Short wedding dress for fat brides. Wedding dresses for the fat. Optimal wedding length

One of the most memorable and solemn days in a woman's life wedding dresses for fat help her to look irresistible, luxurious and adorable, as it should be real bride... They are created especially for girls with non-standard figure and therefore everything is taken into account in them to hide all its shortcomings.

Wedding dresses for fat: style

To feel attractive, comfortable and free throughout wedding celebration, you should choose a dress that you like at first sight. After all, a very important guarantee of success is that the girl, first of all, falls in love with herself in this outfit, this will give her confidence in her irresistibility, and then everyone else will also look at her with admiration. When choosing a dress, do not be shy about your size, just take into account the features of your physique, which the chosen model should correspond to. Take care of buying a wedding dress in advance so that this process takes place without haste and you have enough time to visit several wedding salons, in which you can consider and try on many dresses and choose the most suitable style.

When choosing suitable model wedding dress for fat, consider some tips that are suggested by stylists and tested in practice:

  • With an evenly distributed fullness, the figure looks proportional, and you can opt for a semi-fitted model that defines the waist. Thanks to this style, the figure will appear more graceful.
  • A very popular style of wedding dress among women with a large figure is the A-line cut, implying a flared skirt and the presence of a corset. The lacing will allow you to fit it exactly in size, without pulling it too tightly so that ugly folds do not appear, which will only emphasize excessive fullness.
  • Wedding dresses for fat women fluffy skirt... When choosing such a model, you need to take into account that it is too lush Bottom part dresses not only hides well full thighs but also emphasizes the fullness of the arms and upper body. Therefore, if you decide on such a style, you can use a light cape or wide scarf that will cover thick arms and shoulders.

High-waisted dresses are among the most popular for overweight women. Lightweight fabrics used for sewing wedding dresses folds under the bust line also perfectly drape and hide the fullness of the abdomen and hips. In general, dresses with a waistline that is exactly in line with the natural line should be avoided as this draws attention to the midsection.

The ideal length for wedding dresses, which should be preferred by fat girls, maxi. In such a dress, the bride will look more slender, it will cover too full knees and calves.

As decorative elements that allow you to divert attention from problem areas, you can use a flower or a brooch in the neckline, located on the side, or a bow on the side in the waist area. This shifts attention away from problem areas.
Too fat girls are not advised to choose wedding dresses made of shiny fabrics. It is better to give preference to matte textures, such as lace, chiffon, which create more light image, hiding excess volumes. Stylists do not advise fat women to choose dresses with thin straps for a wedding. More harmonious image it will turn out in an outfit with wide straps and sleeves.

Absolutely all brides want to find perfect dress for a wedding ceremony and look luxurious on the main event of your life. And lush beauties are no exception in this matter. It seems to them that since their figure is far from perfect, then it will be quite difficult to choose an outfit. But, ideal sizes for wedding clothes does not exist and each outfit must be selected according to the individual parameters of the newlywed. Beautiful and also inexpensive wedding dresses for overweight girls there is! The main thing is to know how to choose it correctly.

How to choose the right one?

Before you begin to study the many styles and models suitable for your type of figure, we recommend that you first look at photos of wedding dresses for fat girls on the Internet in order to find out: in what outfits the brides look the best way what style suits them best, what should you pay attention to.

    First, do not be discouraged! After all, a correctly selected option will first of all emphasize the dignity of your figure, and only then skillfully disguise problem areas... Therefore, you need to know your vantage points in order to look for a model that will favorably place accents on the figure;

    Select models with longitudinal seams - they will visually make you slimmer;

    Do not look for a style with a heavy and massive skirt - this option will only add unnecessary volume;

    You need to choose an outfit based on the type and parameters of your figure, and not from fashion trends... The main thing is that it fits perfectly;

    Do not lose hope that you will still find the option you need, as beautiful wedding dresses large sizes you can find it, but in our salon it is also inexpensive.

Optimal styles

Wedding dresses for obese girls must meet certain requirements in order to maximally emphasize all the charms of the figure and at the same time skillfully hide the existing flaws. To do this, you need to know which styles will suit you best.

    Empire style options- outfits with a high waist, a belt under the chest and a loose skirt will perfectly emphasize the lush neckline, hide unnecessary volumes behind flowing fabrics and visually make the silhouette slimmer and longer;

    A-line models- will hide extra centimeters at the waist and wide hips behind the trapezoidal skirt;

    Fish dress suitable for those overweight girls who have a figure like " hourglass". Then the feminine lines of the body will look spectacular - the main thing is not to forget to wear corrective underwear;

    Closed models perfect for owners of a magnificent bust - they visually make less volume chest, and a one-piece cut of the dress with sleeves and a long, non-puffy skirt will make the silhouette slimmer and taller;

    For tall overweight brides options with a train are suitable;

    To those who problem hands it is worth choosing a model with long sleeves or 3 \ 4.

Suitable texture of fabrics

Full girls should also take into account the texture of fabrics for wedding dresses. Lightweight and flowing fabrics such as silk, chiffon and organza work best without weighing down the look. Thin lace will visually reduce the proportions of the body. But shiny textures, on the contrary, will add unnecessary volume. Therefore, rely on matte and translucent fabrics. Decorating with rhinestones, stones and other additional decor can also add fullness, so it is better to skip it.

In our salon "White Avantage" you will find a varied collection of inexpensive wedding dresses in large sizes, and each magnificent beauty will find the very cherished outfit for her wedding!

Select suitable dress, in which you outshine your friends, is not an easy task, regardless of the type of figure, but it can be especially difficult for overweight girls to find the right style. Do not despair! Ideal female beauty over the past centuries, many times managed to radically change, and the slender tall fashion models popular today would not have generated any enthusiasm in the time of Rubens or Ancient Rus... This means that you can look your best with any volumes, the main thing is to choose the right style, highlighting the advantages and hiding the disadvantages.

Excess weight is distributed over the female body in different ways, so it is necessary to take into account the type of figure and also remember about common problems for plus-size girls:

  • voluminous belly;
  • rollers on the sides and back;
  • full hands;
  • cellulite.

The curvaceous figure also has its own advantages - an impressive bust and hips, to which attention should be drawn. In addition, personally, you may have beautiful legs or shoulders - they should not be hidden either. The main thing is to align the proportions, and then any shape will look good:

  • Apple shape type possesses very wide-waisted, equally lush hips and bust. Such beauties are most suitable for and - subject to slender legs - you can try on shortened models;
  • "Rectangle"(for owners of a not too pronounced waist) a corset or a sheath dress will help - they will add femininity and the necessary seductive curves to the image;
  • "Pear"(for young ladies whose chic hips surpass the bust in volume) A-silhouette is well suited. He will switch attention from a too massive bottom to a beautiful neckline;
  • "Hourglass"- a figure with approximately the same size of the hips and bust with a pronounced waist. Such brides are very lucky: with shaping underwear they can afford many different styles, but sheath dresses and looks especially good;
  • Inverted triangle. For young ladies, whose shoulders are wider than hips, a high-waisted silhouette comes to the rescue, expanding downward. So that the shoulders do not seem too massive, it is better to choose a sharp V-neck and wide straps.

If you short stature, it is worth taking a closer look at dresses just below the knee. Tall brides can afford a train and vary the length of the skirt - it all depends solely on the desire and attractiveness of the legs. If you have something to brag about, why not?

Owners of wide and full shoulders are better off choosing a sharp V-neck. At long neck let's also admit high collar... On the contrary, with narrow shoulders and short neck we advise you to take a closer look at the boat neckline.

Important! Fat brides should be careful with horizontal folds, they visually expand the figure, but diagonal and vertical lines, including contrasting colored inserts, are your friends and assistants.

From a bustier dress, which simultaneously opens arms and shoulders, it is also better for donuts to refuse., except for the case when you have a slender top and imperfections have accumulated exclusively in the waist and hips.

The idea of ​​buying a couple of sizes smaller and going on a starvation diet is dangerous. And without that nervous time organizing a celebration will require a lot of physical and moral strength from you, in addition, you may not have time to lose the required amount of kilograms. Sewing on a dress is much easier and cheaper than enlarging it, so we recommend it.

No part of the outfit should cut hard into the body. Firstly, you will be uncomfortable, and in fact you will be in a wedding dress all day. Secondly, the fat fold above the tight-fitting tissue looks extremely sloppy. She does not hide, but, on the contrary, emphasizes excess weight. The straps, if any, must also be wide.

If the catalogs of salons are full of exceptionally thin models, on which any style sits differently than on you, we advise you to pay attention to the portfolio of good wedding photographers. Among the pictures, there are sure to be brides with similar proportions, and by their example it is much easier to see what goes and does not go with your body type, which then make a choice.


Brides with curvaceous matte materials are best, both dense and flowing - chiffon, crepe, medium-sized lace.

What to avoid is shiny fabrics like satin, organza, taffeta. They greatly expand the silhouette, make it massive. Do not use and thin jersey overly tight-fitting and also translucent in the most unexpected places.

The fabric that hides the most problem areas, must be dense enough, because the fat fold peeking out from under the delicate embroidery is not at all what you want to notice in the photographs after the celebration.


Is white always fat? Not at all necessary. It depends on the type of fabric, cut and accessories, so full brides, depending on their preferences, can choose both snow-white and more delicate ones. pastel shades. For young ladies with overweight it is worth paying attention to the cold shades, they, like dark ones, visually reduce the volume.

We must not forget about the color type:

  • For owners of fair skin and dark hair snow white, silver gray, cold pink will do;
  • Red-haired young ladies with dark eyes will look great in shades Ivory or champagne, cream color and, if you want to add colors, lilac;
  • "Cold" gray-eyed blondes look great in shades of gray. A blue wedding dress is perfect for them;
  • Swarthy brunettes can afford creamy shades, as well as red and gold;
  • Brown-haired women with gray eyes an outfit in greenish, plum and milky tones will perfectly suit.

Red is the color of passion and courage, gaining more and more popularity, it is better to choose a darker and colder undertone. Burgundy dresses look interesting - dark and visually reducing the volume.

A black wedding dress will suit a very brave girl unafraid to challenge public opinion... This outfit is very slim and elegant. He is extremely unusual, and you will definitely be remembered as a girl with extraordinary taste.

Advice! If you prefer something brighter, then fat girls are better off choosing cool, clean shades. Blue, turquoise, purple, green will make you stand out from the crowd of snow-white brides and emphasize taste and extravagance.

If you want an unexpected color, but radically deviate from traditional costume brides are not ready, then dresses with colored inserts will come to the rescue. Vertical or diagonal bright bursts will only make you slimmer., besides, they will revive the image.


There are no restrictions for tall ladies, the main rule is to open what you want to open. Full legs but beautiful ankles? Let graceful shoes peek out playfully from under the dress. Are the legs proportional and are you proud of them? The midisk is your option.


- a classic, perfect for plus-size girls. The main thing is to avoid unnecessarily fluffy skirts. as they will overload the image. At the same time, if you can brag beautiful legs, then it is quite acceptable to choose a slightly shortened model.


Ultramini overweight young ladies should still be avoided, but the length just below the knee is great option... It is also worth looking at the cascading skirts. They will allow you to open nice legs, but at the same time they will not weigh down the bottom, in addition, they will create additional vertical lines that narrow the figure.

It is better for short brides to choose just cropped models and high heels. so they will look taller. If, with a modest stature, you still want a floor-length dress, then a flowing silhouette and a V-neck will come to the rescue.

What models are suitable for curvy brides - photos, tips

Corset, A-line and trapeze

A corset in size is a good option for curvy shapes. It will allow you to slightly reduce the waist and emphasize the chic bust with a delicate shoulder line.

The main thing to remember when choosing such a dress is that you are not in the eighteenth century, and fainting at a wedding is not at all in trend. This means that you should not pull too much - you will have to move and talk a lot, and for this it is better to feel comfortable and breathe. full breast, and the visually stretched top does not look very nice. It is better to purchase a corset with some reserve for tightening: it will look much better.

A-line, one-piece dresses, flared downwards - best friend for girls with a pear shape type. The open top draws attention to the beautiful neckline, while the loose skirt accentuates the waist and hides the belly and hips.

It is better to choose models with sleeves or wide straps, however, if you have rather graceful shoulders, you can swing at a bustier or a neckline with a heart.

Empire and Greek style

The main salvation for pregnant brides, as well as owners of the "apple" type. Delicate, romantic cut empire dress, reminiscent of Natasha Rostova, will shift the emphasis to the chest and face, hiding all the extra roundness below.

The skirt can be either long, to the floor, or shortened, or asymmetrical, short in front and falling in soft folds in the back.

It allows you to skillfully drape whatever you want to hide, so you can easily turn into a real ancient goddess. In addition, pleats will help - vertical folds stretch the figure and make it narrower and taller.

Mermaid's tail

It is believed that this style is suitable only for girls of model appearance, but this is not the case. If you have an hourglass body type and high growth, then this option is quite available to you. The mermaid silhouette gives any bride a flair of mystery and aristocracy. You will look luxurious in such a fitted dress.

Advice! The expansion of the skirt should start from mid-thigh. And here " fish tail»From the knee should be avoided: in this model the hips appear much wider.

You should wear shaping underwear under this model. so that no folds interfere with the harmony of the silhouette. If the hips are still larger than the bust, a push-up bra will come to the rescue.

Simple sheath dresses

One of the most classic and elegant cuts, highlighting the impeccable taste of the bride who chose it. This model is good for overweight girls with a "rectangle" body type, however, other plump girls may also like it for their figure.

If there are no problems with the ankles and feet, then it is better to choose a length just below the knee. This will make your image appear the most proportional and harmonious.

A variety of decor is allowed in the "case", but remember about the danger of sparkles, horizontal lines and an abundance of large accessories - all this inevitably makes you look fat.

With a train

The train is the very element of the outfit that will turn you into a real queen. It looks best on tall brides, however, short ones, if they do not have too massive hips, can afford this regal accessory. The train can be made either from the same fabric as the main dress, or from a more airy one.(chiffon, lace, etc.).

The main disadvantage of this style is its dependence on weather conditions. After all, the fabric in any case will slide on the ground, which means that dirt, snow and dust can ruin it. In addition, the people around, and the bride herself, must very carefully watch where they step, so as not to accidentally tear the delicate fabric.

Dancing with a train is also difficult, but detachable accessories in the form of a bustle will come to the rescue. In this case, you can remove the train while walking and return it to your place at the most solemn moments of the ceremony and during a photo session.


Curvy beauties shouldn't be whole-selection. They visually increase the volume. However, individual openwork elements will not only not spoil, but will also decorate your dress, especially if you use diagonal and vertical lines that narrow the silhouette.

It is better to choose lace of medium size, too small or large patterns increase the volume. Openwork inserts look especially beautiful if they cover the back cut, shoulders or neckline.

It is worth paying attention to lace in a contrasting color - gold, red or even black. Bright accent, if he is alone, will revive any image and help divert attention from imperfections.

With sleeves

Idea! If in principle you do not want a dress with sleeves, then on help will come bolero, shawl or elegant jacket. These things come in handy if you want to attend a wedding ceremony that does not allow the bride to have bare shoulders and arms.

Many young ladies prefer a sleeveless wedding dress, however this tricky detail of the costume helps to correct many of the imperfections of the figure and looks gorgeous.

Lantern sleeves or short wings are not the best way... They make the shoulders much wider. Straight translucent sleeves made of chiffon or lace or "bells" made of flying fabric, expanding from the shoulder, are much better for overweight beauties.

Models look very gentle and at the same time - bare shoulders and a plunging neckline. This style, at the same time romantic and flirtatious, will divert attention from any excesses around the waist.

  • Do not get carried away with lush and large details.- shuttlecocks, ribbons, bows. V a large number they will cause irreparable harm to the image. At the same time, a single large bow can be a fresh solution that will add zest to the outfit;
  • Avoid fluffy skirts and crinolines;
  • Choosing vertical and diagonal lines in the decor and seams and discarding horizontal ones;
  • Stiletto heels will not only make you taller, but also stretch your legs and silhouette as a whole;
  • The dress should not only suit you, but also like you, because this is your day!

Useful video

A wedding dress is that attribute of clothing that is essential for any girl. If you are curvy, this does not mean that you should give up the pleasure of flaunting in a beautiful and luxurious dress, and the video will help in choosing:


Curvy shapes are not a reason to limit yourself in choosing two or three styles. On curvy girls can look great the most different models from A-silhouette or Empire style to "mermaid tail". The main thing is that the dress should be in shape and size. Skillfully hiding flaws and emphasizing dignity, following intuition and remembering a sense of proportion, any bride will turn into a girl confident in her own splendor, who will become a queen at her own wedding.

It is easy to find a fashionable and stylish wedding dress for fat brides (photo). We can see many different models presented to us by famous designers and fashion designers. Regardless of nationality, age factor, a wedding for every lady is the most important and most important celebration in life.

After all, every bride wants to look the most attractive among all the others on this momentous day, create wonderful makeup and gorgeous hairstyle, and also have, of course, the most stylish and fashionable wedding dress. Today we will talk in more detail about which fashionable and stylish wedding dresses in the 2019 season are suitable for overweight girls. The color of the dress for brides can be chosen based on the fashion trends of the 2019 season.

Modern models of wedding dresses

With a corset, lush

Sometimes this style of dress is called a ball gown, because it consists of a rather lush, most often, tulle skirt and a tight corset. To make the skirt seem more magnificent, a special corset of rings is put on under it, the dress itself is sewn from tulle, taffeta, organza and other fabrics are used, the corset itself can be decorated with sequins, rhinestones, stones or interesting and original embroidery, all this turns a bride to a girl from a fairy tale.

If you have always dreamed of feeling like a princess, then this option is for you. In addition, the skirt and corset can be either separate or one-piece, which one to choose depends only on you. But it should be borne in mind that a wedding dress for fat brides should hide flaws, in the photo we can see that products from a one-piece corset and skirts sit on curvy brides much better.

It is also worth noting that such an outfit visually makes the girl more slender, but if you have no waist at all, then this model is not for you, otherwise you risk making yourself even bigger and more magnificent. Such models look great in harmony with a skirt in the form of a trapezoid, it will flow very gently along the hips and gently expand downward. Remember that the length of such a product should be large enough, the only way you can achieve visual harmony.

These models are presented at their shows by Monique Lhuillier, they look simply divine. If you want to achieve harmony and conformity in the figure, then you should pay more attention to these models, because the top with the help of a corset will become more tight-fitting, and a fluffy skirt will easily hide the small imperfections of a heavy bottom. Remember also that if you are completely short stature, then this option is not for you, such a dress can make you visually even lower and fuller.

You can easily choose a winter wedding bouquet using our tips.

Empire style

If you haven’t thought about how to buy a wedding dress for fat brides, then the photos prove to us that the Empire style is ideal for ladies with outstanding shapes, which is primarily due to the special and amazing cut of these products. Such outfits appeared in the 18th century and have not gone out of fashion since then, they are very fond of many girls.

A feature of this model is that the waist is a little high, it goes almost under the breast itself, and after the dress expands and goes directly to the skirt itself. It is worth remembering that if you have breasts small size, it is better to consider options with a bodice made of a fairly dense fabric, focus on it.

This can be done with rhinestones, stones, embroidery, etc. All this will visually increase your bust, but the skirt itself should be made of light, flowing and airy fabric, this will make your image more romantic and delicate. Remember that if you do not big breasts, then you should be especially careful with models with a square neckline, because it will simply visually make it even smaller, especially if the bodice itself is not decorated with anything. This model is one of the most beloved and popular among girls with forms, because under light cloth you can easily hide all the extra pounds.

With all this, the outfit is truly very comfortable, it is perfect for a church wedding, and for an official celebration. If you have large breasts, then the main emphasis can be placed on it; for this, decoration, for example, a belt, under the breast is quite enough.

Such models are shown to us by Vera Wang and Carolina Herrera. In this outfit you will feel incredibly comfortable, you will be able to sit comfortably, dance, etc., and at the same time you will look very airy and feminine.

Greek style

Pictured is a wedding dress for fat brides in greek style, many may note that products in this style are very reminiscent of the Empire style, this is true, but still there are some differences in such styles.

The main difference between these options is that the Empire style can be sewn from a denser fabric, but dresses in the Greek style are always very light, airy, delicate and natural fabrics, for example, it can be chiffon or silk, this model looks great, gives the bride seduction and incredible charm.

In addition, with the help of delicate and light fabrics, which are carefully laid in rows one on top of the other and create the shape of the petals, an exquisite and unique effect appears. E

one more hallmark This style is quite simple and straight cut, while the waist is not emphasized in any way, the main emphasis is on the chest. If the celebration falls on a rather cool season, then it is best to consider models with lace or fabric sleeves. Such dresses in their collections are presented to us by Monique Lhuillie.

For overweight girls, such a dress can be a real salvation, because it perfectly copes with its task of hiding figure flaws and excess weight. If you want to decorate and accentuate your chest, then choose an outfit with a highlighted bodice, the skirt should be light, free and in no way burden or hinder your movements. The decoration of the outfit can be from flowing silver or gold fabric. These models are very popular with brides with shapes, because they look very beautiful, fashionable and solid, so you can feel more confident and will not worry or get upset because of some minor imperfections in your figure.

Fish (Mermaid)

In the photo there is a wedding dress for fat brides, it is very easy to buy it in St. Petersburg, the girls especially fell in love with the fish style, or they also call it a mermaid, this is due to the fact that in its appearance the style of the dress resembles a mermaid or fish tail. On the catwalks of such famous designers as Óscar de la Renta and Vera Wang, we can see wedding dresses in just this style, they look very gentle, feminine and incredibly romantic, adding some mystery to the image.

But brides with curvaceous shapes need to be wary of such products and choose very carefully and scrupulously, otherwise this model will not decorate you, but will only emphasize some imperfections of the figure.

Such dresses are most often sewn from fairly light and thin fabrics, for example, silk, lace, organza are used. It is worth remembering that this option is tight-fitting, it fits quite tightly to the body, and only a more fluffy skirt begins from the knees, this fact should also be taken into account when choosing such an outfit.

A mermaid-style dress can be with a train, it can be small or reach a length of several meters, but for overweight girls, a product with a small train is best suited, otherwise you risk looking funny and a little ridiculous.

If you have a waist and hips that are not too heavy, then you can afford such a model, but it is best to use shape-shaping underwear as well, it is with its help that you can smooth and correct all the unevenness of the figure and unnecessary folds. Remember that it is also necessary to try on a wedding dress only in the lingerie in which you will be at the celebration itself.

If you have proportional and appetizing shapes, then a fish-style dress will be just an ideal option for you, this outfit will look very impressive with very neat and soft diagonal draperies, they will hide the protruding belly.

The price of a wedding dress for full is different, the photo shows that they can be very diverse, if you want an expensive branded dress, then pay attention to wedding collection Vera Wang.

Remember that the dress itself should be made of a fairly dense, but flowing fabric, this is due to the fact that lightweight fabrics simply will not keep their shape, and corrective underwear can be seen through such fabric, this must be avoided.


Such a wedding lace dress you should choose if you have a sufficiently voluminous physique, it is lace that will help you cope with problems excess weight, besides this, your image will be complemented by femininity and mystery. It is worth noting that if you prefer such a round dress to others, then it is worth remembering that an outfit with medium-sized lace will be an ideal option for you.

You should not consider small lace, otherwise it will only increase you in volume and emphasize fullness, the same applies to large lace, with its help you will pay close attention to yourself and your figure. Remember this important point when choosing and trying on. wedding dress in that style.

  • A-silhouette (trapezoid)

If you want to buy an inexpensive wedding dress for fat brides, then in the photo we see one of the most interesting and common options, these are trapeze style outfits or, as it is also called, A-silhouette. This style got its name because the bride in this dress is very reminiscent of the letter A, it is worth noting that such a model just perfectly copes with the task of hiding all the flaws in the figure.

Also, it can really be called universal, because it is ideal for both slim, full, and low, while visually stretching the figure of the girl. If you have a tummy and large, voluminous hips, then this option will skillfully hide all this, but miraculously emphasize the chest, while expanding slightly to the bottom.

In the outfit itself, some details may change, depending on how they change, what should be hidden, and what, on the contrary, emphasized, also changes.

A short

There is a common stereotype that short wedding dresses are only for slender girls with model appearance, but this is far from the case.

Even a girl with curvaceous and oversized forms can afford such a model, you just need to choose it correctly according to your type of appearance and figure.

If you have beautiful legs, but at the same time there are some excesses around the hips and waist, you can afford such a dress. Thus, at your wedding you will be the most beautiful and attractive.

Remember that it is not at all necessary that the product be very short, its length may vary, show and open only those places that you think you can show, it can be a model that is above the knees, to the knees or to the calves, the choice remains After you.

Sheath wedding dresses look especially advantageous on overweight girls; their length should reach the knees or may be lower, but not higher, so you can hide the heavy bottom and concentrate all your attention on the neckline.

You can complement your image with a flirty hat, for example, with a veil, or use a veil short length... The hem of the dress can be asymmetrical, for example, it is long in the back and short in the front, this option looks very flirty and sophisticated on the bride.

Today in the article we talked about what kind of wedding dress is suitable for fat brides, we looked at the photo (you will find prices in other Internet sources). If at your wedding you want to look and feel like a queen, then choose an outfit that will not only be fashionable and branded, but it should ideally fit your body type, this is the only way you can brighten up some figure flaws and emphasize, and also show your merits. Wedding dresses for curvaceous forms are specially made so that at your celebration you can feel the most beautiful, desired, loved and incredibly elegant.

For any bride the most important part wedding image is the dress. Today, designers offer an original wedding dress for fat brides, which allows to hide certain features of such a figure and emphasize the benefits.

Wedding dresses for obese girls differ in the composition of the fabric, style and shade. This is explained not only by the preferences of the brides, but also by the fact that completeness is not the same. Each curvy girl their individual traits and unique shapes... Due to the variety of styles, it is possible to emphasize an individual image, create an interesting image and style. Choosing a wedding dress should take into account the characteristics of the figure and taste.

Models and styles. Who are they suitable for?

Exquisite models of wedding dresses for overweight women designed to enhance the silhouette and add elegance to the look.

Wedding dress in the "empire" style characterized by a high waist and a flared skirt, outwardly it will add height. Together with high heels manages to stretch the figure. The outfit in the Greek style perfectly highlights the neckline (the pride of a curvy girl) and wonderfully covers the belly and voluminous hips.

For a slight excess weight and preserved harmonious volumes, wedding dresses for obese women are suitable silhouette "fish"... This style is relevant for tall women, it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the figure, thanks to the corset it will be possible to hide the insignificant fullness.

By the way, about the corset. For women with curvaceous forms, this invention of the past is ideal. The corset creates, emphasizes appetizing parameters and exposes the newlywed in favorable light. Formal outfits with a corset- Ideal if you don't have a bulging belly. The corset will hide flaws and create an incredibly feminine and attractive image!

A full figure wedding dress can have different lengths... If the bride has preserved slender legs, then it makes sense to demonstrate the beauty of the lower body. Often, for women with this type of figure, designers offer antique-style outfits with a high waist and a tulip skirt.

Short product with a slightly tight skirt permissible only for a girl with beautiful legs. Excess weight on the arms can be hidden with the help of the sleeve " bat»And using the length ¾. Only then will the bride look dignified. Among the cropped styles, retro-style options with a draped and dropped waist are relevant. Drapery can be used to hide excess volume in the lower body.

Cascading styles of wedding dresses for full and tall girls fit in the best way. A short front skirt that flows into long train behind, demonstrates the beauty of the legs. This model looks harmoniously with a bolero cape.

The photo shows that brides often choose midi length. This option is ideal if you have beautiful ankles and calves. Hiding a few extra pounds on your legs with the help of a form-fitting and slim silhouette below the knees. The length above the knees needs a more slender shape. Style middle length with a trapeze skirt will allow you to hide wide hips and a slightly protruding belly.

Chubby arms are masked with a short bolero vest and sleeves ¾... Long-sleeved style is also suitable for voluminous arms.

An outfit with a beautiful neckline will take your eyes away from full legs. The V-neck will mask the expressive shoulders and make the neck look longer. This is ideal for older women!

Long styles are the most relevant! Any shape of legs, wide hips and excess weight can be hidden under a fluffy skirt. If you have a slim top, that is, choose a corset dress with a fluffy skirt. This style is called "princess". For women with an "apple" figure, a cut with a large cut on the skirt is ideal. Focus on thin ankles and hands. Choose in moderation fluffy dress if you are of small stature. Stately beauties can afford more lush options... Exclude only outfits with multiple tiers petticoats... This will visually add extra volume, as well as lush bows, embroidery.

Material features

An important factor of choice holiday dress Is the material. Which fabric is better: silk, knitwear, lace fabric, chiffon or satin? Maybe satin?
Dress in light and flowing fabrics or choose heavy textures - only a girl decides this issue. We will only point to important points that will help you make a choice!

Silk, taffeta and satin drape remarkably, forming soft and beautiful folds. They hide the splendor of forms well and give a royal look! Delicate silk and tulle dresses highlight beautiful shapes stately bride with harmonious proportions.

It is difficult to find a more refined and attractive clothes, how lace wedding dresses for obese women. Braided guipure sits flawlessly on a curvaceous figure. The main rule of choice is the size of the pattern. Small laces lose the brightness of the pattern for full figure, and too large guipure does not emphasize the dimensions very well. Choosing a dress with a lace top, you can't go wrong, the main thing is to pay attention to the characteristics of the pattern!

White or colored dress?

It is believed that white tone visually enlarges. In fact, a white outfit can add some extra weight. Therefore, you should take a closer look at the colored dress. Find the shade that best matches your skin color:

  • Blue eyed brides with fair skin will be flawless in a white dress with a bluish tint.

  • Redhead for newlyweds to face products with a lilac shade.
  • Swarthy girls should choose warm shades. Accentuate the tone with scarlet accessories.

  • Tanned brunettes pale pink and light olive tones are ideal.

Shoes and accessories

The wedding look will not be complete if you have time to choose only the dress and styling. Smart brides plan their look down to the smallest detail! Having thought over the style from head to toe, you will feel confident and comfortable at the ceremony.

Let's start with a scarf and bolero. If you picked up an outfit with closed shoulders then you can do without these accessories. Otherwise, give preference to a snow-white scarf or bolero, with their help you will cover your full hands. Especially such additions are recommended for women over 40 years of age.

What to choose for a dress: a headband or a veil?

TO short styling it is better to add a lace band, headband or hairpin. For long strands and the square are perfect for elegant hairpins. Long curled strands and bun styling look good in tandem with a veil.

Wedding fashion dictates its own rules, and I would like to note that today the veil is no longer very relevant. A beautiful hairpin inlaid with stones looks much more impressive, and you won't want to take it off in half an hour.

Wedding shoes are an attribute without which your holiday will not take place. Not only the appearance, but also the mood for the whole evening depends on her convenience and style. Even model girls cannot wear heels for a long time and painlessly. Give preference to a moderate height - up to 10 cm. Short girls such a heel fit better Total! If you are a bride vertically challenged, you can buy two pairs of shoes, and put on more comfortable and lower shoes after the photo session. In closed models with a narrowed toe, your feet will sweat, so in warm weather, choose styles with wide straps. Be sure to try the shoes before the celebration!

Choose to dress handbag the color is easy. To the product with enough choose a satin clutch for decor, and a handbag with stones or pearls for a modest dress.

Jewelry should complement the look neatly. You will not need a necklace and long earrings to the lace product, but along with the neckline add a belt with pebbles or an exquisite necklace with earrings.

Underwear will help to adjust the figure: remove belly, waist and hips folds. At the same time, it should not be noticeable. Suitable shades linen - white and flesh.

Take advice but stay unique girl with its own delicate taste!