What a person might be interested in. Ability to intrigue. Applying body language

We have all met in our lives people in whose company we wanted to be longer. People with charisma have the ability to almost hypnotically influence those around them. Not everyone is endowed with this quality by nature, but it can be successfully developed in oneself using some tips and techniques.

So, what needs to be done to get people to reach for you?

1. Believe in yourself

“Healthy” self-confidence and self-confidence is one of the most important criteria magnetism of personality. People who believe in themselves make people believe in themselves and those around them. Self-esteem can be raised thanks to positive self-hypnosis - write down your achievements and successes every day - from “helped my grandmother cross the road” to “became the head of the company”. Good for building self-confidence physical exercises that will transform your body v better side... It is also worth working on your style - to update your wardrobe, change your haircut, grow / shave off a beard and change in your appearance what you have long wanted to change.

2. Build trust

The "art of intimacy" in dealing with people is very important points in the development of charisma. It means - let the interlocutor believe that everything your attention focused on it. At the same time, make him feel confident next to you. True charisma is addressed to the outside, to the world, and not to the inside of your personality. After all, who will not be pleased that he is listened to and understood? Being a good conversationalist is what always attracts people.

3. Learn to communicate

A good conversationalist always tactful, does not want to embarrass a person, uses a sense of humor and appropriate quotes. It will not be superfluous to read books renowned speakers and successful people... The experience these people share will help you build a dialogue with the interlocutor. Author of the bestselling books Say No First and No. The Best Negotiation Strategy ”highlights how important it is to ask the right questions in order to achieve desired result in negotiations. Therefore, always have a couple of questions ready.

4. Build eye contact

The power of the gaze should not be underestimated. Ralph Emerson, an American poet and philosopher, said: "A human gaze can be no less threatening than a loaded gun aimed at a person, a gaze can offend like a spit or a blow, but it can radiate kindness and make the heart dance with joy" ... So it is, sometimes it becomes awkward from one glance, and some people know how to disarm with one glance. While others are afraid of eye contact and look fluently, casually and uncertainly. Charismatic people, on the other hand, often have a kind, positive and at the same time confident and clear look. They look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor. And this technique really works!

5. Use the body to express emotions

Gestures, clear facial expressions, smile, liveliness - this is what attracts attention and disposes people. Another trick is to nod during a conversation - this will show that you are listening to the other person and supporting him. The main thing is not to overdo it with an approving reaction, so as not to create the impression of being pretentious.

These simple tips help attract people. And, of course, you cannot do without inner content - attend various trainings, read books, biographies of successful people, learn foreign languages ​​and develop a sense of humor.

I will tell you a few secrets, applying which, you can stay in a person's heart for a long time.

They are simple, and you may even guess about it, but ...

For some reason, not everyone succeeds in using them constantly and for their intended purpose.

Why? I will tell you about this in detail.

Secret 1:

We enjoy life.

A person who is openly enjoying life becomes very attractive to others. People reach out to them, and flock like moths to a bright light. The only question is how to become such a person?

The fact is that we all interact with each other in order to exchange energy, no matter how trite it sounds. But it is so…

That's why, desire to communicate with you, from other people directly depends from the amount YOU have of this energy... And, more specifically, in the sex center.

Why exactly here?

Because it is the second chakra that is responsible for getting a person pleasure from life, from everything that is in contact with him. Be it another person, animal, flower, tree, or even an inanimate object ...

If energy in this center few, you will not be able to enjoy life in full force and ... Naturally, can't this joy transfer to others, there is simply nothing to transfer - they themselves have little, enough only to maintain their own body.

But, if you fill your sex center with enough energy, people will immediately feel it. There will be no indifferent - that's for sure. The invisible light that you begin to radiate into the world around you will attract new fans and friends to you.

Secret 2:

Appreciate yourself dearly.

People will evaluate you just as much as you value yourself. And not a dime more.

It is very difficult to adequately assess yourself if you have problems with sexuality. Or rather, with the amount sexual energy.

People begin to have difficulty communicating. This causes them to shrink, wear masks and behave stiffly. Girls put on makeup intensively, men pump their bodies, spend a lot of money on clothes and an image ... But the result is usually zero. And our self-esteem starts dropping wildly.

But because as a result of these actions, we want to become what we are not in our essence... We want to be sexy. But, we do it somehow artificial means... And it is foolish to think that the people around us will not feel it.

After all sexuality Is such a thing it is either there or it is not.

Fortunately, this is fixable. Just go the other way - fill with sexual energy from the inside, not the outside. And then you won't need to spend a lot of money on clothes and put on tons of makeup on yourself. And self-esteem and self-confidence will definitely increase.

Secret 3:

Recognize the importance of the person and he will recognize yours.

Accept the person with all their strengths and weaknesses. I assure you that if you look closely, there will be much more of the latter than you might have noticed before.

Acceptance of the other person, compliments and praise, not only do not detract from your own merits, but also make you attractive enough in the eyes of others. Just say it all sincerely .

This will be easy to do. If you possess enough sexual energy.

Remember sexy people Not only love give compliments and praise others... It seems that when they do this, they themselves enjoy what they say.

Learn also, and you will not end up wanting to communicate. Work with sexuality, accumulate energy in the second center. It will bring you an unprecedented experience of life.

The funny thing is, when you start to increase the amount of sexual energy, you will suddenly like those people who previously did not like at all and even caused irritation. And all because you will see them, and the situations associated with them, from a completely different angle. Then the compliments will fly by themselves.

Secret 4:

We are sincerely interested in people.

It's even easier here. A person with a well-developed sexual chakra does not need to make any efforts. He and so likes to communicate, and does it with pleasure. He is interested in people, how they act, think and speak ...

It takes enough communication a large number of energy, therefore people who have little of it are given it with great difficulty.

Conclusion: we pump the sexual chakra.

Secret 5:

Always smile.

A smile attracts and disposes. In sexual persons, it simply does not leave the face. They don't even need to make an effort - they just live like that.

Getting sexier. We smile at everything that we see around: the world, people, nature, animals ... If it is still difficult for you to feel it, do not be sad. Try to play it, using examples of how sexy people do it as a basis.

And, keep increasing your energy.

How to do it? I will explain in the following articles.

Konstantin Dovlatov.

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! In essence, a woman is a seductress, and the ability to attract members of the opposite sex is in her blood. If only because this knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. But it happens that for some reason there is no access to the memory of the genus. Either in view of negative experience in the past and character traits, she loses this skill. Therefore, today we will talk about how to interest a man, and it doesn't matter if he is familiar to you or not. We'll take a look at the mistakes most of us make and learn how to fix them.

Purpose and motive of seduction

Before embarking on active action, ask yourself, you know, what question? Why exactly do you need to interest representatives of the opposite sex. That is, if you liked someone and you want to be with him, it's one thing. But if for the sake of fun, confirmation of your attractiveness, think about what you will do with this attention.

It so happens that fair half mankind dreams that when looking at them, the guys are ready to fall in "stacks". But if this really happens, will you have enough strength to cope with such a flow of interest? If you direct energy to one, specific, then it becomes possible to get close, to build deep and valuable relationships. And really feel loved and meaningful to him.

When there is a question about quantity, then a person is only trying to assert himself, but the feelings of superiority will be short-lived. And any experience of rejection is capable of destroying integrity, causing trauma. This is what awareness and the achievement of inner balance and harmony are for. So take care of yourself and be sincere with yourself. Now let's get down to the recommendations.

A man values ​​his freedom, despite the fact that he wants to start a family, he carefully tries to preserve his autonomy. After all, if he loses it, he will lose stability in the separate, man's world where competition and rivalry reign. Therefore, it is important to resist and not fall into a motherly position that controls and limits. As if for his own good. It is such a woman who respects his personal space who is able to attract attention. Except when the guy, on the contrary, is looking for someone who can replace his mother. But this is a completely different topic for communication.

So do not control his every step, but rejoice when he appears. No reproaches, demands for explanations and reports. He will not come to a place where there is no freedom, but only suspicion, conflicts and mistrust. Unless you are tied by common children, property, etc. And this is quite logical, few people are looking for themselves voluntarily suffering.


It is believed that a man chooses a woman. And indeed it is. With one, but. The woman initially prepares the so-called field for this. That is, initially she chooses the one she likes, and then directs to him energy, full of excitement, interest. We can say flirts and seduces. Then he notices her, and, accordingly, chooses.

Therefore, if you are really "hooked" by someone, you should not pretend to be arrogant, full of indifference, believing that this will provoke him to achieve you. No way. Otherwise, how can he understand that he will not come across rejection, deciding to get acquainted? Try to show that you like him. Each person needs a different person, and it is important for everyone to feel their attractiveness, to receive attention.

Try, looking into his eyes, mentally say how he likes. This will manifest itself non-verbally in your facial expressions, posture, gestures, even your intonation will change, believe me. All this will give him a sign that the "green light" is on.

To learn more about the non-verbal, you can familiarize yourself with the information specified in.


When you don't know what to talk about, try asking him, his life, hobby. Refrain from chatting incessantly, or pouring out questions like from a machine, not really listening to the answers. This can make him bored, or the thought that you are overly intrusive.

Explore and focus on which topic has the most energy. It's important not to ignore yourself, so choose an area that attracts you too. Because yawning and a confused look from not understanding what he is saying will not work in your favor.

Watch out for speech, the use of obscene words, or the use of terms inappropriately, for the sake of the desire to seem smart, will only cause the desire to end the conversation as soon as possible. Literacy, feedback to his words will indicate that you are not just a beautiful woman but also a great conversationalist. With which you want to meet again.


Low self-esteem is able to attract the attention of only a person prone to tyranny, in order to assert themselves and realize some of their needs, with the help of power over the weaker. Why do you need such a relationship format? Indeed, there is no need. If you are confident in yourself, appreciate and respect yourself, then the other will have no choice but to do the same with you.

A man realizes his aggressive part through competition. He strives to win, to win over others. Why is it important for him to be proud of his chosen one. And how will he do it if she thinks low of herself? If she doesn’t know about her advantages? I am already silent about using them. And weak sides, in order to know the nearest development zone, that is, to understand what else needs to be worked on.

Psychology strong half of humanity is such that it is more social. When women’s attention is more focused on caring for family and well-being, they need to fight to ensure safety. That is, he has more contacts, intersections, and so on. That is why it is important for him to be proud of his chosen one. He will then present it to the world, as the one that is valuable, which he has chosen.

So if you feel like you're not doing well with your self-esteem, do it. It is pointless to expect love from another until you fall in love with yourself. If you don't know where to start, it doesn't matter, you will receive recommendations and a description of the meaning of this process by clicking on.


As much as we would like to be accepted unconditionally, for who we are, lack of grooming does not cause excitement. And the question is not that you always have to be in war paint and on a diet. No. The girl needs to take care of herself and appearance... And not only on initial stage relationships. Whatever one may say, but beautiful inner world notice after carefully familiarizing themselves with the appearance.

Guys need to want a girl in order to keep an interest in a girl. That is, to experience sexual interest, to notice her beauty, charm. Then there will be excitement and flirting.

Just be careful, there is such a personality type as. He treats the appearance of the chosen one as a fetish, ignoring her personality. If you notice that you are being critically examined, or asked about how long ago you had a pedicure and so on, then first think about whether you really want to attract him?


Autonomy is necessary not only for guys, they want their companion to have it too. Or rather, their interests and hobbies. If you give up everything that was present in your life before, you will scare him. At first, this, of course, will flatter him, but then he will get bored. So you don't have to adjust and choose. We are in each other and are attracted by the difference.

Differences in temperaments, characters are admirable and beckon. A feminine and gentle lady does not need a guy with exactly the same features as hers. Just like the courageous and strong man a girl with whom they will often be in a fight and struggle for power than enjoy each other's company.

Remain yourself, do not adjust to the other, unless it is a deliberate choice that will make you happier. Then energy will always circulate between you, and, accordingly, excitement.

Take a look here are these small trainings... They are absolutely free and you can find exactly the one that suits you.

Also on the site, you can about 19 ways to develop femininity.


Finally, I want to note that these tips are appropriate even in cases where you communicate virtually. But if you don't know each other yet, but really want to fix it, take the initiative by writing first. Because he may not even be aware of your existence. And waiting for a miracle to happen, and he is the first to send a message, increases the possibility of never meeting. Correspondence in social networks v recent times brought a lot of hearts. So why don't you use this method if, for example, you are afraid to be the first to show attention in real life?

The material was prepared by a psychologist, gestal therapist, Zhuravina Alina.

What is an outstanding presentation? The one that changes people. What makes people change? Truth. Only with its help will you truly captivate your audience. Now you know the main ingredient in any performance.

But then you armed yourself with ideas, evidence and facts, sat down at the computer and ... Where to start? What exactly should your presentation look like, what should you pay attention to first of all? A simple, visual and witty manual "Speak and Show" will tell you how to properly present your thoughts, so that you will be listened to with bated breath. You only need to ask yourself seven questions.

Question # 1: "How do I want to influence the audience?"

Depending on the answer, you should choose one of four types of presentation. Here they are:

So, what kind of response do you expect from the audience?

Question number 2 "What am I going to talk about?"

A good presentation always has a clear narrative at its core. And one hundred percent of all presentations can be based on four types of storytelling:

Each type of storytelling is different, but they all have two things in common:

1. They have a beginning and an end. The reason a lot of presentations fail is because they don't lead anywhere. Good presentations always HAVE DIRECTION.

2. The end point is always higher than the start point. Another reason for presentation failure is that it doesn't drive change. Good presentations are always directed UP.

Question # 3: "How to build a story?"

Narrative is a living, breathing creature capable of moving our idea from start to finish. It has a pivot that guides the presentation forward and supports stories that enrich it with detail and color.

This is the form of our storytelling: we start with the main idea, create the core of the main story, string the details on this core, and then finish the work with the last, final twist.

But of course between different types the narratives also have differences. The report, explanation, proposal, drama have their own characteristics.

Question # 4: "What mistakes should be avoided?"

Each of our narratives can be powerful, but sometimes failures happen. And then we lose our audience. During the presentation, we should avoid the following problems:

The best way to disrupt storytelling and confuse your audience is to share multiple ideas in one slide. Remember, one slide, one idea. A perfect slide contains a title, a picture, short text and nothing else. If the idea is too complex, use multiple slides for it.

Question # 5: "How do I illustrate a story?"

Recent research has shown that processing visual information (including visual memory and fantasy) takes up between a third and half of all brain activity. In essence, we are walking and talking machines for processing visual images. As soon as something interesting and worthy of a look appears in front of us, the brain is able to concentrate on such objects for as long as it wants. Any story can be illustrated with six pictures:

For example, this is how you can tell about chess with the help of these pictures:

Question # 6: "Will I be able to speak in public?"

Answer: don't even hesitate. You can, if you practice in advance. Your rehearsal should look like this:

1. Find a room that is as close as possible to the one in which you plan to perform.

2. Set up audio, video and other equipment as close as possible to how they will be used during a real presentation.

3. Go “on stage”. Take a look at the missing audience.

4. Speak the entire speech, word by word, picture by picture.

5. Repeat.

Question # 7: "How to behave during a performance?"

Find your style. Some of us look funny. Others are serious. Someone tends to do everything quickly. Some are humble and quiet. The closer we get to our true state, the more outstanding our presentation will become.

One last thing: never forget that we always have a little magic.

By changing the pace, maintaining the visuals, eliminating distractions, dealing with confusion, and not stepping back from our storytelling, we turn our presentation into a kind of magic.

Best gift that we can bring ourselves - learn to show and speak. The best gift we can give to another is to make an outstanding presentation for them. Enjoy your idea. Enjoy yourself. Enjoy your audience. It will be fun!