Equipment of desires for the power of thought practical knowledge. The power of thought is the world around themselves. Why this is possible

Do not apply B. this moment special efforts. Just remember all your desires and needs. List them mentally or simply write on the usual piece of paper.

I want happiness, love, money ... I wish you good luck, health, well-being ... I want healthy children and family joy ... And another car, apartment, cottage. Here sample list standard desires and needs modern man. Recognize your thoughts here and do not know how to fulfill cherished desire?

"Why can't I do anything? Someone already has everything, and I have nothing from this list! " - Everyone, whose desires are thinking - only far away, a ghostly dream, calmly wandering in a huge queue for his performance. Why is the fulfillment of dreams, desires so far from you? Because just wanting something and wait - a little. Talk about what you can do to fulfill any my desire.

We succeed with the help of thought

Here many people resort to the practice of thought. At any time of the day, in any space, a person envelops himself an endless web of thought. So we create our reality - positive and negative. Yes, yes, that is how we build our lives. No one is to blame that some idea is not embodied in reality. These are our thoughts so realized.

So how to use your thoughts for the benefit? How to fulfill any desire and fast? If you constantly think and say that nothing addicts in this life, that everything is too bad, then thoughts will be embodied in that energy in which there is nothing good too.

Do not be discouraged if your head has visited randomly, a single thought about injustice of life! It is not scary, single thoughts are much weaker constant. The main thing is not to scroll negative events in the head, as the only memories. Look back how many pleasant, joyful moments happened to you, how many smiles you gave the world and others! It will be much more interesting and more useful for your ideas, for your personal technique for the fulfillment of desires.

Hold your strongest thoughts

Happiness, love or wealth? What of the listed you need most? Decide with your most important desire. The strongest will be the thoughts that will be directed to fast execution Desires and needs. Think of your desire, scroll only positive and kind dooms in your head, do not limit yourself to other people's goals.

Now I will tell you what the technology of execution of desire can be applied in practice. Remember that by making any action, our thoughts program the result, ask a certain program that encourages a person to see certain results and intentions of these actions.

That, the young mother knits a blouse to her baby, thinks during knitting, as she will show her baby, as the first time he puts on him. Thinking about what baby will be beautiful in this outfit, which joyful emotions It will experience and how the child will love this blouse that Mom presented him! Then the child will feel comfortably comfortable in this clothes, conveniently, reliable. The blouse will be the most the best faith For the baby, because mom has invested the most positive energy and love. Here it lies here mine Magic fulfillment of dreams!

Or your family want to please a delicious dinner. Try, cook, what do you think? Think of good, imagine what tasty dish It turns out you how the family praises you for the efforts. It's great because this is the essence of the magical performance of the dream. When this moment really happens, and the whole family praises delicious dinner, the intention of which you prepared food is released - with kindness and love.

There is no secret for anyone that the power of thought still exists. The secret is that few people can use it! Few people possess the strength of thought and can fulfill any desire. But the energy of our thoughts is much stronger even the most honest words. ATTENTION TO ALL! Now for someone I will reveal the most ancient secret of our universe. Without this, even our ancestors did not work out.

We are all - wizards! Each man on Earth is a unique, unique, the only thing in his face. And as if a separate universe man has the special powers of spirit and thought. Let any mental techniques or spiritual practices be equally operating for everyone, because in fact someone helps the fact that for another only a waste of time and strength. But the universal solution for all mankind exists!

The truth that thoughts are material - old as the world. Everyone, at least once in life, noticed that often our thoughts are reincarnated in real life. This applies to both positive and negative moments. Having thoroughly examining this process, you can use it exclusively for the benefit. The result will be the fulfillment of even the most cherished desires.

How is the law of thinking?

This law is based on the fact that any thought person is material, it doesn't matter if it is or good. Absolutely any mind image Reincarnation in the material object. This is a law that needs to be accepted and be able to use it.

Man, complaining of low-paid work near manNo suspects, thereby he sends energy into the universe. It turns out that he himself convinces himself in that he is all bad. In fact, very many desires are executed, but it should be noted that they are not correctly formulated. From this and discontent occurs.

You can take as an example a woman who always saw her husband for spending a little time with his family. From day to day, she repeats the man that he is inattentive in relation to her. She does not pay attention to the fact that her husband works late and fully contains a family. Its attention is focused on one negative moment.

After some time, this woman is surprised that all its requirements are in vain. The husband does not want to change at all. But she does not even suspect that herself created a message to the universe. Right decision It was in its situation - to concentrate attention to positive moments In a relationship with her husband. Over time, the situation could change. But the woman independently created the plot of the intrameal relationship.

The law of thinking works in other situations. We attract events to your life yourself. This is done for us, as an invalid said words and thoughts. This is especially true of our fears. If a person is afraid of something, then ultimately, it will definitely happen. After all, fears are visualized much more clearer. We scroll through every detail in your head and think about it more often than something pleasant. The ability to get rid of fears will help go in the right direction towards achieving their goals.

How correct?

Most often, the execution of the desired thought of thought occurs spontaneously. Few attaches huge efforts To ensure that it happened. All space around a person is filled different species Energy. Interacting with each other and man, they form any event.

If a person creates the right energy around him, he is able to independently affect the events occurring in his life. In order for desires to be performed under the influence of the strength of thought, the following rules should be followed:

1 - accurate wording of desire;
If a person himself does not know what he wants, he wants, he will receive something nexomable. There are many ways to make an accurate wording of desire. You can describe it in detail on a paper sheet or visualize. For example, if you want to visit Spain, then the desire "I want abroad" will be very blurred. It should be imagined, walking along the streets of Rome or how you attend his sights.
In this process, it is important to pay attention to the details.

2 - concentration on your dream;
The message of the energy in the direction of the dream execution will be the most effective if it periodically repeats. You can remember your desire for lunch breaks or before bedtime, presenting in detail how you will be located.

3 - the presence of patience;
Nothing happens by clicking the fingers. The awareness of this will help loyal to refer to the process of attracting the desired. It should be patiently waiting for a dream to come true, and the Universe will throw ways to achieve it.

4 - desires must be feasible;
It should be understood that not all desires have a property come true. When setting its goal, you must listen to the voice of the mind. For example, the acquisition eternal youth Or immortality is an inadequate dream. But you can choose more landed targets - as long as possible to remain young or have good health.

Equipment of desires for the power of thought - is it really possible? What is visualization? How to properly visualize the desires to be executed?

Friends, you have a big article about execution of desires Thanks strength of thought and visualization. Perhaps you heard something about it, but not yet you can boast of impressive results. In this case, just read this article: you will learn how the strength of thought to fulfill any of your cherished desire, not to mention everyday. This is what really makes your life better!

Have you ever been fulfilled your desires? Remember how much happiness did you then have experienced? So, dear readers of the Sizho. It can be done so that wishes are performed much more efficient. This will help us the power of thought with visualization. So, are you ready to change the life of the strength of thought? Today we will study in detail the technique of execution of desires.

The power of thought ... How does it work? When we think about something, our thoughts emit waves at a certain frequency. Each object of our thoughts has its own radiation frequency.

In the Universe, the law of attraction is valid: this is attracted to the like. If we are purposeful or simply regularly we dream of something, then the universe does not remain anything but to fulfill our desires. Sometimes it takes a lot of time, sometimes little. The time of execution of desires depends on many factors that we consider further. But the result in the form of execution of desire is stable. This, my friends, the law of attraction in action! We get what we think we concentrate on.?

Did it happen that unexpectedly did you get what I once dreamed of in the past? Were there any situations when it was worth just thinking about a person, and he immediately called you or met on the way? Have such magic situations happened when it cost you about something to think about something that suddenly found you?

Accidents are not accidental. This is the manifestation of the strength of thought.

"Wait, posttoye! After all, much more often my dreams and desires come true! " - You will say. And you will be right. Often nothing happens, despite our thoughts. But! Desires are not executed only due to the fact that we incorrectly use the strength of thought.

Learn the strength of thought can be (and necessary). Want to know how to properly visualize the desire? Would you like to learn how to manage the strength of thought? Strive to change the life of the thoughts? Size will tell how to do it correctly and efficiently.


Visualizing our desires, we fulfill them with the help of the Universe. The law of attraction works on our side, if we want. We always get what we think most of all. And our life at least half is the result of our thoughts.

Visualization is a presentation of the performance of desire in imagination. Not just a representation of desire, namely the representation of his execution! This is a key point.

For example, if you visualize how you miss something, the universe will obey and make that this shortage in your life becomes even more.

But if you visualize the process of possessing something or achieving something, the universe will fulfill your desire. You will get what needs.

The main thing in visualization is to completely surrender to the feelings and emotions that will be filled with the performance of desire. No less important to be the main acting person Your visualization. Then everything will definitely work!

For example, you dream about loving family, big House, rewaying machine. It makes no sense to think about it as something remote from you. Imagine how you are on your car with comfort going through the speed highway. Feel all the joy and euphoria from the possession of this Iron Horse. Feel like when you press the gas pedal, happiness fills you, and the heart beats faster from the strongest acceleration. Are you experiencing inspiration and inspiration? If so, then you correctly visualize your desire. We continue! You are in a hurry home. Here you enter the goal of your own big House And put the car in the garage. The house amazes with its greatness, and he is very cozy. Your children play in the yard, and you turn on their game, having fun and fool, experiencing sincere pleasure. Favorite comes out of the house, laughs and calls you to the table. Mmm, Delicious! And how beautiful it is when the whole family is assembled. You can discuss so many interesting things. You are so good in a family circle! After lunch, you decide to walk in the wonderland, which surrounds your home. The smell of blooming Sakura, the smell of freshness and life is poured into your lungs. Sometimes it seems to you that you are in a dream, but you pour yourself and assume that this is a reality. Your reality you have chosen!

Approximately this is the visualization of any desire. Enjoy, live your desire - and it will certainly come true! When you present the exercise of the desire in every detail might power The universe performs it. The universe always goes through the least resistance. For it is so easier - less energy loss. Therefore, a stubborn scrolling in the head of a picture of the execution of desire is sooner or later leads to its real execution. The strength of thought attracts into your life all you wish, including happiness and health. Use it!

How to properly visualize the desire? Do it when you think right. Naturally, the more often and regularly you will be engaged in visualization, the better. But it's not worth the sticking stick, otherwise bring yourself to nervous breakdown. Let the visualization be in joy - do it regularly when you feel right moment. That is, you need to have pleasure from the process itself. If it is, then you do everything!

So, friends, we learned to correctly visualize the fulfillment of desires. Now you know that the power of thought is capable of much. But how to develop the power of thought? How to speed up the fulfillment of desires? If you want to learn "professionally" to use the strength of thought, then the information proposed below will also be very useful for you.

The technique of execution of desires by the power of thought

The technology of execution of desires is simple - you only need to follow some laws. As mentioned, many factors affect the strength of thought. They are in front of you! Remember them and apply the knowledge gained when visualization.

This will help your strength of thought to fulfill desires much more efficiently.

  1. Do not overestimate importance. This is one of the key laws of execution of desires. For example, if you put everything on one card, cutting off all the ways to retreat, say ourselves "I'll get it, otherwise my life does not make sense," then you greatly overestimate the importance. You already know that the universe is acting along the path of least resistance. Inflatable importance you just have the strongest resistance. That is, you yourself are not wanting, prevent the universe to fulfill your desire. Therefore, desires with overpriced importance are rarely executed. Or the term of execution increases significantly. In total, it can be avoided if it is not forbidden excessive importance. Healthy pofigism helps in this well. The smaller the importance, the easier the desires are fulfilled. Imagine that you go to the shop for bread. Importance at zero or close to that, yes? That's the closer to this level there will be the importance of your desires, the better they will be executed.
  2. Know that everything will work out. The fulfillment of desires is similar to the path in ground darkness. Nothing is visible and not clear where we go. Should the finish sooner? Is we moving right? There are no answers. Almost unknown! The worst thing that can be done in this situation is to decide that the fulfillment of desires does not work in your case. This is mistake! Maybe your desire was almost turned almost turned out, but you stopped believing in his implementation, and thus canceled the order. Therefore, friends, do not even believe, but know. For knowledge is stronger than faith. In order to know, start with little desires. They are faster. And when you see the effectiveness of the strength of thought, then you wake up at the desire of bigger. Know that everything will definitely work out.
  3. Everything has its time. This follows from the previous point. Yes, the unknown is oppressing. No one will provide us accurate deadlines fulfills our desires. Expectation fast results - One of the main errors of visualizing people. Without seeing an instant response to his actions, we are disappointed in the strength of thought. Because of this, we risk nothing to get or get when the need for this will disappear. And the reason you just didn't have enough patience. Just keep the importance on zero and know that everything is sooner or later. Keep patience, we significantly enhance the power of thought, because great importance Has following the selected course. Panic and disappointment do not lead to anything good. Patience, friends, only patience. Remember this!
  4. Expand the comfort zone. If you wish to be rich, and you yourself eat the cheapest noodle of fast cooking, then you urgently need to work on the expansion of the comfort zone. Allone gives us only what we are worthy. What are we worthy? This is determined only by ourselves. We only get what we can afford. It is impossible to get something if you consider yourself unworthy of this. To fulfill the desire and afford to have, you need to prepare for his execution in advance. Throw thoughts that now it is too expensive for you or difficult. Consider what you like, and forget about the means and paths of achievement. Compare, choose as if you can buy or get it today. The universe will arrange so that you will get what needs. The desire will definitely be fulfilled if you allow yourself to have the desired one.
  5. Act! As Bill Gates said: "Between the sofa and the ass, the dollar will not fly." A little rude, but right. The power of thought without targeted actions does not make sense. Anything, your desire is to become rich. Okay! The desire is scheduled for, you lie on the sofa and spit into the ceiling, actively visualizing and applying the power of thought. Where it leads? You can suddenly get the inheritance from rich uncle. And if you do not have a uncle? Then the bummer - the universe will receive your request, but it is unlikely to fulfill it, because it is too energy-cost. But! If you are in addition to visualization, at least buy lottery ticket, then your chances will be rejected multiple times. Power of thought + action \u003d fulfillment of desire!Maximum efficiency and productivity in the execution of desires we achieve when we combine the power of thought and action. In fact, to fulfill the desire (especially some kind of global) alone by the power of thought will be difficult. But if you also rearrange your legs in the right direction, then everything gets easy! The necessary doors open before us, in other words, acting, we are thereby providing the universe convenient opportunities for our desires.
  6. Energy for visualization. For our desires, we must have the power of thought. We get energy, mainly from the right nutrition and at least minimal exercise. What is proper nutrition? Try to present in your diet as many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds. Supermarket synthetics It is advisable to exclude or limit. , do not allow dewatering. Do not move, engage in gymnastics, for example, by the Ok Renaissance. Excite bad habits: Alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. We are more likely to be in nature, often feel happiness and joy. All this in the complex will give good level Energy. Forces, including the fulfillment of desires, will become much larger. Create!


The power of thought and visualization are tools that skillful hands Wonderful wonders. Learn the strength of thought to use the law of attraction in their own interests, useful to every person.

If you do not trust esoteric, then consider the power of thoughts with a feature of our brain. When we think about something regularly, it is easier for us to notice around everything that can help us in the performance of desire.

One way or another, the strength of thought is valid, and proper visualization Creates miracles. The fulfillment of desires for the power of thought is available to each of us. Love, success, healing, money - everything is subject to thoughts. If your desire for happiness is you happiness. If health - get, lay down. The strength of thought works trouble-free. Thank you, dear readers of the sizhn, which read the article to the end. The article turned out great, it is written on the basis of personal experience. We tried to highlight the scope of the desires, visualization and strength of thought. Please write comments on this interesting topic.

More on the topic:

Willpower. 5 tips, how to develop, develop and strengthen the power of will

Today I will share with you one magic ritual on the fast execution of desire. I often use it myself when you need to urgently get something or quickly execute the "burning" desire.

Immediately make a reservation that your goal should not be global and hard to achieve. This technique is only suitable for the execution of real and quite "earthly" goals.

But at first, let's remember the embodiment of the intentional conceived with the help of the energy of the thought and strength of the inner intention.

  • The desire must be true . It should belong to you and anyone else - neither neighbor, nor a friend or advertising of some product. That is, your goal should not be imposed on the outside, but to go from the depths of your soul. How to check the desire for truth, can I learn from the article "?"
  • Relaxation . When conducting a ritual for rapid execution of the desire, you must relax and stop the action of the mind, that is, to stop the "thought thunderstorm" and calm your emotions.
  • Concentration . It is necessary to focus as much as possible and focusing the focus of its attention on the end result, throwing towards the path and ways to achieve it.
  • Imagination and emotions . Creating an image of the desired in its imagination and filling it with emotions is an important part of the ritual. The image should be clear and clear, and emotions are bright and stronger. The clearer image and stronger positive emotions, the faster and easier to achieve the goal.

Ritual for rapid fulfillment of desires

For the ritual you will need:

  • pure white paper sheet
  • red marker or felt-tip
  • white Long Wax Candle

Write your wish beautiful handwriting On a piece of paper. Let me remind you that it should be in the affirmative form, in the present time, do not contain the "not" part and the words "want". For example: "I get an increase in the post!"

Apply to the candle with the same marker 6 fission-markers at the same distance from each other. Thus, you divide the candle to 7 equal parts.

Light the candle, the extremely concentrate on your purpose and think about it continuously until the flame of the candle reaches the first division. For a second, do not let go of the focus of your attention from the target, connect all your imagination and energy of intent.

Try to see all the details of the desired already executed and soak emotions of joy from his materialization! After all, you just embodied it in Thin worldNow - only a matter of time. Mentally thank the Almighty Universe for His Performance!

When the candle of the fruit to the first mark, hindle it (do not be blown!), Put it on the windowsill on top to the sheet with a mandated desire.

Repeat the ritual of 7 days in a row.

On the last, seventh day, at the time when the candle almost completely freezes, burn a sheet with a record in her flame, and the remaining ash can be cautiously in the wind through the open window of the same window sill, on which 7 days "lived" your desire.

If you have done everything right - it is extremely concentrated, connected to full power our emotions and brightly visualized the final goal - the desired must quickly be fulfilled.

Everything, your task is now - as quickly as possible ... Forget about it, so that the expectation energy does not "prescribe a reality" and did not interfere with the exercise of the desired. Switch to other cases and allow the universe to find the shortest paths and ways to implement it.

Well, now you know, quickly and easily. Share this wonderful ritual with your friends - for this, please click on the buttons social networks At the bottom under the article - let the opportunity and their dreams will be fulfilled as quickly as yours!

Alain Golovin

Interesting on the topic:

There is a bit of pragmatists, arguing that our consciousness exists separately from physical world. We stand on the verge of the era of the transition to another level, where the thinking of a person, his power of thought is what changes environmental reality. Materialists are difficult to accept these words for the immutable truth.

However, the materialists even recently could not even imagine that, using a small instrument with a notebook, it would be possible to communicate with those who live on the other end globe, shoot movies, take pictures, send these photos to everyone, watch TV shows. Yes, you never know more opportunities in the usual smartphone for us, now even a child! Nevertheless, even recently he was a miracle of technology that only favorites used.

Power inside us

So thinking is what seemed strange and impossible even recently, now gets scientific justification, Building a slim picture of the world, which guarantees the laws of the Universe. Our consciousness is the flow of the finest energy, the energy is dynamic and very influential. You can change the life of strength of thought, cure the disease, achieve the desired, to manage reality.

We are accustomed to reacting only in one direction, reflect as a mirror what is happening around us. However, our beliefs, hopes, deep fears, desires affect ourselves on our own, and on our environment, and on the world around. We do not notice this, because most of us are in the head, by a member of the definition of physics scientist and esoterica Vadim Zelanda, a real "thought mixer". Nevertheless, the laws of the Universe are arranged so that no our thought remainsless.

Want to change the world around yourself, find new jobBuild harmonious relations with loved ones financial prosperity? Change your thinking - and changes will not wait to wait. First you need to take the first step - to learn to control the course of your thoughts, be able to direct them in the right direction. No need to constantly think

  • about how everything is expensive;
  • about what you don't have something;
  • that you never achieve wealth;
  • that there is no well-paid creative work for you;
  • that you cannot support the company;
  • about how great the likelihood of getting sick.
The famous brain test explorer John Keko compares our thinking with a garden that can be made well-groomed and flowering, and you can leave running. A person is a gardener, reaunting or beautiful fruits of his work, or his inactivity thistle.

Fulfillment of desires

It is quite possible, not even knowing what the power of thought, you noticed that the most strong desires Sooner or later, they are still executed. The fulfillment of desires for the power of thought occurs when a person does not have the slightest doubt whether it needs it, the whole body in the cell level seeks a single goal. The laws of the universe with enthusiasm take such desires for execution, because the soul and the mind are one in this impulse.

Sometimes the opposite situation happens - it seems to not interfere with the exercise of the desired, but something resists, some kind of "worm is biting" from the inside. And if there is the slightest doubt, the fulfillment of desires for the power of thought will not work. For example, you are trying to change the place of work, and even found suitable option. But quiet inner voice, which is felt that barely in the form of a small internal discomfort, says that at this work you will not be able to show your creative skillsYou will be uninteresting.

You can not hear it, but your subconscious will hear must necessarily and create you obstacles on the way in the form of random trouble. It all happens so that you listen to your inner "I" and refused unnecessary goals. In order for the power of thought to show their huge potential to make a dream with reality, you need to check yourself for the truth of the desired one.

The fulfillment of desires for the power of thought should go from the heart, and not from the mind, inspire and delight, and not be a dream of calculating, or for reasons.

Desire to lose weight, lose overweight With the help of diets and various techniques It leads to the fact that the body refuses to perform some of its functions. The embodiment of the dream of Ob. perfect Figure, we deny our body, and it will take us by the appearance of disease. But it is the body that reflects on physical level The processes occurring in our soul. Through the body of the soul, it is a kind of message, but it is a positive or negative, one can judge the problems with the body.

When a person acquires positive thinking, he has the opportunity not only to rejuvenate the body, but also to cure himself from all diseases. So, for example, the belief that life is hard, forces the back, shoulders and the neck bending, the gait becomes a screaming, osteochondrosis appears, the legs are dirty on the ground. All this can be cured, if you change the best life beliefs.

Fat on the body is a sign that you need protection from the surrounding world. To embody the dream of slender television In life, you should first think about what and where you have to defend yourself. In addition, the body needs to be eating, load, care and rest, you need to listen to your body and respond to his needs. Positive thinking - Builder of our body, and here the laws of the universe also play their role. With their help, it is possible at the subconscious level to make the body perfect outside and inside.

We treat yourself

How to develop the power of thought so that you can heal yourself from diseases? No doctor has yet cured a single patient - this statement could sound blaspheme if we did not know that self-defense is wonderful property of our body. He independently monitors the distribution nutrients, discard slags, healing wounds, by the captivity of broken bones.

If the strength of thought will be laid in the subconscious word about your strong health, this is positive statement The body's self-describing will be activated. The laws of the Universe will help heal the disease if you believe in your strength. It is necessary to persistently work with their statements about life.

It is believed that the disease arises if she needs a person for reasons that he himself can not fully realize. There is not enough attention, love, care, communication with loved ones, need asylum from cruelty. These moments need to clarify for themselves, think that you win from the disease, no matter how strange it sounds.

The disease comes if the laws of the universe are not harmonized with the content of your thoughts. That is, changing destructive thoughts (fear, excitement, jealousy), you can stop the destruction of the body.

Using the laws of the Universe, it is possible with the help of subconscious, the power of thinking to fulfill the dream of an ideal body, stop aging, treat any ailments. The main thing is that you need to remember - must be cultivated in the subconscious life-affirming words and allegations.