How to get rid of wide cheekbones. A broad face is not a sentence. Detailed instructions on how to narrow your face. How to determine your face type

Choose the shades of cosmetics that suit you: the line of the cheekbones, which you will outline, should resemble a shadow, so the shades should not be red and brick: choose a dark powder or bronzer one and a half or even one tone darker than your skin. The choice of blush is also important - use the shade that your skin acquires after pinching. ...

Step # 2: do a new hairstyle

To accentuate your cheekbones, make an appointment with a stylist and do new haircut and styling - you may not even need contouring after that!

Cutting straight bangs is the easiest and effective solution... It is no coincidence that the owners of overly expressive cheekbones are advised to avoid thick, straight bangs - with them, the facial features become even clearer, chopped. For our task, symmetrical hairstyles are ideal, hair combed up, a ladder and a cascade from the middle of the cheeks will be good. Short hair should be curvy to outline the line of the cheekbones.

Step # 3: Get Exercise and Surgery

For very stubborn and consistent women, there is special exercises for the appearance of cheekbones. It is worth taking them seriously and doing them every day. Here are the most effective ones, tested on personal experience- after a couple of months, the result appears:

  • For a couple of seconds, inflate our cheeks with all our might, and then slowly and slowly release the air. Take your time and repeat 15 times.
  • We stretch the lips in a kiss and draw a circle with them in the air in a clockwise direction (30 seconds), then the same thing, but counterclockwise.
  • We take a pencil, pen or any other small elongated object and clamp it between upper lip and nose. Hold on for 30 seconds. Repeat this at least five times.

it easy way get chiseled cheekbones.

Expert opinion

There is no exact age recommended for the operation to remove Bish's lumps. The time of the procedure is determined not by age, but by the patient's indications and wishes. As with all operations, there are contraindications here. The doctor at the first appointment will help you determine the possibility of the procedure.

Thin facial features, high and sharp cheekbones have always been considered a sign of aristocratic and noble beauty. Fashion is changeable, but even in those days when pink-cheeked, large-faced girls were the ideal, ladies with refined proportions broke men's hearts and became the muses of artists and poets.

In recent years, contouring has gained great popularity, millions of women around the world are seeking to change the geometry of their faces without resorting to the help of surgeons. After all, in order to transform your look, it is enough to apply the correct makeup.

Today you will receive useful tips and learn how to draw, highlight and highlight cheekbones beautifully with powder, blush and other makeup products.

A set of cosmetics: what you need to highlight the cheekbones

For creating perfect makeup several cosmetics.

  • Blush. According to their consistency, they are divided into liquid and dry. The latter are more stable and last longer. Liquid or creams have a better fit and look brighter. If you want to shine all day, then give preference to crumbly textures.
  • Powder. Her tone should be slightly darker than the one you use for your face every day. For normal and oily skin dry powder is suitable, and for dry it is better to use cream powder. However, it often contains harmful substances: parabens or silicone. An excellent alternative it can be a mineral-based remedy. It takes good care of the skin, evenly spreading over the entire surface. This powder is made only from natural ingredients therefore does not cause allergies.
  • The primer is the base for the make-up. It evens out the skin and hides imperfections.
  • Brushes. There can be two or three of them. The first is needed for applying blush or other cosmetics to the cheekbones, and the second is needed for shading. For makeup use wide brush, about 4 cm, and the blending brush should be with an even bristle. Choose brushes from natural materials, the best option- squirrel wool.

In addition to the listed funds, you will need a bronzer and a corrector.

How to highlight and paint cheekbones with makeup

Do beautiful make-up a professional will help, but if you practice, you can master the secrets at home.

By following our advice, in 20 minutes you will look like you just visited a professional makeup artist.

So what needs to be done:

  • Prepare your face for makeup. We apply all products only on clean skin, so the face needs to be washed with a gel wash, soap or other cleanser. Then we apply daily cream and let it soak for 20 minutes.
  • Proceeding with the application of the corrective agents, apply a thin layer of primer on the face. If there is redness and inflammation on the skin, they can be masked with concealer. Then we apply the base, and on top of it - powder. You can use a kabuki brush to make it lay down evenly. On this stage it is better to give preference to mineral products, they will not harm your skin cow, but on the contrary, they will delicately correct imperfections and heal peeling and inflammation.
  • The next step is to select them. This stage is the most crucial, as you need to do everything right. You can define a line by sliding two fingers along the cheek with a slight tilt. To thin the facial features, you need to use bronzer. Apply a little from the temples to the chin and blend well.
  • Now apply the powder with light patting movements.
  • The cheekbones and the line just below should be shaded with blush. And at the end, use a highlighter - it gives the skin fresh look and a healthy glow.

When creating an image for a holiday or for every day, you should not only use it correctly cosmetic products, but also to choose them correctly. Give preference mineral cosmetics, it is based on natural ingredients, therefore, it is safe for health and has a healing effect.

It contains natural pigments, minerals and organic substances. So, for example, pearl, bamboo, rice powders, or green tea powder can be part of the powder. How to emphasize cheekbones: video instruction Before watching the video, read the basic rules for using and applying a bronzer.

Not right:

  • Darken the large area below them from the ear and down.
  • To darken the zygomatic zone itself.


  • Direct blackout from ear to nose.

How to highlight cheekbones with a concealer: makeup rules

A concealer is an opaque cream or finely ground powder, if we are talking about a mineral product, designed to mask freckles, dark circles and other skin imperfections. With this product, you can even out skin tone, emphasize the contours of the face and give it a fresh, healthy look.

Concealers contain reflective particles that make the skin smoother and smoother, hiding small wrinkles. Vitamins, antioxidants and zinc are added to the cosmetic product.

To highlight your cheekbones using concealer, follow our tips.

  • Purification. before each application of makeup, the skin is cleansed special means... For oily skin, in addition to washing gel, you can use a toner.
  • Skin preparation. A day cream is applied to clean skin and allowed to absorb well. The skin around the eyes must also be moisturized, for this they use special cream designed for this area of ​​the face.
  • Base application. a primer is used as a base agent, it is applied thin layer all over your face.
  • Even out skin tone. For healthy skin without inflammation and visible imperfections, it is enough to use BB or CC cream. It has a light texture and cares for the skin. To mask inflammation, a corrector is applied on top of it. the direction of application is from the edge to the middle of the problem area.
  • Applying concealer. Concealer can be applied not only to the entire face, but also used to highlight the cheekbone zone. For the nasolabial part of the face, apply white and purple shades, for the T-zone - the shade should be a little lighter than skin... Light shades are used under the corners of the eyelids and eyebrows. You can emphasize them with a gray-purple tint.
  • The final stage. At the end of the makeup, powder and blush are applied. To do this, use a brush.

Apply the concealer with a damp sponge or brush. To make the blush fall evenly, direct the movement from the edges to the center.

Use concealer correctly, avoid these mistakes:

  • Avoid using heavy concealer under your eyes.
  • Do not use without day cream and foundation.
  • Do not use concealer on damaged skin or acne; for acne, apply the product around the affected area.

How to highlight and correctly draw cheekbones on an oval face

Girls with oval shape special face correction is not required, since they do not have chubby cheeks or wide cheekbones. Therefore, it is enough just to emphasize the line with blush, powder or bronzer.

After all preparatory activities- cleansing, applying day cream, tonal basis and concealer, it is enough to apply the blush under the line in order to draw the cheekbones correctly, and blend them well with a brush from the temple downwards.

Follow this application pattern when using blush:

  • Brush in blush and trace the outline of the face from ears to chin.
  • Draw a thin line from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose and blend.
  • Pull in your cheeks and apply blush to the formed cavities.
  • Inflate your cheeks and blend up to the sides.

How to make cheekbones on a round face with makeup and remove cheeks

For chubby girls the issue of highlighting and visual narrowing of the face is especially relevant. Therefore, we will tell you how to apply makeup correctly for them.

To do this, in addition to the base, concealer, blush and powder, you will need a bronzer with a small shimmer.

Armed with the necessary funds, let's get started with makeup.

  • We wash, cleanse the face with a tonic, if the skin is oily.
  • Apply a day cream and let it absorb.
  • Apply foundation and concealer to your face. These two tools are able to make it smooth, even and hide all inflammation, freckles, dark spots and other imperfections.
  • The bronzer can now be applied. He is matched to the tone darker than skin applied just below the cheekbone line.
  • Using a soft brush, apply blush from bottom to top and shade.

How to express and paint cheekbones if you have an elongated face

Makeup should visually expand a little narrow face to soften the proportions.

Before applying cosmetics, we cleanse, moisturize and apply a base. Then, if necessary, use a corrector. Note that for a long face, it is better to use a foundation slightly darker than the skin.

To visually expand the face, use a light foundation and apply it on the side surfaces, and middle part highlight with shaded ovals of blush. On high forehead and a long chin, apply a dark blush natural shades or darken these areas foundation.

Blush should be applied horizontally, starting from the cheekbones and the middle of the cheeks, gradually moving towards the ears.

Summing up

To draw and emphasize the cheekbones, use such a complex of mineral cosmetics as: base, corrector, powder and blush, and also watch the video instruction, which describes in detail the entire process of creating an image.

Apply makeup to cleansed skin and don't forget to do facial exercises. Follow our advice and you will always look brilliant.

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Chubby cheeks are always cute. However, fashion has its own rules: well-defined cheekbones, slightly sunken cheeks and a chiseled chin are the main established trends. recent years... It is easy to reduce the cheeks and stretch the face without the help of plastic surgeons, you just need to choose suitable makeup, the right hairstyle and accessories.

site I've put together some tips for you on how to visually stretch your face and make it narrower than it really is.

1. Find the right and suitable hair style for you

Forget about high horse tails, bunches and straight bangs. The most the best solution will layered haircut- it will add volume to the styling and visually narrow the face. Ideal options styling - careless the waves and lungs curls, which will help to visually hide the cheeks.

2. Try to grow moderately thick eyebrows

Thick beautiful eyebrows make the face visually thinner and more expressive - they help to shift attention from the cheeks to the area around the eyes. Special pencils, gels and shadows will help you in your daily eyebrow shaping. To visually stretch your face, lightly finish the length of the eyebrows towards the temples.

3. Coloring "ombre" will help to visually narrow and stretch the face

An excellent option to divert attention from the cheeks is to use the ombre technique. Light colors attract more attention than dark ones, so you should make the ends of the hair lighter than their roots, thus focusing attention on the ends, visually lengthening the face and making it narrower.

4. Adopt cat eye makeup

Well-made "smokey" will create the effect of an inverted triangle on the face - all attention will be transferred to the area of ​​the eyes and eyebrows. To create this makeup you need "Stretch" the corners of the eyes with eyeliner, pencil and shadows- this way you make it easier lower part face, thanks to which it will seem narrower.

5. Enhance your facial features with shading

Shading will help create subtle shadows on the face, thus hiding facial imperfections. When choosing a powder, focus on pale peach and golden shades, and in order to accentuate the cheekbones, apply bronzer from temples to lips and blend thoroughly.

Many women and men dream of making their cheekbones more pronounced. But if by nature a person with wide cheekbones, then the question is more interested in whether it is possible to reduce the cheekbones and how to do it. Moreover, the fashion looks at wide cheekbones without much delight: a face, especially a woman's, should be clear and gracefully sculpted.

How to reduce wide cheekbones

Big cheekbones can be corrected in several ways. At the Platinental Clinic we offer an effective and long-term way non-surgical correction of cheekbones with gel Radiesse (Redies).

If the situation is not critical, then the answer to the question of how to visually reduce the cheekbones of the face can be given by a makeup artist. By using dark powder and blush, you can hide wide cheekbones by visually narrowing your face, making it lighter and more graceful.

Helps to hide the wide cheekbones of the haircut, if they are correctly selected. With wide cheekbones, masters recommend hairstyles that extend upward, asymmetric shapes, oblique bangs and partings - all this helps to visually narrow the face.

Plastic surgery - reduction of cheekbones for risky natures

If the situation is very difficult and requires surgical intervention, surgeons come to the rescue. It is possible to remove cheekbones with an operation, although it is very difficult and painful. Under anesthesia, the cheekbones are shifted and their parts reduced by cutting off the bone tissue. Zygomatic edema, bruises and painful sensations about two weeks do not pass, and the final result cannot be evaluated earlier than six months later. In MHC Platinental, such a plastic of the face oval and reduction of the cheekbone is not performed - after all, for 9 out of 10 cases, an absolutely non-traumatic method can be used - gel Radiesse.

How to reduce cheekbones with contouring

It may seem surprising, but contouring is capable of how to pump up cheekbones and reduce them. At the same time, it is possible to reduce the protruding cheekbones by acting not on them at all.

Most often, lengthening the oval of the face and thereby visually reducing the cheekbones allows chin plastic surgery or injecting a gel into the chin area hyaluronic acid or Radiesse. Radiesse is a great option to reduce cheekbones by 14-24 months without affecting the cheekbones!

Often asking the question of how to remove cheekbones, in fact, we mean, how to remove cheeks... Non-traumatic nano - liposuction- a procedure that will quickly help if it is not a matter of wide cheekbones, but in excess of adipose tissue, which also makes the face unnecessarily wide.

The following are perfectly combined with cheekbone correction procedures:

  • endoscopic forehead lift,
  • correction of the shape of the nose,
  • ear plastic,
  • eyebrow plastic,
  • breast augmentation,
  • lip shape correction.

Call +7 495 723-48-38, +7 495 989-21-16 and come to the appointment. Together we will certainly find perfect way make your face look slimmer and younger.


Professionals know that many imperfections can be hidden with the help of foundation. This method is used by almost everyone. If you want to visually reduce your cheekbones, apply a darker foundation on them. If your face is square, apply a dark foundation just below your cheekbones, blending it over your cheeks.

If you have a cheeky face, apply foundation golden shades covering it on top with a lighter corrective. Cover your forehead light shade blush, and the areas above the jawbone are darker. Apply a little blush under the eyes and on the cheekbones, then blend thoroughly. Light powder Powder the lower part of the face and darken the forehead, cheekbones and temples.

For women who have wide cheekbones and a narrow chin, you can visually distract attention from such a contrast with. Wear a side parting and light bangs, do high hairstyle, she visually stretches her face. Wearers are advised to curl inward to hide the cheekbones and balance the chin. But from thick short bangs should be abandoned, the cheekbones will be more conspicuous. Smooth hairstyle hair slicked back behind the ears is also not suitable for people with wide cheekbones.

To those who have a face diamond shape, it is advisable to wear. They go long thick bangs... Make the front strands in the form of a ladder, this is also a good technique, but you do not need to add volume.

When critical situation, you can go to the surgeon, but you have to understand that it is very painful and difficult. Surgeons move the cheekbones and reduce their parts by cutting off the bone tissue. The entire operation takes place under anesthesia, and its result is visible no earlier than 6 months later.


  • how to reduce cheekbones

The problem of how to hide ears, often worries not only those who are not satisfied with their shape. In addition to lop-earedness, girls often do not like the shape of the auricles. There are two ways out of this situation: either to collect money for plastic surgery, or choose a hairstyle that will hide all the flaws.


There are hairstyles that hide ears, the styling principle of which is based on expansion from the crown to the ears. Alternatively, this is classic square, creating a smooth oval around the head and tapering towards the neck. The length does not matter, the main task is to hide ears.

Short is the simplest option that does not require any difficulties in installation. A regular bob, "beanie" or semi-long asymmetry will not only hide problem areas but also let you look. When choosing, you need to remember that its too short length in this situation will not help, since they should at least half cover ears... The advantages of a short haircut are that it is enough to style it once, having washed your head in the morning, and then all day you do not have to think about the fact that the wind or other weather conditions will make it so that ears will be visible.

But also with the help of long ones to hide ears quite possible. To do this, it is necessary to fix the hair in a braid or tail not clearly at the back of the head, but slightly below. So the hair around the ears lies loose and covers part of them. You can leave a few strands free in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe temples, which will hide side part faces. Great option haircuts hiding ears and correcting the shape of the face, stretching the cheekbones - this is a graduation. Strands trimmed in an oblique line can be laid in or out, but ears they will shut down anyway. You need to style your hairstyle so that the hair falls down near the face. On straight ends, you will need to twist inward with a round brush. With curly hassle even less, they fall down naturally.

Helpful advice

More self-confidence - and the problem of protruding ears will not interfere with success. If doubts about their own irresistibility remain - look at the movie stars: Liv Tyler and Will Smith feel great, having ears that are far from ideal, and do not try to hide them. Because the presence of complexes will not help to hide any hairstyle.


  • how to hide lop-eared

Small defects in appearance can plunge even the most self-confident person into despondency. However, you can make these shortcomings invisible to others. Hide large ears, for example, is not difficult at all.


A well-chosen hairstyle can mask the not very good shape of the ears. Haircuts of a bob, cascading and others, in which the curls in the temporal part can be combed forward, to the cheekbones, are suitable for you. You need to style your hair in a special way. Raise the strands above the ears and comb them a little with a wide-toothed comb. Cover your ears and secure the styling with nail polish for a strong hold. Wrap long hair on large curlers or curl with help. Tilt your head down and secure the curls with a fixing agent. Smooth hairstyles or very short haircuts having big ears is best not to.

Hats are friends who are not happy with their ears. Choose the shape of the hats that suits you. If - choose panamas with wide margins, voluminous berets or scarves with a horizontal pattern. Triangular face Solid kerchiefs and hats with short brim will do. For square face cap, headpiece with dropped brims, asymmetric. Long face decorate wide knitted berets, hats in classic style and fashionable caps. Oval suitable for the face any headdress. You should only avoid tight knitted hats that fit your ears, thereby emphasizing them.

Distract attention from your ears with large accessories - a pendant made of natural stone, chains, bright brooch. Use multicolored neckerchiefs... Choose blouses and jackets with large, bright buttons or embellished with embroidery. Better to choose intensive clothes, juicy shades... Focus on or below. Remember that others perceive the image as a whole. No one will pay attention to the shape of the ears of a stylishly dressed, who knows how to emphasize their merits and hide flaws.

Almost any woman who uses decorative cosmetics, knows that with the help of makeup, you can easily adjust the shape of the chin, nose, lips and even eyes. However, not everyone knows how much correctly selected cheekbones can change the face.

You will need

  • blush, foundation, powder, brush, mirror.


Competently accentuated cheekbones make the face oval more noble. In order to paint them, you will need foundation, powder and blush.

Before applying makeup, use a foundation: it will help even out the complexion and hide imperfections. Then apply powder, loose or compact. Best for this wide fit a brush, not a sponge - so the powder will lie smoother. It is necessary to apply blush after eye makeup, but before using lipstick.

In order to determine the area of ​​your cheekbones, go to the mirror and smile broadly. Your smile will help define their outline. You can also suck in your cheeks - the method of finding the desired area does not matter.

To highlight your cheekbones, use a foundation or powder that will be several shades darker than what you use with regular makeup. In some cases, even eyeshadow can be used.

To highlight cheekbones, use cosmetic brush with beveled edge. Use a darker shade of powder to draw a line under the cheekbone. Draw a line from the ear to the middle of the face, and then round it a little at the temple. Then take the round brush with which you are applying the powder and blend the line you have drawn. You can also apply blush to freshen up your face. To do this, brush over the most prominent part of the cheeks (use not bright, but barely noticeable tones). After that, brush the powder all over your face again to blend all the colors.

V recent times The most popular are creamy blush: they are more persistent. If you use these, remember to apply them after foundation, but before using powder. In this case, it is best to emphasize the cheekbones with a darker foundation.


You can pump up your cheekbones without surgery, chewing regularly chewing gum, or rather, constantly chewing. This invention has transformed the face of an entire nation - the Americans. It is by the wide and developed cheekbones that, as a rule, one can distinguish a US citizen from other people.

Helpful advice

How to make beautiful cheekbones how is the model? Contour plastic cheekbones, plastic augmentation of cheekbones or endotin cheekbone lift - what to choose? To shine, a young woman only needs to bring her eyes, accentuate her cheekbones and add color to her lips. How to pump up cheekbones without surgery. Are you concerned about the question of how to make a face with clear cheekbones without surgery?

Related article


  • using cheekbone makeup

Not too much correct shape the auricle sometimes becomes the cause of serious distress. However, this feature is easy to hide with the right hairstyle and trendy and stylish hats.

How to hide ears with hairstyles

Modern hairdressing fashion seems to be created for those who want to hide some features of their appearance, including protruding ears. All kinds of squares asymmetrical haircuts, curvy styling do an excellent job with this task. And for each type of face, you can choose a hairstyle that corrects minor flaws.

Haircut for oval and rectangular face, allowing to hide protruding ears - an elongated bob. In the first case, you can wear a hairstyle without bangs - perfect oval this allows. In the second option, to compensate for the heavy chin, it is better to make a short oblique bangs. The elongated strands in the front completely hide the ears, making this small flaw completely invisible.

For a face in the shape of a heart or elongated perfectly a haircut will do based on the classic "page". The hair at the back, near the neck, is cut short, and sufficient volume is left in the temporal, parietal and frontal zones. This volume allows you to hide auricles.

Those with a round or square face shape should choose asymmetrical bob-based haircuts. In this case, the hair on one side is cut short - to the level of the earlobe, an elongation passes through the back of the head, the length of the strands already reaches the chin to the opposite temple. This hairstyle allows not only to hide the ears, but also makes the face narrower, correcting wide cheekbones and chin.

Also, protruding ears perfectly hide lush hairstyles, curls and curls. The advantage of medium and long hair that they suit most women, and suitable hairstyle can be picked up by almost anyone. Difficulty can arise only when choosing a haircut with smooth straight hair. If the strands are thin, then the ears will bulge ugly, look out of the hair. In this case, it is better to shorten the curls a little in occipital area, giving them additional volume, which will hide a small flaw in appearance.

Hats and scarves - how to hide ears with hats

All kinds of hats, berets, hats and scarves have remained in fashion for several seasons. it real find for those who want to hide ears that are not too elegant. The beret copes with this task best of all. It can be warm - for winter, and thin, knitted - for summer. Volumetric fashionable hats, bandanas and hats with large brim.

You should only avoid scarves - under them you will see protruding ears, as well as hats with short brims - on the contrary, they draw attention to the temporal part of the head.