How to cut an elongated caret for yourself. Laying caret at home. What type of face is suitable for an elongated caret

Bob haircuts amaze with their versatility and variety. For a long time, stylists have brought many nuances to this hairstyle, modified and improved it. Thanks to this square, it is popular at all times.

An elongated bob is a favorite haircut for women who want to look fashionable, feminine and business-like at the same time. Such hairstyles not only emphasize the beautiful features of their owners, but also look equally good on women of different ages.

What type of face is suitable for an elongated caret

This haircut, which can decorate any woman, but at the same time, it must be performed properly. Elongated caret - good decision for the fair sex different type faces. By using proper styling and waving, the specialist will be able to correct the defects of the face, as well as emphasize its beneficial sides.

For a round face

ladies with round type faces are harder to pick up perfect hairstyle. An elongated square will help to slightly stretch the face and smooth the cheeks. The strands should be laid in such a way that the lower region of the face visually looks heavier, and the shape of the face itself is slightly elongated. Direct parting in this case undesirable, but oblique - just right. The ends of the strands twisted inward only emphasize the roundness of the face, so the hair should be straight or twisted outward.

For oval face

Such girls are more fortunate, they have no flaws, so any elongated square will look great. In this regard, ladies whose face shape resembles an oval can choose an elegant caret for themselves, based on fashion trends and their own preferences. Today, straight, curly and torn curls are fashionable. The bangs can also be any: shortened, long, a variant without a bang is possible. The latter will emphasize a beautiful forehead and chin. Elongated strands in front will help to highlight and show off the cheekbones and lips.

For a square face

Owners of this form facial fit voluminous caret. Ladder and asymmetrical haircut soften the corners and make them less noticeable. Thin and short hair no need to graduate, because the ends of the strand will look thin. Wavy hair is a salvation for women with broad face and double chin. They themselves will create the desired volume and, falling on the face, smooth out the corners. Dreaming of a bang, you should not make it straight and voluminous.

Types of elongated caret for long hair

An elongated caret for long hair is the best haircut option for those who do not want to radically change their usual hairstyle. Many women from time to time seek to change their image and some of them are not ready to part with long hair. There is a way out and this is a bob-car. Such a haircut is always relevant and looks beautiful, it is not as obliging as the classic version to the chin and goes to the vast majority of women.

With elongated front strands

This haircut will look great on girls with any face shape. The front strands can go down to the shoulders and even lower. This option is considered ideal for women with straight hair, but for owners of lush and curly hair, this type of hairstyle is no less in demand. Women are willing to spend a large number of time to straighten and style your hair beautifully in order to look stylish and attractive later.

This haircut can be done in classical style or be graduated with asymmetrical and torn curls. It depends on the condition of the hair and the desires of the hostess. If curls do not favor styling, but at the same time you still want to make just such a caret, then you can try a haircut with “layers”. The execution technique is similar to the classic cascade, differing only in a smaller number of layers. This choice is optimal for women who do not have time for long styling.

With an angle and oblique bangs

  • With an acute angle, the hair at the back is cut short, and the front strands can reach the collarbones.
  • With a right angle, the hairstyle is similar to the classic bob, only the front strands are slightly lowered.

This type of square, along with a long, oblique bang, will emphasize the peculiarity of the haircut, enhance the effect that is created through sharp lines and visually lengthen the shape of the face. In order for the styled hairstyle to retain its attractiveness longer, you should buy a large brush. round shape(brushing). It allows you to twist the front ends of the strand inward.

Long bob for short hair

This type of hairstyle is very similar to classic version, only bangs are missing. Parting in the center and long front strands will hide a large chin and rough cheekbones, i.e. those traits that are characteristic of girls with square type faces.

Owners of an oval face and straight hair can twist the front long curls both inward and outward. This will give a special charm to the hairstyle. And ladies with wavy hair and may not worry about styling at all, since nature itself will take care of it. Owners of too curly hair should make the bob longer, otherwise the strands will look short and the elongated bob will not be noticeable. Graduation will give such hair health and freshness.

regular bob

This hairstyle is popular among active and sports girls. It resembles a boy haircut. Only such a bob looks more original thanks to asymmetrical strands.

This hairstyle is well suited for girls with the right oval face and long neck. Looks good with large earrings which visually make the neck longer. Coloring will make such a haircut more spectacular and lively.

On a leg

This hairstyle resembles a mushroom hat in its shape. Therefore, the name is appropriate. This haircut looks great on girls with an oval or triangle face. Suitable for thin type hair, because competent styling will achieve the effect of a voluminous hairstyle.

This square is especially popular among brunettes. This haircut visually focuses on the neck line, exposes it, so it is important that this part of the body is long and graceful, otherwise the bob on the leg will be rough.

Haircut options for medium length hair

With such haircuts, the hair is cut from the chin to the shoulders, so the front strands are long, and the hair in the back of the head is the shortest. bottom cut such a hairstyle can be extremely even or have a slightly cropped cascade.

Such a haircut will look most impressive on straight hair. Experts strongly do not recommend doing appropriate hairstyles for owners of a short neck.

Graduated caret

This universal haircut especially relevant in last years and all thanks to the simple care and easy styling. In addition, with its help, you can profitably correct the shape of the face, which, of course, is a plus.

With a graduated caret, the curls are cut in steps. In the back of the head, the strands are as short as possible, and towards the bottom they gradually lengthen. The result is a kind of haircut with “feathers”, interesting, bold, lively with a touch of slight sloppiness, which gives the image a special charm. Graduated bob on medium hair length suits the girls whose face is oval, rectangular or even elongated. Hair can be both curly and straight.

Double caret is a kind of graduated subtype. This is a very extravagant hairstyle, which is quite rare. However, if you are not lazy and style your hair correctly every day, then this haircut will be spectacular and winning.


This haircut is only possible on straight hair. This square differs from others in that it has an asymmetric length of strands: on the right is a bob haircut, on the left is the usual length.

The haircut may have an offset in the center, which allows you to correct the shape of the face and hide possible flaws. On even curls, the cuts are precise and clear. on wavy and thin curls slight calibration is performed.

Beautiful hairstyle at home

Any caret is not difficult to style, you just need to understand and take into account the features of your face and hair to create a spectacular hairstyle. Options beautiful styling at home:

  1. Distribute the foam or mousse through the hair, wind the curls on curlers, dry with a hairdryer and after 20 minutes the hairstyle will be ready, you just need to fix it by spraying it with varnish.
  2. To quickly style your hair, you should apply the foam to the hair roots and distribute it with a comb along the entire length, then tilt your head, tousle the curls and dry with a hairdryer. After a little comb and sprinkle with varnish.
  3. Laying back can be done with a round brush. First, mousse is applied to the hair, distributed along the length, after which the curls are dried with a hairdryer and a brush, the latter bends the ends of the strands inward. A comb is parted, you can comb the hair on one side behind the ear and fix the hair with varnish, gel or hairpins.
  4. For evening version it is necessary to curl the ends of the strands outward. Using a hair dryer and a round brush, lightly fluff the curls and fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Video tutorial on creating a haircut with your own hands

The bob hairstyle itself is not complicated - it’s beautiful to style your hair according to the strength of every girl. In order to understand how to create a bob haircut with your own hands, we advise you to focus on the training video. Where a professional hair stylist will show you how to cut your hair correctly. Experiment and you will succeed!

Bob haircut its types and technology.

At all times, a bob haircut does not go out of fashion, since its types are very diverse: "Classic caret", "Elongation caret", "Graduated caret", "Square on the leg". In this article, we will consider a bob haircut, its types and, of course, the execution technology.

  • Classic caret. Recommended for girls rectangular shape faces. In styling, create volume on the sides with rounded lines towards the face and volume in the parietal zone. Also suitable for a triangular oval face and oval.

Execution technology:

2. We start the haircut from the lower occipital zone, separate the strand of hair with a horizontal parting, determine the length and make a border with a straight cut, this will turn out to be a control strand. Remember the CP will be 20-25 ml shorter than the resulting haircut length. The haircut is done on wet hair, do not forget that when drying, the length will become shorter by 0.5-1 cm.

3. Separate the next strand with a horizontal parting and comb it to the CP (control strand), the angle of the pull is 0 degrees, make a straight cut using the graduation method directed inward, the length of the strand is 1-2 ml longer than the previous strand. In this technique, continue to cut to the frontal parietal parting. Observing the same angle of bracing, we cut the entire occipital area using the “Strand to strand” method.

4. Now you can move on to cutting the parietal and temporal zones. In the temporal zone, we separate the strand and cut it to the length of the occipital zone, adding a square line. Using the strand by strand method, we cut the entire section of hair to the upper vertical parting, in the same technique we cut the other side of the hair. Observe the length of the hair on both sides of the face, cutting the strands of hair alternately.

5. Make a bang at the request of the client. Check the symmetry of the haircut: 1. stand facing the model and comb out the hair lying to the right and left of the vertical parting that separates the parietal zone, forward, compare their length (it should be the same); 2.combing hair in different directions, care must be taken not to sudden changes hair length.

6. For a more rounded silhouette, you can profile the length vertically.

2.Caret for lengthening. A square with a diagonal forward can be on a leg, the difference is only in the length of the hair. different from " classic caret”, edging (the horseshoe of the lower occipital zone turns into a diagonal forward on the temporal zones) and partings along which the haircut is performed.

Execution technology:

1. The lower occipital zone is twisted into a tourniquet strictly in the center in the occipital zone and cut off.

2. We cut the temporal and parietal zones. By analogy with the classic bob technology, only the strands are cut diagonally, the length of the hair lengthens towards the face.

3. Graduated caret. big The advantage of this haircut is that it allows you to vary the length of the hair, emphasizing or hiding some of the nuances of appearance. A graduated caret can be made elongated, torn, and more strict. You can also play with bangs.

A quality haircut is beautiful even without styling, but some complex models need to be styled after washing. For example, fashion square with lengthening, only a pro can lay beautifully, but at home the shape is completely different. Sometimes it seems that professional hairdressers they have some kind of shared secret that they keep among themselves. How else to explain their ability to style a haircut in a completely different way, as it turns out at home? But this is not a reason to have a haircut “like a boy” or to walk with an untidy head. It is possible to lay a caret with an extension correctly on your own. It just takes a little more time and effort. But you will learn how to style a caret with elongated strands as if you had just left a beauty salon.

Bob haircut with lengthening. How to style a bob haircut with lengthening?
The classic bob is not just popular, but perhaps one of the three most sought-after women's haircuts. This is easily explained: the bob technology is relatively simple to perform, the bob haircut is comfortable to wear and does not require complex care. But, as is often the case in the beauty industry, traditional forms become boring over time, and customers ask the craftsmen to add variety to usual haircut. This is how a variety of bob options appear: a bob with elongation, a bob with a leg, a bob with bangs, a graduated bob ... Fortunately, a bob haircut allows all these experiments and only becomes more interesting. And the work of hairdressers who style new haircuts is also becoming more interesting. And even more “interesting” is the life of the owners fashionable haircut who every morning try to lay a caret with lengthening at home.

In fact, it is not difficult to beautifully lay a square with lengthening. But for this, several conditions must be met, without which the styling of the bob haircut will turn into a useless torment:

  1. Haircut quality. Correct caret assumes that the hair is cut in one straight line. A caret with elongated front strands requires even more skill from the hairdresser so that the length transition is smooth and precisely calibrated. If a not very skillful master cut your hair, then it will be problematic to lay a square with lengthening beautifully. But the precise cutting technique ensures that the strands will automatically take the right direction, and for styling you will only have to bring it to perfection with a few movements. So remember: the right haircut- a pledge of easy styling.
  2. Hair type. Kare and especially caret with lengthening are usually done on straight hair. If you still managed to persuade the master to cut under the caret with lengthening your curly hair, be prepared for the fact that the haircut will not look in the best way. In addition, you will have to straighten your hair regularly for styling.
  3. Fresh haircut. Immediately after the haircut, the hair fits almost effortlessly and holds for a long time. desired shape. But the more time passes after visiting the hairdresser, the more the original silhouette is distorted, and the more less chance independently lay the caret with lengthening beautifully. So, if you want to properly style a caret with elongated strands, do not skip haircut sessions.
  4. Styling products. Professionals enjoy special cosmetics, which is more expensive than the mass market and is not sold in ordinary stores. However, you can lay a caret with lengthening and inexpensive means if you select them correctly. To style long bob hair, you will need a thermal protection foam, a strong hold hairspray, a medium elastic hold hairspray and, if desired, hair shine sprays.
  5. Styling tools. With tools, the same story as with cosmetics: professional ones are more effective than home ones. But if you have a hair straightener, a round comb (brushing) and a vein with a directional nozzle, then you can style the caret with lengthening yourself.
There are also good news: a haircut four of a kind goes almost everyone, regardless of the type of person. A square with lengthening visually narrows the face and makes it visually thinner. For owners of rounded features and seductive cheeks, a well-styled bob with elongated strands will give a more sophisticated look and allow you to imitate “model” cheekbones. You can borrow image ideas from world celebrities. Look for Photos on the net: a caret with lengthening in different time worn by Charlize Theron, Jennifer Aniston, Gwyneth Paltrow. It is unlikely that they were engaged in styling haircuts on their own, but we will be able to lay a square with lengthening and without outside help.

Proper styling of the caret by lengthening
The type of caret with lengthening depends on the angle at which the elongated strands are cut. How more difference between the length of the hair at the back of the head and the length of the strands at the face, the more original the haircut looks. And the more difficult it is to lay a square with elongation. The best option, which looks interesting and is suitable for self-care, is a caret with elongated strands middle length, the shape of which repeats the outlines mandible. This haircut is suitable classic ways styling:

  1. Simple styling square with lengthening.
    • Wash or just wet your hair.
    • Squeeze out excess moisture and pat dry with a towel.
    • Squeeze an amount of mousse into the palm of your hand, comparable in volume to a small apple. Spread the foam evenly over the entire length of the hair.
    • Make a straight or side parting, as desired.
    • Dry your hair with a hairdryer, starting from the front strands.
    • Wind the elongated strands on round comb large diameter, towards the face. Gradually stretch the brush from top to bottom, to the very ends of the hair.
    • Dry the back of the head last, lifting the hair from the roots.
    • Fix the styling with medium hold hairspray, leaving the hair supple.
  2. Quick styling caret with elongation.
    • Pure wet hair dry with a towel.
    • Distribute through the hair from roots to ends the amount of foam, not exceeding the volume of a large walnut.
    • Comb all of your hair to one side and blow dry in the same direction.
    • Move your hair to the opposite side and blow dry again, this time to that side.
    • Lean forward and lower your head down, comb your hair in one direction.
    • Shake your head vigorously as you straighten up and guide your hair back in one motion.
    • Choose the desired location for the parting and create it.
    • Fix the styling with medium elastic hold hairspray.
Both of these methods are good for their availability and ease of implementation. Remember them to lay a caret with lengthening every morning. Both one and the second styling will take quite a bit of time before leaving the house and hold out during the working day. But for special cases, other styling methods are needed.

How beautiful to lay a caret with lengthening
A festive bob hairstyle with lengthening turns an everyday haircut into an elegant hairstyle. And it is the elongated front strands that make it possible to experiment with the shape of the styling. Here are a few styling options for an elongated caret that will look spectacular with evening dress or cocktail attire:

  1. Smooth styling caret with elongation.
    • Wash or soak clean hair. Blot with a towel to remove more moisture.
    • Apply a generous amount of styling mousse to damp hair and distribute over the entire length, from roots to ends.
    • Comb your hair back for the most long strands were on top.
    • Slightly tilt your head back and dry with a blow dryer directed strictly towards the back of the head. Help yourself with a wide and/or round comb.
    • Fix the hairstyle with strong or extra strong hairspray.
    • If desired, spray your hair with a shine spray after the fixative has dried.
  2. Volumetric styling of a caret with lengthening in retro style(Ideal for thin hair).
    • Dry clean hair with a towel.
    • Divide your hair into a parting. It is better to make a straight parting, but if you want an asymmetrical parting, try not to move it much to the side.
    • Divide the hair on both sides of the parting into strands of equal thickness. Fix them with soft clips, leaving only one with which you will start working. As you progress, remove the clips from the next strand.
    • Using an iron or curling iron (depending on the chosen width of the strands), wind each strand spirally back or forward, holding the heating elements of the device vertically upwards.
    • Without combing the resulting curls, shake your head from side to side so that they take a natural position, and spray your head with strong elastic hold hairspray.
  3. Stylish bob styling with lengthening.
    • Wrap clean wet hair with a towel and blot most of the water.
    • Apply styling mousse to the entire length of your hair in an amount comparable in volume to an orange.
    • Straighten your hair with a flat iron, starting with the shortest part. When straightening the hair at the back of the head, point the blades of the iron slightly outward.
    • Dry the front long strands with a hairdryer using a wide round comb. Attach the brush to the outside of the hair and wind the strands around the comb away from the face.
    • With a round comb and the hot air of a hair dryer, form a uniform cut line, curved outward.
    • Fix the front part of the styling with a medium elastic hold hairspray, and the back part with a strong elastic hold hairspray.
Elegant bob hairstyles for lengthening require skill and accuracy, but as a result they turn out to be very elegant. Your will to choose how to style a bob with lengthening every day and special occasions. The main thing is that the styling is beautiful, durable and you like it. And when these hairstyle options get bored, you will always have at your disposal magazines, Internet resources and stylists' advice on how to style your long bob hair beautifully and unusually. Be beautiful and love yourself!


Separate the extreme strand at the neck with a thickness of no more than one centimeter and comb it. Decide on the length of the hairstyle and cut it evenly about two to two and a half centimeters shorter than the length you have chosen.

Now comb your hair, style it with a hairdryer and fix it with varnish.

Haircut caret, despite its venerable age, and in our time does not go out of fashion. However, just making a bob haircut is only half the battle, you also need to be able to style it. Several styling options will help diversify your life in the rhythm of an elongated caret.

You will need

  • - haircut "elongated caret";
  • - towel;
  • - hair styling foam;
  • - curlers;
  • - hairdryer;
  • - hair styling gel;
  • - hair spray;
  • - comb;


Use the express styling to lay the caret for every day. Wet your hair, wring it out with a towel and let it dry a little without unwinding the towel. Next, apply a small amount of hair styling foam (one ball is enough). Roll your hair into large curlers and dry them under the warm air of a hair dryer. Leave the curlers for 15 minutes. This styling will create volume even the most fine hair.

Just divide the dried hair into a straight parting if you are too lazy to invent something, but you still need to style your hair. Then lubricate your fingers with hair gel and fluff up your hair randomly. Fix the finished hairstyle with varnish. Laying ready!

Comb almost dried hair first on one side, dry it well, and do the same with hair combed on the other side. Lower your head down and shake your hair, then sharply raise your head. Now make a small side parting and fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish.

Tame frizzy hair with a headband. To do this, choose for yourself a bandage of the desired width and color and put it on your head. So you will have new image, which will also help hide regrown hair roots.

When going to a party, do holiday styling. To do this, twist the hair on curlers, then carefully remove the bobbins so that the strands do not fluff, and comb them with your fingers in the direction from the roots to the tips. Comb the strands again, but only with a small amount gel. Finally, make a side parting, shape the bangs with your fingers and fill everything with varnish.

Comb your hair back and fix it with gel for a quick and easy fix. evening styling elongated caret in summer. This hairstyle is suitable for any hair color, it opens up the face and allows you to show evening make-up in best light.

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Women's haircut square with an angle looks very stylish, modern and sensual. This hairstyle is best suited for fairly thick straight hair. With this type of caret, you can successfully disguise wide cheekbones, round face and a few rough features. So, how to make a bob haircut with an angle.

Before performing a bob haircut with an angle

This haircut is one of the bob options, it is perfect for straight and smooth hair. A feature of the square with an angle is a significant increase in the length of the strands to the face. Corner edging allows you to make this haircut elegant, modern and stylish. The ends of the hair are slightly bent inward. As for the length of the hairstyle, it can reach the shoulders or slightly lower.

In order to perform a bob haircut with an angle, you will need the following tools:
- thinning scissors;
- straight scissors;
- comb.

Angled bob haircut technique: step by step instructions

Wash your hair before you start cutting. Then carefully comb your hair, taking into account the direction of their natural growth.

A square with an angle is a haircut, the creation of which requires skills and experience in hairdressing. If you do not have them, it would be wiser to contact a beauty salon, where professional master high quality and beautiful hairdo.

Make a vertical parting, starting from the middle of the forehead and ending at the level of the middle of the neck. After that, with a horizontal parting through the top of the head from ear to ear, separate the frontal-parietal from the occipital zone. Another horizontal parting must be drawn from temple to temple through upper part ears, as well as occipital protuberances. Secure the strands in each zone with clips.

You need to start cutting from the lower occipital zone. Separate the first strand with a comb from 1 to 1.5 centimeters wide parallel to the hairline in the neck area. If the hair is thick enough, the width of the strand should not be more than 0.5-1 centimeter. Comb it in such a way that the hair is loosely located on the neck. Then cut it with a clear horizontal cut to the desired length. You have a control strand to form a caret line.

Haircut of the back of the head is best to start to the left of the vertical parting. Separate the strands with diagonal partings parallel to each other. The slope of the latter should be from the ear to the middle of the back of the head. Continue cutting from neck to crown. The cut of each strand should be straight and clear. Use the hair extension on yourself.

Select a strand in the temporal-lateral region on the left along the horizontal parting that connects the occiput and temples. Comb the hair in the direction of its growth, then cut it with a little to the face from the back of the head. Next, separate the strands with horizontal parallel partings and cut them with a 10–15 ° pull to the specified level.

If you cut correctly, each new strand will be 1-2 millimeters longer than the previous one. Having processed the left half of the head, go to the right.

To test how accurate your haircut is, separate a strand of 1.5 to 2 centimeters wide parallel to the hairline near the forehead. After combing it on your face, compare the level of the cut of the edge of the right strand with the level of the left - they should turn out symmetrical. Then, if necessary, correct the contour of the bob haircut.

Separate the hair for bangs with a triangular parting. The width of the latter should correspond to the width of the forehead. Roll all combed strands into a small tourniquet and cut them in one cut. After combing the bangs, direct the hair to the face. Make a border in the form of a trapezoid or a smooth arc. That's all, it remains only to thin out the ends of the hair around the entire circumference of the head with thinning scissors.

How to cut a caret?

Kare is a very popular haircut, it owes this to the fact that it has many fashionable modifications, and goes to most women, with any type of hair. In this article we will talk about how to cut a caret.

Types of bob along the length of the haircut:

  • Classic, hair length just below the earlobes.
  • Medium, hair length reaches the level of the chin.
  • Long, with this haircut, the hair can reach the shoulders.

For a haircut you will need: good scissors, a comb with a sharp end, hair clips, a spray bottle for wetting the hair.

Instructions: how to cut a caret - bob

This haircut option can be used as the basis for all other types of caret. Before cutting, make sure your hair is clean and damp.

  • First you need to divide the hair into zones, and secure each of them with a hair clip. Zone boundaries should be clear and even. First, part your hair into two sections from the middle of your forehead to the middle of your neck. Then separate the parietal zone from the occipital zone, making a parting from ear to ear through the crown. And the last parting will run from ear to ear at the level of the end of hair growth at the temples.
  • We start cutting from the lower occipital zone. To do this, we make a control strand, which will be equal to the desired length of the caret, cutting off the outer strand of hair with a thickness of about a centimeter. The cut must be straight and horizontal. Before cutting, the strands must be thoroughly combed.
  • Using the graduation method, we continue to cut the occipital area. To do this, select parallel control strands, pull them 15-20 ° from the neck and cut along the length of the control strand. This will ensure that the strands are twisted inward, which will make the caret more voluminous.
  • Next, we proceed to the parietal zone. We also cut hair, starting from the bottom, only we pull the strands perpendicular to the growth of hair on the back of the head, we align the length, as before, with the control strand. At this stage, you should check whether the length of the hair is the same on the right and left sides.
  • Next, we proceed to the temporal lateral zones. We cut off the lower strand, in a straight line, thereby continuing the lower control strand of the occipital zone. Let's continue grading.
  • Upon completion of all the steps described above, we comb the entire haircut and look at its symmetry, correct the flaws, if any. And proceed to the bangs, if needed. To do this, select the extreme strand in the forehead area and cut the bangs of the required length and model (oblique, torn, straight). You can also apply graduation or thinning to the bangs.

Now let's talk about the features of cutting varieties of caret.

How to cut a caret for lengthening

To get a caret with elongated strands near the face, it is necessary after you have finished with occipital area cut the strands of the parietal and temporal zones along the length of the control strand, pulling them to the face towards the first parting. At the same time, the smaller the angle between the strand and the parting, the brighter the elongation will be. Or there is another method, make a continuation of the control strand at the back of the head, so that you get the desired bevel.

Kare on the leg: how to cut

With this type of bob, the haircut of the lower occipital part is shorter than in the classic one, and the rest of the hair is cut with an extension to the chin. It turns out that the hair on the back of the head is shorter, and their length increases as they approach the face.

If you still have questions, watch to clearly understand how to cut a caret - video.

In addition to the described types of caret, there are very creative haircuts, for example, an asymmetric caret. What your bob will be depends only on your imagination, because now you know how to cut a bob, and what you need for this. Finally, it is worth noting that when cutting hair, it should be remembered that the strands should not be pulled too hard, as this may not result in the effect of clear and even lines, because the hair is in calm state will lay down differently. And when choosing the length of the haircut and bangs, remember that when the hair dries, they rise, and the haircut will be a little shorter.