Material on the topic: An entertainment scenario using games with sand and water. Summer entertainment in the middle group. Scenario. Musical entertainment "Journey to the Sandland

Entertainment Scenario

"Sand Festival"

Target: creating emotional comfort for children


    Apply existing knowledge about the properties of sand.

    Develop the ability to work collaboratively in a team.

    Develop dexterity, imagination; develop fine motor skills of fingers while playing with sand, embody your plan.

Entertainment progress

The Sand Fairy and the Sand Gnome come to the site.

Dwarf. Hello kids, girls and boys!

Fairy. Hello guys! Summer is in full swing. As always, it brought us much joy. You can spend the whole day outside in games and fun.

I fly red, the sky is clear,

The sun that all the guys

Turns into chocolate.

Shout out loud, kids

Our friendly... cheers!!!

Dwarf. Guys, let's sing a song about summer. Song about summer.

Fairy. Guys, I see that cheerful, mobile, very interesting kids have gathered here.

Do you know how to solve riddles? Now we will check it:

“It is yellow and free-flowing, it is heaped in the yard.

If you want, you can take and play.

 What is it?

- That's right! Dwarf, look how much sand they have. Guys! I'm the Sand Fairy, and this is the Sand Gnome. We live in a sand kingdom-state, where everything is made of sand: houses, cars, and even toys. But a hot summer came, a severe drought. And in the sand kingdom-state, everything began to collapse houses, castles, bridges... Why do you think? (children's answers)

So we came to you to ask you to help us, to build new houses, castles for our sand kingdom-state.

Dwarf. Sand Fairy, what if they fail, maybe they are not dexterous, not nimble and do not know anything at all?

Fairy. Now we'll see, we'll check. Guys, I invite you on a journey. You are ready? (children's answers)

Dwarf. In order to go on a journey, you need to say the magic words "Around yourself ...".

Fairy. Dear Gnome, in order to go on a journey, it is not enough magic words.

Dwarf. What else is needed?

Fairy. You need to know the rules of behavior in the sandbox, because the sandbox is a house for sand.

One interesting book I have read the rules, here they are:

Here you can not bite, fight!

And don't throw sand!

You can build and create:

Mountains, rivers and seas

To have life around!

Don't offend anyone

Don't ruin anything!

This is a peaceful country

Children, understand me?

Dwarf. What kind interesting rules and so simple. Now we can start our journey. Guys, are you ready?

“Turn around yourself and turn into grains of sand!”

Fairy. See what's on the table here? (dry sand)

- What color is the sand?

- Is it dry or wet?

Look, guys, how the sand is pouring.

So what is the sand? (dry)

The sand is pouring, so he ... (loose)

The dwarf happily boasts that he can make cakes out of it.

Fairy. Come on, Gnome, try (the gnome sculpts, nothing happens)

Guys¸ is it possible for the Gnome to sculpt Easter cakes? (No)

- Why doesn't it work? Can you tell me what kind of sand? (dry or wet)

- That's right, well done, now the sand is damp, it is even cold.

And now, is it possible to sculpt cakes out of it?

Let's see.

 Dwarf, try to make Easter cakes one more time.

- Did it work? (Yes) Great!

Dwarf. Guys, you are so smart, you know everything. Are you good at dealing with him?

- I want to check. Let's play. To do this, you need to split into two teams.

With all my heart I ask for attention

Competition is coming.

I am watching you

I choose the best.

The game "Who will fill the bucket with sand faster."

 First scoop test

And in the scoop - sand

You can't stand, you can't tremble

You can run, just be careful.

(Children take turns carrying sand from one bucket to another with a scoop.

The team with the most sand wins.

Dwarf. Well done guys, you've got it all done. We continue the 2nd contest.

water carriers

Second test - water

Carrying it is just a disaster!

Carry carelessly -

Let your team down!

(Children take turns carrying water in a bucket and pouring

from one container to another).

Fairy. And now I offer you a little hourglass experiment.

Take two funnels with different holes, two transparent containers? Pay attention to the fact that one funnel has a large hole, while the other has a smaller one. Collect sand with two scoops and simultaneously pour it into the funnels. Observation: through which funnel does sand flow faster and why?

Fairy. The hourglass is accurate!

The grains of sand flow in them -

The seconds are running.

How the grains of sand settled

Knoll subsided

in a glass jar,

and so the minutes passed. (display hourglass)

And now we will check our kids if they know how to play with sand.

Sand hide and seek game (dry sand)

Toys hidden in a sandbox (small). Children must find all the items.

Fairy. Well, well done, all the toys are found.

Gnome, do you think the guys will cope with our request?

Dwarf. Guys, remember what we came to ask you? So that you build us a sand state.

But before you start building, you need to turn back into kids: “Turn around yourself and turn into kids.”

Fairy. Who among you does not know boredom,

Who is the master of all trades here?

You start, and we will come and see later.

Well done! Thank you! Our residents will like such a sand state.

Name: Outdoor Fun: Sand Day in kindergarten, a travel game scenario for preschool children.

Sand day in kindergarten, games on the walk "In the sand country"

Children go outside and meet on the playground.
Host: Hello guys. Do you happen to know why we are here today?
Children's answers

Leading: strange, but today there is no holiday. Maybe one of you has a birthday?
Children's answers

Moderator: Again... the presenter notices the letter on the Christmas tree. Well, well, well, what's that envelope? Let's see.
the host opens the envelope, and there is sand.

Moderator: a strange letter, there is nothing there but ... sand. And I realized, you need to look from whom it is.
the leader approaches a child who can read and asks to read from whom it is. The child reads "Queen of the Sand". As soon as the child has read, the music immediately turns on and the Queen of the Sand enters

Queen of the Sand: hello guys! It was I who sent you a hint so that you can guess that today I am visiting your kindergarten. I look here it’s beautiful: there are houses, flowers and even sandboxes. Do you like to play with sand?
Children's answers

Sand Queen: Great. And in my country everything is built of sand. Would you like to visit my country.
Children's answers
Sand Queen: If you're ready, we're on our way. Our journey will not be ordinary. You yourself, together with the teachers, will go to it. There are islands waiting for you with tasks that you must complete. If you do everything, then I promise you a surprise upon your return. And the testing starts right now. You need to solve riddles. Ready?
Children's answers

Queen of the Sand: well done guys, they coped with the first test. And earned hints in order to get to the place. Good luck!

sand day in kindergarten summer fun

The children go on a journey.

1 island. (Group 7 sandbox) "Hide and Seek in the Sand"
Choose one petal. On it is drawn the object that you need to find. If you find another item, then you need to hide it in the sand. You take your item with you.

2 island. (main entrance) "Transfer the sand"
Children take turns moving sand from one container to another using a scoop.

3 island. (sports ground) "What's inside"
In front of the children are bags filled with various materials. You need to find and count only those bags that are filled with sand.

4 island. (Group 8 sandbox) "Beads for the Queen"
There is a ribbon in the sandbox, on which you need to lay out shells so that you get beads. Once everything is done, remove everything except the ribbon.

5 island (sections of groups 3,4, 10, 6, 2) "Cook a cake"
Children, according to their pointer, come to their sites and build a sand cake, decorating it with various items.
After completing the tasks, the children return back to the gathering place.
Queen of the Sand: so you coped with the tests. Did you like it?
Children's answers

Sand Queen: And I liked the beads you made for me. And what wonderful cakes you got.
Presenter: yes, guys, do you know why you cooked cakes and decorated them, but because our queen has a birthday today. Let's wish the queen of the sand a happy birthday. And all together "Happy Birthday".
Children congratulate the queen on her birthday

Sand Queen: Thanks guys. And as you know, it is customary to give gifts on a birthday. Only now I will give gifts, as promised. And my gift is also unusual. Now you will each go to your group, drink juice and at 10.20 I will wait for you in the gym of your kindergarten. See you.

The Queen of the Sand meets the children in the gym, sits them on the benches, shows the cartoon and gives a gift to the whole garden (sand table.). He suggests taking turns trying to draw on it.

Leading: guys, it's time for the queen to go to another kindergarten. Let's all say THANK YOU together.
Children thank the queen of the sand. And say goodbye to the queen

Name: Summer outdoor fun: Sand Day at DOW, interesting scenario travel games for preschool children
Nomination: sand day in kindergarten, games on the walk.

Position: senior teacher
Place of work: MBOU "Secondary School No. 133" structural subdivision"Kindergarten"
Location: Krasnoyarsk, Gusarova street 24

Summer games with water and sand for preschoolers

Fun in the summer with sand and water for preschool children

Author: Korelova Irina Vladimirovna, teacher - psychologist, preschool educational institution No. 5 "Firefly" of the city of Nyandoma, Arkhangelsk region.
Article description:
Dear colleagues I bring to your attention an article about summer games with sand and water. The material is intended for teachers, parents and professionals working with children of primary and secondary preschool age.
in full swing summer time, most favorite time years of our dear children. How much joy it brings! Children have a lot of free time, increased curiosity, activity and a great desire to do something interesting. And we, parents, teachers really want the summer recovery period bring health to children good rest and huge charge positive emotions. In this case, sand and water games come to the rescue. They do not require much investment, but their benefits are enormous: these games can be played outdoors on a sunny day, and indoors on a rainy day.

M. Ershova
sandbox, sandbox,
All the kids are in the sand.
Want to build a house
Funny game.
River sand, small -
Good for cookies.
The little white cook bowed
Above your form.
But Andryusha with Vasenka -
Guys, anywhere.
Carried in red cars
Sand here and there.
There are clashes
But that's not a problem.
Quarrel - for a moment,
And friendship is forever.
Big real
Work is in full swing here.
And hard working people
They grow in the sandbox.

Games with sand and water not only give children pleasure, but also develop, acquaint them with the outside world, have a beneficial effect on the psyche of babies, relieve tension, extinguish negative emotions, exercise patience. Playing with sand and water requires a wide range of equipment.
Sand play equipment:
Clean sand for the sandbox. it important point, it is desirable that the sandbox is closed with a lid and animals do not go into it. It should not be too large or too small. Most of the sandbox is filled with sand. It is better if it is hydrated.
Toys small size, it is possible from under kinders, it’s good if the composition includes human characters, houses, animals, cars, plants, bridges, gates, natural objects: buckets, cups, scoops, watering cans, rakes, sticks, leaves, molds, strainers, pebbles, cartons, objects made of different materials (wood, metal, plastic, paper) and much more.
Water play equipment:
Water containers: cups, bottles, basins, pools, objects made of different materials, sponges, spoons, rubber toys, balls, balls and much more. It will be fun if you make boats from nut or coconut shells with your children.
However, for a full-fledged game, one equipment is not enough. In order for the games to be interesting, developing, you need an idea, an experiment or a plot. Here are some games that you can use to work with children.
Sand games:
Since today we are talking about junior and middle preschool age, then with complex plots it is better to wait a little, and start with introduction to sand and water.
1. To begin with, children are invited to touch the sand, pass it through their fingers, blow it off their palms, examine the grains of sand, grab the sand in their fists and release it from their hands like water.
2. Touch dry sand, and then wet, after watering it from a small watering can. Pay attention to the fact that dry sand pours out of the hand, but wet sand does not; dry sand is light, and wet sand is dark.
Game "Imprints"
Goal: getting the first sensory experience.
1. On a flat sand surface, an adult and a child leave traces of hands, fingers, legs, knees. During the game, you can compare the prints of an adult and a child, put the child's hand in the print of an adult.

2. On a flat surface, an adult and a child leave prints of various objects: buckets, spatulas, sticks, leaves, etc. When there are a lot of prints, the child must guess which object this or that print belongs to.
3. Create all sorts of bizarre patterns on the surface of the sand with prints of palms, fists, knuckles, feet and try to find the similarity of the resulting patterns with any objects of the surrounding world (flower, sun, blade of grass, tree, etc.);
Game "Find a toy"
Purpose: development of tactile sensations
1. An adult shows the toys that he will use in the game. Then he asks the child to turn away and hides the toys in the sand. The child turns and looks for all the toys.
2. An adult shows the toys to the child, hides them, and then asks to find a certain toy, feeling the toys under the sand. In this game, you can use toys - geometric shapes.
3. Adult and child change roles.
The game "I draw in the sand"
Goal: development of large and fine motor skills, speech development.
1. The child draws with fingers or a wand the sun, a cloud, a house, a little man. All drawings can be combined into one plot and come up with a short story.
2. Competition "Sand paintings", while it is allowed to decorate your works with pebbles, sticks, leaves and other waste material.
Game "Drink the sand"
Purpose: development of interest in working with sand, experiments.
Dry sand absorbs water well, my kids really like this game. We spend it both on the street and in the office. Invite the children to pour a large hill out of dry sand, make a depression in the upper part of the hill with a fist and carefully pour water into it in a thin stream. Another depression is formed in the hill, the water in it looks like a lake, which is gradually absorbed into the banks.

Game "Little Chef"
Purpose: development of tactile-kinesthetic sensations, fine and gross motor skills.
Moisten the sand with a watering can. Invite the child to fashion different “baking” from wet sand: pies, bagels, cakes, cakes. Baking can be decorated. Let the children treat dolls, toy animals. You can use molds for this game.

Game "Sieve"
Purpose: familiarity with the concepts quickly - slowly, the development of intelligence.
For this game you will need dry sand.
1. Invite the child to pour sand into the strainer and let him see how he gets enough sleep. Children can do this endlessly.
2. Invite the child to mix the sand with toys, pebbles, twigs, and then get everything that was in the sand with a strainer. Type sand with toys in a strainer and lift it up, the sand will spill out, and the toys will remain. You can talk on this topic (why the sand ran away, but the toys remained)
3. Offer to pour dry sand through a strainer, and then moistened. Talk about why the dry sand ran through the strainer, but the wet sand did not.
4. Similar games can be played with a funnel. You can take 2 funnels: one large, the other small and experiment, from which funnel the sand will “run out” faster.
Game "Tunnel"
Purpose: development of gross and fine motor skills.
Children build a slide from wet sand, compact it, and then dig from 2 sides so that an entrance and an exit are formed. Children can carry small cars or trains through the tunnel. By the way, for the train you can do " railway» from sticks.
The game "And we have a holiday today"
Goal: creating an emotionally positive atmosphere, learning how to build a small plot.
Children use dolls, animal figurines, various trifles for the holiday in the game. Try to play this game with them: children and animals have gathered for a holiday. Some children collect toy friends for the holiday, put them in cars and take them to the holiday. Some of the children are preparing a place for the holiday: they decorate it, bake pies, lay them out on plates, then meet guests and treat them with “baking”. At this time, you can sing songs, laugh, and if there is music, even dance.
Game "Caterpillar"
Purpose: development of fine and gross motor skills.
We sculpt lumps from wet sand, like balls, and lay them one by one, so we get a caterpillar. On the first lump, you can make eyes and a mouth.

water games
Game "Ships"
Purpose: development of breathing
1. You need a basin of water. Nut shells can act as boats, you can even make a sail for this ship. Children are invited to launch their boat and blow on it so that it floats like on the sea, at the same time work on breathing.
2. Let the boats out different material: pieces of foam, chips, blades of grass, feathers. You can blow and make a whirlpool with your hands during the game.
Game "Fisherman"
Purpose: development of color perception, the ability to act at the request of an adult.
1. Offer the children a bowl of water, a fishing set (rod and fish) and let them try to catch their goldfish. You can even make a wish on the catch.
2. Put various light toys in the basin so that they float on the surface, and let them be caught with a net or strainer.
3. Throw balls into the water different color and ask them to catch the balls at your command, for example: “Catch the red ball; red and yellow ball; catch 2 balls”, etc.
The game "Squirters"
Purpose: development of accuracy, large motor skills.
1. In this game you will need a target and a bottle with a hole in the lid. Children need to hit the target with a jet of water by clicking on the bottle.
2. Take a plastic bag and make small holes in it. Fill it with water and start squeezing. Kids will love watching little trickles of water run from it. The same can be done with a plastic bottle.
Games - experiments
During experimental activities child, we artificially create situations that the child resolves through an experiment during which he learns to analyze, to make some small conclusions, which, in turn, stimulates the development of speech.
1. Give the children a small bottle with a narrow and a wide neck and ask them to lower it into the water, let them watch how the water flows there, where it happens faster and where it slows down.
2. The game "Sinking - not sinking." You will need a basin of water. Give your child a box of different items and offer to throw into the water one at a time. Discuss why some objects sink while others remain on the surface.
3. Have the children toss the pebbles into a bowl almost full of water. Ask them the question: "Will water flow out of the bowl if stones are thrown in it."
4.Another one interesting experiment: Give your child 2 bowls, fill one with water and leave the other empty. Invite your child to “transfer” water from one bowl to another with a sponge. Another option: use a wooden spoon instead of a sponge.
Summing up the article, we can say with full confidence that playing with water and sand has a significant impact on maintaining the emotional well-being of the child. They help create good mood, increase vitality, relieve tension, aggression, the state of internal discomfort in children, and also help to accumulate life experience and develop cognitive sphere child. Dear colleagues, parents, I hope that the proposed games will be useful to you when working with children.

Summer entertainment for the middle group. Sand Festival.

Two buckets of sand
Two buckets of water
Two empty buckets
two scoops
Two small buckets

The course of the holiday

Host: hello kids! Summer is in full swing. As always, it brought us much joy. You can spend the whole day outside in games and worries.
I fly red, the sky is clear,
The sun that all the guys
Turns into chocolate
Shout out loud, kids
Our friendly cheers…..
Leading. Guys, let's sing a song about summer.
Song Summer.
Brownie Kuzya appears.
Brownie Kuzya. Hello guys! You recognized me? I am a brownie Kuzya! I live in your kindergarten, I watch you - how you play, study, sleep, walk. I usually do it slowly. From around the corner I look, from the crack. And today I decided to take a walk with you. Can?

Children. Yes!!!
Brownie Kuzya. You have such beautiful areas! Spacious gazebos, slides, swings and just so much. And there is a sandbox. But I just don’t understand why you need so much sand?
Children. Play, make buildings.
Brownie Kuzya. Can't be! How can you build something out of sand when it crumbles? (shows that the sand is pouring between the fingers).
Children answer: before building from sand, it is necessary to wet it with water.
Brownie Kuzya. How smart you are - you know everything about sand. And you know how to deal with him deftly.
Children. Yes!
Brownie Kuzya. I want to test. Let's play. To do this, you need to split into two teams.
With all my heart I ask for your attention:
There's a competition
I'm watching you
I choose the best.
"Who will fill the bucket with sand faster"
Brownie Kuzya. The first scoop test,
And in the scoop - sand.
You can't stand, you can't tremble!
You can run, just be careful.
(children take turns carrying sand from one bucket to another with a scoop. The team with the most sand wins).
Brownie Kuzya. Well done guys, you did a great job! I offer you the second competition.
Water carriers.
Second test - water
Carrying it is just a disaster!
Carry it carelessly
Let your team down!
(the children of each team take turns carrying water in a bucket and pouring it from one container to another).
Build a city.
Brownie Kuzya. Who among you does not know boredom,
Who is the master of all trades here?
Guys, maybe you can build something for me out of sand, for example, a city.
(children make buildings).

Brownie Kuzya. Oh how I love your builds! How beautiful they are, you are all great, everyone coped with the task. But now guys, it's time for me to say goodbye to you, goodbye.