Clothes that age us and that make us younger are a pocket. Be careful with oversize. Forbidden fabrics in clothes for women

I myself fit into the category of women over the age of 30 and I know very well what will help to “rejuvenate” the wardrobe, - the star expert, stylist-image maker, and TV presenter Natalie Rocher smiles. - With age, the wardrobe, of course, should change - it is better to choose light soft colors - milky, coffee, powdery. But at the same time, do not be afraid to experiment, because with age wise woman becomes only more beautiful - 40 - 50 years - the heyday of real female beauty!

fashion suit

The wardrobe must be supplemented with a suit. would be absolutely appropriate Scottish cell. A jacket from a suit can be combined with a blouse and jeans, and plaid trousers with a shirt.

The perfect skirt

Status and age forbid wearing a miniskirt. It is better to let it be a knee-length skirt (it emphasizes the shape favorably).


Don't be afraid to wear jeans! Invite your daughter or niece on a fashion hunt for perfect couple- it can be a straight cut with slightly rolled-up galoshes (very fashionable and relevant now) or straight classic or skinny jeans - just to make you slim and feel comfortable in them! You can even wear it to the office in combination with large bright accessories and a shirt or bright blouse.

Volumetric accessories

There are plenty of beautiful accessories now - you can find them not only in jewelry stores, but also in stores of common European brands. For little money you can buy bright pendants, necklaces made of unusual material and other jewelry. Such accessories will make any gray golf elegant.

Laconic bag

Yes, a thousand little things should fit in a bag, but let's tell you a secret: nothing ages as much as a bent back and a pulled shoulder, on which a huge knapsack hangs. Do not buy a bag if you can squeeze a jar of cucumbers into it, a bright bag with a rigid shape and a laconic cut will immediately help you straighten your posture and throw off a dozen years.

Sheath dresses

A hooligan biker jacket is perfect for walking (when worn with comfortable jeans), as well as evening outings(simply replace jeans with a flowing skirt or dress). Youth is in such bold details!


1. If you have chubby hands, you should not wear a lot of rings, jewelry, but on large earlobes, which lengthen with age due to wearing heavy jewelry, it is better to wear small beads, pearls.

2. Cosmetics with mother-of-pearl seriously age, it is better to use cosmetics in natural, soft tones. Also forget about the bright eyeliner of the lips and eyes - it will only emphasize all the protruding wrinkles.


I never hid my age, - TV presenter Svetlana Borovskaya shrugs. - But I still love hooligan caps a la gavroche, jeans and knitted jumpers in which I feel like a woman without age. And short leather jackets really go well with jeans and my long ones. knitted dresses. I really like the Scottish plaid you mentioned - I have both a wrap skirt and a hooligan plaid trowel. I wear the first one with knee socks, the second with jeans, in general, I love the 60s, the style of Brigitte Bordeaux. The fashion for them has gone and has already returned, but I still buy flared jeans, wedge boots and big glasses.

I want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible, there is nothing strange. Youth is attractive in itself. A young girl gets away with many antics. But an older woman should be more careful and wiser about how she manifests herself to others. There is no sadder sight than a young lady who, at the age of 45, is struggling to make herself look like a girl. It is clear that this is a hopeless undertaking. Our goal is to look, first of all, adequate to your age, but at the same time a little younger. And the stylists unanimously declare that there are clothes that make you look younger, and it plays an important role in this matter.

Today, the Stylish Thing site will give you some tips on how to get off your shoulders for 5 years without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons, but just choosing more thoughtfully.

- Primarily, buy clothes in your size. Baggy hoodies hanging shapelessly on your body, like on a hanger - the right way add a few years. Of course, not every woman can afford tight clothes - this applies to any age.

It's just that when you're over 35, people expect you to learn how to figure out your clothing size.

The main principle is that she should sit on the figure. Even if you are 45, but your body kept slim, boldly wear fitted and tight-fitting things and do not think that your train for such outfits has already left.

- Give preference to the classic cut of jackets, dresses, trousers . became a classic precisely because of its versatility. If young girls sometimes they try to give themselves solidity with its help, then after 35 the classic is perfect ratio age and style.

refuse from all sorts of frivolous details: rhinestones, appliqués, now fashionable "leaky" jeans. All these simple decorations are suitable for those who are not more than 20, and then in the appropriate setting.

Be careful with skinny or flared trousers and jeans - these are also youth options, so objectively evaluate how they fit your figure and style.

- Be careful to. Probably, you yourself have noticed more than once that the black color ages. The skin becomes paler, wrinkles are emphasized. This does not mean at all that you should give up black: in the end, it suits absolutely everyone, slims and looks elegant. Just be sure to use a combination of light and dark tones in your wardrobe.

For example, decorate a dress with a white scarf - it will kind of highlight your face.

Also, opt for solid-colored clothes or clothes with the minimum amount matching colors. Throw away all the clothes in your wardrobe with small flowers, polka dots, etc. An abundance of bright various shades plays in favor of adding age.

— Be careful with the length of the skirt. The ideal length is just below the knee. If you have beautiful knees, then the maximum - 5 cm above them. Too much long skirt will immediately add years to you. And too short certain age looks frankly vulgar, so forget about the ultra-mini.

- Try not to dress like a cabbage - i.e. do not use the principle of layering: numerous vests, sleeveless jackets, and on top - shawls, scarves, a bunch of jewelry, etc. The more concise the one you are wearing, the more it will make you look younger.

How easier cut products, the younger it makes you in the eyes of others.

Refuse also blouses and dresses with a lot of ruffles, frills and lace in the chest area - these heaps also add years and kilograms.

- Of course, shoes with heels visually younger. Use all the same good old classics: choose pumps with 5-7 cm heels. Try to avoid bulky shoes a la "Goodbye youth" with wide nose and thick soles.

“Accessories play an equally important role.

  • First, the bag: it must be of good quality, genuine leather or suede. No oilcloth, frivolous patches or prints, fake labels or multiple zippers and chains.
  • Secondly, decorations. Avoid cheap jewelry. Some funny strawberry or a cat hanging on a string will adorn a 15-year-old girl, but not an adult respectable woman.

Jewelry jewelry is different, and you will surely be able to find a worthy option if you love it very much. But remember: avoid large jewelry.

And don't dress like Christmas tree- keep decorations to a minimum. give preference precious metals and natural stones.

As you can see, choosing clothes that look younger is not so difficult. Just a few nuances and you will look fresh, elegant and stylish. However, remember that the secret of youth is, above all, healthy lifestyle life and a positive attitude towards it. Don't smoke, exercise regularly, eat right and love yourself for who you are - at any age!

It's easy to be stylish!— Website for women Stylish Trick

What colors are young and which give age - about this new article headings "Fashion and style for ladies of elegant age".

Today we will talk about what colors will give your look youthfulness and freshness to your face, what colors of clothes will help emphasize the dignity of your figure and hide flaws, and which ones will add elegance and femininity to your image.

Regardless of which color type looks you care, follow a simple rule:the older you are, the lighter and generally cooler the colors should be around your face.

This is due to the fact that with age, the color of the eyes becomes paler, blood vessels appear more on the skin of the face, which give the face a bluish or reddish tint.

How to cope with these misfortunes, we will talk in an article about proper make-up. In the meantime, let's look at palettes of colors suitable for blouses, knitwear, neckerchiefs, hats - everything that is in close proximity to your face.

If you have light hair, The following colors suit you:

If you dye your hair a color with a slight red tint , stop at warmer tones:

If you keep dark hair color over the years , then you can afford the colors a little brighter:


1. Remember that over the years your natural appearance changes, and this fine. If you used to be a burning brunette, and when your hair turned gray, you began to dye it in a light blond platinum shade, - your coloring has changed from deep to light. The new color will make you look fresher and younger, but you need to change your "color habits" according to the new color.

2. Black color worn to the face always adds age.If you still want to wear a dress or top in any dark or black color, then there are two tricks. :

3. Dark colors visually reduce the volume and serve as a background for brighter and light colors. Black, navy blue, chocolate, dark cherry and dark gray are perfect for skirts and trousers if you have wide hips. Choose plain, concise things, without unnecessary decorations, large belts and patch pockets, and they will visually slim you.

4 . All light and bright colors, on the contrary, always draw attention to the part of the body on which they are worn. Use it to highlight your figure.

5 . As you age, try to avoid contrasting color combinations. . You will look most harmonious in tone-on-tone combinations, for example, dark blue with purple, or in combinations of clothes of the same color, but of different brightness - for example, blue and light blue. With any natural coloring of appearance, you should not combine two dark colors in one image - it always ages.

6. Color also has a psychological connotation, which is important to consider when building your image. Hot pink is associated with naivete, red with violent emotions and power, brown with conservatism and reliability, and so on.

7. To create an elegant and feminine image colors such as lilac, beige, light coral, dusty rose, light emerald, blue, turquoise are ideal. Combine these colors with rich noble shades of purple, burgundy, chocolate and blue and you will always look young and fresh on the one hand, and elegant and modern on the other.

Be beautiful and modern!

Even when feeling comfortable own skin(and in the wardrobe), it's safe to say that there is one "thing" no one wants to wear - age. A youthful look is something that, subconsciously or not, we all strive for without exception. One of the most effective ways Achieving this goal is the right color of clothing.

There are thousands of color shades in nature, among which experts in this field indicate the most accurate options that will make you look younger. Experts who know everything about color trends, including perspectives, prohibitions and rules of conduct, note that every year hair and skin tone undergo changes that are barely noticeable to our eyes, and at some point we find that the same colors of clothing do not look as attractive to us as before. .

To maintain a youthful look with age, you should choose the color of clothes in accordance with how you look in this moment. Experts recommend four specific shades that allow you to achieve the desired result.


Turquoise is a color that brings out a glow in every skin tone. There are many variations of it that are either greener or bluer. If your skin tone is fair (cool), ideal turquoise shade found by looking at the veins of the wrist. Depending on how much bluer or greener they are, preference is given to a shade of turquoise that is closer to their color. If your skin tone is dark (warm), almost all turquoise shades will suit her.

pink to purple

Light-skinned women can play with a whole range of colors: from pastel pinks to red-violet shades. Rich purples are softer than many reds that range from fuchsia to raspberry, which should be considered in monochrome combinations. Afraid to use pastel pink? In vain, it really allows you to look much younger and goes well with catchy red-violet flowers.

Dark grey

True black is often too heavy for warm tones. mature skin, and can make wrinkles and under-eye circles even darker. If black is your color, it will be difficult to refuse it. But be open to experimenting and you'll find that charcoal grey, navy blue, or any other deep shade suits you much better and could very well be your "new black" color.

Medium blue

Another color that suits most women is a medium blue with purple or lilac undertones. Even the most perfect color hair and skin changes with age. Help comes blue color based on a shade often referred to as periwinkle, it allows you to look younger regardless of its location in the range between warm and cold poles.

In general, in order to stay young and beautiful for as long as possible, a lighter and cooler color palette should be preferred.

Youth has always been considered the main and important ally of a woman's beauty. Therefore, the methods of its preservation at all times cause numerous discussions not only among scientists in the field of gerontology and health.

Nutritionists and cosmetologists are working on this topic. Designers and stylists create their own unique brands that can visually rejuvenate a woman and deceive her age.

Today we are talking about how to choose the right clothes, fabric color, accessories, so as not to visually age yourself, but look younger than your age.

What ages a woman? The opinion of stylists and designers

Specialists of the House of Models are sure that the chosen style can add a few years and subtract with the same success. They formulated the aging factor not as some kind of certain clothes, but just like clothes not by age. What clothes make us old and what makes us younger?

Clothes that don't age, age a person

The combination of style and modesty is young

In the anti-aging factor, a rule stands out about how important it is to do right choice.

Natural fabrics rejuvenate. It is necessary to choose natural fabrics and natural colors. Shiny fabrics and the presence of "acid" colors will immediately emphasize our age. You are more likely to look younger when the fabric texture is soft and natural, and the calmer the color, the better.

Timeless classic . An accentuated waist is always young, if you think that it should not be shown, then slightly cover it with a blouse or a light jacket, but not a hoodie. To draw a waist (not an aspen), you can use a neat thin strap.

Never use grotesque forms of clothing that are too narrow or, on the contrary, broad shoulders, fluffy or tight skirt. plays here important rule- a thing that does not emphasize, but blurs the contours of the figure, always ages.

A combination of style and modesty. Things should not be pretentious and catchy, while they should be clear and fitted, emphasizing the shape. Let's say a dress that is a little fitted, to the middle of the knee or a little higher, is stylish design suitable for any age. Classic fitted jackets, not at all strict, but look youthful, both on young girls and mature women.

Strongly aging a woman, according to experts, clothing sets, headsets and suits. It is better to buy things separately, but so that they are combined with the things in the wardrobe.

What color ages a woman. Colors in clothing should be clear and discreet at the same time. Bright colours age: lemon, pink do not color a woman at all. Many people think that black color ages, but a natural black leather jacket harmoniously looks on women of any age. She talks about sportswear life and activity.

But the black color of the hat, scarves, a turtleneck sweater, black accessories will add the number of years to its owner. That is, everything that is close to the face. Also, be careful with brown flowers especially dark brown. Color therapy will tell you everything about the effect of colors on human health.

Rejuvenating colors, according to experts, are simple and easy to distinguish, do not forget one rule: remember more often if this color is found in nature? Therefore, natural beige, blue tones, green, neat and dim black and white ornaments do not add age and do not scream about themselves.

The appearance of the skin of the face. Lovers chocolate tan quite a few among women of mature age, although almost everyone already knows that Sun rays dry the skin and age it.

But that's not all, excessively tanned skin visually adds age, especially contrast against the background of tanned skin stand out deep wrinkles and all the small ones become sharper, because they remain light.

Any facial hair visually makes a woman older than her years, especially individual protruding hairs on the skin or growing from moles. At light gun on the skin of the face, do not use at all foundation, then all the hair just catches the eye of others.

Thinning and faded eyebrows not only give out age, but also add it. Therefore, it is necessary to tint and pluck, but in no case to the thread, and not pitch black. Everything should look natural.

Do not forget about your hands, skin of the neck and décolleté. First of all, they give out the age of a woman and can add a few more years to your age.

What makeup makes you look old . Bright makeup and especially its quantity cannot disguise small wrinkles, as some women mistakenly believe, on the contrary, it only emphasizes them and illusoryly adds a few more years to the age.

Throwing aside all illusions about:

  • eye shadow, rich tones of blue and purple,
  • bright red lipstick
  • eyebrows and eyelashes, thickly covered with mascara,
  • foundation in several layers.

Take a step towards natural make-up, light and unobtrusive, which makes everyone look younger.

There may be one on the face bright spot either eyes or lips. And shades of blue, violet, forget-me-not color are good only in youth, they make women of mature age very old, and natural makeup young.

Hairstyle. Black hair makes you look older. Sloppy, regrown and unstyled hair add extra years 5. Long loose hair without styling also ages. Perm, especially without styling, hair with unpainted roots, flowing curls that were once in fashion do not make women younger, but on the contrary they only age.

Of great importance is the color of the hair, so black hair ages, they will only emphasize all the wrinkles on the face, you will look much older and more solid. Blond color with yellowness and ashy give the effect of fading.

only healthy and beautiful hair rejuvenate a woman, making her well-groomed and attractive. Look at Monica Bellucci luxurious hair who make her much younger than her years, and she is already almost 50.

Reading Glasses are an indispensable accessory for many ladies. And this is understandable, without them nowhere, if the vision is poor or there are age-related changes In eyes.

But that doesn't mean you have to buy just about anything. Glasses in massive frames, dark colors will certainly increase your age, now there is an opportunity to choose for yourself modern lightweight glasses with a beautiful design.

Try to do without a chain on glasses, it would seem such a convenient attribute, but it will also “scream” about venerable age.

Fragrances and perfumes. Do not use perfumes that were fashionable in the past, like "Red Moscow" or perfume with powdery and heavy oriental notes, which will certainly turn you into a grandmother. It is better to stop your attention on fruity or citrus smells.

Women's shoes should be comfortable, convenient and fashionable at the same time. You should not rush from one extreme to another, or too high heels and a hairpin, or without a heel at all.

Such extremes age a woman or look ridiculous. You should not completely abandon heels, but feel the measure so that you are comfortable and comfortable. V adulthood do not fit and square heels, it is better to choose a low wedge.

Considering your appearance and raising the question of what ages us and what makes us younger, I would like to emphasize once again that the main criterion is the right choice, as the stylists assure. If you find it difficult to do it yourself, consult with experts.

Be always beautiful and young.

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