Seduction of a man. In order to be surely paid attention to you, you need to do unexpected things. Choose a romantic place to be seduced

You love?

See how you can seduce your beloved boyfriend or seductive man: Taurus, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Fish, Aries, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra, Cancer, Sagittarius.
By the way, it is not at all necessary to know his zodiac sign. It is enough to have an idea of ​​the psychology of "males" and use it correctly in real life.

Use this:

  • Acquaintance

Try to get to know someone you like first. Most cool way dating is a huge, important request. By the way, if he fulfills it, you will understand how he treats you.

  • The touches are accidental ...

You talk to him…. And you touch then, for example, when you say or notice something important. That he was distracted (turned away). You cannot touch so that it is very noticeable. The effect will not be the same!

  • Inaccessibility

Men are attracted to girls - touchy ones. If you have never been like this - pretend like that! Your tactic is this: you take one step forward (in actions, in communication) and immediately take a few steps back. So, to attract, and then "remove".

  • "Seductiveness" with the lips

Lick or bite them lightly. Not constantly, but periodically. So that it was both noticeable and imperceptible at all. Include all the seduction! By the way, it is not necessary to paint your lips with lipstick or gloss.

First, look at your loved one with slightly sidelong glances. Cautious…. After "turn" the gaze into a straight line. Look directly into his eyes, without looking away. Let shyness participate in the look.

  • Using finger rings

If you have them, rub them coquettishly on your fingers. Or turn it over from time to time, glancing at the "subject of love." He will notice this - the first step to victory is in your hands.

  • Own hair

Correct them. Do not think that this is some kind of window dressing. Your hair is a way to attract attention. Or carry out tempting operations with bobby pins. If, of course, you love hairpins and you have them in stock.

  • Cloth

You have an idea of ​​how to dress to make guys go crazy. Check out what's in your locker. Pick, combine, fantasize. If there is no vulgar or revealing clothing - focus on the combination of clothing attributes. There is another opinion that is completely opposite. In order to seduce a guy, cover all your innermost parts of the body with clothes. The more unavailable they are, the more chances you have for a win-win seduction.

  • Confidence

What a weapon it is! It will blow anyone away. A man should feel your confidence. Feel clearly! Let your confidence be read in every step you take, in every part of your body. Let confidence knock on your heart! Shyness and notoriousness scare men away.

Choose a romantic place to be seduced

Such, where it would be nice, cozy and beautiful. You can arrange everything in advance. Buy candles, decorations, various subjects interior. Buy everything, taking into account the chosen place and atmosphere. Many women believe in Feng Shui. If you are his fan - arrange everything exactly according to Feng Shui. But you shouldn't "get carried away".

  • Femininity

Do not forget about her for a second! It should be reflected in appearance, voice and behavior. Guess what and what? Good girl! Sagacity is also a small part of femininity.

  • Flirting

Just flirt by showing that you don't really care about him. All girls and women know how to flirt, flirting. Flirting is very easy. Easy! And you don't even need to learn this. Flirting, one might say, comes from the soul.

  • Healthy and beautiful skin

Yes! Men really like girls whose skin is clean, smooth. In order to keep your skin in this state, you will definitely have to change all your bad habits. If you smoke - quit, if you like beer - don't abuse it. Use scrubs and lotions to keep your skin looking good. Your features should be more beautiful than roses!

  • Solidarity with a guy (with a man)

As soon as you start to agree with him in everything, develop all his thoughts, support him…. - Consider that you won the guy! Well, the seduction has already happened…. It is just waiting for the right moment to break out.

  • Communication style with a guy

They can attract the entire male population of any city. You just need to be talkative, do not go into your pockets for words. Guys admire sociable girls... If they also have a pleasant tone of voice ... .. The incredible happens to them.

  • Scarlet or bright red lipstick

This lipstick color is very attractive for men. But you don't need to overdo it with cosmetics either. Measure is needed in everything. Even if you don't know where this measure starts.

  • Lip gloss

With him, just, you can forget about the measure! It is good if the lip gloss is rich. Glitter lipstick is welcome. Turn on the charm with this combination! All that matters most is choosing the right lipstick and gloss.

  • Scent of leather

This is not about a sea of ​​perfume or perfume with pheromones. It's about a woman's skin. Men are very turned on by her natural scent. And it has always been that way. You can use perfume, but do not pour the whole bottle over yourself, so as not to interrupt all the naturalness.

Synchronizing seductive breath

Adjust your breathing so that it "lasts" in time with the breath of the subject of seduction. Gently touch his hand when you feel that your breathing is completely synchronized.

  • Intelligence

You remember that not only looks can seduce. Use and intellectual abilities! Have you ever wondered how important this is? It is good if intelligence is skillfully combined with appearance.

  • Sense of humor

It is imperative to joke. Be able to joke! Banal jokes won't appeal to guys. They need extraordinary humor! One where they have never met anywhere else.

  • Fashionable fishnet stockings or Lycra tights

Men like to "observe" such clothes on female legs... Make sure that there is no excess vegetation on your lovely little legs. Men love smooth skin legs of the opposite sex.

Continuation. ... ...

I fell in love -

Svetlana Rumyantseva

How to seduce a man? At first glance, the answer to this question is very simple. But this is not the case.

Not every girl deliberately seduces. Girls don't ask themselves how they do it. It turns out, that's all. The algorithm is unclear.

Seduction is a man's competence, and girls are used to taking attention and being the object of seduction.

In this interaction, men are assigned an active position, and women - a passive one. Therefore, girls are closer to the methods of "sewing off" the seducer than seduction.

Nature has foreseen for men the need to subtly sophistication, to come up with new ways to attract attention and other tricks. Girls, according to the idea of ​​nature, are not obliged to go out of their way and invent methods of seducing males.

When is the time? and the girl begs to wait for the grace of nature, she goes on the attack. But since up to this point the girl was only the “receiving” party, she lacks the skills of deliberate seduction.

Think of a child learning to walk. His efforts look awkward and even ridiculous. The same looks like a girl who is actively trying to seduce a man.

Definitely: naked shoulders, legs, languid look, wet, half-parted lips and loose hair have efficiency, but every year the effect of this "weapon" tends to zero more and more.

Through nude advertising female body, access to pornographic materials and erotic gloss, the effect of tolerance (addiction) worked in men. Men are fed up with eroticism and now female "tricks" built on primitive instincts are no longer as effective as before and more often go into "milk".

If a girl sets a goal to drag a man into bed, then using proven and primitive tools, she will achieve it, but if the girl's goals are higher than the bed frame, then she will have to work hard and play more subtly. In this article, you will learn how to seduce a worthy man and how to keep him close to you.

So let's get started.

Determine the purpose of seduction

The main element of any journey is the destination. Without a specific goal, your actions will be chaotic and ineffective.

In psychology, there is such a thing as a "well-formulated result." The essence of the concept is that the more clearly the goal is defined, the higher the probability of its achievement.

Therefore, before you start seducing, decide why you need it. The methods of achieving it depend on the goal. If the goal is just sex, then read above, if the goal is, then read on.

Girl's appearance

Yes, no matter how trite it may sound, but men love with their eyes.

Scientists have found that when looking at a well-groomed, beautiful woman men produce two vital hormones:

testosterone. He is responsible for well-being and health, increases vitality, activates the strength.
cortisol. This hormone soothes nervous system, stabilizes the emotional state.

The male brain perceives female beauty and grooming as a sign of health. When a woman is healthy, she is more likely to bear healthy offspring. Basic instinct cannot be crushed with a finger.

Therefore, deciding to seduce a man, you cannot afford unwashed hair, comedones on your face, peeling nail polish and the smell of sweat. You also can't afford stretched sweaters, baggy trousers, a yellow bag with a red dress, and pink Vietnamese Louboutins.

Signs of sympathy

Let's be frank. Men are simpler than girls, and in our case, this is a compliment. The simpler the device, the more reliable it is. Men are great at perceiving and recognizing non-verbal signals(gestures, facial expressions, etc.).

Therefore, if you give a signal that you like a man, use the standard set of signs. Install with it eye contact... Smile. At the same time, the look should be soft, shy and slightly playful. Then you can play with your hair, throw it back and expose your neck. Light touches to the lips and décolleté will be appropriate.

If the man did not catch the sent beacons, then, most likely, he has minus six and you need to come closer and do it all over again.

How to communicate with a man in order to seduce him?

Become slaves

Gender roles are distributed so that the man is the leader and the woman is the follower. Don't make life difficult for yourself or break your established communication model. In a conversation with a man, follow the direction given by him. This way you don't have to come up with topics for discussion on your own.

By touching on a topic unknown to a man, you will make him feel insecure. more terrible than an atomic war. Do you need it? Calmly follow the topic raised by him, ask clarifying questions, be interested in what is not clear to you.

Every man is a child at heart, and what child doesn't like being stroked on the head? but do it carefully. The compliment should not be in the form of rude flattery. You can praise his knowledge, athletic condition, sense of style, sense of humor and other things that are obvious to him. Do not invent or attribute to a man properties that are alien to him. In this way, you will only create distrust and lose contact.

Take care

Such a trifle as removing a feather from a mighty shoulder or pouring it into a glass of wine will be extremely pleasant for a man. He himself is unlikely to ask, because according to unwritten laws, a man takes care of a woman. However, men also crave care.

And if you order him a cocktail and pay for it yourself, you will make it clear that you are not a money-grubber and “you don’t need his money.” This is very efficient way to win over a man, this method breaks all templates. If a woman spends money on a man, then she is not indifferent to him. The man is shocked, wrap him up and carry him to the registry office.

Be positive

Think of advertising: 99% of advertising is built from problem to solution. The problem is solved - everyone is happy and positive. Why is that? Because it works. People avoid problems and are drawn to everything that brings joy and pleasure. The same principle works in. Do not create problems for the man, do not dump tons of your worries and difficult experiences on him, be positive, and the man will want to cuddle up to you like a man lost in the desert to a clean and refreshing spring.

Engage in self-development

Despite the opinion that the mind is not the girl's first benefactor, men love. The feminine mind (no tediousness) is a damn sexy thing. Therefore, attend trainings and seminars on self-development. Improve yourself. Smart and beautiful girl more attractive than just pretty. Smart can always be beautiful.

In a pair, either both develop, or both degrade. In other cases, the couple will break up.

What to avoid when seducing a man?

When deciding to seduce a man, avoid:

excessive talkativeness;
excessive persistence;
stubbornness and impatience.

In conclusion, let's tell the story we saw on the train. History very accurately demonstrates the principle by which it should be guided.

Characters: woman (mom) and boy about four(a son).

Mom is sitting with a boy on her lap. Throughout the entire path of the train, the boy persistently breaks free from his mother's arms and tries to escape. Mom holds his arms, legs, hood, persuades the boy to stay on her lap. The kid fights for his right to be independent and free. His efforts are getting more desperate and more aggressive. The whole car is already involved in the process. Someone advises, someone comments, and someone, looking at this funny situation, just smiles. Mom gets tired of fighting and lets the boy go. The boy runs out to the middle of the carriage, crosses his arms on his chest and stands there for 20-30 seconds. Then he runs to his mother, climbs onto her knees, hugs her neck.

Hope mom and others women present learned a lesson and understood how to deal with men.

March 1, 2014, 18:48

The main rules for seducing a man. All the nuances of bewitching a representative of the stronger sex to obtain desired result... Tips for novice seducers, if necessary, to attract the attention of a man.

The main types of men

Before you learn the basics of the opportunity to attract the attention of a member of the opposite sex, you need to understand the essence of your desires. The complexity of resolving the issue will depend on the status and outlook on the life of the man who liked:
  • Bachelor... It is easy to seduce him if he has not seen for a long time. female affection... It will not be a problem to set your nets on that man who is divorced after unsuccessful marriage... More effort will have to be made if you like an inveterate bachelor. He can respond to the flirtation of a woman he is interested in, but the connection will be short-lived.
  • Misogynist... To get closer to such a man, you will have to work hard, because such representatives of the stronger sex flatly refuse to communicate with the fair sex. You will have to act according to the principle the main character film "The Taming of the Shrew", while showing perseverance. However, such zeal should not escalate into obsession, which will only scare off the misogynist.
  • Botanist... V in this case you need to cheer him up with smiles and frank encouragement. Men of this kind are very notorious, so you need to become a tactful person.
  • Married man... If you do not touch upon the norms of morality, then you can seduce such a subject. A strong family will not suffer from the intervention of an insidious hunter for other people's husbands. Otherwise, there is no need to regret the breakup of an unstable pair. At the same time, the seductress should remember that she can remain a mistress for many years.
  • Lovelace... It is quite easy to deceive him, because he himself is glad to be deceived. Relationship with him will be short-lived, but quite bright. Exclusively in their declining years, such men are able to fall in love with a partner who will be much younger than them.
  • Bad guy... The choice always remains with each person, but it is better not to get involved with such personalities. They change often sexual partners and they don't care about their relationship. It is easy to seduce them, but it is almost impossible to keep them.
  • Gigolo... In this situation, you need to be rich lady so that everything goes along ideal scenario... Otherwise, seducing a gigolo is realistic only with a very beautiful appearance or with the help of deception. A prime example in this case is the film "Inveterate Scammers".
  • Sissy... It is possible and necessary to seduce such a man, but it must be done away from his parent. Otherwise, she will not give any woman the opportunity to charm her son.
  • Own husband... If the feelings in a couple began to cool down, then it is urgent to revive them. Even if there is love between partners, passion can be lost. Most divorces occur for the reason that the woman failed to interest her husband and he began to glance at the side.
If we consider the ways of seducing a man, then first of all it is necessary to understand his type. What works with one member of the stronger sex can alienate another. In addition, in this matter it is worth starting from your own motivation, because sometimes there is a desire for a fleeting flirtation without any obligations. Otherwise, the process of drawing attention to yourself follows. potential partner direct to create a strong pair.

Features of seduction of men

Any woman should be able to look for an approach to a man if she wants to achieve his reciprocity. Very often, with their improper behavior, ladies scare off potential gentlemen.

Working on yourself while seducing a man

The fair sex should always be fully armed, even if she has a permanent partner. Therefore, the seducer should behave as follows:
  1. Take care of yourself... Not a single potential gentleman will pay attention to a person who looks sloppy. You should always monitor the condition of your skin, hair and nails.
  2. Use perfume... Don't forget about aphrodisiacs, which can be used in the form of body oils or perfumes. It is best to buy perfumes with a light scent, because overly cloying scents can alienate a man.
  3. Pick up correct wardrobe ... V this issue it is important not to be carried away by the desire to become a seductive person. It's enough to put on a translucent blouse and a skirt with a slit to the knee. If there is a desire to seduce a man, then you should refuse sports style in clothes. However, it can also contain a sexual overtones, if properly beaten with a tight T-shirt or top. It is advisable to purchase shoes for high heels(up to 7 cm), but the height of the man should be taken into account.
  4. Don't be afraid to experiment... Maybe it's time to visit intimate salon to tidy up the bikini area. It is also recommended to purchase underwear which adds sexuality to a woman. In this case, the sex shop should not be bypassed either, because there you can buy a lot of things that are attractive to men.
  5. Visit gym ... A woman can be well-groomed, but at the same time have excess weight... Some men like ladies in bodies, but there is a limit to everything. It is for this reason that, if you want to become a seductive person, you need to keep an eye on your figure. Going to the gym can be combined with visits to the swimming pool and morning jogging.
  6. Healthy food... No amount of creams and lotions will help if a woman distributes her diet incorrectly. To seduce a man, you need to look good, because otherwise such behavior will look like pathetic attempts. Exactly balanced diet makes the skin of the woman fresh, and the figure slim.
  7. Self-educate... If you want to seduce a man, you should remember that not only bright appearance able to get his attention. Some representatives of the stronger sex, after a short dialogue with the lady, refuse to further communicate with her. With a well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to become an interesting companion with a wide outlook.
  8. Get rid of bad habits ... One opinion poll showed that 34% of men are indifferent to the fact that the fair sex smokes. 42% of the respondents said categorically "no" to such a habit among the lady. O overuse alcoholic drinks are out of the question. In this case, it will not be the act of seducing the gentleman, but the use of the woman in an inadequate state.
Any lady who wants to become a seducer can fulfill the recommendations voiced.

Active actions to seduce a man

It is quite simple to become a desirable object for a representative of the stronger sex. The art of seducing a man involves the following female tricks:
  • Talk less... Talkative persons attract little potential gentlemen. Men like to speculate about their own person, and not listen to gossip from a woman. Do not confuse get-togethers with best friend with the desire to seduce the gentleman.
  • Monitor the timbre of the voice... You cannot speak and laugh loudly during the process of seduction. It is necessary to turn your speech into the murmur of a stream or purr wild cat... Harsh notes in conversation will not help in seduction, but rather lead to a conflict with the object you like or an existing partner.
  • Use eye tactics... He should not be judgmental, but languid. At the same time, a potential or existing partner is simply obliged to feel not as a suspect during interrogation, but as an extremely desirable object.
  • Be unpredictable... Men are impressed by cocky women if their behavior does not go beyond what is permissible. They take interest in their person with great enthusiasm. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it and look in the eyes of a man as just a shocking person who is not afraid of experiments.
  • Be sexy. Psychological attitude while playing the main role... A woman who loves herself and her body automatically becomes desirable for any man.
  • Don't be aggressive... Tantrums and demonstrative display of their character will put a fat point on any relationship. Flirting and aggression are incompatible things that every lady with excessive claims should remember.
  • Follow the vocabulary... If you want to charm a man, you should carefully think over every word in a conversation with him. Even with a spectacular appearance, you can lose the location of the gentleman with one unsuccessful remark. It is best to talk about him in a positive way during the conversation, while adding some compliments.
  • Be liberated... In this case, we are talking about a couple who already have a relationship. In bed, regular partners cannot have any restrictions if they are not associated with sadism. A seductive woman needs to be always desirable for her partner, so that he does not have a need to look for a more skillful sexually person. Role-playing games at the same time, they will not interfere, because they add variety to intimate life couples.
  • Provoke a man... You can send him a photo of underwear and ask his opinion. When meeting, it is recommended that you cross your legs when the cut on the skirt. It also does not hurt to bend more when deep neckline if a woman has beautiful breasts.
  • Observe the preferences of the gentleman... To become an interesting person for a man, you should study his habits. In this case, I recall the film "Imperfect Woman", where the main roles were played by Galkin and Zavorotnyuk. Investigating all preferences successful person, she was easily able to seduce him.
  • Flirt moderately... Excessive relaxedness is good for those ladies who are looking for a partner for one night. Such male hunters can behave as they please, because main goal for them it is sex without obligation. When love game with a man you like, it is important to be moderately relaxed so as not to scare him away.
  • Add some intrigue... It is not forbidden to exaggerate your sexual experience a little. You can even slightly tarnish your reputation without introducing yourself into the status of an easily accessible person. The main thing is to show that many men have sought attention, but this woman is only interested in self-sufficient candidates for her favor.
  • Use non-verbal signs... If you have a problem, how to seduce a man, you must adhere to this strategy. Biting lower lip, curling hair around your toe, crossing your legs, stroking your thigh - true signs for the man they desire.
  • Talk frankly... Experts recommend that you clearly describe your desires in a conversation. However, they need to be concretized carefully so as not to seem obsessive and sexually anxious. You can voice out loud that there is a dream to swim naked in the sea in the light of the stars. The man himself will finish this picture and want to translate it into reality.
  • Play an impregnable fortress... For ladies' men and hardened bachelors ignoring signs of their attention acts almost immediately. They have a hunter's instinct, in which they will try to conquer a hard-to-reach woman in any way. At the same time, some men are able to seriously fall in love with a charming inaccessible to them, even during such a peculiar game.
How to seduce a man - watch the video:

When asked how to seduce a man correctly, you should listen to your intuition. To achieve the intended goal in this matter is realistic only if you study in detail the object you like.

“It's easier than it sounds- says psychologist Perry Buffington, - 80% sexual contacts provoke women by giving silent signals to the world. Your task is to turn these signals to yourself. "

What does it mean? When you come to a party, first try to stand in the center of the room for a while: psychologically, women are pleased to rotate around a central point, and besides, you can be seen from all sides. Seeing a distant acquaintance in the crowd, smile at her: even to casual acquaintances, women are more inclined than to suspicious strangers. Get a smile in return, catch her eyes, play like that for a while - and get out of the spotlight. You made it clear that you are ready to establish contact. To be continued.


Getting her consent to anything is not so difficult. “Turn to her when you see that her pupils are dilated,- advises you Dr. Buffington. "Dilated pupils indicate maximum susceptibility."

And if the situation requires immediate consent and there is no way to wait for the pupils to dilate by themselves? Go from the opposite: dim the light, her pupils will dilate - and susceptibility with disposition will suddenly jump to the level you need. “Pay close attention to how she reacts to your words,- continues Buffington. - If she looks to the left, it is worth waiting for a quick decision, if to the right, then she will hesitate for a while. And then, in order to win her over to your side, explain that her positive decision will make you happy "... Will we believe? Let's check.


Tell me how you liked what was between you. From such a message in a woman's body, a powerful release of hormones will occur. Have a good mood- dopamine and oxytocin. Be sure that after such a firework of emotions, she will again try to do you well and quickly - in the hope of getting a new portion of cheerful hormones. Conditioned reflex, described by Dr. Pavlov, in this case works for you.


“Your relationship has reached the first quarrel. As soon as she begins to reproach you, stand up says Perry Buffington. - This will show that you are absolutely sure of yourself and want her to be sure of it too. In addition, the very ascent upward will speed up your heartbeat, and, consequently, the blood flow - which means that the blood flowing to the brain will help you think faster and react more quickly to her words. "... But after that it is worth giving your gaze some regret. 90% of women are ready to forgive their partner even for outward signs embarrassment and remorse, it is not necessary to say something.


“You shouldn't agree with everything that a woman tells you,- advises sexologist Yvonne Fulbright. - We, women, are interested in socially dominant men, and not in the “weak link”. That is why during a date and accompanying conversations try to play the role of the devil's advocate, from time to time disagreeing with her theses - but your arguments should be similar in form to her arguments. At some point, she may think that she has changed your point of view. Let him think! " But remember: arguments are arguments, and a glass of beer in her face is a bad argument, it can cool feelings.

6. Generosity is not a vice

The ability to seduce a man is relevant at all times, and is found both in reality and in mythology, one has only to remember the courtesans, sirens, geisha and others. The art of seduction is a delicate and complex occupation, and requires a woman to have the right balance on the verge of emancipation and vulgarity, cunning and eagerness, weakness and morbidity, sexuality and vulgarity.

It is a mistake to think that to seduce a man it is enough to have beautiful appearance... The internal component of attractiveness, which attracts men to itself, is much more important here. Also, do not confuse seduction with seduction. Seducing a man is very easy, but seducing by making him constantly think and dream about you is much more difficult.

How to seduce a man? Take care of yourself!

The first thing to pay attention to is your appearance. After all, all men love well-groomed, pleasantly smelling and beautiful dressed women... It is necessary to take into account all the little things and details. Don't leave the house without makeup, but that doesn't mean you have to use the entire contents of your makeup bag every morning. It's just that your face should be fresh, radiant and ruddy. Do not forget about manicure and pedicure, for many this is an indicator of the sophistication of a lady. Dress stylishly with every detail of your look. And don't equate the word "stylish" with the word "expensive."

Don't forget about regular care for myself, use masks for hair and face, while epilation. It is advisable to purchase original perfume and use it in reasonable amount. When choosing it, focus on your feelings, the main thing is that you feel comfortable. Remember to keep your clothes and shoes neat and clean at all times. Keep your back straight beautiful posture and a raised chin always attract male attention.

How to seduce a man? Dress sexy!

Your main trump card should be sexuality. Feel free to get naked within reason. But for seduction, it is not at all necessary to wear a mini skirt and neckline. Much better if you wear more long skirt with a high slit along the leg, and the blouse will be under the very neck, but will bare your shoulders. This image looks very intriguing.

In clothing, preference should still be given to skirts., since it is they who are able to perfectly emphasize your femininity.

How to seduce a man? Be open!

But sexuality should lie not only in clothes, but also in behavior, voice, smoothness and softness of movements, gait and smile. You should be open to communication and flirting.... The main thing is not to forget that sexuality is not at all synonymous with accessibility.

How to seduce a man? Be feminine!

Seduce a man with one gesture

There is such little trick: catching the sight of the object on you, you need to make an imperceptible gesture that will emphasize your sexuality. Place one foot on the other and place your palm on your thigh. Instinctively, the man will follow your movement and will certainly pay attention to the legs covered with fabric skirts, under which the lace relief of the stockings can be read. Then the man will imagine your legs all day, dreaming about you.

By following these tips, you can not only play an attractive and sexy lady, but really become a dream and seduce men. Change your behavior, and then the behavior of the men around you will change.