Wash the wool hat. General cleaning of natural fur. Hat stretched out after washing: what to do

A hat is an essential accessory in everyone's life. Someone prefers knitted hats, some fur, and some woolen. All these hats need to be washed in different ways, no matter what ruins the hat.

Nowadays, the hat has ceased to be the main item of clothing for insulation, and often we choose hats for ourselves to emphasize fashionable image... In the process of wearing, even the most neat mod's hat can get dirty, and the question of how to properly wash the hat becomes relevant.

Washing hats is a painstaking task. This is rarely done, but sooner or later the hat will get dirty and you will have to figure out how to clean it without ruining it. It's good when she's knitted out strong thread with a dense knit. This option is enough to throw in the washing machine. But delicate weaving, handmade, woolen and fur hats, caps, straw hats requires special approach... How to wash a hat so that it does not stretch, shrink and fade?

Knitted hats

A knitted synthetic yarn hat should be washed according to the instructions on the label. If you knitted the thing yourself, then see the washing method on the yarn label. Usually, it is enough to pack the hat in a special mesh bag for washing and wash it in the machine. The washing mode should be selected as a delicate one, the detergent is appropriate for the yarn. Avoid machine spinning and drying so that the hat does not shrink, stretch or lose its shape.

Wool knitted hats should not be machine washed. Wool can be easily washed and rinsed by hand, especially when using special products in the form of shampoos or powders. A heavily soiled woolen hat can be soaked for 1 hour in a cool solution of detergent or simply in water with the addition of vinegar.

Cope with strong dirt on a knitted wool hat, ammonia will help. For one wash, use 2 tablespoons of ammonia per 5 liters of water. In this solution, you can leave the cap for 1 hour, then rinse well and put to dry.

To prevent the hat from shrinking, it is necessary to withstand a gentle temperature regime: the coat shrinks due to temperature contrasts and excessive hot water. Optimum temperature wash - 30 ° C, rinse also at this temperature.

Wool must not be washed in solutions of detergents with bleaches and enzymes. Bio-powder can ruin your wool hat in one wash, as can bleach.

To remove excess water from a knitted woolen hat after washing, you can wrap the hat in a clean and dry towel, without twisting it. When the excess moisture is removed, the cap can be pulled over the jar and left to dry completely. You can also put a towel inside the hat, which will absorb moisture and help the hat dry faster.

Wool hats must dry naturally in the room. No need to use batteries, convectors to dry it.

If you have washed a woolen hat from fluffy wool or mohair, after wringing, tie it in a bag and put it in the freezer for several hours. The remaining moisture will form small ice crystals in the thickness of the thread, and your hat will acquire extraordinary volume and wonderful fluffiness.

Hats with pom poms

The synthetic yarn pom-pom wears well with the hat. If the threads are loose, you will have to spend some time combing them. It is convenient to do this with a combs for cats or, if the threads are very tangled, with a knitting needle. In the most difficult cases, you can use a ripping device available from sewing shops.

If the pompom is made of natural fur, it cannot be washed. Fight back fluffy decoration, if possible, and sew back after washing. But sometimes it is not possible to rip off the pompom without ripping off half of the cap. How to wash a hat with a pompom in this case?

The pompom should be tied in a strong and whole plastic bag, tied tightly at the base. And then wash the hat with your hands in a basin, trying to prevent water from getting inside the tied bag with a pompom. A little moisture can still get in, but this usually does not spoil the fur. Then you just comb, shake the hat, and everything will be all right: the hat is clean, the beautiful pompom is intact.

Fur hat

A fur hat is an ideal wardrobe item in the cold season. Such hats have many advantages, but the only drawback of such clothes is the difficulty in care. Only gentle washing or cleaning will help not to spoil fur hat.

Natural mink hat do not wash the usual way... The fact of the matter is that both large fabrics of fur and strips are strongly stretched during production. If you wet it intensively inner surface furs, skins, when dry, wrinkle, deforming the product.

If the hat gets dirty on your hair, it means that it got pretty dirty. Sometimes it is enough to rip off the lining and wash it. Or replace it with a new one.

Then they inspect the product from the inside, checking for gaps and moth bites. Eliminate problems, if any, extending the life of the garment.

Fur is tidied up only natural ingredients, for example, using wheat bran. Take two glasses of bran, brew with an equal amount of boiling water. Insist for several minutes, drain excess moisture and start cleaning. Gently and carefully, the wheat mass is rubbed over the fur, not missing more than one fragment. Then comb and shake.

Dried fur product stuffing with a cloth or crumpled soft paper.

Felt products

Berets and felt hats light shades cleaned of sweat and dust stains with the following solution. Mix 5 tablespoons acetic acid in equal amounts with ammonia. Add 1.5 tablespoons of salt to the resulting liquid and stir. Then impregnate a clean, non-shedding cloth with the resulting mixture and gently clean the sensitive material. Wipe dry.

Greasy and greasy places are cleaned with a cotton pad dipped in refined gasoline. Drying, the product does not smell.

In general, felt hats get dirty very quickly and look untidy. In order not to wait for such drastic measures, the hat is updated every two weeks. Steam the felt over a boiling kettle and brush off the dirt with a dry brush.

Washing hats is a painstaking task. This is rarely done, but sooner or later the hat will get dirty and you will have to figure out how to clean it without ruining it. It is good when it is knitted from strong threads with a dense knit. It is enough to throw this option into the washing machine with other clothes. But delicate weaving, handicraft, woolen and fur hats, caps, straw hats require a special approach. Consider how to wash your hat so that it does not stretch, shrink or fade.

Hats can be roughly divided into the following categories, which affect the washing method:

  • knitted;
  • with a pompom;
  • fur;
  • baseball cap.

Washing a knitted hat

The hat can be knitted from synthetic threads or wool.

There should be no problems with the first option. Check the product label or yarn information if knitting yourself and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Synthetic threads generally tolerate well machine wash... Place the knitted hat in the laundry bag and put it in the washing machine with your other items. The mode is delicate. It is necessary to wash with a detergent suitable for the type of yarn.

But in the question of how to wash knitted hat made of wool, everything is much more complicated. Previously, we have already considered the rules for washing woolen products, applying them to hats, we get the following features:

  • Wool hat can only be washed by hand.
  • Pour warm water (no higher than 30 degrees) into a bowl. The bowl should be deep enough so that you can soak the hat completely in it.
  • Choose a detergent special for wool. Ordinary shampoo, shavings are also suitable laundry soap... If you use regular powder, then before soaking the cap, make sure that it is completely dissolved. Undissolved powder granules are then poorly washed out and leave a specific odor. It is strictly forbidden to use bleaches on wool.
  • Dilute the detergent until completely dissolved.
  • Check that the selected detergent is suitable for the hat. For this part seamy side immerse in water for 2-3 minutes and wait. If not shed, then you can soak completely.
  • Just put the knitted hat under water for half an hour. Do not wrinkle, do not rub, otherwise the threads will stretch, the wool will deteriorate, which will affect the appearance.
  • Rinse under cool running water until all detergent is washed out.
  • Gently squeeze the cap without twisting it and squeeze out as much water as you can. Soak the rest with a terry towel.

A mohair or fluffy wool hat can be wrung out in the freezer. Put it in a bag and leave it in the freezer for a couple of hours. The remaining water will turn into crystals that can be easily shaken off.

  • It is necessary to dry the knitted hat in a well-ventilated place in horizontal position or fixing vertically to the top, otherwise it may deform or acquire bad smell... Do not dry wool in the sun or on a radiator.

Hat with pompom

There are two options here. If the pompom is made of yarn, then wash it in the same way as the hat itself. The threads are likely to fall off, so after the hat dries, it will be necessary to return the pompom to its former splendor. You can do this with a wooden comb, cat comb, or knitting needle. Be careful not to pull the threads out.

But how to wash a hat with a fur pompom is much more difficult. It is impossible to wash natural fur, so the pompom will have to be ripped off. Wash the headdress, and then sew the fur decoration in place. If it is impossible to beat it off, do not despair - housewives have come up with a way for this case as well. Simply wrap the pompom in a plastic bag and tie it tightly to prevent water from getting inside. Next, wash the hat by hand. Save the pompom and refresh the hat.

Fur hat washing

You will have to clean such a headdress using dry methods, since you cannot wash a fur hat. Upon contact with water, the flesh (the seamy side of the fur) begins to absorb it, losing its properties, as a result, after drying, it will crack and shrink, spoiling the fur product at the same time. To freshen up your fur hat, you can dry it by brushing it. This is detailed in this article.

One of the ways is to "wash" the fur in oat flour... Dip the hat in oatmeal, vacuum and air, then comb. All fine dust and dirt can be easily removed along with the "detergent".

Washing caps, baseball caps

To prevent the cap from losing its shape, it is better to wash it by hand.

  1. Prepare a bowl, the size of it should be such that the baseball cap fits completely into it.
  2. Pour hot pure water, lower the cap into it and leave it for half an hour. Drain.
  3. Collect warm water, stir well the detergent, preferably liquid without dyes, bleach or fragrances.
  4. Soak your baseball cap and wash with a medium brush.
  5. Rinse in cold water until all the detergent is washed out.
  6. Hold the cap suspended so that the glass excess water... Shove it inside soft towel... This will keep the cap dry and absorb the rest of the liquid. Put the cap to dry on fresh air... Exclude exposure to the sun or drying in warm air, as this will shrink the hat.

V washing machine the cap cannot be washed, as it will lose its shape from the rotation of the drum and mixing with other things. If you do not want to wash by hand, then you can use another washing technique - dishwasher... Place the hat on the bottom compartment of the dishwasher, securing it on the teeth to keep it from losing its shape. Stretch on fast mode. Dry in the same way as for hand washing.

How to properly wash your hat

Whether the hat can be machine washed depends on the properties of the material from which it is made. For almost any product you can find optimal mode home cleaning.

Hats are rather capricious products. They can shed, shrink, lose their attractiveness after washing.

If you know how to wash your hat, you can keep it presentable.

Basic washing rules:

  • wash products only in cold or warm water;
  • check if the colors remain after washing: do cleaning solution and moisten part of the hat from the wrong side with it. If the item is not damaged, you can start washing;
  • it is advisable not to use products with enzymes and bleaches;
  • whether it is possible to machine wash the hat - indicated on the label, if yes - wash in a delicate mode and gentle solutions. For example, a special gel;
  • be careful with hats that are decorated fur pom-poms... These decorative elements will not tolerate washing. They must be ripped off and re-sewn to a clean hat; if this is not possible, only dry cleaning is suitable for such a product.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can preserve the presentation of the product for many years.

How to wash a hat

For different materials have their secrets:

  • models made of cotton yarn, acrylic perfectly tolerate machine wash. But first, they need to be placed in a special mesh. This will save the product from the appearance of pellets;
  • woolen hats. Better hand wash. The temperature should not exceed +35 degrees. Do not squeeze them out so as not to deform the fabric. It is better to dry by pulling it over the ball - this way the thing will retain its shape;
  • hats from angora or mohair. To keep them fluffy, wring them out with a towel, wrap them in a bag and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours. The water crystals will freeze and the cap will gain volume;
  • fur. Under no circumstances can you wash it. Will only fit wet cleaning... Bran diluted in boiling water (ratio 2: 2) will help get rid of stains and dirt. After swelling, the excess liquid must be drained, and the resulting mass must be distributed over the surface of the product. After some time, comb the fur and remove the bran residues. For dark fur, you can take mustard powder, for light - starch.

Do not dry products near heating appliances in direct sunlight. Knowing how to properly wash your hat, you can keep its shape and presentable appearance for a long time.

Whether we love it or not, when the cold season comes, we have to get a hat from the far corner of the closet and put it on when going out. Naturally, the inner side of the product will regularly get dirty from the skin and hair. On the other side, upper layer from exposure external environment is also constantly contaminated. Therefore, one day inevitably comes the need for washing or cleaning. Together with her, the question arises of how to properly wash a fur hat and get rid of pollution. If you do not study the information about this and do not use it, but simply throw the product along with other things into the washing machine, then after drying it may become unusable.

How to wash a knitted hat

A knitted hat, if washed incorrectly, is prone to change in size: it will stretch or, on the contrary, shrink. But with a careful and careful approach, the thing is able to retain its original appearance.

The first thing to know and take into account is that it is not recommended to soak a woolen hat. If there are stains, they should be treated with alcohol or a solution prepared before use, consisting of water and ammonia in equal proportions.

The water temperature should not exceed thirty degrees. They dissolve in it special tool, which is intended for washing wool items. Liquid detergents are also well suited in this case, since they not only do a good job with their main task, but also do not spoil the shape and colors of the product.

The hat is placed in water and gently washed with crushing movements for two to three minutes. It is forbidden to rub it, and at the end to twist it, since otherwise, the hat may stretch a lot and lose its attractive view.

After washing, rinse it in water at least four to five times until the liquid with it becomes transparent.

At the last rinse, a little linen conditioner is added to the water, and left for a quarter of an hour in a basin to drain excess water.

In no case should you dry your woolen hat on warm or hot radiators or rope. In the first case, there is a risk that the product will shrink, and in the second, on the contrary, it will stretch. Dry it on a flat surface with a clean cloth or put on a three-liter jar. You can also use a hairdryer.

The washing machine has a special wool mode. By setting it or another mode, " delicate wash”, As well as setting thirty degrees, in principle, you can wash a knitted hat there too. However, spin should not be used. As a last resort, you can leave the minimum speed.

How to wash a fur hat

Fur products look very impressive and beautiful. However, if they are not properly cared for, then after a while the fur will lose its attractive appearance and tarnish. it clear sign that the thing needs to be cleaned.

From small pollution and dust, the product is subjected to simple cleaning, after which it is ventilated and dried, preferably in the fresh air. Of course, you cannot erase it, in the usual sense of the word. Natural adsorbents, such as semolina and starch, do an excellent job with dirt and dust.

Better yet, they clean the cap with light fur... Light particles freely pass into the pile and collect all the dirt into themselves. At the same time, they will not damage the color and structure of the fur in any way. Semolina or starch is poured into the pile and carefully rub all areas as if they are being washed. At the end, shake the product and brush out the remnants with a soft clothes brush. You can also use a vacuum cleaner for this purpose.

More in a serious way must be used when a global cleaning of the product is required. This is done as follows:

  1. The lining needs to be ripped off. You can mark the places where it was sewn, so that later it would be easier to neatly sew it back. It is washed and ironed separately. If she has completely lost her appearance, then they sew a new one, trying it on to the old lining.
  2. They take the hat and turn it inside out, carefully examining it. If there are cracks, they must be carefully darned and sealed with a plaster. Then they will serve regularly for several more seasons.
  3. For cleaning, a fur hat is put on a jar, starch is diluted with gasoline until a gruel consistency is obtained and rubbed in. After processing the surface, the cap is left for a quarter of an hour, after which the remnants of the used product are cleaned with a brush. This must be repeated until pure starch remains.
  4. At the end, after thoroughly shaking and brushing, the hat is dried in the fresh air, but so that straight Sun rays they didn’t get her.

To make the fur shine, rub it with glycerin and then comb it.

If there are stains on the product, they are removed different ways depending on what was applied.

If sweat is the cause, then a solution is needed, which is then used to wipe the stain. The recipe for its preparation is simple: a teaspoon of salt and the same amount ammonia mixed in five hundred milliliters of water.

Grease stains are wiped with a cloth soaked in gasoline. At the same time, if the product is short-haired, then you should move against the pile, and with long-haired - vice versa.

Yellowish spots on a light pile are sprayed with hydrogen peroxide with the addition of ammonia from a spray bottle, after which they are dried in the fresh air, even in the sun.

The mink hat can also be cleaned in several ways, depending on how dirty it is.

You can use regular shampoo for cleaning. Then soap suds the product is wiped and then removed with a damp sponge. Instead of shampoo, you can use liquid soap or cleaning agent woolen products.

In this case, you need to be very careful so that the foam does not soak into the leather base. Otherwise, the hat runs the risk of being reduced in size after drying. Too much getting wet, in addition, will worsen the condition of the fur, making it stiffer, and the fibers are not elastic.

If the specified cleaning agents were not found, then you can use other tools at hand and found in every home, which will also perfectly cope with the task at hand. For example, salt and alcohol are used. To do this, prepare a solution in the following way:

  • A tablespoon of salt is dissolved in a glass of water;
  • add two tbsp there. tablespoons of alcohol;
  • wipe the hat with a brush or sponge.

Use vinegar and soak it cotton pad and process the thing.

Glycerin will help to restore the shine and splendor to the product, after processing which, the fur is carefully combed.

When using any means, the product must be dried only in a natural way, without the use of a hair dryer or other heating devices. It is best to do this outdoors, but in the shade so that direct sunlight does not fall on the hat. After drying the product, its pile is combed again.

The white hat will have to be cleaned more often than the others, as it will get dirty faster. So that the color does not fade and the fur does not deteriorate, you need to know how to clean it.

In the city, the hat will darken anyway due to smog and dust. However, getting rid of this pollution is not at all difficult. You just need to sprinkle talcum powder on the pile, rub in lightly and leave for two to three hours. After that, the cap is shaken, and the residues of the adsorbent are removed with a brush. Instead, you can use starch, semolina. By the way, starch is capable of adsorbing even greasy stains from oil.

With yellowed fur, hydrogen peroxide diluted in water will help. The solution is sprayed or treated with a wetted sponge on the surface of the cap, and then hung out to dry in the fresh air. This method will be effective for cleaning not only natural but also artificial fur.

Very cute and funny look knitted hats with a fur pompom. Most often it is attached with tape to make it easy to remove for washing. One way or another, it is highly not recommended to wash the product with a pompom. If it is sewn on, then it is better to cut it off, and attach it with tape after washing.

A fox pompom can be cleaned with the following solution: a teaspoon of ammonia and three teaspoons are dissolved in five hundred milliliters of water common salt... The fur is thoroughly moistened and then combed out.

A rabbit pom-pom can be combed out with a comb, and the yellowness on the white fur will disappear when sprinkled with hydrogen peroxide or moistened with vinegar.

In addition to wool and fur, there are other fabrics from which to sew beautiful hats... In order for them to retain their attractive appearance for a long time, it is necessary:

  1. A fleece product can be washed in the washing machine by setting the “delicate wash” mode, and also better hands in not hot water, adding a liquid product.
  2. Drying is done in a natural way.
  3. The white cap can be brushed with starch or semolina with several repetitions.
  4. You need to be especially careful about caps with down: it is better to buy a special product for this or clean it with magnesia with aviation gasoline sold in a pharmacy; apply the solution with a sponge, trying not to touch the lining, and after processing, shake the cap.
  5. The fur product is not washed at all so that it does not crack.

After washing, rinse the hat with room temperature without twisting. Excess water is disposed of by wrapping the product in terry towel and then pulling it over the jar. You can stuff a towel into it to dry the hat faster. If lumps form on the wool, they are removed with nail scissors. If too heavy pollution If you couldn't get rid of them on your own, it is better to take the hat to a dry cleaner.

Washing knitted products- This is a very painstaking exercise that requires adherence to certain rules. So that the knitwear does not shrink, deform and shed, heed the advice experienced housewives... They will tell you how to wash your knitted hat correctly.

Knitted hat - washing rules

If the product is made of synthetic thread, then it must be washed as indicated on the tag. If you knitted the hat by hand, then you should look for recommendations for threading on the label for the skein.

A fairly simple way to wash a knitted hat is to put it in a washing bag and send it to the machine. In this case, run delicate treatment, a detergent composition take in accordance with the characteristics of the yarn. It is necessary to turn off spinning and drying, otherwise the hat will shrink and lose its shape.
But nevertheless, the hats, which are made of natural wool, should not be washed in a typewriter - an automatic machine is not worth it.

Wool can be easily washed by hand, especially in special shampoo for such a thread. If the product is too dirty, it is allowed to soak for a couple of hours in a suitable detergent... You can soak the wool in cold water, to which a little vinegar has been added, so the hat will certainly not shed.
To wash the hat by hand, a little warm water, dilute the detergent in it and immerse the product. The cap is gently washed by hand, trying not to pull or pull. Heavily soiled areas rub a little.

To prevent the product from shrinking and shedding, the temperature must be observed. Wool does not like hot water, and you need to wash it at +30. Please note that such a thread does not tolerate temperature changes, so it is washed and rinsed in water of the same temperature.

They squeeze out such things very carefully so as not to deform. It is best to remove the product from the water, lightly squeeze it by hand over the bathtub, and then spread it out on a terry towel and roll it up. This helps the towel absorb excess moisture and you can unfold the drying cap.

There is little secret correct drying- if the hat is knitted of mohair or fluffy wool, then it can be wrapped in a bag and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then the headdress will become even more fluffy and voluminous.

Hat with pompom

There are two washing options at once. If the pom-pom is made of the same yarn as the hat, then it should be washed along with the hat.

Most likely, the threads of the pom-pom felled due to washing, so after drying it will have to be tidied up and returned to its fluffiness. This is done with a wide-toothed comb, preferably made of wood. You can also straighten the pompom with a knitting needle by untangling the thread. Do this carefully so as not to pull the threads out of the pompom.

With a fur pom-pom, things are much more complicated. Natural fur does not need to be wetted, otherwise it can ruin it. We'll have to rip off the pompom. The headgear is washed in the described way, and the pompom is simply cleaned with dry cleaning, for example, using bran or starch.

But what if you can't rip off the pom-pom in any way? In this case, the cunning housewives came up with their own way of washing. The pompom is simply tied tightly in a film, tied tightly at the base. Then the cap is washed by hand, being careful not to get moisture on the bag. Still, a little moisture can seep out, but usually it does not spoil the fur much. When the hat is dry, the film is removed and the fur is combed with a brush.

Correct drying

It usually takes several hours for a knitted headdress to dry.

Spread out the product on a flat surface by spreading a terrycloth towel. Change the towel to keep it dry. In no case should such things be dried on a radiator or near heating devices.

Do not try to dry the item with a hairdryer. Do not dry your wool in the sun, hoping that it will dry out faster this way. Wool must dry naturally only.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in washing a knitted hat. Follow the rules for washing wool, dry the thread correctly, and then you can wear the hat for more than one season, and it will look like new for a long time.