Oil for strengthening nails is effective. Nail oils: we strengthen at home. The best natural oils to strengthen nails

Strengthen nails, give hands well-groomed appearance it is possible not only in beauty salons, but also at home. Essential oils come to the rescue. Oil-like substances nourish and moisturize, and plant extracts heal. To achieve perfect result, it is worth understanding the useful properties of different ethers.

Useful properties of essential oils for nails

Essential oils heal and strengthen nails. The scope of their application is quite wide. It is worth remembering that each ether has certain properties. Most often used the following types oils:

  1. Lemon - disinfects, adds shine and improves the color of nails.
  2. Grapefruit - destroys fungus, strengthens the plate and softens the cuticle.
  3. Myrrh - relieves fragility and stimulates the growth of nails, destroys pathogenic microflora.
  4. Ylang-Ylang - prevents delamination, gives a natural shine.
  5. Sandalwood - improves the condition of the cuticle, accelerates the growth of nails.
  6. Eucalyptus - deeply moisturizes and eliminates pathogens.
  7. Cedar and pine - have a strengthening effect and stimulate the growth of the nail plate.

It is recommended to use essential oils 2 times a week. Immediately before the extension procedure, it is not recommended to use such funds, since the material can quickly peel off. The best time for use essential oil just before going to bed. Most concentrates can be used undiluted. It is better to combine individual options with basic ingredients, for example, with fatty cosmetic oils: jojoba, apricot, almond, olive.

Essential oils for nails have a firming and revitalizing effect

Recipes to strengthen nails and soften cuticles

Essential oils for softening the cuticle and strengthening the plate allow you to give your nails a well-groomed appearance.

Basic effective recipes:

  1. Cuticle care. Would need base oil, it is better to use wheat germ. In 1 st. l. the lavender esters should be dissolved and tea tree by taking 2 drops. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, it must be applied to the cuticle and massage each finger for a minute. The procedure must be repeated daily before bedtime.
  2. Firming composition No. 1. It will take 1 tsp. jojoba oil. To enhance the effect, you can also add 1 capsule of vitamin E. Then dissolve a couple of drops of lemon and damask rose essential oils. Mix all components and rub into nails 1 time a day for a month. It is better to refrain from using varnish during this period.
  3. Firming composition No. 2. Take 2 drops each of lavender and myrrh oil. They must be dissolved in 1 tsp. olive oil... Then mix everything and apply on nails massage movements... It is better to leave the composition overnight and after use do not wash your hands for at least an hour.

Before using essential oils, you should thoroughly clean your hands from foreign contamination and dry your nails.

Photo gallery: components of nail care formulations

Wheat germ oil nourishes cuticles Lavender oil strengthens nails Tea tree oil antiseptic
Jojoba oil nourishes the cuticles and nails Olive oil nourishes the cuticles Vitamin E capsules enhance the firming effect on nail plate
Lemon oil whitens nails Rose damask oil improves the structure of the nail plate

Baths for the treatment of fungal infections and restoration of the nail plate

To eliminate the fungus of the nail plate and the subsequent restoration, it is very effective to use special baths with essential oils:

  1. For fungal infections. You will need 150 ml of vinegar 9%. It needs to be heated up to room temperature and pour into a glass container. Add 5 drops of tea tree ether and half the amount of oregano oil there. Mix all components and dilute in 1 liter warm water... Place the affected area there, keep it in the composition for 20 minutes. You need to repeat the procedure 3 times a week for 2 months.
  2. To eliminate fungus and restore the nail plate. It is necessary to dissolve in 2 tbsp. l. jojoba oil 4 drops of tea tree and lavender ether. To enhance the effect, you can add 2 drops of oregano oil. Mix all ingredients and dissolve in 1 liter of warm water. Place the problem area in the composition for 15–20 minutes. You need to do the bath three times a week for 2-3 months.
  3. To restore the structure of the nail. It will take 1 tbsp. l. cream and 2 drops of lemon and grapefruit oils... All components must be mixed and dissolved in 600 ml of warm water. Place hands in the bath for 20 minutes (increase the amount of ingredients and liquid to restore toenails). Dry your nails with a towel. Repeat 2 times a week for a month.

If you rub concentrated lavender or ylang-ylang oil into your nails every day before going to bed, then after a while you can notice an improvement in the condition of the damaged nail plates.

The content of the article:

Nail-strengthening oil is a fatty substance that can make the nail plate stronger, improve its condition and appearance. Such products produce different ways depending on the raw material, which is most often materials vegetable origin... In the oil trade for strengthening nails, it is not only fatty substances that are called pure form, but also complexes of them in different combination with auxiliary ingredients. Complex preparations most often have a wider list of useful functions.

Benefits of Firming Oils

For all people, from a physiological point of view, nails perform several practical functions. They protect the fingertips from damage, thereby providing a highly sensitive fingertip. Allows you to perform some actions in Everyday life, for example, scratching, tearing, prying. But for the vast majority of women and some men, they complement the image. Clean, healthy and well-groomed nails are an indicator of a person's culture and often status.

However, according to different reasons the appearance and quality of nails can be inappropriate even for the cleanest person. It is known that the state of the nail plate is influenced by genetic data, external factors, received nutrition and health status. And if genetics cannot be influenced, then for other cases there are several methods and means to improve the condition of the marigolds.

So, in the complex of measures for the care of hands and nails, oils are widely used, which can not only improve their appearance, but also strengthen the horny plates on the fingers.

Most oils for nail care have a wide range of health benefits. These include:

  • Matrix nutrition... Daily household chores, impact chemical substances, nail design with varnish, extensions make the nails much weaker, depriving them of their integral useful components. Also, the condition of the nails is affected by the lack of nutrients in the food consumed or metabolic disorders. Replenish necessary substances It is possible not only by changing the diet, but also by including the external use of natural oils in the daily hand care plan. These can be masks, baths or short-term massages. The most important is the treatment of the lunula area, i.e. visible part of the matrix. Here the best way the nutrients contained in this or that oil penetrate inside.
  • Shine... It is known that, in addition to trace elements, the nail contains water and fats that provide it with shine. So, under the influence of aggressive chemicals contained in household chemicals, the fluids used for processing in the design, or for other reasons, the nails lose moisture and become dry and lifeless. Oil treatments significantly moisturize the nails, giving them healthy shine.
  • Softening of the skin of the hands... An important property is softening skin on the hands, but for nails, it is the softening in the cuticle area that plays an important role. This allows you to establish external power supply and respiration of matrix cells responsible for the growth and quality of marigolds.
  • Strengthening nails... To a greater extent, it occurs due to the nutrition of the matrix, which allows it to normalize the growth process and avoid wrong development nail plate. The lack of any substances leads to disruption of protein synthesis and transformation.
  • Protection against fungal diseases... Many oils have antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, preventing the development of inflammatory processes or protecting against fungal diseases.
  • Leveling the surface of the nail... Sometimes marigolds grow with tubercles, the so-called transverse lines or Bo grooves. They appear due to disorders of lipid metabolism in the body or due to improper nutrition of the matrix. Having replenished the supply of useful microelements with the help of oils, saturating the skin and the matrix itself with vitamins, it is easy to normalize the process of forming the nail plate.
  • Lightening the nail... Some oils are able to remove the yellowing that occurs, giving the nails a natural, healthy color.
  • Deburring... This beneficial effect becomes achievable due to moisturizing the skin around nail bed, as well as increasing its elasticity, which prevents the growth of the cuticle on the nail plate and rupture of the skin.
No matter how many useful properties different natural oils, all the same, they are not able to solve all the problems that arise with the growth of nails. Therefore, do not forget about proper nutrition, healthy way life and precautions when using various chemicals.

Contraindications to the use of nail oils

Along with the beneficial properties, natural oils for nail care have some contraindications. Basically, they are associated with individual intolerance to one or another oil or individual components. If a person is inclined to allergic reactions, then it is necessary to conduct a preliminary test for sensitivity to the components of the agent.

It is noteworthy that some oils cannot be used in their pure form, i.e. with high concentration, due to the risk of burns.

Each bottle must be accompanied by instructions for use, from which you can learn about the availability possible contraindications... When buying a product, you should carefully study the manufacturer's recommendations for use and dosage options, which will help you decide if this product is suitable.

How to choose oil to strengthen your nails

Most natural oils have similar properties, but they also have a lot of differences. Not all oils are equally good for nails, but there is a list of those that can significantly improve the growth and quality of the nail plate.

Fatty substances that strengthen nails include castor, olive, lemon, almond, peach, and nut oils. Many others are useful for the strength and health of the nail plate, for example, myrrh, sandalwood, bergamot, eucalyptus, chamomile, tea tree, linseed, burdock, rosemary oil.

Several useful tips required when buying a nail strengthening oil:

  1. The choice of oil is worth depending on the existing problems with the nails and the desired effect.
  2. When buying this or that product in a store or pharmacy, take time to familiarize yourself with the composition. Natural oils will bring more benefits only if they do not contain any dyes, flavors, preservatives.
  3. Check the expiration date.
  4. Choose a product that has passed certification. The bottle or packaging must have a barcode and detailed information about the manufacturer.
  5. Each oil must have instructions for use with a description useful action, options for use and dosage.

What oils to use to strengthen nails

The flora is a source a large number useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the body in general and nails in particular. Thanks to numerous studies, tests and technology development, it has become possible mass production useful oils... But among the variety of products in this category, it is worth doing right choice, based on the useful properties of one or another natural product... We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of the most useful oils for nail strength.

Castor oil to strengthen nails at home

Castor oil is an excellent choice for healthy nails. It contains triglycerides (fats) of certain acids (ricinoleic, oleic, linoleic), which are involved in maintaining the health and beauty of the nail plates.

Beneficial features castor oil:

  • Strengthening and compaction of the nail plates, giving them strength;
  • Prevention of delamination and brittleness;
  • Improving matrix nutrition;
  • Elimination of defects in the development of the marigold, for example, the formation of grooves;
  • Stimulating growth;
  • Elimination of dryness;
  • Protecting the matrix by repairing damaged cuticles.
Most active components any oils become after heating, then they are better absorbed, thereby strengthening the nails more effectively.

Castor oil is used to treat peeling lifeless nails, perfectly protects against the harmful effects of household chemicals, and moisturizes the skin.

Olive oil to strengthen and grow nails

Olive oil is the most useful tool for nails. For cosmetic procedures you can use both special oil and ordinary food grade. Therefore, it can be bought not only in cosmetic stores, but also in pharmacies and grocery stores.

This product is used in the treatment of hands and nails due to its composition that provides a wide range of benefits.

Useful properties include:

  1. Replenishment nutrients in the skin and matrix;
  2. Strengthening the nail plate;
  3. Preventing its delamination;
  4. Saturation of the nail structure;
  5. Reducing fragility.
Olive oil is pretty self-sufficient, so excellent results can be achieved by applying it a couple of times a week in the evening. At the same time, after applying the oil, it is best to wear cotton gloves overnight in order to evaluate the softening effect on the skin and the strengthening effect on the nail plates in the morning.

Lemon cosmetic oil to strengthen nails

For many, both oil and lemon juice are the first nail care products. possesses a large number of useful substances.

The valuable properties of lemon oil can be described as follows:

  • This product has the ability to strengthen the plate.
  • It stimulates metabolic processes in the skin and matrix.
  • Allows to accelerate tissue regeneration and nail growth.
  • Often lemon oil- this is best remedy, which is used after a manicure, because but it can prevent the development of inflammation when small cuts due to its antiseptic properties.
  • Also, lemon is reasonably credited with the ability to lighten the nail plate.
Precautions when using lemon oil - avoid prolonged exposure to avoid overdrying the treated surface.

Other oils that strengthen nails

In addition to the natural oils described above, which can strengthen the nail plates, other types of fatty substances are also used for this purpose, for example:
  1. Jojoba oil... Has a complex effect on the nails - combats delamination, fragility and changes in structure, while the nails become stronger and look healthier. Often jojoba oil is combined with vitamin E, then the effect is multiplied.
  2. ... In its pure form, this oil is quite aggressive, therefore it is effectively used to combat fungal diseases of the nails, but it can cause burns. To strengthen nails, it is used in a diluted form, for example, 1 drop of the product is taken per 100 ml of water. Before applying, be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions, because his recommendations are based on accurate knowledge of the oil concentration level and are set out to prevent the appearance of the effect associated with an overdose.
  3. ... It is an excellent tool for restoring the nail plate, preventing its destruction due to fungus. After completing a course of procedures with peach oil nails acquire a healthy shine, become less susceptible to the effects external environment stronger. Due to the special structure of the oil and its consistency, it can be used daily to care not only for marigolds, but also for the skin.
  4. Peanut butter... It has a good regenerating effect. When it gets on the nail plate, it is absorbed, saturating the structure of the nail. In the area of ​​the cuticle and lunula, the oil actively nourishes the matrix, contributing to the acceleration of regeneration processes. The result of using - strong nails with a smooth surface.
  5. Avocado oil... Has a regenerating effect. After a light massage, the lunula zone nourishes the matrix, which contributes to the growth of a strong healthy nail. It actively penetrates into the nail plate, strengthening it, and preventing delamination.
  6. ... Fatty acids and a whole range of vitamins and minerals are contained in almond oil. Therefore, it has a firming effect on the nails and moisturizing, regenerating, nourishing on the cuticles and skin of the hands. Slows down the growth of the cuticle. Greater results can be achieved by increasing the number of procedures.

Complex cosmetic products with oils for nail strength

Almost any oil can be used in combination with another by mixing them in different proportions at home. In this case, the effect is multiplied by expanding the composition with additional useful components. The art of oil composition is embodied in some ready-mix... Consider several prominent representatives, which have earned popularity among buyers.

Homemade Nail Oil Tea tree and Lemon by Organic Shop

Tea tree and Lemon oil by Organic shop is a complex tool, because contains several ingredients: tea tree oil, lemon oil, fruit oil, sunflower oil and flavor. This formula with constant use, it allows not only to strengthen the nail plate, but also to give it elasticity, beautiful appearance, thicken and slightly lighten it. At the same time, the growth of marigolds is accelerated.

The rules for use are quite simple: a few drops of the product are applied to the surface and rubbed in with massaging movements. It can also be used not only for nail care, but also as an emollient before a manicure procedure. After application, coarse skin particles, pterygium and nail plate acquire a yellowish tint, but it disappears after simple wash hands.

The scent is more of a lemon scent.

The bottle is made of dark glass, which allows you to store the product for 2 years.

The cap is made in the form of a pipette. To make the consumption economical, you need to get used to and type optimal amount oils.

Some buyers note the fact that the product can be absorbed for a long time, but in general this oil has an overwhelming majority of positive reviews.

This product can be found on the counters of cosmetic stores, pharmacies, and online stores. Its cost ranges from 250 to 300 rubles for a 30 ml bottle.

The manufacturer Organic Shop is a Russian company specializing in the production of natural body care products. Years of experience of the company allows us to produce high-quality, safe and effective products for maintaining health and beauty, which have all the necessary quality certificates.

Mixit Strong Oil

Strong Oil is developed by Mixit based on grapefruit and grape seed. But the composition is not limited to these two ingredients. Useful formula also includes other natural ingredients: essential oil of verbena, tea tree, lemon, kelp and rosemary extract, sweet almond, soy and olive oil.

Great for daily grooming. The manufacturer promises that the nails will be healthy and beautiful even without a design. And these promises are proven many times over by customer reviews posted online.

The price for one bottle of 25 ml is about 350 rubles. In this case, the purchase will be most profitable if you place an order through the manufacturer's official online store.

A pipette is built into the cap for convenient dispensing of oil. In addition, the use of a pipette ensures the hygienic purity of the mixture remaining in the bottle, which cannot be said about those oils that are applied with brushes.

The consistency of the oil is quite liquid. It is well absorbed into the nail plate, perfectly moisturizes the cuticle, making it less visible, and the hands more well-groomed. But the effect of moisturized skin may disappear after washing hands with regular soap... Therefore, it is recommended to apply the oil overnight.

Mixit is a unique online laboratory. Its main idea is to create unique products at the request of buyers. The site contains not only the necessary comprehensive information on each product, but also ready-made universal products that have already earned recognition huge amount buyers.

Cosmetic oil for strengthening nails Aasha Herbals

Oil for strengthening nails from Aasha herbals- a complex Indian product for nail health. It is indicated for the owners of weakened nails, fragile, thin and soft. Rich natural composition oil, which includes Sesame oil, fatty substances of chamomile, olive and earth almonds, provides not only strengthening, but also a host of other beneficial effects.

So, the complex action is as follows: the agent protects against fungus and other pathogens, improves tissue regeneration, seals the nail plate, provides additional food matrix and skin of the hands, restores the structure of the nails after the procedure of building up or varnishing, softens the skin, moisturizing it. Slight lightening of the plate is possible.

It's good for those who naturally got beautiful hair and nails! They can do fashionable hairstyles, manicure as much as they want, and not rack their brains about what to buy at the pharmacy, so that the strands and marigolds, too, at least a little began to resemble a picture from a magazine ... Are you not one of them? Or were your nails beautiful, but a bad manicure "killed" them? Read on!

Have you tried using oils? They are often bought for hair (such a gift of nature perfectly moisturizes the strands, nourishes and heals them). Nourishing nail oils work too! They soften the cuticle and nourish the plate and strengthen it, preventing it from breaking and exfoliating, and even protecting it from the fungus. And besides, applying this tool to the nails, you do not have to listen to your loved one about "terrible smells throughout the apartment", as when painting your nails with varnish. The oils are applied before bed so that while you are resting, they take care of your relaxed hands. First, the oil should be slightly warmed up, then, dipping a brush into it, process all the marigolds. Well, so that the pillow with a blanket does not suffer from these manipulations, put on gloves, or even better - wrap your hands with cling film.

Which nail oil is best?

Your nails will “taste” everything - from essential to ordinary. Each of the oils has a unique set of nutrients. For esters, you can opt for lemon or tea tree oil. From cosmetic - on almond, burdock, avocado, flaxseed, jojoba, walnut or olive.

Castor oil

It is ideal for growing nails as well as taming rough cuticles. If you cut yourself while cutting the supra-nail plate, take out the bottle again - this oil heals wounds well, soothes inflammation, strengthens the skin and nails.

The oil can be used not only in its pure form. Mix it with avocado, jojoba, tea tree oils - and you will see how the effect of this natural remedy... And besides, it goes well with "kitchen" olive and sunflower oil... Mix these three products, dip your nails for 15 minutes in the resulting "bath", rinse off the remaining oil under the tap. Result: a flat surface of the nail plate, treatment of fragility and delamination.

No time for long-term care? Just drip this oil into your hand cream.

Almond oil

Will save the delaminated plates, strengthen them. But get ready to use it often, twice a day, actively rubbing in. And do not save, lubricate them and hands too, especially if the skin needs nourishment and moisture. When your nails are healed, do not hide the bottle far: treat your nails with oil after each manicure in order to prevent delamination.

Jojoba oil

Helps to "grind" imperfect nail plate, glue delamination and reduce fragility. But before use, the oil must be enriched with pharmacy vitamin E (liquid). Rub the oil into the nail, then treat it with the aforementioned vitamin - the oil will enhance its effect. Treat your nails this way in the morning and in the evening, protecting your hands with rubber gloves when going to wash the dishes.

Night balm: 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of lemon juice, 2 drops of rose ether.

Burr oil

Restores and moisturizes both nails (especially after extensions) and dry skin of the hands. If you are very dissatisfied with your nails, twice, or even better, rub this oil three times a day, and not only into the plate, but also into the cuticle. If you don’t have time for such care, do baths: once a week warm up the oil and “bathe” your fingertips in it.

Peach oil

It is protection, nutrition and recovery in one bottle. It is with this kind of care that you will receive "salon" shiny marigold at home. Important: the oil should be applied as generously as possible - not only on the nail, but also on the cuticle and on the fingertips. By the way, another useful property of this oil is considered to be "sanitation" and prevention of fungus.

To strengthen your nail, massage it every day with a cotton swab dipped in oil.

For an urgent "repair" of damaged nails, mix 1 large spoonful of peach oil, 3 drops each of lavender, lemon and eucalyptus esters. Every day in the morning, afternoon and evening, massage your nails for 15 minutes.

Avocado oil

Strengthens, cares, does not give "life" to inflammations around the nail, moisturizes and softens the cuticle. In general, it is often bought by lovers of manicure.

To prevent the nails from breaking, make a small massage of the plate with this oil before applying colored varnish. You can use the oil undiluted, or as a mixture: 5 drops of lavender, patchouli, rosemary oils, 2 large spoons of avocado oil, 5 drops fresh juice lemon.

If your hands are prone to painful burrs or you got cut while removing the cuticle, add a little (just a couple of drops) of eucalyptus or chamomile oil to the avocado oil - this remedy will quickly heal the wounds.

To strengthen your nails, combine avocado oil with olive or almond oil.

Linseed oil

It is used undiluted, as well as in combination with other oils (1: 1 ratio or another - say, 1 spoonful of linseed "base" + 3 drops of lavender, eucalyptus, lemon). "Loves" this oil and esters, first of all - chamomile, thyme, lavender, patchouli, rosemary. Any of these products must be rubbed first into the skin of the brushes, and then into the nails.

Healing ointment: 1 large spoonful of flaxseed oil, the same amount of honey, yolk (raw), juice squeezed from a medium lemon. Wash your hands in the water drained from the boiled potatoes, apply ointment to the brushes, cover your hands with gloves and do not remove them for 3 hours.

Citrus oil

Not only protects and strengthens the plate, but also whitens it, gives well-groomed shine... Rub the oil into your nail more often, or do oil baths... By the way, you can use fresh juice instead of oil.

It is also a means for increasing the tenderness of the cuticle, restoring wounded skin, as well as cuticles cut after a manicure; it is also an antiseptic that saves from local infections and inflammation.

It is advisable to mix lemon oil with others. natural products- oils, iodine, pharmacy vitamins (liquid), honey. But do not forget: this oil dries out the nail plate, so you should not get carried away with it.

Olive oil

Pay attention to it if you want to stop "breaking" nails and finally grow them back. Hand masks are often made with this oil.

Nut. This is a solid concentrate of nutrients, because such oil is extracted from the shell. The effect of this "strong" oil is shown after 1 application. It strengthens, nourishes the nails, adds them external beauty... Apply it a little on each plate twice a day.

Celandine oil. It is a medicine that has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties.

Cucumber and coconut oils. They moisturize and “vitaminize” nails as much as possible.

Wheat. The main action is moisturizing, therefore it is also suitable for the skin.

Essential oils for nails

They are not applied in their pure form, but dripped to "base" oils, fatter: olive, apricot, almond, castor oil. In a large spoonful of "base" add 2-3 drops of ether (and there may be several), as well as vitamin E - if desired. The result is masks or nail baths.

To strengthen and "grow" your nails, buy sandalwood, pine, cedar ether. And to get rid of fungus and inflammation, choose essential oils of rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree.

The woman decided to give up nail polish for a while, which means that this is “zhzhzhzh” for a reason, as the cartoon character reasonably said. This means that there are problems with the condition of the nails, and they need rest. But you should not do with one rest, when there is an opportunity for effective treatment.

Causes of nail problems

Painful phenomena - fragility, delamination, dullness, roughness - can be caused by different factors:

  • - exposure to the same varnishes and enamels, nail polish removers, detergents, compositions for nail extension;
  • - metabolic disorders;
  • - lack of vitamins.

First of all, it is important to find out the reason for the unwanted changes. If the problem lies in the medical plane, with correct treatment the condition of the nails is also normalized. If you suspect vitamin deficiency, it is enough to take a course of vitamins for nails and hair, in parallel switching to the so-called "smart" medicated varnishes, which are sold in abundance in pharmacies.

Often nails "fly" after pregnancy, after intensive treatment of any disease, after prolonged use hormonal drugs... Here vitamins and time will help - you need to wait until the body recovers.

In the case when the nails have lost their structure, shape and color due to excessive chemical attack, there is nothing more effective than essential oils for strengthening nails in any form - baths, applications, rubbing.

Choosing an essential oil

The easiest and shortest way to heal is to regularly rub in pure aroma oils or mixtures of them into your nails. Eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, rosemary, and ylang-ylang oils are called among the most effective "healers" for nails and hair. Basic, or transport, oils are:

  • - olive;
  • - almond;
  • - jojoba.

Usually 2-3 drops of the selected essential oil are added to 10 ml of the base. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the nail plate and the skin around it until it is completely absorbed. This is both rubbing and massage at the same time: let's not forget that many active bio-points are concentrated at the fingertips, which are responsible for vital organs.

It should be borne in mind that different essential oils for nail strengthening are used for different problems... For example, in case of fragility, it is recommended to focus on oils:

  • - eucalyptus;
  • - chamomile;
  • - patchouli;
  • - sandal;
  • - bergamot;
  • - tea tree.

For layered nails, lemon, rosemary, myrrh will help. 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base is the standard ratio. There is a lovely universal recipe a mixture that can be prepared for future use, for one course of treatment, and for a course of prophylaxis: for 50 ml of jojoba oil - three drops of rose, fir and lemon oils, use the mixture until it ends. Apply it like a varnish with a soft brush every day. The effect will exceed all expectations.

Since each of the essential oils has its own universal properties, it will not be superfluous to know which oil to use in a particular case.

Ylang Ylang will help to cope with the thinning of the nail plate. Bergamot helps wonderfully when nails become weak, break, seemingly for no reason. If you regularly use grooming masks and rosemary baths, you will soon notice that your nails begin to grow faster.

Geranium oil will affect not only the nail plate itself, but also the cuticle. When doing a manicure, we either cut or move the cuticle. However, we can only treat this way with its surface layer, which contains already dead cells. Deeper layers "lie" after nail hole... They need care and regular hydration. The cuticle plays the role of a "protector" from the penetration of pathogens and bacteria. Therefore, you also need to "look after" her. Celandine oil has antiseptic properties - this is exactly what we need. Geranium oil moisturizes well.

Burdock and castor oils stimulate the growth of marigolds, make them stronger and more resistant to external influences... And if you start using orange oil on a regular basis, you will notice that your nails began to shine, and without the use of any "special means".

Effective recipes

Masks for marigolds can be done at home often, because they do not require acquisition expensive funds and does not take a lot of time. While you are sitting, immersing your fingers in the nutrient mixture, you can dream and relax: so a mask or bath will have a double effect, strengthening both the nails and the nervous system.

An excellent mask is obtained using three components - oils:

  • - red pepper;
  • - lemon;
  • - myrrh.

To them you need to add a teaspoon of sea salt (or ordinary, if there is no sea salt) and rub the composition into the marigolds for 3 minutes. A couple of times a week will be enough to strengthen your nails.

You can take a ripe tomato, knead it, add a teaspoon of olive oil and 3-4 drops of rosemary oil. Sit with your fingers in the mixture for about 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with warm water.

Is it boring to sit just like that? Then we will give our nails a mini-massage: take a pinch of sea salt and start rubbing it into the nails. Then we melt the piece beeswax and, combining it with 4 drops of grape seed oil (more is possible, because this is a base oil, it can be used in its pure form), we continue the massage. This procedure can be done every 15 days.

Essential oil baths

Women who take proper care of themselves regularly pamper their nails with baths with the addition of aromatic oils. There are a lot of recipes, here is one of them. Pour a tablespoon of almond oil into a bowl and add 2-3 drops of grapefruit, ylang-ylang and bergamot. Hold your fingers in this mixture, then put on cotton gloves and do not remove for two hours. It can be even easier: dip your fingers into warmed olive oil and sit for half an hour. Nails will be grateful for such care.

You can make a sour cream bath. To do this, dissolve 3 drops of any oil (depending on the problem to be dealt with) in fat sour cream... After holding it in the hand for about 15 minutes, rinse off, apply the cream.

You can make baths with sea salt. They have a firming and healing effect.

To make your nails transparent, even, squeeze out a few drops lemon juice in a spoonful of olive oil and hold your hands in the mixture for a while.

V daily care Essential oils to strengthen nails can simply be found in your favorite hand cream. One of the options: add three drops of lemon and eucalyptus and five drops of lavender to a jar of cream, mix and use as usual in the morning, afternoon and evening.

When planning your grooming procedures, try to choose a time when no one bothers you, because must be kept for at least 15 minutes to useful components masks or baths have soaked in and started to work. Before using the masks, it is imperative to remove the varnish, treat the cuticle, prepare a moisturizing cream, with which you will lubricate your hands after the caring procedure.

And a few more tips for every day.

Poor nail condition often signals a malfunction in the body. Malnutrition is bound to leave its mark. In case of problems with nails, it is necessary to include in the diet foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, milk, cheese, natural gelatin is very useful - these are everyone's favorite aspic, jellied meat, jelly.

Foods with a high content of iron, iodine, silicon, sulfur, vitamins A and B are vital - these are absolutely all green vegetables, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, liver, vegetable oil, egg yolk... Tasty and healthy, and most importantly - nothing special, this is a familiar set of products for our table. Cheers.

The hands of women were admired and sang the classics at all times. Of course, they paid even more attention to the eyes, lovely face, gracefulness, etc. But hands, too, have always been one of the main components of the image of the fair sex.

And what are we paying close attention to when looking at our hands? Of course, on the nails. If the nails are unkempt, without a sign of a manicure, then the impression of such a woman is corresponding. And, if, on the contrary, the nails are healthy, with a neat manicure, then we are already looking at such a person with interest. As the saying goes: "We meet by clothes" ...

Of course, first of all, to establish proper nutrition, give up bad habits, take balanced vitamins, walk more on fresh air... it Right way to the health of not only nails, but the whole body. But this path is long, and our nails will transform slowly. And I want to be beautiful and well-groomed now.

We need to help the body. Improve health not only inside, but also outside. It contributes to this.

What is nail and cuticle oil for?

Nail and cuticle oil has long been popular. It is especially recommended to do nourishing masks with oils to representatives of thin,. But besides this, using oil for nail care has the following benefits:

  • helps our sensitive hands with seasonal temperature changes;
  • effectively moisturize and nourish even the driest skin of the hands;
  • take care of extended nails, shellac;
  • helps to get rid of fragility;
  • has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects;
  • promotes fast healing wounds.

At the same time, there are no contraindications to the use of nutritious oil for nails. Except, of course, individual intolerance.

Ready-made oil solutions are sold in stores and pharmacies. They contain components that meet the basic requirements of consumer demand: for strengthening nails, for moisturizing, for nourishing, healing, etc. The bottles have a convenient brush. But such solutions are not cheap and run out too quickly.

Judging by the reviews, nail oil , cooked at home is in no way inferior to store ones, and sometimes even surpass them. The main thing is to find out which is the best nail oil for you personally.

What oil can be used to improve the appearance of nails:

  1. Vegetable oils:
    • sunflower;
    • olive;
    • peach;
    • coconut;
    • almond;
    • thirst.
  2. Essential oils:
    • burdock;
    • peach;
    • castor;
    • celandine;
    • wheat;
    • tea tree and others.

For a greater effect, in addition to oils, vitamins are added to the solutions: A, E, C.

To choose the best oil, you need to understand their characteristics.

Oil characteristics:

  1. Castor oil is part of the composition, effectively copes with rough cuticles and helps nails grow quickly. It has several healing properties: anti-inflammatory, wound healing, tonic.
  2. Wheat oil intensively moisturizes the skin, enriches it with the “beauty vitamin” - vitamin E.
  3. Burdock oil also perfectly moisturizes the skin, prevents it from dryness. Ideal for ladies who are fond of nail extension. With the help of the vitamins included in the composition, it quickly restores nails.
  4. Celandine oil - famous for its antibacterial properties, fights against fungal diseases.
  5. The thirst oil helps the nails withstand the harmful effects of the environment.
  6. Peach oil strengthens the nail plate, fights nail brittleness, enriches it with vitamins: calcium, potassium, iron.
  7. Citrus oil whitens nails, adds a healthy shine.
  8. Coconut oil (like cucumber oil) has a strong moisturizing effect. Saturates nails with vitamins.
  9. Cedar oil (pine, sandalwood oil) strengthens nails, helps their growth and strength.
  10. Almond oil repairs flaky nails. But for a noticeable effect, rub in this oil 2 times a day: in the morning and in the evening.
  11. Eucalyptus and lavender oil have a powerful antibacterial effect. Heals fungal diseases, relieves skin inflammation as a result of careless manicure.
  12. Olive oil, the most popular among women, is the main ingredient. This is most likely due to its availability. But also beneficial features attract in the composition of olive oil: vitamins A and E, strengthening effect, restoring effect on nails.

Each of these oils are already in themselves effective medicine for nails. But to make nourishment and hydration even more intense, you can add some ingredients to the composition of the oils.

Ingredients required for better oil absorption by nails:

  • "Vitamin of beauty" - E. One drop of vitamin E in 1 ml of another oil will improve the nutrition of nails and saturate them with vitamins.
  • Propolis extract. It has many properties: antiseptic, water-repellent, nourishing, restorative and many others. Four drops of propolis extract in 10 ml of another oil solution will be sufficient for maximum benefit our nails.
  • v oil solution called Aevit. One capsule per 10 ml of solution is enough to protect the skin from harmful effects, strengthen the nail plate and enrich it with vitamins.
  • CO2 extracts are a powerful antiseptic. It is enough to add 4 drops of extract to 10 ml of any oil.

Before proceeding directly to the recipes themselves, it is necessary to make a few comments so that the use of oils does not disappoint or cause inconvenience:

  1. Use a syringe to prepare a healing mixture of oils and vitamins. This will make it easier for you to measure milliliters more accurately.
  2. The most important note- Before starting the procedure, check each component on a small area of ​​the skin for allergies.
  3. Deep wounds, burns, cuts, fungal diseases are direct contraindications to the use of nail oils.
  4. If you plan to paint your nails with varnish, do shellac, build-up before these procedures, do not apply oil to your nails.
  5. Use only quality tested oils. Don't trust cheap knockoffs. Keep track of the expiration date.
  6. The best thing useful mixture cook from oils just before use.
  7. The course of applying oil for nails - 2 times a week, as well as after each manicure. The duration is not limited.
  8. Remember an important proportion: 2 drops of essential oil should be added with 2 milliliters of vegetable oil.

Nail oil. Composition of healing ingredients

Any oil can be used to fix any one problem. We have already listed their useful properties.

And if you need comprehensive care behind the nails, then you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  1. To relieve minor skin inflammation and moisturize the cuticle, combine 3 drops of lavender oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil with 15 ml of any vegetable oil.
  2. To give nails glossy look the following ingredients should be prepared: 2 drops of eucalyptus oil, 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil, 3 drops of rose oil, 3 drops of lemon oil.
  3. Relieve minor inflammation, promote nail growth and maximum moisture the following ingredients will help: 3 drops of tea tree oil, one vitamin E capsule, 5 drops coconut oil, 3 drops of lavender oil, 5 drops of peach oil.
  4. Nails will thank you with strength and healthy look If cooked: 3 drops of lemon oil, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 3 drops of vitamins A and E, 2 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  5. You will always have strong and healthy nails, if at least once a week you pamper them with the following mask: 3 drops of cucumber oil, 5 drops of castor oil, 10 ml of peach and coconut oil, 3 drops of orange oil.
  6. Nourishing cuticle softening oil includes: 5 ml oil grape seed, 5 ml olive oil, 3 drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil, 5 ml almond oil 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  7. The following mixture of oils will help to cope with brittle nails: 1 capsule of vitamin E, 1 drop of ylang-ylang oil, 4 drops of lemon, 7 drops of castor oil, 3 drops of rose masketa.
  8. The effect of double action: caring for nails and hands at the same time, the following components achieve: 2 drops of lemon oil, 2 drops of almond oil, 2 drops of avocado oil. But the result will be noticeable when daily care behind nails and hands.


Continuous use oils to strengthen nails will help not only the nails, the skin of the hands to maintain health and good appearance. It also has one more indisputable advantage - it helps us to develop a habit with high quality and body.