Plan-summary of the lesson (middle group) on the topic: Synopsis of the regime moment “Washing”. Middle group. Organization of regime moments in different age groups

Topic 6. Methods for organizing and conducting washing, dressing, eating, walking, sleeping in accordance with the age of preschool children

Independent work № 5

Based on the analysis of the Exemplary Basic General Education Program preschool education"FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" compile a table "Formation of cultural and hygienic skills"


  1. Recall the content of the structure of the “Exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” (hereinafter referred to as the Program), edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

  2. In the section "Content of psychological pedagogical work» in each age group, analyze the content of the educational area "Health", study the tasks for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, fill in the table. Track the change in the leading tasks by filling in the table:

Age group
Types of CGT

1 junior group

2 junior group

middle group

Senior group

Tasks for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills


Teeth cleaning



Shoe cleaning and washing

outerwear care

Bed making

Eating, drinking

in the toilet

Keeping the nose clean

Keeping personal belongings clean

Recommended literature:

Independent work No. 6

Making an album of small art forms (rhymes) aimed at the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

  1. Pick up nursery rhymes for holding regime moments:

  • washing

  • Combing

  • dressing, undressing

  • Eating, drinking

  • Sleeping

  1. Design an album that you can use in spending regime moments and learning with children.

  1. Zebzeeva V.A. Organization regime processes in DOW. - M.: TC Sphere, 2008. - 80 p.

  2. Astashina M.P., Treshcheeva O.L. Folklore in the physical education of preschool children. // Preschool education. 1997. No. 3.

Independent work No. 7
Drawing up a thesis summary “Development of psycho physical qualities in preschool children"

  1. Using the tutorials below, read the contents of the relevant study material.

  2. Make up thesis summary"Development of psychophysical qualities" according to the plan:

  1. Definition of "psychophysical qualities".

  2. Brief description of psychophysical qualities:

  • Power

  • Agility

  • Flexibility

  • Endurance

  • Equilibrium

  1. Methodology for the development of psychophysical qualities in preschool children.

  1. Educator for physical culture in preschool institutions: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher And Wednesday. Ped. Proc. Institutions / Kozhukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M.; ed. S.A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - S.70-71.

  2. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher And Wednesday. Ped. Proc. Institutions. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2001. - S. 102-128.

  3. Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age: a textbook for students. Institutions Prof. Education / [S.O. Filippova, T.V. Volosnikova, O.A. Kaminsky and others]; ed. S.O. Filippova. - 3rd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. - 101-112 p.

Independent work No. 8

Make a card index of outdoor games (at least 20 cards).


  1. Analyze the content of the educational area "Physical culture" in the section "Mobile games" classifying games by types of movements, degree of mobility and fill in the table:

Types of games

1 junior group

2 junior group

middle group

Senior group

preschool group

  • With walking and running

  • Crawling, crawling, climbing

  • With throwing and catching, throwing

  • With bouncing, jumping

  • For orientation in space

  • relay races

  • With competition elements

  • Folk games

  1. Make a card index of outdoor games: five cards for each age group, at least 20 cards in four envelopes.
The size of the cards is 7.5 - 12.5 cm. Insert the cards into an envelope designed for the age group.
Card example:

1 side 2 side

  1. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL", edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

Independent work No. 9

Making an album of physical education minutes, counting rhymes

To develop an album, please read carefully.

Physical education minutes- short-term physical exercises aimed at preventing fatigue, restoring mental performance (excite areas of the cerebral cortex that were not involved in previous activities, and give rest to those who worked). They improve blood circulation, relieve fatigue of the nervous system, activate the thinking of children, create positive emotions and increase interest in learning. Based on this, for a physical culture minute they make up a complex that includes 3 - 4 simple exercises for large muscle groups (legs, arms, shoulder girdle, torso), activating breathing and blood circulation. They are performed within 1.5-2 minutes from the middle group. The term "physical minute" is not used with children.

The main forms of physical education

In the form of general developmental exercises. 3-4 exercises are used for different groups muscles, jumping, running in place or walking.

In the form of a mobile game medium mobility, not requiring a lot of space, with simple, well-known rules for children.

V the form of a didactic game with movement, which fits well into classes on familiarization with nature, on the sound (phonetic) culture of speech, and mathematics.

A form of guessing riddles that children Guesses are represented by movements. N- p: bunny, bear, frog, tree, mushroom, etc. Their value is that the child is looking for a motor image for a guess, and this, in turn, contributes to the intensification of thinking processes, the search for the most expressive movements.

In the form of dance moves under the sound recording, the singing of the teacher or the children themselves. Melodies should be of moderate rhythm, not loud, sometimes smooth.

In the form of performing movements to the text of the poem: t the text of poems should be highly artistic, preference is given to poems with a clear rhythm; the content of the text of the poem should be combined with the theme of the lesson, its program task.

In the form of any motor action and task: imitation movements, labor actions (chopping firewood, starting the engine, driving a car).

Requirements for physical education

Carried out at the initial stage of fatigue (8-I, 13th 15th minutes of the lesson - depending on the age of the children, the type of activity, the complexity of the educational material).

Exercises should be simple in structure, interesting and familiar to children.

Exercises should be comfortable to perform in a limited area.

Exercises should include movements that affect large muscle groups that improve the functional activity of all organs and systems.

Preference should be given to exercises for tired muscle groups.

Rhymes- short rhyming verses used by children to determine the leader or the distribution of roles in the game. The counting book leads the child into the game, serves the self-organization of children, promotes the development of honesty, a sense of camaraderie, and has cognitive, aesthetic and ethical functions. Children develop fantasy, creativity, observation, as children take the topics of counting rhymes from the life of people, animals, observations of natural phenomena.

Classification of counting rhymes: rhymes - numbers, abstruse rhymes, rhymes - substitutions.

  1. Design an album physical education minutes, counting rhymes. The album consists of cards in two sections: "Physical minutes", "Counting". The size of the cards is 7.5 - 12.5 cm. Insert the cards into an envelope designed for each section.
Each envelope contains at least 10 cards. Card example:

Physical education counting


Ate dumplings


Came out on deck

Fast sailor.

Hands raised and shook

These are the trees in the forest.

Hands bent, brushes shaken

The wind knocks down the dew.

To the side of the hand, gently wave -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down, we will also show

  1. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL", edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

  2. Averina I.E. exercise minutes and dynamic pauses in DOW - M., 2007.

  3. Astashina M.P., Treshcheeva O.L. Folklore in the physical education of preschool children. // preschool education. 1997. No. 3.

  4. Educator for physical culture in preschool institutions: textbook. allowance for students. higher and avg. ped. textbook institutions / Kozhukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M.; ed. S.A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - S.196., S.274-278.

  5. Kovalko V.I. ABC of physical education minutes for preschoolers: Middle, senior, preparatory groups. M., 2008

  6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: textbook. allowance for students. higher and avg. ped. textbook establishments. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2001. - S. 78-85., S. 295.

  7. Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age: a textbook for students. medium institutions. prof. education / [S.O. Filippova, T.V. Volosnikova, O.A. Kaminsky and others]; ed. S.O. Filippova. - 3rd ed., Rev. and additional - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. - 224 p.

  8. Shebeko V.N. Physical Education of Preschoolers: Textbook for Students of Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions. / V.N. Shebeko, N.N. Ermak, V.A. Shishkin. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 192.
Independent work No. 1o

Scenario Development physical culture leisure(holiday) in one age group (age group of the student's choice)


  1. From the section "Cultural and leisure activities" of the program "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" write out an approximate list sports entertainment. Filling in the table, trace the change in the leading tasks:

Age group

Tasks of the KDD

Approximate list of sports entertainment

2 junior group

middle group

Senior group

preschool group

  1. To develop a plan-outline of physical education, carefully read
Recommendations for the preparation and conduct of physical education

  1. Synopsis principles:

  • Correspondence of motor tasks the age of the children, their level physical fitness;

  • The principle of health-improving, developing and educating nature- fulfillment of tasks that require children to develop physical qualities, moral and volitional qualities, the ability to act in a team, increase motor activity;

  • The principle of visibility. Using the surprise moment;

  • Consciousness principle. It involves understanding by children the essence of the proposed topic of entertainment, the content of the motor tasks that they produce, as well as understanding the content of the literary accompaniment of these tasks;

  • The principle of accessibility. When selecting motor tasks, the age of children, the state of health, the level of their physical fitness are taken into account. One of the main conditions for accessibility is the gradual complication of tasks, their continuity;

  • The principle of systematic. In the alternation of load and rest, in physical education, some tasks are performed together, others in turn.

  1. Option for physical culture leisure (holiday):

  • Built on familiar outdoor games and game exercises;

  • Built on the elements of one of the sports games;

  • Built on relay race games;

  • Built on one of sports exercises or basic movements (skiing, swimming pool, throwing, cycling, etc.);

  • Sports and musical (compete in the quality of performing movements to the music).

  1. Participation of children in the performance of tasks (frontal forms of organization, subgroups, individual).

  2. A variety of proposed motor tasks (with running, jumping, etc.)

  3. Accounting for the educator of the individual characteristics of children.

  4. Participation of the educator in leisure activities:

  • Only explains tasks;

  • Participates in judging;

  • Helps those who cannot organize their actions;

  • Helps weak children;

  • Summarizes the results taking into account the characteristics of the team or group.

  1. Attributes of leisure, its aesthetic, practical educational values.

  2. Use of musical accompaniment.
Entertainment structure:

    1. Opening of the holiday - exit of participants, formation, parade of participants, their greeting. Presentation of the panel of judges, the order of scoring.

    2. Demonstration performances from a complex of general developmental exercises with large objects accompanied by musical accompaniment or musical and rhythmic movements.

    3. Conducting games with elements of competitions, relay races, various types of sports exercises and games.

    4. "Surprise moment", rides, riddles.

    5. Summing up, rewarding children. General dance, parade of participants, general photography.

  1. Using the recommended list of methodological sources, select scenarios physical entertainment for winter and summer season(2 pieces).

  1. Using the selected scenario, develop a plan - a summary of physical education in one age group (age group at the student's choice) adhering to the following plan:

  • Topic:

  • Age group:

  • Target:
Tasks: consolidation and improvement of motor skills ... .., educational and developing.

  • Preliminary work:

  • Hall decoration:

  • Equipment and inventory:

  • Children's dress code:

  • Entertainment progress:

1 part

Children enter the hall to the music, rebuilding in two columns.

Greeting teams, introduction of the jury.

Warm-up is a set of general developmental exercises to music.

part 2

Surprise moment, rides, riddles.

Games are relay races.

part 3

Summing up and rewarding, leaving children to music.

  1. When developing an abstract, consider the requirements for organizing leisure:

  • Careful preliminary preparation and development of the program;

  • Creation creative team to develop a scenario and conduct an event;

  • Repetition of exercises, outdoor games, relay races in physical education classes, walks, independent activity.

  • Alternation of venues (sports ground, forest clearing, park, sports facility, etc.), its design.

  • Ensuring a sufficiently high motor activity through the correct selection of exercises, the sequential execution of tasks - outdoor and sports games, relay races, dances, exercises with elements of acrobatics and rhythmic gymnastics, demonstration performances from general developmental exercises, etc.

  • Wide use of the artistic word - poems, riddles, game exercises. Surprise moment.

  • Maximum and rational use physical culture equipment.

  • Musical accompaniment.

  • Compliance of children's clothing with the theme of the event, air temperature, weather conditions.
Recommended literature:

  1. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL", edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012.

  2. Physical education teacher in preschool institutions: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher And Wednesday. Ped. Proc. Institutions / Kozhukhova N.N., Ryzhkova L.A., Samodurova M.M.; ed. S.A. Kozlova. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002. - S.198-201.

  3. Karneichik V. Holidays in kindergarten. // Health of a preschooler. 2012. No. 6. S. 3-6.

  4. Lysova V.Ya., Yakovleva T.S., Zatsepina M.B., Vorobieva
    Sports holidays and entertainment. - M., 2001.

  5. Nechitailova A., Polunina N., Arkhipova M. Children's Olympic Games // Preschooler's health. 2013. No. 2. S. 10-15.

  6. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methods of physical education and development of the child: Proc. Allowance for students. Higher And Wednesday. Ped. Proc. Institutions. - M.: Mosaic-Sintez, 2001. - S. 297-301.

  7. Poyarkova T.Yu. Olympic games in kindergarten. // Physical education instructor. 2013. No. 6. P. 106-113.

  8. Privezentseva E. School of a young defender // Health of a preschooler. 2013. No. 2. S. 2-4.

  9. Theoretical and methodological foundations of physical education and development of children of early and preschool age: a textbook for students. Institutions Prof. Education / [S.O. Filippova, T.V. Volosnikova, O.A. Kaminsky and others]; ed. S.O. Filippova. - 3rd ed., Rev. And extra. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011. - 224 p.

  10. Shebeko V.N., Ermak N.N. Physical culture holidays in kindergarten M., 2001.

  11. Shebeko V.N. Physical Education of Preschoolers: Textbook for Students of Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions. / V.N. Shebeko, N.N. Ermak, V.A. Shishkin. – M.: Academy, 2007. – 192.

Publication date: 05/31/16

There is no task more important than to raise a healthy person. It is necessary from an early age to introduce the child to personal hygiene in family and public education, to form in children the skills of protecting personal health and caring for the health of others.

It is known that human health is laid in childhood. The child's body is very plastic, it is much more sensitive to the impact external environment than the body of an adult. And on what these influences are - favorable or not, depends on how his health develops. It is at preschool age that it is necessary to instill in the child the habit of cleanliness and accuracy.

Target: To awaken to the implementation of elementary hygiene skills. Tasks:

continue to teach children the process of washing;

develop self-care skills; perform movements for the teacher;

achieve desired result; activate vocabulary.

Regime moment "Washing"

That's right - wash up! Now we will teach you!!)))) Who knows how to cleanly wash? Who is not afraid of water? This is us! This is us! This is us!

The game “Who knows how to cleanly wash? »

Who knows how to clean?

Who is not afraid of water? (hands up)

This is us! This is us! This is us!

Who doesn't want to be dirty

Do you wash your ears well? (hands up)

This is us! This is us! This is us!

We can wash

We wash my neck with a washcloth (my neck)

And then we'll wash it smartly

We are above the basin head (my head)

And that's it! And that's it! And that's it!

To clean your feet

We will wash them a little. (wash my feet)

And that's it! And that's it! And that's it!

We washed like big ones,

Here we are clean.

Look! Look! Look!


1.roll up your sleeves the faucet

3.wash your hands

4. soap your hands

5.Put the soap into the soap dish

6. rub your hands

7. wash off the soap

8.wash your face hands

10. take your own towel

11. Wipe dry face and hands

12.close the faucet

Whoever does not roll up his sleeve, he will not receive water.

It is necessary to open the tap so that water flows in a small stream.

Where is the water hiding? Come out, Voditsa, We have come to wash!

They washed their fingers with soap, they washed their hands with soap, that's what patties, patties, palms.

"We will wash our hands with soap and water. We will have clean hands. With you and me."

It's okay if you drop the soap, you can pick it up.

We lathered our hands and put the soap in the house - a soap dish

Wash off soap with water

Take water in your palms and wash your face

And now we will wipe. Where is the towel? Here it is, off the hook.

Unroll and wipe.

Now let's hang a towel in the house

We washed ourselves like big ones, here we are clean. Look! Look! Look!

Tasks for the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children

GKP (from 3 to 4 years)
1. Teach children to wash their hands, face, hang a towel in their place.
2. Form food skills: do not crumble bread, do not spill food, chew food with your mouth closed.
3. Teach children how to properly use a spoon, fork, napkin.

Middle group (from 4 to 5 years).
1. Improve neat eating skills: take food little by little, chew well, eat silently,
2. Continue to teach how to use cutlery (spoon, fork, knife), napkin,
3. Learn to rinse your mouth after eating.

Senior group (from 5 to 6 years).
1. Improve food skills: use cutlery (fork, knife) correctly
2.Eat neatly, silently, while maintaining the correct posture at the table
3. Continue to cultivate the skills of cultural behavior: leaving the table, quietly push the chair, thank adults.

Preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years).
1. To consolidate the skills of cultural behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table, drink and chew food silently
2. Correctly use a knife, fork, napkin

Cultural and hygienic skills- important component behavior culture. The need for neatness, keeping the face, body, hair, clothes, shoes clean is dictated not only by the requirements of hygiene, but also by the norms human relations. Children must understand that respect for others is shown in observing these rules, that it is unpleasant for any person to touch a dirty hand or look at untidy clothes. A sloppy person who does not know how to take care of himself, his appearance, his actions, as a rule, is careless in his work.

The education of cultural and hygienic skills is important not only for the success of the socialization of children, but also for their health.

Caring for the health of children, their physical development begins with educating them in love for cleanliness, neatness, and order. “One of the most important tasks of a kindergarten,” wrote N.K. Krupskaya, “is to instill in children skills that strengthen their health. WITH early age children should be taught to wash their hands before eating, eat from a separate plate, walk clean, cut their hair, shake out clothes, do not drink raw water, eat on time, sleep on time, be more fresh air etc".
The basis of the full physical development of the child younger age is to introduce him to the basics of a healthy lifestyle. In introducing children to healthy lifestyle life, it is important for preschoolers to master the basics of hygiene culture.

The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is a long process, in connection with this, the same tasks can be repeated many times. The upbringing of skills is carried out by methods of direct influence, exercises, i.e., by teaching, accustoming, therefore, the upbringing of cultural and hygienic skills must be planned in the daily routine.

From the first days of life, during the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, there is not a simple assimilation of rules, norms of behavior, but extremely important process socialization, humanization of the baby, his "entry" into the world of adults. Mental development is an uneven process, its lines do not go simultaneously, there are periods of the most rapid development of certain functions, mental qualities. These periods are called sensitive - the most favorable for development. For the initial formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the sensitive period falls on early childhood.

With the help of correlative actions, objects are brought into the appropriate spatial positions: the baby closes and opens the boxes, puts the soap in the soap dish, hangs it on the hook by the loop, fastens the buttons, laces up the shoes.

The daily routine, in the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, is of great importance. The daily routine is a clear routine of life during the day. Getting involved in the daily routine, performing everyday processes, the child masters a series of cultural and hygienic skills. These skills are one of the components of the culture of behavior in everyday life. A skill that has become a need is a habit. The habit of washing allows the child to do this deftly and quickly, and the habit of washing encourages him to do it willingly and without compulsion. As they are mastered, cultural and hygienic skills are generalized, detached from the corresponding subject and transferred to a game, imaginary situation, thereby influencing the formation of a new type of activity - the game.

Cultural and hygienic skills are associated not only with the game. They underlie the first accessible to the child type of labor activity - self-service labor. Self-service is characterized by the fact that the child's actions do not have a social motive, they are directed at himself. “Mastering cultural and hygienic skills affects not only play and work activities, but also the relationship of the child with adults and peers. Mastering cultural and hygienic skills makes it possible to compare yourself with other children: am I better or worse at doing this? So through comparing yourself with others, the prerequisites for the formation of self-esteem, awareness of one's capabilities and skills, as well as prerequisites for self-control, are formed. When performing everyday processes, the baby observes, compares, analyzes, establishes cause-and-effect relationships. He thinks about where the soap went, because at first there was a large piece, and after a while it became very small, why water washes away foam and dirt from his hands, how a cutlet can be cut in half with a fork, where sugar disappears in tea, why wet scarf, etc.

Cultural and hygienic skills are aimed at the child himself. Performing sanitary and hygienic procedures, the baby is aware of himself. He has an idea about his own body. When dressing and washing, the child, looking at his reflection in the mirror, comes to understand some of the changes that occur in him during the domestic process: the face turned from dirty to clean, the hair from disheveled became beautifully combed, the legs were put on boots, put on the handles mittens. The child begins to control his appearance: he pays attention to dirty hands, notices problems in clothes, asks an adult to help put himself in order, the baby develops a need for cleanliness and neatness. That is, the actions that make them improve by themselves, change themselves, and not the object. Therefore, they form the baby's idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis own body. When putting on shoes, the baby examines his legs, putting on gloves - pens, tying a bow or scarf - his face. When dressing, washing, the child sees his reflection in the mirror, notices the changes taking place in it.

Cultural and hygienic skills coincide with another line mental development- the development of the will.

The kid still doesn't know how to do anything. Therefore, every action is given with great difficulty. And you don’t always want to finish what you started, especially if nothing works out. If adults rush to help the child at the slightest difficulty, free him from the need to make efforts, then very quickly he will form a passive position: “fasten”, “tie”, “dress”.
With age, as he masters cultural and hygienic skills, the baby is aware of the rules of behavior that determine them. And such rules begin to regulate the actions of the child, to control them. That is, the child's behavior becomes arbitrary. He restrains his immediate feelings and aspirations, subordinates his actions to a previously set goal, can refuse what he wants if this is required by the social rule of behavior.

Thus, the development of cultural and hygienic skills is associated with the ethical development of a preschooler.

Education in children the skills of personal and public hygiene plays an important role in protecting their health, promotes proper behavior in everyday life, in in public places. Ultimately, not only their health, but also the health of other children and adults depends on the knowledge and implementation of the necessary hygiene rules and norms of behavior by children.

In the process of daily work with children, it is necessary to strive to ensure that the implementation of personal hygiene rules becomes natural for them, and hygiene skills are constantly improved with age. At the beginning, children are taught to follow elementary rules: wash their hands before eating, after using the toilet, playing, walking, etc. Children of middle and older preschool age should be more conscious of the implementation of personal hygiene rules; wash your hands with soap on your own, lathering them until foam forms and wipe them dry, use an individual towel, comb, mouthwash, make sure that all things are kept clean. The formation of personal hygiene skills also implies the ability of children to always be neat, to notice problems in their clothes, to fix them on their own or with the help of adults. Hygienic education and training is inextricably linked with the education of cultural behavior. All information on hygiene is instilled in children in Everyday life in the process of diversification different types activities and recreation, i.e. in each mode component one can find auspicious moment for hygiene education.

For the effective hygienic education of preschoolers, the appearance of others and adults is of great importance. We must constantly remember that children at this age are very observant and prone to imitation, so the teacher should be a model for them.

First junior group.

One of the tasks of educating children of the first youngest group is to form in them the prerequisites for moral behavior and cultural and hygienic skills. Children of the 3rd life who came to kindergarten differ from each other in the level of upbringing, have different skills and are just beginning to get used to the new environment for them. From here - special meaning in work with kids acquires an individual approach to each child.

First of all, I needed to win the trust of the child. The child of the younger group experiences a particularly great need for constant contact with adults. From how the relationship between the baby and adults will develop and develop, his relationship and culture of behavior in contacts with a wider range of people largely depend. Creation of prerequisites for cultural behavior small child carried out in several directions. One of them is the formation of the ability to play and study, walk and eat, sleep during quiet hours, dress and wash together with a group of peers, next to comrades, i.e. in a collective. At the same time, children develop a sense of community. It is equally important to instill an interest in the work activity of adults, a desire to help them, and later independently perform simple self-service labor activities. Raising a caring attitude to toys and things, the ability to overcome small difficulties and bring things to an end, a sense of gratitude for care and care, obedience and a sense of sympathy, friendliness to children and adults - all these are the fundamental program areas of the teacher's pedagogical work in the 1st junior group of kindergarten .
An important task in working with children of the I younger group kindergarten is the education of cultural and hygienic skills - neatness, accuracy in everyday life, food culture skills, as an integral part of the culture of behavior. To make it easier for a child to learn new skills, it is necessary to make this process accessible, interesting and exciting. And this must be done pedagogically subtly, unobtrusively. At the same time, it is important for the educator to take into account the age peculiarity of children of the 3rd year of life - the desire for independence.

For easier mastering of certain skills, the actions associated with its assimilation are divided into several operations. One more thing to remember important feature the formation of cultural behavior skills in children: as they master new actions, children want to repeat them repeatedly. In other words, kids turn these actions into a game. The teacher, seeing this, joins the game and directs the child's actions to consolidate the skill. By repeating the correct actions in this way, young children begin to perform them more carefully. First of all, you should remember: at the initial stage of mastering the skill, in no case should you rush children, you must give them the opportunity to calmly perform the mastered actions. Such an environment will allow them to maintain a positive emotional mood. However, the need to keep within the time allotted for regime processes remains. Therefore, it is necessary to skillfully direct the efforts of children to more purposeful actions. For this, indirect methods of preventive encouragement, for example, are effective.

Another, also very effective way is the use of games. With the satisfaction of the child's interest in new actions for him, with their repeated performance, the skill becomes strong. To strengthen the skill, you should also use the encouragement of the baby for a successfully completed task. The nature of the assessment of actions and deeds changes in accordance with the increasing level of consolidation in children of the skills of a culture of behavior. If at the beginning the efforts of children are constantly encouraged and evaluated positively, then in the future it is necessary to treat as a proper phenomenon, to evaluate only the quality of actions.
In order for children to learn more difficult rules of cultural behavior, it is advisable to use collective games-activities, games-exercises, games-staging. They help the teacher to equalize the level of mastery of the skills of each child of the group. Through games-classes, the educator can in a fun way not only reveal the content of the requirements in the required sequence, but also connect these requirements with the specific actions of the baby, this makes it possible to consolidate a positive attitude towards their implementation in everyday life.

Given the peculiarities in working with children of primary preschool age, classes should be given maximum importance, which ensures good activity for kids. Their interest intensifies when a child of the older group takes part in the games-activities, shows directly the action itself (dressing, washing) or examples of polite treatment.

The actions shown and mastered in the classroom as a result of constant exercises in everyday activities develop into stable skills of cultural behavior. In the future, children begin to use these skills in a wide variety of situations. The content of various events from the life of children and their actions in these events can be included in the activity games.

At the end of the year, children take part in preparations for "moving to a new apartment" - to another group. They put toys in boxes, put dolls in various vehicles - strollers, cars. Again, a situation deliberately created by the educator, which helps him in the formation of a benevolent attitude of children towards each other, the skills of moral behavior.
The game techniques used by me evoked positive emotions in the kids, ensured a higher susceptibility of the child to the moral rules of behavior. I unobtrusively worked out the intellectual and emotional attitude of children to specific rules public behavior, fixed them in the experience, prompting the kids to benevolent actions.

For the kids to master dressing techniques, dolls were also included in the game. The group had a large doll with a selection of clothes.

From the first day, I warned parents that the children's clothes should have loops sewn on, for which he could hang them in his closet. This will make it easier to develop the skill of keeping clothes neat.

Second junior group.

In children in the 4th year of life, we continued to form independence, the ability to overcome small difficulties. They made complex demands on the performance of actions during regime processes, respect for toys, and the work of elders. I AM great attention paid to the formation in children and their implementation of the rules of polite treatment, organized behavior in kindergarten, on the street.

When planning the work, I paid special attention to the formation of such qualities as sensitivity, attentiveness, courtesy, tact, which will help the child to see and distinguish the state of a person, deciding what to do in a particular case so as not to cause trouble to others.
The evening presents great opportunities for cultivating a culture of behavior. This time is especially confidential communication with children, heart-to-heart talk. Direct communication with me helped to strengthen the child's attachment, trust in him - the most important condition moral education. On the evening hour staging of simple stories with the help of toys was also planned. I drew the content of such scenes from observations; children perceive scenes from their lives with interest.
The level of development of children of the 4th year of life makes it possible to somewhat complicate the program requirements for morally directed games, exercises, dramatizations. Now they are built so that each subsequent exercise is based on the previously acquired experience of children. This ensures faster and more lasting mastering of the skill.

The principle of conducting games is a wider, complex impact on the consciousness and moral feelings of children, as well as providing them with the opportunity to exercise in committing necessary actions, deeds. Gradually, children were given more and more independence, bypassing the demonstration of actions, creating the opportunity for independent exercises in cultural behavior.
To achieve unity between ideas about how to behave and the specific behavior of the child, I made extensive use of game-based exercises. Children are very fascinated, for example, with games-exercises to consolidate the rules of etiquette in communication with surrounding adults and children.
Exercises in performing actions to show the educator are a kind and necessary for the formation of the skill of training the behavior of children. For example: in the lesson “Visiting Matryoshka”, it was clearly shown how to politely greet, bowing your head. In the following days, when meeting with children, it is necessary not only to greet them warmly, but, if necessary, to remind them how to greet Matryoshka in class.

Such exercises allow you to generalize individual actions, show children in a complex, for example, the process of washing. They take an active interest, they name the parts that should be washed, and so on.

Gradually, I introduced new attributes into the play corners, allowing the content of the games to develop in accordance with the acquired skills of cultural behavior.

3. The system of work on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills.

Creation of conditions.

The main conditions for the successful formation of cultural and hygienic skills include a rationally organized environment, a clear daily routine and adult guidance. A rationally organized environment means the presence of a clean, fairly spacious room with necessary equipment, which ensures the implementation of all regime elements (washing, eating, sleeping, classes and games).

For the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, it was also important to develop general criteria for evaluating individual actions, to clearly determine the location of things, toys, the order of their cleaning and storage. For kids, the constancy of conditions, knowledge of the purpose and place of each thing he needs during the day is of particular importance. For example, in the washroom, a sufficient number of sinks of the required size were placed, each of which contains soap; sinks and towels are placed taking into account the growth of children; there is a picture on the hanger above each towel. This increases the interest of children in washing. The daily routine ensures the daily repetition of hygiene procedures at the same time - this contributes to the gradual formation of skills and habits of a culture of behavior. Their formation occurs in games, work, classes, in everyday life. Repeating daily, the daily routine accustoms the child's body to a certain rhythm, provides a change of activity, thereby protecting the nervous system of children from overwork. The implementation of the daily routine contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, education, organization and discipline. The formation of cultural and hygienic skills is carried out under the guidance of adults - parents, educator. Therefore, the basic requirements of the preschool institution and the family were developed and agreed upon. Among the many classifications of methods, a classification has been adopted in preschool pedagogy, which is based on the main forms of thinking that determine the nature of the methods of children's activities in the learning process. These forms include visual - effective and visual - creative thinking. In this regard, the main methods of teaching preschoolers are visual, verbal, game and practical methods.

Preparation for the formation of skills for independent self-service movements is the creation of a child's positive attitude towards dressing, washing, feeding. Learning some skills, for example, cultural eating, requires considerable work, since for this children must master a number of actions carried out in a certain sequence (sit correctly at the table, use eating utensils, a napkin, etc.). At preschool age, children are especially prone to imitate, so the personal example of adults plays an important role in the formation of skills.
For preschool children, awareness of the importance of cultural and hygienic skills was of great importance, they had to be informed elementary knowledge about the rational rules of personal hygiene, its importance for everyone and for others, to cultivate an appropriate attitude towards hygiene procedures. All this contributed to the strength and flexibility of skills, and this is very important for creating lasting habits. For this purpose, variable tasks, unusual situations during the game, classes, walks were used.
To instill cultural and hygienic skills, I use a show, an example, an explanation, an explanation, encouragement, conversations, exercises in actions. Playing techniques are widely used, at a younger preschool age: didactic games, nursery rhymes, poems (“Wash cleaner - do not be afraid of water”; “Early in the morning at dawn, mice, and kittens, and ducklings, and bugs, and spiders ... ", etc. .P.).
The display is accompanied by an explanation. The display of any action was given in such a way that individual operations were singled out - first the most significant, and then additional ones. The operations are carried out in a strict order with a small interval (no more than 5-10 seconds), otherwise a dynamic stereotype is not generated. Showing the action to the kids is necessarily accompanied by pronunciation (“Now take a towel and wipe each finger”). Then I act together with the baby, performing associated actions. For example, I take his hands in mine, lather him up and put him under running water. Thus, the child develops a sensorimotor pattern of action, as well as an image of the operations that make up the action and the conditions in which it takes place. Gradually, we provide the baby with greater independence, controlling the execution of operations and the result, and then only the result. When developing skills, the child learns to keep the goal of the activity, not to be distracted. She also drew the attention of children to the rationality of certain methods of action. For example, after use, a towel must first be straightened, and then hung up - this way it dries better, does not fall to the floor. The demonstration of actions and the children's attempts to perform them on their own were accompanied not only by explanations, but also by questions directing the child's attention to the need to act in a certain way. This helped him to quickly learn the way to do it, to understand why it was necessary to do it that way.
In the education of cultural and hygienic skills, it is important to work with parents. The kid does not immediately and with great difficulty acquire the necessary skills, he will need the help of adults. First of all, it is necessary to create the necessary conditions in the family: adapt a clothes hanger to the growth of the child, allocate an individual shelf or place on the shelf for storing toilet items (handkerchiefs, ribbons, socks), a permanent and convenient place for a towel, etc. This was discussed in a confidential conversation with the fathers of the children.
Teaching children, taking into account their experience. It is impossible, for example, to start teaching a child to use a fork if he has not yet learned how to eat with a spoon correctly. Consistency in learning is very important. Thus, the actions associated with undressing were mastered by children faster than the actions with dressing; it is easier for a child to first learn to wash his hands, and then his face. The gradual complication of requirements takes the child to a new level of independence, maintains his interest in self-service, and allows him to improve his skills.

“The methodological techniques used by the teacher must be changed, and the conditions must be constant,” R.S. Bure and A.F. Ostrovskaya. “We will wash ourselves,” they said at the beginning of the year and showed how to wrap up the sleeves, how to lather our hands, wash them, and then wipe them off. All children act under the supervision and control of the teacher. But children are getting older, and we gradually gave them more and more independence, moved from direct instructions to reminders, from showing to advice, from example to methods that allow children to develop a conscious attitude towards rules, persuasion explaining the meaning of the rules. Only when we took into account the ever-increasing experience of children, the improvement of their skills, the ability to more and more independently fulfill the established rules, only then did they develop stable habits that did not collapse during the transition to new conditions. If this is not taken into account, then children develop only the ability to obey the demand of an adult.

Usually the quality and the correct sequence of actions is out of the attention of an adult. In this case, it is often considered unimportant to monitor whether the skill has become a habit. This situation leads to the fact that even seven-year-old children need to perform cultural and hygienic skills based only on the requirements of an adult. This can lead to the loss of a seemingly already formed skill. Therefore, in preschool age, it is necessary to re-learn skills on a different basis than in childhood. The child should be helped to realize the methods and conditions for the implementation of cultural and hygienic skills, as well as their necessity. Based on the expansion and complication of his practical experience. And for this, a specially organized activity of the baby under the guidance of an adult is necessary, then the children understand the expediency of the requirements of the educator (wash hands cleanly, do not pour water on the floor, etc.). To consolidate the rules and assimilate them, it is advisable to conduct a conversation about hygiene in middle and older groups. It is built in such a way that children not only name, list actions and their order, but also make generalizations that help to understand the expediency of actions, convince children of their necessity. It is important that older preschoolers independently use cultural and hygienic skills.

Therefore, it may be advisable to move from direct instructions to indirect ones, for example, instead of reminding “children, go wash your hands,” say: “We are starting to prepare for dinner,” etc.

In the work of self-service, the child is taught to complete what he has begun, to do the work with high quality. For example, they teach not only to take off clothes, but also to turn each item on the front side, fold it neatly, and hang it up. Of course, we use the method of encouragement. It is important to praise the child in time, but you need not to abuse it so that he does not expect praise all the time. Fulfillment of requirements has become the norm of behavior, the need of the child.

One of the leading techniques in all age groups is the repetition of actions, exercise, without this the skill cannot be formed. At the first stages of skill formation, one should check how individual actions or the task as a whole were performed, for example, ask before washing: “Show how you rolled up your sleeves” or after washing, see how clean and dry your hands are. Didactic games are a good form of exercise in mastering cultural and hygienic skills.

A special role in the education of cultural and hygienic skills belongs to game techniques. Using them, the educator reinforces the skills that are developed in everyday life in children.

Particular attention should be paid to the game method, because the game is the leading activity of a preschool child, through the game the child remembers better and establishes causal relationships. The game allows the child to understand the world.

In the future, work with children should continue when they move into the middle, and then into the senior group.

To consolidate the rules and assimilate them, in middle and older groups it would be advisable to pay more attention to conversations about hygiene, which will be structured so that children not only name, list actions and their order, but also make generalizations that help understand the appropriateness of actions, convince children in their need.

An important task will be that older preschoolers independently use cultural and hygienic skills.

We all know perfectly well that it is customary to wash hands after the street, the toilet, before eating and sometimes after eating. But kids can not always correctly orient themselves with hygiene items located near the sinks - that is why a detailed algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten in pictures is compiled for children. The teacher should try to do everything so that the information is conveyed to the pupils in full and intelligibly. We'll tell you how to do it.

Talking about the benefits of hand washing

In order for children to more readily memorize the algorithm of actions during hygiene procedures, they should be told about the benefits of this process. Yes, and adults would do well to know about the danger that forgetfulness can bring in this regard. And so, with dirty hands, we have:

It would seem that it could be easier than washing your hands. But it is better for a child to show each sequential action in the form of a picture so that it is perceived easier and faster. It is important to remember that the stand with pictures about handwashing should be placed at the level of children's eyes or slightly higher. No need to hang the algorithm high (like - for parents) or imperceptibly. Perfect option- right above the sinks intended for babies.

Print the pictures large or draw them yourself, and then talk to the guys what they see. You can even play a game by correctly placing the available pictures in desired sequence. In addition to the process itself, children should learn the accompanying words: soap, foam, wash, dry, soap dish, faucet, slippery, wet, microbes and others. And so, to the algorithm:

Roll up your sleeves so they don't get wet.
Open the tap with water.
Take soap.
Lather your hands.
Rinse foam from hands.
Close the water tap.
Squeeze hands.
Wipe off with a towel.
Pull sleeves back.

Of course, the first trial manipulations at the sink should be done by everyone together, you can even invite the children to practice on dolls. Another important point is the explanation, carried out in three ways: verbally, visually and practically. They need to be presented gradually, one by one. That is, first you tell (in the form of a game, jokes, dolls), then you show by example, and after that you all go to wash your hands together.

Additional Knowledge

Having told and shown how to wash your hands properly, do not forget to mention and explain the situations that arise:

  1. Wringing water from your hands is necessary in order not to wet the floor. Otherwise, someone may slip and fall.
  2. The towel needs to be hung straightened out, do not crumple it - so it will dry faster before the next arrival of the baby. And we need a loop in the middle so that the towel does not fall to the floor.
  3. The water pressure in the tap should be made medium or weak so as not to splatter the floor and clothes.
  4. Soap must be put back in the soap dish, and not left in the sink, otherwise it will become too soft and quickly deteriorate.
  5. Rinse off the foam very carefully so that it does not accidentally get into the eyes or mouth. The soap is very stingy on the eyes.

The algorithm for washing hands in kindergarten in pictures helps kids navigate, get used to cleanliness and serves as a decoration for the toilet room. Children's hygiene in general is in many ways more important than adult hygiene, since babies are just being formed, habits are still being developed not to take hands or toys in their mouths. The teacher is responsible for ensuring that pupils within the walls of the kindergarten always have access to a sink with soap and a towel.

Organization of regime moments in different age groups.

The upbringing, education and development of the child are determined by the conditions of his life in kindergarten and family. The main forms of organizing this life in kindergarten are: play and related forms of activity, classes, subject-practical activities.

The game. The main type of independent activity of a preschooler is a plot game, the specificity of which lies in the conditional nature of actions. The game allows the child in an imaginary situation to carry out any actions that attract him, role-playing functions, to be included in various events. The game is a valuable activity for a preschooler, providing him with a sense of freedom, subordination of things, actions, relationships, allowing him to fully realize himself "here and now", achieve a state of emotional comfort, become involved in a children's society built on free communication of equals.

The game is of great importance for the development of the child. It develops the ability to imagine, arbitrary regulation of actions and feelings, experience of interaction and mutual understanding is acquired. It is the combination of the subjective value of the game for the child and its objective developmental value that make the game the most suitable form of organizing the life of children, especially in the context of public preschool education.

In a modern kindergarten, the game is used only as an "appendage" to the didactic process of acquiring knowledge, determined by the program requirements. The teacher usually conducts a game with children in the same way as classes - determines the topic, assigns a role and place to each participant, prescribes and regulates actions, evaluates their correctness. As a result, the game in kindergarten takes on a deformed look, resembling a frontal lesson or an imposed activity.

In order for the game to become a genuine means of creative self-realization of the child and to fully fulfill its developmental functions, it must be free from topics and regulation of actions imposed by adults “from above”. The child should be able to master the increasingly complex "language" of the game - common ways its implementation (conditional action, role-playing interaction, creative construction of the plot), increasing the freedom of creative realization of his own ideas.

All this can be done with the rejection of the currently prevailing stereotype of the game as a regulated process of "collective elaboration of knowledge" and a change in the position of the educator in the management of the game. The educator, engaging in free children's activity and taking the position of a playing partner, creates a zone of proximal development of children's independent play.

Play in kindergarten should be organized, firstly, as a joint game between a teacher and children, where an adult acts as a playing partner and at the same time as a bearer of a specific "language" of the game. The natural emotional behavior of the educator, who accepts any children's ideas, guarantees freedom and ease, the child's pleasure from the game, contributes to the emergence in children of the desire to master the game methods themselves. Secondly, at all age stages, play should be preserved as a free independent activity of children, where they use all the play tools available to them, freely unite and interact with each other, where a world of childhood independent of adults is provided to a certain extent.

Along with play, a significant place in a child's life is occupied by the free productive activity of children (constructive, visual, etc.). As well as in the game, the opportunities for the development of the child are enriched here.

Classes. A significant place in the life of the kindergarten belongs to classes. They are aimed at the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities by the teacher to the child. It is usually assumed that this leads to the enrichment of the child's physical and spiritual culture, contributes to the formation of his independence, the ability for joint coordinated activity, and curiosity. However, the prevailing practice is that the content of knowledge transmitted in the classroom adjusts the child mainly to the tasks of learning at school. The dominant method of conducting classes - the teacher's direct influence on the child, the question-answer form of communication, disciplinary forms of influence - is combined with formal assessments. A child's achievements are judged on the basis of group standards.

Under these conditions, education is reduced to the transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children, which turns into an end in itself. Most of the knowledge is not related to the living conditions of children in kindergarten and with the immediate environment and must be mastered "for the future". At the same time, the acquisition of knowledge acts as a mandatory program requirement and is accompanied by strict forms of control. Intuitive knowledge acquired by children in everyday life, which could become a source cognitive interests, are ignored and replaced by an ersatz of knowledge presented in a ready-made form. At the same time, the natural curiosity of children is suppressed, and the developmental effect of learning turns out to be insignificant and unaccounted for.

Direct teaching should not be the predominant form of organizing classes. Learning is also carried out in the context of gaming activities.

One of the most effective ways of teaching children in the classroom is a didactic game. The rules of the game contain pedagogical tasks, didactic material game modes of action that the child learns are concluded. Thus, obeying the need to comply with the rule, the child masters arbitrary regulation of behavior, masters communication skills, learns to coordinate his actions with the actions of partners. In the process of operating with play material, the child develops cognitive abilities: the ability to use diagrams and models, cognitive self-regulation - attention, memory, imagination - through actions to correlate objects and signs, actions with substitute objects. It is necessary to build the most complete system of didactic games, fulfill its missing links by flexible modification of existing games and creation of new ones. Thus, the game, combined with the necessary explanations in the form of direct influence of an adult, forms a specific form of learning for preschoolers - a kind of synthesis of the game and the lesson, thereby removing the traditional opposition of these two forms of learning.

The program that determines the content of classes should be focused on the assimilation by children of the ideas, means and methods of activity necessary for the formation of the basis of personal culture.

Subject-practical activity. Traditionally refers to the field of labor education. At the same time, the child's own interests are often ignored in favor of the formation of responsibility, perseverance, and discipline. As a result, either interest in the activities of adults is not formed or dies away, the essence of value attitude to labor and working people. The child is not attached to free, creative labor as a universal value, but to forced labor, necessary only to obtain approval and avoid punishment. Hence - a little than justified attitude towards the baby as "hardworking" or "lazy" already in the fourth year of his life; the formation of a child on the basis of these labels of emotional distress and negative attitude to work assignments.

It is necessary to overcome the narrow-minded orientation in the organization of the subject-practical activities of children, to radically change the methods of involving children in this activity and the forms of familiarizing them with the work of adults. To expand the range of practical matters by including the child in the sphere of real, and not artificially invented for him, concerns about others. To develop the natural need of children to imitate the actions of adults; stimulate independent forms of manifestation of activity of children. Not specifically labor skills and abilities constitute the content of labor education and training in kindergarten, but the development of the ability to use things and tools of one's own free will in subject-practical activity.

For teaching practice detailing and an increase in the volume of knowledge about production (technology, labor operations, raw materials, etc.) are typical, in which a working person “drowns”. Instead, children need to be introduced to his goals, difficulties, decisions, successes, defeats and victories, with the experiences that are caused by these aspects of an adult's life. The way to these ideas is the joint practical activity of children with adults, role-playing game, art.

It is in these types of activities and communication that the individual-personal properties of the child develop, which cannot be “transferred” in the process of direct upbringing and education.

V contemporary practice public preschool education is dominated by a superficially understood age approach. Correct in its essence, this orientation comes down only to the idea of ​​recruiting groups according to the age principle and strict age-specific targeting of program and methodological documentation. All this focuses the educator not on the age characteristics of a particular child, but on some abstract unified standard, blocking the way for any manifestations of an individual approach. The child lives as if in an aquarium - all moments of life proceed in the environment of adults or peers. The educator has to artificially limit the time of children even for the most basic needs. The regime becomes an end in itself. The social environment of children is significantly impoverished. The child is always “put in a corner” - “play corner”, “corner of nature”. The equipment of children's institutions is at an extremely low level.

The position of personality-oriented pedagogy assumes that the child is considered in the aggregate of all his individual manifestations, including age-related ones. Thus, an alternative to the existing situation is the need to shift the emphasis to an individual approach. There is a need for a sharp change in the orientation of the educator, who must see in each child the features inherent in him, and not those that he has (or lacks) like a generalized “five-year”, “six-year”, etc.

The restructuring of the organization of the life of children in kindergarten begins with the acquisition of groups. It is necessary to reduce their filling, and at a younger age it should be less dense than at an older one. It is advisable to practice temporary associations of two groups, the organization of “paired” groups, when (as is the case in other countries) two educators work with children at the same time, one of whom conducts games or classes alternately with small subgroups of children, and the other at this time observes free activity the rest, providing individual assistance to those who need it.

The age group will be the main organizational unit in the children's institution (general playroom, bedroom, etc.). The group conducts part of the classes and individual regime moments. At the same time, the group is an open system (to the extent that it does not contradict sanitary and hygienic requirements), when most of the time, including classes, children can spend in communities of different ages that are formed inside the kindergarten. Systematic contacts of the child with partners of different ages are useful for the formation of a full-fledged communication experience, opening up additional opportunities for its development through mutual learning in the interaction of older children with younger ones. Thus, a full-fledged children's community is being formed in a preschool institution, free from any artificial divisions, with all the variety of forms of communication for a child.

Enrichment social experience children are facilitated not only by communication with different children, but also with different adults. The active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten is necessary not only during the absence of children ( parent-teacher meeting, window cleaning, etc.). It forms a full-fledged social environment, contributes to the establishment of the unity of the family and kindergarten. Parents in kindergarten are not strangers! The time at which parents can bring and pick up children is not clearly regulated.

Personal time. In the rules of the life of children, a place must be provided for the diverse and free manifestations of the interests of the child himself. These are not only holidays, but also just a time when he can do his favorite thing, knowing that he will not be forced to do any other activities. Having free time and being able to fill it is no less important for a child than participating in collective activities.

The organization of the subject environment in kindergarten should be subordinated to the goal of the psychological well-being of the child. The creation of the interior of premises, the production of children's furniture, games and toys, physical education equipment and sports equipment should be based on scientific principles - a kind of "childhood ergonomics". A high interior culture in relation to a child is not a luxury, but a condition for building a "developing environment". The enrichment of the child's life forms in kindergarten requires a more flexible and variable use of space. An alternative to the rigid functional fixation of zones and corners inside rooms and plots is their adaptability to meet the needs and interests of the child himself, when he gets the opportunity to constantly feel like a full owner of toys, move freely around the kindergarten, enjoy the life of the children and adults around him.

Relevance. A properly composed daily regimen has a great hygienic and pedagogical value. Repeating daily, it accustoms the child's body to a certain rhythm, provides a change of activities (play, study, work), thereby protecting the nervous system of children from overwork. Its implementation contributes to the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the education of organization and discipline. The exact implementation of the regimen brings up a sense of time in children, they begin to appreciate it.

Thus, the regime requirements established in accordance with the tasks of education and age characteristics preschoolers, contribute to the upbringing of healthy, vigorous, active and disciplined children and allow them to successfully solve problems comprehensive development and preparing them for school.

The place occupied by this or that activity, and the time allotted for it in the regime, is determined by the age of the children. So, in the younger groups, a significant amount of time is devoted to household processes. Then it is reduced, and the time for other activities (play, work, classes) increases.

The game, as the main activity of preschoolers in kindergarten, is given a lot of time: before breakfast and after it, in between classes, after daytime sleep, on a daytime and evening walk. The teacher must create conditions for children to play all kinds of games.

All groups have time for classes; their duration gradually increases. Special time is also set aside for the labor activity of children (caring for plants and animals in the morning, labor classes, work on the site, etc.). From group to group, it increases somewhat, but it always takes up much less space in the daily routine than playing and learning.

Children of preschool age can perform the daily routine necessary for their proper development only under the guidance of adults. The organizer of the correct regimen in each age group is the educator. He conducts constant painstaking work on accustoming children to the implementation of the regime, leading them from the first steps in mastering the regime requirements to a certain independence.

Daily routine in preschool institutions

In our country, the organization of public education of preschool children has been widely developed. Preschool institutions are provided for children aged 2 months to 7 years, groups in them are completed taking into account age (Table 6).

Table 6. Number of places and age groups of preschool institutions




places in the group


From 2 months to 1 year

1st group of early age


1 to 2 years

1st junior group

2 to 3 years


2nd junior group

3 to 4 years

middle group

» 4 » 5 »


» 5 » 6 »

preparatory group

» 6 » 7 »

Tasks, content and forms of educational educational process in preschool institutions (nursery, kindergartens, nursery-kindergartens) are defined by a standard program for the education and upbringing of children, approved by the Ministry of Education of the USSR (1984). It is compiled taking into account the age-related morphological and functional characteristics of children and provides for the consistent and timely formation of their concepts, ideas, skills and abilities. One of the prerequisites for the effective implementation of the education program is the precise implementation of the optimal daily routine.

Daily routine of toddlers. Toddlers are characterized by a fast pace of physical and neuropsychic development, high sensitivity and low body resistance to various adverse factors. environment. A distinctive feature of the highest nervous activity children of toddler age is the predominance of the processes of excitation over the processes of inhibition. It is easier to teach a child of this age something than to force him to abstain from something. At this age, the child is not available for long-term inhibition. In addition, such children showed a relatively rapid formation of positive conditioned reflexes and the difficulty of their alteration, as well as the insufficient regulatory role of the cerebral cortex in the activity of the subcortical regions. Therefore, the child's behavior is highly dependent on the satisfaction of his organic needs - satisfying hunger and the need for sleep. The periods of wakefulness in young toddlers are very short, they are used for hygiene procedures and individual activities. It is mandatory to spend the entire period of wakefulness in the arena; children 7-8 months old, as they master the skill of crawling, should be on the floor. To stimulate the independent activity of the child, a set of various brightly colored toys is required.

As the child grows, the daily regimen must be changed in the direction of reducing the time allotted for sleep and nutrition, and, accordingly, increasing the period of wakefulness, i.e., an opportunity is created for longer and more diverse organized and independent games and special classes. So, for children 1 "/g-2 years old, 10-11 lessons are planned during the week, including the development of speech and familiarization with the environment, didactic games for the development of the senses and movements, music lessons. Daily 2 lessons are planned for a duration of 8 -10 min each (in the first and second half of the day).

Right organized mode of the day, the exact implementation and compliance with its age, the functional capabilities of the child's central nervous system, an individual approach to children with deviations in health, contribute to normal growth and development, the preservation and strengthening of health, the development of basic movements, the formation of speech function.

Daily routine of preschool children . When developing a day regimen for children of this age, it is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of their higher nervous activity. Preschool children are distinguished by a pronounced need for movement, they are characterized by motor activity, improvement and complication of speech function and mental activity. In this regard, the tasks of educating such children are greatly expanded. Along with strengthening health and further improving movements (walking, running, climbing, throwing, etc.), the task is to teach children correct speech and intelligible pronunciation of words, to develop hygiene skills, artistic taste, familiarization with objects and phenomena accessible to the understanding of children. Children are taught to perform simple, but very necessary for their development, labor processes (cleaning toys, helping to set the table, etc.), to greater independence in self-service.

The model program for the upbringing and education of children in kindergarten provides for the further improvement of all educational work, especially in senior and preparatory groups, with the aim of significantly improving the preparation of children for schooling.

The main components of the regime are : obligatory organized classes, games, walks, eating, sleeping, hygiene procedures. The structure of the regimen, the sequence and alternation of individual components are the same for all age groups. The difference lies in their duration. For example, with age, the number of hours allotted for sleep and those regime elements, in which the proportion of independent work of children increases with age (eating, preparing for classes and walks, etc.), decreases. At the same time, the time allotted for organized classes is increasing.

The day regimen in kindergarten is differentiated by groups. In the combined preschool institutions (nursery-kindergarten), children under 2 years old are classified as toddlers, all the rest are included in preschool groups. In the daily routine for children of younger groups (2-3 and. 3-4 years), more time should be devoted to night and day sleep (respectively 12 "D and 2-2" / g h), for eating, educating cultural and hygienic skills they are already learning. Staying outdoors (walking) should be at least 3-4 hours a day, in summer it is desirable throughout the day (including sleeping in the open air). An organized lesson (drawing, speech development, modeling) is provided once a day for 10-15 minutes.

The daily regimen for children 4-5 years old differs from the regimen in the younger groups in that more time is allotted for organized classes (15-20 minutes) and the nature of these classes is somewhat more complicated.

In the daily routine of children of the senior and preparatory groups, 11 / g h is allocated for sleep (10 h - night sleep, 1 "/ g h - daytime). Classes acquire the character of training and are held daily: for the first groups - two classes lasting 25-30 and 15-20 minutes for the second - at least three lessons lasting 25-30 minutes In all groups in the middle of classes, physical education should be held lasting 1 "/ 2-2 minutes. The duration of breaks between classes should be 10-12 minutes. During breaks, outdoor games of moderate intensity should be carried out. In all groups, homework is not assigned.

When scheduling classes, it is recommended: to plan an even distribution of the study load during the day, week and year; at the beginning and end of the school week, it is necessary to provide classes that are lighter in content and complexity of the program material; starting from the middle group, it is necessary to provide for vacations for summer time as well as at the beginning of January and at the end of March. During the holidays, children attend kindergarten, but classes (with the exception of physical education and music) are not held. More time in the daily routine during this period is devoted to sports and outdoor games, exercise(preferably outdoors), walks.

In the preparatory group at the beginning of the school year, the functional readiness of children for learning is determined. The readiness of a child to study at school should be judged not only by the degree of his mental development, which is largely determined by social conditions, but also according to the degree of morphofunctional maturity of the organism. For children who are not functionally ready for learning and have defects in the pronunciation of sounds, classes with specialists should be provided in the kindergarten mode; for children with weak development of small muscles of the hand - special exercises for their development; for children with disabilities in the state of health - the necessary medical and recreational activities.

In the classroom, visual aids, didactic games, etc. should be widely used. Classes should be conducted in a form that, on the one hand, corresponds to the peculiarities of the perception of children, and on the other hand, arouses their interest, activity, encourages creativity. To a certain extent, this is determined by the development of the second signaling system and the nature of its relationship with the first. So, in children 3-5 years old, in the development of conditioned reflexes, direct signals play a greater role than the word; in 5-7-year-olds, under the influence of the educational process, the second signaling system reaches more high level development, the interaction of two signal systems becomes stronger and the role of verbal signals increases. Nevertheless, in children 5-7 years old, conditioned reflexes are most effectively formed when a visual display is combined with verbal instructions. The physiological features of the activity of the brain of children of this age require the maximum use of the visual method in their education.

Game activity is one of the main and effective means education of preschool children. In the daily routine of all age groups, a significant amount of time is allocated to gaming activities. Children's games are diverse in nature and content: calm and mobile, individual and collective, didactic.

In games of various types, diverse pedagogical tasks are solved: education moral qualities, feelings of collectivism, will. While playing, children learn about the world around them. Games contribute to the formation of logical thinking, voluntary attention, the development of memory, imagination, and speech. Outdoor games have an impact on the development of motor skills, dexterity, contribute to the development of resourcefulness, courage, activity, etc. They help restore working capacity by satisfying the need for active motor activity. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the nature, intensity of games and the energy costs associated with them are different and, accordingly, their influence on the body of children is not the same.

When organizing play activities during the day, it is necessary to rationally combine various regime moments and the nature of the shifts that occur in the body of children under their influence.

The work of children is directly related to the game. . In the younger groups, labor education consists of self-service work: the ability to dress, undress, wash, eat neatly; preparation for classes, table setting, plant care, etc.

The types and content of the labor activity of older preschool children are more varied and more complex. This is a meaningful help in cleaning rooms, making beds, keeping clothes, shoes, etc. clean, setting the table, preparing for classes; washing and cleaning toys, caring for animals, plants (work on the site); manual labor aimed at improving the motor capabilities of the child's hand (making crafts from paper, natural materials, cardboard, working with fabrics, threads, knitting needles, hooks, etc.).

Children with pleasure and interest perform various assignments for work, but it tires them. Therefore, the duration of labor should not exceed 20-25 minutes in the senior and preparatory groups. Work associated with intensive activity (digging up beds, weeding, watering plants, clearing paths from snow, etc.) should last no more than 10 minutes in the middle group, 15 minutes in the senior group.

Diverse activity leads to a decrease in the functional state of all body systems - to fatigue. Recovery requires a long andcomplete rest - night and daytime, since children in a state of continuous wakefulness can be no more than 5 "/g - 6 hours. Longer wakefulness is an excessive burden on the nervous system of children. Sufficiently long sleep is a reliable means of preventing neurotic conditions in children. A prerequisite for normal sleep - strict adherence to the regimen, i.e. certain hours of going to bed, which forms a reflex in children for a while, they fall asleep faster.In addition, it is necessary to comply with a number of hygiene requirements, namely: quiet and calm games before bedtime; hygiene procedures; the presence of a neat and comfortable bed, clothes; access to fresh air, as oxygen consumption increases during sleep; optimum temperature air in sleeping rooms (19 ° C for the middle lane), and also better organization sleep (especially daytime) in the fresh air (open verandas), etc.

Organization of the daily routine in small preschool institutions. A small preschool institution with groups of different ages is one of the types of children's institutions, in each group of which the upbringing and education of children of several ages is carried out. In such an institution there are 1-3 groups. The content of the educational work of an ungraded preschool institution must comply with the standard program of education and training in kindergarten. However, cohabitation in one group of children of different ages, it gives a certain specificity to the activities of the teacher and medical staff of the institution.

When selecting a contingent of a mixed-age (mixed) group, one should proceed from the possibility of organizing a daily regimen in it that best corresponds to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of each child. The daily routine of a group of different ages should contribute to their harmonious development.

From a hygienic standpoint, the following types of small preschool institutions are optimal: a small kindergarten with two mixed groups of children of an adjacent age (pre-preschool, preschool); small kindergarten with two mixed groups of children of adjacent age and one preparatory. The implementation of this principle of age acquisition of groups of a preschool institution makes it possible to solve upbringing, educational tasks with maximum efficiency, organize activities to protect and improve the health of children.

In the mixed pre-preschool group, a number of regime moments are performed almost simultaneously with the entire group: morning reception of children, gymnastics, preparation for breakfast, breakfast, play after breakfast, lunch. Taking into account the difference in the mental and physical development of children, general regime moments begin 5-10 minutes earlier with younger children (they begin to gather for a walk earlier, put them at the table for meals, etc.), with the exception of getting up after daytime sleep ( older children are the first to wake up, since they have less sleep). In the cold season, children under the age of 1 "/g years after dinner play in a group, and the older ones are taken for a walk.

After breakfast, the teacher organizes games with the children of the older subgroup, then, together with the nanny, helps the younger ones undress for the first daytime sleep. While children 1 - 1 "/g years old are sleeping, the rest of the children are busy playing, classes are held with them in subgroups, and then they are also put to bed. Children 1 "D-3 years old are raised first after sleep. With these children, they are engaged in hardening procedures, and then, after an afternoon snack, they conduct classes. After classes, the older children play, at this time the younger ones wake up. They are fed with an afternoon snack, and then all the children are taken for a walk. Subject to the recommended daily routine in a mixed pre-preschool group, the duration of sleep and wakefulness, the rhythm of their change correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children.

With the transition of children from the pre-preschool to the pre-school group, the nature of the activities of children changes: classes become more difficult, children master new cultural and hygienic skills, the game becomes more meaningful, etc.

In a mixed preschool group, much attention is paid to morning exercises, the duration of which for children 3-4 years old should be 4-6 minutes, and for older children - 10-12 minutes. Morning exercises for these two groups of children differ significantly in content. It is advisable to conduct it separately: first with younger children, and then with older ones. In the absence of such opportunities, morning exercises are carried out simultaneously with the entire group with differentiated, depending on age, requirements for the quantity, pace and quality of the exercises. Morning exercises are carried out in the fresh air, and in the cold season - in a well-ventilated room.

In a mixed preschool group, classes are held only in the first half of the day. The schedule is made up for a month, taking into account a number of classes once every 2 weeks (Table 7).

Table 7. Variant of the class schedule for a month for a mixed preschool group(children 4-6 years old)

Day of the week

Children's age

4 years

5 years

6 years

1st and 3rd

a week


Familiarization with

Familiarization with

Familiarization with






Music Drawing





Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical education Getting to know the environment


Speech development

Speech development

Speech development



Sculpting Diploma





Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical education Russian language










Music - Lepka

2nd and 4th

i week


Familiarization with

Familiarization with

Familiarization with






Music Drawing


Physical Education




Physical Education

Physical Education




Speech development

Speech development

Speech development



Design Diploma





Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical education Russian language







Music Russian language

It is advisable to conduct classes with all children in one section of the program. Depending on the type of occupation, their content is acceptable various forms“connections” to the activities of children of different ages.

In the middle of class, you shouldphysical education minutes d with a duration of 1 "/g-2 min. The duration of breaks between classes should be 10-12 minutes. During breaks, outdoor games of low and medium intensity should be organized.

Of great hygienic importance is the rational planning of independent work of children during classes. Independent work of children Should be under the control of the educator and provide for the alternation of various types of activities, static and dynamic loads, switching attention.

In the mixed age group, special attention is neededdevote to the physical education of children. Physical education classes can be held simultaneously with the whole group. The nature of the exercises, their number, pace, number of repetitions, depending on age, must be strictly dosed. It is also possible to "step" connection to the lesson of young children.

Great importance in the physical education of children have physical education in the open air. It is advisable to conduct such classes in groups of different ages at the end of the walk and according to the methodology set forth in the methodological recommendations “Conducting outdoor physical education classes with children 5-7 ... years old in preschool institutions”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health (1984). To ensure sufficient motor density of the lesson and maintain high performance of children, it is very important that the alternation of certain types of activity and rest, the use of physical education equipment and individual aids (benches, boards, sticks, hoops, flags, jump ropes, etc.) be properly planned in advance.

The rational organization of the regime in an ungraded kindergarten largely depends on the clear, well-coordinated work of all the staff of the institution: the head, educators, medical personnel and other workers, as well as parents.

Peculiarities of the regime of six-year-old children who started their education in kindergarten. The peculiarities of the higher nervous activity of 6-year-old children explain the high functional exhaustion of the central nervous system, low attention stability, and rapidly developing protective excitation, which manifests itself in children's motor restlessness and distractions during classes. This is important to consider when building a daily routine and the pedagogical process.

The content, methods and regimen of classes with children of 6 years old should take into account, first of all, their age functional features. Some researchers argue that fatigue at the initial stage of school life depends more on the organization of the regime than on the magnitude of the academic load. Overload often leads to overwork, not because the work is difficult, but because there is not enough time for rest and sleep, and especially for physical activity. For preschool children, the most difficult is the static load, static stress while sitting in the classroom.

When constructing each lesson, it should be taken into account that the working capacity of children is not the same during the lesson: the process of working out continues for about 5 minutes. Therefore, new material should not be offered to children at the very beginning of classes, it is better to attribute it to the period following the process of working out. The teacher's explanation should not be wordy (5-7 minutes in older groups). In the classroom, you need to use bright aids; each detail depicted on them should be visible without eye strain at a distance of at least 8 m. The maximum duration of classes for 6-year-old children is 35 minutes; the maximum teaching load during the week is no more than 20 hours, and daily - 4 lessons per day.

Under familiar conditions children's institution, where there are good conditions for walks, sleep, play activities, nutrition is rationally decided, children adapt more easily to new educational work for them.

Reception of children

When planning work in the practice diary, indicate where the children will be received: in a group or at the site. Reveal the content of educational work.

During the morning reception, create a good mood for the child (affectionately, kindly meet the children).

Pay attention to the appearance of the children, so that the children who come do not forget to say hello, educate the children in a culture of communication: speak quietly, do not shout.

Make sure that all children find interesting activities for themselves, do not go around idle, do not interfere with others. If it is difficult for a child to choose an activity, help him: offer a toy, connect to playing children, clarify with whom he would like to play, give the child an assignment (indicate which one).

Create conditions for varied and interesting activities for children.

Game activity. Labor activity.
Individual work with individual children

The plan must specifically define the activity that you will conduct, indicating the name and purpose of the activity.

Defining individual work with children, you must specifytopic and purpose. For example: with a group of children (indicate which ones) to consider their clothes. Clarify children's knowledge about the name of clothing, material, color, individual details. Ask who made them a suit, a dress.

Organize a conversation with the children about their family.

Talk to the children (the teacher must indicate the topic and purpose of the conversation).Sample topic: Do the children know their home address? What are their favorite toys and games? Who are they friends with (who would you like to be friends with? Why?)? About plants, about animals, about seasons, about social events (holiday).

Organize a game with collapsible toys "Collect nesting dolls", "Collect pyramids".Target: teach children to distinguish objects by size, color.

Play with children in a game of medium mobility, exercise children in dexterity, accuracy, develop coordination of movements in children.

Show a group of children several toys made of paper (name).Target: education in children the ability to make simple toys.

Carrying out morning exercises (the teacher conducts the gymnastics. If the trainee conducts the gymnastics, he first discusses everything with the teacher, and writes down the complex of morning exercises in the plan).

Organization of washing gradually, in small groups. Before the children go to wash, I will explain to the children (I will remind, I will clarify with the children) the rules of conduct. Before washing, roll up your sleeves, lather your hands well and wash them over the sink, do not splash water on the floor, but squeeze water from your hands over the sink too. Maintain cleanliness and order in the washroom. In the process of washing, make sure that there are 2-3 people at the sink so that the children do not push each other. If necessary, make appropriate comments, assessment of children's actions. Make sure that the children use their own towel, carefully hang it in its place.

In the process of washing, clarify with the children the name of the washing accessories (soap, soap dish, towel, sink ...), color, shape, material (what the soap dish is made of) and other properties (warm, cold water).

When planning cultural and hygienic skills in the process of washing, each trainee should be guided by the Education Program of his group and take into account the peculiarities of the development of children in this group. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss everything in advance with the educator and correctly determine certain methodological techniques in the plan: explanation and demonstration of individual actions of washing, reminders, instructions, assessment of children's actions, practical assistance, use of nursery rhymes, poems (short), guessing riddles, control over the action children (bring in a doll, bear, other toys).


The plan can reflect the following work: pay attention to how to lay the tables for breakfast (give an assessment to those on duty). If necessary (depending on the menu), specify the name of the dishes. Note the care of adults (nannies, cooks) about children. Create a positive mood for food in children.

In the process of eating, constantly monitor the posture of the children, if necessary, remind the children of the correct posture, ensure that the children eat all the food, feed the babies.

To educate children in the cultural and hygienic skills of eating (see "The program of education in kindergarten"), coordinating them with the teacher.

Preparing for a walk

The work plan must necessarily spell out the content and methodology of working with children to educate them in the skills of proper and independent dressing and a culture of behavior. (See Kindergarten Education Program by Age Group.)

It is necessary to give the children a set for the upcoming activity.

Invite the children to put the toys in their place, check with the children the order in the group. Teach children to keep the environment clean and tidy. Before the children go to get dressed, explain, remind, clarify with the children the rules of conduct in the locker room. Create a comfortable environment for children to dress themselves, make sure that each child sits near his locker (on a banquette or chair), make sure that the children do not scatter their clothes, but take them gradually, as the sequence of dressing.

To ensure that children dress in a certain sequence, on their own (explain, remind, clarify with the children the sequence of dressing). First you need to get out of the locker and put on tights, leggings, then a sweater, sweater, scarf, hat, lastly put on a coat, tie a scarf; put your change of shoes in the closet. It is necessary to educate the culture of communication in children. Remind about the words “please”, “thank you”, “sorry”.

Note: as most of the children get dressed, take them out for a walk. Before going out, pay attention to their appearance.

Educational tasks can also be included in the plan of educational work: in the process of dressing, maintain a conversation with children in order to clarify and consolidate the names of clothing, its purpose, the names of individual parts of clothing; to fix and activate the vocabulary of children (left sleeve, right sleeve, cuffs, buttons, tie back and forth, left-right boot, boot).


In the work plan, you need to outline the content of the different types of activities that you organize. This activity must be coordinated with the teacher. In the plan, you write down not only the name of the activity, but also the pedagogical task that you will solve in the process of managing this or that activity. It is necessary to seriously consider the method of guiding children's activities. The plan must indicate what types of toys, what equipment will be taken out to organize the planned games of children, labor activities. It is necessary to indicate the sequence in the plan, but it must be remembered that the sequence of the content of the activities on the walk depends on the previous activity (i.e., from classes), on the state of the weather, on the interest of the children, on the individual characteristics of the children.

Organization of the walk. Organize interesting, varied and meaningful activities for children on a walk (see the recommendations of the list of activities on a walk). Having gone out with the children to the site, acquaint the children with the presence of toys. Clarify with the children who and what the children would like to play with, remind the children about the rules of the game.

During the walk, observe the content of children's games, the relationship of children in the game. Monitor the change of activities so that the children do not get too excited, do not overheat (see the Program ...).

Organize (conduct with children) an outdoor game (indicate the name of the game and the goal). Involve children in cleaning the site, indicate the content of labor - i.e. what the children will do - and the pedagogical task. Give a group of children a labor assignment.

Organize observations with the children (indicate what the children will observe. See the development of planning for observation during a walk). It must be remembered that 30 minutes before the end of the walk, it is necessary to transfer the children to more relaxed activities. Here you can observe word games, conversations with children.

Before leaving the walk, make sure that the children put all the toys in their place. Give the children instructions for the upcoming activity. Remind the children that when entering the kindergarten, you need to wipe your feet well, go quietly to the group, do not shout. In the dressing room, make sure that all children undress quickly, on their own, carefully put their things in the closet. Encourage children to respect personal belongings. When all the children undress, check how the children followed the instructions of the teacher, evaluate the children, if necessary, invite the child to clean up the closet.

Preparing for dinner

Work during this regime moment in the plan can not be reflected, since it is carried out in the same way as work during preparation for breakfast and during breakfast (this must be agreed with the educator and methodologist).

During lunch, create a calm environment. Help individual children to finish their lunch, do not allow children to sit at the table. Make sure (remind children) to rinse their mouth. To instill in children the need for cleanliness and tidiness.

Preparing for daytime sleep

In the process of undressing (preparation for sleep), make sure that the children are not distracted by unnecessary conversations, games, to achieve silence, discipline. Create a calm environment in the bedroom. Encourage children to have a positive attitude towards sleep. During undressing, follow the sequence, accuracy, independence of the actions of children. Encourage children to respect personal belongings. Pay attention to the fact that the children carefully put their things on the chair, using the methods of approval, praise, comments.

Help the children lie comfortably in bed, put their hands on top of the blanket. Children are invited to check the order on the chairs with clothes, to help the attendants.


Content role playing emerges from the development observation, memory, thinking; education of feelings, interests; development of the imagination. Children's creativity in the game is characterized by the presence concept, choice of role, ability to develop the plot, pick up material.

All these components of the game appear only as a result of education. To develop a child's ability to create means to develop his powers of observation, broaden his horizons, teach him to imitate worthy examples, and teach him to apply knowledge. The independence of the child in the game is its first characteristic feature.

Peering into children's games, K.D. Ushinsky came to the conclusion that “for a child, a game is reality, and reality is much more interesting than the one that surrounds him ... It is more interesting for a child precisely because it is clearer, and it is clearer to him because it is partly his own creation. . The child lives in the game ... ”A child plays independently, creatively sometimes when the content of the game captures his feelings. This is possible only on condition that he has knowledge about when he depicts, knowledge about objects, phenomena, if his imagination, feelings, interests, work skills are formed.

It is necessary to reveal the whole variety of sources that contribute to the development of the content of the game, form a rich imagination, and enrich role-playing actions.

Sources that influence the content of children's games are not only direct children's experience arising spontaneously, but also an experience that is organized by the educator.

This experience includes ideas about things, knowledge about people that children imitate in games. He enriches himself by reading fiction and looking at pictures.

In order for children to have a desire to play "school", they need to cultivate an interest in school from a younger preschool age. Children in their families watch how their brothers and sisters go to school, how parents prepare for this event: they buy books, notebooks, uniforms, etc. for them.

The kindergarten teacher, in a conversation with the children, clarifies the children's knowledge about the school, maintains interest. It is necessary to familiarize children with the school, attend school, conduct conversations, read about the school, show pictures, arrange meetings with school teachers, with schoolchildren, read literary works.

The accumulation of knowledge, the production together with the children of all the material necessary for playing the “school” and the emotional introduction of it cause children to want to play, imitating the teacher and schoolchildren.

Sample assignment on the topic "Game"

Assignment on the topic "Role-playing games and their management": record a role-playing game. On the basis of the record, characterize the level of development of the play activity of children in this group and outline ways further development games.

The games of the children in our group are poor and limited in content. This is due to the age of the children - after all, at the age of 3, children do not yet have a stable plan and sometimes children cannot start the game on their own. In their games, they reflect what directly surrounds them (games in the "Hospital", "Shop", "Mothers and Daughters"), make "travels". Children can quickly switch from one game to another, as they have unstable attention (these include Seryozha, Andrey, Anya, etc.).

We don't have group games. The largest number of children playing in the game "Mothers and Daughters" is 4 children, in the game "Hospital" - 7-8 people (by the way, many children take part in this game at first, but by the end of the game the children get tired of waiting for their turn and switch to another game). The main stimulus for the game is the toy. There are many good people in the group interesting toys, but, unfortunately, not all children yet know how to handle them carefully (Katya can throw the doll, take it by the hair or leg and wave the doll). Not all children know where toys are stored yet (Sasha, Seryozha, Andrey, Yulia): they are still small.

Luda, Natasha, Tanya, Volodya play role-playing games very well. Our children cannot plan ahead for play. Their actions mainly depend on the environment in which they are, on the questions that the teacher asks the children. For example, in the game corner created plot picture: dolls lie in beds, their clothes hang on chairs nearby, there are cups, a teapot on the table, spoons lie.

Tanya and Katya approach the toys. They begin to dress the dolls, talking among themselves. Tanya: “This is my daughter. Now I will wear it. It’s already light outside, you need to wake up.” Katya: “And I have a daughter. I want to wear it too."

Then dress the dolls in silence. When the dolls were dressed, Tanya sat her doll at the piano, and Katya did not know what to do next. Then I came up: "Katya, wash your daughter and feed her." At this time, Dima approached us. "Dima, do you want to play with us?" - "Want". “Then you will be dad, and Katya will be mom. Let mom wash her daughter, and dad cook breakfast. Dima immediately joined the game. Having fed the doll, Katya said: "Now let's go for a walk." She took her daughter in her arms, took the bag and “went for a walk” (walked around the group). “Katya, don’t you need to go to the store?” - "Need to". "What do you want to buy?" - "Apples". She went to the store, where the seller was Luda. "What do you need?" Kate didn't know what to say. I said, “The salesperson must be polite. Ask Katya: “What do you want to buy?” Lyuda asked, but Katya again did not know what to answer. It turned out that I spoke for both the seller and my mother, and the girls only repeated. The game lasted 10-12 minutes. During the game, various actions were performed with the dolls - the dolls came to visit each other, walked, sang songs ... To develop this game, you can conduct a number of didactic games “Let's dress the doll for a walk”, “Let's put the doll to sleep”, “Bathing the doll” , "Birthday doll."

Children cannot play on their own, the game may soon stop, so it is necessary that the children constantly have a teacher who, with his instructions and questions, would help develop the plot of the game.

In the game corner, you need to create more and more varied plot pictures.

The game will develop if some new toy is introduced into it, for example, a car. All the dolls were leaving for a ride in a car.

In order for children to remember where which toy is, you can conduct classes to familiarize yourself with the surroundings “Examining the playroom”.

On a walk, children like to play "Travel". The children get into the car. The driver sits in front. Usually the role of the driver is performed by Volodya. He “steers”, makes sounds when the car is moving, says when the car has arrived so that the children get out of the car. "Where did we come?" - "To a kindergarten". "What is in our kindergarten?" Children tell, we walk around the site. Then again the children get into the car and leave. During the trip, they sing the song "Merry Friends". So the children come to the clearing, to the forest.

For the development of this game, it is necessary to enrich the knowledge of children. Tell the children about the work of the driver. In the surrounding life, on the street, observe the work of drivers. Draw the children's attention to the friendly attitude of the driver with the passengers: the driver loudly announces stops, opens and closes the doors for passengers. To attract other children to the role of a driver - first those who are more daring (Kirill, Dima), and then quiet guys. To make the game develop, you can make attributes: hats for the driver, a steering wheel. Choose a controller, make him a bag. The controller will distribute tickets to passengers.

Talk to the children about the work of the driver, read the story.

1. Organize seasonal observations with children. Teach children to observe natural phenomena and establish a connection between them. To acquaint children with the characteristic features of the season. Tell that in autumn there are leaves on the trees ... (see the program).
Teach children to observe seasonal phenomena in nature. Clarify children's ideas about these phenomena. To teach children to observe natural phenomena, analyze, establish causal relationships and dependence. Learn to draw conclusions about certain patterns and relationships.

2. Organize observations with the children about the weather.(Watch the weather with the children.) Mark the weather with the children. Teach children to identify and name the state of the weather. Invite the children to tell what the weather is like today. Offer to answer the questions: what is the weather today, is it cold or warm today, sunny or cloudy, windy or calm. Clarify how the children decided that today is such a weather.
Teaching children to determine the state of the weather by characteristics: a breeze blows, the trees sway, which means windy weather; the sun is shining, there are shadows on the earth - it means the weather is sunny; frost on the trees, non-sticky snow - frosty weather. To consolidate children's ideas about seasonal phenomena, about seasonal changes in nature.

3. Organize animal observations with children. Organize with children the observation of birds, their behavior, appearance, color, plumage. Raise the desire to care for them. Protect, feed.
Organize observation of animals, their features of appearance, habits. Clarify children's knowledge about the lifestyle of animals (domestic and wild), habits, care for animals.
Organize insect observation with children.
To teach children to recognize animals, birds, insects by color, sounds, mode of movement, behavior. To give children ideas about the life of animals, birds, insects in different time of the year. Clarify children's knowledge about animals, why they need to be protected, how to care for them.
Involve children in observing the inhabitants of the animal corner. Give instructions to the children ... (see the Program).

4. Observation of inanimate nature(in the forest, field, meadow, garden, on the site of the kindergarten). Organize with children the observation of plants, trees. Teach children to compare plants, trees. Recognize their distinctive features. To give children ideas about grown plants, care.
Teach children to behave properly in nature, talk to them about caring attitude to plants, about protecting nature, caring for them, about proper behavior in nature (do not break bushes, do not pick flowers, but take care of them). Give children ideas about plants, trees at different times of the year (see Program).
To teach children to distinguish plants, trees, shrubs by bark, leaves, flowers and fruits.

5. Involve children in observing the phenomena of inanimate nature. Teach children to note what changes have occurred in past period. Involve children in caring for plants and trees (see the Program). To instill in children a love for the natural environment, a desire to protect and preserve it.

6. To give children ideas about the transition of water to a solid state and vice versa. Prepare colored water with the children, pour it into different molds and put it in the cold. Invite the children to observe what happens to the water in the molds. When the water freezes, decorate the area with colored ice with the children. To fashion a small snowman with the children from the snow, take him to the group and in the evening, after sleep, find out what happened to him. Ask why he melted.