What is it to sublimate your energy. Sublimation of sexual energy: rules and techniques for transformation. How men sublimate

V recent times, more and more often people talk about sublimation, but they do not always understand the meaning of this concept and often interpret it incorrectly. Let's take a look at what sublimation is, why they talk about it and what meaning it has in our life.

Let's imagine a situation, a guy decided to get to know a girl. It seems that the guy is not bad, and the girl is also nothing, well-mannered, good, beautiful. But then, something didn't work out, and the girl immediately kicked the guy off and that's when he gets sublimated. “Why do you offend the guy so immediately?”, You ask. Now we will explain everything, and you will easily understand what sublimation is.

A guy, when he wanted to meet a girl, felt attracted to her, and sexual energy accumulated inside him. Yes, there is such a thing, according to Sigmund Freud, this is what controls all of us. Well, let's continue. So this very energy, which accumulates and cannot find its reflection in the object of our lust, must burst out, otherwise its accumulation often leads to mental disorders... Then the energy begins to manifest itself in something else: writing poetry about a girl, drawing her portrait, inventing songs and dedicating herself to her. That's what it is sublimation - redirection sexual energy in socially acceptable activities, such as, for example, creativity.

Of course, it is best when this sexual energy in us finds its natural purpose, i.e. directed directly at the object of passion and lust, but if this does not work out, then our body, in order not to accumulate all this in itself, uses sublimation. In fact, sublimation is a defense mechanism that protects our body from overload caused by the accumulation of sexual energy.

Sublimation can wilt not only in art, but in all areas of human life. Sublimation acts not only on sexual energy (although according to the author of the theory, Freud is the main one), but also on other energy stored in us. For example, if a person has a penchant for sadism, then he can sublimate his desires in the practice of surgery and become a first-class surgeon. It's better this way than becoming a maniac, you must admit. Sublimation transforms our energy into socially acceptable tasks that benefit not only us, but everyone around us.

Let's go back to the boy and girl example. As you already understood, composing poetry, singing songs and painting her portrait is a much better fate for a guy than violence against her. But there could be such a thing, this is when sublimation, as a protective mechanism, is absent in a person, and all energy is directed into aggression and destructive forms of behavior. According to the same Freud, this is precisely the reason for many crimes. Therefore, often, in institutions not so distant, occupational therapy is used as a sublimation of negative energy in a person, and not infrequently, people really correct themselves, and find their recognition not in crimes against society, but in socially acceptable activities. Sublimation, the redirection of energy into a socially acceptable channel, is capable of re-educating in a person his attitude to what he considered the norm, but was not; a person, thanks to this mechanism, begins to comprehend things in a different way and his behavior already corresponds accepted norm, if there were none before.

Again, we moved away from the topic of boy and girl. So, what I would like to say, imagine that a guy writes songs to her, poems, and, in the end, gets his way, she notices him. Now they go hand in hand with him, next to their children, happy and cheerful ... Here is sublimation for you, my friends.


(Excerpt from a regular letter)

"... Could you describe the methods of psychophysical correction that would help a person to sublimate sexual energy, stabilize mental energy and activate physical in order to free consciousness from sexual stimuli? And how to avoid sexual unfulfillment interfering with raising a child?

Thank you in advance for your response...".



To cope with sexual dissatisfaction, first of all, you need to try to find a fulcrum in your the inner world.

The reorganized and stabilized psyche will be able to see in a new way this problem and rebuild your life in accordance with these changes.

And then in outside world where the reality of life manifests itself as a fact, completely different goals and directions will come to the leaders.

Under the onslaught of these new forms, sexual dreams, a feverish search for an object or a love idol, the presence of which not only suppresses and belittles human dignity and honor, but also prevents the personality from energetically opening up and developing its powers, should disappear.

At the same time, much more time should be devoted not to adoring or drilling the child, but using your freed physical and mental strength, direct them to educate his mind and fitness of the body.

I want to note that training must necessarily include physiological improvement. In addition, it is necessary, in parallel with this, to keep order in your professional activity in order to be sure to develop as a specialist. And one more important point.

To practically translate all this, you can do exercises that you could, through physical movement, not only to strengthen the body, giving physical strength, but also to stabilize the spirit.

Let it be, firstly, morning exercises with obligatory ablution after cool water. This will help remove unnecessary excitement. And secondly, you need breathing exercises.

In the evening, but no later than two hours before bedtime, it is advisable for you to exercise outdoors (not forgetting, of course, about safety). If this is not possible, then your favorite corner of the garden, park will do ...

The main thing is that in the chosen place, nature delights you with its vitality.

Such a corner can be made even in an apartment, filling it with your favorite indoor plants and stones.

Of course, some of the program below will be inaccessible in this case, but you can still find the main thing - the possibility of mental and physical balance.

If you find the opportunity to organize full-fledged walks, then it is advisable to perform the whole range of exercises.

It might look like this. Dress light and comfortable clothes, like tracksuit... Then you need to jog at an average pace to some favorite place in the forest or park.

And there, on a secluded clearing, which has become your "place of power", gently perform the movements of "Pass gymnastics" (See: "The Art of the Warrior").

In the beginning, these may be the most simple forms, like raising and lowering hands, as well as pushing space away from oneself and shifting oneself relative to it. All this will help you to get an altered state of consciousness through immersion.

Then, using this state, sit in comfortable position, turn to your comfortable side and plunge into a state of serenity, silence and tranquility of the area around you.

Let the points of entry into this area of ​​the world you know are periodically replacing each other individual items that will highlight your attention from the general background.

It can be a stone, a tree or part of it, that is, a trunk, a branch, a leaf. It can be a bush, a blade of grass, or just a break in the relief - it doesn't matter. It is important that the object is meaningful to you, has, albeit unconscious, but some kind of innermost meaning.

When you naturally emerge into your normal state of consciousness, stand up, walk up to this object, place your palms on it, take several deep and full breaths in and out.

The feeling of power surging inward from this touch will be sudden and all-encompassing.

How can you hug a relief? You need to stand with your feet on the point-center of this place, be sure to feel the attraction through your feet, which happens when you bring iron to a magnet.

Raise your arms straight in front of you with your wrists bent upwards, then slightly spread your arms to the sides by opening the hands and then with a slight movement direct your palms towards each other, but without bringing them into contact, thus obtaining a feeling of touching the energy flow ascending from this point.

When this feeling becomes real, you need to hug the post, while raising your elbows and press against it with the entire front of your body. You can do the same with a tree, but the object will already have a material shell.

As for the withdrawal energy potential from a stone, branch, leaf, then this is done as follows.

It is necessary to grasp this object with your hands, pressing your palms tightly to it, and hold it until there is a feeling of unity between the hands and the object.

Spread your arms to the sides, while trying not to lose the feeling of energetic fusion.

Standing up (if it was required to sit down for contact), it is necessary to hold the energy ball in front of the chest with arms extended forward, but bent at the elbows.

The gaze should be directed to this subtle object, which is felt as an energetic tension.

Keeping this feeling and without changing the position of the hands (which are looking at each other), bring the ball to the forehead. Then inject it into your head until the moment you touch thumbs to the head, stop typing.

The hands should be turned towards the face with the palms, completing the immersion of almost the entire ball. In this case, in the gap between the hands and the forehead, there should be some part of the energy.

Smearing the remnants of energy on the face and chest, you need to gradually lower the brushes to the lower abdomen. Then, in the area of ​​the lower "Tribute dien" (just below the navel), press your palms to your stomach and begin to lift your palms along the body, stroking yourself physically to the collarbones.

And such excursions can be repeated two or three times, after which the outer parts of the hands can be stroked over the shoulders, as if shaking off invisible dust from them one by one. Then shake the brushes. The latter applies to all energy absorption options.

Then make several facial movements with your face, clear your throat, tapping on your chest and be sure to shortly, sharply, loudly, using the lower lock and movement of the diaphragm, shout out a word that would reflect the state of consciousness on this moment... For example: Ho-ro-sho! Zhi-woo! Can! I know! Force! Will!..

After that, trying to keep inner composure and activity, easy gait, slowly, smoothly and calmly go home.

At the same time, one should try to be piercingly "vigilant", which will manifest itself through heightened vision, hearing and other supersensible perception of the changed world.

You need to know exactly and be sure of what happened immediately here and now - it was you, by your will, who changed the world, which, while remaining outwardly the same, has become completely different in its manifestation to you.

It is advisable to convey this state to the hearth, child, relatives and, having passed on part of this state to them, go to bed with a feeling of increased inner strength, significance, self-respect.

If you can regularly organize such walks in nature, you will very soon feel an improvement in the "weather" in your inner world.

It would also be nice that on the site near the house or in the apartment you have allocated a corner, landscaped at your own discretion. This will help to maintain a sensual connection with the "place of power".

And from all of the above, your update will begin.

P. Vedenin, 1998

Sublimation of sexual energy is a change in its direction in a different direction. For example, in creativity, sports, mental activity. This is, in essence, the same as the transformation of sexual energy (changing its shape). Thanks to this, you can become very successful in different areas life. You can become the best runner in the world, the most famous poet, talented artist... The redirection of sexual energy occurs either consciously or spontaneously. That is, sometimes a person deliberately seeks ways to exit it, and sometimes it sublimates itself.

Have you noticed that your friend suddenly began to actively engage in sports after breaking up with a friend? Or did your friend suddenly get carried away with embroidery after her divorce from her husband? This is sublimation. Most often, people themselves do not realize that they simply “release” their sexual energy in this way. By the way, maybe you yourself redirected it like that?

An excess of sexual energy can be manifested by rudeness, aggression, irritability (this is one of the types of sublimation). To prevent this from happening, energy must either be spent or directed in another, more useful channel. In some people, the transformation of sexual energy occurs, as it were, independently of him. And they can boast of talents, charisma, luck.

As you know, libido and sexual energy are inherent in a person from birth. But they can be redirected. Having sex intimacy- this is nothing but the direction of sexual energy. And the direction is natural, but not the only one. Sexual energy is directed both to maintaining health, and to moral and spiritual development, and to other aspects of every person's life.

Before redirecting sexual energy, consider the appropriateness of this action. Perhaps you don't need it at all. This is necessary for those who have surplus energy, cannot leave the body.

How to sublimate sexual energy, how to manage sexual energy? For this, there are many different oriental practices that offer a whole list different exercises... Managing sexual energy is challenging and needs to be learned. To manage sexual energy, you need to be clearly aware that it is very powerful and strong.

How to channel your sexual energy towards success? To do this, you need to work hard and hard, communicate with people. Your charm, which is a consequence of the stored sexual energy, will definitely help you with this.

How to transform sexual energy into spiritual energy? Visit the temple if you believe in God. Read books, help people, do charity work.

How to use sexual energy? First, you can run it on physical work, any work, sports. Secondly, to nourish the whole body with it. Third, the very making of love.

Where to direct sexual energy?

How to control sexual energy? You can do it with religion, spiritual development... Almost all denominations assume that spouses are loyal to each other, as well as the use of sexual energy only for the birth of children, and not for pleasure.

How to Transform Sexual Energy? There are several simple ways:

  • Be firmly aware of what you want to redirect and where. There is no need to be afraid of condemnation.
  • Pay more attention to high love, not physical love. it true love to a partner (husband or wife), children, God. Also, transformation will occur if you help someone in a difficult situation.
  • Engaging in creativity or work.
  • Communicate more with people who are not obsessed with sex, physical pleasure.

Thus, we found out that our sexual energy may well be redirected to another channel that you need. But remember that if you already have a lack of it, and you will still be engaged in sublimation, then this will not lead to anything good. After all, sexual energy is health, beauty, money, success and happiness!

Lama Oezer. How to work with sexual energy?

Perhaps everyone has heard such a concept as "sublimation", however, few people know true meaning this word. What does this mean and how is it expressed? Sublimation is an attempt by human consciousness to relieve inner tension. In most cases, a person does not do what he really wants. However, sublimation allows him to satisfy his desires.

She can be seen in various hobbies, exciting activities, sports or creativity.

In most cases, a person may not even be aware of his true desires, not realizing what his subconscious really wants. With the help of sublimation, a person can satisfy the most forbidden desires in a very harmless way.

Freud's teachings

Sigmund Freud believed that by sublimation, a person tries to redirect sex drive... In his view, human consciousness used sublimation as a defense mechanism, protecting itself from rash actions. She allowed a person to redirect their energy in a different direction, thus hiding true desires. Freud perceived the process of sublimation as something right and positive.

Nowadays, sublimation is perceived much wider than Freud believed. If his methods represented sublimation, as an attempt to get rid of sexual desire, then modern psychologists look much deeper. In our time, this phenomenon is perceived as an attempt to redirect energy in a different direction. There are several common examples.

Examples of

  • The surgeon may actually hide his sadistic desires. Thus, he sublimates forbidden desires into a useful channel, and helps people.
  • A person experiencing sexual desire and constant desire intimate relationships, may give preference to creative pursuits.

Sublimation renders positive impact per person. Thus, a person does not suppress internal desires, but makes it possible to express them in a different way. The main function of sublimation is not to suppress desires, but the ability to realize them in a more acceptable way.

Excessive aggressiveness can become a serious problem for a person. But the ability to sublimate it in a different direction greatly simplifies the situation.

An aggressive person prefers to play sports. Such a person can also be very cruel and harsh in education.

The benefits of this phenomenon

However, as mentioned above, a person may not even be aware of their true desires... A person who is unable to fulfill true desires subconsciously tries to fulfill them in a different way. What is positive sides sublimation? She possesses in a unique way transform negative desires into more acceptable and acceptable. A person not only fulfills what he wants, but also does not violate generally accepted norms and frameworks.

To summarize, sublimation is a defense mechanism used by human subconscious... Thus, a person gets rid of internal stress, and redirects it in a more positive direction. Suffering from negative desires, a person can express them in a completely different way.

According to Freud, human civilization arose precisely through the process of sublimation. Thus, a person found a way to channel his energy into a creative channel. According to psychologists, an impressive number of works of art are the fruit of sublimation.

According to many psychoanalysts, most of the works of art were created by the authors at a time of serious setbacks on the personal front, disappointments and unrealized sexual desires... For example, a rejected love or a failed romance.

Freud goes much further and cites Leonardo Da Vinci as an example. This man has achieved truly inconceivable heights, has become not only a brilliant artist, but also an excellent engineer, talented and scientist. Da Vinci has accomplished too much for one person, but he has never been interested in sexual relations.

Freud believed that in this way Leonardo sought to overcome his libido. He translated his energy into a completely different channel, and created with its help brilliant works of art.

It should be noted that Freud considered himself a clear example of sublimation. He believed that he was sublimating his energy into work, and that is why he was distinguished by such efficiency. It is known that Sigmund Freud adhered to Jewish morality, which argued that sexual relations are needed only for the continuation of the human race.

After analyzing most of the various works, you can easily grasp the connection between the main character and the author himself. Deeply dissatisfied with his life, and experiencing some kind of disappointment in life, the author strove to fulfill his dreams in this way. This could be parting with a loved one or rejected feelings. Fantasy allowed the authors to come up with something that they lacked so much in real life.

Psychoanalysis often refers to sublimation as change states of mind... Being in a depressed state, despair, a person seeks to create something good and beautiful.

T. Adorno assumed that people are trying to sublimate their true desires when watching television. He believed that the true essence of a person can be examined by studying a person's personal preferences. For example, a person who does not accept violence and cruelty in real life, may give preference to programs with similar content. Thus, a person seeks to give an outlet to daily problems, constant stressful experiences and worries. On television, he sees a kind of reassurance.

A monotonous and boring life can only bring disappointment to a person. Trying to diversify their leisure time, and find some meaning in their existence, as well as get rid of constant problems, a person prefers television and the Internet. Thus, he seeks to fill the need for new experiences.

For example, psychologists imply that people with a preference for detectives actually have an increased propensity to commit crimes. Watching such programs, they sublimate their true desires. Thus, the number of real crimes decreases. Because people find a way to spend negative energy with the help of television.

Summing up

Thus, we can say that sublimation is an important and essential part of human life... With its help, a person finds a way to realize himself without harming others, and without violating generally accepted norms. A person sublimates his desires in a more harmless version, while not accumulating energy in himself.

Often, no one is aware of their true desires. Sublimation allows a person to control himself, while not feeling oppressed and inferior. By sublimating, a person can create something unique and unusual, the main thing is not to be afraid to express himself and be able to turn disadvantages into advantages.

Aggression and sublimation

If the I does something pleasing It, but not pleasing to the Super-I, then the person experiences a sense of guilt. And since the requirements of the id and the superego are most often incompatible, internal conflicts are almost inevitable. However, their individual strength and significance is determined precisely by the regulatory function of the I, the strengthening and integration of which is usually directed by the therapeutic effect.

Suppression and displacement of requirements It is carried out using the already mentioned protective mechanisms. However, even after moving into the unconscious, forbidden thoughts and desires continue to determine human behavior and periodically "break through" to the conscious level in the form of slips of the tongue, slip of the tongue, dreams, daydreams and other symptoms. With insufficient integration of the Self and weakening of protective mechanisms, these repressed experiences "overload" the unconscious, and then anxiety, depression or other disorders of mental regulation arise, usually in the form of its return to more primitive levels of response or earlier stages of development of thinking and behavior, which Freud called "regression". One form of such regressive behavior is auto- (directed at oneself) or hetero- (directed at others) aggression. Another form of "switching" of forbidden drives is "sublimation", the essence of which is the release of sexual impulses through socially approved activities. A kind of sublimation is artistic and scientific creativity.

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