Safe behavior of children on flights of stairs. On the stairs

By various cases we have to visit many institutions. The rules of etiquette when visiting these places are simple and based on the general culture of behavior. Still, some of the behaviors are good to remember. They will help you to be on top in any institution or other public place.

How to behave in an elevator?

If there are a man and a woman at the entrance to the elevator, then she uses the right to enter the car first, and if several people are standing, then those who are closer to the doors enter the first.

One of the men always remains at the panel with buttons, and if he accompanies the woman, then this is even obligatory.

If you can't reach the panel to press desired button, ask the one who is closer to do this: "Be kind, I have such and such a floor!"

In an elevator, it is considered rude and impolite to look at the faces of passengers, and even more so point-blank.

Hats are not removed in elevators, but if a man greets someone, he can lift his hat.

A well-mannered person will not interfere with other passengers entering and exiting the elevator, but will step aside and give an opportunity to enter and exit those who wish.

Rules of conduct on the stairs

If the man is walking up the stairs with the lady, then it is she who goes first, and he follows a little behind.

If a man and a lady go down the stairs, then he goes first, and she goes a little behind.

Man goes first if the staircase is narrow, dark or steep.

A woman, following the stairs, should prefer the side with the railing. If she meets with a man, then she is not obliged to move away from the railing, even if this is contrary to right-hand traffic.

In general, a man should make way for women, old people and children at the railing.

If you are walking with things and blocking up the stairs, think about those you are disturbing, stop at the landing and let them pass.

If you have made way on the stairs, do not be lazy once again To express gratitude.

How to behave at the door?

To let a person go ahead is a traditional gesture of courtesy. A man always misses a woman ahead of him, the youngest - the older, the subordinate - the boss.

If the door is massive, with springs, then the man goes first, holds the door and lets the woman through. The height of indecency is to slam the door in someone's face.

The phrase "No, only after you!" meaningless in communication between people of approximately the same age or social status.

How to disperse in a narrow space?

When meeting in a narrow corridor with a boss or a lady well-mannered man is obliged to stop or step aside, letting in those walking with a slight bow or greeting.

If a man is dating a co-worker, a person of about his age, or social status, then both make an effort to disperse in a narrow space without touching each other.

If you are in a hurry, then beware of the person walking slowly in front of you with the words: - "Let me go through."

In a cramped place with a busy stream of people, it is unacceptable to stop to exchange a word with a friend. To do this, you should choose a staircase or a smoking area where you will not disturb others.

Creating a safe educational environment in educational organization should contribute to the preservation and strengthening of the health of students. The result of the fulfillment of the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program there must be the creation of such an educational environment in which all conditions will guarantee the preservation and strengthening physical health students (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education"As amended by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No.1645). Educational organization, in accordance with article 28 p.7 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation", Is responsiblefor the life and health of studentsin accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, according to statistics, students receive a lot of injuries when moving up the stairs in educational institutions. Ladders are one of the most traumatic places in an educational organization. The feeling of danger is associated with narrow marches, open spans, slippery steps, lack of handrails, poor lighting, crowds, collision of streams.

The main causes of trauma students on stairs

The analysis of trainees' trauma cases made it possible to determine the main causes of trauma on the stairs. These reasons include:

1. Absent-mindedness of students when moving up stairs, as well as running, jumping and collisions.

2. Items left on the stairs (inability to maintain cleanliness and order).

3. Carrying loads up the stairs (obstructs the view, interferes with the use of handrails, leads to an unstable position of the legs).

4. Loose or missing railings.

5. Slippery, worn out or broken steps.

6. Insufficient lighting.

7. Sliding shoes.

8. Lack of control over the movement of students and the necessary restrictive measures on the part of the administration of the educational organization.

9. Chaotic movement of students on flights of stairs.

Organization of safe movement of stairs in an educational organization

A staircase in an educational organization is not only easy to move, but also an object increased danger for students. What is the danger of stairs in an educational organization? Our children develop, try to learn the world around them as much as possible, while they lack the psychological awareness of how dangerous this or that object is, and therefore they boldly move forward. Stair railings, as practice shows, do not fully ensure the safety of children. How to keep children from falling down the stairs? The main measure is to organize the safety of movement.

There are certain requirements for organizing the safe movement of stairs:

1. Safe movement on the stairs of the educational institution.

1.1. Technical requirements:

Compliance with regulatory requirements;

Compliance with project documentation;

Adequate lighting;

Timely carrying out of current repairs.

1.2. Organizational Requirements:

Determination of optimal directions of movement on stairs and control of moving streams;

Limiting the speed of movement of children on stairs;

Organization of the duty of teachers during breaks;

Timely cleaning of stairs;

Organization of separate streams of students;

Timely investigation of injuries.

1.3. Pedagogical requirements:

Educational work;

Accompanying groups of students by primary school teachers and educators of the GPA;

Conducting training evacuations with students;

Learning with children safety rules on stairs and when moving on them;

Use of visual agitation;

Show by example.

2. Organization of separate streams of students when moving on stairs:

Partial separation of flows (with a small number of stairs, with the allocation of a part of the building to the block of an elementary school);

Complete separation of flows (in large buildings with a large number of stairs, in buildings where there are no separate blocks for the primary school).

3. The safety of stairs in an educational organization can be achieved through measures such as:

The use of double-sided handrails of different levels,

Using a contrasting color of the extreme steps,

Application of anti-slip notches;

The equipment of the clearances of the racks should be at a distance of at least 10 cm;

The height of the handrails must be at least 1.2 meters;

The use of metal as a material for the manufacture of stairs;

Ensuring high-quality grinding of the fence post, no protruding parts or burrs on the surface.

Safety requirements for stairs

Narrow stairs are especially dangerous, since two streams cannot immediately separate on them. They need to be well lit, painted or labeled. bright colors... The most bright color, which does not lose its chromaticity when darkened, is yellow and colors close to it.

In preschool departments and primary school stairs require more attention. Pupils and junior schoolchildren have a fear of heights, the likelihood of being knocked down. Children do not understand well where is left and where is right, in this case, guides can be recommended color solutions for example, splitting up / down streams with color bars.

Some schools use color to mark floors or color-code stairs in different school buildings.

Center railings can be used to separate flows on wider staircases. This solution gives best result for safe movement.

It is necessary to use high-quality non-slip materials for the steps. For existing ladders, we recommend using non-slip pads that cannot be tripped over.

From this point of view, the rubber bands along the edge of the steps used in some educational organizations did not justify themselves, since the rubber band has a certain thickness that you can catch your foot on, they are difficult to wash, and they turn out to be a problem for students with shoes with heels.

Particular attention should be paid to the lighting of the stairs, it is necessary to think in advance that the switches are accessible. The first and last steps should be especially well lit. It's good if the light and shadow contrast sharply on the tread and riser. As a result, the border will become clearly visible, because most injuries occur due to the slipping of the foot precisely from the edge of the step. Convenient can be a system that automatically turns on the light for a few minutes, long enough to climb or descend.

It should be remembered that the height of each step must be exactly the same. Unequal step heights are the cause of many injuries on stairs.

The safety of the stairs also depends on the material from which the steps are made. If the staircase is tiled with polished stone, then an additional anti-slip carpet is required to be attached to the steps. Special step mats are used not only for stone steps, they can be fixed to steps made of any material. They not only prevent slipping, but also protect the ladder, extending its lifespan.

When organizing the safe movement of students on the stairs, you can use the safety rules on the stairs (Appendix No. 1).

As a rule, dangers can arise in the most ordinary places, when they are not expected. Strict measures and laws will not help reduce injuries if each educational organization as a whole does not create and safe educational environment, and conditions for the development of a personal security formation system, safe behavior students.


1.GOST 23120-78. Flight stairs, platforms and steel railings. Technical conditions.

2. GOST 9818-85. Marches and landings of stairs are reinforced concrete.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2012 No. 413 "On the approval of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education" as amended. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 29, 2014 No. 1645

5. the federal law dated 30.12.2009 No. 384-FZ (as amended on 02.07.2013) "Technical regulations on the safety of buildings and structures" (Article 30. Safety requirements for users of buildings and structures).

Appendix No. 1

Staircase Safety Study Material

1. Why do people fall on stairs?

The immediate causes of falling on stairs are:

Slipping your feet on the steps

Step past the step

Support with heel or toe on the edge of the step,

Hooking one leg over the other

Entangling your feet in clothes

Hooking on shoes that have fallen off your feet,

Hook on foreign objects left on the flight of stairs.

2. Behavioral factors of falls on stairs.

The rule that can prevent falling on the stairs says: "When moving up the stairs, think only about moving up the stairs." Majority behavioral reasons falls on stairs are associated with haste, distraction and other activities at the same time. When walking up the stairs, you need to look at your feet and hold on to the handrail with your hands. As a last resort, keep your hand near the handrail in order to have time to grab onto it if necessary.

People most often fall on the stairs, jumping over the steps, inattentively putting their feet on the steps, on the edge of the step, while talking with the interlocutor, speaking on mobile phone or working with a mobile device.

Falls are facilitated by shoes flying off their feet, shoes on high heels, with slippery soles.

Carrying large or heavy objects also contributes to falls due to both loss of balance and limitation of the field of view. Remember to keep one hand free near the handrail when climbing stairs.

3. How to prevent falls and injury on the stairs.

3.1. Do not be distructed. Some people go down stairs so often that they don't look at their feet at all, and this is the cause of many accidents. Studies have shown that people generally only look at the first three rungs of a ladder and ignore the rest. Going down the unfamiliar stairs, step on each step carefully.

3.2. Do not hurry. Don't rush or run down stairs. Never step over a step. Watch where you are stepping, especially at the base of the stairs. Many accidents occur at the moment when a person believes that he has already descended and takes a step into the void.

3.3. It is important to hold onto the handrail. The handrails are effective remedy to prevent falling from stairs. The handrail should stretch unhindered from the beginning to the end of the ladder without any gaps.

At the base, the handrail should be at least one step long. This will increase the stability of reaching the end of the ladder.

3.4. The stairs must be visible. Many falls are caused by erroneous estimates of the distance to the stairs. The most common strategy is to draw a bright stripe along the edge of each step. If the stairs become more visible, it will be more difficult to make mistakes.

3.5. Walk up the stairs with appropriate shoes. Shoes with good soles will increase your stability as you descend stairs. Walking in high-heeled shoes with soft soles will lead to slipping down stairs.

3.6. Do not wear clothes that stretch on the floor. When going down or up stairs, it is very easy to step on a long, flowing skirt or trousers. Then you can hardly avoid falling.

Wearing overly long clothes interferes with seeing the legs, and the lack of visual confirmation of the position of the legs on the stairs increases the risk of falling.

4. Rules of safe behavior on a flight of stairs:

1) Move along the stairs calmly, on the right side.

2) Avoid collisions with other people walking up the stairs.

3) Be considerate. Look under your feet. Don't be distracted by conversations.

4) Do not step over several steps.

5) Do not put your foot on the edge of the step. The foot should be firmly on the step.

Appendix No. 2

Rules of safe behavior in corridors (recreation) and on stairs

1. General requirements security.

1.1. When in the hallway (recreation) and on stairs, students are required to comply with the Student Household Rules.

1.2. Dangerous and harmful factors in the corridors (recreation) and on the stairs are:

Lack of fences on stairs and in places of elevation differences;

Defects in flooring.

1.3. The victim or eyewitness is obliged to immediately inform the duty teacher or administrator about each accident.

1.4. Students who fail to comply with or violate these Rules will be held accountable in accordance with the Student House Rules.

2. Safety requirements before entering the corridor (recreation), at the entrance to the stairs.

2.1. Study the content of these Rules.

2.2. The door to the corridor (recreation), to the stairs should be opened carefully so as not to injure other people with it.

2.3. Make sure there is no collision with other students (adults).

2.4. Immediately report all noticed violations, malfunctions and breakdowns to the duty teacher or administrator.

2.5. It is forbidden to go out into the corridor (recreation), enter the stairs if they are found to be inconsistent with the requirements established in this section.

3. Safety requirements when in the corridor (recreation), on the stairs.

3.1. While in the corridor (recreation), on the stairs, the student must:

Comply with these Rules;

When passing the doors, be careful to avoid injury by the opening door;

When walking up stairs, stick to the right side;

Strictly follow all instructions of the teacher and administrator on duty;

Constantly maintain order and cleanliness in the corridors (recreation), on the stairs.

3.2. Students are prohibited from:

Run along corridors (recreation), stairs;

Push, arrange fights;

Leave briefcases, bags and other items in the aisles and on stairs;

Gather in groups in narrow corridors and on stairs;

Use stairs without fences;

Be close to the height difference in the absence of fences;

Carry out any objects (furniture, equipment, etc.) into the corridor (recreation), onto the stairs and from the corridor (recreation).

4. Safety requirements when leaving the corridor (recreation), descending the stairs.

4.1. It is necessary to leave the corridor (recreation), descend the stairs, observing the order, letting the younger ones, adults go forward and not creating a hustle and bustle.

4.2. In the event of a malfunction of furniture, equipment, fences, inform the duty teacher or administrator about this.

Staircase in the house: safety precautions.

Own house always seems to us a safe haven where you can hide from any adversity. Especially if, when designing and building a house, its creators thought about the convenience and safety of its inhabitants. It seems that the most dangerous are injuries during construction or household work in the country. In fact, falls occupy the first place among injuries in suburban life. Including falls from stairs.

According to American insurance companies, compensation for injuries resulting from falls firmly occupies the second position in expenses, second only to insurance compensation for injuries in road accidents. Most falls at home occur on stairs. In the USA in different years between one and two million such injuries are recorded. People fall on any staircase in houses: on the entrance staircase, on the interfloor staircase, on the attic stairs. More falls occur on short flights of stairs - up to 10 steps. People usually treat such ladders without proper attention, thinking that the shorter the ladder, the safer it is.

Who and when most often falls on the stairs?

Most often they fall on stairs when going down. Falls happen more often at the very first steps. Older men and women over the age of 65 are most affected by falls. Therefore, if you are building a house in which you plan to live your whole life, or elderly parents will live with you, pay maximum attention to designing stairs or think about building a one-story house.

Most falls on stairs can be prevented. Fall prevention starts with the thoughtful design of stair flights and quality staircase construction. However, even the most comfortable and beautifully constructed staircase cannot prevent falls. In addition to constructive errors in the manufacture of stairs, falls can be caused by the peculiarities of the situation on the stairs, poor-quality maintenance, carelessness of people, their unsafe behavior and factors of human health.

Why do people fall on stairs?
Researchers have identified common causes of falls on stairs.
The immediate causes of falling on stairs are:
slipping of a foot on a step,
tread past the steps,
support with heel or toe on the edge of the step,
hooking one leg to the other,
entanglement of legs in clothes,
hook on shoes that have come off their feet (most often slippers),
hook on foreign objects left on the flight of stairs.

Constructive risk factors for falls from stairs

Research by the Department of Design and environmental studies Cornell University in 68 houses in New York, made it possible to identify the most common constructive hazards that lie in wait for people on the stairs. In 80% of homes, at least one risk factor for falling was found, and in 55% of cases, at least two or more risk factors were identified. The main identified structural risk factors for falls on stairs are presented in the diagram:

What technically sound ladders are the most dangerous?

First of all, the most dangerous are the stairs located in unexpected places in the absence of visual or tactile warning signs: for example, just outside the door. Stairs that are not visually highlighted are dangerous: for example, having steps of the same color and texture as the flooring. Architects recommend to visually highlight both the steps themselves and the edges of the steps to create clear spatial reference points for the person walking the stairs.

If the stairs are covered with carpeted flooring, then it must be well fixed. It is not recommended to lay separate rugs on each step or when entering stairs - the risk of falling in this case will increase significantly. Smooth steps made of polished materials (stone, porcelain stoneware, lacquered wood) look beautiful. However, the smoother the surface of the steps, the more slippery it is. Matte surfaces provide better grip. Stone steps can be decorated with a pattern that will provide better grip on the sole of the shoe. Wooden steps can be embossed using milling or hand-tooling. If ceramic tiles are used, then they must be special, with matte surface and anti-skid stripes.

An irregular step on the stairs is the cause of many falls. Ladders with an irregular step height of only 8 mm are already "knocked out" of the usual dynamic stereotype of a person's movement on stairs and most often contribute to falls. Stairs with winders and turning platforms are more dangerous than straight stairs. Stair tread depths of less than 22 cm are also conducive to falls. The optimum step depth is 28 cm with a step rise of 18 cm.

Poorly lit staircases can mislead a person about the location of the steps: in the twilight and darkness, people move "at random." The staircase must have its own lighting, switched on by switches both at the top and bottom of the flight of stairs. At night (and in daytime) it is recommended to turn on emergency lighting, for example, LED lighting for stairs, which significantly increases their safety.

Railings or handrails play very important role in ensuring the safety of movement on stairs. They help in preventing loss of balance when climbing stairs and help to quickly regain balance when stumbling or sliding.
Although in most construction documents and publications, the recommended installation height for stair railings is 76-86 cm (as in the 19th century, when medium height there were much fewer people), studies have shown that stairs equipped with handrails at a height of 91-101 cm are safest ... It is best if the railings are located on both sides of the flight of stairs. On staircases with winder steps, where the shape and width of the steps changes, the presence of handrails on both sides of the staircase is mandatory.
But not all handrails are equally effective in preventing falls on stairs. The safest railings have round shape which allows the hand to fully embrace them. Optimal length the circumference of the round handrail for the hands of adults is 16 cm, and for the hands of children - 10 cm. These values ​​correspond to the diameters of the handrail 5 cm and 3.2 cm.

A railing with a rectangular or curly profile, which cannot be completely wrapped with a hand, does not provide the necessary traction force capable of holding human body when falling. Don't believe me? Try to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar, holding the bar with your hands folded "pinch". By the way, the railing should begin in front of the staircase at a distance equal to the depth of two steps and extend after the end of the staircase to a depth of one step. It is not bad if the railing has tactile clue signs (changes in texture or size), warning of the end of the flight of stairs. Railings must be firmly and securely attached to the wall. Fashionable rope handrails look beautiful, but they will not be able to protect you from falling on the stairs.

Health conditions and falls on stairs

Risk factors for falls on stairs include decreased vision, muscle weakness, coordination disorders, drowsiness. Drinking alcohol and certain medications may also contribute to falls. If you have small children or very old people in your house, the entrances to the stairs should be closed with security gates.
Reading glasses and bifocals must not be worn when climbing stairs. If you have glasses "for distance", then before moving on the stairs, you must use them.

When living in a home for older people, it is better to have landline phones and bathrooms on each floor to reduce their need to move from floor to floor.

Behavioral factors of falls on stairs
The simplest rule that can prevent a fall on a ladder is: "When moving up the stairs, think only about moving up the stairs." Most of the behavioral causes of falls on stairs are associated with haste, distraction, and other activities at the same time. As you walk up the stairs, look under your feet and hold on to the handrail with your hands. As a last resort, keep your hand near the handrail so you can grab onto it if necessary.

People most often fall on stairs, jumping over the steps, inattentively placing their feet on the steps on the edge of the step, while talking to the interlocutor, talking on a mobile phone or working on a mobile device.

Falls are facilitated by shoes flying off their feet (slippers), high-heeled shoes, with slippery soles.

Carrying large or heavy objects also contributes to falls, both due to loss of balance and limitation of the field of view. Remember to keep one hand free near the handrail when climbing stairs. Elderly, weakened people should always have both hands free on the stairs. If you need to pull down, say, a bag of dirty laundry, you should just throw it down the stairs and pick it up at the bottom.

When cleaning stairs, it is best to use a compact cordless vacuum cleaner to avoid entangling your feet in the cords.

Make sure that no foreign objects remain on the stairs: clothes, shoes, toys - it is so easy to trip over them.

When planning to build your own home, carefully design all the stairs in your home to make them as comfortable and safe as possible. We hope that our recommendations will help you with this.