How to choose leather shoes by size. How to choose the right shoes in online stores. Why choose quality shoes

Shoes plays huge role in the development and prevention of foot and toe problems such as bursitis thumb feet, callus, callosity and hammer toe. Inappropriate shoes worsen these conditions and make them more painful.

Key points

    Comfortable, well-fitting shoes provide you with:

      Relief of foot or toe pain caused by deformity and joint problems.

      Preventing the development or worsening of foot or toe problems.

      Prevention re-development problems with the joints of the toes after corrective surgery.

    Before you go shopping for shoes designed to correct your foot problems, ask your doctor for advice.

What are the most common foot problems?

Bumps on outside big toe, calluses, calluses, and hammer toes are the most common problems that can develop over time. These problems can range from simple discomfort to pain. In severe cases, they can lead to the inability to wear shoes.

See images of the bump on the outside of the big toe; hammer finger; callosity; and calluses.

Why are good shoes so important?

Well-fitting shoes are the key to both preventing and treating foot problems. You may develop calluses, corns, bursitis, or hammertoes due to a large number a variety of causes, such as joint disease, genetic predisposition, or stroke. But shoes play a huge role in how bad foot condition will be.

If you have had surgery to correct your foot problems, wearing the right shoes will reduce the chance of these problems recurring.

Although after the operation you can wear tight shoes or high heels without causing pain, these types of shoes increase the likelihood of recurrence of foot problems.

How can I pick proper shoes?

For some people the only acceptable option are sandals or sports shoes that do not rub existing bumps, calluses, calluses, hammer toe. But most people can find shoes that will not cause pain and allow them to lead a normal life. Before you shop for new shoes, ask your doctor for specific recommendations that reflect your needs.

When you go to the store for shoes, do not forget about the following points:

    Try on shoes at the end of the day when your feet are largest size due to normal swelling.

    If you have shoe inserts or orthopedic insoles, take them with you to try them out with different shoes.

    Shoe size, especially width, can change with age. By measuring the size of both feet, you can choose your shoes well and determine which foot is larger. Choose shoes according to how her foot feels, which has a larger size.

    During the fitting, you must stand and carefully listen to what you feel.

    Walk around the store to make sure that the shoes really fit you.

    If you think that the shoes suit you, but they are not for you normal size, focus on your feelings. Pay no attention to the size.

    If your shoes fit well, you won't have to break them in.

    If one shoe is tight, the seller may be able to stretch it.

When choosing the right shoes, look for:

    Low heel. Avoid tight, pointy shoes and high heels. High heels increase pressure on the forefoot and toe joints. If you cannot avoid wearing pumps or high heels, choose heels no higher than 5 cm.

    Shoes that are wide and deep at the level of the foot, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe toes. The distance between your most long finger and the end of the shoe must be at least 1.3 cm. You must be able to move your toes in the shoe.

    Shoes with a hard back (reinforced heel) that will prevent your foot from slipping out of the shoe.

    Flexible outsole that allows your toes to flex as you walk.

    Shoes that sit tight on the ball of your foot, at their widest point.

    Closed shoes that are better than lace-ups. Sports shoes can be good option choice.

    Shoes that breathe when your feet sweat. Avoid plastic or vinyl shoes.

    Shoes that do not have seams that rub or irritate the skin over your skin problem.


    Wear sandals, shoes soft skin, slippers or buy fabric shoes and cut a hole over the affected joint.

    Go barefoot whenever possible (or wear socks) unless you have diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, or other conditions that reduce sensation in your feet. People who suffer similar states with limited or no sensation in the feet should not walk barefoot because minor injuries that may go unnoticed are prone to infection.

Often we buy shoes, guided only by them. appearance. We care about how attractive and fashionable shoes look. But the choice of shoes must be approached with all seriousness: your health depends on what you wear on your feet.

Choosing shoes

Poor-quality or simply inappropriate shoes can overshadow life with small but annoying troubles, such as corns. In addition, there may be much more serious problems- diseases of the veins, joints, muscles and even the spine. Therefore, the two main rules for choosing shoes are very simple: 1) it is better not to save money and 2) to refuse beautiful but uncomfortable shoes.

Not worth buying new shoes in the morning: by the evening, the legs, as a rule, swell slightly, and the shoes purchased in the morning may seem tight. Make sure the shoes are the perfect fit - snug around the foot, but not squeezing it. Tight shoes can cause poor circulation, ingrown toenails, or crooked toes. Don't buy too much tight shoes in the hope that they wear out over time, you should not force yourself to walk in uncomfortable shoes for a long time. However, one should not wear very loose shoes in which the foot “dangles”. Because of such shoes, corns can also appear, and the muscles of the legs are constantly in tension.

“When trying on, always wear both shoes., experts recommend. - Be sure to walk around the fitting area. While walking, you should feel the toe of the shoe slightly with your fingers, but do not rest against it. Run your hand over the surface of the material and make sure that your toes do not stick out on it with bumps.».

Choose shoes with sufficiently soft, flexible soles. Bend the shoes in your hands. In high-quality shoes, the sole bends easily, and the upper of the boot does not deform too much. For a very thin sole it is convenient to walk only on a flat floor, walking in such shoes on asphalt can hardly be called pleasant - the foot will feel every pebble.

For every day, it is best to prefer shoes with a small wide heel. Passion for high heels can adversely affect your health.

“High heels are bad not only for the forefoot, but also for the midfoot and hindfoot., - says orthopedic surgeon Andrey Kardanov. - The problem is that in the position of the foot practically “on tiptoe”, the load is distributed absolutely not physiologically - some parts of the foot are overloaded, while others, on the contrary, are too unloaded. Besides, high heel completely "turns off" the spring function of the foot. Ideally, with each step, the foot should “spring”, softening the load. And when wearing high heels, every step responds with a blow to the spine. As a result - osteochondrosis, herniated intervertebral discs, which manifest themselves at first glance as causeless back pain.

So, a heel higher than 2-4 centimeters is not recommended. Of course, if necessary, you can wear shoes with a 12-centimeter heel, but such shoes should not be casual. It is best that every couple casual shoes had insoles (built-in or glued), that is, an insole or a half-insole. The insole is fully consistent with the shape of the sole, and the semi-insole is located only under the heel. The task of the insole (and semi-insole) is to support normal (or already descending) arches of the feet. This will avoid flat feet. If, after a few days of wearing new shoes, you feel that your feet are uncomfortable, either change shoes or contact an orthopedic salon to select the appropriate arch supports or insoles.

In the heat and in the cold

Most good choice for any season - shoes from natural material, which will allow the skin of the legs to breathe and will not interfere with natural heat transfer. Shoes recommended genuine leather, nubuck, suede, textile. Leatherette shoes can be hazardous to health, especially summer shoes: under the influence of temperature, various chemical components of this material begin to interact with the skin of the legs. In addition, leatherette shoes do not allow air to pass to the feet. As a result, you can "earn" diaper rash or fungal diseases.

If you still buy shoes from artificial materials, make sure that at least the lining of the boot is made of genuine leather or textile - for health, first of all, the material with which the foot is in direct contact is important. You should also pay attention to the material from which the insole is made. Ideally, it should absorb unpleasant odors, remove moisture, kill bacteria - it's great if the insole is impregnated with a special antibacterial composition.

Do not forget that natural materials, unlike artificial ones, wear out and take the shape of the foot over time. By the way, in hot weather, the legs swell a little, keep this in mind if you buy summer shoes.

Not recommended for summer patent leather shoes poorly permeable to moisture and air. IN patent leather shoes you can go to any celebration, and for every day it is better to have open sandals or shoes made from natural materials.

For spring and autumn, it is important that the boots do not let water through and at the same time allow the foot to “breathe”. If demi-season boots or boots are fastened with a zipper, it should not start too close to the sole, otherwise your feet will get wet if you step into even a shallow puddle. Unlike summer shoes, boots should not fit close to the leg (you won’t wear them on bare feet) - you need to try them on a tight sock.

IN winter boots or boots the main thing - sole. It should be thick enough, with a special tread that prevents slipping. It is most safe to wear boots with a variety of tread patterns in ice - for example, one part is in the form of stripes, the other is rounded ledges. The heel of the boot must also have a protector and be rubber, not plastic, otherwise the foot will slip.

The best way to keep warm is leather shoes lined with natural fur, such as sheep or zigey, and a fur insole. By choosing the right winter shoes, you can not be afraid of severe cold and slippery sidewalks.

fashion victims

Undoubtedly, every woman wants to look fashionable and elegant. The shoe industry offers many ways to make legs visually slimmer and longer. Stilettos, narrow toe shoes, platforms - it's hard to argue that such shoes are more feminine than rough boots on thick soles. But how safe are these fashionable delights?

The dangers of high heels have already been said. But you should not abuse platform shoes either. Firstly, high platform(like a stiletto heel) does not exclude injuries: it is easy to twist your leg on it. Secondly, when walking on the platform, the ligaments and muscles of the foot are left without “work” and flat feet can develop. If you do buy such shoes, choose a platform that is wide enough, and therefore more stable. Remember that neither the hairpin nor the platform is completely suitable for driving a car. The heel can cling to the mat, making it difficult to move the foot from one pedal to another, and the thick platform does not allow you to feel the pressure of the foot on the pedal.

Another favorite fashion detail - a pointed toe - is also not harmless. These shoes clench your toes, bringing them closer to each other. In this case, the thumb and little finger are lowered, and the rest are raised. All this threatens with deformation of the fingers, the formation of painful calluses and "bumps". Since the weight of the body presses the foot into the wedge-shaped space (especially if, in addition to sharp nose shoes have a heel 5–6 centimeters high or more), the entire load is transferred to the bones of the middle toes. Because of this, transverse flat feet occur, and painful corns form on the sole.

Children's shoes

Maybe, more important than health own can only be the well-being of the child. Incorrectly selected shoes are dangerous not only because they cause inconvenience to the child: the baby begins to act up, and sometimes parents do not even understand that it's all about the wrong shoes. While the child's foot is in the process of formation, it is very important that the shoes do not interfere with this process and do not provoke problems such as flat feet.

What should be children's shoes? “In no case should a child wear shoes “for growth”, but they should not be tight either,- says children's orthopedic traumatologist Mikhail Trunev. - A hard, moderately ribbed sole is desirable and a rigid top part. Demi-season and winter shoes should fit the ankle joint, that is, be high..

Experts advise to buy shoes for children made of natural material with a small heel, with a fixed heel and soft back, orthopedic insole and wide toe. Children's orthopedic shoes necessary for the prevention of foot deformities and its proper development, so many doctors recommend buying just such shoes for children under 4-5 years old.

In move

Everyone who goes in for sports knows how much the right clothes for training and, of course, shoes mean a lot. Sneakers should be very comfortable so that the feeling of discomfort does not distract you from your workout. It is important that they are suitable for the sport you have chosen and reliably protect the leg from injuries - they protect the foot from “twisting”, ensure the fixation of the ankle and leg stability. When buying sneakers, pay attention not only to the design, but to a greater extent to how comfortable it is for you to move in one or another model. Flexible sole, stiff heel, lightness are signs of quality sports shoes.

It is best to train in leather or gore-tex trainers that allow for normal breathability, with an insole that can be pulled out and dried. When choosing shoes for sports, keep in mind that during training the foot may increase slightly in size, and also remember that there should be a small space between the toes and the toe of the sneaker. In addition to universal sneakers suitable for all sports, there are special shoes for certain workouts, which the sales assistant of the sports store will help you choose.

Shoes for aerobics and shaping protects against injury with special inserts in the sole area. Such sneakers can be higher than shoes for other sports. This allows you to fix the lower leg and prevent damage to the ankle joint. Since aerobics is very dynamic, you will need shoes that are flexible and lightweight to move easily and comfortably. The wide toe and narrow heel of the shoe provide better grip on the floor.

For running very light sneakers that fit perfectly on the foot are best suited. If the foot slides inside, you risk blisters and scuffs, and the risk of ankle injury will increase. A flexible toe box is needed to allow for better ground-off, and reinforced heel. It is important to running shoes had the ability to soften blows in contact with the ground. Therefore, sneakers with air pockets - air-filled cavities inside the sole - are suitable for running.

Football shoes should have a wide reinforced toe area, studs for playing on grass or a raised sole for the hall.

When choosing shoes for tennis you need to consider what court you are going to play on - different types coatings fit various models. Tennis sneakers have a fairly thick sole, flexible in the toe area and more rigid in the heel, as well as a special protector that does not allow slipping on the court surface.

Comfortable, “healthy” shoes will provide you with pleasant and effective workouts, will allow you to get less tired during work, entertainment and walks, protect you from diseases - in a word, will help you to stand firmly on your feet in any situation.

Properly selected shoes determine how long they will last. The most important indicator when choosing shoes, regardless of the season, is the size of the foot, according to which shoes are selected. Often, women, and even men, tend to pick up shoes literally "by eye" - not knowing exactly their own sizes, buyers rely on direct fitting of models offered by the seller in a shoe store. Meanwhile, right specific size shoes will help to significantly reduce the search time comfortable model and choose shoes that will really last for several seasons.

Ideal shoes: size, fullness, instep

Shoe size is traditionally defined as the length of the foot from big toe to heel. As is the case with other size systems, in Europe, Russia and the United States, the numbering of sizes is both male and women's shoes is different.

Foot size is not the only factor that influences the choice of shoes. When choosing new shoes, it is also necessary to take into account the fullness of the foot and its rise. The fullness of the leg is the girth of the foot at the widest points of its toe. It is precisely because of the incorrectly taken into account fullness that shoes, even ideally suited in size, rub the lateral areas of the foot and press at the toe . Completeness indicators exist not only in the Russian dimensional system, but also in the international European one. If Russian standards provide for 12 different half-lengths of shoes, the difference between which is 4 millimeters, then European standards - 17 fullnesses. That's why to choose an Italian or french shoes sometimes much easier than shoes from Russian manufacturers. In addition, it is necessary to take into account such anatomical feature feet like instep - if the instep is too high, standard shoes will not sit well on the foot.

Right size shoes: basic rules for choosing

It is best to go shopping in the first half of the day - because in the evening, after a busy day, the legs often swell, and tense muscles do not allow you to adequately assess the convenience of the shoe model offered by the seller. The correct choice of shoes in size not least depends on its type: for example, when trying on shoes or boots with high heels, it is necessary that the foot does not move along the block. Otherwise, when breaking in shoes (and especially leather ones), the foot will move forward, which will not only make wearing shoes not the most pleasant experience, but can also damage the heel.

It has long been known that shoes made of genuine leather and suede are best broken in. Therefore, trying suede shoes, you need to pay attention to how tightly the shoes fit the foot. If the chosen model is at least a few millimeters larger, then in the process of wearing it in, it will become even freer and will slide off the leg. But when choosing winter shoes from interior decoration with fur, it must be borne in mind that in the process of wearing the fur will take over and the shoes will become a little freer. That is why it is recommended to measure winter shoes with a tight toe. Summer shoes can be tried on with a thin sock.

When choosing shoes, one more feature should be taken into account: if the model provides for a sharp a long nose, then it is necessary that about 1-2 centimeters of free space remain in the toe. Otherwise pointed toe shoes will squeeze the toes, leading to the appearance of corns and other unpleasant sensations.

The main indicator of properly sized shoes is a feeling of comfort: in the front of the shoe there should be about a centimeter of free space in front of thumb. In addition, we must not forget that the size of the legs may differ - for most people, one leg (usually the right one) is larger than the other, so you should first try on a shoe model on a large foot.

The chosen footwear should not constrain the foot and put pressure on the toes, however, it should not be excessively loose either. A shoe that is too wide and loose is just as harmful as too narrow, because it not only leads to blisters, but also causes circulatory disorders, ingrown nails, and curvature of the toes.

Tatyana Smirnova

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About how to choose the right shoes,

You can talk endlessly.

After reading a bunch of literature about shoes and about how to choose yourself shoes so that she only pleases us, I will describe the basic rules for choosing.

When buying new shoes, consider its quality.

The leg must "breathe", especially in closed shoes. Of course, shoes made of genuine leather are the most comfortable and high quality. Genuine leather gently hugs the foot and saves us from excessive sweating.

The sole should also be made of natural material. So, the rubber sole of sports shoes is bad for your feet, try not to wear such shoes, at least do it as little as possible.

When choosing shoes with heels, make sure that the foot in the instep feels comfortable and fully rests on the insole of the shoe.

The main requirement for shoes with heels is a stable and durable heel, which will not break a couple of days after purchase. An unstable heel will make your walk unsteady and constrained.

With each step, you will have to fully control yourself so as not to lose your balance. From the outside, you will look like a desperate tightrope walker who risks his life every minute and arouses sympathy from more impressionable passers-by.
Some people have one foot larger than the other, so you need to choose shoes for the foot that is larger. .

Shoes should not be smaller than your size, but you are unlikely to be able to wear large shoes either. You will have to constantly make sure that the foot does not slip out of the shoe, while your gait will instantly change: you will pull the shoes behind you and shuffle like an old woman.

Yes, and the shape of the foot from this wide shoes will also change to the worst side, it will become wider and shapeless. This is especially important to take into account for young girls whose leg bones have not yet been strengthened, and the foot has not yet fully formed.

You can subdivide all shoes into sports, home, casual, weekend and model.

Well, if your wardrobe contains models of all these types.

Feet need a regular change of shoes for their full development and for health.

But of course, you will not go to the theater in sneakers, but in the forest - in stilettos.

High heels are best left for more formal occasions. Therefore, let in your wardrobe there will be shoes with high heels, and with medium and solid soles.

You will make the choice of shoes by style yourself in accordance with your tastes and preferences. I will just give you some recommendations.
Trying on in the store a new pair shoes, be sure to do it while standing. And it will be better if you walk a little on the stone floor, and not on the carpet. T

This will make it easier to determine whether the shoes are comfortable in all respects, and whether they have a thin or thick sole.

You should not take shoes with thin soles.

It cannot protect you from the uneven surface of our sidewalks and roads. The thin sole wears out quickly, and the feet suffer from small pebbles that can get caught under the feet. Shoes with thin soles can be worn in summer time and in dry weather.
And one more tip: shopping for shoes is best during the day . Because in the evening your legs, having worked enough, swell a little. Therefore, shoes bought in the evening will be too big for you the next morning after the purchase.

And if you don’t buy shoes in the morning, then by the evening slightly swollen feet simply won’t fit in new shoes.

After resting sleep, the legs look much smaller, because the blood circulation process is normalized and there is no blood flow to the legs, there are no swelling. And the legs are really a little reduced in volume.

Most good time for the purchase of shoes - daytime. It is during the day that the feet acquire an average volume, the usual and natural shape for you. And you can be absolutely sure that the next day the shoes will not be either too small or too big. They will be the size you need.

The toes in the shoes should be freely positioned, to be able to move them. Keep your big toe from twisting.

Choose shoes not only according to the size of the foot, but also according to the shape of the foot.

Very convenient and helpful wide heel 5-6 cm long.

A powerful platform, on the contrary, can harm the leg. When choosing platform shoes, make sure that the shoes or boots are not too heavy. For the legs, such a load will be too large. Indeed, throughout the day a person is in an upright position and his legs are lowered down, and heavy shoes increase the already large load.

As a result, over time, varicose veins veins, the legs often swell and the shape of the foot changes. And, of course, all this is reflected in your posture, on your walk and in general on your mood.
Ideally in women's wardrobe must be

"classic" boats on medium heels (preferably two pairs - one pair is black, the other is white),

A pair of sneakers ,

leather boots ,

summer sandals,

beach slates And

high heeled evening shoes.

Such a set of shoes will allow you to alternate them several times a week so that your feet do not get tired of the heel and do not get used to the shoes completely buzz the heel.

Shoes for everyday wear with medium heels will be perfectly combined with both business suit, and with elegant trouser set. Keep in mind that you will walk in such shoes every day. Therefore, the heel should be stable and comfortable enough.
IN winter period be sure to change warm shoes for shoes at work. In winter shoes, the legs get tired very quickly.

Winter boots need to buy one size larger so that you can put them on wool sock and the leg was free, not compressed and squeezed. It is known that tight shoes do not retain heat, and feet freeze quickly.

And as the Russian proverb says:

"Keep your head cold and your feet warm."

It is desirable that the boots are made of genuine leather and on natural fur, which will not irritate the skin of the legs and allow them to retain their natural warmth.

Winter shoes should not be too heavy. under the weight winter clothes the legs feel already oppressed, and if the winter boots are also heavy enough, then you simply won’t be able to move easily and the gait will change significantly over the winter.
Dropped shoulders and a stooped back, a heavy and shuffling step - rid yourself of these "charms".

Let be winter boots warm enough, light and comfortable. High heels for winter boots are not quite suitable. Perhaps he will come down for European countries, where snow alternates with rain and there are no snowdrifts a meter high. And if we have ice, then moving around in high heels becomes completely unbearable. Staying on your feet during ice is always difficult, and high heels only increase the risk of twisting your leg or breaking your arm.

That's why, when choosing winter shoes, stop better with heels middle length and width .

It is desirable that the soles of your boots are made from a natural material, such as rubber. The rubber sole makes walking soft, free and light, because this natural material perfectly copies the relief of the foot and creates favorable conditions for the position of the foot when walking.
IN summer period wearing closed shoes is not recommended : it not only causes excessive sweating feet, but also extremely unhygienic. Sweaty feet rub faster, and there is whole line fungal complications.

Therefore, for summer season choose an open, free and light shoes or closed shoes with a porous surface through which air flows, and the legs continue to “breathe” in such shoes even in very hot weather. The sole of summer shoes can be made of wood, cork or leather.
Light clogs on a high cork platform will look both fashionable and visually lengthen the legs, and will be very comfortable and comfortable to wear. The wooden sole will also make the shoes more beneficial to the feet. After all, wood is a natural material. And all natural materials have a beneficial effect on general health feet and the whole body. Light moccasins are also great shoes for summer, because they are completely made of genuine leather, the sole is made of a dense layer of genuine leather and fits the foot very softly, making easy gait and free.

It is better to replace rubber summer slates with thin moccasins, or with other shoes made of natural materials. Rubber slates have become the go-to shoes for the beach and pool, but try to wear them as little as possible, because any rubber shoes, including slates, can harm the health of your feet.
Demi-season shoes can be both with heels and with a platform; it is desirable that it be made of natural material. The sole should not be heavy. And basically you can choose whatever your heart desires.

Basic requirements for demi-season shoes which we can present is the quality of the material from which it is made . Shoes should not get wet and let moisture through, they should be resistant to autumn-spring slush and dirt. Your feet should always be dry and warm. Otherwise, not only banal colds and fungal diseases are possible, but circulatory disorders in lower limbs. Avoid rubber shoes And rubber sole. Frequent wearing of such shoes in wet weather contributes to the development of rheumatism, and the legs will hurt with any, even the most mild cold.
Try to buy yourself high-quality and solid shoes.

It is not cheap, but these costs are justified. After all, the health of our body as a whole depends on the health of the legs. I have already talked about the consequences of ill-fitting shoes and footwear. Bad quality. Therefore, do not skimp when choosing a new pair of shoes.

After all, the miser pays twice: by buying yourself uncomfortable boots or not expensive leatherette shoes, you endanger not only your legs, but the whole body as a whole. And it is not known how much money you will then spend on the treatment of your feet, spoiled by bad and uncomfortable shoes.
Any uncomfortable shoes: the one that presses, or the one that is too big, instantly changes our gait and posture, and our whole mood in general.

Sometimes a small callus can ruin your mood for the whole day, because you have to walk with a limp on one leg. This instantly catches the eye of the surrounding people and causes a smile in some, and sympathy in others. You, on the other hand, have a natural feeling of annoyance and embarrassment, and you are trying in every possible way to hide this little secret. While holding back the sharp feeling of pain with every step, you still smile and put on a casual look. Like the Little Mermaid from Anderson's fairy tale, you try to move easily and gracefully, despite the pain. And when you come home, you throw your shoes angrily into a corner and rush into a chair to finally give your feet a rest. “God, what a heroic day it was,” you think. “Yes, you can give medals for such feats.” And in fact, you feel so tired and exhausted, as if you have been doing hard physical labor all day.

And the reason for this is beautiful shoes, imperturbably standing in the corner.
You only spent one day tight shoes, and the corn will hurt for another three to four days. And you have to wear something else, some soft shoes, to once again do not injure your pet corn.
And how much grief in women can cause a broken heel! But don't blame the shoe manufacturer or the bad pothole road. After all, you are the one to blame in the first place.

Sometimes the shoes are a little too big or a little too small, but you liked them so much that you buy them anyway, and after two weeks the arch support or heel breaks.

Everything is very simple . A heel, not even the highest, invariably changes your posture, the center of gravity changes.

If the shoes are a little too big for you, then the arch support will definitely break, because your heel does not hit the center of the heel part of the shoe a little, but goes forward and with each step it presses not on the heel, but on the arch support.

Conversely, if the shoes are slightly smaller than your size, then the heel will go beyond the center of the heel of the shoe, and the heel will bend inward, and eventually it will break completely.

So be sure to choose your shoes size so as not to be disappointed later.

In the next article we will talk about shoes and posture.

There are several systems for measuring shoe sizes. The most common of them: EU (Europe) and UK (Great Britain). Since the EU system is widespread in our country, when buying shoes abroad or in online stores a logical question arises: the UK / US shoe size is how much according to Russian standards?

Size comparison

According to the table below, you can quickly navigate if you know your size in at least one of the measurement systems, or if you measure your foot with a centimeter.

The UK shoe size is calculated in the inch system at the rate of 1/3 inch = 8.47 mm. But it is important not only to be able to convert inches to centimeters, but also to correctly measure the foot. After all, for right choice shoes knowing the length of the foot is not enough, the size of the ankle, protruding joints are also important. Everything is complex in any measurement system, and the UK size is no exception.

Male and female

It is customary to divide foot measurements according to gender. UK women's and men's shoe sizes vary, as can be seen from the table above. And if we compare the EU and UK systems, in the first male size 1 cm more than a similar female.

Let's look at an example: female size shoes UK 6 is equal to 39 centimeters in the metric system. And which one will be similar to him? IN this case shoe size UK into Russian (if translated) for men is 40 centimeters. The same difference in centimeters. It is preserved when comparing all dimensions in the grid. And, for example, child size shoes UK 6 in Russian is equal to 14 centimeters (more on this later).

How to measure your foot

First you need to figure out what parameters are taken into account when creating shoes. The first and main thing is really the length of the foot - from the most protruding point of the heel to the tip of the big toe.

Further, from left to right, the following parameters are taken into account: the first phalanx of the thumb. Since this part of the toe moves more actively when walking, it is customary to take it into account in the calculation of the size and design of shoes. Lateral protrusion - the base of the thumb - is an important parameter influencing the choice of shoe model. It should be narrow enough if there is no ledge; and wide enough if the protrusion is large so that the shoe sits comfortably on the foot.

Inner arch or just arch - its dimensions are also taken into account by shoe manufacturers. In cases of flat feet or high arches, for example, absolutely different technologies footwear manufacturing. And finally, the inner heel and the protrusion of the ankle on the inside - influence the choice of shoes in a similar way to the arch.

If you look in more detail, you can measure both the circumference of the ankle, the widest part of the foot (at the base of the toes) and the circumference of the instep, thus looking for the appropriate UK shoe size.

But such meticulousness is the exception rather than the rule. Although for buying shoes through the site, without the ability to touch and try on the model you like, such measurement accuracy can do a good job and save the buyer from wasting time and money on returning or replacing a shoe model that did not fit.

Children's foot

Any mother knows that choosing shoes for a child is several times more difficult than for herself. And not only because there is no way to try and feel the shoes on your foot on your own, but rather because the child is many times more mobile than adults, so when choosing a pair for him, you need to take this into account.

Important parameters when choosing shoes for a child:

  1. The principle of multilayer. Foot length is not shoe size. Separately, the length of the insole and boot / sneaker is taken into account.
  2. From half to one centimeter must be added to the length of the foot so that the leg does not deform with increased physical activity child. It is also useful, because children grow very quickly and after six months they grow out of shoes of their size so that they can no longer even put them on.
  3. The length of the boot/sneaker is even longer than the length of the insole. This will be the shoe size in the measurement table.
  4. The final shoe size is influenced by the thickness of the material, the model (open, closed) and a number of other parameters. In each case, its own coefficient is considered to determine the size of the child's shoes.

Child's age and shoes

And, of course, the age of the baby is very important. Knowing the length of the foot or its size in the EU system, you can easily choose the size of UK children's shoes. Summary table:

The data is divided into three categories according to the child's growth rate. Up to two years - very fast growth, it slows down by 4 years, and a little more - by 12. So, shoes bought in the first months of life wear out in just weeks.


As the purchase of shoes from foreign manufacturers has become ubiquitous, as well as the distribution of local products around the world has gained in scale, the designation of sizes on labels has become universal. As a rule, it indicates at least three measurement systems: American, European and British.

The first and main dimension is indicated either by the country of origin or by the country - the main buyer of the product. Also found on the labels letter designations, such as S, M, L and others. They also, but unlike codes of letters and numbers, indicate ranges of sizes. That is, they are more universal and subjective. Therefore, it is better not to focus on them when buying something online.

UK size

UK shoe size is not translated into Russian by adding centimeters. The British system of measurement differs from the metric (or mondopoint, to be more precise) accepted by us radically, including designation and marking.

Usually manufacturers indicate the standard British dimensional grid. But not all English shoe brands are guided by it. There are brands that use their own size chart, which can be found on the company's website. This was done for the convenience of the manufacturer, as well as based on the technology of manufacturing shoes.

The increased demands on the quality of shoes make many look to the UK market. Including when choosing shoes for babies. English collections really show wide lines, very high quality products and variety of models. Each such manufacturer necessarily translates UK sizes into other measurement systems and duplicates them in all sources: from the label on the shoe box to the company's website.

To determine which UK size is right for you, you can focus on reviews of specific brands of shoes and models on forums and specialized sites. Or ask a question to the manufacturing company itself through the form feedback. Large reputable brands, as a rule, acquire consultants who speak Russian. Thus, you will receive all the comprehensive information first hand.

Matching shoe sizes to UK American and European measurement systems greatly facilitates online shopping and increases the chance of getting the right one. suitable footwear what you were looking for.