Wedding gift ideas for brother. Wedding anniversary gift. Wedding commemorative capsule from the New Year's ball. Original gift from the store - coupons

What to buy as a wedding gift for close relatives? Helpful Hints choice of practical and nice gifts for brother and sister. Examples of gifts that are sure to be accepted with pleasure, and for a long time will remind the newlyweds of those who handed them.

The wedding of close relatives becomes not only a joyful, but also a troublesome event for every person. If a brother marries or a sister marries, one has to take part in organizing the holiday and help the young physically and morally. All this does not exempt from the choice of a gift - wedding present should be joyful and helpful. Of course, you can donate money, but in this case, the amount will go into a common pool and will be spent on acquiring something global, and there will be no memorable gift left.

What to get your sister for a wedding

If she gets married Native sister, then you can buy a gift personally for her. In this case it is good to choose golden decoration: necklace, chain, pendant, earrings, ring or bracelet. not bad memorable gift - jewelry watch in gilded or silver case. Some argue that it is impossible to give watches, but if you take a coin for them and read the appropriate one, then no bad omens won't work! To a sister who, upon marriage, will lead household, modern household appliances will definitely come in handy. A smart multicooker, bread machine, Dishwasher or washing vacuum cleaner. If, after the wedding, the newlyweds enter new apartment, where there is still no furniture at all, then the best wedding gift for them will be a Certificate to a furniture salon. Also in this case, gifts for decorating the interior will be appropriate: chandeliers, wall lamps, floor carpets, dressing tables.

What to give your cousin for a wedding

You can give a cousin for a wedding beautiful kit pastel linen in silk or satin, a large blanket filled with camel hair, a porcelain dinner service for 6 Persians, a set of dishes for cooking with ceramic coating. A great gift - a steamer for clothes, this useful thing while not all hostesses have mastered it. If you need to choose an inexpensive but useful gift, then you should look at mixers, blenders, toasters, coffee makers and electric kettles. The only drawback of such gifts is the risk that someone else will come with a similar box.

What gift to buy for a brother's wedding

In order not to offend the vulnerable bride, you should not choose a gift for your brother that only he can use, it is better to buy something that is useful for both family members. If the newlyweds after the wedding have to live in country house, That great gift will be a pool for a summer residence, a garden fireplace, a barbecue or an outdoor stove. For an apartment, you can buy a home theater as a gift for comfortable watching movies about love or a small TV for the kitchen so that the husband does not interfere with watching TV shows for his wife. If you want to give something that no one else will give, you can buy a weekend tour for a newly-made married couple or a ticket to a tourist base.

What to get your cousin on your wedding day

A cousin and his young wife can be given a wedding set terry bathrobes for him and for her or two large bath towels. A very good wedding gift is an automatic coffee machine that will prepare a delicious and fragrant drink by itself. If the newlyweds are active people in life and like to go hiking, then a comfortable tent or a set of folding furniture may come in handy. It's a good idea to give an air bed, where you can leave guests staying late for the night. A wedding gift in the form of a breakfast table in bed looks romantic, which can be complemented with beautiful coffee cups or a tea set.

If none of the proposed options is suitable, you will have to stop at the money, but it is desirable to give it in an original way, so that the young people will remember the impressions of congratulations for a long time.

One of the most popular and sought after gifts for a wedding is money. Most tend to believe that they are always needed, and they can find worthy use. To some extent this is true, however, when it comes to the most important day in life loved one, it is better to abandon the banality and come up with something interesting.

Brother needs to give something original and exclusive, memorable for long years.

original variants

Everyone wants to give a wedding gift unusual present especially when it comes to brother. There are a number of the most popular and extravagant options. You can bring such gifts to life during your honeymoon.

  • Walk on hot-air balloon. It becomes much more interesting if last moment no one will know about such a gift. The more unprepared the couple is, the more bright emotions she will experience. However, it is possible to prepare such a surprise only if none of their newlyweds is afraid of heights or balloons. The option of a gift in the form of a certificate for a flight is also not excluded: the couple will be able to choose the most favorable day for such an extreme walk.

  • Relaxation in the sauna. No one doubts that wedding preparations take great amount time and effort. That is why it will not be superfluous to give young people a certificate for a day of rest in the SPA center or in the sauna. This will help them relax, gain strength and start living together with a supply of energy.
  • Concert attendance. If your brother has long dreamed of attending a concert of a certain group, then you can give him and his soulmate a ticket. Of course, everything possible must be done to ensure that the tickets were on best places. There are times when a group gives a concert in another city. Be sure to take care of the accommodation of the couple in the hotel. If the budget allows, then you can invite performers directly to the wedding. Such a gift will clearly be appreciated and remembered for a lifetime.

  • Walk on horseback. If the newlyweds know how to ride horses and they like the process itself, then you can give them a certificate for a walk with these unique and beautiful animals.
  • Firework. It often happens that a couple decides to save on fireworks or simply forgets about it. In this case, such a show will become wonderful gift. IN last years Butterfly salute is very popular, it fascinates with its tenderness and romance.

General hobby

In the process of selecting a presentation for wedding celebration you need to take into account the interests of the bride and groom, because the purchase is intended not only from a sister to a brother, but also for a young family that has certain common hobbies and hobbies. There are many options.

  • For tea connoisseurs. If a young couple is a connoisseur of tea, then you can present them as family gift tea ceremony set. In addition, in addition to it, packaging of exquisite and expensive tea will be an excellent choice. Similar souvenirs can be found in almost any specialized store.

  • Underwater theme. IN modern world it is difficult to find a person who would not be fascinated by the underwater theme. If a couple is interested in fish, you can give them not only an aquarium, but also themed animals. Of course, care should be taken to ensure that the newlyweds have all necessary accessories for the arrangement of the aquarium, otherwise, it will be a shame for them to receive an item that cannot be used without buying any of it additional elements. You can even beat little surprise and tell the couple that the Goldfish can make all their dreams come true.
  • Gifts for outdoor activities. Every family at the beginning joint path dreams of traveling active pastime. Help the newlyweds spend more time together! To do this, you can give them bicycles that can be decorated with a memorable and bright decor.

Giving money in an unusual way

If you decide to give your brother money for the wedding, then you need to make sure that the present is interesting and original. There are many ways to package it.

  • Buy a regular baguette and place the bills behind the glass. Nearby, you can attach a small hammer and set the inscription "If necessary, break." It's pretty original and interesting way which is sure to be remembered.
  • You can use an ordinary photo album, and put money on the pages. Some people even manage to funny inscriptions for each banknote.

  • In recent years, a gift known as a long ruble has been very popular. It looks very interesting and fun. You can take a lot of bills of various denominations and stick them together with tape. The resulting money ribbon looks interesting and funny.
  • A unique gift will be a lot of banknotes, designed in the form of cabbage. The essence of such a presentation is to supplement it with words about the future replenishment in the family.

  • In a specialized studio, you can buy a unique bouquet of money - a gift that without fail will be remembered not only by the newlyweds, but also by the guests.
  • Such studios often offer to order designer pillows on which the newlyweds will be drawn. The inside of such a pillow can be stuffed with money and flower petals.

  • Would you like to donate money to comic form? Fill a three-liter jar with banknotes, close it and add an inscription that it can only be opened after the birth of the first child.

It should be noted that money as a gift should be considered as a minor option. After all, there is no guarantee that they will be used for what the newlyweds really wanted. It is possible that they will simply find the most banal application. It will not be very pleasant if a gift presented from the heart is used for everyday household purposes.

Available Gifts

If you are limited in finances, then for a little money you can present original, unusual gifts.

  • Photoshoot. Every couple wants to capture the most important day of their lives, so this gift will always be to their liking.
  • Horseshoe. Traditions say that a horseshoe in the house brings prosperity and happiness. You can buy something similar in a specialized company, where any metals can be used for their production.
  • A handmade gift. If you can draw or sing well, then make something unique yourself. Author's gifts remain in the memory of a person for many years, and sometimes become family heirloom. For example, you can write a song to which the newlyweds will dance for the first time as a married couple.

Helpful Hints

If you were invited to a wedding, or you yourself are the heroes of the occasion, or you want to celebrate a wedding anniversary, always want something special on this day.

What could be more original gift or decoration made by hand.

Check out our wedding gift ideas and tips to create unique, interesting surprise.

There is a huge amount DIY gift ideas. You can find some of them in our articles:

Use your imagination and you will bring joy to those to whom your present is intended.

Wedding gift for the bride. Fabulous paper bouquet of roses.

You will need:

Corsage ribbon (several pieces, 10 cm long)

Wire, cut into 16 pieces of 38 cm

Glue gun (or superglue)

Glue stick


Wire cutters (for wire)

1. Prepare all materials. The main material is paper. You can use the pages of old magazines, books with poetry and/or stories, etc., as long as the paper can be easily bent with your fingers.

Wire can be found in a hardware store or stationery store - it is also called "annealed wire".

If you decide to use a glue gun, then prepare not very hot glue for it.

2. For one rose, you need to cut 4 stacks of 5 petals different widths- from 2 cm to 8 cm (see picture). You do not need to make all the petals absolutely even, slight sloppiness is welcome. It is advisable to cut a little more petals than you need.

3. Start twisting the edges of the paper petals, and squeeze them at the base.

4. For the middle of the flower, you need to cut out one more piece with round tip. Its length is about 6 cm. Twist this part into a tube to shape it, then unwind it, apply glue and wrap it around the end of the wire.

5. We attach all the other petals. Start with the smallest petals. To glue them to the "stem", apply a drop of glue to the tip of each petal. Each next petal should slightly cover the previous one. Continue gluing the petals until you get roses.

Remember to squeeze the petals at the base.

6. Make a sepal from a ribbon that will also cover some of the bumps. For each rose you need a ribbon (in this example their length is 10 cm). Wrap it around the stem and secure lower part petals. Make a V-cut at the end.

Wedding anniversary gift. Wedding commemorative capsule from the New Year's ball.

For this craft, you will need dry rose petals. You can use the flower petals that the wedding was decorated with, thus this balloon will remind you of it. You can use flower petals that you had at the wedding.

1. Prepare a transparent Christmas ball and remove the hat from it.

2. Pour petals inside, you can add some other little things that remind you of the holiday.

3. Close the ball with a cap.

* You can make such a memorable present for any holiday, so that in the future this craft will remind you of the bright moments of life.

Original wedding gift. Loving birds.

You will need:

Large glass container with a wide mouth

2 artificial feathered birds or small toy birds (can be found in craft stores, stationery stores or children's world)

Small pieces of fabric (the color should match the colors of the birds)

Thread for sewing

Artificial grass (can be found at a craft store)

Elastic band (rubber ring)


glue gun

Fine sandpaper


1. Find a branch, and break off a part from it that would fit a glass container. sandpaper work the edges of the branch and check if it has the right size and whether it will stay inside the container across the walls.

2. Use glue to attach the birds to the branch.

3. Cut out triangles from pieces of fabric - these will be the flags for the garland.

4. Using a needle, put the flags on the thread to make a garland. Tie the ends of the garland to the branch.

5. Apply glue to the ends of the branch and quickly, but carefully, insert the branch into the container. You can first make marks with a marker where the ends of the branch will come into contact with the wall of the container.

6. Add artificial grass to the bottom of the container.

7. If there is a lid, close the container.

8. On a large piece of fabric, mark a circle with a pencil, the diameter of which is 2 times the diameter of the neck of your glass container. Cut out a circle and wrap it around the neck of the container.

9. Fix the circle with an elastic band and tie the neck of the container with a ribbon, making a beautiful bow.

Original wedding gift. Pillow for happiness.

This handmade gift not only looks beautiful, but will also remind the newlyweds of a happy celebration.

Make such a cozy sofa cushion with felt applique is not at all difficult.

You will need:

Pillowcase fabric and what to fill it with (you can use a ready-made pillow)

Pieces of felt in several colors

floss threads

Coins (in this example, Chinese, but you can use other coins or decorations)


Thread and needle or glue

1. Prepare paper and make tree, leaf and bird patterns out of it.

2. Prepare the felt patches right size, fix on them paper templates, and then cut out the details of the appliqué.

3. Sew all the parts cut out of felt and sew to the pillow with a thread and a needle. Instead of a thread and a needle, you can use glue (but be prepared for the fact that the application may not withstand washing).

4. If you have Chinese coins, it's time to decorate your gift with them. According to legend, such decorations bring prosperity and well-being to the house.

As a bonus, you can embroider on the pillow warm wishes newlyweds, and you can decorate the edges of the pillow with a ribbon.

Handmade gift for wedding anniversary. Time capsule.

Great idea for those who want to remember all the bright moments life together This is especially true for newlyweds.

You can start with a box big enough to fit a normal envelope.

Decorate the box by wrapping it in color or wrapping paper, or a bright cloth (use glue to attach it).

You can also decorate the box with various other elements such as glitter, stickers, colorful buttons, etc.

Newlyweds can write to each other Love letters and put them in a box. On each envelope write the date the letter was written.

Every year, as the time capsule is filled with letters, the husband and wife will remember pleasant moments their life together. All year long, while the capsule is filled with letters from nice words, none of the young family reads them, and only at the end of the year, everyone takes out the letters intended for him (her) and reads them.

You can start the tradition any day, but it would be nice to do it on your wedding day.

Wedding gift for newlyweds. Love card.

You will need:

PVA glue

Double-sided foam tape (can be replaced with PVA glue)


colored cardboard


Old map or printout from Google Maps

1. Cut out 3 (or more) hearts from cardboard - these will be templates.

2. Select on the map the places that are dear to the newlyweds - the place of the first meeting, the first date, the first kiss, the place of the wedding, the place where the house is. Put the hearts on the card (on the very expensive places) and circle them, then cut out the hearts from the card.

3. Attach double-sided foam tape to the hearts and then to a sheet of colored cardboard - this is how you get volumetric hearts. If there is no adhesive tape, then simply apply glue to the hearts and stick to the cardboard.

4. Write on the colored side short notes to those places on the map that are indicated on the hearts. Cut out the notes and glue them to the cardboard.

5. Insert the sheet with hearts into the photo frame.

Original wedding anniversary gift

You will need:

Sheet with printed words of your favorite song or song for the first dance


Stationery (optional)


adhesive tape


1. Prepare a sheet with the text of a song or favorite story printed on it. It is desirable that the entire text be written in one paragraph, so that as much as possible more words was used in the craft.

2. Draw hearts on the printed text. You can make multiple hearts different sizes, or you can cut out a heart template from cardboard and make all hearts with text the same size.

3. Cut out paper hearts and lay them out on the paper or glass photo frame the way you like best. You can add one red heart (for beauty).

4. Tape the hearts to the glass or white background. You can stick everything evenly or choose a specific style. If you want to make everything even, then use a ruler to help.

5. It remains to insert into the frame and that's it.

You can also make such a project: a photo frame with a photo against the background of your favorite words from a song, story or wishes.

Cool wedding gifts. Intertwined names.

You will need:


Pencil (to write the names of the bride and groom on the plywood)

Eraser (after nailing, you can erase pencil marks with it - optional)

Thread (you can have several threads of different colors)

Unusual wedding gifts. Funny vase.

Here is one example of a do-it-yourself vase that you can give to a young couple. Making such a vase is very simple.

You will need:

Plain glass or porcelain vase

White spray paint


Double sided foam tape


1. From double-sided foam tape, cut off any shapes (in this example, these are triangles and circles).

2. Wash / clean your vase, wipe it with a clean cloth and glue the cut out shapes to it.

* You can cut out the details of the face of a man and a woman, and attach them to two vases - you get a gift for the bride and groom.

3. Start applying white spray paint - apply several coats, but leave to dry after each coat of paint. You should end up with a completely white vase.

* It is worth noting that it is better to paint with such paint on fresh air(in the yard or on the balcony).

* You can add some glitter if you like.

Comic gifts-congratulations on the wedding. Who gets the cake.

There's a game called "Who Gets the Cake".

Two glasses are placed on the table of the newlyweds, each with the name of the bride and groom.

After parental blessings congratulations from sister to brother on their wedding day is one of the most touching and heartfelt on this day. Those family bonds, which invisible threads love and trust bind the hearts of loved ones and dear people- brother and sister, very strong.

The world created in childhood is a separate spectrum of relationships in which mutual understanding, friendship and readiness to come to the rescue are not empty words. The celebration of the wedding for each of them is a great event, so congratulations to the brother on the wedding from the sister's side is one of the important moments.

How to correctly convey the fullness of feelings, what words and gestures to use in congratulations? These questions are sometimes baffling for many reasons, and one of them is the feeling of excitement that needs to be overcome. The responsibility of the moment is enhanced by the fact that in the previously familiar circle of the family new a person who in the future will take on the duties of the guardian of the hearth, and the brother will be the main one in the new family.

Feature of the celebration

The excitement associated with this celebration is justified on all counts. Parents perceive all this a little differently: they anticipated the development of events in advance. But the sister of the groom is faced with the full seriousness of the moment only when the fact of her brother's marriage becomes a reality.

During solemn congratulations happy wedding day sister can mention everyone beautiful features character of the person close to her.

Sometimes the curiosity of the situation and even some tension is connected with the fact that from now on the brother will not pay as much attention to her as before, and his free time will be directed to another family member, previously unfamiliar and often temporarily for the sister of a stranger. It is very important at the moment when a toast from a sister to a brother will be proclaimed for festive table, do not give out your distrust or doubt in the decision made by the groom.

Choosing the right congratulations for the brother and his bride

Girls very subtly feel the responsibility of the moment when congratulating, because in the near future they will find themselves (if they have not already been) in a similar position: they will also have to replenish someone's family, and they will also be looked at and communicate with them with caution.

This fact can be used in congratulations, noting that the daughter-in-law is very lucky: the groom is a sympathetic, gentle, extraordinary person who understands the whole depth of the soul of his future wife, and his sister would also like to have such a spouse who will be a comprehensively developed personality.

Many of the sisters strive to congratulate their brother in an original way, not like all other relatives. To do this, you can use several suitable options.

  1. Handwritten congratulations and pronouncing it in your own words.
  2. Usage poetic congratulations written specifically for this occasion.
  3. Cool congratulations.
  4. Congratulations on your wedding day with a gift.
  5. Joining the congratulations of parents and other relatives.

In very rare cases, there are difficulties that prevent the appearance of all family members at the marriage ceremony and wedding celebration.

In such cases, a wish for a wedding can be transmitted using technical means: the Internet, special programs that transmit an online image. You can pre-prepare an audio or video recording.

Congratulations from my sister in verse

Today you have become not only a brother,

You have a new family!

You don't run to the guys anymore,

Your friends are just visiting.

Let your new step be bold

And do not lose strength along the way,

You will become an honest, faithful spouse,

You can joy adult life get!

I want a strong union

I wish peace and goodness!

And also - a funny little one,

After all, its time has come!

Congratulations to your brother in your own words

My beloved brother! This day is very important and exciting for all of us. I admit honestly, I'm a little jealous of you for the girl who has now become the most important for you.

But despite this, I'm still incredibly happy and happy for you and for you, happy that you found each other. I wish you never to lose your love and not to waste your feelings on trifles. Face obstacles with a smile, and then they will bypass you!

When and how to join the sister in the congratulations of other family members

The uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that the groom's family can use both the official part of the celebration and any other moment for congratulations, this is natural emotional reasons: All the members have been looking forward to this moment. For a sister, you can use both options at the same time:

  • Unofficial congratulations. Expressing your feelings alone with a married couple, when you can, without fear, congratulate the newlyweds in your own words, wish them everything that will make them married life united, happy and long.
  • Official congratulations. The festive part of the program is used, when all family members, including distant relatives, during the proclamation of toasts, they congratulate the couple on their holiday, on the birth of a new family.

Sisters feel much more subtle connection with their brother: they are softer and kinder, they have elements of sentimentalism. When preparing a congratulation, they try to put into it everything they experienced together: they mention childhood and friendship, express hope to continue to maintain the warmth of relations and family ties.

Ways of congratulations

Along with other elements of the wedding, a well-chosen congratulation, expressed in one of the forms of addressing the brother and his future wife, is an equally important part of the celebration.

wedding gifts for brother from sister

No less difficult is the choice of a gift for your beloved brother on the day of his marriage. Many family members are worried about this. Parents can use more practical and useful gifts. Some of them donate housing, a vehicle, household appliances, money.

Sisters, especially if they don't already have enough of their own funds, they often worry about the choice of gifts: they want to give not only an original little thing, but also quite expensive and presentable.

If the newlyweds have unique opportunity moving into your house or apartment, as wedding gift you can give a lot of useful things that will remind you daily married couple about my brother's sister.

  • It will look very nice large aquarium, it fits well into the interior of any type of housing.
  • A beautiful picture of the corresponding theme will decorate any of the rooms of the apartment.
  • Sets can be used as a wedding gift kitchen utensils, beautiful services made of porcelain or ceramic.
  • Original family photo album using expensive material can also be given as a binding during a congratulatory speech.

The main task during the congratulations of the sister to the brother in the solemn part of the ceremony is to express feelings in such a way that he himself, his future wife and the guests of the wedding could not for a moment doubt the sincerity of the wishes to their loved one.


Before you start choosing a present, remember well what places your brother likes to go to, what he is fond of, where he likes to go on vacation. You may remember that he has long dreamed of visiting some city or country. In this case pleasant surprise for him there will be a romantic trip for two to one of the desired places.

If he collects coins or postcards, you can look for such a rare specimen that has not yet been in his collection. An original present will be a set of good collection wine with a set of engraved glasses.

Don't forget the items home interior. IN this case your flight of fancy can be limited only by the cost of the gift itself.

You can choose from a crystal flower vase or fluffy plaid and ending washing machine the latest model or a large LED TV.

Unexpected surprise

You can choose a surprise for the newlyweds, based on the list of the latest innovations on modern market gifts. Great present can be gift Certificate for a hang glider or hot air balloon flight. A surprise will be a ticket to a water park or a skating rink, in sport Club or a restaurant.

You can also present the newlyweds with a beautiful original figurine of a ship, a house or a bird, made of banknotes. Such unusual gift will be remembered not only by the bride and groom, but also by all those present at the wedding.

If you like to create something, you can develop a homemade calendar using the most successful photos of young people for each month, even adding their photos to childhood. It is possible to create a whole photo album as a memento for the newlyweds in the style of scrapbooking. It will look original, and you will definitely be sure that they will have such a thing only in a single copy. Create a whole film about young people, if you have their photographs in childhood, perhaps there are also video frames. If you have difficulty choosing the bride's childhood photos, ask her parents, friends and relatives for help.

If none of the above fits, you should think about a cash gift. Banknotes wrapped in a beautiful gift envelope, yet not a single person was left indifferent.