What to give to a girl 7 years old on ng. Books for daughter, goddaughter, niece. Board games for parties and families

Greetings, dear readers! Most recently, we were at children's day Birth. As you may have guessed, the birthday girl turned 7 years old. And you know, it was a discovery for me that girls at that age can no longer play with dolls, but are interested in completely different things. This is how this article arose from the question: what to give a girl for 7 years. I had to conduct a real investigation, and I share the results with you in the article.

When looking for a birthday present for a girl, do not forget that you are already a first grader. Dolls, toys, of course, have not completely left her life, and will be of interest for a long time, but the baby's hobbies have become much wider. When deciding what to give a 7-year-old girl for her birthday, pay attention to what she enjoys, what hobbies she has.

If this is a gift from parents, dad and mom need to think about what positive traits they would like to develop in a daughter, and pick up a surprise depending on that. The guests, of course, will have a harder time. It is better for them to find out from the parents in advance what the girl needs.

They may not have enough funds to large purchase, then just an envelope with money is suitable as a presentation. But more often, dad and mom shrug their shoulders and rely on the choice of guests.

Educational toys

The development of creative and logical thinking, ingenuity is required for any child. That's why universal gift a baby who has everything will have these toys:

  • Puzzles. For a seven-year-old baby, a picture consisting of 25-50 elements will be quite enough. If the girl was previously fond of this activity, then a more complex picture can be presented. Look for puzzles with images of the baby's favorite cartoons, for example, "Sweet Pony", "Fairy Patrol". Puzzles with smeshariki, heroes of Soviet cartoons, will be a universal solution.

  • Puzzle magazines... This gift is suitable if you are unexpectedly invited to visit the DR, and you do not have any interesting ideas what to present to the little mistress. Amusing children's magazine- both tasteful and inexpensive!
  • Board games. Girls are not as addicted to board games as boys, but it is necessary to introduce babies to this type of pastime. The range of games in children's stores is very large. But don't offer too much complex options otherwise your surprise will gather dust on the shelf.
  • Constructor. Soft constructors, Velcro is one of the most good ideas gift for the girl. Lego with a story about animals is perfect, as well as a special Disney Princess series.
  • Musical toys. They are of varying complexity... Since many children at this age begin to play music, dance or sing, present an electric children's piano or synthesizer, a xylophone. They will develop an ear for music and entertain your child. Electronic toys can memorize melodies and play them.

Sets for creativity and needlework

This is a truly girly gift. With the help of your surprise, the young craftswoman will learn to embroider, draw and even cook. What can you present to the baby?

  • Quilling set... This is the name of the technique for making compositions from thin paper strips. They are twisted into spirals and get a pattern. Quilling allows you to create unusual postcards, paintings, decorations.

  • Decoupage. This is the name of the technique of transferring drawings to various subjects... In stores there are sets for children with blanks. They can be used to decorate dishes, toys and other things.
  • Sequins for creating paintings. The set contains a blank drawing and material, i.e. sequins for applying them to fabric. The picture turns out to be bright and quite worthy to take a place on the wall in the baby's room. Buy sets based on the preferences of the schoolgirl: the material can be painted with flowers, animals, etc.
  • Knitting board... The set includes a loom on which the yarn is strung. It allows you to knit simple things, such as a scarf.

  • Painting kits. Stencils are attached to them, allowing you to create various patterns. To get the image, the stencil must be moved at an angle.
  • Craft Books... On store shelves, there are many interesting and bright publications on how to make figures out of paper, how to sew a soft toy, etc. If a girl is fond of needlework, such books will be useful to her even at an older age.
  • Embroidery kits. They are accompanied by a ready-made drawing on fabric, thread, needles, hoops. There is no need to be afraid that the baby may prick herself: the needles in the children's sets are blunt and absolutely safe.
  • Album for photos. The most simple solution a gift can be an album for a photo, in which a girl can collect her photographs, reflect her own achievements.

Sports gift

If you want to give the little princess something unusual, give her sports gift For example, a swimsuit, unicycle (on one wheel) or sneakers with wheels (they hide if necessary, and the sneakers can be worn as normal shoes).

For active babies, roller skates or skates, a subscription to a skating rink, a gymnastic suit or attributes, dance slippers or uniforms are suitable - all these are necessary and worthwhile things that parents cannot always afford to buy for a child.

For the new year

On New Year children are waiting for something special, unusual. If you still do not know what your baby wants, ask her or the Snow Maiden, in which she will list those things or toys that she wants to receive.

If the list is too long, explain that Santa Claus will not be able to fulfill all desires, and some will need to be postponed until next year... Let the girl choose the most necessary ones, and the problem of what to give a 7-year-old girl for the New Year will be solved.

If you're visiting and you know the hosts have a 7-year-old toddler, you can bring one of the gifts from the list above with you. All of them are great as a surprise under christmas tree... You can expand the list of ideas with options for exclusively girly toys and entertainment:

  • Electronic diary. The toy is a case with a secret code. Inside there is a flashlight, a small "safe" for storing valuables, a notebook and a pen with ink that disappears after writing.
  • Set for nail design. Parents should not be afraid that their girl will go to school with painted nails: all design developments are quickly washed off.

  • A set of baby cosmetics. Future woman you need to monitor your appearance and learn this from childhood. The set of cosmetics for children is absolutely safe and will not harm your baby.
  • Handbags, suitcases. As a rule, various items for personal care are attached to ladies' suitcases: a mirror, a comb, a hairpin, a pendant, etc. If you purchased a purse separately, put one of these things in it: the baby will be pleased to find a surprise inside.
  • Umbrella. Children's toy umbrella in the shape of an animal will delight the little princess and shelter her from the rain.

Do not be afraid to experiment with baby gifts: make sure that the item is not only original and bright, but also useful. Then the girl's parents will be happy with your gift.

If the article was useful to you, leave your comments. I am waiting for you on the blog! See you soon.

Probably, only children so selflessly love the New Year and all its attributes - a Christmas tree and lights, tangerines and tinsel, balls, toys and, of course, gifts. What a holiday without them! And parents, relatives and adult friends of the family are pleased to feel like wizards and present the kids what they want. What to give a girl 7 to surprise and delight a child? If there is a little girl in the house where the invitation to the holiday was received, then the presentation option can be discussed with the child's parents. After all, they probably know what their daughter would like to receive as a gift. Parents can recognize their child by writing with him


Do not ponder for a long time what to give a 7-year-old girl for the new year. Toys are a wonderful present: even after becoming schoolgirls, babies often play with them. It is good to ask the baby in advance what she likes best. Some girls are more fond of dolls, others stop at a display with plush animals.

The toys presented in the stores are very diverse. Special puppet series such as "Bratz", "Winx", "Monster High" and Ever are very popular. After high or dolls They are collectible. Therefore, one more doll will definitely not become superfluous.

Highly fashion gift for new year girl 7 years old - with accessories. For little animal lovers, such a horse will have clothes and jewelry. They come in different colors, with and without a house. Equestria dolls resemble Ponies: they have tails and wings, and they are painted in the same way.

For girls who love to babysit good gift will become realistic babies a series Baby born who can drink from a bottle, wear diapers and even cry. They come with everything a real child needs - beds and strollers, pacifiers and toys.

Another option collectible toys - Sylvanian Families... These are small animals up to 8-10 cm in height, made in Japan, they are sold both individually and large families... Of these, it is already easy to choose a gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year. These toys are coated with a soft coating, pleasant to the touch and very cute. There are Sylvanian Families fans all over the world. After all, you can add houses and cars, shops and clothes to the animals as a gift.

Often girls stare at emotional interactive toys who talk and move. Among these robots are dogs and cats, minions and monkeys, and, finally, the still fashionable Furby. If parents do not intend to have a living pet, then such a toy will become great alternative live puppy or kitten.

There is an opinion that seven-year-old girls can not give Stuffed Toys, - in fact, it all depends on the child himself. Some babies are very fond of plush animals, especially since there are also collectible animals among them - for example, Basiki's cats and Mi's bunnies.

Fashion things

A wonderful gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year - baby cosmetics. For babies, even in such young age, I like to dress up and paint, imitating my mother. Therefore, a whole series of elegantly designed hypoallergenic cosmetics for children will delight the child. Such collections usually include eyeshadow, blush, lip gloss, nail polish and perfume. Children's cosmetics from good producers usually safe, however the date of manufacture should be carefully watched.

Kit various decorations will also become great gift... Beads, bracelets and rings made of bright multi-colored plastic will allow the girl to learn how to choose accessories for her clothes and dress up dolls. Beautiful decoration for hair or a cute handbag, purse or backpack will also delight a little fashionista.

Whether it is worth giving clothes, each adult decides for himself. Usually children do not consider it a gift. But, perhaps, some girl will be happy if she receives a magic Nice dress"like a princess" or fancy dress.


What gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year will always be appropriate? You can pay attention to various games. Board games are now very diverse. They are aimed at developing in the child logical thinking and abstract, memory and intuition, mindfulness and imagination, numeracy skills. These games help to consolidate knowledge of different subjects- biology, geography, history. However, it must be remembered that they all require at least one partner. Will the child play with whom? If so, then the game will be a wonderful gift.

Many children are now not interested in board games, preferring computer games to them. Quests and arcades, adventure games and other non-aggressive ones are also suitable as a gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year. Music consoles that allow girls to imagine themselves at a ball or disco would be a good option. You can sing and dance with them. Connecting to a TV is also suitable for dancing. Perhaps the girl cherished dream - mobile phone or tablet. And the fulfillment of this desire will bring her unforgettable joy for the New Year.

Various constructors can be a wonderful gift for a girl: both traditional Lego sets and more original ones - made of wood or cardboard, puzzle or soft, finger theater or a cardboard castle with a princess.


Teachers and parents complain that children don't read much now. But good book that is in the best interests of the child can be a gift that attracts him to reading. Magical modern fairy tales, children's detective stories or science fiction, stories about animals and children - all this may interest a girl. The book must be good quality, on thick paper, hardcover and large print. Beautiful illustrations will come in handy too.

Children's transport

Of course before summer holidays it is still far away, but you can also pay attention to children's transport, choosing a gift for a 7-year-old girl for the New Year. For example, it can be a bicycle or scooter, roller skates or skate. Such a present will be useful if the girl is active, loves movement and walks on fresh air... Skates or skiing will also delight such a child.


Perhaps the girl is dancing or attending sports section... Then the question of what to give a 7-year-old girl for the New Year is easy to solve. The baby will be pleased with what she may need in the classroom. For example, for a young dancer or figure skater - a charming performance costume.

If a girl has calmer hobbies - for example, she loves to draw, embroider, make soap or sculpt from plastic, do origami, quilling or beading, then it is worth giving something that will be useful in crafts.

Original gifts

A seven-year-old beauty can please original surprise gift, for example, tickets for an excellent new year show or a certificate for a photo session. Girls love to attend master classes, where they are taught the most unusual things- to cook or make toys, forge or sculpt, make bouquets or ride a horse. A ticket to such an event will also be an unforgettable surprise.

Having decided what to give a 7-year-old girl for the New Year, a photo of a child with a gift must be taken so that many years later, looking at the child's shining face in an embrace with a present, relive these wonderful New Year's emotions.

What to gift? This question inevitably torments all parents and invitees before each holiday)) Especially when the child is already quite himself independent person 6-7 years old with a rich baggage of all kinds of toys. It seems that an ordinary toy is already boring, but a newfangled gadget is expensive. How to be?

So YOUR GOAL is buy a gift for a girl for 6-7 years... We will tell you how to please a young lady of this age.

1. Sets for creativity and needlework

We put gifts for creativity in the first place for a reason. In the life of girls 6-7 years old, creativity is of the greatest interest. They are happy to sculpt from clay and plasticine, draw, sew, make decorations, cross-stitch, fold origami, create pictures of their sequins, and are fond of design. What can you give a birthday girl 6-7 years old:

If the future schoolgirl does not yet have a globe, then buy her this desktop model of the Earth. It will come in handy not only in geography lessons, but also visually show the girl the countries, cities, seas and oceans of our planet.

Collect a set of several teaching aids for children 6-7 years old and present it to the future first grader.

The experiments are interesting for both boys and girls. They are equally passionate about digging out dinosaur bones from plaster, making a volcano in the kitchen, growing crystals and making a weather station. The most popular science kits for girls are - (making perfume, lip glosses, shampoo, etc.), (observing the life of plants and fauna) and (the wonders of chemistry occupy everyone)).

3. A book is the best gift

For a preschool girl useful gift there will be a good one who will answer 1000 of her questions about everything in the world. You can choose universal encyclopedia or according to the hobbies of the girl. A good art book will speed up the transition to self-reading... Pick up for 6-7 year old birthday girl with adventure, magic and good tales about princesses.

4. Constructors

In addition to the popular Lego and Mega Blocks, which are very loved by girls different ages, there are also non-standard constructors. Here are some constructors that can please experienced personalities 6-7 years old:

Cardboard creative Makedo, where everything that comes to hand is used for creativity; unusually cheerful Zolo; fancy Djeco and others. This is not just construction according to instructions, but a flight of the child's imagination and invention.

Bright constructor especially for girls. You can make anything from it - a handbag, a bracelet, a crown, a doll machine. In addition, all the details are sequined))

5. Dolls

Girls 6-7 years old collect. What's trendy this season - Moxie, Winx, Lalalupsi? Or maybe there is a new cartoon about Disney princesses? Be guided by this principle)) Girls love to collect entire collections of fashion dolls and compete with their girlfriends. If the birthday girl has an abundance of popular dolls, surprise her with a sophisticated porcelain beauty. v exquisite outfit requires special treatment. It is designed to decorate the interior and receive compliments)) Many girls, after the first porcelain doll, are seriously interested in collecting them.

6. Board games for parties and families

At 6-7 years old, children already understand the set rules of the game and follow them. Therefore, at this age, the time comes for board games with two or more participants. Present a 6 or 7 year old girl with a nice one, which you can play with a company - family or with friends. In the ranking of the most popular - Monopoly, Activity, Imaginarium, Twister... Take a look at our section here you will definitely find funny Games for a children's company.

7. Active games with friends

Board games are great, but outdoor games are even better)) What can you buy for an active sports girl 6-7 years old?

Necessarily colorful and fast, two-wheeled or tilt-controlled.

They learn to control their body, to keep balance. Plus, rollerblading with your girlfriends or mom is fun! Don't forget the Young Racer Protection Kit!

The long-awaited series of weapons for girls. Beautiful design, precise aim and poetic names - Sweet Revenge, Heartbreaker, Sweet Couple. Choose which is more to your Amazon's liking - a blaster or a crossbow?

8. Handbags and jewelry

No girl will be upset if she receives these little things as a gift (even if they are tenths in her account)):

Wonderful watch for girls with unusual design... Lovely incredible)) They will teach the future schoolgirl to navigate in time and not be late for lessons.

There should be a lot of handbags! Different colors and sizes, for all occasions - for a walk, for travel, for the beach, for a dance section, for pocket change, etc.

Jewelry box, bracelet, mirror, unusual hairpin, beautiful bezel, good comb, fan. All these little things can be presented as a present to a young beauty if you go to visit.