The most beautiful statuses in classmates. beautiful statuses

Most beautiful statuses on the site! beautiful quotes status will always be worth its weight in gold. We all know that beauty will save the world! And beautiful statuses are one small part of this, of course, a wonderful concept. Whatever you do, you need to do it beautifully. This applies, perhaps, to all aspects of our extremely multifaceted life. One of these aspects is communication on the Internet, where you will definitely need beautiful statuses. Indeed, nowadays we spend a lot of time in virtual world on the pages of various social networks and just like in real life we want to show ourselves from our impeccable side. Beautiful statuses here will be very useful to you.

The most beautiful statuses are here!

Why are beautiful sayings in the form of status good? They arouse interest, intrigue, fascinate. To choose a beautiful status means to emphasize the romanticism of your nature, the desire for perfection. Of course, beautiful statuses will be of interest primarily to girls, but for guys who appreciate beauty, our site will help you choose desired status. Our beautiful statuses will allow you to join the connoisseurs of beauty. It is not always easy to choose the most beautiful status from the huge magnificence of excellent statuses, but you need to strive for this! You have an excellent opportunity to acquire a status of amazing beauty that will decorate your web page. Let's pick a beautiful status together!

The most beautiful statuses!

Invariably beautiful statuses will be in great demand, since the craving for beauty is inherent in any person. This category of statuses has always been in high demand among network users. And no wonder, because it's nice to see on your page beautiful saying. And although many people sometimes opt for other types of quotes, nevertheless they often return to beautiful statuses. And all because, having seen such a status, it can be very difficult to pass by, since everything beautiful with great force attracts a person to itself.

Only beautiful statuses!

It is difficult to argue with the inexpressible truth that truly beautiful statuses fascinate and beckon. And do not resist this feeling. On the contrary, you need to succumb to it with pleasure and pick up an excellent status for yourself from among the most beautiful, which are presented in abundance on the site. And immediately after that, your beautiful status will begin to please you and your guests with their appearance, which will become more and more, thanks to amazing property beautiful things to attract people. Beautiful statuses are waiting for you in this section. Let's find the status together!
  • One day you will realize that everything was fake. All eyes, words, feelings. You will understand, but it will be too late, because you have already begun to kill your love ...
  • Flattery like French perfume- Smell as much as you like, but you should not revel in them ...
  • Life is theater. Only the actors are on earth, and the audience is in heaven...
  • "All women are beautiful, and the love of men gives them beauty."
  • The best ones are the ones that make you smile the most. -

  • You know, she was like from paradise… Free… All unearthly… She will charm with a smile and a soft blush…
  • Even if I stumble, there will be people who will lend a hand and help me up! I love you friends!
  • Every girl is a Snow Maiden: a little affection, a little warmth and - she melted
  • Dear girls, we love you without makeup, with disheveled hair, you are so cute and homely at such moments =))
  • Dear, beloved, the best, naive, sometimes childishly not winey, I am a fiery redhead! - Beautiful cute statuses

  • A request to those who have the nickname "VIP", do not visit and do not write. I'm a little low on the level and this ... I'm starting to complex! :-DDD.
  • Never say never". And never say anything else. And generally shut up.
  • You're all talking about the inscription VIP on the avatars, and in the background there is a carpet, and I saw even cooler - the inscription sexy, and behind the background is a microwave ...
  • Someday I'll hang a "Welcome!" sign on my heart, but for now, sorry, the entrance is strictly with VIP passes
  • If not for contact and classmates, how else would all these V.I.P.s be able to believe in themselves? -

  • And she loves milk chocolate, the smell of vanilla, night, strong coffee in the morning, cherries, cream and ... you.
  • Impossible loving to kiss with open eyes. Because when you kiss lovingly, tenderness comes on your eyelids with small legs...
  • Glasses in a bright frame, disheveled hair, sneakers on his feet, a thick book in a huge bag, cynicism in his eyes, a taste of vanilla and a boorish smirk on his lips.
  • And again coffee and cigarettes... tired... but still naive...
  • And she's so vanilla, but I would never call her sweet. -

  • It's a shame to lose a person with whom you have already invented your own language, you have your own words and common thoughts ... Everything is in the past ... It's a shame.
  • Sweet smiles are forgotten, I parted with him forever ... For all my mistakes, my eyes are now full of tears.
  • Caution - soul! Don't come close, you'll die.
  • And if in life there is a solid theater, then here, of course, there is a big stage where everyone wants to be known as rich, while living mentally poor
  • Dark glasses on the eyes so that no one could look into them ... Headphones in the ears so as not to listen to anyone ... bad thoughts in my head to forget about reality .... It's stupid to treat mental wounds vodka and cigarettes. Cry, drink coffee and live on, fool .... -

  • Kindness is what the deaf can hear and the blind can see. (Mark Twain)
  • Long conversations devour life. Soul wounded good word- medicine.
  • The deep indifference with which people treat virtue seems to me more outrageous than vice.
  • Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Live the expression of Divine goodness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
  • Kindness is impossible to resist. What can even the most obtuse person do to you if you are constantly kind to him? - Good and beautiful statuses

  • - And I want my left-handed boyfriend to be ... - Why? - So that when we were sitting at a desk and writing something, we would hold hands ...
  • Sometimes you hold a person by the hand and you don't need anything else. No kisses, no words. You just calm, warm and easy.
  • Yes, you don’t have to be a super-hero for me, you don’t have to save the world for me. Just come and be with me, and I myself know that you are a hero.
  • And let us fall asleep in different beds - the main thing is that we fall asleep with the thought of each other ...
  • The distance between my fingers was created so that yours would be there ... - Beautiful romantic statuses

At school, I had an old fizruk, instead of “understandable,” he said “clear x * d”, and there was also a classmate with the surname Yasin, who did not like the fizruk.

I constantly think about two things: about the need to grow up, become more serious, and about where the bullfinches spend their summers.

Every evening I sit at home towards my destiny.

Odnoklassniki is an interesting site. Stretch ceilings, cabinets, curtains are constantly asking for friends ... Probably, in parallel class studied.

New social network"Grandmothers on the bench" The main buttons of the site: "Add to prostitutes" and "Add to drug addicts" ...

So autumn ends, winter will come soon, then the end of the world, then the New Year.

To the statuses of girls, such as: "Stop pumping biceps, normal guys have been pumping oil for a long time" we answer: "Stop pumping lips, normal girls for a long time they shake the bed and sing a lullaby!

If I call you after two in the morning - don't pick up the phone, it's not me, and if it's me, then no one else.

Every day I go to the store and buy vodka. Tell me, doctor... am I a shopaholic?

At the next attempt to work, the Internet was again detected.

Motorists know that there is no “comments” section on the AvtoVAZ website.

Yes, I wanted to spit on the black or white stripes of life. I'm going on my own - purple!

Life is a compromise between the desire to sleep and the desire to eat.

I hope everyone understands that because of the goat who came up with the idea of ​​canceling winter time, the end of the world in Russia will come an hour earlier?

The worst thing is not that we are now adults, but that now adults are us.

I want to introduce the function “Your SMS message will be sent after you sober up and confirm sending” in your mobile phone

They say you have to try everything in life. "Everything" - as a rule, alcohol, sex and filming in * but. Much less often - nuclear physics, chess and mountaineering.

Here you are looking for happiness, and you gain experience. Sometimes you think - this is happiness! Ah, figurines, again experience.

As a rule, girls who have something to see in the 9th grade already have something to tell in the 11th grade.

And in joy and in sorrow, whatever the stress, keep under control - brains, tongue and weight!

Dear dream! I remember that we had disagreements a long time ago in childhood ... But now I realized that I love you!

It seems to me that we need to create a service where single socks could find a pair ...

Listen, you are already an independent, adult person. You are 25 years old. Your girlfriend, not your mother, should decide everything for you for a long time!

Nothing helps to realize how much bullshit is in the brain like solving crossword puzzles ...

The non-smoking area in a tavern is like a lane for those who carry in a swimming pool.

I wanted to set aside money for old age ... So far, I had to temporarily postpone old age.

An effective sign to combat those who litter: "When throwing garbage on the street, do not forget to grunt"

When a philosopher answers a question, one ceases to understand the question itself.

You have to do what works best. I'll go to bed and watch TV shows.

There is no greater temptation in the world than to put your finger in the mouth of a yawning cat.

Sometimes you wait for a miracle for years ... And it comes - in feathers ...

Nothing develops like this leadership skills like a morning bus.

I can divide my life into two periods: “Some kind of pipets is happening around” and “I’m sleeping”.

It seems that today is Wednesday, but I want to kill everyone, like Monday.

You can tell a lot about a man by the way he parks his yacht.

The inscription on the product "Made in Great Britain" causes me certain doubts ...

Some people think they are active. In fact, they just hustle and bustle.

It happens so badly that even black cats give way ...

They say that if you eat a chocolate bar, then the mood rises .... Nonsense! We also need to drink champagne!

Why take out a mortgage of 4 million and pay off 25 years? When you can steal 4 million and serve only 7!

And God grant you doubly what you wish me.

Don't push the girl into a corner. She will cry at night, think during the day, and YOU will look for the corner...

I'm not jealous. I guard my happiness...

I love you every second, minute, hour, day and night, week, month, year and century. We found each other among a million, and now we are two halves of one big heart.

Do not lose the worthy, for the sake of the available!

Turn on the computer and that's it... the end of all my grandiose plans for the day!

Life is short, and you need to spend it only on one, real relationship, with the person you love and who loves you, because if there is love, then it cannot just pass away, which means that if there is love, then with always be that person, no matter what happens.

Beautiful statuses for classmates - I want to be with you until the last breath ... both in joy and when you feel bad.

To hell pink glasses- they don't suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being in the present ... To hell with everything that was - I'm happy! ..

I want to go where there are stars, where there is a sea of ​​jubilant joy and aching delight...

Give each other warmth and smiles. Forgive insults, other people's mistakes. A smile is powerful and worth the reward. Just a smile and you will be happy.

She forgets the keys in the morning and, returning for them, she always looks at herself in the mirror, because she believes in omens. She eats a lot of apples but is in love with oranges. She always smiles, but sometimes she hates everyone. She believes in the future but lives in the past

There are things more important than bars and clubs. There are feelings. smiles. And loving lips.

Happiness is the moment when a wave of love, inspiration and goosebumps rises in you. This is it... real...

Lifestyle... If music, then an alternative... If you love, then... with all your heart... If you dissolve, then... without a trace... If you leave, then... beautifully in English... If it's morning, then... in tender embraces... If crying, then... from happiness... If it's day time, then... night... If you live, then... brightly... If you feel , then ... sincerity ... If a look, then ... beloved eyes ... If you walk, then ... by the hand ... If you hope, then ONLY FOR YOURSELF ...

The pictures on my hard drive constantly remind me of past life where everything was different...

And then I found out that clouds are not soft, you can’t touch the sky with your hand, toys don’t come to life at night, sand cakes are not edible, and there are only 2 princes left on earth. And my life collapsed...

It's strange... I don't think about you anymore, but my dreams still want us to be together!

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it can be so annoying to others that it's worth a try.

We love to dress beautifully, they love to undress beautifully, we love strength and firmness in them, they love fragility and tenderness in us, we know how to kill with a look, they - with a word ...

Sometimes it hurts so much that it is impossible to breathe, then the pain dulls and it becomes easier, but then you forget everything, but pain still remains in the heart ...

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it.

Finding wealth, we lose conscience. Finding a woman, we lose our minds. When we find truth, we lose faith. Finding power, we lose honor. And only having lost everything - we find freedom!

The first snow is amazing! First, you wait for it for a long, long time, and then you watch with delight how snowflakes wrap the world in a white veil

God made you an expensive original, don't become a cheap copy.

It was a wonderful dream, in this dream I am in love with you, you gave me new dreams, hope new beauty. Looking into your eyes for a moment, I was able to see a wonderful world in which we, together with you, holding hands, walk. We go where there is no sadness, where there are no tears, and there is no longing. We flew in the clouds with you and now we found each other. Holding your hand gently, I hear the heartbeat in my chest, you hug me tightly so that in new world come in with me. Where there are no tears and no sadness, in which you and I, together, holding hands, walk.

Never ignore the person who cares about you the most. Because one day, you might wake up and realize you've lost the moon while counting the stars.

She doesn't drink coffee... she drinks tea... she doesn't wrap herself in blankets... she dresses warmly... she doesn't cry into pillows... she cries out of joy in front of everyone... she doesn't expect a prince... she already found it...

Can be painted with ink long eyelashes, dark eyelids, circle and make up lips. But the sparkle in the eyes of happiness, only a loved one will draw !!!

The most beautiful statuses - Life is measured not by the number of breaths, but by the moments when it takes your breath away.

When people say "Thank you for being you" - it's priceless.

Over time, you will realize that all this pathos and glamorous clothes are not important. And you will bite your elbows because you lost the girl who loved you more than life ...

I'm smiling. I'm crying. I play the role of that stranger that I invented ... So I'm alive ... And so be it ... After all, this is what I want !!!

Love also has an autumn, and the one who has forgotten the taste of the kisses of a loved one will know it ...

I want to sit on a bench, climbing along with my legs ... So that the wind blows my hair and plays with strands ... So that Sunbeam tangled in my hair.... I want to freeze, so that goosebumps.... I want someone to hug and warm, to snuggle up and not let go...

We always have a second to mess things up. And it won't take forever to fix everything...

May your path be guarded by the sky, may the moon soothe your sleep. Know that no matter where in the world I am. I need you. You are very needed.

My son hugged me and said: "You are the most best mom in the world!" Then I asked him: “Why did you decide that? Do you know all the mothers in the world?”, and he replied: “You are the whole world for me!”

Headphones in the ears and the music is muffled, and no one is needed, because it's better that way.

How to forget - time will tell, how to forgive - life will show, how to love - will be shown by someone who forgot ... forgave ... and lived ...

I also want to quit this summer. No, don't smoke. Stop loving you. I'll put all our nights and holidays in big box, I'll wrap it with tape, glue it with gold paper, and throw it away. I will tie all our stars and promises into a knot, shove our letters and kisses into boxes, unload our walks in the park and holidays in the mountains, our fire and old photos into large packages.

It doesn't matter how you fall, it matters how you get up!

Sometimes there are moments when you just do not know how to survive until the evening. You only think about how to get home as soon as possible, undress and crawl under the covers with your head. And most importantly, you believe that the blanket will limit you from everything that happens around you.

September is cinnamon coffee Maple leaves, multi-colored, as part children's drawing, warm, tender buns with vanilla and a subtle smell of smoke

They know how to speak beautifully... They know how to look after beautifully... They know how to deceive beautifully... So beautifully that time will pass- and you will want to believe in another beautiful fairy tale again ...

When people love each other, they are ready to take off and crash together! You took off with me... but only I crashed...

When it rains, it's so convenient to hide your tears...

Every girl in her life has to cry, stumble and fall. Cry with happiness, stumble over money, and fall into the arms of the Beloved...

Love can be compared to the sea: someone likes the feeling of a storm with huge waves of feelings, and someone prefers calm, smooth water with a moonlit path to the horizon.

Even if you are an angel, someone may not like the rustle of your wings.

You know how you want to cry, without you... What's the point? If you are not with me ... You know how I want to love you without memory, because you are my happiness, I breathe only with you - but alas ... You know how I want to cling to you tightly - and not let go anywhere, but you can’t ... Why are you not mine? No answer! And you know what I feel when I see you, no ... And you asked what I want from you - no, so why are you not my dear ... After all, I can’t live without you ... After all, I happy only when you are near, because "I love you"

Gone! Where? Does not matter! What for? Does not matter. The main thing is happy!

Curly hair, a sweet smile on her face, a beautiful laugh ... and no one knows that she is completely confused in herself ...

We love: coffee, tea, rain, autumn, smile, sleepless nights on the Internet, morning snow. Everyone dreams differently, but dreams unite us.

Headphones in the ears, the Player under the pillow... He is back in her dreams and kisses her ear.

I don't understand why people hate mornings so much. After all, what could be wrong in the gentle tones of dawn, in clean air, which gives so much energy in the morning birdsong - what?? It's so wonderful!

Dance like no one can see you... sing like no one can hear you... love like you've never been hurt and live like heaven is already on earth...

You miss me today, you dial the number out of habit. The voice of the operator in response: "There is no more access to the heart ..."

How difficult it is to inhale the nicotine air, each time dissolving in sugar dreams. And dreams disappear like a flame from a match ... And I will not get rid of this bad habit

Do not climb into the soul, do not savor: "Who? With whom? When? And why? "After all, someone else's life is a dense forest, you can stumble yourself. And do not judge people - you are not gods!!! And do not envy, because envy is so black... Everyone has their own way!!! And everyone has one life!

The best antidepressant, after all - children's hugs!!! When your own heart beats nearby, and fingers stroke your hair and wipe your tears - all troubles recede ...

The most beautiful sunsets are not on the prairie, not in the savannah, and not even on the ocean... The most beautiful sunsets are where you are young, in love and full of hope!

what did you find in her? - I don’t know ... probably the meaning of life and the mother of my future children ... I’m proud to fall on my knees, even if I love madly, I’ll go to another, leave without regret, and I won’t even leave a glance. I’ll start joking, even laughing, but I won’t show sadness to anyone. Let them say that you can’t order your heart, but know that I will even order my heart !!!

I love you. Let not at first sight. But until the last breath.

It's like it's from paradise. Free, like a bird fluttering. All unearthly, like the wind, mischievous, shy, but friendly. A little proud as hell, you know? Like nature in Paris, you never know. Silent, everything speaks with a dance. Charm with a smile and a soft blush.

I don't knock on closed door! In response, I silently close mine. I don't impose. The world is huge - and there certainly is someone who is happy to receive exactly my communication, my look and my smile. I'm not jealous. If a person is yours, then he is yours, and if he is drawn to somewhere else, then nothing will hold him back, and even more so, he is not worth my nerves or attention.