Description Collection of clothing Theme Space. Space style in interior design - photo of creative ideas. Universal Decor and Accessories

Space theme Breeding a person for centuries. Perhaps this is the most hidden sphere, to study which there is not enough technical capabilities even in the age of progress. It is for this reason that she manites with her mysteriousness, provoking fantasy to work. Cosmic motifs in the interior create a steady illusion of weightlessness, a person feels like a little bit in the purple of the fantastic beauty of the universe. The design in a similar style is adjacent to futurism, which often imitates the panoramas of Martian cities and the ruins of alien civilizations. Let us try to figure out what rules are guided to create unearthly apartments.

Features of design

Designing such a design is not so easy. Some photo wallpaper on the wall with the image of the galaxy will not be enough. All elements of the interior picture must be tied to the main space principles:

  • The prospect of the endless space.
  • Many black, white and blue in combination with a bright spectrum.
  • Geeness and airiness.
  • Maximum technological filling.
  • The abundance of scattered, cold light.
  • Practicality, saving space.
  • Accessories that seem to have just arrived on Earth with the last shuttle.

If you take into service with these basic principles, the interior of the apartment will turn out to be nontrivial and impressive. By the way, the topic of space does not necessarily embody in all rooms. This star style It will become an organic continuation of high-tech, modern, minimalism, futurism, techno and fusion, where sometimes combining the incompatible. Each room can reflect unique motives, but together they will create a single cozy composition at home.

Space Color Palette and Molds

As mentioned above, in the cosmic interior there are many black and blue. They prevail their combinations with steel gray, which resembles astronaut spaces and stars of stars. Also the darkness of the depths of the Universe are diluted with red, yellow, blue, purple. Any color combinations with black and blue, where the second occupy more than 90% of the space will look just as cosmmatically delightful in the interior picture. If it is assumed to use a large amount of decor, the walls are painted or placed in monophonic wallpaper. Preference is given to the shades of the ocean: from deep blue and to delicate lazuries. If the furniture is scarce, then in color palette ourselves are not limited to using a neutral background with whites of white stars and blurred outlines of distant galaxies.

Ceiling design

The ceiling is the perfect canvas for the application of the panorama of the starry sky or zodiac intricacons. Pictures are often descended on the walls, forming a two-dimensional panorama. Luminous stickers are considered the fiscal option. In the afternoon they accumulate sunny energyAnd in the evening give it in the form of a pleasant, cold radiation. The painting of the ceiling by fluorescent paints is more expensive and complex. Naturally, to achieve images as much as possible to the original, you must have the artist's talent. Otherwise, you will have to hire a professional that will sip. Pigments and phosphor add to the paints, which is absolutely safe. For this reason, you can even paint in the children's room.

If the design idea is the room is a cabin of a spacecraft or an orbital station, then the top is made in white and silver colors with decorative transverse beams. The element is mounted from drywall - inexpensive, but easy to use material. Under the ceiling design hidden niches to accommodate sources of cold, scattered light. Without it additional element No space interior costs. A more expensive option is a stretch ceiling that will fit into the interior stylish detail.

Stickers can be made with their own hands. Special luminous paper, scissors and stencils or fantasies. The decoration of the children's room can turn into an exciting process if the child is also attracted to it.

Space floor

Flooring should be practical and without excesses. Preference gives laminate and parquet board. From colors choose:

  • The black;
  • Blue;
  • Metallized gray;
  • White;
  • Light brown (in exceptional cases).

The mirror filling floor looks like the most effectively. If cold light is raised from the ceiling, it will be displayed in such a surface and complement the overall unearthly atmosphere. If we are talking about the bedroom, where I still wanted to keep some softness, the floor lay the soft carpet with the middle length. Tones are selected from the limited palette above.

Universe and walls

The best material for decoration of walls in cosmic motifs are considered modern species Wallpaper: With Photo and 3D Effect. The first are a colorful panorama, a picture that is applied to a paper or more durable vinyl base. The second, in addition to simple stereoscopic paintings, are presented more complex options: Fluorescent and LED models. They differ high costs, but the effectiveness and incredible ability of the material to transmit the relief is worth it. Fragmented 3D wallpapers are suitable for imitation of the porthole of the spacecraft through which you can observe the expanses of the universe or the landscape of other planets. More a budget option - cover the walls of paint.

One side in the room always remains neutral to balance the premises palette. It can be simply placed or placed with light wallpaper, and at night to use as a screen for the projector. By the way, the same option will suit And for a simple, white ceiling.

Space furniture

It is worth abandoning typical heads, with which the design of the room will become easier, but boring. Pick furniture separately, based on its practicality. Beds, cabinets, shelves and tables made of dark, light wood, metal or plastic should be simple and without delights. If you can afford it, then use narrow beds as in close cabins. Textiles is extremely monophonic or with fine star speck. Organically on sofas and chairs will look genuine Leather light shades. Forget about ornaments, flowers and other cute details of the usual decoration of apartments. It is desirable to use a large number of silver metal or imitation. Simple geometry adheres to furnishings: sharp corners, curved lines, complex figures. All this once again Proves how much space style was intertwined with futurism.

Light and space

Lighting Will compete with each other in originality of execution. Space style Does not recognize familiar chandeliers and sconces. The main sources of light that are directed to the demonstration of the entire beauty of the interior are usually thoroughly hidden in decorative niches. With the onset of darkness they scatter a cold blue, purple or green glow. On the ceiling instead of ordinary chandelier install original ball in the form of a moon or planet. It is an extraordinary composition of the composition of such areas, which differ in colors, sizes and hang from the ceiling on different height. Such an installation will symbolize sunny system. When choosing lamps, it is thrown in extremes: only simple or intricate forms. Here the motifs intersect with minimalism and high-tek. Lighting devices that are used in these styles are suitable for space in your home.

Do not be afraid to use point lighting. If there is a spill floor or stretch ceiling in the room, they will double the effect of "stars" scattered around the room, as if in the planetarium.

Universal Decor and Accessories

In decorating the interior, they resort to the principles of minimalism. The decoration of the room usually with interest compensates for the shortage of accessories. The bed is covered with star bedspread, and the open shelves put miniature astronauts, models of shuttles and orbital stations, imitation of small planets and integers solar systems. In the kitchen, futuristic spheres that are similar to large drops of mercury are used as a decor. They are suspended to the ceiling or attach half: allegedly such a drop "stuck" in the partition.

Use a large number of household appliances With chrome surfaces. The visually more complicated its design, the better. Space style loves high technologies, without them in vacuum can not do. IN this case They act not only in the role of functional elements, but also stylish accessories. The windows closes the blinds so that the opening does not seem too "naked", on the sides hanging long curtains in the floor neutral color without picture.

Space room for a boy

Space interior in a nursery - a chance not only to captivate a child of astronomy, but also the opportunity to settle it in real fairy tale. Girls such an interior can also come to the soul, but the princesses and medieval castles they prefer more. The highlight of the interior will be a telescope on a tripod, which cozy will be located on the table. If a decorative porthole or hatch is on the ceiling, then the metal staircase is installed in the room so that the young cosmonaut can make it easily. For children with several tenants, bunk beds are installed. Furniture choose multifunctional and compact: The work area is combined with places for storing things and a platform for recreation. Remember pro main characteristic Style - its practicality. If the room imitates the cabin of the ship, then it is decorated with decorative semicircular arches from drywall. They will give the room similarity with the original. The wall decorate the installation of embossed hemispheres, which depict a sunny system with an astronaut in a free flight. For walls and ceiling choose blue tonesand furnishings are decorated in white and gray.


Cosmonautics still remains one of the most complex, but romantic navigation sciences. Only units after a rigid competition become part of this profession. Since the Soviet triumph of Gagarin in space, almost every second boy in childhood wants to conquer at least a piece of the limitless universe. They contributed to the popularization of astronomy and the practical study of the starry sky. Famous American Writers Herbert Wells and Ray Bradbury. The first produced a four line with his work about the invasion of Martian to Earth still in late XIX. century. The success was fixed by the scandalous radio station of the novel by a named after a writer who inspired many Americans that what was happening - reality.

Is it possible to combine two such concepts as "Fashion" and "Cosmos"? Yes, it is easily, as a result we get "Space Style in Fashion"! Modern designers, possessing a huge fantasy, were able to surprise us with original and unique imageswhich are inextricably linked with space. Otherwise, I can't call them eccentric outfits, but there is something in it. In the collections of many famous couturiers, there is a notch of space from time to time, whether it is the original clothing element, stylish accessory Or breathtaking shoes.

Tight suits, unusual cut, silver helmets, hats with huge fields or high hairstyles, long, but a completely transparent skirt in the floor, swimsuits with large and sharp shoulders - all this is inextricably linked with the space direction in fashion. This style is young enough, but has already fallen in love with many designers. They use it in their collections, thereby surprising even the most pressing mods and fashionistas. Today I suggest you open the veil of the uncertainty and with your head to plunge into this mysterious and mounted space style.

What started?

And it all started quite recently, in the sixties, when the world was rapidly changing outside the window. During this period, many styles arose that every day gained more and more popularity. Designers absorbed all new-fashioned trends, were not afraid to embody their most bold fantasy. They looked closely to achievements in the technique and, as it does not surprise, astronautics. Yes, the cosmic fashion is inextricably linked with the development of the unknown and conquering mysterious.

Let's plunge in the story. In 1961, Yuri Gagarin made his first flight into space. Then in 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin Oldrin stepped on the surface of the moon. It served as a bright and unforgettable start of a new cosmic era and left a trace in the lives of all mankind. The world of fashion did not stand aside, he walked into one leg with progress. Designers fantasized, in their own way the clothes of the future were created by the unimaginable complexity of the outfits. Then they believed that in a few decades, people would walk in clothes, similar to space spaces, and she will be sewn from non-existent in those times of materials. But the years went, little is now similar to the former fantasies, but fashion on the space style remained.


Materials are a separate topic for conversation. Designers of the sixties to some extent were able to predict the future. Then they believed that the cosmic style collections would be created from new-water, artificially created materials. In reality it came out. Nylon, acrylic, Kriflen, Polyester, Lycra, Polyvinyl chloride were invented at the beginning of the twentieth century. They, as it impossible, by the way, corresponded to the ideas of Couturier about space. In addition, they gave the opportunity to create outfits of uncomplicated structures. They contributed to many cosmic images and materials such as metal and plastic. Thanks to this symbiosis of peculiar fabrics and unusual add-ons, it was possible to create clothes that was amazed not only external species, but also durability, convenience, I would even say, impressive with my scale.


The color of the materials is no less important than the composition of the fabrics. To some extent, the color is of paramount importance. Glitter, shine, sparkling, gloss, glossy, splendor - all these characteristics directly concerns space fashion. The world should sparkle and shimmer, and lights from the spotlights to reflect on the outfit and fill everything around with dazzling light. Silver, white, black, gray, you see, not the widest color range.

But modern designers let's move on. In their collections, they began to use bright colors, but exclusively in combination with simple and even silhouettes. Prints in the form of distant galaxies and the starry sky are becoming increasingly popular. Yes, and the cut of things during this time has undergone a lot of changes. Even ordinary dress Or the skirt can become part of the space fashion if the corresponding drawing is applied.


Designers embody their most bold fantasies, creating fascinating images of mysterious creatures, charismatic characters and aliens from other planets. The original silhouette of the outfit and the most unexpected materials make an image bright and memorable. Clear geometric lines, smooth, sharp edges and some characteristic details serve as fundamental elements. Cutout-boat, rack collar, false pockets and inserts, huge clasp - in the dress, as a rule, at least one of these components is present.

Spacewood is an outfit that looks like a robot cloudy. On the change of closed and free clothing in one moment, sparkling and fitted. Special attention It is worth paying accessories. Transparent Bag, Metallized Parts, Plastic Headdress, Mirrings, Decorations unusual shape - That is what is the secret of the success and popularity of cosmic style.

Each woman is simply obliged to sparkle and shine. In any company, it should feel a real star. Thanks to the cosmic-style clothes create original image Not difficult!

This style originated in the distant 60s, when the outer space was mastered not only by Gagarin, Tereshkova and other famous cosmonauts, but also by the famous designers of that time. Designers gave the will of fantasy and developed real wonder for that time. In their models were and sunglasses round shape, and overalls that resemble astronaut's spacesuit, and unthinkable shape hats. Space style enjoys special success For real fashion and to this day.

Space-style clothes

In the 60s, designers offered models from non-human materials, such as synthetics, vinyl, plastic. Naturally, it was uncomfortable, and no one wanted to spend on plastic clothes. And this is understandable - not practical.

But time runs, cosmos in the dresses is becoming increasingly perfect, while maintaining their characteristics. Such clothes are very convenient, but quite extravagant. On the other hand, clothes with cosmic pattern can become excellent addition To the wardrobe of fashionista. Since such models are distinguished by a bright print and blundering colors, they need to be combined correctly with other things.

How to taste with a cosmic style?

Mainly, today the space print has been preserved in the clothes, which looks pretty bright, but at the same time harmoniously. A dress with such a print can be combined with leggings of neutral black, and it is quite appropriate with thin leather strap and rude boots. If you like more light shoes, sneakers are suitable for thin sole. Leggings with a cosmic print are perfectly combined with a neutral blouse and.

In general, it is worth remembering that the cosmic style clothes itself attracts attention, so it should not complement it with screaming accessories. Otherwise, you risk looking not knowing in fashion a special, and Martian or even a white raven. Everything is appropriate in moderation.

It should be noted that interest in space topicsTraveling to the stars and stories from the distant future appeared in fashion 60s it is no coincidence. After the first flight of the Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin into space in 1961, the passion for space and all that is connected with it, it became massive. This topic caused an excitement, new hopes, new ideas. In front of humanity, the incredibly huge space horizons and incredible perspectives were suddenly opened. Fashion designers could not stay aside and not to succumb to universal inspiration associated with the new cosmic era. Designers of the 60s offered a cardinal change of shape of clothing and material from which it should be done.

It would seem why such an abundance of silver and metal? However, the answer to this question is quite simple. Back in the 40s, the 20th century in the Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute developed the first space skum. It was a design of rubberized fabric white color With various shiny metal elements. This jacket and served as a prototype and the basis for the development of many futuristic ideas in fashion. Each of the designers in different ways embodied these "cosmic" elements in their collections.

Fashion of the second half of the 60s generated "cosmic" ideas, creating a completely new aesthetics of futurism. Metal glitter, simple geometric lines, but the complexity and unusualness of the shape - the fashion designers tried to imagine what would be fashionable when the journey to the stars becomes routine.

Moreover, fashion designers began to use specific materials to create clothing. So Paco Rabann in the second half of the 60s began to offer dresses from metal, cellophane, plastics and other unusual primary materials. So in 1965 it was presented original dress Metal disks that really personified new trends in the world of high fashion.

In 1968, Roger Vadim invited Paco Rabanna to create suits for the legendary film of Barbarella later. IN leading role In this fantastic film, the actress Jane Fonda starred, playing the seductive beauty, occupied by the search for a done durant's scientist. The image of this cosmic division was and remains a source of inspiration for many generations of designers.

In 1964, Pierre Cardin creates his unusual collection Under the name "Era of Cosmos". Many models simply shocked the public. It was not just a special collection - it was a new word in fashion.

He suggested a trico from the rubberized material, overalls on zippers, tunics and plastic relentables to protect the eyes. These were costumes for people of a new cosmic era.

And in 1965, the seduction of appeal to the futuristic theme succumbed to Andre Kurrzha, offering his white collection to the public.

After the recession of interest in the ideas of Space Futurism in the early 70s, by the end of this decade, retrofuturism survived a new rise. It was associated with access to the screens of the Turkish film George Lucas about the star warriors.

In the film, the main characters were again dressed in silvery and white clothes in combination with original elements Hippie style. "Space" Fashion has again gained relevance.

The new wave of popularity of retrofuturism began around 2007 and this retro style Laughs afloat until now. It is impossible to call this retro style fashionable mainstream. But from year to year, designers offer, one way or another, introduce such "space" retro elements into their wardrobe.

So, for example, in 2007-2008, futuristic outfits offered AltXander McQueen, Byblos, Jil Sander, Dolce & Gabbana. The key elements remain all the same metallic shine and metallized parts.

In 2012, revive the space retro style Paco Rabanna decided the new creative director of this designer brand, Manish Arora. Adapted K. everyday life Style, however, clearly seeks to emphasize his retro-footurist roots and create an image of a lady from the future.

Create such a retro futuristic image is not so difficult. Connecting fashion trends in the second half of the 60s with tissues with a metal, silver or gold glitter in combination with white or black (allowed and other deep and saturated colors), adding metal accessories can be easily reincarnated into modern Barbarell from the space future.

The content of the article

Our Planet Earth surrounds space from all sides. She was small regarding our galaxy. However, in everyday life, the impact on the fashion of the cosmos can not be noticed immediately. We may sometimes seem that Kim Kardashian is more affected than space. However, this is not so.

Sun, planets, stars, moon, and, of course, space flights constantly influence the work of many fashionable designers. It is worth remembering only how April 12, 1961 cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin performed the world's first flight on space shipwhich was called "East-1" in the earth's orbit. And although he lasted only one hundred and eight minutes, he had a tremendous impact on the history of mankind and, of course, the fashion.

Fashionable cosmic style

After the flight Yuri Gagarina many fashionable designers, such as Andre Kurrzha, Pierre Cardin and many others began to enter a cosmic style. Then they began to shoot a huge number of serials and films about space traveland it gave the soil for further development Space style in fashion.

Some things remind of space only remotely, in and some clothes are copied by a form or individual elements of spacewinders, and a variety of tops, leggings, shorts, t-shirts and sweatshoes with cosmic prints in the form of star painters or photographs of nebulae or galaxies have become fashionable.

Thanks to modern interplanetary spacecraft and telescopes, we have the opportunity to see a huge number of photographs of space excellent quality. Remote planets, starflowers, nebulae and other space landscapes can now turn on fashionable clothing. And we have the opportunity to purchase it.

Space colors and materials

In space, exclusively advanced technologies are used, as well as materials, even despite the fact that they are not as comfortable and familiar, as ordinary clothes from natural wool or skin. However, such materials have their advantages. Thanks to such materials, clothing is obtained quite durable, comfortable and easy.

For clothes in fashionable cosmic style, the color is also played. Silver color of plating missiles and spaces, as well as solar panels made silver color an important element in cosmic style. Few people know that the real astronauts are far from such silver as fashion clothes in cosmic style, but this is a separate conversation.

Let's look at the most interesting models Clothes in cosmic style or with its elements.