Correspondence with a girl in social networks. How to meet a girl on social networks? Preparing for an acquaintance: a few important rules

Every year, acquaintances on the streets and in clubs are losing their relevance. It is much easier to meet a girl in social networks without leaving your home. But even such a simple manipulation requires certain skills. After all, to start romantic relationship on the Internet, not everyone will take the risk. And only you can increase the percentage of such risk for the better.

How to start dating a girl on a social network?

There are several classic ways start with the object of your attention. Let's consider the most relevant ones:

  • Evaluation of photo and video materials of the girl;
  • Writing beautiful comments;
  • Sending gifts (paid gifts);
  • Talking about mutual acquaintances (if any);
  • A trick like “I confused you with someone else”;
  • Start a conversation directly "hello, how are you?"
  • The beginning of the conversation with a compliment "could not pass by such a beauty."

The first three methods are the most preferred. All girls love gifts and tokens, even online.

The next 2 options are related to attack on interest. Having interested a lady, you can easily get her location.

Beginning a conversation directly or giving a compliment is an easy method for a guy. But girls "don't bite too much" for him. For achievement best effect combine all these options and get a good result.

Acquaintance in social networks. Examples of correspondence

If you want to appear cool guy and ladies man, then you can write the following.

"Hey. We just need to get to know each other, because you beautiful girl and I'm a cool guy. "

Such a daring tackle will provoke a lady. And she will definitely want to know more about you by asking leading questions.

For those who consider themselves a romantic, suitable this version of the first message:

“You are so beautiful that in the whole search for VK there is no one better. Let me get to know you, if only just for communication. "

You can also write a simple text "no curtsies". It will look something like this:

"Hey. May I meet you. I know that girls don't meet on social media. networks, but maybe you will be an exception? "

Honestly and frankly. Women often complain about male lies... So the truth might work well.

In addition, you can start with trivial communication, not hinting at a relationship.

“Hello, how about chatting with interesting person... Not a maniac, I don't offer sex))) ".

Such a humorous approach will definitely be appreciated.

What do you need to meet a girl?

The better your page is optimized, the more likely you are to receive a positive response from the subject of attention. To get a lady interested, you will need:

  1. Put the most successful, but not fake, photo on your avatar;
  2. Delete all photos where you don't look your best;
  3. Put romantic status, like "a lone wolf is looking for his she-wolf";
  4. Fill your profile with attractive notes: interesting facts, celebrity statements;
  5. Write about yourself in detail, where you studied, where you were baptized, etc.

It is also worth paying attention to the writing style and language of communication. If you misspell and speak the courtyard dialect, the girls will stay away. Therefore, it is worthwhile to behave culturally, to be moderately assertive and interesting. This is the key to winning the heart of any beauty.

What shouldn't you do?

Do not try to attract attention of other people's photos. Also, do not pretend or wear psychological masks. Be yourself. After all, any deception is always revealed.

Try to chat with girls who don't have a lot of attention. If a lady is already bathed in likes and comments, then your chances are significantly reduced. Although ... you may be able to bypass everyone.

Don't be overly persistent. Feel the moment. If you write about your romantic or sexual intentions at the wrong time, you can get blacklisted without warning.

It's impossible to tell everything about how to meet a girl on social networks. Situations are different. And everything here depends only on you. Don't be afraid to take your first steps and plan every action. Then the representatives of the opposite sex will have no chance.





Life is too short to spend it alone, burning eyes in front of the monitor. You can use the internet to get acquainted with interesting girls... What phrases can you use to meet a girl on the Internet?

How to meet a girl on the Internet - phrases for dating

Guys are often looking for ready-made phrases and dialogues for dating girls on the Internet.

However, in order to get the girl's attention, you will have to work a little with your own head... Of course, if nature has endowed you with the beauty of David Beckham or the brutality of Fyodor Bondarchuk, then your chances of getting an answer even to the emoticon you send will be quite high.

Do not despair, even with an average appearance, you will be able to date girls 365 days a year.

Someday you will surely find among them the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.
Or ... you become a professional pick-up artist.
So, how to hook a girl?

Do not forget that every girl is an individual that can most of all be offended by your formulaic phrase.

Beaten up "hello", "how are you?" or the smiley just shouts that you sent them to a dozen more potential victims and wait for one of them to take your bait.

Do not be surprised if there is no catch at all. Get creative with the dating process.

Take a closer look at her photos. For example, in the photo she is in front of the Colosseum.

You are writing:

  • "You are probably as in love with Rome as I am?"

She is in the photo with the dog. Your phrase:

  • “I love Labradors. I want to get myself a puppy. Can you advise if it is difficult to raise them? "

Perhaps you are too lazy to spend time looking at photos.

Then come up with suitable phrase which won't sound trite, but will do in most cases. Sweat her pride, show your appreciation for her beauty:

  • “You are dressed with impeccable taste. Perhaps you are a professional stylist? "
  • “Probably, I have no chance to get to know a girl, especially with such a beauty. Let me know if this is not the case. "
  • “You are incredibly beautiful. Do not be offended if I turn to you on "you"? "

Pay attention, your phrases should prompt a response or action. Do not try to literally use phrases found on the Internet.

Come up with something of your own. After all, you will have to meet with a girl one on one, where you will have to be yourself.

How to start a chat or procedure

It is even easier to find the right phrases for dating a girl in VKontakte or another social network.

Here, in addition to photographs, you can see various details from the girl's life: where she studies (studied), where she works, how many friends she has, what kind of music she likes, what she puts on her wall.

Let's briefly describe the order of your actions:

  1. Study her profile.
  2. Change your profile a little (put yourself in the status of her favorite music; subscribe to the groups in which she takes part; clean the archive of your photos).
  3. Please comment on your favorite photos.
  4. Send her a private message.
  5. Invite her to add you as a friend.

Personal message should be personal. The template is the last thing you should count on.

What to write to a girl on VK? Get her interested, ask for something insignificant. For example, a girl is addicted to English language- you are asking for help to translate a phrase.

She is interested in fitness - ask which one gym better to go.

If you're really too lazy to come up with something, use the blanks.

For example:

  • “I noticed that you, like me, spend a lot of time on Vkontakte. Maybe we'd better go somewhere for a walk? "
  • “You are a cool girl! I'm a guy too! Do you want me to prove it? "

Forbidden phrases on the Internet

There are words, examples that almost everyone uses when meeting:

  • get to know each other;
  • Hey;
  • you're beautiful;
  • you have a boyfriend?;
  • how are you (how are you)

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with these words, but the girl will perceive you as a representative of the gray mass, one of many. And she needs the one and only.

Show her that you are. Trust me, it's not difficult at all. It is enough to work a little with your head and treat the object of your interest as a person.

You should not send emoticons as signs of attention - according to statistics, the probability of getting a smiley in response tends to zero.

Original phrases from pick-up artists

What to write when meeting a girl on the advice of professionals? Phrases used by pickupers can be great for online dating.

The pickup principle is to build a dialogue with unknown girl using non-standard phrases. This can be flattery, a compliment, or even an attempt to lower self-esteem.

  • “Girl, I'm calling the police. You stole my heart".
  • "Don't you want the perfect man?"
  • “You dress in an original way. Such things can only be found in second-hand stores. "
  • "Are you really that beautiful, or is your friend a professional photographer?"
  • “I think I'm not the first one who wants to meet you today. But I am the best. Would you like to check?"

Time does not stand still, technology is developing rapidly, and problems are young generation remain the same. When the guys were afraid to say the banal "hello". Today they do not dare to start the correspondence first. And, even if the young man managed to get the phone number of his passion, he does not dare to talk for a long time. But you can write an SMS. How to correspond with a girl you like? What to talk about, ask? These are the questions that most adolescents are concerned about.

Good start

For a successful SMS correspondence, it is important to start correctly, in an original way. The girl should receive a message that she has not yet had. A simple greeting or emoticon will not work. The girl needs to be interested. You can show originality in the first message like this:

  • Be witty. Can you make a girl unusual compliment, remark.
  • Be fun. The girl should smile when reading the message. But, jokes should be smart too.
  • Be educated. The girl can write some interesting fact, the news you just heard.

To start a dialogue, and not just play "one gate", the girl must receive a question from the guy. How to ask it? It is better to start a correspondence with a question. Then the passion will understand that you expect a reciprocal step from her. It is important that the question is simple, easy. She doesn't have to think about the answer all evening. The simplest, most common option is the question of how your day went.

The message must be free of errors. Before sending an SMS, be sure to check your punctuation and spelling. If the proposal, the question is not structured correctly, you do not need to wait for an answer. When you correspond, you need to be yourself. Do not try to appear smarter, better to the girl. She will immediately feel overwhelming. Busting over humor will also not play into your hands. Everything should be in moderation.

How to keep the attention of your passion?

If the girl, nevertheless, answered your question, started a dialogue with you, you need to keep her interest. If a guy can keep up the conversation through telephone correspondence, he is even more interesting with live communication. The purpose of the correspondence is to let the girl know about your character, interests, hobbies. And, if your wit is to her liking, she will want to meet you as soon as possible. real life.

You can hold attention in the following ways:

  • Share your interests. Football, cooking, martial arts be sure to interest the fairer sex.
  • Find common interests... Find out what the girl is fond of, try to find something in common in your hobbies and preferences.
  • Tell us that you would like to devote more to your hobby. She will understand that you have a rich life, a rich worldview.
  • Be smart. On a funny commentary from a passion, do not write a banal "ha-ha". Come up with the same funny, original answer.

Be sure to flirt. If she already answers you, is involved in a dialogue, flirting and compliments will be pleasant to her. This will only spur the conversation. In addition, the object of adoration will clearly understand that you like her. After easy flirting you can proceed to direct action. Try to show her in SMS correspondence that you constantly think about her. Show that you remember everything she talked about, wrote. Ask more questions about her personally.

Successful end of correspondence

To continue in common with a girl who you like in real life, you need to know when to stop, to end the correspondence. Do not send endless messages to passions. Obsession, excessive persistence will only scare her away. In the end, the girl has her own personal affairs, worries, she cannot answer you all the time.

If your loved one regularly ends the conversation herself, it is better to wait until she writes first. You need to give her time to solve her problems, and not strain even more. Ending a conversation should always be positive. A funny message gives you a reason to write to you tomorrow. You can tell the girl that you are going to a concert, to meet with friends. Then next time you will have a topic for discussion.

The end of the conversation could be like this:

  • Always write good night.
  • Write that it was fun and interesting for you to communicate today.
  • Make it clear what you think of her.
  • Tell us what you plan to do after talking with her.

After the SMS correspondence is regular and successful, you can safely invite the girl on a date. And even this must be done correctly. Avoid official, straightforward standard phrases (“I invite you on a date”). Say that you are going to a bar, cinema, theater, ask if she would like to keep you company. Even if you get rejected, this is not the end of the world. Perhaps the girl already has plans for this evening, and you will be able to meet in real life next time.

What to correspond with a girl on VK?

A modern world without social networks seems impossible. And for adolescents, teenagers, young people, virtual life seems more real than usual. Most of the communication is conducted via Internet mail. Also, social networks - great option dating. How to get to know a girl on VK correctly?

You need to start with correct design personal page in contact. To interest your passion, you need to upload high-quality photographic material. Business card the guy is a normal photographic portrait, but in a good enlargement. There should be a minimum of entourage, photoshop, maximum naturalness.

On your page, a girl should find a photo from personal life, with friends, from vacation. She will understand that you are having fun, richly spending your free time, do you have a hobby. So you are an interesting person, and you have something to talk about. It is equally important to mark up photos with other girls. The passion will have a question about these representatives of the fairer sex, and you will have a reason to talk about them, to start a conversation.

Before starting a conversation in VK, carefully analyze the girl's page. This will reveal something in common. So, from your profile on the social network, you will learn:

  • Girl's hobby;
  • Her interests by group;
  • How often does she log into VK;
  • How many fans she has;
  • Who are her friends (maybe you have in common).

Don't start by texting right away. First, add a passion as a friend. If she accepts your offer, you can start communicating. It is not necessary to write her a private message. You can start with a flattering comment under the photo, rating the avatar.

Correct communication on a social network

There are several rules for communicating with a girl. Observing them, you will definitely succeed in making a new acquaintance. First, you need to decide on the purpose of communication. You just want to chat, find a new friend, or plan a subsequent construction Serious relationships... Depending on the goal and choose the communication style.

The general rules for online correspondence are as follows:

  1. Be positive. The girl should be having fun, just chatting with you. Appropriate humor is always by the way. But the ridiculous sarcasm will only alienate the fairer sex.
  2. Be literate. Spelling and punctuation errors are simply unacceptable. Believe me, the first thing women pay attention to during correspondence is literacy. In the absence of such, your communication will end before it has begun.
  3. To be polite. Greet the girls with each conversation, and then say goodbye. Elementary politeness, ethics will attract a girl.
  4. Intrigue. To provoke a girl, keep the intrigue. It will be interesting for her to communicate in this spirit. Next time she will start the correspondence herself.
  5. Be interested. Show interest in the girl's hobbies, hobbies, and life. If a young man only talks about himself, few people will like it.
  6. Be different. You can turn from a brutal macho into an incorrigible romantic.

Examples of correspondence

What to talk to a pen girl about? How to answer her questions? As soon as you write "hello" to her, she will have a lot of questions. And the first is who you are. And this is natural, because the woman does not know you, she hasn’t seen you before. Try to answer yourself this question, and write. Your message may be like this: “Hi, I'm Andrey. I am a cool, funny guy, and I would like to chat with you. "

Also, the girl will definitely be interested in what you need from her. You don't need to play around here, but talk about your goals. Be sure to compliment your passion that she is beautiful, and it is very interesting for you to start a correspondence with her. It is the correspondence, do not try to immediately meet with her. Everything should be gradual, go on as usual.

How to correspond with a girl you like? Here real examples the first messages from which you can start a conversation in a contact:

  • "Hello Kate. My name is Sasha, and I am also fond of this musical group (sport, book). I saw you have the same community. I have plans to attend their concert, but have not yet decided whether it is worth it. Please advise. "
  • “Hello Marina. My sister's birthday is in a week, and I still haven't decided on a gift. So I decided to ask the girls on VKontakte about the presentation options. Please tell me. "
  • “Good afternoon, Christina. I think I saw you at TSUM last night. You are very beautiful both in life and in the photo. So I just decided to pay you a compliment. "

These are all general, approximate phrases that can be adjusted to suit the interests of the girl. But, the message should contain a polite greeting, compliment, question (request). In any case, the girl will give you an answer, and after that the dialogue will start.

Remember that she will not immediately fall in love with you. Don't rush things. Always keep her interested. Send her online rhymes and pictures regularly. They can be both romantic and humorous. It all depends on the woman. Once your conversations are casual and regular, you can ask her for a phone number. After all, chatting with a girl online is just one of the ways to communicate. Already with a lively conversation, real love can come.

Despite the fact that the easiest and most common way of dating is in real life, we will tell you how to meet a girl on VK, since this is one of the most popular social networks in which you can meet more than one sultry beauty. but with several at once, so as not to waste time and money on one single one, with which it may not work out.

Moreover, if the weather is not outside, it is much better to sit at home with a cup of tea or coffee and just chat, and maybe make interesting new acquaintances.

How to meet a girl on VK - preparation

Before you start texting a girl, you need to understand how to properly meet a girl in contact, just write "Hello, how are you?" not worth it, first you need to:

  • Design your page correctly;
  • Understand what to write when meeting a girl in VK;
  • Understand what is worth talking about and what is worth asking.

We correctly form the wanderer

Before starting communication, you need to make sure that your page stands out, without this to your question "How to meet a girl on VK?" you cannot find the answer, because girls love with their eyes at first.

Bad photos on the page - your chances are close to zero. If you want to lure, look for a photographer, your high quality photos will serve you in full. However, do not limit yourself to a photographic portrait, as it will not tell you anything about you. Try to attract the girl's attention with your energy, activity, show that you are not sitting at home and your life is full of excitement, adventure, drive, adrenaline. Also use a little trick on the photo - it's GIRLS. Let it be your girlfriends, or your friends, or just a stranger with whom you have a photo as a keepsake. This will give an advantage, since on the other side of the screen, the girl will realize that you are not a notorious guy, intrigue and conquer.

After the photos are ready, you can proceed to further processing of information about yourself. Write about where you studied, your hobbies, what kind of music you prefer. Do not overdo it and tell everything that is, at a minimum, because if a girl finds out everything, she will not be interested.

What to write to meet a girl on VK?

If preparatory stage passed, time to think about how to meet a girl on VKontakte, beautiful template your page is not enough. You need to prove in practice that you are a successful and confident guy.

Vkontakte is one of the best people search engines. It will not be difficult to find the same girl, since you can indicate both the age and the place of study, the most important thing is to find out if the girl is free to this moment... It is necessary to set two parameters: "Not married", "B active search", If you do not set any parameters, you can make a mistake with your choice.

And now to the main thing, how to meet a girl in VK by correspondence? To do this, you need to understand where to start the conversation.

Every person, not only a girl, asks herself the following series of questions:

  1. Who are you anyway?
  2. Why are you writing to her?
  3. And why did he choose her?

Therefore after welcome words tell her:

"Who are you anyway?"

So that the girl has no doubts that you are not another acquaintance of her friend who wants to mock, you are not trying to sell her anything, tell her that you are just a funny guy who wants to meet such a charming girl.

"Why are you writing to her?"

We answered this question in the first sentence. Don't make a girl wait. Lay out your goal right away.

"Why did you choose her?"

At this point, you should write what really attracted you to her, how she hooked you, maybe her appearance, and maybe in the description of her hobbies, you have something in common. Do not forget that you do not need to lie to her, because sooner or later it will be revealed.

What can you talk about and what questions can you ask?

To understand how to get to know a VK girl, you also need to learn about what is worth saying, what questions can be asked and what not.

The first communication should be relaxed, easy, pleasant. To achieve this result, you must:

  • Do not tell the girl constantly about how beautiful she is, how you really want to meet. This can alert her, scare her away, and she may also decide that you are flattering her;
  • You should not ask her something negative, not interesting, as this will become a huge disadvantage when starting an acquaintance;
  • Just forget about frankness. You should not rush things, especially when you have just begun communication;
  • Conversations on the topics of fishermen, hunting, cars will lead nowhere, unless of course the girl herself starts them.

The most suitable topics for the first communication is:

  • Hobby;
  • Movies, music, pictures;
  • Trips;
  • Pets;
  • What do you dream about and what do you want from life.

In this article, you learned how to get acquainted on VK, but for more illustrative example we have prepared a correspondence for you:

  1. An example of simple acquaintances;
  2. An example of dating with intrigue;
  3. An example of a quick meeting.

An example of simple dating

After you have chosen a potential girlfriend, write to her after a short period of time:

You: “Hello! You know, it seems we don't know each other =) "

She: “Hello! Oh really? But it seems to me that you are right) "

You: "It's time to fix this mistake"

She: “Ok. I am Karina, 4th year economist, I want to have a kitten =) "

You: “Eugene. Tall, handsome and sexy. Doctor of Science ... Glad to meet you) "

You: "What kind of kitten do you want?"

She: "Seriously, doctor? =)"

She: “I want a nice little white fluffy, I always dreamed about it. But my parents were against it, and since I now live alone, I can buy a kitten.

You: “And I have a Bombay cat, named Ugolyok. Doctor of Philology =) "

She: "mmm, blackie, you and I are just like yin and yang =)"

You: "The opposite is getting closer)"

The next day:

You: "Hello, pussy)"

She: "Hello"

You: "It's late, what's not in pastel?"

She: "I work, and how did you spend your day?"

You remembered old days, met with fellow students =) "

She: "Yes, you can have fun in Insta"

You: "What did you do?"

She: "I was in pairs, then I visited the rocking chair, and now I am writing an article to order."

You: "Journalist?"

She: "I hope, a future journalist"

You: "Do you study economics?)"

She: “I like journalism more, but my parents persuaded me to go to the economy”

You: "I think you will succeed. How about calling tomorrow, write your phone number)"

She: "*********** not earlier than 6 call)"

An example of dating intrigue

You: "I know your best secret!"

She: “Yes, really? And where?"

You: "To be honest, I didn't believe until the very end."

She: "Actually, we don't know each other !!!"

She: "And what is it?"

You: "Write your phone number and I will share your secret with you)"

She: "*********** Just for the sake of curiosity, I'll meet you"

You: "Ok see you tomorrow"

Example of a quick meeting

You: “It's too cold outside. Let's chat in a warmer place and eat. I'll pick you up. "

She: "Graevka"

You: "What's your number, I'll call you when I get there"

She: "***********"

What kind of communication to choose - it certainly depends on you. But we suggest trying all the options for communication, since in practice it will be clear how to get to know a girl in contact is preferable and more effective for you.

Discussion: 12 comments

    I once also asked many how to get to know a VK girl, kind of unobtrusively, but also to show that you liked her. Many told me to write to her and confess, then invite her for a walk. I didn't. Then I came across this article, sat, read, realized that I had made some mistakes. Now I sit and think about what to do next))

    I always thought that getting to know each other on VK is very simple. I found myself a girlfriend, wrote and that's it. I've never been so wrong. How much I had to do to get her attention. Then I still did not think that it was not necessary to talk about everything that you think))) I read some phrases from the article, apparently I was wrong. You need to plan your VK conversation very well, it just turns out some kind of game.

    I talked to the girl on VKontakte. I really liked her. It was so easy to talk to her there that I didn't even really think about what, how and when to write to her. We sat for half the night and talked. Then we agreed to meet. In general, we did not find mutual language in the real life. We don't communicate anymore. But advice might come in handy for guys, well written.

    One friend advised me how to meet a girl in contact. He said that you should not rush her and ask some very personal questions that might confuse her. And now, for the sake of interest, I read the article and realized that my friend's advice was very helpful!)

    Here the author advises talking from the very beginning with a girl about cinema, wine and dominoes, such as hobbies, music, and discussing animals. When they ask me for example about this, it is very annoying) I don't know what they should ask me about during the first conversations, but I would never continue the conversation if they came to talk about anything like this, and then bam - I like you ...

    Oh, and my interlocutor just really liked the boyish topics of conversation. She is so tech-savvy that this is something !!! We even had time to argue with her. After communication, we met several times, it seems that something is planned. Now I looked at the article, I myself adhered to many points))

    And I would also add that you shouldn't write to the girl right away and try to get her to talk. Many people really do not like this. For example, I liked her photos, she traveled a lot. I polikal them, then asked where she was in these photos, how she was in that country, what was interesting. She herself willingly answered. So we met)

    The girl, with whom I tried to speak, in the first message asked who I am and what I want. He was a little confused, but then he pulled himself together. Well, I laid out my goal, as the author pointed out here ... He said that I like it, I want to communicate. Well, I flew safely to her emergency!

    I liked her so much that at first I lied a little about myself. Then we agreed to call her on Skype, everything is ok. Then we met. And then she found out what I had hidden from her. I was terribly uncomfortable that I lied to her, she was very upset, but somehow everything worked out. Do not lie to the girl from the very first minutes! (

    Huh. We generally met her on the forum. Well, how we met, she didn’t know who I was, she just liked talking to her. Wrote VK, but first got on this page and read the author's recommendations)) Some tips helped a lot, now we communicate as if soul mates)))

    Most easy option in my opinion - on dating sites. I do this, choose the questionnaire and send a paid gesture of attention, in it I add a phone number and the message “Call me sadly”, unforgettable compliments, something like “So sweet, I liked you”. The girl will call back anyway, they understand that they are not stingy, howling efficient way, if a girl called, in any case, we invite you on a date, but there is more humor, the main thing is not to be boring.

    In relationships, I communicate there, due to the fact that there are many other options for dating: games, tests, flirting, etc.





How attractive girls are and how incomprehensible to men!

Sometimes the guy does not know which side to approach the desired person, because he loses the gift of speech and cannot utter a word.

What mysterious creatures are these girls?

How different they are from simple and understandable guys, comrades in football matches and going to a beer bar!
Everything is so simple there, but here ...

  • What does she want?
  • What words to say when meeting, when meeting?

Basic rules of communication

Many are interested in how to properly communicate with a girl on social networks, what rules to follow? If you think that a girl is your best sidekick, then you are greatly mistaken. The girl may not want to communicate with you as a friend.
This is not a sidekick: this is a delicate romantic flower filled with an alluring aroma of the unknown. Like any flower, a girl needs care and tenderness.

Yes exactly! She should not be rudely grabbed by the hand, actively slapped on the shoulder and allowed “non-lexical expressions” when talking.

Girls are repulsed by rudeness! Girls are repulsed by cynicism and the manifestation of cruelty towards someone or something.

If you do not pay attention to the small bug, peacefully crawling along the twig, then she will pay attention to it and rejoice at the beauty of its wings. You are not interested in this bug! But you want to fix trusting relationship With girl? So don't say that this is nonsense!

Show her, well, first the trick itself.
It will be much easier to communicate with you.

Or take interesting topics for conversation and learn to communicate. In addition to the communication itself, you also need to choose the right topics.

The increased emotionality of girls is not really a bad character trait. It will constantly amaze and bring endless variety to life. Of course, you will have to endure tantrums sometimes, but life is black-white-striped. So, it's okay!

What can not be required from a girl:

  • Cold-blooded, reasonable, rational and logically verified behavior based on the arguments of pure reason.
  • Active actions focused on domination and conquest of new space, successful competitive struggle.
  • Competently understand technology, take part in risky adventures, football matches.
  • Forbid to communicate with girlfriends.
➤ Secrets: Often girls want to know how to become attractive so that guys pay attention to them - we will tell you how to do this.

How to behave with a beautiful girl:

  • Pay more attention to her life interests and do not say that all this is nonsense.
  • Ask more often what worries and worries her, and how you can help in this situation. You have no idea how girls appreciate the care and attention of the opposite sex! They feel secure.
  • Show not only strength, but also weakness. Strong courageous man playing with a kitten with tenderness will delight the girl and a storm positive emotions! It will look "so touching" in her eyes ...
  • Never push romance into the background! A girl, like a woman without romance, will wither like a flower without water. Why do you need a herbarium in your collection?
  • ➤ New: Check out our interesting article and you will find out what simple questions you can ask a guy to keep up a conversation with him. Often, girls are confused about whether it is possible to shave their legs during pregnancy and who in general came up with this fantasy.
  • Compliments! Maybe for you it looks like unnecessary delirium, but for a girl a compliment is life-giving. morning dew nourishing a sun-weary flower ... Remember: if you don't compliment her, she will find them elsewhere.
    And this will be justified on her part. Is it hard to compliment her "sophisticated" driving style?
  • Never turn into her shadow. An outspoken henpecked person will get bored with time.
  • Showing concern is your trump card! Bring sweetheart fresh flavored coffee going to bed will not be difficult, but will give a high rating score in her beautiful eyes!
  • Never show your aggression towards her family and friends. The law of blood has not been canceled yet, and you will be a big plus from this.
  • Don't ignore her complaints about anything. Once again have pity on her by not reading the moral code.
    She does not need a structured analysis of the situation - she needs sympathy and support. That's what she wants with her complaints!

How to have a conversation with a girl and choose the right topics

If you do not know what to communicate with a girl on the Internet, then remember even this difficult task has a solution. Is needed here creativity and ingenuity, as well as the ability to feel her mood. It's not difficult at all, because her mood is written on her face. Looking at the expression on your face, you can build a conversation.

Try to start interesting conversation(for you it is interesting!) on the topic of your favorite football team and you will see the corresponding reaction - boredom and bewilderment. You don't need it.

Any girl will be quite interested in talking about visiting interesting places, the beauty of nature and cultural recreation.

Even if you are not interested in painting and architecture, and you do not care what style this or that architectural ensemble is made in, still show your sincere admiration for what she admires.

This will give weight in her eyes and build confidence.

In general, learn the rule: what she likes, you also like. You can never go wrong!

Girls are very attracted to stories about high dreams and aspirations in life. It would be nice to talk about your childhood desires to visit space and see the inside of the moon. All girls are constantly dreaming about something, for example, putting on a fabulous Wedding Dress to look like a princess.

Therefore, with your dreams you will find yourself just in the right stream of conversation and create the image of a romantic young man.

Given the natural curiosity inherent in every girl, you can tell her a few stories from the life of your ... neighbors! You need to speak in the tone of a conspirator and whisper the most interesting details in your ear.

And if you have run out of all the stories and plots in your arsenal, you can transfer the "steering" to the girl herself by asking a question about her hobby! Trust me, this is an endless topic!

All men should remember one important rule when dealing with girls: they like protectors! Therefore, try to look like a noble knight in her eyes, not don Juan.

Don Juan's image is unlikely to attract well-bred girl... Especially you can't speak frankly about sex - it's a taboo on first dates! Remember firmly: you cannot! It will be possible later, with closer contact.

How to take ordinary and boring conversation to another level

In this case, there should be a couple of funny fascinating stories... Let them be invented, but they should be interesting!

Girls are very fond of humor, but not rude and vulgar!

And after that, you can transfer the topic to how you saved a kitten from imminent starvation as a child by pulling it out of a dark damp basement. Saving the life of a living creature will not leave a single girl indifferent.

When you told your interesting stories, you can ask her to tell something from life. The girls are distinguished by their talkativeness, so they will willingly agree to continue the conversation in this vein.

And your attentive participation in the conversation will give the girl even more excitement! And if you gently take her hand at the same time, then the inspiration for the stories will increase.

That's the whole rule: a fascinating start to the conversation with the transition to her active role in stories about her beloved cat, funny parrot and indoor flowers. Just listen to it very carefully! This is especially credible.

  • Given the moral prohibitions and taboos accepted in society, girls try to follow them, which often leads to complexes and different kinds clamps in the sexual sphere.
    Therefore, when communicating with a girl on delicate topics, you need to be very careful not to hurt the psyche and not cause even more complexes. This applies, of course, to well-mannered and good girls.
  • Never let yourself frank conversations on a sexual topic, with clarification of all the details. Everything can be done in a softer and more acceptable form, replacing frank words with allegorical statements.
  • Girls love to command, but this is more related to the everyday sphere of communication. In bed, they like to feel more submissive. This is nature.
  • Do not try to demand the behavior of famous and well-known erotic stars in bed from a girl! Don't confuse theater with life ...

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