How to make an origami dolphin step by step. A master class for joint design in the family circle of paper crafts “Dolphin diving in the waves. Quilling souvenir

Dolphins are considered the most amazing creatures all over the world. And not in vain! After all, this is one of the most intelligent, friendly and sensitive creatures. There are many legends and myths about dolphins, which tell how they helped sailors who were in trouble, saved drowning people. The intelligence of the dolphin is so high that it can be compared with humans. They always help each other, never leave their brothers in trouble.

Every child, and an adult too, will be very pleased to do it with their own hands. marine life from paper. And if this inhabitant is a dolphin, then doing crafts will be doubly interesting. paper craft you can decorate the room (put it on a shelf, place it on the wall or hang it from the eaves). This is especially relevant creative work after relaxing on the sea coast, because, looking at it, you will remember the warm sea, hot beach sand, and possibly the dolphinarium, which you managed to visit during your vacation.

We propose to do original crafts in different techniques and varying degrees of difficulty.

Application for children "Funny Dolphins"

Work made of cardboard and colored paper will not require special skills during the manufacturing process and will not cause difficulties. For kids preschool age it is worthwhile to pre-prepare dolphin templates, for older children it will be possible to prepare everything you need on your own.

Required materials and tools:

Step by step description of the work progress:

  1. Cut out according to the stencil 2 parts of the body of the dolphin. You should get 6 parts.
  1. We stick blanks blue color on the basis of the body. In this case, you should get 2 dolphins in a mirror image.
  2. We draw the eyes.
  3. Now you can start making the base of the craft. Cut a half sheet of blue paper in the shape of waves. Glue the wavy edge up onto the cardboard.
  4. From corrugated cardboard cut a strip of smaller width. We make one edge uneven, imitating waves, and paste it on top.
  5. To make the application voluminous, we glue adhesive pads on the dolphin blanks and arrange them so that they look at each other.
  6. In order to be able to hang the work on the wall, we glue a loop of a thin satin ribbon on the back of the top.

It is worth noting that the right combination colors will make your work look special.

Volumetric application of corrugated paper

For work you will need:

The work is simple, but quite time consuming.

  1. Corrugated paper is cut into squares with a side of 3 cm. From the cut squares we twist not too dense balls.
  2. On the basis we outline the template.
  3. We apply glue thin layer and glue the blue balls tightly to each other.
  4. Glue a black ball in place of the eye.
  5. We lay out seaweed from green and black details-balls.

Volumetric application is ready. In order to put this work on the table, you should glue a strip of cardboard on the back, which will act as a leg.

Origami "Dolphin"

In the work on folding the dolphin figurine, you will need a very simple set of materials: a square sheet of blue paper and a black marker.

The step-by-step folding of the figure is shown in the photo:

In order to better understand the scheme, we offer detailed description all stages of folding:

  1. Fold the square diagonally.
  2. Having unfolded it, we make folds on both sides to the center line.
  3. Similarly, we make folds on the other side.
  4. Further, from the folds protruding forward, we add the fins (p. 4 - 8 in the diagram).
  5. Turn the rhombus over to the other side and bend the corner to the middle.
  6. From the opposite corner we form a tail.

The figurine is ready! Several of these dolphins different sizes and shades can be hung on a thread to the eaves. When the window is open, the figures will move, as if floating on the waves.

Dolphin, made in the technique of modular origami

To make such an incomparable paper souvenir, you need to be patient and free time. All this will be required for the manufacture of blanks (triangular modules).

Do triangular modules easy, follow the detailed instructions:

  1. Fold the paper in half (lengthwise).
  2. Bend across to mark the fold line, and straighten.
  3. Fold to the middle of the edge.
  4. Flip the part over and fold the bottom parts up:
  5. Fold the small corners over the large triangle.
  6. Unfold the corners and the folded bottom.
  7. Bend the small corners again along the marked lines and lift the lower part.
  8. Bend in half.

The resulting module has two pockets into which the corners of other modules are inserted. Thus, you can make any three-dimensional figures.

To make a dolphin, you need to make 1087 pieces (851 blue and 236 white). After being prepared required amount modules, you can start assembling the origami dolphin in rows, increasing the number of modules in each subsequent row and forming the dolphin's head (item 1 in the photo diagram). Next, we make the tail and fins (p. 2). Glue on the sides of the plastic ready eyes, fix the fins and tail. For easy storage of the figurine, you can stick a wooden skewer from below.

Now the dolphin is ready to sail!

Quilling souvenir

To make such original souvenir, you will need to prepare the required number of strips (length 30 cm) of various widths:

  • for the body: 5 strips 4 mm wide;
  • for fins: 3 strips of 2 mm;
  • for the head: 5 strips of 3 mm;
  • for the tail: 4 strips of 2 mm;
  • for the mouth: 2 strips of 2 mm.

Doing a souvenir dolphin:

  1. For the body, glue 3 strips together and twist into a spiral.
  2. We glue the tip of the strip so that the workpiece does not unwind.
  3. Using a skewer, pull the spiral into a cone.
  4. For the tail, glue 2 strips in pairs and twist into 2 spirals. Slightly loosen (dissolve) the spiral and glue the tip.
  5. Glue on the sides of the details of the tail. After the glue dries a little, we form a beautiful shape from the details.
  6. We twist the spiral for the head. Bend a little and glue to the body.
  7. Glue the twisted parts of the fins on the sides and top. Bend the top fin into a triangle.
  8. From the strips for the mouth, we turn 2 spirals and glue them in front.
  9. On the sides we glue black beads or ready-made plastic eyes.
  10. We make a stand from a square thick cardboard(side is 5 cm), glued wrapping paper, and a piece of wire inserted into the base.
  11. We make shallow cuts next to the wire and insert short twisted wave strips. We decorate the wire with a similar strip.
  12. Glue a dolphin figurine on top.

The souvenir will undoubtedly please your friends and colleagues. The cute dolphin figurine will remind you of your summer seaside vacations and encourage you to make plans for your next summer adventures!

Dolphins are very friendly and intelligent mammals that live in the water. In humans, these creatures cause a storm positive emotions. Children enjoy watching their performance in the dolphinariums. Therefore, today we invite you to create a small plasticine dolphin. Our photo-instruction will help you get acquainted with the simple modeling technique. Carefully study each step of the work, and then demonstrate them with your example to the baby.

So, to create a plasticine dolphin, you will need:

  • children's plasticine;
  • plastic stack;
  • mass knife;
  • small scissors;
  • toothpick.

How to make a plasticine dolphin

Step 1. To sculpt a dolphin, prepare a blue tone bar. You can also use gray plasticine or of blue color. We knead the prepared bar and roll it into a ball.

Step 2. Give the ball an oblong shape with sharp tips as shown in the photo. Then we bend the workpiece and carefully form a narrow face. lower part the blanks are left in their original form.

Step 3. The tummy of dolphins is more light shade than the back. For a beautiful contrast, we will use white plasticine. Cut off from the bar? part and roll the piece into a ball. We give it the shape of an oval, and then flatten it into a thin cake.

We attach it to the dolphin's abdomen, and smooth the edges with our fingers, giving a smooth outline.

Step 4. Now we create eyes. To begin with, we push two pits with a semicircular tip of the stack.

Then we fix white mini-cakes in the recesses. Add two more cakes on top smaller blue and black tones.

Step 5. Next, create three fins. We roll three small balls from blue plasticine. We give everything the shape of flat droplets.

After we cut off with scissors or a knife on each fin a wide base, and make the top sharper. We fix the first fin on the back, the remaining two - on the sides.

Step 6. Next, from two large blanks in the form of flat drops, we create a dolphin's tail. We attach it to the bottom of the craft. Use your fingers or a stack to adjust its shape.

Step 7. And in order to beautifully fix the dolphin in the jump, you need to make a wave, and then place the dolphin on it. Take a piece of blue and white plasticine. We knead the blue mass into a cake and bend it. The resulting wave crest is selected using white plasticine. With a toothpick we create a texture on the wave.

Nature has bestowed dolphins ability to selfless friendship, after all dolphin does not require anything from a person, but for how many years they have been faithful and devoted friends. Kind, beautiful, intelligent and selfless animal. After talking with dolphins people's mood improves, efficiency increases, feelings of aggression, apathy, fatigue and tension disappear.

Let's do it together modular origami"Dolphin". Assembly master class provided the dolphin ARAMAT-55- User of the Country of Masters website. For Assembly origami dolphin you need 1087 : 236 white and 851 blue.

1 row - 4 white, 4 blue pieces
2 row - 3 white, 5 blue modules. Collect a chain of 2 rows of 8 modules, lock into a ring. Assemble white over white modules, blue over blue.

3rd row - 4 white, 10 blue. Add 6 blue modules between the blue ones of the second row, secure them with the third row.

4 row - 5 white, 9 blue

5 row - 4 white, 10 blue.
6th row - 5 white, 9 blue.

7th row - 4 white pieces, put on one blue piece next to the white pieces. For each other corner of the row, put on one module short side out. Thus, in this row you should get 16 blue modules with the short side. There are 22 modules in total in a row. Unfortunately, the photo of this series did not turn out.

8 row - 5 white, 17 blue modules with the long side out.

This is what the eighth row looks like from the inside.
Continue to dial 9 row - 4 white, 18 blue.

10 row - 5 white, 30 blue modules. Put on two blue modules along the edges of the white modules, put on one module with one pocket for each remaining corner. The other pocket remains free.

Inside view. From the 10th to the 26th row, the number of modules in a row is 35. Only the color changes.

11 row - 6 white, 29 blue
12 row - 7 white, 28 blue
13 row - 6 white, 29 blue
14 row - 7 white, 28 blue
Continue to collect rows according to the scheme.

15 row - 8 white, 27 blue
16 row - 9 white, 26 blue
17 row - 10 white, 25 blue
18 row - 11 white, 24 blue
19 row - 10 white, 25 blue
20 row - 11 white, 24 blue
21 row - 10 white, 25 blue
22 row - 11 white, 24 blue
23 row - 10 white, 25 blue
24 row - 9 white. 26 blue
25 row - 8 white, 27 blue
26 row - 7 white, 28 blue
27 row - 6 white, 26 blue.

From the 27th row, start decreasing the modules. Reduce only blue modules. On the sides and on the back, reduce one module at a time, which means: put two modules on six corners in three places.

28 row - 4 white (put 2 white modules in the middle on 6 corners) 23 blue (subtract one module in four places)

29 row - 3 white, 24 blue
30 row - 2 white, 17 blue (reduce by 8 pieces)
31 row - 1 white, 18 blue
32 row - 19 blue

33 row - 12 blue modules. From this row, collect only the back. Leave 4 modules on the abdomen. On the sides, reduce one module at a time, this is, on the one hand, put two modules on six corners and on the other hand in the same way.

34 row - 11 blue Each row is reduced by one module, that is, leave the extreme corners free.

35 row - 10 blue
36 row - 9 blue
37 row - 8 blue
38 row - 7 blue
39 row - 6 blue
40 row - 4 blue
41 row - 3 blue
42 row - 2 blue modules.
The body of the dolphin is ready.

Assemble the top fin. Start collecting with 2 modules. Repeat two, one, two, one and two modules.

Insert one module with corners into the pockets of the first row.

Side fins start assembling with 2 modules. Repeat the following rows for three modules, two, three. In the fifth row, put one module on 2 corners and finish with one module, as in the photo.

Collect 2 of these fins in a mirror image.

Start collecting tail fin
Collect 11 modules by putting one module on top of the other with an outer pocket, etc.
Two such blanks will be required. In the middle, connect them with a blue module.

rising up connect the corner white module with a corner of the blue module Put on 10 white modules on one side and 10 on the other.

Connect the middle white modules with the blue module and

go up connecting the corner of the white module with the corner of the blue module with the long side.

Did you know that in terms of intelligence, dolphins rank first in the animal kingdom? I suggest you sew a small dolphin from felt, which will remind you of the sea, sun, sand and vacation. It can become a cute souvenir or a toy for a child.

Master class on the topic: how to sew a dolphin from felt with your own hands

For work you will need:

  • blue and blue felt
  • thin blue thread
  • needle
  • stuffing material
  • two black beads
  • scissors

Dolphin pattern:

We print or redraw the dolphin pattern. Cut out the details. Using a pattern, we cut out the details of the dolphin from felt without seam allowances.

  • Part No. 1 - from blue felt - 1 pc.
  • Detail No. 2 - from blue felt - 1 pc.
  • Detail No. 3 - from blue felt - 2 pcs. in mirror image.

We will sew a dolphin from felt. - a great material for making toys with your own hands. It is not necessary to use just such a blue-blue combination, you can use felt and other colors for work - purple, gray, dark green. The main thing is to choose contrasting colors. If you don't have felt, you can use fleece or fabric.

Choose the size of the dolphin according to your desire. The length of my dolphin was 9 cm.

We sew two parts No. 3 of the back of the dolphin from blue felt together with an overcast seam, as shown in the photo:

We sew a muzzle to the resulting back of the dolphin - item No. 2 from the inside with a seam “over the edge”.

Sew on the blue felt tummy to the dolphin with an overcast seam - detail No. 1. We leave enough space on the side of the dolphin unsewn to stuff it.

We stuff the dolphin with stuffing material and sew up the hole. As a material for stuffing a dolphin, you can use synthetic winterizer or cotton wool.

Sew on the dolphin's eyes from black beads.

Here is such a toy dolphin made of felt as a result:

If you increase the dolphin pattern several times, you can sew it in the form of a dolphin, which will perfectly complement the summer interior.

Tatiana Titova

Dolphins are considered the most amazing creatures in the whole wide world. And not in vain! After all, this is one of the most intelligent, friendly and sensitive creatures. There are many legends and myths about dolphins, which tell how they helped sailors who were in trouble, saved drowning people. The intelligence of the dolphin is so high that it can be compared with humans. They always help each other, never leave their brothers in trouble. Dolphins are very friendly. They live and swim in flocks or pairs. Playing in the sea, they jump high out of the water, as if somersaulting. I offer a master class for joint creativity in family circle paper crafts "Diving dolphin".

Purpose: for game, layout, room decoration.

Target: develop the ability to make simple toys from paper using a template; educate interest in dolphins.

Material: paper, scissors, glue stick.

Step-by-step photo of production:

1. We print on a printer or cut out the body of a dolphin from double-sided blue paper using a stencil.

2. Cut out a circle with a diameter of 13 cm from paper or cardboard white color. Fold in half. We draw waves with a felt-tip pen.

3. Glue the diving dolphin.

4. The surprise is that the craft can be rocked and the effect of a “diving dolphin in the waves” is obtained. Also, crafts can be used to develop breathing, if you blow on it, the dolphin will sway.

And here are all my grandchildren!

Misha and Natasha share their experience in making dolphins with Kirill and Egor.

Thank you for attention!

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