How to distinguish natural mink from artificial. How to distinguish a good mink coat from a fake (rabbit, marmot, beaver). How manufacturers and sellers of fur hats are deceived

Men say: "If you love, then the queen"; women answer: "If you wear a fur coat, then from a mink." This thing will not only protect its owner from the winter cold, but also emphasize good taste mistresses. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy a fur coat of a promoted brand, but next, by the way, it’s completely budget proposals in the market or even in a small, cozy shop. The main thing here is not to buy a fake. Let's look at a few tips - how to distinguish real mink fur from a fake.

The bright minds of scientists are constantly working on ways to produce more and more beautiful and "similar" synthetic fur, not only mink, but also all known animals, the skins of which are used for sewing fur coats. In order not to get such a miracle of technology, you should carefully look at the fur itself. If you run your hand over it , then natural mink fur will be silky and soft. If we smooth it to the other side and shake the product, then the villi will quickly take original view, a artificial fur will remain ruffled.

Blow on a fur coat or set fire to a few fluff from a fur coat

Blow on a fur coat : on a natural mink, a clearly distinguishable down is visible, which is the hardest to fake. However, if the seller strongly insists that this is still a real mink, pull a couple of hairs out of the fur coat and set it on fire. Natural ones will burn out completely, while releasing a distinct smell of burnt pile, but synthetic ones will start to melt and stink of plastic.

Mink fur is faked with rabbit fur

But it turns out to be much easier to distinguish fake fur than, for example, not to come home in a fur coat made of groundhog. The fact is that negligent manufacturers pass off the fur of some animals as more expensive. Breeders brought out very cute rabbits - "twins" of chinchillas or all the same mink. These long-eared cuties not only become pets, but without realizing it, they participate in a “conspiracy” against the consumer. What is worth knowing in this case?

To lapin bring to the final form, it is plucked in a special way. Therefore, if you look closely, you will see either villi different lengths, or the downs will be the same length as the main pile- this is just a sign that he was pinched.

The rabbit sheds more: if you run your hand over the fur coat, and it turns into a furry paw, leave this store without hesitation. As for the groundhog fur, in the product it looks like a “poorly combed” mink, in a word - somehow disheveled. The villi of the fur itself are more prickly.

Another interesting way to check the authenticity of mink fur

If we wrap a real mink coat around our fist, then the undercoat will create the feeling of a single flowing stream. At the same time, the groundhog will have a clear transition: the fur will lie beautifully along the edges and stick out in the middle. In addition, a mink coat always weighs less and when trying on it may seem that you have not worn anything at all.

Let's say the fur coat is really made of mink. But why is there such a difference in price? The fact is that many brands invest in advertising and certification of their product. This very certification speaks primarily about the quality of the fur itself. Although, unfortunately, replicas have penetrated even here.

How to distinguish the authenticity of BlackNafa or Blackglama fur from a fake?

First, with the help of the label itself. There are special "authentication forms" on the official sites. If the store “doesn’t know” such a site, it’s time to think about it. In addition, such a label changes color in ultraviolet light. Myself mink fur should be dense and luxurious in appearance. And by no means the fur coat should not "rustle". If you wrinkle a fur coat, then this characteristic sound of “paper” speaks of poor quality skin dressing - most likely it is overdried or too stretched. What can happen to a product made of such fur? In places of greatest load, cracks may appear in the near future. Therefore, if your budget is minimal and you take this step consciously, this is one thing. But the real ones quality fur coats when they are crushed, they quickly and without extraneous sounds take original form.

Despite all these nuances, you should not refuse to buy a long-awaited product. Easy if you have a small amount- think about what “concessions” you are ready to make: would you dare to buy a somewhat overdried or not new fur? Perhaps you will agree to purchase a product from the “out-of-grade” part of the skin: foreheads, tummies. But if your budget allows you to purchase an expensive and unique thing do not be lazy and do not hesitate to ask for all the certificates for it and check the product on the official website. After all, it is very important that the long-awaited purchase brings joy for more than a year.

With love, Editorial

First of all, you should rely on tactile sensations: you need to run your hand over the fur against the growth of its pile. If it is soft, not sharp, but very elastic, and also quickly takes its original shape, then this is a natural mink. The most common fakes are made from the skin of a marmot or rabbit. In principle, it is not difficult to distinguish a mink from a rabbit, since its skin is much softer than mink: such fur is fluffy and soft and resembles cotton wool. In addition, the rabbit skin has no underfur, and its thickness is much thinner than that of the mink.

It is much more difficult to distinguish a mink from a marmot, but with a competent approach to this problem, it is quite possible. For example, groundhog fur, unlike mink fur, does not have a constant length and is noticeably prickly to the touch. Some dishonest sellers may justify such fur by passing it off as a steppe mink, but you should know that the mink animal never lives in the steppe. Usually, items made from the Mongolian tarbagan marmot are issued for the steppe mink. The fur of this creature is hard and grows in different directions.

The presence of guard hairs can also indicate a fake. The fact is that a real mink has a dense undercoat, and guard hair have the same length. Fraudsters can cut guard hair up to the same length, while not taking into account that such a "mink" when stroking will prick the palm. On examination wrong side you need to pay attention to the seams. Sloppy or glued seams may indicate a fake. It is worth noting that manufacturers in the manufacture of fur products try to prevent such a marriage.

When choosing mink fur products, you should pay attention to the color of the product. To distinguish a fake from the original, you need to draw some kind of light cloth, then take a close look at it: if characteristic color marks remain on the fabric, the skin of the product has been chemically treated. By the way, the mezdra (skin) of a real mink, regardless of the color of the animal, is usually light, and in dyed products it has a uniform color with fur. A fake cannot be recognized by color only if the staining was performed using modern technologies, which allow you to bleach the mezra almost to its original color.

But even natural mink should not be purchased in all cases. If the technology of dressing a mink product has not been properly maintained, the fur will not meet the requirements inherent in a real mink. To check, gently pinch the fur. The acquisition of such a mink will make sense if there are no villi left in the hands. Otherwise, you should not purchase such a fur product, since it will soon begin to peel off.

Undoubtedly, the Greek mink coat has superiority over Chinese products. Such a fur coat will be of the best quality, and appearance it will not lose its beauty over time. But in practice it is quite difficult to distinguish the Greek mink coat from Chinese. And if a person does not know how to distinguish a fake, then he risks being deceived, and in the end he will regret his purchase.

By what signs can a Greek mink coat be distinguished from a Chinese one?

  1. Mark for yourself the height of the awn. The awn is a hard hair, which differs from the edge in its thickness and length. In a Greek mink coat, the awn is vertical. In a Chinese fur coat, the awn lies on the edge and it looks like a thorn.
  2. Greek mink shines the same throughout the site. The Chinese fake shines in patches, and also has a kind of glassy sheen.
  3. The color of the dermis of the fur skin in the Greek black mink coat will be light. In the Chinese version, the dermis is black because it is dyed.
  4. Try on a coat. If you are comfortable in it, the sleeves fit well, do not twist and do not cause inconvenience, then this is a real Greek fur coat. Otherwise, it's a Chinese product.
  5. Carefully examine the seams on the product. In a Greek fur coat, all the seams match perfectly with each other, they are all vertical and even. In the Chinese version, the seams are simply glued together.
  6. Between the villi should not be visible skin covering. If such a situation exists, then it is 100% fake, because Chinese craftsmen specially stretch the skin in order to save on material.
  7. Assess the weight of the item. A real Greek fur coat is heavy, but Chinese work is much easier. And all due to the fact that in the Chinese product, when sewing, the method of stretching the skin is used.
  8. AT Greek version fur coats labels on the lining correspond to the label to which the instructions are attached. In a Chinese fur coat, the labels often do not match the description on the label, and by this principle it is also possible to calculate where the fur coat comes from.
  9. The villi in a real Greek fur coat do not crumble. If you touch them and then remove your hand, the villi will immediately return to their original position. In the Chinese version of the mink coat, the villi do not return to their original position. The fur in such a fur coat is often stretched and wrinkled a lot.

Where is the best place to buy a mink coat so that you are not deceived?

  1. Market. Definitely not. This is in any case clothes from China. You will not find a quality Greek fur coat on the market. You can not even doubt. And if they assure you and swear to you that the fur coat comes from Greece, then you are blatantly deceived.
  2. Exhibition, fair of fur things. No, because at such fairs, manufacturers simply dump the remnants of their stale goods, saying they are the hit of the season, but in fact it turns out that this is a hit for another 2000 years.
  3. Specialty stores and salons selling fur products. The answer is yes. In such establishments, upon request, you must be provided with quality certificates for the goods, and when buying a product, they must necessarily give a guarantee. It seems to many that the prices for fur coats in such salons are too high, but the quality there is at the highest level. Therefore, whoever wants to wear a truly real Greek fur coat, it is better to shell out a round sum in a boutique once than to buy Chinese fake annually.

Mink coats are the most popular in Russia. This fur is distinguished by its special beauty, wearability, good thermal characteristics. But the price for such a fur coat may not always be affordable for women. Most save up for it for several years and buy it to wear more than one season. But several especially cunning fur sellers learned to make fakes very similar to mink.

It becomes very disappointing when a dream fur coat is purchased, which, it turns out, is not made from mink at all, but, for example, from a marmot or a ferret. How can you easily and quickly distinguish high quality products from fake goods and buy that fur coat that can last for many years?

If you decide to purchase a fur coat from natural fur, then it is worth going shopping to a store that has been able to establish itself well in the market and is able to provide the buyer with guarantees and certification of its products. No need to chase the economy and look for cheap options in the market rows. In these places, fakes are most common., and it will be very difficult to make a return in this case.

Worth a closer look how to distinguish natural fur coat from mink.

  1. Mink fur is much denser. It is worth running your hand along the pile against its height, it should quickly return to its original position. With his increased elasticity and stiffness, the fur will not prick much.
  2. Beautiful undercoat, awn equal in length. If you start to mask a fake, then in most cases you have to cut the guard hair so that their length is at the same level. It is in this case that the fur will strongly prick the skin.
  3. When pinching, no hairs should remain on the surface of the hand.
  4. Mink skin has a characteristic sheen. In some cases, single hairs can be seen on an unpainted pile. white color.
  5. It is worth holding a white napkin over the fur. It should not leave traces of paint.
  6. Overall Height pile on the entire product should be approximately the same. On the finished product bald spots, any bald patches, tubercles should not be visible either.
  7. Good sellers of quality fur do not hem an additional lining, making it possible to inspect the quality of the fur. It should have a light or creamy shade, and also be elastic.
  8. During shaking, the fur coat should not rattle.
  9. It is worth checking the presence of a seal from the manufacturers on each skin. It is this seal that will confirm that this is a mink.
  10. All seams should be carefully examined. They must be thin, even, and also rolling. In some cases, the manufacturer sews the skin between fragments of such a skin. The fewer such areas, the higher the cost of the product itself. If you notice glue, then it is best in this case to simply refuse to purchase such a fur coat. The technology in which the skin is glued, and not stitched together, will not allow things to last a long time.

Features of the country of origin

Mink fur coats, depending on the country of manufacture, can vary significantly in both appearance and price. The most expensive can be called the Canadian and Scandinavian mink. They are distinguished by a very strong fluff, as well as a thick pile. According to their characteristics, the Ukrainian mink is slightly inferior to them. Its underfur is considered not so thick, and the awn is longer. Greek fur coats are more popular. There is also an opinion that in Greece the cost of a fur coat is much less. Some go on special trips for fur products.

But on the territory of any country you can find manufacturers like high level production, and not quite high quality. Good and real fur product definitely won't be too cheap. That is why you should not risk making expensive purchases in the recreation area.

Fur coats from Russian and Chinese manufacturers are much cheaper. Now some Chinese manufacturers have also learned how to create fur products from high-quality fur. But fakes can be found among such fur coats. a large number of. It is for this reason that it will be very disappointing to buy a Chinese fur coat at the price of a Canadian or Greek one.

Signs of difference between Chinese and European fur coats

When choosing, always pay attention to:

  1. ost. Pronounced and very high. From the outside, it looks prickly. Lies well on the pillow. In some cases, the spine does not differ in its height. In this case, the skin can be passed off as Scandinavian.
  2. Shine. Chinese skins do not have a smooth sheen, they can shine, but only in some areas they can be easily recognized by their special glassy sheen. When comparing Chinese and scandinavian fur coat, even a non-professional can notice the difference. Scandinavian furs differ from the rest in a special diamond shine, which seems to shimmer under the rays of the sun.
  3. Undercoat. It depends directly on the length of the awn itself, as well as the long black down, which is passed off as a black mink. But the natural black mink has a mezra light color, and only after staining it can acquire a dark or gray color.

Knowing these indicators, you can easily understand where the animal was raised. The place where the fur coat was made will be determined by the features and quality of the seams. In most cases, Italian and Greek fur coats are sewn using the skins of a Finnish, as well as a Scandinavian manufacturer. The Russian mink may differ from the Chinese in its thick and long pile. At Scandinavian mink it is thick, but very short.

In some cases, the Chinese use Greek furs for tailoring. In this case, the quality will also be determined by the technology of applying the seam.

How to distinguish a mink from a fake

The first sign to look for Special attention , is the weight of the coat. A fur coat made from mink fur will be much lighter than from the fur of any other animal. In most cases, under an expensive skin, mink manufacturers skillfully disguise a marmot, beaver, ferret, and also a rabbit.

  1. Rabbit. It has a very soft pile and a non-uniform sheen, while the mink skin shines quite evenly. Rabbits have different hair colors. The undercoat leaves hair in the hand during plucking.
  2. Marmot. It is quite often used in the manufacture of fake fur coats. Their main difference lies in the fact that the marmot has spiky fur, the hairs on it are completely different lengths. The pile of a marmot is also considered elastic, but it does not have special plasticity; during stroking, it can become very shaggy.
  3. Beaver. The fur of both beaver and marmot can be easily confused with each other in terms of hardness. Beaver skins are larger in size than minks. The mezdra of a beaver is two times thicker than that of a mink.
  4. Ferret. The ferret, in comparison with the mink, has a higher awn, and the underfur is of a rare type. It has a peculiar coloration: the underfur is light, and the awn is dark at the ends. In the area of ​​the sides, light areas can be easily seen, and on the back, a dark-colored awn completely covers the underfur. In addition, ferret skins are valued slightly less than mink. They are considered less durable, but very warm. Products in dissolution are not sewn from the skin of a ferret, since the seam will stand out strongly through the fur due to the rare fluff. It is for this reason that the models from his fur mostly have a straight cut.
  5. Honoric. This animal is obtained by crossing a ferret and a mink. It will be very difficult to distinguish such fur from a real mink. It will be given out by black color, uneven sheen and thick brown undercoat.

If you go to the store to buy a fur coat, then there is no need to rush into the choice. To purchase the right model, you may have to visit more than one trusted store and try on several options. Don't be afraid to be demanding in their questions and doubts to the consultant. It is imperative to pay attention to every little detail. It is vigilance that will positively affect a worthy purchase, which you definitely will not regret.


This video will help you learn how to distinguish a natural high-quality mink coat from cheap fakes.

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In addition to the great joy of a new thing, buying a fur coat is a big cash outlay and a serious investment, at least for several years. Therefore, our almost winter material about fur products, we decided to dedicate not fashion trends and fur trends, and practical advice, which will help you make a competent choice and not regret an expensive purchase. Professional secrets about how to choose, “stroke” and “listen” to a fur coat, they shared with us Russian specialists for fur products - experts of the company " The Snow Queen».

Evaluate the quality of the fur

Basically, the quality of the fur has to be determined by eye. good fur is different rich color and brilliance, does not stray into icicles. The covering hair and underfur (hemming along the edges of the hem of the fur coat to protect the fur from being upholstered) are even and thick, and the mezra (the reverse side of the skin) is soft. Good fur never "rattles" (when shaking the fur there should not be a rough, crackling sound) and does not rustle.

Before trying on a thing made of natural fur, iron it against the wool - the hairs should not break. Then squeeze the fur in a fist - high-quality fur does not stick together and quickly returns to its original state.

In a quality product, the fur is uniform along the entire length; bald patches are unacceptable (even in invisible areas). Be sure to pay attention to whether the pile lies in one direction - the fur should lie in one direction.

By the way (!) Previously, there was an opinion that a conscientious seller would never sew a lining along the bottom edge of the product, so that the buyer could easily verify the quality of the mezdra. Now it is hopelessly outdated. All self-respecting sellers sew the lining completely, this is due elementary ideas about the quality and aesthetics of an expensive thing. In a large store, the seller has the right to refuse to steam the edge of the lining of an expensive fur coat.

Decide how often and in what weather you will wear a fur coat

If we talk about which fur coat is the warmest, then first of all it is sable (these fur coats are also the most expensive) and fox, then there are arctic fox, mink and astrakhan fur. So if you live in a rather harsh winter conditions pay attention to these furs.

If you buy a fur coat not for going out, but for daily wear both in frost and slush, pay attention to such a characteristic as wear resistance. There is a comparative wear resistance of fur types in points, where the wear resistance of otter fur is taken as 100 points, corresponding to approximately 20 winter seasons operation with proper storage.

Wear resistance of some types of fur:

Otter not plucked - 100

Wolverine - 100

Plucked otter - 95

Kamchatka beaver (sea otter) - 95

Plucked river beaver - 85

Natural seal — 80

Sable natural – 80

Mink natural – 70

Marten soft natural – 65

Karakul - 60

Blue fox - 60

Dyed mink — 55

Sheepskin - 55

Soft dyed marten - 50

Mountain marten natural – 45

Natural fox - 40

Fox painted - 35

Fox dyed black - 25

Nutria pinched - 25

Colored squirrel - 20

Rabbit - 12


Mink coat - how to distinguish a fake?

Unfortunately, mink fur (guard and plucked) is most often faked. It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish a fake from unscrupulous manufacturers every year, but it is still possible if you take a closer look at the product.

Very often, groundhog fur is given out as an outer mink, but groundhog hair is tougher. A shorn rabbit is often mistaken for a plucked mink. good quality, here you really need to be careful, because in appearance these furs are easy to confuse. But there are still differences. Rabbit hair is heterogeneous in color, it has shiny and matte hairs, and a plucked mink has only one uniform hair and, accordingly, the color is also uniform. The mink skin is denser, more elastic and heavy, while the rabbit skin is thinner and rougher in feel. Also, to determine the authenticity of the fur, you need to pull the hair, the rabbit fur should leave a small bunch of fur on your fingers, a good quality mink leaves no traces (if it does, then the minimum 1-2 hairs is correct).

In addition to the mink, there are many other fakes, for example, when a fox (a fox crossed with a polar fox) is given out as a silver fox, a goat of very good quality is given out as a broadtail, and a nutria is given out as a beaver.

To Greece for a fur coat?

For some reason, there is an opinion among buyers that fur coats in Greece are cheaper, and some even go on special shopping tours for fur products. But this is a delusion.

In every country there are fur products of both good and poor quality. The most important thing is to understand the fur, so as not to become a victim of deception. Of course, you can buy an inexpensive fur coat, but the quality will be appropriate, quality products from mink fur cannot be cheap.

It is better not to make expensive purchases in resorts and recreation areas, because. in such cases, a person loses the quality guarantee for the product, and if there is a defect, there is nowhere to turn.

Fur coat from the online store

You can buy a fur coat over the Internet only if you are confident in the seller and know exactly what specific item you want to buy. When making an online purchase, you do not have the opportunity to try on a larger number of models and choose the one that is desired and successful in every way. In addition, the online store does not allow you to touch the thing, which means you can feel all the smoothness and silkiness of the fur or the features of a particular coating on sheepskin coats.

If you have already tried on a thing in the store, but for some reason did not purchase it at that moment, you can order it online and save time.

Buy from those who are trustworthy

The probability of being deceived when buying fur product, of course, more in the market, imported fairs and exhibitions. The buyer may not be given any guarantees for the item being sold. Buying low-quality goods, or even cheap fur under the guise of an expensive one in such places of sale is as easy as shelling pears. Today it is really very difficult to distinguish real fur coat from a fake. Every year, dressing specialists bring to perfection the appearance of not only expensive species furs such as mink, silver fox, chinchilla, beaver, etc., but also the cheapest ones, such as rabbit, marmot, goat, etc.

A large chain store with a good reputation is a guarantee that you pay for exactly what you buy. A large seller develops its own relations with manufacturers, and this allows us to say with confidence that the things that are sold in such a store meet all the necessary quality standards and sanitary standards. In addition, a company with a large turnover and special relationship with suppliers can afford to do profitable offer and fair discounts for their customers.

Don't hesitate to get help from sales consultants

Despite the fact that some buyers prefer to make a choice in private, and consider the help of consultants intrusive and useless, professional advice is indispensable when choosing a fur product.Knowledge quality characteristics and the ability to "see" fur is acquired over the years, and consultants of good fur salons undergo special training. Do not be afraid to tire the seller and take your time with the choice. The more models you try on, the more suitable the selected copy will be.

The editorial staff of the site thanks the press service of the Snow Queen company for organizing an interview with an expert.