Beard grooming and trimming. Correct beard care. How to care for a beard: basic principles

Tens of millions of women around the planet consider bearded men more masculine / attractive / sexy (how to care for a beard, you can read below).

In short, members of the opposite sex who deserve more female attention than men who shave carefully.

How to care for a beard: basic principles

Men who want to let go of a beard should understand that facial hair can emphasize the merits, hide some imperfections (warts) of the "stronger sex" or "emphasize" the imperfections of a person's face.

V the given time beard is very popular among men - "two-week unshaven". Taking care of such a beard at home couldn't be easier. To do this, you need to have a standard hair clipper with a set of attachments. Install the attachment once a week the right size(0 or 1), swipe all over the "vegetation" - and the beard is ready to enchant the female sex.

Hygienic manipulations with the beard "two-week unshaven" are carried out every day during the morning and evening water treatments.

Most attention men require beards with large vegetation: Russian (full), skipper (no mustache), Suvorov, garibaldi, etc. But for all types of beards there are general principles which must be strictly followed:

After eating, it is imperative to examine your face to see if there are any crumbs left on your beard. After taking fatty foods it is necessary to wash the hair around the mouth with soap / shampoo;

Once a day, monitor the appearance of the beard and, if necessary, trim / trim the hair on the face;

If necessary, apply cosmetics for the beard (gels, shampoos, varnishes), which will give the beard needed by a man size and shape.

How to care for a beard at home: beginner mistakes

The main mistake of a man who decides to grow facial hair is choosing the wrong type of beard. Rarely, when a man grows a beard "just like that, because there is nothing to do." As a rule, the "stronger sex" grows a beard in order to attract the attention of a particular woman, to attract the attention of the collective, to express / emphasize his individuality, to become more masculine / sexy. Or, as stylists now express themselves - to take the form of a "brutal alpha male".

By choosing wrong type beards, a man can take not a masculine, but a stupid look, over which women / acquaintances will "giggle", make fun of. What man would like this state of affairs?

Therefore, a man cannot simply “get a beard”; it is necessary to approach the choice of the type and shape / length of the beard very carefully, asking for the opinion of relatives and close friends.

Suppose the man has chosen the correct beard type. The next basic mistake of the stronger sex with facial hair is not regular beard care. Sticking out in different sides hair on a mustache and beard, obvious stubble on the face in places where it should not be 100% will cause negative emotions in the female / acquaintances, the same as unclean shoes or wrinkled trousers / suit on a man.

Therefore, you need to take care of your beard at home regularly, using modern cosmetic preparations: hairspray, shampoos, soaps, wax, balms for the right type hair.

How to care for a beard: haircut options (photo)

For many centuries of the existence of mankind, men were not afraid to experiment with their appearance in general, and with facial hair, in particular. Please see only the most common types of beards worn by men around the planet. Some of the names are ear-splitting, but goatee the whole adult life worn by F.E. Dzerzhinsky did not “have a complex” (as historians say) about this.


Russian (full)



Duck tail


French fork




Modern men are in a more advantageous position than their ancestors - the cosmetic industry fully satisfies all the needs for hygiene products ah home beard care. And our ancestors took care of facial hair using primitive hygiene products: rainwater, which after the procedure makes the hair "silky" without any shampoos / balms and others modern means... Whoever has the opportunity, wash your hair and beard in rain water using the simplest soap and compare the result with the procedure carried out using cosmetics from the world's leading manufacturers.

How to care for a beard at home: professional advice

It is necessary to wash with products that will not cause irritation skin face, form dandruff in the hair on the face. Start washing your beard with those shampoos and conditioners that you use on the hair on your head;

Combing. There is no need to comb the "two weeks unshaven", and the rest of the beards require constant combing. If you do not carry out this procedure regularly, it will be unpleasant for a man to look at himself in the mirror, not to mention the people around him;

We cut. If the hair on the beard is not regularly trimmed, the man will gradually take on a "homeless" look. Although, men - large originals can submit such an appearance as “ new trend in style ", developed personally" on the basis of innovative world technologies of leading design houses. " They will also find adherents for their "homeless" appearance, which is based on human laziness and disdain for the people around them.

Do not be afraid to experiment (in moderation) with cosmetics: try to use cosmetics that have not been used before;

Having let go of the beard, a man is obliged to look in the mirror more often and follow the beard. Male version combing the hair on the head: "I ran my hand from right to left" with a beard will not work. Unless a man, of course, wants to look sloppy (this is the trend).

The main thing while wearing a beard is that its owner should like it. Even if others don't like his beard.

First, let's agree right away, you need to read this post only if you are serious about your mustache. If the vegetation is above yours upper lip appears periodically and then, only because you are just too lazy to shave often - close the browser and go to the bathroom.
A real barbel loves his mustache, looks after them, takes them to restaurants, gives flowers ...
Okay, bent about flowers.

What to scratch

Suppose you have already decided on and even bought a set of doll combs, which may have surprised your girlfriend. By the way, there is an opinion that a round brush from an ordinary female mascara is ideal for combing and giving the desired vector of movement to the mustache.

How to wash

Start with a regular shampoo. In general, the same principles apply to facial hair as to scalp hair: washing too often is harmful, washing too rarely is ugly. Remember, balm conditioner will leave your mustache soft and silky, and regular soap will allow you to achieve pomp and airiness, if you certainly need it.

Than to stack

Oldfags say that for styling and fixing the mustache, you can also use improvised means, such as laundry soap, peanut butter, honey. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that after the first rain all your efforts will go to dust.
Advanced breeders use special wax for a mustache. It will provide long-lasting hold and a pleasant (any choice) aroma.

How to stack

1. Carefully comb your mustache.
2. Warm up a small amount of wax in hand (if you use hard wax).
3. Put some wax on lower part mustache to inject general form.
4. Apply wax to the tips of the mustache using a curling motion.
5. Bend the tips in the direction you want and hold it a little in this position.

Some dudes advise to apply wax exclusively to the tips of the mustache, moving from the center in different directions.
The main thing to remember when using wax is that there should not be a lot of it. Rather, even so: there should be very, very little wax, literally a drop.
To remove excess wax, the mustache should be brushed while styling.
Excess wax on the mustache resembles snot, once smeared and subsequently numb with old age.
Needless to say, such an accessory will not add masculinity to you.

How to live further

After washing, combing and styling your mustache, you will have an amazing and adventurous life of a mustache.
And don't even dare whine that a mustache is too troublesome, time-consuming, and in general you are lazy.
Carry your mustachioed burden with pride!

If you are serious about letting go of your mustache, then you need to know the basic rules for caring for them. If the hair above the upper lip appears only periodically, then this information will not be relevant in in this case... A person who takes their facial hair seriously loves a mustache and pays due attention to it, almost like a girlfriend.

Once the barbel has decided on the shape of its vegetation, it will need to regularly maintain its shape. To do this, you need to purchase a set of special scallops. There is another opinion that a round brush from a female mascara is perfect for combing a mustache and giving it the desired growth vector. Everyone chooses for himself the most convenient tool for shaping his hair. If this is a comb, then the teeth should be thick, and the object itself should have small size for the convenience of using it.

What needs to be stacked

Experienced mustache owners claim that even handy tools, such as honey, laundry soap or peanut butter, are suitable for successful styling and secure fixation of the mustache. However, these components are very easily destroyed by water, so after you get into the rain, all your efforts may be in vain.

There are a lot of tools to solve this problem. For example, you can simply purchase with, which will provide you with long-term and reliable styling, and in addition to everything they will give pleasant aroma hairs. On the shelves you can find a huge assortment of such products and choose the most suitable aroma for you.

How to stack correctly

First of all, you need to carefully comb your mustache. After that, you need to prepare a styling product, if you use hard wax, then you need to warm it with the warmth of your hands. When it has softened, you can start applying it. This should be done in small portions. To begin with, wax is applied to the lower part of the mustache, and then to their ends. Thus, they are given general form... After that, you need to hold the mustache in the required position so that it takes on the correct shape.

You can find advice from people who recommend applying wax only to the tips of the mustache, performing movements from the center to the sides. The main rule for those who use wax is to control the amount so as not to overdo it. There should be very little wax... The excess can be removed with a comb during styling. If you have an abundance of wax on your mustache, it will soon look quite disgusting. A frozen bee product on a mustache will resemble snot, and this certainly will not add masculinity to you.

What to do next

Only after you have put your mustache in order, namely, washed it, combed it and styled it, you can enjoy the life of a barbel, which is full of adventure and amazing things. And do not try to complain that the mustache gives too much hassle and takes a lot of your time. Learn to wear them with pride!

Published: 29.02.2016

A mustache, whatever one may say, intrigue and retain the attention of others. In order to get hold of a dashing mustache, it is important to just let them grow, “let go”. That is, you just don't need to shave them.

A mustache is such a thing that is not so easy to get hold of. This will take time, of course. Experienced mustache dudes say that, on average, a mustache takes about six weeks to grow, and then you can give them any shape you want. By the way, there are a great many of them:

In the meantime, the point is, here are some tips on how to grow a real peasant mustache:

Do not trim your mustache. Never, ever line up a mustache. It doesn't matter how much you want it. Never.

Comb your mustache. When the mustache has grown enough, brush it once a day. Make it part of your outfit: combing your hair - combing your mustache. This should be done in the direction from the nose to the right and left, respectively. So they will grow and lie better. There are even special

Lubricate your mustache with wax. After you shower, leave your mustache damp. Apply wax on them: quite a bit, literally on the tip of your finger, starting in the middle of the mustache. Spread it out evenly and comb your mustache.quite sold in our online store.

Give the mustache a shape. To curl your mustache curl, apply wax and curl it with your fingers. You can connect a pen or pencil to this case. There is a tremendous scope for experimentation here!

Keep your mustache in shape. Growing a mustache is a big deal, even a whole commitment. You will have to wash, comb, wax and twist them every day. But they look so cool!

Suppose we have already decided on the shape of the mustache and even bought a set of doll combs, which may have surprised my girlfriend very much. By the way, there is an opinion that a round brush from an ordinary female mascara is ideal for combing and giving the desired vector of movement to the mustache.

How to wash your mustache: Start withIn general, the same principles apply to facial hair as to scalp hair: washing too often is harmful, washing too rarely is ugly. Remember, a conditioner balm will make your mustache soft and silky, and regular soap will help you achieve fluffiness and airiness.

How to stack: you can also use improvised means, such as laundry soap, peanut butter, honey, to style and fix the mustache. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that after the first rain all your efforts will go to dust.
Advanced barbel uses a specialIt will provide long-lasting hold and a pleasant (any choice) aroma.

How to style: Comb your mustache thoroughly. Warm a small amount of wax in your hand (if using hard wax). Dab some wax on the bottom of the mustache to shape the overall shape. Apply wax to the ends of the mustache using a curling motion. Bend the tips in the direction you want and hold them in this position for a while. Some people advise to apply wax exclusively to the tips of the mustache, moving from the center in different directions. The main thing to remember when using wax is that there should not be a lot of it. Rather, even so: there should be very, very little wax, literally a drop. To remove excess wax, the mustache should be brushed while styling. Excess wax on the mustache resembles snot, once smeared and subsequently numb with old age. Needless to say, such an accessory will not add masculinity to you.

After washing, combing and styling your mustache, you will experience the amazing and adventurous life of a mustache.
Carry your mustachioed burden with pride!

Today, the presence of a beard characterizes the owner as a stylish, confident person. Well appointed beautiful beard will emphasize your masculinity, add brightness to the overall look. But for desired effect the beard should be neat first of all. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it right. And you just have to follow a few simple rules.

What beginners need to know

There are so many variations that it is not surprising to get lost in them and run to shave. But everything is not as complicated as it looks at first glance. Usually, beards are divided according to the length of the hair or the area of ​​the face. With the first, it is quite simple - the vegetation can be long and consisting of short hairs. As for the second classification, there are again two types of beards: full, growing, including on the cheeks, and trimmed, suggesting modeling of the shape.

Barbershop advises beginners to let go of a small beard in order to understand how comfortable a person will feel with it. A goatee is perfect for such purposes - it does not need any difficult care, you just need to trim it occasionally with a trimmer. Once you have mastered a short beard, you can start experimenting with length and shapes if you like.

Bearded man tools

If you have finally grown the coveted beard and want to cut it at home, you should purchase necessary minimum tools:

  • - make it a rule to brush your hair every day with a special comb with wide and wide teeth.

  • Hairdressing scissors - for owners of long and lush beards. Needed for trimming regrown hair.

  • A hair clipper is an indispensable thing for modern men... With its help, you can model a beard, mustache, sideburns, and also do trendy haircuts on one's own.

  • The trimmer is another very useful thing for your beard. It will help you cope with even the most intricate stubble haircut, and besides, it will maintain its desired shape efficiently and quickly.

Of course, professionals have much more in their arsenal. various instruments... However, these four assistants are enough for at home.

Beard wash

Do not forget that chin hair requires regular care, including washing.

Hair tends to get dirty, accumulate grease, and absorb odors. Even the most original and neat beard cut will lose its appeal without proper care.

Moreover, no expensive special cosmetics there is no need to buy - your regular shampoo and conditioner is enough. Do not rush to use them every day: 2-3 times a week, they will completely cleanse your hair. Perfect for daily washing baby soap(but for owners of dry skin it is better to do without it, and just wash the beard with water).

Wet hair needs to be blotted terry towel, but without intensive rubbing. Simply press the fabric against your hair to absorb moisture. It is better to refuse using a hair dryer, hot air will not benefit either the skin of the face or the hairs of the beard.

Beard cosmetics

  • Aromatic - on clean hair it is recommended to apply special oils. They will not only soften the beard, but also make it healthier and thicker. When choosing an oil, pay attention to the composition: almonds, avocado and jojoba are perfectly absorbed into the skin and effectively care for hair.
  • Castor and burdock oil... As preventive measures at home, use castor and burdock oils. They stimulate the growth of the beard and make it stronger and thicker. Any of the oils or their mixture is gently rubbed into the skin of the face, and after a few hours, washed off with shampoo (water fatty oil you cannot remove it from the hair). Try to do the procedure a couple of times a week for several months - the result will pleasantly surprise you.

  • Wax - except various oils experienced bearded men use a special styling wax. With it, you can easily shape a beard or mustache.

  • Beard paint - if for some reason you are not satisfied with the color of the hair on your face, then it is not difficult to fix it. It is best to do the first painting in the salon though. First, it is not easy to pick up the desired shade, and the master knows how to do it right. Secondly, you need high-quality paint, and the use of a normal head hair is strongly discouraged.

Remember that a dyed beard requires even more careful attention - hair can grow back quite quickly. And for a neat appearance you will have to constantly tint the roots.

Three simple steps: washing, haircut, cosmetic care will make your beard attractive and tidy. Not so high price for a stylish and extraordinary look.