School hour April 1 April Fool's Day. Birds are our friends. Additional material for the teacher

Class hour on the theme "April Fool's Day"

Target: expand the range of emotions in children through understanding and experiencing a sense of joy; to form positive feelings and emotions through a smile; learn to perceive emotionally fun mood of people.
1. Reveal the creative and artistic abilities of students;
2. To develop the spiritual and moral qualities of the individual.
3. Create a festive atmosphere.
4. Activation of cultural and leisure activities of students.
5. To cultivate a sense of humor, the ability to have fun.
Form of conducting: game entertainment program.
Equipment: presentation, audio recording of the song "Smile", a gift for the competition.

Course of the lesson:

I ask you to clap your hands together,
We don't need loners
Laugh only where you need to
And also not one at a time.
Do not cough, do not sneeze, do not sleep,
Behave decently in everything!
Do not you mind? Fine!
Our holiday can be started!
- Guys, who will tell me what holiday is today?
- Our holiday is called "April Fool's Day." (slide1)
- On this day they say "April 1 - don't trust anyone!"
- April Fool's Day or “April 1 - I don’t believe anyone”! Where did the custom of joking on this particular day come from? (Answers of children)
-There are several versions about the origin story of April 1st, many attribute this tradition Ancient Rome or Ancient India... According to the most common version, April Fool's Day originated in France in 1564 in connection with the postponement of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1. Not receiving that day traditional gifts, disappointed subjects began to consider April 1 as a day of deception.
- In Russia, April Fools' jokes became fashionable under Peter I. On April 1, everyone jokes. So be on your guard, well, of course, stock up on a set of fresh jokes and surprises yourself! In general, have fun, because a minute of laughter is as good for your health as a kilo of carrots.
- But smile and laughter have their own rules. (slide2)
-Eva, please read the first rule to us.
-How do you understand him?
Smile and laughter rules:
1. A smile will help in communication.
2. Try to smile more often at friends, parents, teacher.
3. Laugh contagiously, but know where and how to laugh.
4. Be able to laugh at yourself.
5. Do not laugh at someone else's grief or handicap.
- I wish you a good mood!
Game number 1.(slide3)
- And to warm up, we will play the game "Birds have arrived." I will say the phrase "The birds have come," and then call them, And when I call the birds, you will have to flap your arms like wings. And when I name no birds, you don’t raise your hands. Be careful! Let's try?
Birds flew in: pigeons, tits, jackdaws, crows, seagulls, pasta ... Yeah, some have already started flying pasta!
- Let's try again, be careful!
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, crows, swifts, magpies, hedgehogs ... Now the hedgehogs have flown!
- Let's play again.
Ravens, jackdaws, swallows, sticks.
- The last time for the most inattentive.
Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, nightingales, rooks, starlings, bricks.
- Well, well done! Give yourself a pat.
Game number 2.
Students form big circle inside, which is the prize. He will go to the one who turns out to be the most attentive.
I'll tell you a story
In a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Take the prize immediately!
Dreaming boy declared
Become an Olympic champion.
Look, don't be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command: "One, two, march!"
When you want to memorize poems,
They are not crammed until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself,
Once, twice, but better ... five.
Recently train at the train station
I had to wait three hours.
Well, friends, you didn’t take the prize,
When there was an opportunity to take.
-And now I want to tell you a parable about laughter. After all, laughter is not only good, unfortunately. (Including song # 1)
Parable. (slide4)
Their parents had two sons. One is cheerful, the other is gloomy. One smiled like the sun, even if he was hungry. The second got angry, even if he received the carrot: "This carrot is stale."
WITH happy brother the angry one did not make friends and considered him stupid.
- Why are you happy, you fool? - he was angry and clicked his brother on the forehead.
The smile faded from the boy's face as he rubbed his forehead. But a minute later she returned again.
“Don’t offend your brother,” the mother begged. - Let him laugh. He who knows how to have fun is not afraid of grief.
“Everyone loves him, but nobody loves me,” the son grumbled.
Time passed, the sons grew up and left the village. They never met each other again.
Parents grew old, got sick and asked their sons to come urgently. The angry son arrived first. He already looked like an old man himself.
- Why did you call? the son asked angrily. - I have a lot of problems without you.
Then a young man entered the house. The grandfather looked at him and asked:
- You are probably our grandson? Couldn't your father have come himself?
The young man laughed and said:
- Hello, Dear Parents... I am not your grandson, but your son.
“Apparently, you lived well, son, you didn’t know grief or troubles,” the father was amazed.
- I learned the trouble when my house burned down. But the neighbors helped new house build. They say in our country: "Whoever makes people laugh, is worth the light for that." I learned grief when I fell ill with a fatal disease. But I found a remedy for the disease, and most of all laughter healed me. Laughter is a great doctor, - said the young man.
- From anger you grow old, from laughter you grow younger. We also need to smile more often, then old age will run away from us, - the mother laughed.
-Tell me what this parable is about?
-What does she teach us?
Game number 3. (slide5)
1.How many wings does a flea have? (No)
2. Three ostriches flew, the hunter killed one, how many are left? (Ostriches don't fly.)
3. What is it? You take it out of it, and it gets bigger? (Pit).
4. Which hand is better for stirring sugar in a glass with tea? (With a spoon).
5. My grandmother had a grandson Fedor, a dog Sharik, a cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (one).
6. Run up to one of the guys to ask: "Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?" And quickly demand an answer, so that he does not have time to realize that this is just a harmless bear cub.
7. It is recommended to repeat the following questions 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 p.)
- What color is the snow? (3 p.)
- What does the cow drink? (3 p.)
If you did everything correctly and did not take long breaks, then all guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, in chorus they will answer in unison: "Milk".
Game number 4.(slide6)
- Say to everyone famous phrase from the fairy tale by Alexander Pushkin "An old man lived with his old woman by the very blue sea" in different ways:
- in a whisper;
- like a robot;
- Like a little child;
- very loud;
- singsong;
- So slow;
- very fast;
- as if you are terribly cold;
- as if it was pronounced by an alien;
- as if your mouth is full of porridge;
- as if you are suffocating from stuffiness.
- What is the meaning of laughter, smile?
-Do you know that laughter and smile also affect human health?
-How do you think? (A person becomes cheerful, energetic, there is even such an expression: "Laughter prolongs life")
A few facts about laughter.
1. Relieves depression.
2. Rejuvenates the skin.
3. Heals the cardiovascular system.
4. Reduces pain.
5. Trains the respiratory system.
6. Improves the figure.
Laughter is both aerobics for the muscles and a good massage for internal organs... At the time when you laugh with pleasure, 80 muscle groups are included in the work!
7. Manages relationships.
From the point of view of psychologists, laughter is group psychotherapy: it unites people, helps to quickly engage in a conversation, and relieves negative emotions.
8. Characterizes people.

Game number 5.(slide 7)
- Be cheerful to make it more joyful
The one with whom you will be friends.
So that everyone in life has enough
Wonderful human kindness.
- Happy Holidays! Happy April, 1!
Let's laugh
Let's smile at luck
We spend our failures
No sadness and no tears.
On a good April holiday.
Let the world get bogged down in laughter
And the world will be kinder
For a long time and seriously.
- Laughter prolongs our life.
If you want to live long
More often "die" with laughter!
- In conclusion, let's sing the song "Smile"

Presentation on the topic: April Fool's Day

The presentation offers an event on the theme "A Journey Through the Humorous Country". You can download this original development together with a summary of the lesson for grade 1, although despite such instructions from the author of the work, we are sure that all students will gladly travel around this cheerful country primary school... The work is wonderfully framed. Some slides are accompanied by music. Students will be able to not only travel and laugh, but also sing.

Completed manual on 16 slides. Having received congratulations and having solved the riddle, the schoolchildren set off on a journey through the stations:

  • Historical
  • Poetic
  • Zadachkina
  • Tongue twisters
  • Zagadkina
  • Shifters
  • Chastushechnaya

The presentation offers a wealth of material for conducting extracurricular material for April Fools' Day. Do not let this scare teachers unusual name holiday. It does not offend children at all, because everyone wants to fool around, play, have fun on this day. And if so, then we suggest downloading the development for holding the funniest holiday at home or after school on April 1.

The event is held in the form of unusual lessons. At first glance, they may seem quite ordinary. Indeed, according to the script, the conduct of the Russian language, mathematics, music, drawing, physics, labor, dance is determined. Only they will not be quite usual, since the teachers on this day are Lisa Alisa, Pippi, Basilio the Cat, who will tell the story of April Fools' Day in England, Armenia, USA, Finland, France, Germany and other countries. In addition to lessons, they offer schoolchildren contests at the big break, in the cafeteria and even in the first-aid post.

The presentation talks about distinctive features English humor. The work will interesting topics who studies English, those who seek to learn more about the UK, those who just love to laugh. It can also be downloaded by those who celebrate April Fool's Day and want to tell schoolchildren something new. The work can be used for demonstration in classroom hours in middle and high school.

English humor is special. This is evidenced even by the design of the multimedia product. Not funny faces decorate the pages, but a black background and a strict design. However, this does not mean that the British do not know how to laugh. They do it very beautifully, but with restraint and in their own way. If you want to laugh with him, read their anecdotes, which are located on the last slides.

The presentation was made for the funniest holiday of spring - the Day of Laughter and Humor, which adults and children celebrate with pleasure on April 1. Download electronic resource recommended for classroom hours in grades 5-9. Let the students know the traditions of this have a wonderful day and learn to celebrate it cheerfully, without offending anyone with ridiculous jokes.

The manual presents material on why it was decided on the first day of April to celebrate April Fool's Day, which is also popularly called the Fool's Day, what traditions it has this holiday in today's time. except interesting texts in the work there are pictures that are also not devoid of humor. Laugh heartily and teach children how to do it.

The presentation will tell you that mathematics can be not only a serious science, but also funny. You can download the development for extracurricular activities in the subject on April Fool's Day or for the class hour, which can be held on April 1 in the middle class (5, 6, 7, 8, 9 grades).

There are not so many funny presentations about the school on the Internet. In general, it is customary to talk about mathematics seriously. Try to change this opinion and laugh together with the guys at the funny incidents that sometimes occur not only within the walls of the school, but also with the great mathematicians, whose laws we study in the classroom. The material is presented in the development:

  • an interesting thing is mathematics;
  • mathematic teacher;
  • funny stories from the life of Norbert Wiener;
  • funny legends about mathematicians;
  • mathematical poetry;
  • some anecdotes;
  • tasks with funny stories;
  • funny animation pictures and photographs.

The presentation is full amazing stuff that showcases funny animals. Download this free electronic work it is possible by April 1 to tell children that not only people are inherent in being cheerful. Sometimes animals show joy in their own way. Some of them even learned to smile, while others just tumble, play naughty, showing a sense of fun.

The development about funny animals is sure to please students primary grades... The work is not only filled with amazing pictures, but also beautifully voiced. Take your time to quickly scroll through all 29 slides. Stop at each of them and talk to the children about why this animal seems funny. What made the frogs or fish laugh? Is it really fun for a bear who decided to do exercises? What does the monkey feel long time admiring himself in the mirror? Laugh with your children, because this is not an easy day, but April 1st.

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Annotation to the presentation

Presentation "Happy April Fool's Day" is suitable for an extra-curricular event dedicated to April 1 (April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day). Detailed scenario holiday is contained in the summary for the presentation. The slides themselves contain information about the history of the celebration of April 1 and traditions in different countries.

  • April 1st in history;
  • Celebration and drawing traditions.


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides


    The words



    The purpose

    • To teach the lesson by the teacher

      Presentation game / quiz


1st presenter.

2nd leader.

1st presenter.

2nd leader.

1st presenter

2nd leader.

Correspondent (shouts).

1st presenter.


2nd leader.

1. Where is the end of the world?

And now the questions:

1st presenter.

2nd leader.

1st presenter.

2nd leader.

1st presenter.

1st commentator.

2nd commentator.

1st commentator.

2nd leader.

April first
Celebrate the holiday of laughter.
Well fun
Here's the fun!
Like a whole white light
I ate a laugh for lunch!
And the crazy kids
Right from the morning
Concluded an agreement:
Have fun with your favorite yard.
They knocked on aunt Masha:
- Oh, your porridge ran away!
And she told us: “Don't yawn!
Quickly catch up with the porridge! "
Aunt Masha solved
Our undertaking without difficulty!
We run to Aunt Sveta:
- Your carpet is blown away by the wind!
She rushed into the yard -
Exactly: the carpet flew away!
It now hangs on the roof.
Uncle Misha helped us.
Despite the years
He is an entertainer - anywhere!
And angry aunt Mote
We said: "The mouse is in the compote!"
And she - rather to the neighbor:
Get the cage for the mouse.
We took a sip of compote,
We sat and rested
And they left a message:
“It was delicious. Goodbye!"
So, forgetting about sadness and laziness,
We joked all day.
That would be ten times a week
It was April 1st!
1st presenter.
Contest "Bring the Picture to Life".

("Barge Haulers on the Volga";
"Hunters at Rest";
"Deuce again";
"Three heroes".)
2nd leader.

1st presenter.

(The boys come out)
2nd leader.

1st presenter.

2nd leader.
... And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

Scenario for the class hour "Laugh is allowed"
1st presenter.
So this long-awaited moment has come: the chimes are beating, champagne sparkles. Happy New Year, country! Something wrong. Yeah, there you go. So this long-awaited moment has come: fireworks are thundering, slender ranks of soldiers are marching in the parade. Happy Victory Day, country! It's not the same folder at all! I knew - no need to write spurs, I will mix it up anyway. Although, if you think about it, then today you could expect something like this. Students. ... Well, we cannot live in peace: now there is oil under the door, now there is a disco after midnight. Indeed, while studying, students have a choice: sleep, parties and, in fact, study itself. Moreover, in each separate semester, only two of these classes can be successfully combined. So we are waiting for the weekend as a holiday, and the holiday as a weekend. Why do you think April 1st is not a day off? The funniest day, but study here. But then there would not have been so many practical jokes: “a call to the training unit”, “cancellation of a couple” and much more. Moreover, after class, you can joke to your heart's content. Which, in fact, is what we are going to do now.
2nd leader.
- Some believe that at first April 1st was celebrated in many countries as the day of the spring solstice. Celebrated with jokes, pranks and funny tricks.
1st presenter.
Before the 16th century New Year was celebrated not on January 1st, but at the end of March. New Year's week began on March 25th and ended on April 1st. Some people continued to celebrate Old Style New Years on April 1st. Others laughed and made fun of them, presented them with stupid gifts and called April's Fools, and this is how the so-called Fools Day came about.
2nd leader.
By the way, did you know that April Fool's Day is popular not only in Russia, but also in many countries. In Scotland, this day is called the Day of the Cuckoo.

1st presenter
On this day, it is customary to send funny postcards and giving gifts - small funny souvenirs. Usually jokes are played with friends and acquaintances.
In Great Britain, it is customary to play pranks on each other only in the morning.
How is it celebrated in other countries? Let's look at the screen.
The connection seems to be established. V live our correspondent from Paris.
Correspondent (from "TV").
Good evening, Dear friends! In France, the day of playful deceptions is called "April fish". In 1564, King Charles IV issued a decree to postpone the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, but many of his subjects, as a sign of disagreement with the imperial command on April 1, brought each other the traditional new year gift- fish. Gradually, they resigned themselves to the king's decree, but the day of the "April fish" remained. On this day, children secretly hang paper fish on strings on their backs. (Exits).
2nd leader.
Thank you for the report, and we have London in touch.
The next reporter enters the scene.
Correspondent (shouts).
You hear me? Do you see? Live streaming is always so unpredictable. Here, in London, they also celebrate All Fools' Day. From midnight to noon on April 1, everyone can play a trick on their friends, acquaintances, deceive them. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted merry laugh and shouts: "April fool!" (Exits).
1st presenter.
I have already received a call from the director's room, our correspondent from Germany is in touch.
A "correspondent from Germany" appears on the stage.
The Germans consider April 1 to be an unlucky day, since, according to legend, Judas was born on this day. Adults and children deceive each other, send them to shops and pharmacies on impracticable assignments (for example, to buy mosquito fat at a pharmacy). (Exits).
2nd leader.
Thanks to our correspondents. The hosts of the School News should also contact us. But the air will be provided to them later. And we start our humorous evening with a very interesting competition entitled: "What is the question, this is the answer." In life we ​​constantly ask each other questions, sometimes serious, sometimes funny. Here you should learn how to answer the last questions, and also with humor. For example:
1. Where is the end of the world?
- On the third floor of the college's dormitory, all the light bulbs have burned out.
2. Is it true that the Japanese lack a sense of humor?
- Truth! This is the only thing they don't have.
And now the questions:
- What does it take to become a millionaire? (Answer)
- What to do in order not to fall asleep during the lesson? (Answer)
- Is there a key to a girl's heart? (Answer)
- What needs to be done in order not to go crazy? (Answer)
- How to get rid of excess weight without restricting yourself in food? (Answer)
- What to do if some pull rubber, while others - everything that lies badly? (Answer)
The wittiest get souvenirs.
1st presenter.
Girls will take part in the next competition. (Two girls leave the hall)
Now you will all see that girls are great car drivers. So, "auto races" are announced.
Two girls are invited to the stage. Threads are tied to children's toy cars equal length... You need to wind the thread around the pencil. The winner is the one who quickly winds up the whole thread, and the car must move strictly along the intended road - the line. The winner is presented with a souvenir.
2nd leader.
Well, how is the mood, what is it? Then let's proceed to the next competition - "Acting Skills".
A boy and a girl are invited to participate in the competition.
1st presenter.
Imagine this situation: one of you is standing outside the carriage window, and the other is on the platform. The train leaves in a few minutes. And your loved one will leave forever, never knowing about your feelings. The task of the one who remains is to confess love without words, with the help of gestures, facial expressions.
The audience decides the winner. He receives a souvenir.
2nd leader.
The next wits contest. The competition is called “You Can't Think of It on Purpose”.
Those who wish tell a variety of jokes, but within the limits of what is permitted and within the limits of reason. The winner of the competition will be determined according to the sound level meter principle - who will applaud louder and longer. The winner receives a prize.
1st presenter.
And now our correspondents from the School News department have contacted us. They have the floor.
Two commentators enter the stage, sit down to the "TV".
1st commentator.
January 32 at pedagogical council student Ivanov made a presentation. According to him, 5,000 crows flew past the window of the physics office in the first half of the year. This is 149 crows more than in the same period last year. Well done, Ivanov!
2nd commentator.
A week later, a presentation of the new dressing room will take place at our school. It will be equipped with military equipment and a tracking system. The fact is that on December 13, our wardrobe was demolished.
1st commentator.
And in conclusion, the most important news of the day. From reliable sources it became known that this year our school will work out summer work practice in Cyprus. Applications are still being accepted in the director's office. Thank you for the attention! Until next time!
2nd leader.
And now another surprise awaits you. The summer-winter season is approaching. How will the youth of our school meet him? We invite you to a demonstration of new models from the Horror collection by the couturier Koftenkin.
1. We bring to your attention a model of an evening suit for teenagers, wiping the walls of the stairwells with their backs in the evenings. The model is particularly durable. There are no traces of chalk, dust or cigarettes on the fabric. (Model - in a raincoat-tent).
2. And now you have an easy one, elegant dress for summer hiking or horseback riding. It does not hinder movement, it is convenient to use. Pay attention to the original clasps. The model is inexpensive and accessible to everyone who is able to reach the clothesline of the adjacent balcony. (The girl is wearing a sheet, which is fixed with clothespins on the sides and on the shoulders).
3. Modern youth have long waited for the appearance of a new model of a headdress for adolescents. The versatility and practicality of this model is obvious: it does not get wet, does not allow dust and cigarette smoke to pass through, and can also be used in summer time for protection from mosquitoes, rain and the scorching rays of the sun. Inexpensive, dry, comfortable. Those interested can purchase such models with fur or fleece. (The model wears a gas mask).
April first
Celebrate the holiday of laughter.
Well fun
Here's the fun!
Like a whole white light
I ate a laugh for lunch!
And the crazy kids
Right from the morning
Concluded an agreement:
Have fun with your favorite yard.
They knocked on aunt Masha:
- Oh, your porridge ran away!
And she told us: “Don't yawn!
Quickly catch up with the porridge! "
Aunt Masha solved
Our undertaking without difficulty!
We run to Aunt Sveta:
- Your carpet is blown away by the wind!
She rushed into the yard -
Exactly: the carpet flew away!
It now hangs on the roof.
Uncle Misha helped us.
Despite the years
He is an entertainer - anywhere!
And angry aunt Mote
We said: "The mouse is in the compote!"
And she - rather to the neighbor:
Get the cage for the mouse.
We took a sip of compote,
We sat and rested
And they left a message:
“It was delicious. Goodbye!"
So, forgetting about sadness and laziness,
We joked all day.
That would be ten times a week
It was April 1st!
1st presenter.
Contest "Bring the Picture to Life".
Two young men are invited to the stage. (The boys come out)
You are given the names of the pictures that need to be revived with a mute pantomime so that the audience will recognize it.
("Barge Haulers on the Volga";
"Hunters at Rest";
"Deuce again";
"Three heroes".)
2nd leader.
The winner is determined by the audience with applause
1st presenter.
And now a competition for the strongest in spirit. Three of the strongest and most patient participants are invited to the stage. Girls can also participate.
(The boys come out)
2nd leader.
You have to eat lemon. The one who does not grimace won.
1st presenter.
Well, our today's holiday has come to an end. We say goodbye to you, but do not forget to smile. Laugh, joke every day.
2nd leader.
... And a smile, without a doubt,
Suddenly touches your eyes.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore!

Purpose: To acquaint with the history of the holiday, to teach fun games

Cohesion of the school team,

Creation of conditions for disclosure creativity every child

Liberating children and increasing their self-confidence,

Creation positive mood in the classroom, friendly atmosphere.

1. Organizing time

Today our class hour is dedicated to the funniest and happy holiday... Guess the riddle:

The holiday is quite funny in the spring,

Everyone says to each other, "I don't believe anyone,"

They walk on their own with a white back.

And all this is happening ... (April 1st)

What makes this day so wonderful? (The fact that on such a day they joke and deceive)

On April Fool's Day, it is customary to play pranks on your friends and acquaintances. it wonderful custom... Guys, do you know in which countries how this holiday is celebrated?

Someone calls April 1 April Fool's Day, someone - Fools' Day. The Italians call April 1 Day of the Boobies, and the Japanese call it the Day of the Dolls.

Do you know when and how this holiday appeared? Many years ago, on April 1, New Year was celebrated. Can you imagine New Years being celebrated in the spring? (No) And it was like that. Until one king issued a decree that the New Year would be celebrated on January 1st.

This day is celebrated not only in Russia. It is customary in England to send comic parcels, for example: a net to catch the wind or an empty nice box, in which there is nothing. In France, it is customary to discreetly attach a paper fish to someone else's clothing. Children also joke like this: pour salt into the sugar bowl. They may also come to the store and say: give me, please, striped paint. Does this paint happen, guys? (No)

In America, they joke at each other that their laces are untied or their clothes get dirty. In Scotland, those who were deceived on this holiday are called razines.

And how is this holiday celebrated in Russia? (Children's stories) How do you make fun of your friends? (Tell)

Today, during the classroom hour, we will laugh and joke, play various mindfulness games and draw. You are ready? (Yes)

Who loves marmalade?

Who Loves Chocolate?

Who Loves Pears?

Who hung their ears?

Who likes to be slapped on the head?

Who likes to play?

Who loves cake?

Who Loves Ice Cream?

Who paints the pictures?

Who chews on the shoes?

Who loves to sunbathe?

Who likes to help?

Who loves to dance?

Who Loves Orange?

And who drank gasoline? Well done!

Game "Artists"

One person from a row is selected. They go to the board.

The rule is: with closed eyes you draw what I say: an ear, two legs, a proboscis, a nose, two legs, a head, eyes, a torso. Now let's look at the elephants you drew! (Compare three elephants)

Game "Who is faster"

A knot is tied in the middle of a cord or thick thread, and pencils are tied at the ends. Players, at the command of the leader, must wind their part of the line around the pencil as quickly as possible. Whoever does it faster is the one who won.

Game "Dreamers"

Let's now try to compose funny fairy tales ourselves. I'll put colorful pieces of paper on the desk. And you each pull out one for yourself. Which character you pull out, so you will.

Your task is to use these words to compose a funny fairy tale.

Words: cockerel, mom, dad, wolf, Snow Maiden, hare, cockroach, evil grandmother, elephant, robot, dancer, kind grandmother, Santa Claus, butterfly, cat.

The game "Count to thirty"

Let's leave the desks. Count to 30 one at a time, observing following conditions:

The number 3 cannot be called;

You cannot call numbers ending in the digit 3; Instead of these numbers, you must use the following phrase: "I WILL NOT SAY"

The game " Fun questions»

Now I will ask you questions, and you think and answer:

What will a ginger cat look like if you bathe it? (Wet)

What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them itself? (Rooster)

Can you see something with your eyes closed? (Dream)

How many ends does one stick have? And two sticks? (2, 4)

What is left if you eat a plum? (The bone.)

What happens to the green ball if it falls into the Yellow Sea? (It gets wet)

Four legs and four legs are visible from under the fence. How much are living things behind the fence? (1 dog and 2 people or 1 horse and 1 cat)

What is the correct way to say: "White yolk" or "yellow protein"? (Yellow yolk)

Who is born with a mustache? (Kitten, puppy)

3. Reflection

Did your mood change during class hour?

April 1 - this Day is not included in any calendars significant dates and national holidays, but it can well be attributed to international ones, since it is celebrated with equal success in Russia, and in Germany, and in England, and in France, and in Scandinavia, and even in the East.



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What holiday is it today? - Yes, the day of the Fool! At least that's what they think in England and the USA, in Scotland - "Day of the cuckoo", in Japan - "Day of the doll" in Italy - "Day of the boob".

In Russia, this is "April Fool's Day." Hence the rumor: glorify the spring with your tongue, a good tale with your ears. Isn't that why in April and everyone's tongues itch? True, it is not in vain that the people assert: “If April is just around the corner, don’t trust anyone! Well, in order not to be lost in adversity, from ancient times it is among the people good remedy- smile.

The people in the world have fun on this day in different ways. Some pour over each other ice water, screaming and screaming through the streets, as is done, for example, in folk holiday Tinjan in Burma. Others dress up in unusually colorful masks of monkeys, elephants, dragons, having fun at the spring carnivals in Venice.

One of the biggest April Fools' deceptions is considered to be April 1, 1860. It was then that several hundred Londoners received envelopes with luxuriously printed invitations to attend the “annual solemn ceremony washing of white lions, which will take place in the Tower at 11 o'clock. The most amazing thing is that at the appointed hour, huge crowds of people literally besieged the gates of Tayer ...

And in Russia, the biggest April Fools' "deception" of the people took place during the reign of Peter the Great. In 1700, a certain owner of a troupe of fakirs announced to Muscovites that he would easily fit into an empty bottle on April 1. People flocked to stare at this miracle, and when the curtain of the performance was raised, a huge mock-up of a bottle with the inscription: "April Fool's Day" appeared before the thrill seekers. The witty fakir got into it!

So, every year on the first day of April, planet Earth explodes. Laughing. They say this weapon is killing on the spot. Probably, laughter really has a strong psychotropic effect, otherwise how can one explain the words of J. Moliere: "Better hit me, but let me laugh"? Madness? Definitely: this insidious weapon is laughter. Some argue that he heals, others - kills, still others - lifts, etc. after all, everyone has their own point of view on this ... Scientists have long been collecting data on the effect of laughter on the human body.

A group of French psychologists believe that laughter ... rejuvenates the body! As it turns out, the properties of laughter are truly endless, which probably led to the creation of the Therapeutic Humor Association in America.

It is especially helpful to laugh at yourself. If someone laughs, it means that he was able to rise above his own problems, to distance himself, turning them into a convention, a sign

How does laughter affect a person? What is the useful dose of "funny pills"? English psychologists claim that it is free medicine should be consumed for at least 10 minutes a day. And then the earthlings will be calm, reasonable and energetic. Peter Bokan proved that in order for a person to be healthy, he needs to laugh 16 - 17 times during the day.

Laughter is really a weapon. And thanks to his powerful charge against stupidity, fear and violence, the human race survived and continues to live in spite of everything! "Interfere with idleness, spend time with fun", as it says folk wisdom... On April 1st, more and more people indulge in fun even at work. Therefore, laugh: at yourself, at each other. Laugh! Remember, who amuses people, the whole world is for that!

April 1 - Fool's Day The country is buzzing for sure: Today is the Fool's Day! Today is a holiday of laughter - The times of ancient echoes! Imagine only: for a long time, Everyone on this day was grinding nonsense, And, the darlings of the era, The buffoons were joking! We congratulate all who are young at heart, who dispersed their boredom! And from the bottom of my heart, with love, Make jokes to your health!

Do not know. I went to bed early! - Vasya answered.