Terms of use and behavior in transport. Rules for behavior for passengers of public transport. Public transport rules

For the sake of security, general education, upbringing and developing a sense of tact, each person is obliged to know not only the rules road, but also ethyl behavior in public transport. To miss anything and not to become a conflict member, you must have general concepts and follow the standards defined below.


First of all, it must be remembered that public transport is a contact place large number different people. One way or another, this is part of our life, so maintaining a favorable environment is very important, which certainly contributes proper behavior. Public transport includes trams and trolley buses, buses, subways, trains and airplanes.

The main thing is to remember that you are not alone.It is always necessary to take into account the personal space of others and try not to cause them inconvenience.

How to behave in railway transport?

First of all, the conductor will check your tickets and documents, it is important not to leave any of this from the victims, as well as after checking not to lose them. It will be useful to get acquainted with their neighbors by the car, especially if it is a train far follow. If any aspects will disturb you, you can always contact the conductor.

Some moments must also be taken into account on the train of long distance. Since the trip is long, it is important to take care of food at this time, as well as about water. homemade food It can be stored for a short time, so you need to eat it immediately, at the beginning of the trip. Basically you need to take products that can be kept for a long time (fruits, nuts, canned food, cookies, foods brewed by boiling water).

The kind conversation will be a manifestation of politeness and will help to pass the time, but do not bother your neighbors. Men and women should be alternately to leave the coupe, if one of them disgusts.

In general car, as in most types of transport, it is not recommended to make noise, interfere with the neighbors, run.Though the ride is not relatively long, but children cannot stop in place for so long, so it is important to control them in such a situation.

It is impossible to pass on the roofs, in the cargo car, on the steps of the train. From the windows it is forbidden to turn part parts; Stop crane without extreme need to touch no need. You can not walk on the railway paths, you can go to the place specifically reserved for this (pedestrian flooring, transitional bridge). Passengers who are located on the upper shelves, can sit in the lower places.

General norms of behavior in urban transport

Fundamental rules:

  • It is ugly to squeeze public transport, swelling all the elbows, you need to respect other people.
  • Standing raindrops and snow is necessary before you fall into urban transport, inside it is unacceptable.
  • It is impolite to look at other passengers, and can also scare them. Looking into the phone or book of the neighbor also inappropriate.
  • Watch movies, listen to music and play gadgets permissible only in the headphones so that you do not interfere with anyone.

  • Trams accommodate more people compared to buses, trolley buses. Therefore, it is necessary to be ready for a large stream of people, try not to make it difficult to quickly move the large groups.
  • Trolleybuses, like trams, stop at each stop. Given this, it is worth watching those who are included in transport - people who need to give a place or need help.

At the entrance

Regardless of the type of public transport, there are orders fair to all:

  • The very first thing to be done is to release people who leave it. The first to be the first to enter children, older people and women, as well as people with disabilities.
  • In transport, people should not stand in the doorway, thereby making it difficult to enter and reach the passengers.
  • If there are difficulties at the entrance and need help, the initiative from men will be as impossible by the way and will show them with best side. However, we must not forget that you first need to ask for this permission. Circumstances can be different, and help may be inappropriate.
  • Entering, you need to not forget to shoot with shoulders bags and backpacks, so as not to touch them around.

During driving

During the trip you need to remember the personal space. And not only about its, but also about the space of other passengers: to rely on others with all weight and push it is unacceptable, it can even lead to conflict. In disrespectful to other people will speak loudly with their friends, as well as speak loudly on the phone. Not best theme For discussion will be personal lifeThe abnormative vocabulary is unconditionally banned.

The snack during the trip can and seems convenient, but completely contradicts the rules of etiquette. The smell will spread over the entire area, the crumbs will be raised, it is not excluded and the ability to blur the neighbor.

At exit

Going out, do not learn forward, try not to interfere with others. If someone is hard to get out, try to help. A gallant man can give a girl with his hand, showing courtesy. Both at the entrance and at the exit, if you see a baby stroller, heavy bags - be sure to offer help, it's hard to cope with it.

Who should give a place?

If you see a person who is hard to stand, definitely, should be given to him. Sustainable rule It is that, in the first place, the place must be given to the people of old age, pregnant women, passengers with children on their hands and disabled. But every self-respecting man will definitely give way to a woman. The feeling of tact should be stronger than the most developed in boys and men who will always help and give way.

In car

When traveling in the car, the passenger is primarily obliged to fasten the safety belt; For children, special retaining devices or chairs are provided. During the trip, it is not allowed to stick out from the windows and hatches, turning out the limbs there. In no case cannot be distracted by the driver with any means. Open the vehicle doors and it is unacceptable to rely on them, it can lead to an accident.

Lyethe flight

In the culture of aviation transport, everything is somewhat different: the norms of what should not be established clearly, to avoid emergency. So, explain everything in order:

  • Unaccompaning airport workers, access to the location of the aircraft is prohibited.
  • It is impossible to rose to the aircraft to beboard, enter the cockpit of pilots.
  • Get up from the places when takeoff, landing, movement on the ground is prohibited.

Before takeoff, taking your place, everyone should be fastened to the safety belt. Then it is extremely important to listen to the rules of behavior in the cabin, as well as in case of an emergency.

It is especially necessary to remember the procedure for solving rescue funds. As well as in all types of transport, noise, screams, loud conversations are not welcome.

How to behave at an emergency?

Rule number 1 in an emergency is not amenable to panic and not sow panic among others. If you can see that the catastrophe does not avoid, it is necessary to lie on the floor or sit on the seat, close your head with your hands. After the accident, you need to try to leave the transport, but only after its complete stop. If it is impossible to do it through the doors, there is alternative option - squeeze or split the glass.

If possible, it is necessary to help other people get out, and then move themselves at a safe distance and call salvation services.

Memo for children

Various rules Conduct must be attached to the child since childhood, especially if they influence their admission to society. Several simple items can be distinguished so that the child is well remembered and knew the framework of the etiquette in all kinds of trips:

  • You can wait and enter public transport only at stops.
  • You can bypass the standing bus or trolleybus only from behind.
  • Before you come, letting out people.
  • You do not need to take ice cream, drinks, drinks and any other food, which can be blicked by passengers.
  • Do not sweep the people, do not run and do not hurry to go to the center of the cabin, everything needs to be done calmly.

The question of what should be the rules of behavior in public transport, unfortunately, is asked not everyone. Departing B. far Ride, for example, by train, or arranging the grand exit of children on a cool excursion, most people do not think about the fact that there are specially designed rules for conduct when using various species transport.


According to the rules of the road traffic, the vehicle is a source increased danger. School bus, electric train or just a car, in addition to comfort and convenience while moving from point A to point B, at any time they can get into an emergency or create it to other participants in the movement. At the same time, often the reason for the emergence of an abnormal situation is the passengers themselves, or rather, their behavior. And it does not matter that in front of us is a 20-seater minibus or a railway composition of ten cars.

We all remember the signs with inscriptions "will not stand at the edge of the platform", "talking to the driver during the movement is prohibited," "Stand on the right, pass on the left" and the like. IN childhood Such inscriptions are perceived as something boring, tedious and completely optional to execution, especially if adults do not see. You can ride on the footage of the tram, get away to the departure train or run on the road directly before going through the flow of cars. And after all, nothing will happen, they did so much. For a hundred and first time, unfortunately, irreversible consequences may come.

The human factor is perhaps one of the most common causes of emergency public transport situations.

The behavior of passengers can and, unfortunately, often provokes various accidents, including with victims. Often in such cases, reasons who pushed passengers to a gross violation of the rules for using public transport is the elementary ignorance of these rules or disregard them.

The notorious "grips" cause, in addition to condemnation, compassion and even understanding: young people are trying to draw attention to themselves, which is quite explained, especially in the conditions of adult attention deficit. However, the machinists of electric trains and paths of paths are difficult to understand and forgive the exalted adolescents.

In our country, the history of the rules of behavior in public transport begins in the year before last, the nineteenth century, being one of the most important components of public security. Modern vehicles intended for convenient and fast movement in space require compliance with the simple and at the same time mandatory to execute the rules.

Only following these rules may considerable degree Guarantee the safety of vital activity on public transport.

Fundamental rules

List the rules for use, for example, the subway or the funicular (this is also a type of public transport) does not make sense, especially no need to know the above-mentioned rules by heart. However, following the main norms of behavior in public transport will not only avoid unpleasant, including extreme situationsBut also behave politely towards others.

  • be careful. Passengers of public transport is best characterized by the concept of "Brownian Movement", especially this concerns the metro. Following information tables, as well as the implementation of the instructions of transport employees are not someone's priest, but allow us to provide proper logistics and proper security measures. Attentive should be not only when you are driving your own car: Even in the sleeping carriage of long-distance trains there may be various unexpected situations. Always need to remember: public transport is a source of increased danger.

  • Be polite.The culture of transport behavior is not a myth, but the reality with which we are faced every day. Mutual politeness and patient attitude towards others avoids many unpleasant situations And greatly facilitates the work of employees and transport workers, first of all law enforcement officers. Public transport is because it is called that belongs to everyone equally, and not for you and only on the grounds that you paid for travel.

  • Follow elementary logic. In the tram that arrived to the stop, the doors opened, and the people happily fell inside, dying and pushing, as if it was the last tram in the next few days. The elevator rule (also, by the way, the type of passenger transport) works everywhere where there are doors: first come out, then come. If there is no place in the subway car or the cabin, there is no place to push, creating inconvenience to yourself and others, but simply wait for the next transport.

  • In the aircraft sector of passenger traffic, the rules are significantly tougher than in the rest. And this is normal. Using the aircraft or helicopter, it should be especially attentive, with understanding to treat the work of pilots and other employees of air transport. And comply with the rules of behavior during the flight and while at the airport - strictly and also with understanding.

Etiquette in foreign countries

Contrary to the most common stereotype "they all are wonderful there, and we have everything is terrible here," the rules of conduct in public transport in european countries Not much different from Russian. In Europe itself, there is a significant difference in public transport behavior different countries. Let's say, in Italy or in France, youth can afford to be calmly noise in public transport, while moving the well-known feature of the permitted, and in the Nordic European countries, the behavior of passengers can be called more restrained or even phlegmatic.

The main difference of European passengers from ours, domestic lies, as neither is neither trivial, in more responsible attitude to the rules of behavior in public transport.

In all types of municipal and private passenger transport, you can see the memo to passengers; True, not always these memos duplicate on english languageEven if the case is happening in the historic center of the major European city.

General rules behavior in city transport, as already mentioned, is largely similar to our, and existing differences You can briefly reduce the following points:

  • europeans "on average at the hospital" more carefully follow the rules and regulations;
  • in the European city, you will most often do not persist help or loudly express dissatisfaction with your ignorance or ignorance of the rules;
  • europeans are generally relate to foreigners more condescendingly, in particular, this is manifested in the fact that you will most likely explain in detail how it is better to get into the place you need.

"Public transport" can be divided into two large groups: one). intracity transport (buses, trolley buses, trams, taxis, metro); 2) long-distance transport (aircraft, trains, boats).

Entering the cabin cabin, tram, trolleybus or metro wagon, you do not need to welcome all passengers there. You can say hello to familiar or those who have repeatedly met on trips around the city. At the same time, during the greeting of the latter, only slightly tilt the head and smile. However, if a person does not want to respond to a greeting, it is best not to insist and at the next meeting you can also not welcome the fellow traveler.

At the entrance to urban transport, women, children, the elderly and those who occupy a higher social situation are performed first (if you were lucky to meet them in the closer buse or trolleybus). At the same time, you can help them go to the salon, after recokesting the permissions. When leaving the transport, men and those who younger are first to leave. rules good tone Prescribe men to help leave the cabin of the bus or trolleybus women and those who need such help. Subordinate at all is not necessarily handing over and helping to leave the transport to his boss or to the one who occupies a higher social statusUnless this is a woman.

Sitting sites in urban transport should occupy elderly, disabled, children and women. Men can only sit on free space only if the people surrounding him expressed their consent. Therefore, before you take a free sedentary place, a man must ask in a polite form to ask for permits from passengers near him. At the same time loudly shouting at the entire salon, offering every fellow traveler to occupy free place, not worth it. Women can give way to a man in the event that he is a disabled or a deep old man.

Candidating his place should not jump, silently hinting near the grandmother or a disabled person that he can take his place. In such cases, it should be said: "Please" or "allow you to offer you to sit down." In response, the person who gave way to, should say the words of gratitude.

Perhaps everyone who has to travel often in public transport, at least once turned out to be in a situation where any of the distressed passengers who did not give way to, began to spare sitting (especially if these are young people) accuse them in disrespect for the elder generation and . It must be said that such behavior, according to etiquette, is also considered rudeness. In such cases, it is necessary to politely contact the sitting to give up a place.

Often in urban transport you can see people reading a newspaper or a book. It is not considered indecent. After all, in our age of rabid velocities, a person must have time to do so much. So we combine some pleasant with useful: reading a fascinating detective with a travel on city transport. However, if you read the newspaper and you did not manage to take a free sessing place, make sure not to interfere with fellow trains. No need to turn the pages loudly or put a book on the back in front of the standing or head in front of you sitting.

In the event that on the way to work in public transport you met your friend and wished to discuss latest news With his rich events of life, there is no need to do it too loud, so that your "secrets" have become the property of people around you. Talking in transport should be quiet and at the same time it is best to abandon the discussion of issues related to personal life.

In the rules of the road "Passenger", this is: a person except the driver located in a vehicle, as well as a person who enters the vehicle or comes out of the vehicle. So the passenger pedestrian becomes not when he entered the bus or another vehicle, and at that moment when he decided to do it and began to move towards the bus. Thus, if we use any kind of transport, we are passengers.

Many people think: "The rules of the road concern drivers and pedestrians. And I am a passenger, I am lucky, then the driver is responsible for me. " In fact, safety on the roads also depends on the passengers, and in the rules of the road, there is a section that determines the duties of passengers.

The work of vehicle drivers in the conditions of large cities and the movement of highway roads is very tense and responsible. And passengers should not create additional difficulties to drivers, distracting them with violations of the rules.

It is important to expect a bus, trolleybus, tram, taxi. All urban transport moves on certain routes and stops not where the driver or passengers will want, and in the established items called stops. Therefore, we should expect urban transportation at stops marked by pointers, sidewalk or sideway, without leaving the roadway.

It should be borne in mind that the tram stop almost always happens in the middle of the roadway and passengers have to cross the bridge. Road traffic rules require car drivers to skip passengers going to stopped tram or from him. But still need to be extremely attentive and, before you go to the tram, you need to look around and make sure that the transition security.

    • When a bus, trolleybus or tram approached the stop, behave calmly - do not fuss, do not push. Come to the door only after the full stop of the transport. Do not stand in front of the doors, miss the passengers.
    • Do not go into transport with ice cream and drinks, even if the salon is free, with a sharp push or braking, you risk staining other passengers.
    • Entering the vehicle, do not delay near the doors and on the site, go to the salon. In the cabin, hold on to the handrails so as not to get bruises with a possible sharp braking.

    • To avoid being clamped doors do not try to sit in last moment Before sending a bus, trolleybus, tram.
    • Safety requirements passengers are prohibited from preventing the closure of doors or open them until the vehicle stops. Most buses and trolley buses have doors that open automatically from the driver's cab. The driver does not always see what is being done in the door, if someone from passengers stayed. The driver, being sure that the doors are closed, the bus or trolleybus sends. As a result, the passenger can be squeezed between door flaps. Do not attempt to open them yourself: it is very dangerous!

    • It is also dangerous to open the doors to the complete bus stop or trolleybus, because passengers can fall out of it.
    • Do not learn about the doors: they can open on the go, do not put the heads and hands in the window.
    • Do not stand on the protruding parts and steps of vehicles;
    • Do not distract the driver with conversations while driving.
    • When moving should not sleep, if possible, you need to follow the situation on the road.
    • If during the movement there is a danger of a vehicle collision with another object, it is necessary to take a steady position and tightly grab the handrails (belts); Sitting passenger should be laid down in the floor, and with his hands in front seat (panel) and tilt your head forward.
    • In the event of a collision and the inability to keep in a vertical position, try to group and close your head with your hands, and ideally - see the landing place.
    • With a trolleybus accident or tram leave them to avoid defeat electric shock It follows only a jump.

    • Inside the tram, trolley buses and a particularly more mobile bus, try to hold on to handrails in case of emergency braking or stop. Best point Supports - handrail over your head.
    • To stand better face In the direction of movement, in order to be able to notice the danger in advance and have time to react to it. In addition, from this position in a collision and braking, you will fall face forward, which is much safer than falling on the back.
    • A certain threat is posed in the case of sudden stops and braking umbrellas, canes, etc. Objects with sharp and protruding edges.
    • Insecure in walking transport to walk, instead of standing, keeping behind the handrails, it is also dangerous to dorm. In these cases, a person simply does not have time to react to the threat and falls before he time to understand what happens to him.
    • In any public transport there are inscriptions: "Places for passengers with children and disabled". But even if you are not sitting at such a place, you still should be given to his disabled person, an elderly person, a woman and just a man older. It should also be helped to leave the bus or trolleybus an elderly person or a woman with a child blind man.
    • To the exit, it is necessary to prepare in advance if possible come closer to the doors. After stopping and opening the doors, when the passengers begin to go out, do not pushe and do not fuss. Older children should help older passengers, disabled and kids. Small children traveling together with adults come out after them.
    • Coming out of public transport, do not stop opposite the doors, and go to the side, so as not to interfere with the release of other passengers.

  • Coming out of transport, you again become a pedestrian, and it means that again must obey the requirements of the rules for pedestrians. Be especially careful if you need to go to opposite side Roads: Your way only on the transition!
  • Remember: violating the rules for using public transport, you will threaten and your life, and the lives of many passengers and passersby!
Publication date: 10/10/2012

A person must follow the rules of etiquette. We are different from animals. Public transport is a place where many forget about the rules of behavior and decency. Let's fix this serious flaw.

Rule 1. When entering transport, you need to skip the elderly, children, disabled people, women. Moreover, before you go to yourself, you need to give to other passengers.

Rule 2. Sometimes when entering or out of transport, it is necessary to help anyone. For example, if you see a female stroller, help her. It does not need to do it sharply and silently. If you want to help someone or feed your hand, then calmly offer your help.

Rule 3. We give way to the elderly, disabled, children and women. It does not need to get up dramatically. Let us understand the person that you are inferior to him. You must say "please feel please." Some people react sharply to the word "sit down", motivating it by the fact that "sit" in prison, and you need to say "sit down". Of course, you can say what you consider it necessary. In response, you must say words of gratitude.

Rule 4.. Express your gratitude. If the driver "eased" transport, seeing how you run to the stop, then definitely say "Thank you" to the driver. No need for any transitions on personality, like "Thank you, Branch." If you were helped to go out / enter transport, then tell me "Thank you." It does not need to say superfluous. You do not need to cut and say thankful tiramas, quite ordinary "thank you."

Rule 5.. In general, stand in the bus should healthy menAnd women, disabled and older people should sit. But sometimes it happens that some are not inferior to the place, violating the rules of etiquette. If you see healthy teenagerthat is not inferior elderly womanSo ask him to give her place. It does not need to threaten or raise the voice. Quite politely say "young man, give way, please place an elderly woman." As a rule, even the most real hooligans are inferior, because they will watch the entire bus / transport / etc, when you ask to give way.

Rule 6. NEVER express negative emotions. If someone strongly violates the number of etiquette (does not want to pay the conductor, is not inferior to the place), then you do not need to shout. Is it worth saying that it is not just immoral, but also punishable (an administrative penalty for small hooliganism).

Rule 7. Do not eat and do not drink anything in public transport. First, you can suppress themselves. Secondly, you can stain others. By the way, in addition, it is strictly forbidden to make makeup in public transport (it is strange that someone at all is thinking).

Rule 8. Setulate conflicts. Very often people in public transport begin to swear. This usually happens in three cases. If the driver is not going very carefully, then everyone starts to grumble "not the firewood you are lucky!". Sometimes they swear with the conductor. But most often conflicts occur due to the fault of the elderly and too "daring" young. Then the elderly begin to remember happy soviet yearsand young trying to show their gore. Your task is to calmly tell people so that they calm down.

Rule 9. If you have with you big bag Or luggage, then remove it or make it so that it does not interfere with the rest. If there is a backpack not back, then either turn back to the window or wall, or remove it from the back, otherwise you will touch and interfere with people. In addition, in the peak hours from the backpack on the thief of the thieves can easily pull out your documents / money / etc.

Rule 10. Whatever you like, you need not to oppress others. Do not set off your widespread legs, do not stand right at the door, etc. If you are sitting, then you do not need to widespread knees. Moreover, you do not need to sit in one place, but to another put your bag. If possible, do not occupy two places at once - take the bag and put yourself on your knees. If your luggage is very big, then put it on the floor.

Rule 11. If you do not go to next stop, then skip other people. If you yourself go out, then try to go closer to the doors in advance, so that you do not run to the doors, sweeping people around. If people interfere with you to move to doors, then tell them a calm voice so that you missed you. Or you can ask: whether they come out at the next stop.

Rule 12. Do not talk loudly with your friends or by phone. If you saw your friend, then you do not need to scream to all the transport "Hi!". Try to speak so as not to interfere with others. Those. If you shout loudly, then deliver discomfort to others, and if you spend too quietly, then your interlocutor will not hear you. In addition, your conversation can hear other passengers. Therefore, you do not need to talk about personal life in public transport.

Rule 13.. In the peak hours in transport, little space. If you are very treated somewhere, you can "write down". Otherwise, it is better to wait for the next transport. If you are standing right near the door and you do not have the opportunity to go deep into, then at each stop, go out of the vehicle to give normally to exit others. Then you can again come together with others.

Rule 14. If you read books or newspapers, then do not interfere with the other. In general, read in transport is harmful to the eyes.
By the way, many have "readers" and smartphones now, which greatly facilitates reading in transport. It is much more convenient than to keep a large newspaper in your hands or a massive book.

Rule 15. No need tricks. Some people sit down on the seat, but in order to not give up the places to anyone - pretend to be dead sleeping. If you need to sit down (they hurt a lot, back, etc.), you can calmly say about it around it. No one normal person Will not drive a sick person from a place.

Rule 16. In the subway, you must comply with all the above rules with a small addition. If you use an escalator, then you need to stand with right side. Also, you do not need to close to the platform (this is not safe).

Rule 17. If you want to listen to music, then wear headphones. No need to include music on a complete coil on your phone. First, people may not share your musical preferences. Secondly, the sound of the dynamic dynamics together with the sound of the noise of the engine of transport gives an amazing effect (in the sense is very unpleasant).

Rule 18.Be prepared that most people do not observe etiquette. It does not need to learn the rest of the etiquette. If the etiquette breaks rudely, it is enough to calmly say this to the violator. The main thing is that you yourself observe etiquette.

If everyone who reads this article and starts to observe these simple rules, then the trip in public transport will become truly cultural and pleasant.

Be polite!
Thanks for attention!

P.S. French social advertising on cultural behavior in public transport. Not knowing French, it is not difficult to guess its sense. Unfortunately, in Russia with a culture of behavior in tropal, things are worse than in France. And this is not guilty of this, not a government, not mentality, and we ourselves - each of us.

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