Beads. How to choose beads and what to wear. Pearl beads. What is the best length and type of pearl necklace for you? How and with what clothes to wear long pearl beads

Every woman at least once in her life adorned herself with beads - this is the oldest and most popular female jewelry on our planet. For many millennia, beads have had the most sacred meaning. These were cult, totem attributes.

Initially, beads were worn by the best of men - leaders, warriors, priests, oracles, those in power. Beads served as amulets, distinctive symbols, and only in recent centuries began to be considered female decoration.

Women learned to wear jewelry for a long time. Nevertheless, this is a kind of art that requires certain knowledge, secrets, and taking into account many nuances.

How to choose and wear beads correctly to highlight your advantages and hide flaws? To create a charming image and the correct "geometry" of your look, it is important to take into account everything - the shape of the beads, their size and length, wardrobe and even the figure.


40-50 cm is a fairly common length of beads. They fit loosely around the neck and suit many wardrobe options. An exception is clothing with a high stand-up collar. Short beads are often worn with jackets. Jewelry of this length should only be worn around the neck and not over clothing or under the neckline. This is a great addition to summer sundress and a dress with bare shoulders... They are clearly visible, they immediately catch the eye - this should be taken into account when choosing.

55-70 cm - beads of this length end at chest level. Please note: the lower tier of the beads should not touch the neckline. Beads middle lengthgreat option, as for everyday wardrobe and for celebrations.

75-90 cm - evening beads, fall below the chest line. Looks great with a neat little cutout. Long beads can be worn over an outfit. Recommended as a decoration for plain clothes, perfect option for long dresses... Long length allows girls to show Creative skills and experiment - beads of this length are tied in a knot, wrapped several times around the neck, etc.


When you select the color of the beads, it is very important that they do not match the shade of the clothes - otherwise they will simply "get lost" against a similar background.

Even more important criterion the choice of the color of the beads - the color type of your appearance.

Color type "Winter"

Color type "Winter" is characterized by cold tones and at the same time burning shades. Representatives of the winter color type have a pronounced appearance: dark hair contrast with beautiful color skin and eyes.

Hair color: dark brown-haired women, brunettes, black-haired with cold and dark tints - ashy, reddish-warm, blue.

Skin color: can be light or dark, cold or warm, golden or pale.

Eye color: brown, green, black, gray, blue, blue.

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Choosing jewelry for the appearance of the "Winter" color type is a sheer pleasure. Almost all bright and saturated colors! Ultramarine shades, crimson, dark green, lime colors, violet are always very effective. On brown-eyed brunettes, beads of burgundy color, crimson or terracotta jewelry look gorgeous. Shades of fuchsia go to both brown-eyed and blue-eyed brunettes.

Fit winter girls and light tones, especially pastel tones, which favorably set off the skin. Feel free to choose white, cream, beige, straw and honey colors... Brown-eyed almost always go with malachite beads and stones of leafy green flowers. If you are the owner rare color eyes are black, then your shades are purple and ruby.

Pick up aquamarine, blue, gray, lilac beads for light eyes.

Color type "Spring"

Blonde hair: blondes, light blond, light brown, light brown-haired women with warm, golden, honey and chestnut tints.

Light eyes: blues, blues, all shades of gray.

Skin tone: warm, peach, olive, bronze tint.

The color type "Spring" will suit beads as bright, juicy shades and soft pastel colors.

For blue-eyed girls, beads are recommended from blue, cornflower blue, bright blue, dark blue and aquamarine stones and artificial materials... TO green eyes Refreshing apple-green, mint, light green, olive decorations are suitable. Green-eyed beauties in malachite beads, in blue-green stones, in khaki-colored jewelry will also look great.

Naturally beautiful natural color hair will be accentuated by yellow beads, golden color, as well as straw, beige, brown, chocolate tones.
Beads of ocher color will look amazing. They will liven up the palette of the spring color type even more, make the colors more sparkling and vibrant.

Beads of all shades of red are suitable for the Spring color type: pink, coral, orange, as well as fuchsia, scarlet, burgundy.

As extravagant evening option- white, gray, pearl gray beads, as well as graphite, black, purple, lilac.

Color type "Summer"

In contrast to the "Spring" color type, the color palette of the "Summer" color type is more restrained, muted and not so bright.

Blond hair: always with ash or pearl shade, platinum blondes, ash-blond blondes, pale brown-haired women.

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Light eyes: blue, gray, blue, gray-green, gray-blue.

Skin tone: cold, light, porcelain.

The color of the eyes and the noble pallor of the skin are emphasized by blue, blue and green beads. Suitable color is aqua, azure, indigo, jade green, dark green.

The classics for the summer color type are cold grayish shades and pale tones. Extremely decorate pearl white, cream, beige beads, as well as lemon yellow, fawn, brass and all pastel shades... Your skin will appear even more delicate and transparent.

In the red palette, choose raspberry, dark red, as well as the color "wine lily" and "cold rose". Watch out for lilac, lavender and amethyst shades.

The tenderness of the "Summer" color type will be favorably emphasized by beads of rich purple, as well as graphite and silver.

Color type "Autumn"

The "Autumn" color type is considered the brightest of all appearance color types.

Hair color: all shades of red, light brown with a copper tint, chestnut with red and golden tints.

Skin color: transparent white, cold, peach, dark, golden, any other.

Eye color: any.

Color type "Autumn" will decorate the beads piercingly bright colors- scarlet, orange, emerald green, light green, fuchsia, violet, ultramarine, bright yellow.

Hair color is effectively emphasized by chocolate, copper, red beads, as well as terracotta, purple, burgundy. At the same time, discreet beads of soft warm tones - beige, amber, cream, honey, light pink, sand - will also look very harmonious.

Representatives of the "Autumn" color type most often do not go with beads and other charcoal-black jewelry.


Slim and Long neck looks great with tight-fitting beads or short collar-like beads, but slender beauties you need to be careful when choosing beads that are too long - there is a risk of looking like a "hanger".

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Girls of normal weight and average body can wear beads of any shape and length - even the most unusual and bizarre ones! For example, very large beads with rows different lengths that are so popular in the world of glamor and high fashion v last years... But this option is not suitable for everyone. Large beads are categorically not recommended for overweight women with big bust since they will visually fill even more.

Full girls do not go short beads! The neck will appear fuller, as if squeezed and pulled low with gems.

If you have lovely rounded shapes bodies - pick up long beads... The fuller the neckline, the longer the beads should be. Ideal - thin on the side and massive in the middle. Will definitely decorate overweight women long beads made of medium-sized pieces and intertwined threads. Pearl jewelry looks great on almost all women. Highly large stones and beads in the chest area will visually add a few pounds. But if you luxury woman who is proud of her unique shapes, then you can afford a lot! The most important thing is your self-confidence, your charisma. You can be impeccably dressed but still make a bad impression.


When choosing suitable beads, it is very important to pay attention to the neckline and the shape of the neckline.

Round neckline
Beads that follow the cut line are best suited for a round neckline. Choose small short beads that do not reach the edge of the clothing 1-2 centimeters. The ideal option is soft beaded harnesses. In this case, it is desirable that the decoration stands out in color, and not in shape, then the rounded neckline will look as harmonious as possible. Not all massive jewelry fits a round neckline.

Triangle cut
To clothes with V-neck pick up elongated beads. Various hanging elements will look beautiful. Moreover, the beads themselves can be in the form of triangles, droplets and shapes of all kinds of elongated shapes. An excellent choice is beads with pendants and pendants. In this case, hanging elements should not be worn over clothing, but directly on the body.

Open shoulders
Beads worn with an off-the-shoulder dress or sweater should not touch the hem of the garment. The exception is very long beads tied in a knot. Beads made of large beads, jewelry with pendants, collar beads, multilayer beads are perfect for such clothes.

Neckline or golf collar - choose beads of medium length, or long, which are usually worn over clothing. How more modest style wardrobe, the brighter choose beads. A wonderful decoration single-colored sweaters and dresses will be multi-layer beads made of small-sized stones of all kinds of shades.



Beads from natural stones medium length, consisting of small rounded beads of natural shades. Coral, turquoise, pearl, amber, agate, onyx beads are very popular. This is such a classic with a touch of minimalism that never goes out of fashion, which is relevant always, everywhere and for everyone. Classic beads are appropriate to wear during the day and in the evening in a festive atmosphere.

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For casual and sporty clothes, choose beads from materials such as wood, wool, fabric, metal, jewelry glass. TO woolen things perfect beads from semi-precious stones... Light, very thin airy fabrics do not tolerate heavy and massive jewelry - choose light, translucent beads made of pearls, coral, glass threads. Look harmoniously with everyday options wardrobe multicolored plastic beads from modern species acrylic. It should be remembered that jewelry and precious jewelry should not be worn at the same time.


Exotic beads are a statement of extravagance. This is a category to a greater extent evening decorations than everyday ones, although there are many "walk-through" options that will suit even jeans. Exotic is a whimsical and refreshing cocktail of a wide variety of shapes, textures, colors and sizes. Distinctive feature- bright color spots, which are most often realized in the form of flowers, petals or non-standard configurations. Also, exotic beads are considered, which consist of "beads" different shapes, while strongly contrasting colors.


Ethnic style is gaining popularity from year to year. With the advent of new materials, the range of ethnic jewelry has expanded significantly. Nevertheless, natural materials always valued higher - wood, bone, ceramics, mother-of-pearl, beads, etc. If you like to wear many beads at the same time, choose jewelry of the same style and colors... Do not forget about them. harmonious combination with the color of your clothes. Ethnic jewelry is ideal for jeans, knitwear and linen clothing.


Hand-made jewelry is the choice of those who always want to be the most stylish and unique! Designer jewelry, do-it-yourself bijouterie - it always looks very unusual, female image transforms and takes on its own individuality. Hand-made beads can be from anything - from polymer clay, plastic, beads, wood, etc. The main thing in style is the claim to originality and unique exclusivity.

Evening option

An evening wardrobe calls for a more formal and more sophisticated aesthetic. Choose beads made from shiny materials and sparkling stones. Beads from rock crystal... Murano or Czech glass is an excellent choice for an evening dress. As always, pearls play a romantic role in the female look - an elegant and flawless option. Do not neglect modern synthetic materials- the brightest examples of acrylic are offered at your choice and different types plastic. Beads made of multi-colored jewelry glass look fascinating.

Business style
Beads are not always appropriate in the office. But there are also exceptions. Strands of small pearls are always appropriate. Respectable business suit will perfectly decorate beaded beads. Refreshing and at the same time modest look low sun amber of various shapes... Refined Murano glass with a discreet design will do. In general, choose beads from a wide variety of natural stones in the inexpensive category. Expensive office decorations are simply inappropriate in most cases.

When choosing beads for your wardrobe, remember that not every material is in harmony with specific types of fabrics. The more delicate the energy of the stone and the more graceful the design of the beads, the thinner and more airy the fabric should be.

A simple necklace can both dramatically embellish your look and draw attention to what you want to hide. Much depends on the length of the jewelry, so when buying it, pay attention to it. We'll show you how to choose a necklace that suits your proportions and style.

Finding the right length

The first thing to know before buying is your neck circumference. Take a centimeter and carefully measure your neck circumference. The length of the jewelry you need largely depends on this.

Keeping in mind the circumference of your neck, when buying the shortest jewelry for you, always add at least 5 cm to this figure.

Jewelry and their length

30-33 cm. Such a necklace is called Kolar and tightly covers the neck, sometimes in several rows.

35-41 cm. A choker is a piece of jewelry that should fit snugly around the neck, but at the same time do not overtighten it, especially if you have breathing problems.

If you are looking for pearl necklace, choose win-win options- for weekdays ideally fit length to the collarbones, and for celebrations - long. The latter, in a less formal setting, can be wrapped around the neck several times.

How to choose a necklace for children

Little women of fashion also want to have their own jewelry. As a rule, the length of children's necklaces is 35-40 cm. young girls with thin necks fit length no more than 35 cm, for those who are older, you can pick up 40.

From the time of the emergence of civilization to the present day, women around the world have sought to produce good impression on men, to attract a representative of the stronger sex with its beauty, extraordinary appearance, originality and uniqueness. And the entire arsenal is used to create an image that can interest a man. This includes cosmetics, hairstyles, and all the variety of jewelry that exists today, such as rings, signet rings, wide or narrow bracelets, necklaces, necklaces and, of course, beads.

Many centuries have passed since beads became a woman's favorite adornment. This type of jewelry does not leave indifferent even children. Often in small provincial towns you can see a picture of girls stringing beads - rowan berries on an ordinary long thread, and then flaunting them in bright red long beads. Such rowan beads look very beautiful on cheerful, cheerful girls, but adult girl, of course, prefers beads made of other materials to similar decoration. And we will show you how to wear long beads and how to choose them to suit your image and style.

What will always look

Not all women dare to add a string of beads to their outfit, fearing that their appearance will become less sophisticated and elegant. After all, at first glance, it seems that beads can simplify the image of a woman. But this is far from the case. Correctly selected jewelry will only add elegance, beauty and sophistication to every girl.

Long beads look great with strict monotonous dresses, golfs without any patterns and designs, summer blouses no print.

Do not wear long beads with blousons or button-down dresses.

Colorful beads will "revive" the image

Which color should you choose?

Pearl, amber, turquoise, coral beads, as well as beads from carnelian, agate, tiger's eye, onyx looks great with black and white outfits.

Not everything is so simple with clothes of other colors. You need to carefully select the decoration and pay attention to the smallest details. Beads must match general shade outfit or additional female accessories.

How to choose beads for colorful clothes?

Lovers of bright colors, patterns and printed outfits can choose a piece of jewelry to match light summer clothes in the color of the print. This look will look colorful, stylish and very cheerful.

How to wear long beads

The long strand of beads has many uses and wears. It can be simply put on or wrapped in several rows around the neck, it can be tied in a large or small knot. You can experiment with clips designed specifically for modeling long beads (no less than 90 cm).

Perfect decoration

Long beads can be called so perfect decoration suitable for women of all ages and body types. They emphasize femininity lush breasts, a chiseled neck and wasp waist girls, and in which case they hide flaws. Long beads can visually make the figure slimmer, which is a real salvation for obese women who want to lose a few pounds.

In addition, the decoration can be used absolutely different situations... Image business woman, for example, will be decorated with a long string of pearls, and evening dress It will seem much more interesting if you add a bright stylish decoration to it.

Pearl beads

What girl doesn't dream of a long string of pearls on her beautiful neck? Long pearl beads are one of the most matching jewelry for all occasions. They are great for both evening dress, and to golf from wool or a blouse from chiffon.

Have you always dreamed of having a long, swan's neck, but, mother - nature has not rewarded you with it? You can visually fix this. A long string of pearls will create the illusion of a chiseled neck and also make your figure slimmer.

White pearl beads will suit any type of woman. They will add sophistication, a touch of aristocracy and elegance.

How and with what clothes to wear long pearl beads

  • Should not be worn White pearls with gold ornaments or ornaments inlaid precious stones... Such beads will not tolerate sparkles, rhinestones or bright flashy colors. Such a neighborhood will only testify to the terrible bad taste of a woman who dresses like this.
  • The longer the beads are, and the more circles of pearl string are wrapped around a woman's neck, the simpler her outfit should be.
  • A long string of pearls should not be worn with a sleeveless dress.
  • Owners curvaceous forms you can focus on the chest and thereby divert attention from the short, imperfect neck, shoulders and chin. To do this, you need to tie pearl beads in a knot in the neckline.
  • Too thin women it is advised to wear this jewelry with large beads... This will give a more feminine and sensual look.
  • With age, the fairer sex should choose beads with larger pearls. The older the woman, the larger the beads.

As with choosing any other jewelry, you can choose the right beads, guided by your own taste and sense of style. It does not hurt to know also some subtleties, for example, the optical effect produced by long or short beads.

How to choose a necklace for yourself or as a gift?

The beads you like are first of all considered from the point of view of the material from which they are made. Glass beads are heavy and may break if dropped. Pearl beads require special care and neat wearing. The felted beads that are fashionable now need a very thoughtful style, plus not everyone may find the feeling of felt on the neck comfortable. Wood does not tolerate moisture and is limited in style. Plastic, perhaps, the most unpretentious and versatile beads.

To choose the right beads, you need to pay attention to their base - fishing line, thread or chain - and the quality of the fastening. The memory-foam line is picky about storage. The chain must be of high quality so as not to cling to clothing. For free falling beads the best option- waxed thread. In beads, strung in a knotted way, when each bead is fastened with knots, it is necessary to carefully check their uniformity and accuracy.

Important for general view decoration matching the diameter of the base to the hole in the bead. The reliability of locks and knots, the strength of their fastening on the base - all this must be checked.

How to choose natural pearl beads? Pay attention to the quality of the beads (gloss, shape, defects). By weight, beads are much heavier than plastic ones. It is important to know how to choose beads by color, suitable shade skin. For light, for example, pinkish and white beads go well, for tanned and dark-skinned ones - soft cream. The older the lady, the larger than pearls in her beads.

If the jewelry is purchased without trying on, then it should be borne in mind that the length of the beads is determined unbuttoned. Since the beads have their own diameter, the inner circumference of the beads worn around the neck is slightly smaller. This is important when choosing a choker that fits the base of the neck (more about the types of beads by their length). And in any case, it always makes sense to check with fashion trends(read our article on what beads are in fashion now). You don't have to follow these trends, but it can give you a few interesting ideas regarding the direction of the search.

How to wear beads correctly?

It is generally accepted that slender ladies are suitable for beads with small beads, and full - with large ones. But skinny girls can choose beads strung not in a row, but at intervals. And big ladies - put on jewelry with small beads in several turns.

We can say that it is not the size of the beads that deserves more attention, but the length of the jewelry. How to wear beads correctly if your neck is overweight? Do not increase this unwanted effect with too short a thread. Long beads are ideal in this case. Long beads visually stretch the figure, so they look good on short women.

The classic rule is that the beads should contrast in color with the clothes. But beads matched to the tone look no less aristocratic. In addition to color and size, it is important to understand the appropriateness of the combination of materials with the style of clothing.
Natural stones, Murano glass, short pearl beads can be worn with business attire... For outfits in ethnic style suitable wooden, beaded, multi-colored glass, ceramic. With sports style and casual plastic, metal, wooden, fabric beads look appropriate. You can choose beads for an evening dress from pearl, glass (Murano or Czech) models, as well as from rock crystal or Swarovski stones.

Options for the selection of beads for a business style:

Selection of beads for the neckline of the dress

It is equally important to understand which beads fit which neckline. A knitted collar that covers the neck (like on a turtleneck) goes well with long and medium-length beads, in several rows. A small round neckline Long beads will make a decent frame, and the minimum length is 10 cm from the edge of the cutout down. Or vice versa - short but voluminous beads or necklaces covering top edge clothes. Long beads are also suitable for a V-shaped small neckline, and for deep neckline- short. The same beads are appropriate for the neckline of the dress, square and large round - no higher than 3-5 cm above the edge of the neckline. Shirt collar, the jacket partially covers the neck, therefore go short a single strand of medium-sized beads, or a choker necklace with a pendant.

Options for combinations of beads (necklaces) with cutouts:

How to wear long beads?

Long jewelry visually slims and lengthens the neck. As noted above, long beads look great on a variety of occasions, although they may not be very comfortable to wear. There are many options for how to wear long beads. They can be worn in one thread, can be wrapped twice in a retro style, leaving a row at the neck and a long thread below the chest. You can also wrap your neck a few times or wrap your arm to get a bracelet. On such beads, you can tie a knot on different distance from the neck or several knots.