 times a day.

3. "Lacing ... The child's gaze should be directed downward. The hole diameter decreases, and the number of holes on the bar increases.

4. "Trace on a contour".

It is prescribed for the development and strengthening of monocular and binocular vision.

The position of the eyes is correct, the size of the objects is the smallest. The time of the classes is at the request of the children. The number of lessons is 3-4 times.

1. Sorting small items by color, size ... The direction of gaze depends on the type of strabismus.

2. Exercises with a separator of visual fields (RPZ). With a previously existing strabismus, exercises on the RPZ are carried out at the window, behind which a distant perspective opens. The child looks through colored glass at distant objects. The child sits on a chair so that his visual axes are directed slightly upward. With existing strabismus (diverging) exercises on the RPZ should be carried out at a distance of 2 - 2.5 cm. The child is seated so that the visual axes are directed somewhat downward. During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that the child's eyes are in a symmetrical position at all times.

Target. Securing the correct position of the eyes, consolidating the concepts: high - low, far - close.

3. Games: throwing the ball into the ring, looking through binoculars, throwing the ball, table basketball and volleyball.

4. Shading.

5. Trace the outline of the drawing through the transparent paper.

6. Exercise with a diascope

(development of stereoscopic vision)

Exercises for the development of stereoscopic vision can be carried out with children 3-4 years old, as soon as the correct position of the eyes is established, with normal fixation and with visual acuity not lower), 4, with normal mobility of the eyeballs.

Common goals. Development of stereoscopic vision, fixing the correct fixation of the eyes.

1. "Put on the ring" Duration 5 min.

2. "Hit the target." Duration 5 min

3. "Hammer in the nails."

Methodical instructions. On a stand measuring 25 by 20 cm, a rod with a transverse film at the top 25 cm long is vertically fixed. On each bar there are 3-4 rings of different diameters: from 0.5 to 1.5 cm. A child with a stick 20 cm long with a diameter of 0.3 cm should get inside the rings.

4. Exercise with a stereotrainer. The device consists of a plastic ruler with four round holes of various diameters (up to 3 cm) and a ball up to 0.8 cm in diameter, attached to the end of the ruler on a string. Holding the handle of the device, the child swings the thread with the ball so that it falls into each hole.

5. Exercises with ring throws.

Throwing rings on a rod or various figures: an elephant with a trunk, a hare with a raised paw, a goose with an elongated neck, Pinocchio with long nose.

The ring is thrown from a distance of 2-2.5 cm. The duration of the exercises is 5-8 minutes, 2 times a day.

A set of games and exercises to improve visual acuity in accordance with the recommendations of L.A. Grigoryan and L.I. Plaksina

Younger preschool age

Visual acuity 0.04

    Painting large details of the drawing (4cm) in primary colors (red, orange, green)

    Gluing large applications (4cm)

    Weaving rugs from wide stripes (3-4 cm) in bright colors

    Assembly of building parts, constructors of large sizes

Visual acuity 0.05 - 0.1

    Coloring of smaller details of the picture (2-3cm)

    Outlining a large drawing through thin paper

    Performance application works(2-3cm)

    Weaving rugs from stripes 2 cm wide

    Working with constructors

    Examination of drawings of large sizes

    Mosaic games

Visual acuity 0.2 - 0.3

    Coloring small details of the picture

    Applications less than 2cm

    Weaving rugs

    Detection of simple errors in the drawing (machine without wheels)

  1. Modeling from plasticine on a visual basis (vegetables, fruits)

    Stringing beads up to 1cm in diameter on a fishing line

Visual acuity 0.4 and higher

    Drawing a circle, triangle, coloring them, tracing the contours of small drawings through thin paper

    Applications up to 1cm

    Weaving rugs from strips less than 1cm

    Small parts construction

    Detecting errors in drawings with small details (house without a pipe)

    Building small mosaic patterns

    Modeling of small figures from plasticine

    Stringing beads less than 1cm in size

Senior Preschool Age

Visual acuity 0.04

    Painting large details, complicated drawings (animals)

    Outlining a large drawing through thin paper

    Weaving of rugs from stripes of primary colors and their shades (stripes width up to 2 cm)

    Modeling large animals from plasticine

    Working with large building materials

Visual acuity 0.05 - 0.1

    Painting finer details in drawings and tracing paths through thin paper

    Weaving rugs up to 1.5 cm wide

    Modeling of smaller figures from plasticine

    Working with a plastic constructor

  1. Stringing beads of primary colors with a diameter of 1.5 cm on a fishing line

    Detecting differences in 2 large drawings

Visual acuity 0.2 - 0.3

    Trace small details of the drawing through thin paper and color them without going beyond the contours. Drawing geometric shapes

    Weaving rugs from strips of colored paper up to 1 cm wide

    Modeling of small figures

    Working with a smaller constructor

  1. Stringing beads, alternating color (beads diameter up to 1cm)

    Detecting errors in drawings

    The answer to puzzles in children's magazines

Visual acuity 0.4 and higher

    Working with a notebook in a cage, circling the cage, painting it without going beyond the contours

    Drawing up an ornament from cells

    Weaving rugs from strips of colored paper 0.5 cm wide or less

    Modeling of small figures

    Working with a small constructor