Summer solstice of the year. The summer solstice is truly a magical day. What magic is Midsummer Day suitable for?

Solstice is one of two days of the year when the Sun is at its greatest angular distance from the celestial equator, i.e. when the Sun's height above the horizon at noon is minimum or maximum. This leads to the longest day and shortest night (summer solstice) in one hemisphere of the Earth and to the most short day and the longest night (winter solstice) - in another.

The day of the summer solstice is the day of the beginning of summer in the northern hemisphere of the Earth and the beginning of winter in the southern hemisphere, that is, if the inhabitants of the northern part of the Earth from that moment are at the beginning of the astronomical summer, then the astronomical winter will begin for the inhabitants of the southern hemisphere at the same time.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs on June 20, 21 or 22. In the southern hemisphere, these dates account for winter solstice... Due to various inequalities in the movement of the Earth, the epochs of the solstices fluctuate by 1-2 days.

In 2017, the astronomical summer in the northern hemisphere will begin on June 21 at 04.24 UTC (UTC, 07.24 Moscow time).

On the day of the summer solstice at the latitude of Moscow, the Sun rises above the horizon to an altitude of more than 57 degrees, and in territories located above the latitude of 66.5 degrees (the Arctic Circle), it does not go beyond the horizon at all, and the day lasts around the clock. At the North Pole of the Earth, the Sun moves across the sky at the same height around the clock. There is a polar night at the South Pole at this time.

During several adjacent solstice days, the Sun's noon heights in the sky are almost unchanged; hence the name of the solstice. After the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, the day decreases and the night gradually begins to increase. In the southern hemisphere, the opposite is true.

For millennia, the day of the summer solstice was of great importance to our ancient ancestors, subject to natural cycles. In the days of the pagans, the sun had divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice meant the highest flowering of all the forces of nature.

In the old days, even before the advent of Christianity, the Kupala holiday dedicated to the ancient pagan god Kupala was timed to coincide with the summer solstice.

On this day and night, they wove wreaths, drank surya (honey drink), jumped over fires, made sacrifices to water and fire, collected medicinal herbs, performed rituals invoking the harvest, and "cleansing the soul and body" of bathing in rivers, lakes and streams. The fern occupied the central place among the vegetation that night. It was believed that a fern flower, blooming only for a moment at midnight, would indicate exactly where the treasure was buried.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Evening will come only after nine o'clock in the evening

Today is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere of our planet. This means that daylight hours will last longer today than on any other day. In Moscow, for example, the Sun began to rise above the horizon as early as 3:45, and the sunset would come only at 21:18. V Southern hemisphere today, on the other hand, should be the shortest and the night the longest

The summer solstice can fall on June 20 (usually at leap years) or on June 22, but it is on June 21 that it occurs most often. The height to which the Sun rises above the horizon today will be the maximum in the Northern Hemisphere, and the minimum for the entire year in the Southern Hemisphere. At the same time, for several days before and after June 21, the luminary at noon turns out to be practically at the same height, although in other periods of the year this indicator changes somewhat more rapidly. That is why the word "solstice" is used to designate today. At the north and south poles of the Earth, today is the middle of a six-month polar day and polar night, respectively.

Scientists call today the beginning of the astronomical summer in Eurasia, North America and most of Africa; and astronomical winters in Australia and South America.

In many countries, there are traditions, one way or another associated with the onset of the very long day in the year, even if they rarely coincide with "astronomically" exact date... In particular, from the evening of June 23 (July 6 according to the new style) and until June 24 (July 7) it is celebrated folk holiday Eastern Slavs Ivan Kupala. In Sweden, Latvia and some other countries, the summer solstice is officially considered a day off.

From tomorrow, the day in the Northern Hemisphere will begin to gradually decrease, and in the Southern Hemisphere - to increase. September 22 will be the day vernal equinox, when day and night on the whole Earth will last almost equally (if you do not take into account the influence of atmospheric refraction, because of which the day will still be slightly longer), and on December 21 - the day of the winter solstice.

In 2017, the summer solstice will begin on the morning of June 21, at 7.24 to be exact. On this day warm energy the sun will be at its peak because the star is at its zenith. The people have always given this day special meaning and even the pagans celebrated the Kupala holiday in honor of the sun god on the summer solstice. Today, special attention is paid to the day by astrologers, who believe that the energy is extremely strong and everyone can use it by programming themselves for positive and joyfulness.

Ivan Kupala holiday

Many cultures celebrate the summer solstice as a special occasion. The Eastern Slavs have preserved such a holiday as Ivana Kupala, which brought together both the traditions of paganism and the traditions of Christianity. But earlier the pagans on the territory of Russia celebrated the Kupala holiday in honor of the deity of the fusion of water, fire, as it were, of the fusion of heaven and earth.

There are two versions about the date modern holiday Ivana Kupala,. But in honor of the summer solstice this year, an event is celebrated from 21 to 22 June. During the day, the girls gather and weave wreaths, at night they dance around the fire and sing songs, but just about the waters are trying to stay away. The ritual of purification by fire has survived, when they jump over a fire in order to purify the energy of their field. Water, namely morning dew, heals and gives youth, beauty.

Many European festivals that take place throughout Europe are timed to coincide with the summer solstice. They are very beautiful folk traditions, which have a very mediocre relationship to Christianity, but still from pagan times were passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation.

When fern bloom

In ancient times, the Kupala holiday was closely associated with the cult of fertility. Collected plants such as St. John's wort and hare cabbage, white lilies and fennel. People gathered together in open meadows in the middle of nature to sing and dance, weave wreaths, and jump over kostas.

But at midnight they sent to search flowering fern... Yes, botanists will say that this plant does not bloom. But on folk beliefs it is on this night that the fern blooms and, if you find its flower, then this will ensure happiness, stability and prosperity for the whole year.

Power of fire

The summer solstice in 2017 will be June 21, which date it starts and then progresses to June 22. With the onset of darkness on June 21, torchlight processions and bonfires are necessarily arranged. It used to be believed that this attracts the strongest energy of this day. Be sure to jump over the fire to cleanse their aura and strengthen the family, to protect children. The lovers had to jump over the fire three times for their love to last forever. Read about for a delicious rich soup.

How to deal with evil spirits and be protected

There are a lot of legends, you need to understand that they are all associated with paganism and traditions that existed among the people at that time. The ancient people believed that on this night Perun enters into a battle with demons, he ascended in a golden chariot high into the sky and then tempered the tormenting heat with a pouring rain. By the way, preserved folk omen that rain on the Kupala holiday means a good harvest. The image of the oak acted as family tree in which life flows, the strength of the spirit grows and there is a continuation of the race.

On the holiday of the summer solstice, the ancestors, who believed in the plurality of gods, took care of both the purity of the physical body and the purity of the energy shell. The herbs already mentioned in this material were used to remove spoilage and strengthen the energy cocoon. So, on June 21, 2017, you just need to think only about the good, drive away from yourself negative thoughts- this is already, thanks to strong energy the sun will bring the right vibrations into life.

When the sun is farthest from the equator, the solstice days come. According to the astronomical calendar, the solstice point in summer 2017 will be in Taurus. Her transfer from Gemini took place only in 1988. The change in points is caused by the changing direction of the axis of the Earth, as a result of the attraction of the Sun. When discussing the date of the solstice, consider the difference between the time / date in the time zone and Greenwich Mean Time.

From time immemorial, these days were especially revered by ancient peoples. Our ancestors worshiped the Sun and held various celebrations in its honor. Over a huge period of time, signs, traditions and beliefs were born among the people. We will talk about this further ...


The people also called this day "solstice". Our luminary reaches its maximum height, making it the longest day. In Moscow it will be 21.06. at 04:24. Before and after this period, "white nights" are observed. The most famous city in Russia, where they are most pronounced, is St. Petersburg.

Our ancestors, who lived in harmony with nature, widely celebrated this holiday. Many names of this day have survived:

  • Kupala;
  • Feast of Lita;
  • The day of Ivan.

Even the current church could not erase the memory of pagan generations and introduced its own holiday, John the Baptist, on these days.

Pagans personify the Sun with a deity that rules over all living things. The summer solstice is the maximum flowering of nature, and therefore the winning will of supernatural forces.

Traditions of the peoples of the world

Celebration of the Celts - Lita, signs

On this day, the ancient people decorated their homes with various plants: St. John's wort, fennel, birch, white lilies, danced and sang songs to the glory of the sun, and in the evening they kindled fires as a symbol of warmth. Far away in the forest, food and spices for elves. It was believed that jumping over a blazing fire together brought prosperity, health and vitality family. belief magic power the fire was so great that the coals from the fire were preserved for medicinal purposes. Also, the herbs collected on the day of the solstice were guarded, with the help of which they drove away evil forces and diseases.


The celebration symbolized the influence of the sun on the earth. Baltic peoples asked for harvest, health and strong family... They also believed in the power of fire and believed that the higher the fire, the less evil force remains on the ground. The holiday was called Midsummer's Night, during which people walked until morning, jumped over the fire and lowered flowers into the water. People living on the seashore burned old boats, believing in the beginning new time... The traditions of this holiday have been preserved to this day. From 21 to 25 June, various folklore festivals are held in many Baltic countries.

Old Russian

In Russia, mermaids were honored until the day of the solstice. The tradition has its roots in ancient times, when the ashes of dead soldiers were floated on boats along the river. Thus, the Russian people saluted their ancestors who died defending native land... After that, it was the turn of the celebration of Kupala and the most blessed month of Kresen. All celebrations took place with bonfires and near water. There was a massive ablution and appeal to higher powers with the request good harvest and the cleansing of the soul. The Russian people, with their inherent breadth, celebrated the middle of summer: they drank mead, walked, had fun, believing that evil spirits would go away forever.

Solstice dates change due to the leap shift and differ by 1-2 days. Astronomically, winter begins with the December "solstice", and summer begins with the June one. On these days, the Sun practically does not change declination. Its height changes over the year almost in a sinusoidal manner. This is where the very phenomenon of the solstice comes from. In the Southern Hemisphere, the solstice is reversed.


The luminary on this day is at its minimum height, the most long night and the shortest day. In 2017, 21.12 at 16:28, the Sun, moving in its orbit, will reach a minimum declination of 23 ° and 26 ′ and an astronomical winter will begin.

  • In Moscow The sun will be 11 ° above the horizon.
  • At latitude more than 66.5 ° The sun will not rise at all, there will be only twilight, saying that the light was under the horizon.
  • At the North Pole there will not even be twilight, the position of the Sun can be learned only by the constellations.

On December 21, 2017, our star, moving in its orbit, will pass the 18th hour meridian, begin to rise along the ecliptic and, after overcoming the celestial equator, will begin to move towards the vernal equinox. The day will start to increase, the night will get shorter.

People have watched this day for a long time. It was used to judge the future harvest, for example, frost on trees means a successful generous year for cereals.

On the day of the winter solstice in Russia, there was a ritual in which the bell-ringer of the Moscow cathedral informed the tsar about the increase in the day and the turn of the sun for summer, receiving money for this from the sovereign.

The pagans celebrated this day New Year... Lighting a fire, they asked their deity for Kolyada fast offensive summer so that the sun rises faster.

The holiday for all peoples personified the Sun. The Slavs baked a festive round cake. The Scots set fire to a tar-coated barrel, the spin of which created the sensation of the sun. In Europe, a festival was held to celebrate the turn of nature towards summer. V ancient China made an offering to the God of heaven and celebrated the "beginning of a new life." Solstice was considered the most successful day and, probably, that is why it is celebrated to our time. In India at this time there was also a festival called Sankranti. Before going to the temple, people kindled a fire - a symbol of the future warmth.

Year Solstice date GMT)
Solstice 2018 winter 21.12 22:23
2018 summer 21.06 10:07
2019 winter 22.12 04:19
2019 summer 21.06 15:54
2020 winter 21.12 10:02
2020 summer 20.12 21:44

The summer solstice is the day the sun reaches its highest position. For many centuries, this day (like the winter solstice, which falls on December 21) had great value for our ancient ancestors.

"Vesti" found out when and how this day is celebrated.

When the summer solstice

The middle of natural summer and the longest daylight hours of the year for Ukrainians will come on June 21 at 07.24 am Kiev time.

In the next year, 2018, the summer solstice will fall on 13.07 Kiev time, but also on June 21.

Equinox and Solstice

The days of the equinox and solstices measure the change of seasons, that's just not calendar, but astronomical.

Equinox is two dates of spring and autumn, when day and night have equal time in duration throughout the world: 12 hours for the day and 12 hours for the night.

And the solstice is, respectively, the longest day (summer solstice) and the most short night(winter).

Midsummer's Day: Holiday

For the first time, people began to celebrate the day of the summer solstice long before our era, although scientists still have not figured out at what point in time representatives of a particular culture began to celebrate this day.

The summer solstice festival was of great importance to the pagans. It was believed that many aspects of his life depend on the rituals performed by a person on this day - from health to marital status- throughout next year... So the holiday was extremely popular.

Mentions of the celebration of the solstice can be found not only among the Slavs, but also among the Europeans, the Balts. Even today it is celebrated in Sweden, Poland, Belarus and other countries. And in Finland this day is an official public holiday.

The celebration of this day at Stonehenge deserves special attention. Most scholars agree that in the distant past, it was this place that the Druids chose for their rituals. The Celts, they say, believed that on the day of the solstice, the fertilization of Mother Earth by the God of the Sun took place. Today, thousands of people gather at Stonehenge on the summer solstice to pay tribute to the old Celtic traditions.

Interestingly, the holiday was celebrated even in Nazi Germany. Moreover, in terms of its scale, it was not inferior to the ancient pagan celebrations: with the onset of darkness, people made fires and jumped over them, arranged torchlight processions, dances and games.

Summer solstice rituals

In all countries, rituals involving fire and water are held on this day. Large bonfires are almost always made and people swim in natural reservoirs or baths. These rituals are believed to help purify the soul. In Sweden, Germany and other states on this day it is customary to install a maypole in any crowded place, symbolizing the triumph of good.

The summer solstice is associated with the power of fire and its purifying effect. In the cleansing flame, mothers burned shirts worn by sick children. According to legend, along with the clothes, the disease burned down.

A ritual for change

To dramatically change your life for the better, on the night of June 21-22, you need to spend an hour by the reservoir, taking with you a mug of spring water. From time to time take a sip with the words: "As the water runs, hurries, changes, so may my life change for the better."

The ritual must be performed from dusk to dawn.

Wealth ritual

Take any coin, put it in a vessel or a small bowl of water, add a few drops of essential oil (myrrh, mint, orange, cinnamon) to it and place it under the direct rays of the rising sun.

Ask the sun to charge the coin with power, wealth and leave it for 1.5-2 hours. Remove from the water, wipe dry, sprinkle the coin again essential oil and put in the wallet - for soon attraction of money.

Russian week-2017

And the seven days before the solstice (solstice) are called Rusal Week. In 2017 Rusalnaya a week will pass from May 29 to June 6.

Our ancestors believed that at this time the mermaids return to their pools and no longer touch people if they suddenly found themselves on the shore of the reservoir at an inopportune hour.

Rusnaya week-2017: rituals

The ancestors collected food: bread and salt, honey, and an egg. All this was placed on the banks of a pond, stream or near an old powerful birch in a secluded place. A candle was lit nearby. After that, the person mentally or aloud turned to the ancestors with words of love and gratitude, asked to protect him and his family.

You must leave without looking back when the candle burns out. Goodbye to tie a bright ribbon on a tree branch.