List of topics for communication with a girl. A list of interesting topics for a guy to talk to a girl. Feelings of inadequacy

Every young man at least once in his life has encountered an awkward pause in a conversation, when the previous topic for conversation has exhausted itself, and it has not yet been possible to move on to the next one. And the longer the silence drags on, the more difficult it is to start a lively dialogue again. On the first date, this problem is especially relevant, because the interlocutors have not yet had time to study each other's areas of interest well enough. It is better to think over in advance what to talk about with a girl in order to interest her from the first meeting.

Preparing for Dialogue

Today's young people are in a better position than the generation of their parents, because almost any person can now learn a lot. up-to-date information from his own profile in one of social networks in the Internet. If the girl you like keeps up with the times, then she most likely has not even one, but several pages in different communities. By carefully studying what entries a girl publishes on her page, as well as viewing photos, video and audio recordings, you can determine the main areas of her interests. If a potential lover is fond of, for example, horse riding or mountain climbing, then such hobbies are likely to be reflected in her profile. Then it will be much easier to find a topic for a conversation with her even at the first meeting - just mention her hobby.

  1. 1. Knowing in advance the interests of the girl, try to find as much as possible more information about her hobbies. The owner of a rare or specific hobby will be pleasantly surprised that the interlocutor is able to maintain a dialogue on a topic of interest to her.
  2. 2. To impress good interlocutor you need to feel comfortable and confident. A frown and silence will be taken by a girl for rejection or even aggression, especially if the meeting takes place for the first time.
  3. 3. Put the phone on silent mode and try not to be distracted by calls and SMS. Many guys try to show their busyness and relevance by answering all calls on the phone, but in the eyes of a girl, this looks like disrespect for her and lack of interest in conversation.

How to start a conversation with a girl

Possible topics for conversation

Oscar Wilde called talking about the weather "the last refuge of the unimaginative." So that the dialogue does not seem forced, this topic is best avoided. If you need to keep up a conversation with a stranger about whom absolutely nothing is known, then one of the following topics will come in handy during the conversation:

  1. 1. Education. You can ask the interlocutor if she liked studying or remember the funny episodes with her participation from school years. Perhaps in the course of the dialogue it turns out that the interlocutors have completed one educational institution, crossed paths while studying at the institute or had common favorite subjects.
  2. 2. Travel. The girl who prefers long trips and visited different countries will be happy to talk about it. If she has not been able to go anywhere else, then you can tell yourself about your adventures. If it turns out that both interlocutors are homebodies and have not traveled anywhere, then you can just dream about which places are worth visiting. On a walk, you can discuss which interesting corners of the city the chosen one has not yet visited, and invite her there on the next date.
  3. 3. Cooking. Most women have to practice such a science as cooking. A man who understands cooking and knows how to make something other than scrambled eggs invariably produces pleasant impression to the female gender. Therefore the discussion interesting recipes and new products can diversify the dialogue. Although it also happens that the girl categorically declares her inability and unwillingness to cook. Then you can reduce the conversation to a joke, remembering bad cooking experiences that she probably had, or discussing the menu of popular restaurants.
  4. 4. Cinema, literature. The topic of the last book you read or the latest in cinema can be the beginning exciting conversation. Another significant advantage of such a dialogue is that it may start a future book exchange or allow you to unobtrusively invite a girl to the cinema in order to appreciate another masterpiece of the film industry together.
  5. 5. Relationships. You can lead a woman to an interesting dialogue with the help of a question about how she sees ideal relationship. Such a conversation will allow you to find out the similarities and differences in views on love and family life.
  6. 6. Pets. Such a topic is neutral, because even complete strangers can talk about animals. To fill a pause, you can say a couple funny stories about their pets and ask what wards were or are at home with the interlocutor.
  7. 7. Holidays. Memories of the holidays that have just passed or preparations for the upcoming ones can revive any dialogue. You can ask the girl about her date of birth and ask about the most unusual and memorable gifts and surprises.
  8. 8. Horoscopes, divination. If a girl answered the question about her date of birth, then it will be easy to find out who she is according to the horoscope. To calculate the sign of the zodiac, there are many mobile applications. But you can, along the way, finding out if she believes in horoscopes.
  9. 9.

    Vulgar topics for discussion also take place in the dialogues of a man and a woman. It is better not to touch on such topics on the first date, as it is easy to shock and frighten the interlocutor. But with a friend who willingly supports any topic, you can take a chance and start a conversation “for adults”. You need to carefully monitor the reaction in order to turn the conversation into a joke in time if the girl does not like the topic

How to surprise a girl

List of interesting questions

In any dialogue, you need to adhere to the "golden mean" - not to be too talkative, but also not to be silent. Maintain a dialogue and receive necessary information about the interlocutor with the help of skillfully and in time questions asked on various topics. It must be remembered that a girl should not feel like she is being interrogated.

If a guy doesn’t know what to talk about, then a list of questions that will help him get closer to a girl will help him out:

  1. 1. "What are your favorite flowers?"
  2. 2. "Can you swim?"
  3. 3. "What are some things you've done in the past that you regret?"
  4. 4. "Are you interested in such serious topics as politics, economics?"
  5. 5. "Which film do you consider the best in the history of cinema?"
  6. 6. "Did you do well in school?"
  7. 7. "What activities do you try to devote your free time?"
  8. 8. "Are you sad or happy most of the time?"
  9. 9. "What qualities should a man have to please you?"
  10. 10. "Have you ever had a pen pal?"
  11. 11. "What kind of music do you like?"
  12. 12. "What act would you never be able to do?"
  13. 13. "Do you have any fears (darkness, spiders, mice)?"

Any person is most interested in talking about himself - this is one of the basic rules for conducting a conversation.

Too long dialogue on abstract topics will quickly bore the girl. Therefore, the list of prepared questions should not look like a template, and any topic should be gradually translated into a conversation about the personality of the interlocutor, her desires and interests.

Communication at a distance

Some relationships begin with the fact that the guy and the girl begin to communicate without even seeing each other. For example, if young man liked the woman and he was able to find out her phone number. Another variant of the development of events - the person herself reported her number, but has not yet agreed to a full-fledged date. Or a couple communicates through social networks on the Internet. In this case, it is necessary to build communication at a distance in such a way as to interest her and achieve consent to a meeting in reality. In doing so, you need to follow a few rules.

  1. 1. Don't force texting or calling a girl who has made it clear she doesn't like courtship. Perhaps she already has a man or she has just experienced a painful break with her beloved - you need to respect other people's feelings and understand when the interest is not mutual.
  2. 2. You need to find out what hours both interlocutors are free. If at the height of the working day you attack a girl with dozens of playful SMS, this can cause her a pronounced negative reaction. It is better not to distract a person when he is busy with work or study, but to find out the most right time for flirting.
  3. 3. Long-distance relationships assume that both parties are not too aware of each other. Therefore, do not be silent for a long time without apparent reason, otherwise it can give rise to a lot of speculation and arouse suspicions of possible treason.
  4. 4. Girls love to get nice attentions. If every morning and evening you send your beloved SMS with wishes have a good day and pleasant dreams, she will be interested and want to get to know such a persistent romantic closer. Naturally, you need to observe, do not cause messages backlash girls - at some time of the day she may be out of sorts, and then you should not disturb her.
  5. 5. When talking on the phone, you need to show yourself. interesting interlocutor but don't make the conversation too long. Any conversation should not last longer than 15-20 minutes, so that mutual interest does not fade away. If you didn’t have time to talk about something, then you can discuss the remaining issues later - it will be good reason for the next call.
  6. 6. If the topics are over, do not be shy - you can simply invite the girl to decide for herself what to talk about. It happens that the interlocutor wants to ask a question, but does not have time to insert a word, because the guy does not stop talking. It is necessary to give the girl the opportunity to express her opinion, and not “pour” endlessly with jokes and stories about herself.

Many have noticed that talking at a distance with unknown girl much easier than face-to-face contact, as there is always time to come up with an interesting and witty response. But to translate communication with a girl into a plane real life nevertheless necessary, because in reality two interlocutors may turn out to be completely unsuitable for each other, both for love and just for friendship.

Everyone knows this quivering and exciting moment of preparation for the first date with a girl. Many guys in this situation are wondering: what can you talk about with a girl?

Here, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. After all, girls are very vulnerable and specific creatures, their psychology and thinking in many ways differ from ours, male psychology.

The laughing girl is half subdued.
John Ray

Communication with a girl: 5 golden rules

What to talk about with a girl?

If you are on initial stages dating and communication, you should approach this topic very seriously.

Here are a few "golden rules" that will help men communicate with any member of the opposite sex.

Women love with their ears. Everyone has long known this truth.
That is why communication with a girl should be thoughtful, but not feigned, pleasant, but unobtrusive:

  1. tell engaging and positive stories about yourself (but without too much boasting);
  2. visualize your conversation by adding bright colors and imagery (do not forget that girls love not only to listen, but also to imagine);
  3. periodically change topics for conversation, do not concentrate on one thing;
  4. do not turn your communication with a girl into an interrogation or dry questioning;
  5. do not delay your communication with the lady, make it a rule to say goodbye to the girl at the most interesting place.
Do not forget that every woman has her secrets and "skeletons in the closet." And getting them out of there is highly discouraged, especially on a first or second date.

What are the girls silent about, and what should they not be asked about? This will be discussed further.

What to talk about with a girl on a first date?

As experience shows, you can talk about almost everything (and, most importantly, not WHAT, but HOW to talk).

In other words, for a girl, the form of presentation is more important than the content of the conversation. Walking along the evening street, you can tell your companion some entertaining story or urban legend. So, you will not only interest the girl, but also present yourself in her eyes as a well-read and educated person.

The second task that the guy faces at the first meeting is to reveal the girl, to know her. Here it is worth focusing on common interests, as well as chatting about future plans or dreams. Such conversations will appeal to all girls, without exception.

The most important thing is how a man speaks, for example, the same joke, which will be performed differently, can be understood in completely different ways and cause completely opposite feelings, so you need to try to do everything correctly, if, of course, there are The goal is to get the girl interested.

When telling something funny, you can make your voice louder, but if a man wants to compliment a girl, it is better that his voice be more gentle and courteous. It is also very important that all words are clearly pronounced, then it will be easier for a woman to understand her interlocutor. And, of course, without competent speech, too, nowhere, most girls turn their attention to this.

If a man understands that he has certain problems with speech, then before a date at home it is better to practice so that later you do not get into an awkward situation and do not acquire a whole bunch of complexes because of it.

If we talk about topics that can be raised in a conversation with a woman, then there are also several of them. Women, of course, love to talk, but you should not think that during the whole date you only need to agree with the interlocutor and nod your head, in the end, the woman will decide that she is not at all interesting to the man, and she is unlikely to like this date.

You can talk about your past, more precisely about youth, about where a man studied, what he did before, but about ex girls And in general, the relationship is clearly not worth talking about. If there are any interesting stories O family traditions or just cases from family life, then they can also be of interest to a woman, the main thing is not to get carried away and give the woman the opportunity to tell something too.

You can tell your chosen one on the first date about your plans and dreams, this will help the woman understand what her interlocutor is like, whether her views on the future and on life in general agree with him.

Achievements and hobbies will also be interesting on a first date, since such topics again allow you to get to know your partner better, draw certain conclusions about him, cinema and music are standard topics, here you can also find, so to speak, a common wave, it may turn out that the interlocutors have similar tastes in these topics.

It is very important for girls to hear compliments, so there is no need to skimp on them, but at the same time they must be sincere, do not flatter. In addition, the lady will understand that Her life, Her work and in general she herself is interesting to a man, so you can ask her questions that relate to Her work, Her achievements, etc. There are also taboo topics in conversations with women.

First of all, you can’t talk alone for a long time, after all, a dialogue must take place, otherwise the woman will simply become bored. It is also impossible to constantly dilute the conversation with platitudes, banalities are, as a rule, talk about the weather and jokes. When they communicate only on these topics, it becomes obvious that the interlocutors are not at all interested in each other.

Complaining about life on a first date is not the best idea, women generally don’t like it when men complain, on the contrary, they want to be next to them strong man who can support and take responsibility for it, complaints in this case will only scare away.

You should not exaggerate your achievements, especially if communication is not limited to one date, it will become obvious that the man was lying, and relationships cannot begin with lies.

What NOT to talk about on a first date?

There are several stop topics that it is not recommended to touch upon when communicating with a girl.

Here they are:

  • politics;
  • religion;
  • sex;
  • Work;
  • football (unless your soul mate is an avid fan of one of the clubs).

One of the legendary recommends using one very unusual method- "Alternative histories". Its essence lies in the formulation and discussion interesting situations. For example, you can ask a girl this question: “What would you do if you woke up tomorrow as a famous celebrity?”. Be sure to try using this method in communication - it will definitely surprise you!

What girls are silent about or a little about “skeletons in the closet”

« How old are you?», « Where do you live?», « How much do you weigh?"- experienced pick-up artists do not recommend asking a girl such questions when meeting. Questions like “Do you consider yourself beautiful?” will also be extremely inappropriate when talking with a special weaker sex.

On the first date, the guy needs to ask how fewer questions, and listen more. You can only subtly direct the girl's story in the right direction in order to learn as much as possible about her.

However, here is such a vague phrase: Well, now tell me something about yourself..."- definitely will not bring any result, putting the interlocutor in an extremely awkward and stupid position.

Under no circumstances should a woman be asked about her former men, as well as about her experience in the love field.

Now you know what the girls are silent about and what questions they should not ask. This information will help you in the art of communication and seduction!

What to talk about with a girl on the phone?

Not everyone likes to talk on the phone, and not many people know how to do it well.

The specifics of any telephone conversation- in the absence of non-verbal communication. That is, it is impossible to see how the interlocutor reacts to what you said.

Let's look at how to properly conduct such a conversation, and about what can:

  • First of all, the guy should talk more often about his victories and achievements, even if they are not so significant. Women love strong, successful and most importantly, driven men. Therefore, in a conversation, you can tell the girl about your plans - global or not.
  • You can also talk about how your day at work or school went. Tell us about what you saw, what interesting or new things you learned, what you thought about. The girl will be very interested to know even about such insignificant things.
At the end of a telephone conversation, it would be useful to remind the girl of her importance in your life. Tell her that you miss her and look forward to seeing her again.


The Internet plays extraordinarily important role in life modern man. Many today meet and even fall in love with each other precisely in virtual world. What can you talk about with a girl online?

There are many topics for fascinating conversations on the Internet:

  • cinema,
  • music,
  • literature,
  • art,
  • travels,
  • countries and cities
  • esoteric and mystical...
You can talk about all this with a girl for hours! In addition, communication in social networks has one indisputable advantage: today you can attach a photo, audio or video recording to any message.

Knowing about the interests and hobbies of the interlocutor, this feature can be used to advantage. Send a girl a reproduction of her favorite artist's painting or a song from her favorite rock band. She will definitely appreciate it!

However, we must not forget that the Internet is just virtual reality. The girl should see you “offline” as often as possible and hear your voice live.

So invite your lady for an evening walk and enjoy live, real communication! And, be happy!

As psychologists around the world note, despite the fact that men at any age are perceived by ladies as potential hunters, the opposite sex often does not think so. This is expressed not only in the fact that sometimes it is quite difficult for them to meet a girl they like, but even in the fact that they simply do not know how to communicate with her.

It's not about whether she's pretty or not. And not even in whether it is interesting to communicate with her. She just has IT.
For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in the memory of a man forever.
Joseph Rudyard Kipling

How to communicate and what to talk about with a girl?

First of all, the last point is connected with natural human feelings, which are absolutely not alien to representatives of strong half humanity. Namely:
  1. A feeling of fear of being either not understood at all, or understood, but not true.
  2. It is a reflex inherent in nature to beware of little-known people, on subconscious level perceiving them as a potential threat.
  3. Not knowing what topics you can talk to a lady about. Since there is an opinion that the interests of men and women rarely coincide.
big role in this process plays and the presence of certain experience. After all, if a young man spent most of his life, among whom there were few girls, and all his experience was reduced to talking with classmates at school. Then the thoughts that he is doing something wrong will definitely visit him.

How to find a way out of the current situation

Before you start communicating with a girl you like, you need to decide on her psychotype, of course, within the framework of your knowledge, there is no point in climbing into the deeper layers of psychology. In practice, this is expressed in simply determining whether she is a sociable person or not. The first option is much easier for a man, since it is easier to choose a topic for a fascinating conversation, because even if she does not understand it very much, due to her natural talkativeness, she will support the conversation as much as she can. And it’s not so difficult to translate the conversation in one direction or another after that.

If the girl is closed, shy and hard to communicate, then the answer to the question of how to start a simple communication begins with collecting information about her. For example, if she is still in school and there is an opportunity to chat with those who communicate with her at least somehow. Then you need to find out what she is most interested in and, according to her interests, choose a topic for the first conversation. For example, if a girl likes to read, then books are quite universal theme for a conversation.

How to chat with a girl in virtual life

It will not be a secret for anyone that modern youth and not only, have long transferred most of their lives to virtual space. And just in order to start communicating with the fair sex, this is undeniable and very a big plus. The main place in addition to a variety of chats and forums, as well as specialized resources (sites designed exclusively to meet people by interest or sympathy) are numerous social networks. Today one of the most popular is in contact.
This is due to the fact that VK does not have age restrictions, is very diverse and allows not only, for example, to find information of interest, but also to make new friends, distant relatives, business partners, and much more.

Speaking about communication in this format, it should be noted that it is slightly different than a simple friendly conversation in the circle of acquaintances. First of all, it should be noted that, as practice shows and psychologists confirm, it is much easier for a person to open up in the virtual world, because he is not restrained by almost any framework. Moreover, there is a category of people who can not always express their opinions and thoughts aloud.

But they are very good at writing about it, and if, for example, the fair sex just falls into the category of such people, then ideal option at the first stages, it is the social network that is used for communication. Moreover, if due to any circumstances the situation has developed in such a way that she considers you not a suitable option for herself. It is through indirect communication that you can radically change her opinion.

A girl who likes in real life probably has her account on at least one resource, and if you are not a follower virtual communication, then for a start it is enough to visit her page. It will help get about her Additional information, find the right topics for conversation that will help win her over, learn about her preferences, circle of friends. And in general, you can deviate from your principles for a while and chat there, become her good friend with whom she can share a lot, and then move on to communication in terms of sympathy.

However, do not forget about small nuances communication in this format:

  1. Your thoughts must be expressed as clearly and accessible as possible, so that she could understand them the first time and at the same time correctly.
  2. The same applies to emotions, because if there is a correspondence, visual contact no, and certain manifestations of feelings may not be correctly interpreted, which will lead to not best result communication.
  3. Don't be intrusive. Those. do not write to her every five minutes, demanding constant and uninterrupted communication. Because she may be in class, at lectures, at work, or generally busy with her household chores.

Examples of correct behavior at the moment of communication in real life

Although everything described above for social networks has a certain degree of relevance and allows you to simplify the process of initial communication, real meetings nobody canceled. And this sometimes causes certain difficulties. Especially if the fair sex is strongly liked and evokes such emotions that can knock you off right attitude and generally just throw it out of balance.

golden rules good communication In real life, the following can be considered:
  • First, you need to make sure that the girl is in a comfortable position for her. physiological position. Those. if you decide to start a romantic topic of conversation and at the same time choose original place(for example, a date on the roof or in a cafe located on a high floor with an open terrace). After all, if she is afraid of heights and for some reason cannot say this directly, most likely even the most interesting conversation under the proposed circumstances will not give her any pleasure, because high level discomfort.
  • Secondly, do not worry too much, for example, you can drink a sedative before the meeting. Excessive emotions can lead to rash actions, words, confusion in speech. And this, in turn, can cause a tense situation. Or to the fact that the girl will not correctly interpret your intentions, and then no communication, even properly built, will save the situation.
  • Thirdly, you should never ask directly questions like whether she likes to communicate with me or not. If she is properly brought up and has ideas about the banal rules of decency, then it is almost impossible to get a reliable answer. Need to do it yourself correct conclusions, watching how she behaves, whether she is interested in the chosen topic of conversation or whether she sits and frankly waits for this meeting to end.


Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that today there are many ways to choose the right topic to talk with the fair sex you like. But as in other times, it is always necessary to listen to your own intuition, and then success is guaranteed.

The last time you spoke to a girl, you mumbled something incoherent about your homework in math, then mention going to the dentist, and then snapping their fingers in awkward silence while the girl stares at the floor? Don't worry, it's happened to all the guys. It's okay, if you prepare and make an effort, then the next time you talk, the girl will be extremely passionate.


Where to begin

    Start with a casual theme. In the first conversation with the girl, choose light theme, to which you both can chat quite naturally, without feeling embarrassed. Don't talk to her about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her to tell you about the most embarrassing situation in her life; you can talk about it when you get to know each other better. choose neutral themes to start a conversation in which she will feel comfortable. Don't swear. She wants to be treated like a lady! Here are some safe but fun themes to get you started:

    • your favorite bands;
    • the latest movies you have watched;
    • your pets;
    • your brothers and sisters;
    • What did you do last weekend or what do you plan to do next?
    • your vacation plans.
  1. Avoid personal topics. This rule goes hand in hand with starting a conversation on a light topic. You'll be able to have deeper conversations once the girl gets to know you better, but for now, it's best to avoid talking about family deaths, your first loves, strange illnesses, or fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with a girl, then you can quickly move from chatting to more important topics, but you should avoid too personal topics when you are just starting to communicate with a girl, otherwise she may retreat.

    • Well, if she started a conversation on a personal topic and wants to continue it, then you can support him and see where it leads, but still be on the lookout.
    • Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. If she backs off or looks upset when you ask her about something simple, then it may be a sensitive topic for her.
  2. Keep smiling. If you smile and act positive, then you can keep the girl interested and make her want to continue the conversation. While you shouldn't smile until your cheeks are numb, it's worth taking advantage of every opportunity. This will show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and leave you positive impression. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remind yourself of that.

    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to a girl, and also at the end of a conversation. It is important to start and end on a good note.
  3. Look into her eyes. Eye contact is the key to making a girl feel important and see that what she says really matters to you. You may feel uncomfortable talking to her and start looking around just because you are afraid to look at her, but try to break this habit. You don't need to look into her eyes with tension and love, because this can scare her - just look into her eyes during a conversation to make her feel important. If you find it difficult to make eye contact with a person or prefer to avoid eye contact, look at her nose - look, but don't stare. Not everyone can support eye contact during a conversation; tell her about it - if she is worthy of your attention, she will understand.

  4. Ask her questions. This is the key to making the girl feel special as quickly as possible. You can show that you care by asking questions about her or what she does at Lately. The questions don't have to be very personal - they don't have to - but you should show your interest in her and her life. If she doesn’t ask you anything, then you should stop asking questions for a while - perhaps she feels like she is being interrogated. Here are some topics for questions:

    • her hobbies and interests;
    • her favorite music bands, books and TV shows;
    • her favorite subjects at school;
    • her dream job;
    • her best friends;
    • her plans.
  5. Give her a compliment. After talking for a while, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel appreciated. Do sincere compliments, no need to lie. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, decoration or even a character trait. Don't be too specific ("You have great legs") because it will make her uncomfortable. Don't overdo it, choose something neutral and show her you care.

    • One compliment per conversation will be enough. Do not bombard her with compliments or act like you are not sincere in your words.

    How to keep her interested

    1. Find common themes. Once you've started a conversation, look for common ground to make it easier for you to find topics for conversation. Have common interests not necessarily, however, if you find them, the conversation will be easier. When you talk to a girl, try to determine if you have something in common - maybe you grew up in the same city, maybe you like the same sport, or you have mutual friend or a teacher.

      • If you talk about something in common, you can open up, enjoy the conversation, and talk about new topics. For example, you can talk about how much you love football, and then move on to the craziest stories that have happened to you at the stadium, and then discuss your favorite places in the city.
      • Let things take their course - don't try to find out if she likes the same thing as you. Try to keep the conversation open, otherwise it will stop if she does not share your interests. For example, instead of saying, “Have you seen Frozen? It's my new favorite movie" - better say: "Have you watched anything interesting lately?"
    2. Ask her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask her for her opinion, she will see that you see her as an individual and that you really value her opinion. You can ask about the political situation in the country or even if she likes your new shoes. She will understand that you are not just trying to hit on her, but respect her as a person.

      • Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no"; ask questions that can be answered in detail so that she has something to talk about. Use "What do you think about..." instead of "Do you think that...".
    3. Use your environment. If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is waning, look around to see what you can use to your advantage. Maybe you have a concert poster hanging behind you, then you can ask if the girl likes this group. Maybe you are standing outside a coffee shop, then ask her if she goes there to read. This does not mean that you need to immediately look around as soon as the conversation begins; look for clues in your surroundings when awkward pauses.

      • This creative way support the girl's interest and continue the conversation. She will be impressed by how observant you are.
    4. Make her laugh. If you want to keep the girl's interest, it would be nice to make her laugh. If you make a girl laugh, she will want to continue the conversation with you, so look for situations where you can dilute humor. You can gently laugh at yourself, make a kind joke about a mutual friend, or tell her a joke if you think she won't laugh. if you have a funny story which can really make you laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and confusing. Do not overdo it, but look for ways to make the girl laugh.

      • If you don't have natural feeling humor, don't try to be something you're not. The girl will see that you are trying, and will begin to feel sorry for you. Instead, you can just be yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, great!
      • If you don't know the girl well, then don't tease her, unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may misunderstand and be offended, and this is definitely not what you wanted.
    5. Don't turn the conversation into a one-sided monologue. Some guys are so worried about not seeming boring that in the end the girl can't get a word into the conversation. Maintaining interest does not mean talking incessantly. Speak, but let her speak too. Stop from time to time - she probably has something to say too. You should not pull everything on yourself. Of all the time you spend talking, you should only talk half, no more (or a little more if you're shy).

      • If you constantly talk about yourself, then you will look narcissistic, and she will not want to continue this conversation.
    6. Ask about her interests. Almost all girls like to talk about what is especially important to them, so be sure to ask her about what she does in her free time, how often she does it, and why she likes it, and find out why for her so important. You will not have to persuade her for a long time - you will notice how her face lights up when she starts talking about what is really important to her.

      • If she doesn't go into details when discussing her interests, share yours.

    How to end a conversation

    1. Show her what makes you stand out from the crowd. You don't have to be able to do back flips to impress her. However, it's worth ending the conversation in such a way that she thinks she knows you a little and realizes that she makes you stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love of playing the guitar. Whatever it is, open up to her, show her who you really are. So, when she meets you again, she will have something to talk to you about and she will have pleasant memories from a previous conversation.

      • This does not mean at all that you need to tell her everything about yourself in the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation. Tell me a few interesting facts about your life - that will be enough. If you only talk about “weather” all the time, you will never really get to know each other.
    2. Be positive. When you feel like the conversation is coming to an end, end it on a positive note, no matter what you are talking about. If you've been complaining about your parents, teachers, the weather, or anything else that upset you for the last five minutes, then the girl is unlikely to have good impression from talking to you. Your goal is to make the girl feel positive vibes and remember that it was fun to communicate with you, and not boring or even painful.
      • You can complain only when there is something that annoys both of you. But even in this case - in moderation. Save your complaints for someone who knows you a little better.
    3. Don't forget about self-confidence. Remember to remain confident while speaking. Show the girl that you believe in what you are talking about and that you are happy with yourself. If she feels this, then she will understand that you are in harmony with yourself, that you are fun and easy to communicate with. If you get nervous, put yourself down, or talk about how you can't find a topic to talk to, then she will feel uncomfortable and is unlikely to want to talk to you again.

      • You don't have to act like you're the best interesting person in the world or like you're so sexy you could be a movie star; just show that you are happy to be yourself(Is that true?), and everything else will follow.
      • Between boasting and self-confidence a fine line. If you brag too much, it will push the girl away.
    4. Leave before the conversation ends. This great way leave a positive impression. If you think the conversation is going really well and you are having a great time, then tell the girl that you would like to continue the conversation, but it's time for you to go. The idea of ​​walking away in the middle of a great conversation may seem silly, but doing so will impress the girl. unforgettable impression She will definitely want to meet you again. Conversely, if you delay the end of the conversation, there will be nothing to talk about, awkward pauses will begin ... and, in the end, she is unlikely to want to communicate with you again. If you wait too long, you can see that the conversation dragged on, or you have nothing more to talk about, but why should she communicate with you again after that? Wait until you find mutual language, and then, as politely as possible, say that you have to go.

      • If you are full of courage and the conversation went really well, you can muster up the courage and invite her to meet again.

Everyone experienced that awkward feeling when, being in a relationship with a girl, topics for conversation ended and there was complete silence. For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are starting to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over?

You began to notice that conversations on the phone or at a meeting are getting shorter every day. Instead of pleasure and have a nice chat, conversations turn into short fights and arguments. It's time to do something, or such communication promises you failure and a break in relations.

Then, what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over? Let's figure it out.

Option number 1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your VK girlfriend, but with just about anyone on a dating site.


The girl says: "I'm looking forward to the new Superman movie to go to the cinema. I've watched the trailer for it 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are so cool!".If you want to make this conversation boring and fast, then simply answering: "I think the film should be good" is enough.

  • how cool it would be to go and see this movie on the big screen in the cinema, and if it was also in 3D, it would be more exciting;
  • remember when you were last at the cinema and what you saw there, maybe it happened to you funny stories while;
  • share other interesting movie trailers with her;
  • ask what genres of films she likes the most (horror, comedies, melodramas, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask what famous actors are playing in the movie she told you about, and also what she knows about them ... and so on.

Every new word in your conversation you can use to new topic. Now you know what to talk aboutgirl when all topics are over.


Option number 2. The second method can be used when asking a girl what she did today and how her day went. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each lesson. So you will be tied long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. You can use it for a walk or in VK, if there is nothing to ask about.


The girl says: "I read today interesting book. I also listened to cool music, did some fitness exercises and made a delicious salad."

Take each of her classes individually and start asking questions: "What book did she read?" or "What did she find so interesting about her?" When you exhaust the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The more your curiosity and desire to know more details, the more interesting and longer your conversation will be.

Option number 3. The third method is to write down on a piece of paper a few things you wanted to say or talk about before calling her on Skype or on the phone.

Trust me, after that you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote down on paper. Because, you will have a lot of spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But, this little cheat sheet gives you a lot of relief, and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Don't forget that relationships are team game Therefore, both partners should keep the conversation going.

Push your partner to communicate, you should not be the only participant in the conversation. Moreover, not all women love talkers. There are times when a girl Bad mood or she has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what the matter is or just end the conversation for a while.

Option number 5. Next Method are fantasies in your conversation. Can be used on a first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking their dog. Wonderful theme for a conversation! Ask if she has pet, whether you dreamed of having someone or fantasize together on the topic, if you had the opportunity, who exactly would you like to have.

Option number 6. When you are doing routine everyday life, no wonder you have nothing to talk about with a girl. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this, you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss a movie, read news, books every day, go on a trip somewhere, discover some the new kind sports, meet new people and so on.

Option number 7. And of course, the simplest and sometimes the most effective method avoiding silence and finding topics for conversation is a little break from each other.

Take a break in the relationship and some new conversational topics will start to take shape on their own. Each new thing What you do during those few hours or days when you don't communicate can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all topics are over.

The most common topics for conversations with a girl:

  • Pets.
  • Travels.
  • Cinema.
  • Food.
  • Passion (Hobby).
  • Dreams.
  • The most crazy thing that she ever did.
  • Family.
  • Music.
  • Her favorite celebrity.
  • Memories of childhood.

You can talk about these topics even at the age of 14.

Topics you shouldn't talk about with a girl:

  • Religion.
  • Your car, your house, your boat.
  • Politics.
  • Ex-Girlfriends.