Carpets cat is also known as. Pallas' cat (photo): a free steppe hermit or a cute pet? The nature and habits of Pallas' cats

- this is wild steppe cat who lives in the area Central Asia as well as in Western China, Mongolia, Tibet and other countries. Today this cat is practically unexplored.

While exploring the Caspian steppes, a scientist named Peter Pallas was very surprised by such an incredible find. After all, it was he who was the lucky one who saw the Pallas' cat very first.

This happened at the end of the eighteenth century. The scientist could not even think that one of the most ancient representatives of the cat family is in front of him. This fluffy predatory animal amazed a naturalist from Germany, first of all, with its unusual appearance.

The scientist did not like the name “manul”, which came from the Turkic dialects, so the cat was named Otocolobus, which translates as “ugly ear”.

The ears of this representative of the feline families are really quite original in appearance, but are they so ugly? Most likely, the scientists rushed with the name. There is also another name for Pallas cat - Pallas cat.

The fluffy and beautiful fur of the manul brought him a lot of trouble: these cats were actively exterminated. Today manul is under protection, it Photo available in the Red Book. You cannot hunt these felines.

Evolution has hardly affected appearance this cute and beautiful animal. Today Pallas' cat, all the advantages of which are very clearly visible on numerous photos, looks the same as it did in ancient times.

Description of Pallas' cats

In general, this cat breed has quite a few differences from the most common domestic cats. The length of the manul body and its tail, the shape of the skull and everything else are very similar to the classic cat standards common among pets. But, the obvious difference is the length of the paws - they are short, and because of the very fluffy coat of the manul, the limbs look plump, however, this can be said about the whole animal as a whole. Average weight Pallas' cat - about five kilograms.

This cat has very soft fur, it is long, fluffy and silky to the touch. Scientists say that one square meter the body of the Pallas' cat grows about nine thousand hairs. Pallas' wool is light gray shade and the tips are light. The tail usually has dark horizontal circles.

The tail itself is gray, with a black rounded tip. There are lighter hairs on the tips of the ears of this cat. The cheeks are also covered with black stripes, most often there are two of them. There are similar patterns all over the body. The bottom of the animal's body is brown with light spots.

An interesting feature of the Pallas' cat is that the pupils of their eyes are called tiger pupils, since they have round shape what distinguishes these cats from their domesticated "relatives". They are yellow in color, round and rather convex. Another difference is that the eyes are set wide enough.

Since in the steppe area the weather is almost always windy, and the air temperature is most often high, the eyes of the manul are developed in such a way that it constantly blinks - so the eyes do not dry out. Although these animals live in natural conditions, but their claws are not sharpened, but on the contrary, they are long and sharp.

In the wild, such an animal can live for about ten years, but in captivity, Pallas' cat often reach twenty years of age.

Pallas' cat is similar in size to ordinary cats however its appearance is rather massive. It is worth saying that in reality these animals weigh half as much as ordinary domestic Maine Coons.

Animal standard:

  • strong body;
  • somewhat flat muzzle;
  • gray wool with light tips;
  • black stripes on the tail and body, black tail;
  • bleached ear tips;
  • two black stripes on the cheeks;
  • large eyes yellow color with unusual pupils.

Cat breeds

Today it is known about three varieties of Pallas' cat breeds. They do not differ much from each other. Their bodies do not differ in size, but there is a slight difference in the color of the coat.

Simple manul

As mentioned above, the color of the coat is simple Pallas' cat- light gray, usually like this animal lives in the steppes of Mongolia, Siberia and China. At the end of the eighteenth century, this cat shocked the whole world with its appearance.

Central Asian

The color of these cats is quite different from those described above. The wool of these Pallas' cat has a red tint, as well as stripes of red, visible quite clearly. These representatives can be seen in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and so on. For the first time, people were able to get acquainted with the Pallas' cat of this breed in the middle of the nineteenth century.


The shade of the Tibetan Pallas' coat is slightly darker than the standard one, and in winter its coat acquires a beautiful silver color. This wild animal is found in Iran, Pakistan, Kyrgyzstan and so on. Tibetan manuls first became known from the middle of the nineteenth century.

The nature and habits of Pallas' cats

Pallas' cat can be called a real loner, steppe warrior.

Pallas cat, whose photo is now so much on the Internet, has a difficult character, it is difficult for him to get along even with his own relatives.

In fact, these cute animals with an always serious expression on their faces are true lovers of solitude.

They arrange their dwellings in mountain crevices, in small caves, and will be delighted if they come across an abandoned fox or badger burrow on their way.

Pallas' cat hunt at night, as is customary for most predatory animals. Although, the Pallas' cat that went hunting early in the morning or late in the evening is also not such an exception to the rule.

They like to walk in daytime days, especially when it comes to the spring or summer season. They, like all felines, love to bask in the sun.

Almost everything in my life manul does it leisurely, without unnecessary haste. They hunt down the future victim with dignity and calmness, and then overtake her from an ambush. It is convenient for them to track down prey right next to its burrow. Have wild manul excellent reaction, which gives them the opportunity to successfully hunt and get food for themselves.

Sensing danger, Pallas' cat will instantly hide, in rare cases it happens that he immediately tries to hide for cover. But, manul- not a helpless animal, although it may seem different. He knows how to emit a formidable roar, as well as attack the offender.

Pallas' cat does not know how to purr. It is very rare to hear from them even the usual cat meow... When communicating with congeners, they make rough sounds, similar to the exclamation of "wow". Having met with the offender, cat manul will growl and hiss.

Caring for cats manul

At first it may seem like to contain Pallas' cat at home pretty easy: wild cat will be able to live in a relatively small space, and their menu does not include any very unusual components.

However, these furry predators are rarely seen even in large zoos, and they do not always want to breed there.

Very few zoos can proudly claim to be successful in captive breeding of Pallas' cat. V Russian Federation there are only three such zoos.

Pallas' cat it is very difficult to keep in captivity, it is fraught with big problems.

Small Pallas cat kittens may simply not live to adulthood, as they are susceptible to various diseases... The most terrible disease for these babies is toxoplasmosis.

In the steppe expanses, in the homeland of Pallas' cat, there are frosty winters and bright sun. They do not allow bacteria and viruses to grow, so cats living in the wild do not get sick. But a domesticated cat will easily pick up almost any disease.

It is not recommended to contain Pallas' cat v home conditions. This animal is a predator that simply cannot become attached to its owner. Some of the Pallas' cat are not nervous when communicating with a person, but they do not show any special emotions and do not crave to establish contact.

V early age Pallas' cat learns what the hunter's instinct is. Animals have sharp teeth with which they bite painfully.

This pet with a difficult disposition, even if he was no longer born in the wild, cannot be explained that you just want to pet him or play with him.

Those who still want to buy Pallas' cat will have to do it in accordance with the law of the country, since it is a protected species of animals.

Pallas' cat will be too unusual and wayward pet, which resists establishing any contact with its owner.

Reviews of cats manula

  • Amelia.

Pallas cat, although a predator, is still a very cute and outwardly cute animal. It grows to about 65 centimeters, and its tail is more than 30 centimeters long.

Pallas' cat is simply incredibly beautiful, I really like his short and chubby legs, which immediately distinguish him from other cats. This cat has an amazingly long and thick coat, so visually he looks like a kick-ass soft toy... This gorgeous coat, moreover, has such an unusual color, which combines different colors.

Pallas' cat is a predatory animal, so during the day he sleeps, but at night he goes hunting. Likes to create various shelters for himself.

I want to say that this predator is, in fact, a rather clumsy and slow creature. However, it is still adapted to survive in the wild. He tracks down the prey, sneaks up to it, grabs it, and now it is already with him. Loves to eat birds, rodents and so on.

Pallas' cat is similar to other cats in that, sensing danger, he snorts and hums funny.

Once a year, the female gives birth to two to six kittens, and in total such a pet will live no more than twelve years.

Pallas' price. Where to buy a manul kitten. Pallas' cat nurseries

A Pallas' cat kitten is a very expensive pleasure. Price kitten Pallas' cat is likely to start at ten thousand dollars. In addition, this animal is almost impossible to domesticate. Even buy manul aged kitten. It is very difficult with the legal purchase of this animal, and not only on the territory of Russia. Pallas' cat nurseries do not exist today in the CIS.

Pallas cat's health and feeding

Of all the felines, these are some of the most problematic when it comes to keeping them in captivity. Especially a big problem- preservation of the born offspring.

Raising kittens in captivity is very difficult, even if their mother takes care of them with dignity. Kittens Pallas' cat often get sick, and diseases are fatal.

These animals are susceptible to various infectious diseases; in zoos, they die from toxoplasmosis.

Frost and bright sunlight, common in places where Pallas' cat lives, destroy all pathogenic bacteria, in addition, living in wildlife, this animal is rarely found with other types of felines, which means that it does not have the opportunity to catch something from them. That is why the immunity of animals, which is not at all "hardened", as soon as it encounters microbes, is absolutely incapable of fighting them.

What a wild cat's food consists of in natural conditions, first of all, depends on its habitat, as well as the time of year.

The natural menu for this unusual and rare beast includes:

  • small rodents;
  • insects;
  • birds (pigeons, partridges, quails, and so on);
  • small mammals, such as ground squirrels, hamsters, vole mice, and so on;
  • plants;
  • berries.

Living in a zoo, Pallas' cat, as a rule, feeds on meat, as well as small rodents like hamsters or lemmings.

Until the end of the twentieth century Pallas' cat were of interest only to specialists, and they gained popularity and even greater fame only when they began to actively spread on the Internet Photo... Several beautiful photo of Pallas' cat, these massive, but graceful animals immediately scattered across the web, literally turning into a real epidemic. We only need to hope that the popularity of the Pallas' cat today will force people to more carefully protect this amazing animal, which is practically unable to live in captivity.

Thanks to the Internet, we already know about the existence of such an animal as the manul cat. Images of a fluffy, lynx-like cat with flattened ears have been met by each of us. But few people know where this wild steppe cat lives and how it lives. Today's material will be devoted to him.

Long years evolutions practically did not affect the appearance of representatives of the Pallas' cat breed: and today they look the same as centuries ago. Moreover, this is one of the oldest animals that are currently not fully understood. The origin of the name is also unclear. Only one thing is clear: the word "manul" has Turkic roots. True, the Pallas' cat has another name - palassov cat. He owes them to the scientist Peter Pallas, who accidentally met a wild forest cat, and was the first to describe its way of life back in the 18th century.

Main characteristics

The wild cat of the Pallas' cat is a combination of contradictions: on the one hand, it is soft and fluffy; on the other - a gloomy, unfriendly expression of the muzzle, completely discourages the desire to touch the animal.

This species is found in Central America and Tibet, Transbaikalia and western China. Outwardly, the animal is not much different from the familiar domestic cat: body size, tail length and head volume are all about the same, only the legs are a little shorter. True, because of the thick and fluffy wool the limbs seem very massive, as does the whole cat.

The coat is fluffy and soft, very thick. Color - light gray, with white highlights on the tips of the hairs. There are usually two black stripes on the cheeks, the same markings can be found all over the body. Pallas's eyes deserve attention - they are larger in size than those of domestic cat, bright yellow, have round pupils. The nails are long and sharp.

Common manul

This is a classic manul cat, which lives mainly in Mongolia, the Trans-Baikal Territory and China. It was this variety that Pallas discovered to the world in 1776. The animal is covered with light gray wool, with local black stripes.

Central Asian

This breed of Pallas' cat is somewhat different from the previous species, in particular in color. For such representatives of the feline family, a reddish coat with stripes of a red hue is characteristic. They are distributed mainly in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.


Pallas' cat, belonging to the Tibetan breed, are similar in structure to the two previous varieties, but differ in the color of their fur - these animals are somewhat darker than usual. Moreover, with the arrival of winter, their coat changes its color to silver.

How he lives and what he eats

Pallas' cats are nocturnal predators. They easily find a home in the crevices of the rocks, they can occupy other people's holes, preferring not to dig them on their own (although, no doubt, they can do it). Animals are slow and even clumsy, so hunting over long distances is not their strong point. They prefer to wait patiently for the victim, hiding near her dwelling, especially since the color of the cats' fur allows them to blend perfectly with the surrounding area.

The basis of the animal's diet is all kinds of rodents, partridges and larks.

If the animal is in danger, it finds shelter in rocks and trees. Pallas' cat leads a solitary life - males never live with females and kittens.


The rutting period for Pallas' cat happens only once a year - from the beginning of February to the end of March. At the same time, females' estrus does not last long: if there was no conception during the first 1-2 days, there will be no offspring in the current year. Pallas cat kittens are born about 60 days after mating. Babies are born blind, and weigh no more than 300 g. By the age of two weeks, kittens open their eyes, and after another two weeks they can already hunt on their own.

Pallas cat is hard to imagine living at home. This is a wild steppe animal. Therefore, the question "How much does a kitten cost?" not worth it. For him, living conditions can only be acceptable in a zoo, but even there, the Pallas' cat can regard the closest neighbors as enemies.

The beast is quite capable of defending itself using its fangs and claws if it senses any danger, so it cannot be called safe. But this applies only to those individuals that live in captivity. V natural conditions they are not cocky, on the contrary, very solitary animals.

Video "Pallas' cat that conquered time"

From this video you will learn about the ancient breed of catop Pallas' cat, which appeared many centuries ago.

Superorder Laurasiotheria Laurasiatheria
Detachment Carnivorous Carnivora
Suborder Feliformia

International scientific name

Manul, or pallas cat(lat. Felis manul), or (lat. Otocolobus manul) - predatory (lat. Carnivora) mammal (lat. Mammalia) of the cat family (lat. Felidae).

Wild cat inhabiting Central and Central Asia.

The cat received this name in honor of the Russian naturalist of German origin Peter Simon Pallas, who discovered the cat on the coast of the Caspian Sea in the 18th century.


Since ancient times, the manul has practically not changed. It remained the same as it was 12 million years ago.

We can say that the Pallas' cat looks like an angry plump cat who is dissatisfied with the surrounding reality.

With all this, this wild cat is one of the most ancient ancestors of the modern representatives of the feline family.

Pallas' cat weighs only 2-5 kg, and its body length is at most 60-70 cm. This makes it very similar to domestic cats. It differs from its domesticated counterparts in the somewhat flattened shape of the muzzle, bordered fluffy fur, short thick legs and tail, dense build and "increased hairiness".

It is believed that the Pallas' cat is the ancestor of the Persian cat, which he resembles most of all.

The length of the cat's fur reaches 7 cm. The fur is usually light gray or ash-red in color, and its very tips are white. It is the fur that visually increases the volume of the manul, which secured the fame of the fat man of the feline world for him.

Distribution and subspecies

The range of the Pallas' cat is quite wide: it can be found in Central and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Transbaikalia, Siberia, Mongolia and a number of regions of China.

The main rule of Pallas' cat is the absence of a person in the area of ​​his habitat.

In its habitat, Pallas' cat has no natural enemies, except for humans.

There are only three subspecies of Pallas' cat in the world. Each of the subspecies has its own original color.

  • Otocolobus manul manul (nominal or Siberian Pallas' cat).

The subspecies has been known since 1776. It has a typical light gray color, found in most of its habitat, although it is most often seen in some regions of Siberia, Mongolia and China.

  • Otocolobus manul nigripecta (Tibetan Pallas' cat)

The subspecies has been known since 1842. It has a darker color, which turns into silver in winter. Found in Nepal and Tibet, in the northern regions of Pakistan and India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.

  • Otocolobus manul ferruginea (Central Asian Pallas' cat)

The subspecies has been known since 1842. It has a reddish fur color and rather pronounced reddish stripes. It can be found in Iran, Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries of Central Asia.

Captive lifestyle

The Pallas's cat's lifestyle leaves a certain imprint on its existence in captivity. Pallas' cat does not lend itself to domestication, it shows great aggression and can attack people.

Although there he also shows his temper, they always perceive a person as an enemy, and tries to protect that piece of territory that is allotted to him.

Pallas' cats are usually not aggressive. But, if someone invades his personal space, he can become very dangerous. Its canines are almost three times longer than those of a normal cat.

Pallas' cat is very secretive and independent.

These cats even prefer to get sick alone. Pallas' cat is just trying to hide, so it is quite difficult to notice the malaise, except for the most obvious cases.

However, Pallas' cat breeds well in captivity.

There is a high mortality rate of Pallas' cat from toxoplasmosis, with which they are infected from their urban counterparts, while in the wild this disease is unknown to them.

Nevertheless, it is the zoos that do a lot to study the Pallas' cat, which is almost impossible in natural conditions.

With the help of zoos, exploration work is being carried out aimed at studying the species in order to preserve it and prevent it from disappearing from the face of the Earth.

Indeed, even in nature reserves, a meeting with Pallas' cat is a great success, since this animal has long been on the verge of extinction.


Pallas' cat has quite complex nature... He does not easily get along with relatives, therefore he leads a lonely lifestyle.

Each manul lives within its territory, rarely crosses its borders and does not allow strangers to enter its territory.

Pallas' cat loves to hunt at night or in the morning. He prefers to hunt down small rodents, hares and birds.

Pallas' cat is a rather slow animal. It is unlike other felines living in the wild in this respect.

The loneliness of the Pallas' cat is also determined by its habitat - these are steppes, foothills and mountain heights, in which it is relatively isolated from the overpopulated animal world of forests and other natural zones of our planet.


Manul breaks his vow of loneliness only once a year when he enters mating season... From February to March, males try to win the hearts of females. This is usually accompanied by a lot of noise and fights.

The offspring are raised, however, only by females, while males are not at all interested in the fate of their own cubs. The female bears cubs for 2 months, after which she has 2 to 6 kittens.

Babies weigh no more than 70-100 grams. Caring mother diligently protects them, feeds and prepares them for the first hunt. The mother takes her cubs to hunt at about the age of three months. an international comprehensive scientific and production program was adopted: "Study, preservation and reproduction of Pallas' cat", which is designed for 10 years. Its purpose is:

  • To develop a technology for keeping and breeding Pallas' cat in artificially created conditions.
  • Creation of a stable breeding and genetically complete open-air cage population of Pallas' cat in artificially created conditions.
  • Obtaining the most complete information about the biology of this species.
  • Contribute to the protection of Pallas' cat in nature.

It should be noted that the number of Pallas' cat on the territory of the Russian Federation was 2.2-2.8 thousand individuals, as of 1991.

The maximum number of Pallas' cat was recorded in the Chita region, as well as in the Republic of Buryatia and in the Altai Territory.

But the count of individuals of this species is big problem, since the habitat of the Pallas' cat is quite large, and it is very difficult to make at least an approximate picture of the distribution of the species' abundance due to the secretive lifestyle of the Pallas' cat.


Turkmenistan issued a commemorative silver 500 manat coin with the image of a manul.

And at the end of 2012, the Pallas' cat received the highest recognition, becoming the official mascot of the Moscow Zoo, and now it flaunts on its emblem.

Despite the reputation of the animal as gloomy and uncommunicative - and perhaps precisely because of her - the Pallas' cat is still a favorite of the Internet audience. Communities of Pallas' fans are being created, fan-clubs are formed. For example, is a site for a manula.

Sources of


  • Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb .: 1890-1907.
  • Ognev S. I. Animals of the USSR and adjacent countries, t. 3, M. - L., 1935;
  • Mammals (Research on fauna Soviet Union). Collection of works of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University 1979. 280 pages.

The smallest of all wild cats It has the oldest history, an incredibly fluffy coat and a complex temperament. We are talking about the wild cat Pallas' cat - unique in nature and, unfortunately, very rare animal in nature. Neighborhood with a man becomes more and more destructive for manul.

Small but beast: wild cat manul

Pallas cat is the smallest and most fluffy of the. Nice fur coat this animal is vital - it helps the cat to feel comfortable in a harsh continental climate. This is when in winter the temperature drops to -50 degrees, and in summer it rises to +50.

Pallas' cat is a very beautiful, but very wild cat

Discovery history

Scientists call Pallas' cat one of oldest species predators on our planet - its history goes back at least twelve million years! The inconspicuous little cat managed to survive such monsters as, for example, the saber-toothed tiger, without undergoing any special evolutionary changes.

The word "manul" has Turkic roots, but what it means is not known for certain. Since ancient times, the Mongols have christened the animal that lives next door to them - if many peoples did not deify this little mysterious beast, then they always treated it with reverence.

Little Pallas' cat is a contemporary of the saber-toothed tiger

The ancient predatory cat, oddly enough, remained unknown to science until the end of the eighteenth century, and specifically until 1776, when it was described by the outstanding German naturalist Peter Pallas. At that time, the German scientist was in the Russian service and participated in large-scale Siberian expeditions. In honor of its discoverer, Pallas cat received one of its names - Pallas cat.

For a long time, the Pallas cat was classified as a representative of the genus Felis and the closest relative of the forest cat, but a deep study of specific features prompted scientists to create a separate genus in the feline family, Octolobus, specifically for the Pallas cat.

Here is such a manul - video

Pallas' cat in nature and in captivity

The preservation of this unique species becomes more and more every day. urgent task, because the natural livestock of Pallas' cat is steadily decreasing. Zoos cannot yet fully help in solving this problem - breeding a wild cat in captivity is fraught with great difficulties.


The Pallas cat settles in the steppe or mountainous terrain - it can be found at an altitude of four to five kilometers. Its habitat in a wide strip runs through almost all of Eurasia. V different regions there are various phenotypes of this animal, which can be divided into three main subspecies:

  • Siberian (or nominal) - lives in the north of the range and is characterized by a predominant gray color;
  • Central Asian - has a reddish fur;
  • Tibetan - it is distinguished by the darkest fur coat with bright stripes and spots.

The Central Asian Pallas' cat is distinguished by a red color of the skin

On the territory of Russia, only the first of these subspecies was discovered - Siberian Pallas' cat settle in three territories isolated from each other:

  • in Transbaikalia - mostly in Buryatia;
  • in the Chita region - between the Argun and Shilka rivers;
  • in Tuva and Altai.

In the Daursky Biosphere Reserve, the livestock of Pallas' cat is being monitored

Regular observations under the program "Conservation of Pallas' cat in Transbaikalia" have been carried out for several years in the Daursky State Reserve, which has given a lot for studying the life of this unique species in its natural habitat.

To study the Pallas' cat they wear special collars with walkie-talkies.

And yet this wild cat most willingly chooses for itself territories that are sparsely populated by humans. He is not afraid of the harsh climatic conditions- Pallas' cat survives equally well both in the bare steppe and on stony rocks. He knows how to swim, but he doesn't like too much, as well as climbing trees. The animal as a whole is extremely undemanding to living conditions: it only needs to be closer to a reliable food base - and away from humans.

Pallas' cat in natural habitat - photo gallery

Pallas' cat easily climbs the mountain slopes; Pallas' cat is not afraid of frost; Pallas' cat is a big fan of ruining nests An old hollow tree is a great hiding place Manula like to hide among stones

The "housing issue" is not acute for him - a cat can equip old fox or badger holes for housing, and a cave among stones, and a hollow in a tree - there would be somewhere to hide from the hurricane wind, frost and enemies in order to raise offspring in calm conditions ...

Rare steppe cat - video


The development of human civilization has a detrimental effect on the number of this species. Until now, already rare animals are barbarously exterminated by poachers - for the sake of a uniquely beautiful skin. Pallas' cat did not bring anything good and the suddenly flared up fashion for keeping it at home. The number of the species is constantly decreasing, and this dangerous tendency is not stopped even by the fact that the law took Pallas' cat under protection at the state level.

For the sake of a beautiful fur coat, this beast is still barbarously destroyed

The Pallas cat is listed in the Red Data Books of several states:

  • Russian Federation;
  • China;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Mongolia;
  • Kyrgyzstan.

Not only cynical poaching, but also everyday economic activities of a person sometimes turns into a real disaster for Pallas' cat. Already rare animals are dying:

  • during the seasons of field work under tractors and combines;
  • from eating mice and other agricultural pests poisoned by pesticides;
  • in fires that are increasingly occurring in the steppe.

It is not known for certain how many Pallas' cat has survived in nature today, but experts are convinced that their livestock continues to decline. Experts of the International Union for Conservation of Nature announced the total number of 58 thousand individuals, but they themselves make a reservation: this is very, very approximate data. In the early 2000s, the number of animals in Russia was estimated at about 3.5 thousand individuals, but no one can say how many of them are left now.

Pallas' cat plays an important role in the ecosystem

Role in the ecosystem

Pallas' cat is not a scavenger, but an obligate predator, like all felines. Of all types of food, he prefers fresh meat - the prey that he himself caught.... And who is easier to catch a medium-sized and not too fast cat? That's right - weak, sick and old animals. This is what it consists of crucial role in the ecosystem: Pallas' cat is a steppe orderly. Well, or mountains - depending on where he already happened to live.

Wild cat hermit - video

Is it possible to tame the manul

Those who know Pallas' cat not from pictures, but directly observe it in the conditions of nature or captivity, argue: this animal does not lend itself to domestication. Even a kitten, raised by a human from the first days of its life, by three months will begin to vividly show the instincts of a wild animal. The genetics of this species is too strong, which allowed it to survive in the most difficult conditions; but for the manul man does not fit into the circle of his interests - as he was, and remains the main enemy.

Even a small manul kitten cannot be taken in your arms without wearing mittens

In zoo

Keeping Pallas' cat in captivity is extremely difficult, and only a few, the best zoos in the world can boast of successful breeding of these animals. The immune system of a Pallas cat is designed in a special way, and many "urban" infections can become fatal for him, to which ordinary domestic cats will not even respond. For newborn cubs, such civilization risks are especially dangerous - the loss of offspring in Pallas' cats in zoos is a very high percentage.

Breeding Pallas' cat in captivity is not an easy task, but very important

Self-isolation, which for many millions of years regularly helped the manul to survive as a species, played a negative role here. The animal has never developed reliable defense mechanisms capable of resisting infections. In addition, the natural habitat of this cat is characterized by a sharply continental climate with strong winter frosts- at such a low temperature, most pathogenic microorganisms simply die. The wild manul developed immunity to them, there was no need. Once in captivity, the animal is immediately exposed to numerous attacks of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, which, alas, does not know how to fight.

From 1987 to 2015, for almost three decades, it was the Pallas' cat that was the official symbol of the Moscow Zoo. Here, by the way, they achieved good results in breeding an animal and preserving its offspring. There are also two more Russian zoos, in St. Petersburg and in Novosibirsk, that have made progress in this area. All in all, in the zoos of the world there are one and a half hundred Pallas' cat, the overwhelming majority of which are close relatives.

Pallas' cat long time was a symbol of the Moscow Zoo

Females born in captivity often lose the ability to reproduce or give birth to very weak cubs. Even under ideal conditions, the survival rate of Pallas' cats born in the zoo does not rise above 40 percent - the main threat to their life is this dangerous disease like toxoplasmosis.

Experienced veterinarians zoos pay special attention to the health of Pallas' cats. Adults are annually vaccinated with multivalent vaccines, and for kittens, timely vaccination is practically the only way to save life. To be able to continuously monitor and medical care, newborn babies are often taken away from their mothers and transferred to the families of zoo employees for growing, where the most common domesticated cattle are often fed.

Manulata raised by a domestic cat still remain wild

Breeding Pallas' cat in captivity is becoming a very promising task, especially considering that this species is gradually disappearing in nature. The European Breeding Program (EEP), which is supervised by EAZA - the European Association of Zoos and Aquariums, is very seriously involved in the conservation and reproduction of the pallas cat.

Homemade pussy?

The law severely prohibits individuals from both catching in nature and keeping these Red Data Book wild cats in their home zoos. But in reality, of course, there are such cases. A few years ago, the manul, completely unexpected for himself, was at the height of fashion and world popularity. Until now, on the Internet, you can find many offers of the type: "I will sell a manul".

Pallas' cat is very cute, but not at all homey

This is one hundred percent illegal and even a criminally punishable business, and the animal (if it really is a Pallas' cat) is probably seized in the wild and is almost certainly doomed to death. Sellers usually tell the same story - about a certain farm where these wild cats are bred. in fact, there are no such farms anywhere in the world.

Little fluffy illegal immigrants are sold from under the counter and in large bird markets. A kitten costs from two to four thousand dollars, but with a high degree of probability no wild cat will grow out of it, but quite a domestic Scottish cat, similar in color to a Pallas' cat. Although, perhaps, it is for the best: a real Pallas cat will not take root in an apartment. Do not even try to keep the manul at home - such a thoughtless impulse rarely ends well both for the cat itself and for the person.

Better not try to pet the manul

V best case unsuccessful owners manage to hand over the exhausted animal to the zoo, but for the majority of manul, the attempt at domestication ends in death.

And the point here is not only in the natural aggressiveness or willfulness of the wild cat. By nature, Pallas' cat is egocentric and maximalist; these qualities, under unnatural conditions of unnatural content, reach the extreme and are generously seasoned with increased irritability. Those who tried to coexist with such a cute furry pussy on the same territory admit: it was very difficult.

It is not easy to share one territory with the manul

Pallas' cat is categorically incapable of obeying and always considers himself to be in charge, demanding maximum attention from a person, not forgiving familiarity. Almost not for him - he takes revenge: methodically and cruelly destroys everything that only gets under his paws. Such a cat is not at all home ...

And also the Pallas' cat behaves like a typical autist - even animals that have grown up next to a person do not tolerate any of his touches, which greatly complicates even the simplest veterinary manipulations. So, the recently hotly popular Internet meme "Pet a Pallas' cat!" in reality looks completely inappropriate.

Pallas' cat and people - video

Features of the wild cat manul

According to scientists, in nature average duration the life of a wild cat manul does not exceed eleven years. In the nourishing and problem-free conditions of the zoo, animals can live one and a half times longer.

External data

The official, Latin name of Pallas 'cat is Otocolobus manul, and it is translated rather strangely - "ugly-eared Pallas' cat". This cat has very cute ears - compact and sensitive. The nose is also small and, in general, the "face" is quite flat, which allows the cat to significantly increase the field of view. But the eyes are simply wonderful: huge, expressive, piercing yellow; it is impossible to forget such a look.

It’s impossible to forget these eyes and teeth

It is interesting that even the pupils of this unique animal are arranged in a special way. In bright light, they do not taper to narrow vertical slits, like all normal cats, but turn into small, but round dots - like a human.

Despite its impressive appearance, the Pallas' cat is very small in size, its body is no longer than 65 centimeters. Plus, of course, 25-30 centimeters for a gorgeous tail - long, thick, rounded at the tip. An adult individual weighs from two to five kilograms and does not exceed in size a medium-sized domestic cat - and if it seems larger, it is only due to its luxurious fur coat.

And the fur coat is really a miracle how good it is! Pallas cat's fur is unique in density and fluffiness - up to ten thousand long hairs grow on one square centimeter of animal skin!

Warm fur coat helps Pallas' cat to survive severe frosts

The body of the Pallas cat is strong and strong, the short paws are armed with powerful claws. Sharp canines are three times longer than those of a domestic cat, and the jaws are much wider and stronger. All this forms the impressive image of the ideal hunter, which is what the Pallas' cat really is.


And yet, in all honesty, you cannot call him an aggressor. Pallas' cat is a predator not so much at the call of the soul, as out of necessity: you want to eat ... In fact, he is a philosopher in life - phlegmatic, at best sanguine, but certainly not choleric.

A violent temperament is drawn in Pallas' cat exclusively during the mating period. What can you do: even philosophers are subject to love, and in order to find a girlfriend, you have to hurry up and even fight - a rare species, moreover, disappearing.

Pallas' cat is a small but brave philosopher cat

Usually calm and balanced manul in critical moments to the maximum shows his courageous and fearless disposition. Manulu's courage is needed not only for hunting, but also for protection from enemies. And the wild cat has a lot of enemies in nature - these are larger canine predators, mainly wolves and feral dogs, as well as large birds of prey, from the attacks of which Pallas's kittens especially suffer.

And they say that Pallas' cat is a phlegmatic - video


Hermit cat, lonely cat - Pallas' cat prefers his company to any other, leads a secretive and secluded lifestyle. He is more active in dark time days, but it may well hunt during the day. The main thing for pallas cats is to get plenty of sleep. But this is not because they are lazy, manul has relatively little heart, and after any stress, he must be given the opportunity to have a good rest.

Pallas' cat is a big sleep-lover

If there are no urgent matters, a wild cat can sleep up to two-thirds of the day - until it gets hungry.

Like many felines, the Pallas' cat is not a stayer, but a typical sprinter; its short, strong paws are not able to develop, let alone maintain high speed for a long time. A swift dash is only enough for a hundred-meter distance - but this is quite enough for a victorious attack.

The Pallas cat does not catch up with its prey - it patiently tracks it down and, using camouflage paint, tries to get as close as possible. Well, and then everything happens at lightning speed: an accurate, aimed throw - and the game is caught! Clawed paws and sharp fangs will complete the job in seconds - they will turn the hunt into a meal.

Camouflage is good for both hunting and protection

Since the Pallas' cat cannot count on quick paws, then at the moment of danger he tries to hide, to mimic the surrounding landscape. And if it happens to be discovered, then it fiercely defends itself to the last and it is precisely with its unrestrained courage that it often plunges a stronger adversary into flight.

Growls, hisses, but does not meow - video


Mainly, the diet of Pallas' cat in nature is made up of small rodents: mice, ground squirrels, pikas, etc .; this gourmet will not refuse to feast on some insects. Despite the seeming clumsiness, the Pallas cat perfectly catches birds, but this still happens less often. Sometimes, if you're lucky, a cat can even get a hare to its table, which weighs almost as much as the hunter himself, and even runs much faster.

There will be a bird for lunch today

Some difficulty in keeping Pallas 'cat in captivity is created precisely by the animals' need for “freshly caught” meat, which cannot be replaced by broilers from the refrigerator. The Pallas cat is used to eating live food, and feathers and wool are necessary for normal digestion.

Protein forms the basis of nutrition of this small predator, and the small percentage of carbohydrates it needs is replenished by eating half-digested grains and grass - the contents of the stomachs of the caught game.

A captive broiler is not a substitute for freshly caught game


Legends that it is the Pallas' cat that appears in the ancestors of such popular furry breeds like Siberian, Persian and angora cats, have no real basis. The Pallas cat is far from domestic cats in origin - these species belong to different kinds and science knows nothing about the hybrids between them.

Pallas' cat walks and reproduces by itself. Females and males find each other only for the rutting period, and all the rest of the time each of them strictly observes the boundaries of their own territory. The peak of love games, like domestic cats, falls on February-March. Then the parents part - the cat continues to walk by itself, and the cat is left alone with the care of the offspring.

Rearing offspring is the sole concern of the female

These animals not only do not form stable pairs- several males may well participate in the fertilization of one female. Their fights for the right to possess the lady are very cruel, and sometimes even end in the death of one of the rivals.

From wedding to wedding, Pallas' cat walks on its own


In due time, nine weeks after conception, Pallas' cat cubs are born. They are very small, up to one hundred grams, and completely helpless - blind and deaf. The female gives birth to an average of three to six kittens; the survival rate of droppings in natural conditions is, unfortunately, unknown.

Just born - and already a manul!

Nature itself has determined optimal terms birth for manul: end of April - beginning of May. Babies need to have time to fully form and learn a lot in order to enter into an independent life by the onset of the next cold weather.

Pallas' childhood - photo gallery

The kitten Pallas' cat wants to be alone And with my mother it's still better And from the back we look very similar Who is where - and I'm in ambush! Do not fit anyone - I have meat! These kittens will not be friends for a long time Tochi claws from a young age Let's play until they grow up Group photo for memory

Kittens grow and develop rapidly, at the age of four months they already know how to hunt independently, and by six months they are not much outwardly different from adult animals and, finally, become completely independent. puberty in animals occurs by ten months.

Pallas cat kittens become adults very quickly

Adorable, like all kittens - video

The slowest and fluffiest wild cat, one of the progenitors of modern cats, which has practically not changed over millions of years. The wild cat Pallas' cat is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book.


What does a manul look like? It differs little from domestic cats in size: it reaches 65 cm in height, 95 cm in length with a tail. Average weight is 3-5 kg. This cat has a fairly dense body, short legs and incredibly thick fur, which visually makes the animal larger. The coat is pale yellow, grayish with white tips; there are thin transverse dark stripes on the tail and back; diverge from the corners of the eyes to the sides vertical stripes black color. On the forehead there are pronounced dark spots. The tail is very fluffy and thick with a rounded end.

Small, slightly flat head with small, widely spaced, rounded ears. The eyes are yellow, the pupils, when reacting to light, remain round, and do not become vertical like in domestic cats.

The subspecies have a slightly different color:

  • Typical grayish color in Otocolobus manul manul(most commonly found in the wild).
  • Ocher fur with reddish stripes at Otocolobus manul ferruginea(common in Central Asia).
  • A grayish color, which acquires a silvery tint in winter. Otocolobus manul nigripecta(found in Tibet, Kashmir and Nepal).


Predatory mammal - the wild Pallas' cat mainly lives in rocky highlands, treeless slopes and intermontane basins from Iran and southern Transcaucasia to Transbaikalia, Northwest China and Mongolia, in Central and Central Asia. The largest numbers are found in areas with little snow.

In Russia, the pallas cat lives in the steppe zone of the Chita region, in the forest-steppe regions of Buryatia, in Tuva and in Altai.


Pallas cat is a hermit, leading a sedentary life. Shows activity in the early morning and at dusk. During the day, it sleeps in shelters: caves, crevices, can occupy empty burrows of other animals. Like any cat, she loves to bask in the sun. Each adult has its own animal territory, which is carefully guarded from strangers.


In hunting, a wild cat is helped by a camouflage color, thanks to which it merges with the landscape. Its main diet is rodents, but it can also catch a gopher, a hare or a bird. V hungry time does not disdain orthoptera and other insects.

The prey, as a rule, stalks by the burrows or under stones. The wild Pallas' cat is not able to run quickly; in case of danger, he hides from enemies in rocks and between stones.


Sexual maturity is reached at 10-11 months. The rut lasts from February to March once a year.

Usually several males apply for a female at once. The winner with the fight gets the right to mate. After the rut, the male leaves, and the female independently rears offspring. The cat bears offspring for about 60 days and in late April - early May the cat brings from 2 to 6 kittens. Blind cubs weigh about 300 g. After 10 days, their eyes open, and after three months, the kittens begin to hunt. The life expectancy of a pallas cat is on average 10-12 years.

Pallas' cat breeds well in captivity, but kittens very often die from various diseases. The main cause of high mortality is toxoplasmosis. In Russia, only three zoos have achieved some success in breeding this species.

The reasons for the disappearance of the manul and its protection

Pallas' cat from the Red Book is a rare, endangered animal. In some habitats, its numbers continue to decline, and the animal is on the verge of extinction.

The main reasons for the extinction of this species are:

  • poaching;
  • attacks of predators and dogs;
  • prolonged ice and snowy winters, as a result of which there is a lack of food;
  • decrease in the number of rodents (lack of food resources).
  • illness.

Due to the secretive lifestyle of the Pallas cat, it is difficult to determine the exact number on this moment. Medium density species in some of its habitats are 2-3 adult animals per 10 square kilometers.

The Pallas cat is listed in the Red Book of Tuva, Khakassia and Russia, in the IUCN list, and in 1995 in CITES Appendix 2 of the Convention. Since the manul is a cat from the red book, hunting for it is prohibited everywhere.
