Is it easy to get pregnant after a miscarriage. Pregnancy after a miscarriage: how much and how to prepare? General concept of miscarriage

Head of

Julia Gennadievna

Graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko in 2014.

2015 - internship in therapy on the basis of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko.

2015 - certification course in the specialty "Hematology" on the basis of the Hematological Research Center in Moscow.

2015-2016 – therapist of the VGKBSMP No. 1.

2016 - approved the topic of the dissertation for the degree of candidate medical sciences"study of the clinical course of the disease and prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with anemic syndrome". Co-author of more than 10 publications. Participant of scientific and practical conferences on genetics and oncology.

2017 - advanced training course on the topic: "interpretation of the results of genetic studies in patients with hereditary diseases."

Since 2017 residency in the specialty "Genetics" on the basis of RMANPO.

Head of

Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Kanivets Ilya Vyacheslavovich, geneticist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the genetics department of the medical genetic center Genomed. Assistant of the Department of Medical Genetics of the Russian medical academy continuing professional education.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in 2009, and in 2011 he completed residency in the specialty "Genetics" at the Department of Medical Genetics of the same university. In 2017, he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic: Molecular diagnostics of DNA copy number variations (CNVs) in children with congenital malformations, phenotype and/or anomalies mental retardation when using high-density SNP oligonucleotide microarrays"

From 2011-2017 he worked as a geneticist at the Children's Clinical Hospital. N.F. Filatov, Scientific Advisory Department of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Medical Genetic science Center". From 2014 to the present, he has been in charge of the genetics department of the MHC Genomed.

Main areas of activity: diagnosis and management of patients with hereditary diseases and congenital malformations, epilepsy, medical genetic counseling of families in which a child with hereditary pathology or malformations, prenatal diagnosis. During the consultation, an analysis of clinical data and genealogy is carried out to determine the clinical hypothesis and the required amount of genetic testing. Based on the results of the survey, the data are interpreted and the information received is explained to the consultants.

He is one of the founders of the School of Genetics project. Regularly makes presentations at conferences. He lectures for geneticists, neurologists and obstetricians-gynecologists, as well as for parents of patients with hereditary diseases. He is the author and co-author of more than 20 articles and reviews in Russian and foreign journals.

The area of ​​professional interests is the introduction of modern genome-wide studies into clinical practice, the interpretation of their results.

Reception time: Wed, Fri 16-19

Head of

Artem Alekseevich

Sharkov Artyom Alekseevich– neurologist, epileptologist

In 2012, he studied international program“Oriental medicine” at Daegu Haanu University in South Korea.

Since 2012 - participation in the organization of the database and algorithm for the interpretation of xGenCloud genetic tests (, Project Manager - Igor Ugarov)

In 2013 he graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.

From 2013 to 2015 he studied in clinical residency in neurology at the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Center of Neurology".

Since 2015, he has been working as a neurologist, researcher at the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after Academician Yu.E. Veltishchev GBOU VPO RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov. He also works as a neurologist and a doctor in the laboratory of video-EEG monitoring in the clinics of the Center for Epileptology and Neurology named after A.I. A.A. Ghazaryan” and “Epilepsy Center”.

In 2015, he studied in Italy at the school "2nd International Residential Course on Drug Resistant Epilepsies, ILAE, 2015".

In 2015, advanced training - "Clinical and molecular genetics for practicing physicians", RCCH, RUSNANO.

In 2016, advanced training - "Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics" under the guidance of bioinformatics, Ph.D. Konovalova F.A.

Since 2016 - the head of the neurological direction of the laboratory "Genomed".

In 2016, he studied in Italy at the school "San Servolo international advanced course: Brain Exploration and Epilepsy Surger, ILAE, 2016".

In 2016, advanced training - "Innovative genetic technologies for doctors", "Institute of Laboratory Medicine".

In 2017 - the school "NGS in Medical Genetics 2017", Moscow State Scientific Center

Currently conducting Scientific research in the field of epilepsy genetics under the guidance of Prof. Dr. med. Belousova E.D. and professor, d.m.s. Dadali E.L.

The topic of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences "Clinical and genetic characteristics of monogenic variants of early epileptic encephalopathies" was approved.

The main areas of activity are the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in children and adults. Narrow specialization - surgical treatment of epilepsy, genetics of epilepsy. Neurogenetics.

Scientific publications

Sharkov A., Sharkova I., Golovteev A., Ugarov I. "Optimization of differential diagnostics and interpretation of results of genetic testing by XGenCloud expert system in some forms of epilepsy". Medical Genetics, No. 4, 2015, p. 41.
Sharkov A.A., Vorobyov A.N., Troitsky A.A., Savkina I.S., Dorofeeva M.Yu., Melikyan A.G., Golovteev A.L. "Surgery for epilepsy in multifocal brain lesions in children with tuberous sclerosis." Abstracts of the XIV Russian Congress "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRICS AND PEDIATRIC SURGERY". Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics, 4, 2015. - p.226-227.
Dadali E.L., Belousova E.D., Sharkov A.A. "Molecular genetic approaches to the diagnosis of monogenic idiopathic and symptomatic epilepsy". Abstract of the XIV Russian Congress "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRICS AND PEDIATRIC SURGERY". Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics, 4, 2015. - p.221.
Sharkov A.A., Dadali E.L., Sharkova I.V. " rare variant type 2 early epileptic encephalopathy caused by mutations in the CDKL5 gene in a male patient. Conference "Epileptology in the system of neurosciences". Collection of conference materials: / Edited by: prof. Neznanova N.G., prof. Mikhailova V.A. St. Petersburg: 2015. - p. 210-212.
Dadali E.L., Sharkov A.A., Kanivets I.V., Gundorova P., Fominykh V.V., Sharkova I.V. Troitsky A.A., Golovteev A.L., Polyakov A.V. A new allelic variant of type 3 myoclonus epilepsy caused by mutations in the KCTD7 gene // Medical genetics.-2015.- v.14.-№9.- p.44-47
Dadali E.L., Sharkova I.V., Sharkov A.A., Akimova I.A. "Clinical and genetic features and modern ways diagnosis of hereditary epilepsy. Collection of materials "Molecular biological technologies in medical practice" / Ed. corresponding member RANEN A.B. Maslennikova.- Issue. 24.- Novosibirsk: Academizdat, 2016.- 262: p. 52-63
Belousova E.D., Dorofeeva M.Yu., Sharkov A.A. Epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis. In "Brain Diseases, Medical and Social Aspects" edited by Gusev E.I., Gekht A.B., Moscow; 2016; pp.391-399
Dadali E.L., Sharkov A.A., Sharkova I.V., Kanivets I.V., Konovalov F.A., Akimova I.A. Hereditary diseases and syndromes accompanied by febrile convulsions: clinical and genetic characteristics and diagnostic methods. //Russian Journal of Children's Neurology.- T. 11.- No. 2, p. 33-41. doi: 10.17650/ 2073-8803-2016-11-2-33-41
Sharkov A.A., Konovalov F.A., Sharkova I.V., Belousova E.D., Dadali E.L. Molecular genetic approaches to the diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathies. Collection of abstracts "VI BALTIC CONGRESS ON CHILDREN'S NEUROLOGY" / Edited by Professor Guzeva V.I. St. Petersburg, 2016, p. 391
Hemispherotomy in drug-resistant epilepsy in children with bilateral brain damage Zubkova N.S., Altunina G.E., Zemlyansky M.Yu., Troitsky A.A., Sharkov A.A., Golovteev A.L. Collection of abstracts "VI BALTIC CONGRESS ON CHILDREN'S NEUROLOGY" / Edited by Professor Guzeva V.I. St. Petersburg, 2016, p. 157.
Article: Genetics and differentiated treatment of early epileptic encephalopathies. A.A. Sharkov*, I.V. Sharkova, E.D. Belousova, E.L. Dadali. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 9, 2016; Issue. 2doi:10.17116/jnevro20161169267-73
Golovteev A.L., Sharkov A.A., Troitsky A.A., Altunina G.E., Zemlyansky M.Yu., Kopachev D.N., Dorofeeva M.Yu. " Surgery epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis" edited by Dorofeeva M.Yu., Moscow; 2017; p.274
New international classifications of epilepsy and epileptic seizures of the International League against epilepsy. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. C.C. Korsakov. 2017. V. 117. No. 7. S. 99-106

Department head
"Genetics of predispositions",
biologist, genetic consultant

Vasilisa Valerievna

- Head of the Department "Genetics of predispositions", biologist, genetic consultant

In 2010 - PR-specialist, Far Eastern Institute of International Relations

In 2011 - Biologist, Far Eastern Federal University

In 2012 - FGBUN SRI FCM FMBF of Russia "Genodiagnosis in modern medicine"

In 2012 - Study "Introduction of genetic testing in a general clinic"

In 2012 - Professional training "Prenatal diagnosis and genetic passport - the basis of preventive medicine in the age of nanotechnology" D.I. Ott Research Institute of AG SZO RAMS

In 2013 - Professional training "Genetics in clinical hemostasiology and hemorheology" of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Surgery named after Bakulev

In 2015 - Professional training within the framework of the VII Congress Russian Society medical geneticists

In 2016 - School of Data Analysis "NGS in Medical Practice" FGBNU "MGNTS"

In 2016 - Internship "Genetic Counseling" FGBNU "MGNTS"

In 2016 - Took part in the International Congress on Human Genetics, Kyoto, Japan

From 2013-2016 - Head of the Medical Genetic Center in Khabarovsk

From 2015-2016 - Lecturer at the Department of Biology at the Far Eastern State Medical University

From 2016-2018 - Secretary of the Khabarovsk branch of the Russian Society of Medical Genetics

In 2018 – Took part in the seminar "Reproductive potential of Russia: versions and counter-versions" Sochi, Russia

Organizer of the school-seminar "The era of genetics and bioinformatics: an interdisciplinary approach in science and practice" - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Experience as a genetic consultant - 7 years

Founder Charitable Foundation named after Queen Alexandra to help children with genetic pathology

Area of ​​professional interests: myrobiome, multifactorial pathology, pharmacogenetics, nutrigenetics, reproductive genetics, epigenetics.

Head of
"Prenatal Diagnosis"

Yulia Kirillovna

In 2011 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimova with a degree in General Medicine Studied in residency at the Department of Medical Genetics of the same university with a degree in Genetics

In 2015, she completed an internship in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MGUPP"

Since 2013, he has been conducting a consultative appointment at the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, DZM

Since 2017, he has been the head of the Prenatal Diagnostics department of the Genomed laboratory

Regularly makes presentations at conferences and seminars. Reads lectures for doctors of various specialties in the field of reproduction and prenatal diagnosis

Conducts medical genetic counseling for pregnant women on prenatal diagnosis in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital malformations, as well as families with presumably hereditary or congenital pathology. Conducts interpretation of the obtained results of DNA diagnostics.


Artur Shamilevich

Latypov Artur Shamilevich – doctor geneticist of the highest qualification category.

After graduating from the medical faculty of the Kazan State Medical Institute in 1976, for many years he worked first as a doctor in the office of medical genetics, then as head of the medical genetic center of the Republican Hospital of Tatarstan, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, teacher at the departments of Kazan Medical University.

Author of over 20 scientific works on the problems of reproductive and biochemical genetics, a participant in many national and international congresses and conferences on the problems of medical genetics. Implemented in practical work center methods of mass screening of pregnant women and newborns for hereditary diseases, conducted thousands of invasive procedures with suspicion of hereditary diseases of the fetus on different terms pregnancy.

Since 2012 she has been working at the Department of Medical Genetics with the course of prenatal diagnostics of the Russian Academy postgraduate education.

Research interests – metabolic diseases in children, prenatal diagnostics.

Reception time: Wed 12-15, Sat 10-14

Doctors are admitted by appointment.


Denis Igorevich

In 2009 he graduated from the medical faculty of KSMU named after. S. V. Kurashova (specialty "Medicine").

Internship at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and social development(specialty "Genetics").

Internship in Therapy. Primary retraining in the specialty " Ultrasound diagnostics". Since 2016, he has been an employee of the Department of the Department of Fundamental Foundations of Clinical Medicine of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology.

Sphere of professional interests: prenatal diagnostics, application of modern screening and diagnostic methods to detect genetic pathology of the fetus. Determining the risk of recurrence of hereditary diseases in the family.

Participant of scientific and practical conferences on genetics and obstetrics and gynecology.

Work experience 5 years.

Consultation by appointment

Doctors are admitted by appointment.


Christina Alexandrovna

In 2015 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University with a degree in General Medicine. In the same year, she entered residency in the specialty 30.08.30 "Genetics" at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Medical Genetic Research Center".
She was hired in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Complexly Inherited Diseases (Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences Karpukhin A.V.) in March 2015 as a research laboratory assistant. From September 2015 she was transferred to the position researcher. He is the author and co-author of more than 10 articles and abstracts on clinical genetics, oncogenetics and molecular oncology in Russian and foreign journals. Regular participant of conferences on medical genetics.

Area of ​​scientific and practical interests: medical genetic counseling of patients with hereditary syndromic and multifactorial pathology.

Consultation with a geneticist allows you to answer the following questions:

Are the child's symptoms signs of a hereditary disease? what research is needed to identify the cause determining an accurate forecast recommendations for conducting and evaluating the results of prenatal diagnosis everything you need to know about family planning IVF planning consultation visiting and online consultations


Ketevan Vazhaevna

She is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov 2015, defended thesis on the topic "Clinical and morphological correlation of vital indicators of the state of the body and morphological and functional characteristics of blood mononuclear cells in severe poisoning." She graduated from clinical residency in the specialty "Genetics" at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Genetics of the aforementioned university.

participated in the scientific-practical school "Innovative genetic technologies for doctors: application in clinical practice", the conference of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) and other conferences dedicated to human genetics.

Conducts medical genetic counseling for families with presumably hereditary or congenital pathologies, including monogenic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities, determines indications for laboratory genetic studies, interprets the results of DNA diagnostics. Advises pregnant women on prenatal diagnostics in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital malformations.

Geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences

Elena Vladimirovna

Geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Specialist in the field of reproductive counseling and hereditary pathology.

Graduated from the Ural State Medical Academy in 2005.

Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Internship in the specialty "Genetics"

Professional retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics"


  • Infertility and miscarriage
  • Vasilisa Yurievna

    She is a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine (specialty "Medicine"). She graduated from the clinical internship of the FBGNU "MGNTS" with a degree in "Genetics". In 2014, she completed an internship at the clinic of motherhood and childhood (IRCCS materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy).

    Since 2016, she has been working as a consultant doctor at Genomed LLC.

    Regularly participates in scientific and practical conferences on genetics.

    Main activities: Consulting on clinical and laboratory diagnostics genetic diseases and interpretation of the results. Management of patients and their families with suspected hereditary pathology. Consulting when planning a pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy on the issues of prenatal diagnosis in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital pathology.

    In the period from 2013 to 2014, she worked as a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology of the Rostov Cancer Research Institute.

    In 2013 - advanced training "Topical issues of clinical genetics", State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

    In 2014 - advanced training "Application of the real-time PCR method for gene diagnostics of somatic mutations", FBSI "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor".

    Since 2014 – geneticist at the Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Rostov State Medical University.

    In 2015, she successfully confirmed the qualification of "Medical Laboratory Scientist". He is an active member of the Australian Institute of Medical Scientist.

    In 2017 - advanced training "Interpretation of results genetic research in patients with hereditary diseases”, NOCHUDPO “Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education”; "Actual Issues of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Laboratory Genetics", Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Rostov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia; advanced training "BRCA Liverpool Genetic Counseling Course", Liverpool University.

    Participates regularly in scientific conferences, is the author and co-author of more than 20 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications.

    Main activity: clinical and laboratory interpretation of the results of DNA diagnostics, chromosomal microarray analysis, NGS.

    Area of ​​interest: application of the latest genome-wide diagnostic methods in clinical practice, oncogenetics.

How to approach the process of planning a pregnancy after a miscarriage, what tests you need to pass, when you can conceive and what difficulties may arise in the process of bearing - these are the questions that a woman who has lost a child before he was born faces. Spontaneous abortion is always accompanied by great stress for expectant parents. Some immediately after the first failure again actively attempt to conceive, while others fear the onset of pregnancy, as they are afraid that the situation will repeat itself. Which of them is right?

Why miscarriage occurs

It is worth saying right away: spontaneous abortion is not a reason to deny yourself the joy of motherhood. Many women manage to successfully endure pregnancy after a miscarriage and give birth healthy baby. However, before planning a conception again, you should figure out why the previous pregnancy ended fatally, and try to eliminate the causes of this outcome.

So, doctors associate the onset of a miscarriage with the following factors:

  • Natural selection. If the embryo develops with defects incompatible with life, the female body expels it in the first weeks of pregnancy. In this case, the so-called biochemical pregnancy takes place;
  • Venereal diseases. Chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea, herpes infection - these and other STDs provoke strong inflammatory processes. During pregnancy, they become aggravated, lead to inflammation of the endometrium of the uterus, on which the fetal egg is attached, and melt its mucous membrane. Sexually transmitted diseases can result not only in spontaneous abortion, but also difficulties with re-conception after a miscarriage;
  • Operations on the genital organs and abortions, which resulted in mechanical damage uterus, its deformities and adhesions. As a rule, a miscarriage occurs as a result of a weakening of the uterine cervix, which is not able to hold the embryo inside. Sometimes the bend of the uterus leads to an unsuccessful outcome;
  • Hormonal imbalance. The course of pregnancy is influenced by hormones produced by the thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. Hormonal disorders can provoke a miscarriage at any gestation period;
  • chronic diseases of cardio-vascular system, metabolism, as well as excess or underweight body. Women who are obese or anorexic are much less likely to get pregnant after a miscarriage.

When can you get pregnant after a miscarriage

Gynecologists advise waiting at least 4-6 months before getting pregnant after a miscarriage again. In addition, spouses in such a situation are advised to weigh the pros and cons again. It often happens that a man, after a miscarriage that happened to his wife, is categorically against new attempts to have a baby, especially if the spontaneous abortion has been repeated repeatedly. He does not want the woman he loves to have to once more to go through the pain and suffering that accompanies previous unsuccessful attempts, not to mention the fact that the loss of a child is a serious psychological blow for a couple.

In any case, the body will need time to recover, and so that pregnancy after a miscarriage does not occur immediately, it is worth deciding for yourself the issue of protection. Talk to your doctor about which method is best for you. As a rule, doctors advocate barrier contraception and spermicides, but sometimes it may be appropriate to take hormonal drugs, which, in addition to the contraceptive effect, can eliminate endocrine problems.

Planning for pregnancy after a miscarriage

So that the next pregnancy does not turn into a tragedy, both spouses must undergo a full examination before re-conceiving. As a rule, it includes:

  • A woman's blood test for hormones, and urine for ketosteroids. In particular, the gynecologist is interested in the concentration of male sex hormones in the blood of the expectant mother. However, the problem can be suspected outward signs: at elevated content there is excessive hair growth of the legs and arms, the presence of antennae over upper lip and dark hair lower abdomen;
  • Job analysis thyroid gland and adrenal glands of a woman. An important step in planning pregnancy after a miscarriage is the elimination of dysfunction of the organs of the endocrine system;
  • Examination of a couple for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages. The study allows you to identify anomalies in the structure of the female genital organs, see growing neoplasms, and also assess the condition of the endometrium.

Of course, if spontaneous interruption pregnancy was the result of existing diseases, a prerequisite for successful conception there will be a full recovery. But if doctors have not found problems, it is worth reconsidering your lifestyle.

  1. Forget about bad habits. In order for the next pregnancy after a miscarriage to end safely, both parents will have to give up smoking and alcohol;
  2. Minimum medication. Limit your medication as much as possible. If you use any of them constantly, consult your doctor about this. Perhaps drugs can be dispensed with or replaced with dietary supplements;
  3. Complete nutrition. If you have a lean figure, eat more protein-rich foods and healthy fats(olives, avocados, valuable varieties of fish, flax seeds). If there are problems with overweight not related to hormonal disorders Include as many vegetables and fruits in your diet as possible.
  4. Accept folic acid and vitamin E. These substances will help the body prepare for bearing a child, they are also necessary for the proper formation of the fetus in early pregnancy.

For many representatives of the weaker sex, pregnancy is the most long-awaited and desired event. And indeed, it is so arranged by nature that a woman has maternal instinct, which sooner or later manifests itself in full. But things don't always go smoothly. Unfortunately, many women may experience various pathologies during childbearing. If some of them are easily amenable to medical correction, then others are in no way compatible with the life of the unborn baby and lead to an interruption in the development of the fetus.


The spontaneous cessation of the development and growth of the fetal egg, and with it the embryo, is called a missed pregnancy. If, against the background of all this, bleeding begins and the pathological tissue is rejected from the uterine cavity, then we can assume that a miscarriage has occurred.

Quite often it happens that a woman does not even suspect that a pregnancy has taken place, since she was interrupted even before the delay in menstruation. On average, there are 250 such cases per 1000 women.


All miscarriages are divided into certain subspecies:

  • Abortion artificial. This is a planned interruption of fetal development. It can occur both at the request of the woman, and due to certain circumstances according to the testimony.
  • Abortion is spontaneous. This case occurs when the uterus rejects a fetus that cannot yet survive on its own. This usually happens before 28 weeks.

Types of miscarriages

  1. Full. It usually occurs between 12 and 28 weeks. In this case, the female uterine muscle pushes out all the contents, and no further cleaning is required.
  2. Incomplete. It usually occurs in the early stages of the development of the fetal egg. In this case, parts of the embryo and membranes remain in the female body, which are removed by scraping.
  3. Habitual. In this case, the woman has several abortions in a row.


Usually nothing portends trouble, and abortion occurs suddenly. Symptoms:

  • Bleeding from the female genital tract.
  • Severe, unbearable cramping pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Absence of fetal heartbeat on ultrasound examination.


They may be as follows:

  • Hormone disruption.
  • Existing diseases of the genital area.
  • Frequent change of partners.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Frequent scrapings.
  • Various surgical procedures.
  • Injuries.
  • Wrong lifestyle and the presence of bad habits.

Pregnancy after a miscarriage

Women who have suffered such a misfortune as the loss of a child are usually mentally depressed and physically exhausted. Many refuse to plan in the near future, as they are afraid of a repetition of the situation. This is quite understandable. Preparing for pregnancy after a miscarriage will take a lot of time.

For starters, a woman needs physical recovery. Usually, the doctor prescribes a series of tests and studies in order to find out the cause of the fetal developmental stop. After that, treatment is prescribed if any pathologies are detected. Return physical health on average, it takes about a month, which cannot be said about moral well-being.

For some women, getting pregnant right after a miscarriage is simply unacceptable. This is especially true for those failed mothers who lost their baby for quite some time. long term. They are unbearable because they felt his movements, saw arms and legs on the ultrasound monitor, and now they understand that they will never take their baby in their arms.

Doctors' opinion

Many doctors and famous reproductologists believe that pregnancy after a miscarriage can be planned as soon as the cycle is restored. This usually takes up to three months.

However, in practice, a woman can again find herself in interesting position already two weeks later. Curettage of the uterine cavity does not mean that ovulation will not occur in this cycle. And this means that, without protection, you are able to become pregnant when your body is not yet ready for this, which in itself can become a threatening factor for the development of the embryo. Pregnancy a month after a miscarriage has a high percentage of chances to be interrupted again. The reason for this is the non-recovered hormonal background and endometrial layer. Therefore, it is worth being reasonable and listening to all the instructions of the doctor.

Most main question, which interests women who have experienced such a misfortune: is it possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage? There is only one answer to it, and it is undeniable - of course, yes. That's what gynecologists say unanimously.

Spontaneous interruption of fetal development suggests that something initially went wrong. It is natural selection that plays a big role in choosing the strongest - it is so conceived by nature that the weak and the sick die.

Subsequent pregnancies with highly likely will proceed normally and without such complications. The only exceptions are repeated stops in the growth of the fetal egg and its rejection.

After interruption of fetal development

Many women say that if you take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage, it will show positive result. There is a logical explanation for this. The fact is that home test strips react to the presence of a certain amount of “pregnant” hormone in a woman’s urine. After the interruption of fetal development, the amount of this substance cannot decrease immediately, due to which you can detect a positive test result.

If curettage was carried out, you should not worry that pregnancy after a miscarriage continues to supposedly progress. Soon, this hormone will be completely eliminated from the body, and you will no longer receive a test with a positive response.

The female uterine muscle has the ability to self-repair, so after curettage or spontaneous abortion, it returns to its original state. It is for this reason that women can have two, three, or more children. Therefore, do not worry about whether it is possible to get pregnant after a miscarriage. Give your body time to recover and start planning.

There is no single developed way to prevent miscarriage. Usually, if the fertilized egg itself is not viable, then nothing will help it survive. But nevertheless, by turning to the doctor in time, you have the opportunity to save the baby.

Not all abortions that have begun end in a complete termination of pregnancy. When the embryo develops normally and is completely healthy, it is very likely that it can be saved if a series of medical procedures are carried out.

In conclusion, it is worth saying

Pregnancy after a miscarriage is possible with the same probability as before it. It is only necessary to carefully prepare for it in order to avoid a repetition of the situation in the future. Get strong. If you feel bad, and you cannot get out of depression alone, talk to your chosen one. He worries no less than you. Support each other, and you will definitely succeed.

Otherwise, when the current situation does not let go of your mind long time, there is a sense to seem to the psychologist. The doctor will definitely help you get out of this routine, and everything will definitely work out.

Head of

Julia Gennadievna

Graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko in 2014.

2015 - internship in therapy on the basis of the Department of Faculty Therapy of the Voronezh State Medical University. N.N. Burdenko.

2015 - certification course in the specialty "Hematology" on the basis of the Hematological Research Center in Moscow.

2015-2016 – therapist of the VGKBSMP No. 1.

2016 - the topic of the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences "study of the clinical course of the disease and prognosis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with anemic syndrome" was approved. Co-author of more than 10 publications. Participant of scientific and practical conferences on genetics and oncology.

2017 - advanced training course on the topic: "interpretation of the results of genetic studies in patients with hereditary diseases."

Since 2017 residency in the specialty "Genetics" on the basis of RMANPO.

Head of

Ilya Vyacheslavovich

Kanivets Ilya Vyacheslavovich, geneticist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the genetics department of the medical genetic center Genomed. Assistant of the Department of Medical Genetics of the Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education.

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry in 2009, and in 2011 he completed residency in the specialty "Genetics" at the Department of Medical Genetics of the same university. In 2017, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic: Molecular diagnosis of copy number variations of DNA segments (CNVs) in children with congenital malformations, phenotype anomalies and/or mental retardation using high-density SNP oligonucleotide microarrays»

From 2011-2017 he worked as a geneticist at the Children's Clinical Hospital. N.F. Filatov, scientific advisory department of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Medical Genetic Research Center". From 2014 to the present, he has been in charge of the genetics department of the MHC Genomed.

Main areas of activity: diagnosis and management of patients with hereditary diseases and congenital malformations, epilepsy, medical genetic counseling of families in which a child was born with a hereditary pathology or malformations, prenatal diagnostics. During the consultation, an analysis of clinical data and genealogy is carried out to determine the clinical hypothesis and the required amount of genetic testing. Based on the results of the survey, the data are interpreted and the information received is explained to the consultants.

He is one of the founders of the School of Genetics project. Regularly makes presentations at conferences. He lectures for geneticists, neurologists and obstetricians-gynecologists, as well as for parents of patients with hereditary diseases. He is the author and co-author of more than 20 articles and reviews in Russian and foreign journals.

The area of ​​professional interests is the introduction of modern genome-wide studies into clinical practice, the interpretation of their results.

Reception time: Wed, Fri 16-19

Head of

Artem Alekseevich

Sharkov Artyom Alekseevich– neurologist, epileptologist

In 2012, he studied under the international program “Oriental medicine” at Daegu Haanu University in South Korea.

Since 2012 - participation in the organization of the database and algorithm for the interpretation of xGenCloud genetic tests (, Project Manager - Igor Ugarov)

In 2013 he graduated from the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov.

From 2013 to 2015 he studied in clinical residency in neurology at the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Center of Neurology".

Since 2015, he has been working as a neurologist, researcher at the Scientific Research Clinical Institute of Pediatrics named after Academician Yu.E. Veltishchev GBOU VPO RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov. He also works as a neurologist and a doctor in the laboratory of video-EEG monitoring in the clinics of the Center for Epileptology and Neurology named after A.I. A.A. Ghazaryan” and “Epilepsy Center”.

In 2015, he studied in Italy at the school "2nd International Residential Course on Drug Resistant Epilepsies, ILAE, 2015".

In 2015, advanced training - "Clinical and molecular genetics for practicing physicians", RCCH, RUSNANO.

In 2016, advanced training - "Fundamentals of Molecular Genetics" under the guidance of bioinformatics, Ph.D. Konovalova F.A.

Since 2016 - the head of the neurological direction of the laboratory "Genomed".

In 2016, he studied in Italy at the school "San Servolo international advanced course: Brain Exploration and Epilepsy Surger, ILAE, 2016".

In 2016, advanced training - "Innovative genetic technologies for doctors", "Institute of Laboratory Medicine".

In 2017 - the school "NGS in Medical Genetics 2017", Moscow State Scientific Center

Currently, he is conducting scientific research in the field of epilepsy genetics under the guidance of Professor, MD. Belousova E.D. and professor, d.m.s. Dadali E.L.

The topic of the dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences "Clinical and genetic characteristics of monogenic variants of early epileptic encephalopathies" was approved.

The main areas of activity are the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in children and adults. Narrow specialization - surgical treatment of epilepsy, genetics of epilepsy. Neurogenetics.

Scientific publications

Sharkov A., Sharkova I., Golovteev A., Ugarov I. "Optimization of differential diagnostics and interpretation of results of genetic testing by XGenCloud expert system in some forms of epilepsy". Medical Genetics, No. 4, 2015, p. 41.
Sharkov A.A., Vorobyov A.N., Troitsky A.A., Savkina I.S., Dorofeeva M.Yu., Melikyan A.G., Golovteev A.L. "Surgery for epilepsy in multifocal brain lesions in children with tuberous sclerosis." Abstracts of the XIV Russian Congress "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRICS AND PEDIATRIC SURGERY". Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics, 4, 2015. - p.226-227.
Dadali E.L., Belousova E.D., Sharkov A.A. "Molecular genetic approaches to the diagnosis of monogenic idiopathic and symptomatic epilepsy". Abstract of the XIV Russian Congress "INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN PEDIATRICS AND PEDIATRIC SURGERY". Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics, 4, 2015. - p.221.
Sharkov A.A., Dadali E.L., Sharkova I.V. "A rare variant of type 2 early epileptic encephalopathy caused by mutations in the CDKL5 gene in a male patient." Conference "Epileptology in the system of neurosciences". Collection of conference materials: / Edited by: prof. Neznanova N.G., prof. Mikhailova V.A. St. Petersburg: 2015. - p. 210-212.
Dadali E.L., Sharkov A.A., Kanivets I.V., Gundorova P., Fominykh V.V., Sharkova I.V. Troitsky A.A., Golovteev A.L., Polyakov A.V. A new allelic variant of type 3 myoclonus epilepsy caused by mutations in the KCTD7 gene // Medical genetics.-2015.- v.14.-№9.- p.44-47
Dadali E.L., Sharkova I.V., Sharkov A.A., Akimova I.A. "Clinical and genetic features and modern methods of diagnosing hereditary epilepsy". Collection of materials "Molecular biological technologies in medical practice" / Ed. corresponding member RANEN A.B. Maslennikova.- Issue. 24.- Novosibirsk: Academizdat, 2016.- 262: p. 52-63
Belousova E.D., Dorofeeva M.Yu., Sharkov A.A. Epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis. In "Brain Diseases, Medical and Social Aspects" edited by Gusev E.I., Gekht A.B., Moscow; 2016; pp.391-399
Dadali E.L., Sharkov A.A., Sharkova I.V., Kanivets I.V., Konovalov F.A., Akimova I.A. Hereditary diseases and syndromes accompanied by febrile convulsions: clinical and genetic characteristics and diagnostic methods. //Russian Journal of Children's Neurology.- T. 11.- No. 2, p. 33-41. doi: 10.17650/ 2073-8803-2016-11-2-33-41
Sharkov A.A., Konovalov F.A., Sharkova I.V., Belousova E.D., Dadali E.L. Molecular genetic approaches to the diagnosis of epileptic encephalopathies. Collection of abstracts "VI BALTIC CONGRESS ON CHILDREN'S NEUROLOGY" / Edited by Professor Guzeva V.I. St. Petersburg, 2016, p. 391
Hemispherotomy in drug-resistant epilepsy in children with bilateral brain damage Zubkova N.S., Altunina G.E., Zemlyansky M.Yu., Troitsky A.A., Sharkov A.A., Golovteev A.L. Collection of abstracts "VI BALTIC CONGRESS ON CHILDREN'S NEUROLOGY" / Edited by Professor Guzeva V.I. St. Petersburg, 2016, p. 157.
Article: Genetics and differentiated treatment of early epileptic encephalopathies. A.A. Sharkov*, I.V. Sharkova, E.D. Belousova, E.L. Dadali. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 9, 2016; Issue. 2doi:10.17116/jnevro20161169267-73
Golovteev A.L., Sharkov A.A., Troitsky A.A., Altunina G.E., Zemlyansky M.Yu., Kopachev D.N., Dorofeeva M.Yu. "Surgical treatment of epilepsy in tuberous sclerosis" edited by Dorofeeva M.Yu., Moscow; 2017; p.274
New international classifications of epilepsy and epileptic seizures of the International League against epilepsy. Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. C.C. Korsakov. 2017. V. 117. No. 7. S. 99-106

Department head
"Genetics of predispositions",
biologist, genetic consultant

Vasilisa Valerievna

- Head of the Department "Genetics of predispositions", biologist, genetic consultant

In 2010 - PR-specialist, Far Eastern Institute of International Relations

In 2011 - Biologist, Far Eastern Federal University

In 2012 - FGBUN SRI FCM FMBF of Russia "Genodiagnosis in modern medicine"

In 2012 - Study "Introduction of genetic testing in a general clinic"

In 2012 - Professional training "Prenatal diagnosis and genetic passport - the basis of preventive medicine in the age of nanotechnology" D.I. Ott Research Institute of AG SZO RAMS

In 2013 - Professional training "Genetics in clinical hemostasiology and hemorheology" of the Scientific Center for Agricultural Surgery named after Bakulev

In 2015 - Professional training within the framework of the VII Congress of the Russian Society of Medical Genetics

In 2016 - School of Data Analysis "NGS in Medical Practice" FGBNU "MGNTS"

In 2016 - Internship "Genetic Counseling" FGBNU "MGNTS"

In 2016 - Took part in the International Congress on Human Genetics, Kyoto, Japan

From 2013-2016 - Head of the Medical Genetic Center in Khabarovsk

From 2015-2016 - Lecturer at the Department of Biology at the Far Eastern State Medical University

From 2016-2018 - Secretary of the Khabarovsk branch of the Russian Society of Medical Genetics

In 2018 – Took part in the seminar "Reproductive potential of Russia: versions and counter-versions" Sochi, Russia

Organizer of the school-seminar "The era of genetics and bioinformatics: an interdisciplinary approach in science and practice" - 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016

Experience as a genetic consultant - 7 years

Founder of the Tsaritsa Alexandra Charitable Foundation to help children with genetic pathology

Area of ​​professional interests: myrobiome, multifactorial pathology, pharmacogenetics, nutrigenetics, reproductive genetics, epigenetics.

Head of
"Prenatal Diagnosis"

Yulia Kirillovna

In 2011 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. A.I. Evdokimova with a degree in General Medicine Studied in residency at the Department of Medical Genetics of the same university with a degree in Genetics

In 2015, she completed an internship in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "MGUPP"

Since 2013, he has been conducting a consultative appointment at the Center for Family Planning and Reproduction, DZM

Since 2017, he has been the head of the Prenatal Diagnostics department of the Genomed laboratory

Regularly makes presentations at conferences and seminars. Reads lectures for doctors of various specialties in the field of reproduction and prenatal diagnostics

Conducts medical genetic counseling for pregnant women on prenatal diagnostics in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital malformations, as well as families with presumably hereditary or congenital pathologies. Conducts interpretation of the obtained results of DNA diagnostics.


Artur Shamilevich

Latypov Artur Shamilevich – doctor geneticist of the highest qualification category.

After graduating from the medical faculty of the Kazan State Medical Institute in 1976, for many years he worked first as a doctor in the office of medical genetics, then as head of the medical genetic center of the Republican Hospital of Tatarstan, chief specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, teacher at the departments of Kazan Medical University.

Author of more than 20 scientific papers on the problems of reproductive and biochemical genetics, participant in many domestic and international congresses and conferences on the problems of medical genetics. He introduced methods of mass screening of pregnant women and newborns for hereditary diseases into the practical work of the center, performed thousands of invasive procedures for suspected hereditary diseases of the fetus at different stages of pregnancy.

Since 2012, she has been working at the Department of Medical Genetics with a course in prenatal diagnostics at the Russian Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Research interests – metabolic diseases in children, prenatal diagnostics.

Reception time: Wed 12-15, Sat 10-14

Doctors are admitted by appointment.


Denis Igorevich

In 2009 he graduated from the medical faculty of KSMU named after. S. V. Kurashova (specialty "Medicine").

Internship at the St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (specialty "Genetics").

Internship in Therapy. Primary retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics". Since 2016, he has been an employee of the Department of the Department of Fundamental Foundations of Clinical Medicine of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology.

Area of ​​professional interests: prenatal diagnosis, the use of modern screening and diagnostic methods to identify the genetic pathology of the fetus. Determining the risk of recurrence of hereditary diseases in the family.

Participant of scientific and practical conferences on genetics and obstetrics and gynecology.

Work experience 5 years.

Consultation by appointment

Doctors are admitted by appointment.


Christina Alexandrovna

In 2015 she graduated from the Moscow State Medical and Dental University with a degree in General Medicine. In the same year, she entered residency in the specialty 30.08.30 "Genetics" at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Medical Genetic Research Center".
She was hired in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Complexly Inherited Diseases (Head - Doctor of Biological Sciences Karpukhin A.V.) in March 2015 as a research laboratory assistant. Since September 2015, she has been transferred to the position of a researcher. He is the author and co-author of more than 10 articles and abstracts on clinical genetics, oncogenetics and molecular oncology in Russian and foreign journals. Regular participant of conferences on medical genetics.

Area of ​​scientific and practical interests: medical genetic counseling of patients with hereditary syndromic and multifactorial pathology.

Consultation with a geneticist allows you to answer the following questions:

Are the child's symptoms signs of a hereditary disease? what research is needed to identify the cause determining an accurate forecast recommendations for conducting and evaluating the results of prenatal diagnosis everything you need to know about family planning IVF planning consultation field and online consultations


Ketevan Vazhaevna

She is a graduate of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of the Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov in 2015, defended her thesis on the topic "Clinical and morphological correlation of vital indicators of the state of the body and morphological and functional characteristics of blood mononuclear cells in severe poisoning." She graduated from clinical residency in the specialty "Genetics" at the Department of Molecular and Cellular Genetics of the aforementioned university.

participated in the scientific-practical school "Innovative genetic technologies for doctors: application in clinical practice", the conference of the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) and other conferences dedicated to human genetics.

Conducts medical genetic counseling for families with presumably hereditary or congenital pathologies, including monogenic diseases and chromosomal abnormalities, determines indications for laboratory genetic studies, interprets the results of DNA diagnostics. Advises pregnant women on prenatal diagnostics in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital malformations.

Geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences

Elena Vladimirovna

Geneticist, obstetrician-gynecologist, candidate of medical sciences.

Specialist in the field of reproductive counseling and hereditary pathology.

Graduated from the Ural State Medical Academy in 2005.

Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology

Internship in the specialty "Genetics"

Professional retraining in the specialty "Ultrasound diagnostics"


  • Infertility and miscarriage
  • Vasilisa Yurievna

    She is a graduate of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine (specialty "Medicine"). She graduated from the clinical internship of the FBGNU "MGNTS" with a degree in "Genetics". In 2014, she completed an internship at the clinic of motherhood and childhood (IRCCS materno infantile Burlo Garofolo, Trieste, Italy).

    Since 2016, she has been working as a consultant doctor at Genomed LLC.

    Regularly participates in scientific and practical conferences on genetics.

    Main activities: Consulting on clinical and laboratory diagnostics of genetic diseases and interpretation of results. Management of patients and their families with suspected hereditary pathology. Consulting when planning a pregnancy, as well as during pregnancy on the issues of prenatal diagnosis in order to prevent the birth of children with congenital pathology.

    In the period from 2013 to 2014, she worked as a junior researcher at the Laboratory of Molecular Oncology of the Rostov Cancer Research Institute.

    In 2013 - advanced training "Topical issues of clinical genetics", State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Rost State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

    In 2014 - advanced training "Application of the real-time PCR method for gene diagnostics of somatic mutations", FBSI "Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor".

    Since 2014 – geneticist at the Laboratory of Medical Genetics, Rostov State Medical University.

    In 2015, she successfully confirmed the qualification of "Medical Laboratory Scientist". He is an active member of the Australian Institute of Medical Scientist.

    In 2017 - advanced training "Interpretation of the results of genetic studies in patients with hereditary diseases", NOCHUDPO "Training Center for Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education"; "Actual Issues of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics and Laboratory Genetics", Federal Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of Rostov State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia; advanced training "BRCA Liverpool Genetic Counseling Course", Liverpool University.

    Regularly participates in scientific conferences, is the author and co-author of more than 20 scientific publications in domestic and foreign publications.

    Main activity: clinical and laboratory interpretation of the results of DNA diagnostics, chromosomal microarray analysis, NGS.

    Area of ​​interest: application of the latest genome-wide diagnostic methods in clinical practice, oncogenetics.