Baby is 4 months old. Water procedures - every day. Conversations with the baby

For full development the baby needs the attention and care of the parents, and they will also need regular activities with the baby. At the same time, pediatricians recommend focusing on the average statistical indicators of what a child should be able to do at 4 months. So dads and moms can determine what skills the toddler has or is not sufficiently formed.

By the age of four months, babies have a significant weight gain - they are gaining up to 750 g in 30 days, while their height increases by 2.5 cm, like a month ago. The kids in this moment there is a rare correspondence between the circumferences of the head and chest, after which, by the fifth month, the chest begins to prevail in size.

The body of a four-year-old child continues to grow and adapt to a new life, and this is manifested in anatomical and physiological changes:

  • a small child can already show his first tears, since his lacrimal glands have formed;
  • less and less the baby suffers from colic in the tummy - this indicates that the digestive tract begins to function normally;
  • real bulbous hairs of the crumbs and his marigolds grow at a fast pace;
  • physically, the baby has grown stronger, put on weight, his muscles and coordination of movements have become stronger, especially when it comes to the muscles of the back - as a result, he is able to confidently roll over, which will help him learn to sit in the future;
  • the remaining infant reflexes gradually disappear, including Moro and the crawling reflex, increased tone is preserved while in the legs of the toddler;
  • the child's vision improves, which perceives the basic colors, the muscles of the eyes are strengthened, and for this reason, in many children suffering from slight strabismus at this age, visual function straightens out;
  • there are also many interesting changes in relation to hearing, children hear well, feel various sound nuances, prefer low tones and a distinct rhythm, not to mention the fact that the voices of adults are perfectly distinguished;

Four-month-old babies love very much when they are held in a column, in their arms, or, supporting them under their armpits - this way they can better understand the world by observing people, examining objects. It's too early for the kids to sit down, so you need to constantly monitor them. Especially harmful early landing girls who, because of this, in the future may have problems with the reproductive system.

What a baby should be able to do at 4 months

It is worth considering in detail what should be able to 4 one month old baby, especially since many of his achievements are admirable, because he is still so small.

Basic skills and abilities:

  1. Children have already mastered the ability to hold their heads - confidently and for quite a long time, while lying on their stomachs. In addition, they try to stand up, resting their arms and lifting their shoulders and chest.
  2. It is equally important that many toddlers do this while lying on their backs. Basically, this is how they try to sit down, pulling up their head and lifting their shoulders.
  3. If the parents worked with the child before this age, the baby manages to control his hands well - he confidently grabs and holds the toys and rattles hanging and lying nearby, learned to hold a bottle with the mixture and hug his mother. Developed fine motor skills can also be indicated by the fact that the baby tears and crumples sheets of newsprint and magazine paper, and can touch teethers made of different materials with interest.

A particularly important achievement is considered to be the coups from the tummy to the side and to the back, they are getting better for a four-month-old baby, and he does it on his own without outside help. This is the most valuable indicator of a child's growing up, making him less dependent on parental care.

Along with this, the sensory organs and sociality of the baby develop:

  1. Making various interesting sounds, a four-month-old baby does not yet use lips and tongue. He just tries more and more new tones, and sometimes, he himself is surprised by his abilities, listening to his own hum.
  2. There are also noticeable shifts in the development of vision - the child is able to determine the distance to the object, and if it is not far away, stretch the handle to it, not paying attention to the more distant thing. Children at 4 months already easily recognize their family members, they sincerely rejoice when they approach and can be upset when a person leaves. During this period, children are already keenly interested in moving objects, animals, cars outside the window, sun "bunnies" and the light of a flashlight sliding around the room.
  3. Children are actively developing the correct auditory perception - they have already begun to distinguish the voices of relatives, to determine the tone of the words spoken. Kids listen attentively to the noise produced by home appliances, the squeak of a kitten, listen with pleasure classical music if it sounds quiet.
  4. Normal healthy child knows how to smile, rejoice at new toys and the arrival of parents, show a positive reaction to the pronunciation of his name. While crying when you turn on pleasant music, the child is distracted, and his eyes dry out - he is already carried away by new information and is trying to process it.
  5. When recognizing mom or dad, the child's emotions increase - this is expressed in joyful humming, active hooking with legs and arms. This behavior of babies is typical for them in a good mood, and is often associated with preparation for bathing, changing clothes and changing a diaper.

What should a baby be able to do at 4 months? First of all, express your emotions - at this age, the baby does this with the help different actions that the mother knows very well:

  • if he is worried or scared, he stops smiling, becomes silent, may turn away from the stranger and snuggle up to his mother;
  • if, with fatigue or too loud voices, the baby quickly gets tired or is dissatisfied, his normal reaction crying may become at this moment;
  • when he has to wait, he can sigh noisily, showing his impatience;
  • calms down and stops screaming, crying, hearing my mother's voice.

But starting from four months, the baby, quite, can learn to follow the person even after he leaves the room, to show anger when refusing to communicate or play. In some children, such actions may be observed earlier.

It is natural that young dads and mothers are interested in what a girl and a boy need to be able to do at 4 months.

What a baby should be able to do at 4 months: video

Are there any developmental differences between children of different sexes?

The skills and development of a 4 month old baby may differ when it comes to boys and girls. And this is not only height and weight, according to which boys are so far ahead of girls. For now, because this situation persists for up to a year, and then small representatives of the fair sex begin to lead.

From the very birth, the work of the brain determines the different warehouse of the psyche of children, and for a girl it is always an orientation towards survival, and the boy is constantly striving to improve. This can explain the differences in behavior and play of babies.

Notice such distinctive features children are not difficult if you just watch them:

  • it is easier to calm the girl down with melodious singing, lullaby, softly and gently pronounced speech;
  • at four months they are already able to recognize people even in photographs, while a boy at 4 months old cannot;
  • babies can see equally well with both eyes, while children can only see with their left eye;
  • the boys will immediately recognize blue color and the girls are red.

And that's not all that parents can learn about their children:

  1. Girls love Stuffed Toys, know how to be sad, feel pain and discomfort faster. They develop rapidly and have good quality visual memory, speech, peripheral vision. They quickly recognize the shades of emotion in the people around them.
  2. Boys do not react so strongly to sharp loud noise and sound; their type of vision is central, spatial. They love mechanical toys, are more often prone to anger, later learn to speak, but earlier they begin to get up and walk, their auditory memory predominates.

As a result, a four-month-old girl spends much more time with her mother, because more than a boy needs attention, care and love, although this is necessary for all children.

It is estimated that daughters in the first months after birth look at their mother almost twice as much as sons, but this is also due to a certain mindset of heterosexual children.

Education and development

Psychologists and doctors recommend that parents spend more time with a small child, and it's not even a matter of special exercises and massage - the baby needs to be taught games that will develop him, because he himself does not yet know how to do this. That is why you need to put toys in his pens, show pictures, pay attention to the crumbs of interesting events happening around him.

At 4 months, children sleep 15 hours a day, so they have more time for educational games that need to be properly distributed. You should not demand from the baby to perform tasks that are beyond his power, no matter how parents want to see him first in all the necessary skills.

You can help your child develop in the following ways:

  • providing him with toys, varied in texture, for touch, bright and colorful - for the development of vision and the ability to distinguish colors, musical - to improve hearing;
  • can be allowed bubble so that the baby follows them with his eyes;
  • you can raise and lower the baby's arms, fold them along the body and on the chest - this improves coordination;
  • during massage or during physical exercise, it is useful to read rhymes to the child or sing songs;
  • when talking with a baby, you should correctly pronounce the words and do it with expression, because later the little one will imitate their parents and learn to speak not only quickly, but also competently.

When developing and raising a baby, parents should support him good mood, and for this they themselves must be positively disposed. You cannot allow the child to cry for a long time if something is very upsetting him. This could damage the forming nervous system baby.

And learning is more likely to bear fruit if the atmosphere of the classes is friendly, and the parents accompany their important lessons smile and encouraging words. Attentive wise parents will praise the child already for trying to do something.

How to tell if your baby is lagging behind

If a child does not know how to do what he should be able to do, this can be explained by several reasons - the baby is not yet ready for this, due to hereditary factor, he was not taught by his parents. But sometimes inability also means a deviation in normal development.

This can be determined by several negative signs:

  • the child is apathetic, lethargic, he does not have a normal cheerful reaction to his name, he does not recognize his loved ones;
  • he has no reaction to the sounds of his voice, to quiet and loud noise;
  • the baby practically does not react to pain;
  • toys are of little interest to the baby;
  • the baby has reflexes that should no longer be.

But perhaps the most important alarming symptoms the inability of the baby to hold the head, roll over, hold the toy is considered. It is also worth paying attention to the condition of the child, if, when pulling the baby by the hands, his head deviates back.

Since it is absolutely normal at the age of 4 months to increase motor and cognitive activity, healthy baby must necessarily be interested in the people around him and in various subjects. In general, it is normal for a four-month-old baby to play with pleasure, laugh a lot, mutter and squeak in his own language, expressing many emotions. And if this does not happen, then it is the responsibility of the parents to visit the pediatrician and other pediatric specialists for the purpose of examining, and, possibly, treating the baby.

In order to monitor the development of the baby and help him in all endeavors, adults need to know what a child should be able to do at 4 months. At the same time, it makes no sense to compare your son or daughter with other children, because each of them goes their own way through life.

The development of children in the fourth month of life continues to progress at a rapid pace. For most children, the period of colic ends, the work of all organs comes to a stable and normal condition. Physical activity in infants the fourth month of life increases significantly, and the child begins to achieve his first successes. Since your pediatrician and neurologist will pay close attention to your baby's developmental standards, you should know what your baby should be able to do at four months. This will help your baby develop the skills and abilities that are needed for age.


Four month old baby some reflexes continue to fade, and on the basis of others certain skills are formed:

  • grasping reflex by the age of 4 months, it is reborn into meaningful movements, the baby now takes everything he can reach in his pens, holds objects in his fist for a long time and feels them with his fingers. Right now development begins fine motor skills;
  • during this period, the creeping reflex begins to fade. If the baby is lying on his stomach, put his palm under the heels, he will instinctively start to push off with his feet from the support that has appeared. If you regularly stimulate this reflex, then for 5 months the baby can crawl on its own.


Despite the fact that all children develop at different rates, some babies learn certain skills faster, while others more slowly, there are skills that every baby should master by the end of 4 months of life:

  • the child must grasp and hold objects in his hand;
  • the baby should be able to independently roll over from the back to the tummy;
  • lying on his stomach, the baby should be able to rise on the arms;
  • if you hold the baby vertically so that he touches the surface with his legs, the baby will rest his fingers on it;
  • a child at 4 months should actively show emotions - smile, laugh, get angry and be surprised;
  • the baby should be able to distinguish between friends and foes, as well as react to the appearance in the house strangers;
  • a baby at 4 months coordinates the movements of his hands quite well. He knows how to support the breast or bottle while feeding, shakes the rattle and puts his fingers in his mouth.

A pediatrician and a neurologist will check whether the baby has these skills and will assess whether the baby is developing as expected at 4 months.

Sense organs


A baby at 4 months distinguishes colors quite well and even begins to give preference to one of them. Now is the time to buy colorful, but not multicolored toys.

The development of the visual organs during this period is increasingly associated with thought processes. The kid already distinguishes between his loved ones, should be able to recognize himself in the mirror. The child tries to copy your movements and articulation, and you can actively use this to train his nascent speech skills and established physical skills.


The development of hearing and brain helps the child to learn about the world around him. The kid turns exactly in the direction from which he hears the sound, distinguishes close people by voice. If you turned on music to your child, then now he may have his favorite melodies, which he will ask to play with the help of whims. The child can shake his head to the beat or clap his hands.

Continue to constantly talk with the baby, tell him about everything that is happening around, read him fairy tales, comment on all your actions.

How more baby will receive information from you, the earlier he starts to speak, and the wider he will vocabulary in future. The kid has already memorized his name and turns his head in your direction when you speak to him.


The duration of sleep in the fourth month of life is slightly reduced, the baby now sleeps about 15 hours a day. Some children may no longer wake up all night, but nevertheless, 2-3 awakenings per night are still considered a psychological norm.

Mode daytime sleep and the time for the beginning of night rest in children by four months should have already been established. During the daytime, the child sleeps 3 times. Pediatricians and child psychologists recommend preparing the baby for bed in the evening at 19-21 o'clock, at more late time Your baby may feel overwhelmed and may make it harder to fall asleep.


  1. The complex of revitalization, which appeared in the third month of life, is now manifested more and more vividly. When you appear in the room or talk to the baby, he begins to smile, babble and move all limbs. Four-month-old children are delighted with the appearance of familiar adults, as well as new toys.
  2. The range of emotions experienced four month old baby, expands significantly, he can experience curiosity, fear, joy and resentment - and all this will be very clearly manifested on his face.
  3. A close relationship develops between the baby and the parents. emotional connection, children feel the mood of adults and, like a mirror, reflect it on their face. Kids begin to be capricious and upset when loved ones go somewhere. The psychology of a four-month-old makes them demand constant communication with adults.


Children in the fourth month of life are actively developing their speech apparatus, and consonants "p", "m", "b" are added to the stretching vowel sounds. Since your baby already knows how to analyze your movements and try to repeat them, spend more time with him talking.

Deliberately stretch the sounds, show how the lips should move to pronounce certain sounds.

You will see that four month old baby tries her best and just like you pulls lips. Regular exercise and articulation exercises stimulate early development speech skills, so make sure to spend time with them throughout the day to teach your baby how to pronounce sounds.

Weight and height

The child continues active growth and development, and due to a still sedentary lifestyle, he may have significant weight gain. For the fourth month, the weight of the baby increases by an average of 750 grams, the circumference of the head and chest is lengthened by 15-20 mm.

During this period, the baby grows by 2-2.5 cm. Now you can estimate the growth rate of children, because a newborn baby weighed half as much as a baby at the end of four months.


Pediatricians recommend continuing to feed children who are on breastfeeding, on demand. We can control the amount of milk eaten by a baby by weighing it before and after feeding, or simply by observing the weight gain of a four-month-old baby. If the baby is growing at a normal pace, is feeling good and naughty in moderation, then you do not need to worry that he is lacking in nutrition.

When feeding artificial mixtures you can monitor the amount that your baby eats and bring his diet to strict schedule... In the fourth month of life, children eat 6-7 times a day, 150-160 ml. per day.

If the doctor thinks that a four-month-old baby is ready to introduce vegetables or cereals into the diet, he will recommend that you start fiber-rich complementary foods and advise on what foods the baby can start expanding his menu with.

What should be paid special attention to in the fourth month?

  1. Since a four-month-old baby does not yet know how to play on his own, and he quickly gets bored of lying in a crib, contact and communication with adults is very important for a child. In addition, children in the fourth month are actively interested in the world around them, they need to look, hear and touch everything that is around it.
  2. Talk to a four-month-old baby more often and respond to his humming, talk about what is happening around, name objects, their colors and shapes.
  3. Children may now be interested not only in a comfortable rattle, so get a developing mat with details for your baby different forms, rustling, thundering and squeaking. The child likes to touch the surrounding objects, so provide him with objects that are different to the touch, this will well develop his motor skills and help to actively learn about the world.
  4. Do not forget to take timely care of the baby's toys, at four months, many babies have itchy gums due to teething, and they pull everything into their mouths. To avoid disease intestinal infections, regularly rinse and boil over your baby's toys. Do not buy products for a four-month-old baby that cannot be cared for.
  5. Since a four month old baby begins profuse salivation, foreshadowing the imminent appearance of the first tooth, purchase teethers and pain relieving gels for it in advance. To prevent irritation around the lips and chin, wipe the skin with a clean handkerchief and treat the area with healing creams.
  6. Develop the rolling skills that your toddler learns by encouraging him to reach for the toys on the side.
  7. Having laid the baby on his stomach, help him to push off with his legs from your palms. If you do these exercises every day, you will train the baby, and he can crawl; early development of these abilities will accelerate the formation of other skills.
  8. Play finger games such as White-sided Magpie and Finger Boy to develop motor skills. Four-month-old babies like rhythmic poems and manipulation of their pens, over time the child will make characteristic movements from these counters on their own.
  9. After bathing procedures, gently massage the baby's body, flexing its muscles. To make your hands slide, use the oil for the procedure with which you care for the baby's integuments.

Life little man from three months - this is a transition from reflex, unconscious activity to volitional. The kid learns to control his body. From four months, the child takes the initiative, actively getting to know the world around him. He tries to influence parts of it, observing the reaction. This is a fundamentally different form of behavior. It is useful for parents to know what a child should be able to do at 4 months, in order, based on this information, to carry out proper care behind the toddler.

Physical indicators

I look at the child and see that:

  • the baby gained 800 grams in a month;
  • body length increased by 3 centimeters;
  • the circumference of the chest and head became the same. The arms with legs are extended in length, the figure has become more proportional;
  • eye color changes, hairstyle appears;
  • the baby has become calmer, which means that the colic is gone, the digestive organs have adapted;
  • the "flowering" of the baby is over. Pimples disappeared from the face;
  • increased salivation due to the constant presence of various objects in the mouth.

There are still no significant differences in development between a boy and a girl. The boy can only be slightly larger.

Physical capabilities

  • Grasp reflex

The fourth month of life is indicative of the fact that many children's reflexes go away. They are replaced by conscious movements. For example, the grasping reflex disappears. Since birth, the crumb has been clamped in a fist everything that touched his palm, absolutely not realizing it. Now the little man can do own choice... He takes the object he likes, having played enough, lets it go. This is due to the beginning of active knowledge of the world around. The baby shakes the rattle, studying its properties: its sound, color, size, sensation from touch.

It is good to have many different age-appropriate toys for your little one to compare and choose favorite ones.

  • Rolls

This age is distinguished by the formation and development of the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle. These areas are the first to come out of hibernation, help to change their position in space. Highly important step for development - to learn how to roll over from the back to the stomach.

If the baby has mastered coups, you can lay it out on the floor. There will be room for new games, there will be no risk of falling.

An adult who cares for a baby should not be afraid to carry it to the floor, because thanks to this, the baby's world increases many times over. It is important to provide conditions for new activities: to create comfortable temperature, spread play mat keeping clean.

  • Crawl start

The development of a child at 4 months allows him to confidently keep his head lying on his stomach. Kids, calmly resting on their elbows, are already making attempts to crawl, pushing off with their feet. These actions are useful to help, the next step is active crawling.

  • Back movements

Some children raise their heads and shoulders low, lying on their backs. From the outside, this may seem like an attempt to sit down. But this is a test by children of the capabilities of the body, the development of muscles.

You cannot help the child to sit down until he begins to do it himself.

The main danger lies in the enormous stress on the spine, which can lead to undesirable consequences... The kid himself will begin to rise to a sitting position, holding on to his hands. This will mean the readiness of his muscles and skeleton for new loads. It is important to ensure normal development, caring for the baby.

Perception of the surrounding world

  • Vision

The fourth month brings a person the opportunity to see quite far. Vision is improved by allowing the child to distinguish objects at a distance of 3-3.5 meters. On a walk, you can take the baby in your arms, walk with him, talking about what is happening around. Such an acquaintance should be carried out at home, so that the baby can study the situation. Exercise will help develop your baby's vision.

The little one remembered and can distinguish the faces of the mother. Now he rejoices and smiles at his parents, and not at random kind people... Knowing what a 4-month-old baby can do, you can better understand him.

At 4 months, development already allows the baby to hear all the sounds. You can listen to music with your baby, tell him fairy tales, talk, sing. The content will still elude the little person, but he will understand and remember the emotional coloring, intonation, timbre of his voice. Do not make too loud, unpleasant sounds nearby, swear among yourself. This is especially true for parents, because the voices of mom and dad are recognizable by a baby, he will react sharply to their increase, unpleasant intonations.

The toddler begins to combine sounds into melodious phrases. These pearls are brightly emotionally colored and have a characteristic intonation. Simple syllables are obtained. This is due to imitation of the voices of adults, but not yet true speaking.

Social skills

Quite recently, the child calmly reacted to being picked up by his aunt, grandfather, friend, now everything has changed. The kid began to show discontent, anxiety when communicating with unfamiliar person... What's happening?

The little man began to distinguish people close to him, familiar people from those whom he rarely sees or for the first time. Now, to take the baby in your arms without a possible negative reaction, you need to get to know him. The ability to distinguish “ours” from “others” - mandatory clause from the list of what a baby should be able to do at this age.

The baby's "revitalization complex" is very colorfully expressed. This is a reaction to the appearance, the voice loved one... The baby begins to move, joyfully wave his hands, smile, laugh.

Emotional and psychological development

There is a reaction to surrounding events. Mood changes with the behavior of the close adult. The kid understands that his mother is upset, he himself begins to be capricious.

Just yesterday, the mood of the little one depended on how comfortable he was. He cried if he was cold, hungry, something hurt. Now, according to monthly calendar acquired skills, he can adopt the mood of others.

If things don't go according to plan

It is very important for parents to understand: any normative indicators Is the average for thousands of children. The concept of "norm" is necessary for doctors to rely on when examining babies.

The baby did not start crawling by the age of four months - not scary. An error within two months is completely normal. You cannot give in to the provocations of girlfriends, whose children are talking or sitting at four months old. The first, most likely - lies, with the second experiments are dangerous - can have serious consequences.

You need to calmly, objectively relate to the capabilities of the little person. If the baby is too lazy to roll over, this means that you need to train this movement more with him.

If something is wrong with the child, then, most likely, the parents already know about it. The signs of anomalies are too obvious to ignore. In the question of what a child should be able to at 4 months old, you need to pay attention to basic skills, without getting hung up on details. Consider a new strategy if:

  • the child does not hold his head;
  • does not react to close people;
  • pays no attention to toys;
  • the gaze is not focused on a moving bright object, while it is directed through the parent;
  • the child shows no emotion at all.

In all situations, one must remain calm, not succumbing to panic: the mood of the parents is very quickly transmitted to the baby.

If the child is found to have abnormalities, it will require more calmness and organization from the adults. It may be necessary to introduce additional exercises or healing procedures... It is important to listen to the doctor, follow all his recommendations.

Changing your daily routine

The main difference in the new routine of the baby is the lengthening of the periods of wakefulness during the day and night sleep without awakening. Now the baby can explore the world for several hours in a row and sleep peacefully at night. Continuous sleep stretches for 8-9 hours. This is especially important for mothers who are tired of the constant awakening to feed, of the “wake-up call” life.

The recommendation for parents during this period is to observe the regime. Bathing, laying at the same time - then the little one will be scheduled to wake up. It is important to provide the crumbs with conditions for exploring the world around them, and walk more.

Development in games

  • Grabbing the ball

This is one of the most useful educational games in 4 months. It will help develop a "revitalization complex", will contribute to what the baby should be able to do. This is a workout of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and legs, as well as pleasant joint leisure.

For the exercise, you need a medium-sized ball. The child lies on the back. The ball must be brought closer to the baby so that he can take it with his handles. If the legs are involved, great. It seems that an adult is throwing the ball, and the little one is catching.

  • Everything is so different! Fine motor skills

You will need flaps that are good to the touch for this exercise. It is best to make a box, the inside of which will be pasted over with fabrics of various textures. You can attach bundles of beads there. The main thing is that nothing comes off. The kid will feel unfamiliar objects hand, accumulating new experience... At the same time, fine motor skills develop well.

  • Talk

The exercise is aimed at developing speech. Looking at the child, the adult says the phrase, referring to the child. Waiting for the baby to give an answer in its own way. An adult tries to repeat this phrase. The little one gives out a new one. The game is based on imitation of dialogue. It is important that the parent pronounces words, syllables, articulating vividly. The child learns to speak by trying to reproduce the movements of the lips of the people around him.

Don't underestimate the little person. Even with imperfect skills to understand the world, the child is already a small person. This means that you need to address him as an interlocutor.

The second "quarter" of the baby's life opens new stage physical, psychological and emotional development... The toddler continues to learn the world, gains new skills, and it is important for a young mother to control the development of the baby and not miss anything. What to expect from the fourth month of life, what should be the daily routine, what should a baby be able to do and how to help him learn the world? Consider in this article the features of the development of a 4 month old baby.

In this article, you will learn:

Maximum communication

At 4 months, the child is interested in literally everything around him, becomes active and sociable, vowels appear in his speech: "a", "e", "i", "y", "gu". He sees at a distance of 30 cm, begins to distinguish colors, is interested in his reflection in the mirror. The baby pays attention to the toys, concentrates and can observe the object for 5-6 minutes, and if it is possible to reach it, it will certainly grab the "prey" and pull it into the mouth.

Now he not only sees and hears, but also tastes objects by touch and even taste.

It is not worth hindering this - the baby must learn the world, and these instincts are inherent in nature itself.

By the way, nature took care of the safety of such research. At 4 months of age, the baby's salivation rapidly increases. This is because saliva acts as a barrier and prevents bacteria from entering the esophagus. But even so, the task of each mother is to ensure that objects that fall into his mouth do not contain too many microbes, so all toys must undergo special processing.

Daily regime

Finally, you have gone through the stage of excruciating colic and now begins quiet life... At this age, the sleep of the baby is deeper. He sleeps for an average of 14-15 hours per day, of which 8-10 are at night. Eats about 6 times a day, about every 3-4 hours.

If the child eats breast milk, then you still do not need to introduce complementary foods.

In addition, the crumbs have already developed their own schedule, he wakes up in the morning and goes to bed at about the same time, time has been set for walks, water procedures, etc. The chair becomes less frequent, about 3-5 times a day. If the baby's health is normal, bowel movements are allowed once a day and even every other day.

Weight and height

In the first months of life, the most intensive growth and weight gain. Average standards have long been developed by pediatricians.

By the way, at this age, the color of the hair and eyes may change. Even if he was born with blue, to fourth month life, native "beads" can turn brown.

If you are on schedule, then the fourth month life will pass without vaccinations, because the first DPT vaccination is done at three months, and the second at four and a half, there are no other vaccinations at this age.

What can a 4 month old baby do?

  • During this period, the stiffness of the muscles disappears, the pressed handles, the shackled fists go into the past, a new stage of cognition of the surrounding world begins. Butuz grabs everything that comes in his way and lies in his field of vision in order to touch and study a new subject.
  • The child confidently holds his head.
  • The arms become tighter, the movements are more coordinated, and the baby already raises its head and shoulders when it lies on its stomach.
  • The baby began to spin, roll over from back to tummy and back. Now mom has to be more attentive. You cannot leave the child alone for a minute on the bed or sofa - before you have time to look back, he will be on the floor.
  • The child tries to sit down. It is not worth hindering this, but you also need to resolve it wisely. The spine has not yet matured, so it will be superfluous to carry in a sitting stroller. Make sure that the climbs are smooth, the sitting is short-term and comfortable, mainly with an indirect landing.
  • The kid already knows his name and reacts to his name, smiling and turning his head towards the caller.
  • He has preferences in the social circle, he distinguishes between close and unfamiliar people. Most often, he demonstrates his affection for his mother or the person who cares for him and spends more time with him.
  • It is a normal reaction if a baby, at the sight of a mother's nipple or nipple, already opens its mouth a little, preparing for a meal, and during a meal holds a breast or a bottle with its hands.
  • Your child is already showing character. Knows what he likes and what he definitely does not want. Therefore, be prepared if he insistently demands to be carried in his arms and categorically refuses to go to the stroller.

How to develop a 4 month old baby?

If he has not shown you talented coups yet, do not be upset, try to teach him. While playing, help the baby to roll over, hold the handle and leg on top in an even position, and then turn the baby over. After a few such supports, the child will understand what's what.

The same applies to the first attempts to sit down. If the toddler is not yet trying to sit down, help him. Reach out your arms, let your child grab onto them, and tug slightly to help him sit up for a few seconds. Plus, this exercise is great for strengthening your back muscles.

Strengthen communication and orientation she will also help the game. Hide with different sides and call the child - he will turn, look for you with his eyes. Toddlers really like this game, they smile and even start laughing. In the game, he remembers his name even better and is oriented in space.

Develop reaction and grasp you can take a toy from the crumbs. He will continue to reach for her and try to grab her in every possible way.

Massages, gymnastics and water procedures do not lose their relevance in the development of a 4 month old baby and help the muscles to get stronger and gain strength.

Of great importance to psycho-emotional state plays communication. The baby reacts warmly to mother's speech and words addressed to him, loves to communicate, responds to smiles and tenderness. The kid can already distinguish facial expressions and feel the difference between a sincere smile and a stony expression on his face.

Healthy baby- active, he needs to be allowed to move and should not be swaddled, even when he is sleeping. On the contrary, often put him naked to warm himself by the window in the sun. Air baths and freedom of movement will give the baby maximum pleasure.

Music has a positive effect, sometimes it is it that allows you to calm down a crying child.

If your son or daughter hurts you, carefully tell you that it is better not to do this, but 4 months is not the age for strict bans, the words "no" and "no".

Baby toys

The choice of toys must be age appropriate. They should be bright, large and safe, without sharp edges or small details. They need to be washed frequently to keep dust and bacteria free.

At this age, you can hang a mobile over the arena or stroller - the baby will be happy to watch moving objects and listen to music.

The baby's teeth appear by 5-6 months, but at the end of the fourth, the first pearl may well appear, so it makes sense to purchase a special ring or cooling toys for teething. They will help to survive the torment and will be interesting to him.

Help your baby to learn about the world, develop it and enjoy every minute of your communication!

Parents need to ensure that the development of a child at 4 months occurs as naturally as possible.

Babies are so tiny and defenseless that they are not yet able to tell what exactly worries them or what they need. Parents have to guess for themselves, based on the experience of generations.

And still they continue to be haunted by fears, is it normal child development.

He has been living with you for 4 months, but doubts prevent him from fully enjoying his fatherhood and motherhood.

Today we will talk about what physical and psychological parameters distinguish a four-month-old baby, what he has already learned at his age and how to provide him with the most harmonious development.

Features of the development of a child at 4 months

Four-month-old babies are different from three-month old babies.

Naturally, they changed physically, but biggest changes happen to their psychology.

It is at this age that many begin to understand: from an ignorant baby doll with unconscious reactions, the baby turns into little man, who knows perfectly well what he wants and is trying with all possible forces to get it.

By the age of 4 months, most children have the following knowledge, skills and abilities, which they willingly demonstrate to others:

  • Easily roll over from back to stomach and vice versa.
  • They try to crawl, helping themselves strenuously with their knees and elbows.
  • They sit, however, while leaning on pillows.
  • If you put him on his stomach, he will independently raise his torso and hold him, resting on his palms.
  • Color, shape, size, sounds - all this the baby can already fully distinguish.
  • Easily navigates who is his own and who is a stranger.

    Moreover, he distinguishes people who spend a lot of time with him not only by outward appearance, but also by voice, smell and even tactile sensations.

    The periods of wakefulness have become much longer - 2 hours or more.

    Part of this time the child is able to entertain himself if you provide him with interesting toys.

    The unconditioned grasping reflex is replaced by meaningful grasping.

    The kid understands that he wants to get this particular item and knows what to do with it.

    For example, he understands that he needs to shake a rattle in order to make a sound.

  • Anything that is within his reach, he tries to drag into his mouth, so make sure that all toys are clean and have no small parts.
  • Will push off a hard surface if you support his armpits.

Physiological development of a child at 4 months

Within a month, the baby gained weight (700–1,000 grams) and grew by 2–4 cm.

The table of physiological parameters of a four-month-old baby looks like this:

In appearance, a four-month-old baby is simply adorable - such a fabulous plump toddler with a toothless smile.

Psychological development of a child 4 months

The period when the primary needs of the child were food and sleep is over.

For normal development a child at 4 months old he needs communication.

Mothers of four-month-old babies often complain that they do not have time to do anything, because the child does not let go of himself for a minute and requires constant communication.

Do not deny your child attention.

Household chores will wait, they are not worth making your baby worry, not wanting to spend time with him.

Children of this age are incredibly friendly. They willingly smile at strangers, try to speak to them in their own language, study them, feeling their faces, trying to stuff their fingers into their mouths.

The need to stay in arms has also not gone away - this is another way of communication for the child.

The baby does not cry so often and only when something really bothers him.

Some mothers complain that their son or daughter has become too moody, whine for no reason, and do not want to play. This may be due to the fact that after a month or two, the child's teeth will erupt, and preparation period makes him uncomfortable.

The spectrum that a child can experience is very bright: fear, interest, joy, resentment, pride in a perfect act, pleasure, pain, etc.

What kind of parental care should be taken for a 4-month-old baby to develop normally?

    The daily sleep rate is 17-18 hours, that is, the periods of wakefulness are reduced.

    The baby wakes up less often at night and the mother finally gets the opportunity to sleep.

    Many babies sleep three times a day at the age of 4 months.

    Daily rate mother's milk or dry mix - up to 1 kg.

    The intervals between meals have become longer, a four-month-old baby eats no more than 8 times a day.

    The baby is already quite meaningfully trying to make the feeding process easier for himself, supporting his mother's breast or a bottle with his palm.


    A four-month-old toddler is already so keenly interested in the world around him that sometimes (if a short walk is planned, during which the baby will be awake) can be replaced with a kangaroo or a sling.

    So he will consider everything that interests him.

    When going outside, you should not wrap your baby too much so that he does not sweat, especially if you are going to carry him on your chest, and not carry him in a stroller.

    The water temperature should not be hot: no more than 37 degrees.

    Change his disposable diaper in time, keep the buttocks clean and intimate area, so as not to provoke the appearance of irritation and inflammation.

A few more words about physical development four month old baby

and caring for him in the video:

Child development at 4 months: games and learning

The kid is already mumbling with might and main in his own language, playing with intonations and sound power.

It is at 4 months that many children pronounce their first two-syllable words: "ma", "pa", "ba", "yes". Maintain a conversation with him, trying to teach him new words and sounds.

At 4 months, the child may already have favorite toys with which he will fall asleep or which he will most willingly play.

Four month old babies are trainable. They can:

  • show various subjects and colors by naming them;
  • read rhymes and short stories;
  • demonstrate what sounds this or that animal makes: how a lion roars, how a dog barks, how a cat meows;
  • during a walk, name objects and people on which the child focuses his attention.

Parents need to make sure that baby development 4 months happened as naturally as possible so that the baby does not overwork, does not get irritated over trifles, does not experience others negative emotions such as fear or anxiety.

He must constantly feel safe and bathed in love.

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