Work with parents on the formation of the basics of safe behavior in preschool children. Methods of working with parents on the issues of safe behavior of children in everyday life - life safety. List of used literature

Prevention child injury- the problem of the whole society. Children's education correct behavior in everyday life it is necessary to start with early age. The task of teachers and parents is to educate today's schoolchildren to be competent and disciplined users of household goods.

Cooperation with parents should not be declarative and instructive. This style of communication cannot be effective. The task of the educator is to transfer parents from the category of passive listeners to active participants in educational educational process. Parents must always remember the responsibility for their children, because of whose careless behavior, and sometimes quite conscious violation of the Rules of Conduct in the Household, an accident may occur.

Only an adult citizen can independently and fully exercise his rights and obligations. The Constitution of the Russian Federation determines the age of majority and legal capacity from 18 years. In accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation (Article 1073), it is the parents who are civil defendants and bear material responsibility for the damage caused by the actions of their child.

In accordance with Art. 1074 Civil Code In the Russian Federation, a minor defendant aged 14 to 18 is independently responsible for the harm caused on a general basis. But if he does not have income or other property sufficient to compensate for harm, this harm can be compensated by his parents, who are involved in the case as civil defendants. Thus, if an incident is committed through the fault of a child in which people were injured and a car was broken, then his parents will have to answer according to the law!

In Concept school education It is emphasized: “Family and school in a chronological series are connected by a form of continuity, which facilitates the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. The most important condition for continuity is the establishment of a trusting business contact between the family and the school, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is corrected.

It cannot yet be said that there is a system of work with parents, who themselves often demonstrate the absence of a culture of behavior in everyday life and, accordingly, lay negative stereotypes of behavior in children. Most parents, concerned about their children, resort to scolding, wordy warnings and even punishment. This method has no effect. Only patience and perseverance are effective means that all adults need to stock up on in order to save the life and health of their child. The effectiveness of teaching children safe behavior at home depends to a greater extent on good example adults. It is important that parents realize that a child cannot be required to follow any rule of conduct if they themselves do not always follow it. An insufficient level of culture of adult behavior in everyday life leads to the same phenomena in children.

Experience shows that adults, especially parents, need information about behavior in everyday life no less than their children. Psychologists say that the assimilation of the rules should be brought to automatism, i.e. decision-making in a momentary situation should take place on subconscious level. This means that a constant visual reminder of the rules of behavior in everyday life is necessary.

The focus of work with parents should be on the content and active methods presentation of pedagogical knowledge on the issues of literacy of behavior in everyday life, the choice of democratic forms of communication and taking into account the pedagogical activity of parents. All this requires the teacher to have a certain flexibility in using various forms interactions with families.

The significance of family education lies in the fact that it is carried out constantly, starting from the birth of a child, and is built on the basis of loved ones. emotional contacts between parents and children. The primary task is to develop a unified approach, unified pedagogical requirements to the child this issue by teachers and parents.

Directions of work with parents on the prevention of child injuries:

- drawing the attention of the parent community to existing problem, in explaining to parents the need to comply with the Rules safe behavior in everyday life and involving them in creating conditions conducive to the formation of knowledge and skills in children;

Development of a joint action plan;

Promotion of safe behavior at home by means visual information: posters, wall newspapers, booklets, magazines, videos, photo stands in order to prevent dangerous behavior of children at home;

Increasing the level of competence of adults in knowing the rules of safe behavior in everyday life;

Acquaintance with psychophysiological and age characteristics students' perception of information on the basics of behavioral safety;

Enhancing parental involvement in pedagogical process school institution: in organizing and conducting joint events using their professional experience medical worker, a police officer;

Invitation to cooperate in the organization of the subject-developing environment indoors and outdoors of the school institution;

Acquaintance with the results of monitoring the dynamics of child injuries in everyday life in the region, city, region;

Studying public opinion on the problems of safety of behavior in everyday life and the implementation of measures for the prevention of injuries;

Involvement in the conduct of propaganda campaigns aimed at the formation of stable stereotypes of law-abiding behavior;

Increasing the role of the parent community in conducting preventive measures with children, parents and employees of the educational institution;

Improving the forms of interaction between the school and the family in the prevention of child injuries.

Education of parents on teaching children the rules of safe behavior in everyday life.

Great attention in the school should be given to work with parents. At meetings and in conversations, with the help of visual propaganda, the moral responsibility that lies with adults should be emphasized. By unconditionally obeying the requirements of safe behavior in everyday life, parents should set an example for their children, since schoolchildren learn to break the rules of behavior, first of all, from adults. Only in close cooperation between the school and the family can children develop firm habits of cultural behavior at home on the street, that discipline that induces them to obey the order. Then the habit of being more careful in everyday life will become the norm of behavior for children.

By organizing such important work on the prevention of child domestic injuries with the parents of pupils, it is necessary to consider their participation in ongoing activities. It should be dedicated to this Parent meeting where to acquaint parents with the basic measures to ensure the safety of their children at home.

With regard to the problem of child safety, there should be no frivolity, disagreements on fundamental issues are intolerable.

Active participation of parents in creating the necessary conditions for preventive work with children, making attributes and aids for classes, games) increases their responsibility.

Forms of work with parents.

1. Questioning, testing, survey.

Questioning of parents "We teach children the Rules of safe behavior in everyday life"

Purpose: - to identify the interest of parents in teaching preschoolers the rules of safe behavior at home,

Revealing parents' knowledge about own child: his age and

psychophysiological features,

Revealing the knowledge of parents themselves about the rules of safe behavior in everyday life,

Identification of parents' awareness of their child's experience in understanding the sources of danger in the home in the conditions of their family's residence.

2. Parent meetings, conversations with the solution of problematic training situations on the rules of safe behavior of children in everyday life, with the invitation of police officers, doctors.

3. Joint holidays, entertainment, projects under the motto "House-territory of safety for children".

4. Pedagogical Council with the participation of parents Theme: The safety and health of our children.

Purpose: use by educators productive methods upbringing and training that contribute to the harmonization parent-child relationship. Involving parents in an active understanding of the problems of raising children in the family on the basis of taking into account their individual needs.

5. "Parental general education" (education of parents on safe behavior at home).

6. Holding a methodological week "Welcome to the country of domestic sciences"

7. Practical seminar "Teaching the Rules of safe behavior in everyday life through games."

8. Presentation of materials for parents.

9. Photo exhibition.

10. Consultations:

- "How to teach a child not to get into dangerous situations indoors"

- "You, the child and the house"

Display of open events

parent meetings

11. Release of booklets "Education of skills and habits of safe behavior"

Relationship between kindergarten and family necessary condition For successful upbringing child preschool age. In each educational field work with family is provided. The way children's activities are organized is changing: not the leadership of an adult, but the joint (partnership) activity of an adult and a child is the most natural and effective context for development in preschool childhood. According to the FGT, parents can participate in the implementation of the program, in creating conditions for the timely development of the child at preschool age, so as not to miss critical period in the development of his personality. Parents can be active participants in the educational process, participants in all projects, regardless of what activity dominates in them, and not just outside observers. At the heart of the new concept of interaction between the family and preschool
institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all others social institutions are called to help, support, direct, supplement their educational activities. The policy of transformation officially implemented in our country is becoming a thing of the past.
upbringing from family to community. The kindergarten and the family should strive to create a single space for the development of the child, which involves the joint activities of teachers and parents in raising the child, communication, exchange of thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Today, at the state level, the importance of family education is recognized, which undoubtedly requires different relationships between the family and educational institutions namely cooperation, interaction and trust. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation", "interaction" and these are the most relevant concepts in preschool pedagogy today. The term "interaction", in the context of our topic, we understand as a joint activity of teachers and parents in raising a child, as a qualitatively and effectively organized mutual communication, exchange of experience, joint search for solutions possible problems. Cooperation is communication “on an equal footing”, where parents act as equal partners, not students, where there is no place for learning, control, and instructions on how to do it. Thus, we understand that a modern kindergarten and family, using new forms of interaction and cooperation, should strive to create a single space for the development of the child.
We are sure that important condition To solve the stated task of uniting teachers and parents in the interests of a preschooler, it is the creation of such a form of communication between parents and teachers that will provide the possibility of conducting an effective, trusting and comfortable dialogue. Such communication between parents and specialists preschool possible only in conditions of informal forms of interaction. Such communication will allow painlessly, unobtrusively to involve parents in the life of a preschool institution, so that they become active assistants, non-formalized participants in the life of their children.
Thus, understanding the need to organize informal interaction with parents within the framework of a single space for the development of the child, preschool teachers need to abandon the usual monologue with parents in favor of dialogue.

The problem of interaction between the kindergarten and the family has always been relevant and difficult. Relevant, because the participation of parents in the lives of their children helps them see a lot, but difficult, because all parents are different, they, like children, need special approach. Working with parents, we help them see the difference between the world of children and the world of adults, overcome the authoritarian attitude towards the child, treat him as an equal to himself, and understand that it is unacceptable to compare him with other children; discover strengths and weak sides child and take them into account in solving the problems of education; show sincere interest in the actions of the child and be ready for emotional support; understand that nothing can be done through unilateral influence, you can only suppress or intimidate the child.
The world is constantly becoming more complex, there is not enough time for live human communication. Therefore, we, teachers, need to organize such types of events with parents so that they are more interesting and more important than the daily activities of parents. It became necessary to improve non-traditional forms interaction with the families of pupils in order to form an active pedagogical position of parents.

In our preschool, teachers use various forms work with parents. These include:

Information and analytical:

* questioning, survey.

Visual and informational:

* DOW website,

*mini library

* publication of wall newspapers,

* open showing directly educational activities for parents,
* information stands,
* open days.


* workshops,
* non-traditional parent meetings,
* collaboration on thematic plan, projects,


* joint holidays, leisure, entertainment;
* joint exercises, sports days;

* participation of parents in competitions, exhibitions.

Labor or economic:

1. organization of the development environment of the group,

2. improvement of the kindergarten, landscaping,

3. holiday decor for kindergarten

4. environmental actions ("Bird feeder", " Golden autumn» (collection natural material for educational activities.

In our kindergarten Questionnaires and surveys are regularly conducted in order to identify the social order of parents in the educational process, to identify the degree of satisfaction of parents with the work of preschool teachers, to identify problems in the individual development of children. The survey allows short time collect extensive and varied material on various topics. \
To improve the educational process and inform parents, the kindergarten has created its own website, where regulatory and legal dow documents, information about employees, memos and consultations, news from the life of the preschool educational institution, etc.

Thus, parents have a new home interlocutor and a professional consultant on the most topical issues and exciting issues. Parents got the opportunity to express their point of view, ask their question and, finally, just find out useful information.

It happens that parents have such problems in the upbringing or development of children that a short conversation with a teacher or even a lengthy consultation does not help solve the difficulties that have arisen. In such cases preschool teachers resort to their pedagogical mini-library and give parents the necessary literature for study or recommend this or that publication.

In each group of the kindergarten, teachers arrange mobile information stands, which contain information about the life of the group, the success of children, competitions, and recommendations for the development of children. Photographs, compositions of children, products of individual and collective children's creativity. If necessary, these stands can easily be turned into thematic ones: “What is security?”, “Home Alone”, etc.

One of the most effective cognitive forms of work with the family is the parent meeting. However, from work experience we know that parents are reluctant to directly hold meetings in the form of reports and instructive conversations, which is quite understandable. We found a way out of this situation in changing the forms and methods of conducting. We tried to build communication not on a monologue, but on a dialogue. This approach required more thorough and lengthy preparation from teachers, but the result became more tangible. At least 80% of parents come to each of our meetings.

Work with parents in the educational area "Safety" includes:

To show parents the importance of developing ecological consciousness as a condition for the universal survival of nature, the family, the individual, and all mankind.
To acquaint parents with situations dangerous to the health of the child that arise at home, in the country, on the road, in the forest, near a pond, and how to behave in them. To direct the attention of parents to the development in children of the ability to see, understand and avoid danger,
Inform parents about the need to create favorable and safe conditions for children to stay on the street (observe safety precautions during games and entertainment on carousels, swings, on a hill, in a sandbox, while cycling, while relaxing by a pond, etc. ). Talk about the need to create safe conditions children staying at home (do not keep medicines, items household chemicals, electrical devices; keep electrical outlets in order; do not leave children unattended in a room where windows and balconies are open, etc.). Inform parents about what children should do in case of an unforeseen situation (call for help from adults; give their last name and first name; if necessary, the last name, first name and patronymic of the parents, address and phone number; if necessary, call the emergency numbers - "01" , "02" and "03", etc.).
Involve parents in outdoor activities with children, expanding the boundaries of the life of preschoolers and forming the skills of safe behavior during the holidays. Help parents plan weekends with their children, thinking about problem situations that stimulate the formation of positive behavior patterns in different life situations.
Emphasize the role of the adult in shaping the behavior of the child. Encourage parents to personal example Demonstrate to children the observance of the rules of safe behavior on the roads, careful attitude to nature, etc. Orient parents to read together with the child literature on the preservation and promotion of health, watching relevant feature films and animated films.
To acquaint parents with the forms of work of a preschool institution on the problem of the safety of preschool children.

It is impossible to teach children safe behavior without interaction with parents. Interaction with the families of pupils is the way to gain experience in the safe behavior of preschoolers. Parents are the force that, as a result of competent actions, will be able to to a large extent help children.

It is important to remember that if in an organized pedagogical system there is no place for a family in a preschool institution, such a system can never be fully effective, useful for a child! In cases where the kindergarten and the family cannot find effective means for communication, when they are closed to each other, the child suffers, finding himself, as it were, between two non-communicating systems. To avoid this, it is necessary for both educators and parents to tune in to benevolence, trust and mutual understanding, and then the child will develop in a single space of goodness and success. Such a single space will undoubtedly help full disclosure his talents, abilities, will make him successful in the next stages of training, only then will he grow up healthy, happy and smart!

Topic 9. Working with parents on the safe behavior of children. Life safety promotion

One of the duties of a life safety teacher is to work with parents.

The main task of the teacher is to activate the pedagogical, educational activity family, to give it a purposeful, socially significant character.

It is necessary to carry out pedagogical research families in the context of a safe type of behavior, differentiating them by types:

2) ensuring the legal protection of the child in the family and school.

From these positions, the main tasks of the work of teachers - organizers of the life safety of schools with the parents of schoolchildren are determined, which include:

1) systematic versatile pedagogical education parents, i.e. familiarizing them both with the basics of theoretical knowledge and with the practice of working with students;

2) involvement of parents in active participation in the educational process;

3) formation in parents of the need for self-education;

4) familiarization of subject teachers with various methods of family education, selection and generalization of the best experience.

The main form of work with a team of parents is a parent meeting together with primary school teachers, which is held monthly, and if necessary, weekly.

Parent meeting includes the following:

1) lecture, conversation of a specialist on the topic of life safety;

2) speech of parents - a story about the experience of family education on this issue;

3) generalization, exchange of views on the stated issue;

4) report of the teacher or educator on the state of educational work at school or in the classroom;

5) discussion and resolution of issues related to the life of the class and school.

When carrying out this great and responsible work, the problems put forward before society by life itself are taken into account: the small size of the family, the upbringing of one child in it, the separate residence of young spouses, and hence the loss family traditions, the difficulty of transferring the experience of family education, the specifics of the influence incomplete family on the child, the lack of communication between parents and children due to the high employment of parents, the continuation of the teachings of young parents, the absorption of spiritual, intellectual reserves by the so-called "materialism".

Proper pedagogical guidance family education possible, provided integrated approach to education, ensuring the coordination of efforts in all areas of education - patriotic, labor, moral, aesthetic, physical.

The work of school teachers - organizers of life safety with parents is carried out in two directions: with a team of parents and individually. In practice, its most rational forms have developed: general and class meetings of parents, collective and individual consultations, talks, lectures, conferences, visits to students' families, design of text materials of various form and content, photo montages, exhibitions of students' works. Parents are involved in organizing the educational process, namely: leading circles, speaking to parents and children, preparing and participating in extracurricular and out-of-school work, and economic assistance.

Establishing friendly contacts with parents is easier if the teacher builds communication purposefully, taking into account the situation, thinks in advance not only the content of the conversation, but also its course, possible options And unexpected twists. When giving advice, striving, if necessary, to make adjustments to the educational influence of parents on a child, one must remember that direct, tactless interference in the internal affairs of the family can cause a sharp protest on the part of parents and cause hard-to-repair harm to the formation of the child's personality. After all, every parent brings up their children as they see fit, based on their knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs.

The duties of the teacher - the organizer of life safety include visiting the families of schoolchildren.

The family is the most important institution for the formation of a child's personality in general and a safe type of personality in particular. It is in the family that a person gets the first experience social interaction. For a certain time, the family is generally the only place for the child to receive such an experience. The family can be considered as a model and form of a person's basic life training.

Socialization in the family occurs as a result of purposeful process education, and the mechanism of social learning. In turn, the process of social learning itself also goes in two main directions.

On the one hand, purchasing social experience goes in the process of direct interaction of the child with parents, brothers and sisters, and on the other hand, socialization is carried out by observing the features of the social interaction of other family members with each other.

Increasing the authority of parents in the eyes of children, the ability to evaluate and show children the most significant qualities of their parents are very important. Moreover, the pedagogical expediency of this is also great: the teacher introduces children to an important side of morality, makes them think about what interesting and respected people they live with. Sometimes the teacher, however, has to resort to efforts in order to overcome the alienation that could arise in the relationship between the child and his parents. The teacher, who was able to influence the growth of the authority of parents in the eyes of their children, also raises his own authority.

The allocation of the subsystem "teacher - parents of students" in the system of moral relations proceeds from the fact that the family is, undoubtedly, the most important source of the formation of the moral positions of the child, the consolidation of his moral and psychological attitudes. In the family, the child develops initial ideas about the purpose and meaning of life, value orientations, moral and social needs, etc. Therefore, the teacher must know what kind of moral ideas were formed in the child, in what conditions this formation took place.

For successful interaction between the school and the family in the processes of education, it is necessary that parents be able to analyze the activities and behavior of their children, their upbringing. For this you need:

1) arouse in parents as educators an interest in the process of self-education in the field of special pedagogical and psychological knowledge;

2) improve the relationship of parents with children and the class teacher, expand the scope of their joint activities and communication.

The involvement of parents in the analysis of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren is not only a way for them to get to know their children more deeply, but also a stimulus for the self-education of the parents themselves. They have a need to enrich their knowledge, to master the methods of family education unknown to them.

Life safety promotion

The statistics of victims in emergency situations is always depressing. And it is due, as a rule, to the fact that most people still have a poor idea of ​​​​how to behave if something happened to them.

The main department can organize demonstration performances by firefighters-rescuers, hold exhibitions of special equipment and equipment, and teachers can organize competitions, quizzes and other entertainment, in particular, a drawing competition on life safety topics can be held.

To achieve desired result, the approach to this event should be serious. Regulations on the competition, a representative jury, solemnity at the presentation of prizes.

For example, at the end of the event, the winners take a lap of honor in a vintage fire truck. All this is especially important when it comes to children. Then they will respond to the initiative with interest and enthusiasm, which means they will receive from participating in it undeniable benefit.

Among other promotional activities, one can note a photo contest about the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It can be timed to coincide with Rescuer's Day or Firefighter's Day. The best of the provided photographs can be placed in crowded places so that residents can see them, and at the same time learn about the work of the service and the rescue operations carried out by its employees.
it is also possible to organize a broadcast on the radio "Just in case ...", from which residents can learn helpful tips and always in season. In summer, topics can be appropriate: how to get out of the forest if you get lost; in which bodies of water you can swim, and in which you can’t; how to behave during a thunderstorm, and what to do if a fire is discovered in the forest. All the advice is needed, urging the population to safe behavior.

Many forms of work. Contest school essays on fire-fighting topics, the contest of stories "My dad is a lifeguard" - also, and poetic.

Organization of competitions of drawings: on asphalt and on paper, photographs.

Demonstration performances on elimination of accidents and fires.
In order to prevent the occurrence of emergencies and fires, it is necessary to interact with the press services of the administration of the region, the city and the power structures of the region. In order to prevent the death and injury of children in fires and as a result of emergencies, interaction with the Department of Science and Education of the region is necessary.

Tasks for course participants

1. Design extracurricular activity according to life safety

2. Develop and hold a parent-teacher meeting on children's safety at home

3. Analyze the state of propaganda work in your educational institution in the direction of life safety

Home > Task

Topic 9. Working with parents on the safe behavior of children. Life safety promotion

Life safety promotion

The statistics of victims in emergency situations is always depressing. And it is due, as a rule, to the fact that most people still have a poor idea of ​​​​how to behave if something happened to them. The main department can organize demonstration performances by firefighters-rescuers, hold exhibitions of special equipment and equipment, and teachers can organize competitions, quizzes and other entertainment, in particular, a drawing competition on life safety topics can be held. To achieve the desired result, the approach to this event must be serious. Regulations on the competition, a representative jury, solemnity at the presentation of prizes. For example, at the end of the event, the winners take a lap of honor in a vintage fire truck. All this is especially important when it comes to children. Then they will respond to the initiative with interest and enthusiasm, which means they will benefit from participation in it. Among other promotional activities, one can note a photo contest about the activities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It can be timed to coincide with the Day of the Rescuer or the Day fire brigade. The best of the provided photographs can be placed in crowded places so that residents can see them, and at the same time learn about the work of the service and the rescue operations carried out by its employees.
it is also possible to organize a broadcast on the radio "Just in case ...", from which residents can learn useful tips and always in season. In summer, topics can be appropriate: how to get out of the forest if you get lost; in which bodies of water you can swim, and in which you can’t; how to behave during a thunderstorm, and what to do if a fire is discovered in the forest. All the advice is needed, urging the population to safe behavior. Many forms of work. A competition of school essays on fire-fighting topics, a competition of stories “My dad is a lifeguard” - also poetic. Organization of competitions of drawings: on asphalt and on paper, photographs. Demonstration performances on elimination of accidents and fires.
In order to prevent the occurrence of emergencies and fires, it is necessary to interact with the press services of the administration of the region, the city and the power structures of the region. In order to prevent the death and injury of children in fires and as a result of emergencies, interaction with the Department of Science and Education of the region is necessary.

Tasks for course participants

    Develop an extra-curricular activity on life safety Develop and hold a parent meeting on the problems of children's safety at home Analyze the state of advocacy work in your educational institution in the direction of life safety
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