What does it take to be a nanny? Why does she want to be a nanny. Important "pitfalls" of the profession

Many women enjoy spending time with children, so they think about how to become a nanny at home. This is a prestigious, interesting and highly paid profession that brings pleasure and personal development. A professional teacher is able to look after one or more children, while receiving joy and a good salary.

The "second mother" can work in several main scenarios, depending on her preferences and qualifications:

  • In a public or private organization. It is easiest to get a job in such a position, because in such institutions there is always a shortage of staff. As a rule, people with higher pedagogical education are hired. The activity is difficult, it is exhausting, because under the supervision of an employee there are several dozen children, most of whom are very problematic. If a woman is ready to deal with this, she should ask local staff about how to become a nanny in an orphanage or other similar institution.
  • You can organize a small kindergarten in your own apartment. This is especially true for those who already have their own children and want to look after strangers. The kid will get good friend and will no longer be bored, and in the meantime his mother will fill up family budget. At the same time, you need to think about food and entertainment. There are a lot of tips on the Internet about how to become a nanny at home. Start chatting with more experienced professionals, find out the features of the profession.
  • Departure to the territory of the client usually involves increased wages and good conditions. In some situations, this requires cooking, but in most cases, customers provide prepared food for an employee and a child. From the "second mother" it is only required to take care of the child, conduct educational games and walks on fresh air. The activity is very pleasant and relatively simple. If a woman knows how to find a common language with kids, she will provide a high wage for her work.

In some cases, these vacancies can be combined. For example, a nanny in a commercial kindergarten will look after the children of private clients on weekends. Start with relatively cheap orders and gradually train your skills. The more experience an employee has, the better he will be able to do the job.

Important "pitfalls" of the profession

In spite of a large number of positive aspects, in the activities of the nanny there are some very unpleasant dirty tricks. Knowing them, the specialist will be able to bypass difficult moments in advance or reduce them Negative influence to a minimum.

The main difficulty is the search common language with a subordinate. If from the first minutes of communication a woman could not fully contact with a child, the risk of failure increases to almost 100%. In such difficult situations, it is worth telling the parents the truth and finding another family.

Each person has their own habits or characteristics, and it is better to stipulate them in advance. Tell us about your own methods of work and learn more about the wishes of the client. Thus, the specialist will get rid of understatement and will be able to act as efficiently as possible.

Excessive initiative is by no means welcomed by clients. The desire to wash dishes or wipe the dust is perceived as a request for an increase in wages and annoys parents. No need to serve the owners food or serve in every possible way. We hired a nanny - watch the child. It is worth remembering your duties and powers, without overstepping their limits.

The 2 in 1 role is often dangerous. Raising a child and preparing meals is not easy, especially in cases where the child is problematic or constantly requires attention. Pick one and do your job well.

In some cases, the "second mother" becomes so attached to the ward that she begins to show excessive care even while present real parents. When the mother is in the house, the nanny should take a backseat and allow the parent to exercise authority.

Remember your role. Even in those cases when a warm relationship has formed with the owners of the house, do not get into them with recommendations. Especially if the employer didn't ask for it. A nanny is not a psychologist, not a teacher, and not even a friend. She has specific duties and a specific role in every home.

Step-by-step instructions: how to become a nanny at home

A beginner's guide will help you create a clear work plan and follow it. How to become a babysitter at home:

  1. Decide on your abilities and desires. Think about how much time you will devote to work and what days you prefer to work. Plan a rough schedule.
  2. Gather everything Required documents. Among them, there must be a medical book and a characteristic from the previous place of work. It is advisable to have a diploma with you special education. All specialties related to pedagogy or medicine are welcome.
  3. Determine rates. The cost of work depends on the demand for the service and the experience of the employee. In some cases, it can be raised by providing an additional service.
  4. Find clients. Offer your services to friends, then start self-promotion on the network. Send advertisements to newspapers, publish information on forums and in in social networks, write to the employment exchange. If you wish, you can use a special site to search for vacancies.
  5. Pass the interview. The employer pays attention to many little things, so you should put yourself in order. Get a neat manicure, put on beautiful, but modest and discreet clothes. Before the interview, it is worth mentally preparing for common questions, make sure that you can give a decent answer to them.
  6. Get the most full information about your child and his parents. Before starting work, find out their contact details, ask about the baby's habits, his illnesses, allergic reactions and character traits. Talk about how your child likes to spend their free time.
  7. During work, do not be distracted by extraneous factors. Concentrate on fully monitoring the baby, show attention to his needs and concerns. Even if the ward has fallen asleep, do not bring strangers into the house, do not turn on music in headphones, do not go to other places. The ideal option will be reading a book in the nursery.

The following video will tell you how to become a nanny at home:

The competition in this area is quite high, so for a highly paid and regular job, you will have to become a professional in your field. Start with small orders, provide services for 1-2 hours, and ask satisfied customers to leave reviews. Thus, the specialist will receive not only valuable experience, but also good reputation which will help him organize a profitable business.

In contact with

Nanny, nanny - what associations do you have with this word? For me personally, this is a nanny in a kindergarten. He will come, wash the pots, serve dinner and help me get dressed for a walk, that's how I remember my nanny. Someone knows about the nanny only from Pushkin's poems, and the nanny nursed someone's grandmother right up to her marriage.

Tell me, were many of you adults brought up by a nanny? I think units. AT Soviet time Kindergarten was thought to be the best educator and babysitting is a bourgeois habit. Now everything flows, everything changes. The pace of life is no longer the same, and many people now do not have a clear work schedule. Work in shifts, irregular, business trips, various trips, it happens that there is simply no one to pick up a child from the kindergarten! Or perhaps the parents just want them to have time for themselves, for their personal, so to speak, life.

So why not ask a nanny for help? Just don't be afraid of this word. A modern nanny is not a grandmother from a neighboring entrance who wants to get a small increase in her pension - she is basically an educated, self-confident woman. Usually she has a higher education and often more than one, and she can not just spend time with your child, wash, change clothes and feed. A qualified nanny can teach a child many things necessary in life.

So, you have decided to invite a nanny for the crumbs? Where to start?

Where do nannies come from?

Good employees are passed from hand to hand, because Parents sometimes find it difficult to trust a child to a stranger. If you do not have such an acquaintance Mary Popins, then you have only 2 options: an agency or look for a nanny yourself. We will talk about this in the next article ...

babysitting duties

And now let's pretend that you already have a nanny, and what you would like her to do. Sometimes mothers confuse the concept of a nanny and a cleaner and demand the impossible from her. For example, during the day, vacuum the house or wash the windows!! And who will be with the child at this time? Therefore, the list of duties recorded on paper must be discussed with the new employee in advance so that there are no unpleasant surprises for either you or her.

Now let's look at the approximate list of activities that an ordinary modern nanny should do.

  1. Look after the child and ensure his safety.
  2. Cook for the baby, feed him, clean the place of eating, as well as monitor the child’s diet herself, make the right and balanced menu. Naturally, the menu after drawing up, or in the process, is negotiated with the mother or both parents.
  3. Take care of the child, carry out all necessary hygiene procedures, treat the child as prescribed by the doctor, if necessary. Monitor the cleanliness of the hands and clothes of the baby, as well as the cleanliness of toys, chairs for feeding and other items that surround the baby.
  4. Inform parents about the need to replenish the supply baby food or diapers.
  5. Follow the daily routine.
  6. Maintain order in the nursery and in all places in the apartment where the baby is.
  7. Walk with the child, depending on the weather and his condition.
  8. On a walk, pay attention to whether there are children with clear signs colds, and, importantly, strongly "ill-mannered" children or their parents, who can somehow adversely affect the ward. If necessary, change the place of the walk.
  9. Immediately inform parents about all incidents with the child: falls, bruises, animal bites, etc.
  10. Be patient, consistent, calm and confident in dealing with your child.
  11. Do not criticize the child, do not introduce too many rules and restrictions for the baby. At the same time, prohibit activities that are dangerous to the life and health of the child, be sure to explain the reason to the baby.
  12. Regularly engage in developmental activities with the child: reading, drawing, modeling. It is also necessary to develop the motor skills of the hands, memory, thinking, attention, imagination, perseverance in the child.
  13. Personal example to teach the child to cleanliness, order, accuracy, decency.
  14. Do not discuss with third parties information about the places and working conditions of the child's family members.

It's been a pretty big list. And moreover, mind you, we demand from the nanny what we do ourselves. Therefore, any mother, if desired, can make her own list by simply writing down all her household chores related to the child.

Here is a small list of what a nanny SHOULD NOT do under any pretext!

  1. Leave the child unattended, no matter where: at home, on the street or somewhere else.
  2. Give the child new products without the consent of the parents, if she has not been given such a right in advance.
  3. Give medications without informing parents and consulting a doctor.
  4. Caring for a child while unwell or feeling unwell.
  5. Scold, punish and yell at the child.
  6. Watch and talk on the phone while babysitting. Of course, there are urgent conversations, but a normal nanny should not be on the phone with a friend.
  7. Do your own personal business while the child is awake: crossword puzzles, knitting, and more.
  8. Combine walks with the baby with your personal affairs: going to the store, cafe with a friend, walking your dog, and so on. Also, walking routes must be agreed with the parents and observed by the nanny.
  9. Leaving a child with another person, even for a minute.
  10. Invite or let anyone into the house where she works without obtaining the consent of the employer.

Also a big list. How to keep track of all this, does the nanny follow all the rules? How to understand if she is engaged with a child?

The first few days you will simply need to spend with a nanny. This is necessary so that the baby gets used to it and so that the nanny finds out where everything is, how and what you cook for the baby, whether he has allergies, is he afraid of something, where you walk, and so on.

Of course, after the nanny and the child have adapted to each other, being constantly next to them is not always an option. And the nanny will feel constrained, and the baby will behave, on the contrary, disobediently towards the nanny, because there is a mother nearby. Therefore, to test a nanny there are several options.

  • The camcorder is simple and reliable. Here, there is evidence right away, if necessary, and you will be calm if you see how well the nanny is doing and caring for your child.
  • Parents suddenly appearing in the middle of the day, as if for forgotten documents or something else
  • A friend sent to the playground to see how the nanny looks after the baby
  • If the nanny is engaged with the child, then his success will tell you about it. However, do not expect that in a week you will notice something.

Already the first few days that you spend with a nanny will let you know whether you want to have such a “family member” or not. If something does not suit you, speak right away, do not hush up, get angry, and then flare up like a match at one fine moment.

Also remember that a nanny who meets the above requirements cannot be cheap. Therefore, if you hired a qualified person and pay him the appropriate fee, then you have every right to demand that all your requirements that you stipulated in advance be met, but the nanny also has the right not to do what you did not stipulate.

After all, you are an ordinary employer, and a nanny is an ordinary employee. So, perhaps, having such, and possibly another list of requirements, you will change more than one nanny. Just do not get carried away, because you also have a third party - your child. And if you see that the baby loves the nanny, but she doesn’t suit you in some trifles, then maybe it’s worth sacrificing principles and making sure that it’s good, first of all, for your child, and not for your pride.

So, now you know what the duties of a babysitter are at home, and you can safely start looking for a new “family member”.

AT modern world more and more more parents seeks help from nannies to look after her children while they are at work. Luckily, babysitting is one of the most successful careers available to anyone, even though it is one of the most difficult. ""It is important to remember that you will be raising someone else's child(ren), so you must be very aware of the requirements provided by the parents.""


    Find good family! This is the most important step and often the most difficult. Despite the fact that, at first glance, it seems simple enough, finding a family nanny can be a real challenge. When choosing a family, you must remember that your value system does not conflict with the values ​​​​of the family (maybe the family you have chosen is very religious, while you are not? Do your parents smoke and drink too much, or do you not like it?) and whether they will treat you more as an equal partner than a subordinate.

    Make sure you work with children right age! Not everyone can work with babies or children toddler age, or teenagers. There are clear differences between children of different age groups, with such different needs, and you may find it easier to work with one or two groups, but not all at once.

    Learn to cook. Working with children often involves preparing simple meals and light snacks, so a basic knowledge of food preparation is required to be a competent babysitter. It's not a bad idea, if the kids are the right age, to start cooking with them. It will be a fun activity for both you and them!

    Know how to discipline your child the right way. As a rule, children are mischievous, and it is your job as a nanny to take appropriate disciplinary action. Remember that no bad kids, - they just don't always know how to do it right, and therefore they need your help to learn to accept right decisions. Start with warnings. Warn them once, letting them know what will happen if they don't follow your instructions. Warn them again, more forcefully, and tell them that next time if they disobey you will have to punish them. And finally, punish the child for disobedience - for children younger age, timeouts are a good option, and also remove one or another irritant from the field of view, which is the cause of disobedience. Make sure the length of the timeouts/disappearance is appropriate for the severity of the insubordination. For older children, loss of privilege or "time outs" in their room also lends itself well to punishment.

    Chat with kids! Play with them. Find activities that match their interests. Find fun and creative occupation so that they learn while playing. Take them for a walk, a park or a museum. Make them physically active and then go home and read a book. Help them learn difficult things. Make sure you speak to your child in their language.

    Discuss your activities with your parents daily. Your employers want to know what their children are up to, so be sure to tell them everything about their child/their accomplishments, as well as any funny things that happened to you and the difficulties you experienced while working with children. Create a picture of what their children do during the day, outside of their parental scope.

  1. Remember on this moment, they and your children! Love them. Be proud of him. Give them a reason to look forward to your arrival. Make sure they know that even if you gave them a timeout or didn't let them watch TV, you still care about them and want the best for them. Help them explore the world, toughen them through hardships, and celebrate their successes. Be childish, talk to them like adults, because they understand much more than you can imagine.

    Depending on the age of the children, you should choose an appropriate curriculum that is both educational and entertaining. Science and craft projects, simple cooking recipes, whatever interests them, and let them feel that by completing this or that activity, they have mastered and achieved something important.

    • It will be very helpful for young children to build a chart to keep track of their progress. Try making a sticker chart - give them a sticker when they make theirs homework, after a quiet hour, or when they read books during the day, etc. It gives them the motivation to get the job done, it gives them inspiration to make your job easier, even on days when the kids don't want to work. Give them an encouragement - after a whole month of work, after each collection of 50 stickers, after they have completed all the requirements of the chart, give them something special. Change up your routine, cook something delicious with them, take them on a special outing or buy them a little toy. Trust me, it really helps to get them to do the right thing without any fuss or mess!
    • Let older children feel independent. They don't want a babysitter, so don't be a babysitter - be their friend, helper, watchful eye, but as long as they behave well or do what is required of them, give them some independence.
    • When siblings argue about "who did what" remember to listen equally to both sides and make a reasonable fair decision, children often feel frustrated if their needs are ignored.


    • Remember to clean up after yourself and your children. Parents do not want to come home where there is a mess.
    • Respect your parents' decisions. It is their choice to bring up their children as they please, and although recommendations can of course be made, if they want their children to grow up in a certain environment, then it is necessary to provide such conditions to the best of your ability. If you find that you cannot meet the requirements, you may need to find another family.
    • NEVER let your kids out of your sight. They can run away and disappear before you know it, so always be on the lookout.
    • Don't fall into the TV trap. It is very easy to seat them in front of a TV screen, but in the long run, it will be detrimental to the children and to you, because the TV will make them irritable and overly excited.
    • Master the skills of providing first medical care and artificial respiration. We must be ready for this at any moment.
    • Always have a phone, a bottle of water, and a small first aid kit handy. Children, especially small ones, are very accident prone, so bandages and a bottle of water can be a lifesaver.

There is an opinion that a baby under one year old needs a nanny with a medical education, for example, a former children's nurse. She will give a massage and feed correctly, she will notice in time that the baby is getting sick, she will have no problems with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. Then, when the child runs and talks, you can hire a nanny with a pedagogical education to develop, play, communicate and teach.

Everything seems to be logical. But if you think about it, it turns out that the baby needs a care machine, and the older child needs a caregiver. But is two month old baby don’t you need to smile at him, sing songs, calm him down if he cries? A baby up to a year old should not be perceived as a doll that needs to be washed and fed from time to time. it creature requiring communication and warmth. And a child of three or four years old - can't he get sick? His health also needs to be monitored.

It makes sense for parents to go not so much from education as from the experience of a potential nanny. Maybe she graduated from some trade college, but then she gave birth and raised five healthy children safely. Or maybe she received a red diploma from a medical school, after which she worked as a sales manager for 20 years and did not come close to children.


The easiest and most reliable option is through a recruitment agency. You fill out the form, the manager will take into account all your wishes, go through the database and start sending you applicants. When you decide on any candidate, the same agency will help you draw up a contract that will spell out the duties of the nanny, her working conditions, wages and other important items - vacation, sick leave, holidays, etc. True, the agency will require a commission, but this is a one-time payment. If the nanny is not suitable for you, the next one will be selected on preferential terms.

This option has obvious advantages, but many prefer to look for a nanny by advertising, posting it either on the Internet or in the old fashioned way on the fence. Some are lucky - the nanny is there, the baby gets along with her, the parents are satisfied, and the agency does not need to pay for the service. But this option is risky. Few will respond? After all, the nanny is usually looking for people who are not the poorest. Write in the ad something like "our little miracle a personal Arina Rodionovna is required" means to give the scammers a signal: I have money and I am a gullible person, come, you will not regret it.

Another option is through friends. Your friends or relatives, for some reason, part with the nanny and are ready to pass her from hand to hand. You can certainly trust a person who has worked long and well in a family you know. The only thing is, is this nanny right for your child? After all, all children are different.

Getting Acquainted

The first date with the candidate is very important. You, as a mother, evaluate the person to whom you are going to entrust your child. You can start by asking about the family in which the nanny worked before: what was her pupil like, how did she manage to get along with him, what did they do. Pay attention to how often the pronoun "I" sounds in her speech. What does she tell you about: her professional growth(“I taught classes according to the Montessori system, I sculpted with him from plasticine”) - or about the child with whom I studied (“He learned how to hold a spoon correctly, loved to draw with paints”). The second option is more preferable: it is clear that the nanny is primarily interested in the child, his upbringing and development is important.

Ask yourself how much you like this person, and don't be afraid to be subjective. You have to communicate with the nanny, agree on delicate things, discuss the behavior of your baby. The fact that at the first meeting you are slightly annoying - talking loudly, interrupting, laughing a lot, confusing "dress" and "put on" - in the future runs the risk of developing into persistent hostility. If, with some shortcomings, a woman inspires confidence and sympathy in you, most likely, this is your man.

Feel free to ask questions. You have the right to know what education she has, where she is registered, why she left previous work, what age children did she work with, does she have minor children and who sits with them while she is at work, are there chronic diseases or allergies, will she be able to work in the summer, travel with you to other countries, stay late in the evenings, what methods of working with children she knows. And listen to her questions too. If the nanny is interested in what features the child has, what he loves, then such meticulousness in this case- a plus. If he asks mainly about salary and working conditions, this is strange.

Questions for the babysitter

  • What will the nanny do if the child hits hard at home?
  • How do you think to deal with difficult situations: the baby does not want to get dressed, brush his teeth, eat, etc.?
  • What are you planning to do with the baby?
  • What will be done in case high temperature The child has?
  • For what and how can children be punished?
  • Do I agree to work if a CCTV camera is installed in the apartment?

Getting to know the child

Last but not least, you will have to evaluate your child's reaction to a new face. After all, a nanny for a baby is a potentially close, warm and reliable person. Between her and the pupil, a close relationship is necessary. emotional contact. Watch carefully: you know your child best of all - you and predict whether they will make friends.

It is not necessary because of the arrival of the nanny to violate the usual daily routine of the child. Even the most "kind aunt" will leave a negative imprint in his memory if, because of her, a walk was canceled or watching cartoons stopped. And you don’t have to leave them all day the first time. Let them start talking in your presence. If the nanny has left, and the baby is already interested in when this aunt will come to visit you again, this is good sign.

Do not hide from her anything that would concern the child: the state of health, some not very convenient traits of his character or features of development. All this will come up sooner or later. It is better to tell in advance that your baby, for example, is very active and does not fall asleep well, or, conversely, sits up at the computer, and it is difficult to persuade him to go to dinner. A professional person will ask himself what is possible for a child and what is not, but you cannot discuss everything when meeting.

prose of life

It’s good if mom and nanny discuss most of the issues first. How many hours a week you have to work, how they will be paid. What is included in her duties: only child care or also developmental activities. Whether she will do housework, or cooking, ironing, washing will fall on the shoulders of someone else. More important point- how the nanny will eat: will you provide access to your refrigerator, or will she have to bring food with her. Any disagreement on initial stage may cause conflict in the future. It is better to show yourself pedantic at the beginning than to find out later that for several months now the nanny has been accumulating dissatisfaction with the work schedule, responsibilities or diet.

The financial side of the issue should be clearly stipulated: how much do you pay, on what dates does she receive money, do you pay her vacation and forced downtime. The situation when your beloved grandmother came to visit you and you let the nanny go for a week, and then paid her less, is hardly encouraging: she has her own plans and financial needs.

When unplanned gaps in the budget are formed due to the employer, this hardly contributes to the conscientiousness and loyalty of the employee. Not worst case- the conclusion of a formal contract: let her duties and your financial relations be securely fixed in it.

Alien in the house!

The nanny was approved and entered the house. Now your immediate task is to competently build a relationship with her. In a good way, they should have a fairly clear hierarchy: the mother formulates the order, the nanny fulfills it. Of course, if you got a lady with a pedagogical education, extensive experience working with children and well-established views on how to educate the younger generation, it makes sense to listen to her recommendations - most likely, she will not advise bad. But the last word must be left to the mother. You are responsible for the health of the child, his upbringing.

Another important aspect- boundaries in the relationship between mother and nanny. It's good to keep your distance, even if you're about the same age, like the same music, and have a lot of common themes for conversations. By the way, about conversations: there are things that you should not discuss with the nanny. It's yours and hers personal life. You don't want her to know too much about your tensions with your husband and how difficult your mom is. Yes, and you should not listen to hot confessions about what difficulties she had in relations with the opposite sex. It is clear that a person is multifaceted and capable of being very different. It is better if the nanny perceives you only as the mother of her pupil.

Alarm bells

It also happens like this: you liked the nanny, started her duties, and you can work for your own pleasure without worrying about the well-being of the child. But you feel something. It is good if the child openly talks about the problems that arise. And if he is silent, like a partisan, or too small to clearly articulate what is wrong with the new nanny? What are the signs to understand that your Arina Rodionovna turned out to be a real Miss Bok?

An important alarm is a sudden change in mental state child. The most convenient marker children's sleep. Any mother will notice if her child has become worse to fall asleep, tossing and turning or screaming in a dream, waking up several times a night. Not a very good sign if the child has increased general irritability, he began to be rude to you, snap at harmless remarks or cry for insignificant reasons. It is possible that the reason is not the nanny, maybe the child has a developmental crisis. Or the problem is in your relationship with him. If you live with constant feeling, that you don’t give the baby attention, “throw” him at a stranger and are to blame for him, he will never learn to let you go from himself. But it’s worth checking if everything is in order with their nanny.

Big brother sees you

Many parents ask themselves: is it ethical to use such achievements of modern civilization as security cameras? Is it right to spy on a person, not to trust him? Anything that benefits your child is ethical.

What, for some reason, he himself cannot tell, the camera will tell. We all live under surveillance today. A visitor will not enter any respectable office before the security guard sees him on the monitor screen. In supermarkets, we are greeted with inscriptions: "Smile, you are being filmed by a hidden camera!" And even in many children's centers there are security cameras. In your case, the nanny is a teacher, and you are the boss.

How about money?

Sometimes nannies begin to ask for a material increase, hinting: "My friend also works as a nanny, the child is so calm, and they pay her more. Recently I was offered to work in the same family for good money - I refused so far, it's a pity to leave the child."

With these phrases, she wants to say that she is financially offended by you. One of the most unpleasant situations- Hidden blackmail. It seems that they don’t ask you for money directly, but they keep it in constant stress: suddenly the nanny leaves, and I can’t work, because I won’t find another; Or will I raise her salary, and in a month she will again want more? Such concerns are quite common.

Don't allow any disagreements. It is possible to increase its income taking into account inflation, but let its claims be clearly stated. Did the nanny just come to you and a month ago the conditions suited her? Are you planning to pay her more? Moreover, do not "be fooled" by hints. You can directly ask: "Are you going to part with us?" Most of the time it's sobering. Suddenly it turns out that you arrange a nanny. If so, what are the complaints?

Just a servant

There is an opinion: so that the child does not get used to the nanny, it must be changed every two years. It is wrong when the nanny feels like a member of the family. She has certain responsibilities, she receives money for the work done, and emotional factor must be left out of brackets. We do not become attached to the housekeeper, electrician or saleswoman in the nearest store. Yes, it’s easier to get used to a nanny, especially for a child, because she works with emotional sphere the child is engaged in his upbringing.

For a vulnerable, sensitive child who is hard to get along with people, the “change in nannies” may not go in vain - it will certainly respond with stress. And then, you don’t change schools every two years, but to good teacher some children become attached very strongly.

Expert: Natalya Loseva, nanny from 20- summer experience


My story turned out like in the article. She proceeded from the experience and education of a nanny, hired at an agency, acquaintance was in bon persons. I was very worried at the meeting, because there were several nannies, I had to make a choice. I was very worried that I would not choose a person or hire the wrong person, but everything worked out, pah-pah. I hired an excellent nanny, she is older than me (54 years old), active and friendly, experienced and attentive. The kid is happy, I notice how attached.
In the last part of the article it is written about changing the nanny, it seems to me that I will not give our "find" to anyone!

15.10.2013 11:09:36, Victoria Makarova

we have a nanny girl 15 years old from large family, looks after in the evenings for 2-3 hours. I know the family and the girl very well. I like that she really plays and fiddles with him for 2 hours, and not like other nannies stare at the TV or phone, and at least the grass does not grow. we rarely turn to her, only when her husband is on a business trip. from 1.3g the child began to be invited.

So I wrote for a long time that babies do not need a nanny with a higher education.

Comment on the article "Mom and nanny: how to achieve the ideal. 10 important tips"

Nanny for an hour in SAO. I offer babysitting services at my home work experience and recommendations About myself: Muscovite, 34 years old, married, Russian, has her own children, experience as a nanny in families ...

Kindergartens. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and Nanny for two kids 4 and 6 years old. Pick up from the garden at 19:00 and take a walk (or sit at home...


Thanks to all who answered.
Last year, a nanny cost us 250 rubles an hour for each, that is, two 500 rubles. The nanny works in the social security and can pick up in the evenings. Sometimes, besides mine, she takes other children (she worked in two families from our group). I raised the price tag to 300 rubles per hour from each - it seems to me that this is expensive, it turns out 600 rubles.
We agreed with the teacher - we will refuse the nanny. There is no reason for me to increase the load.

It is very difficult to find such a schedule, it is only among bored neighbors. And yes, the smaller the load, the more expensive, the rule "wholesale cheaper" works always and everywhere.
The cost for a child is 250-350 per hour (in Moscow), for two it can be a little more expensive or at the upper limit. Half an hour is usually the cost of an hour if time is short. Although, taking into account the "pick up" you still have an hour and it will come out. And from experience, it’s easier to increase the workload for a nanny than to find those who want to work on such a schedule. But sometimes you get lucky.

Section: Babysitters, kindergartens. how much is a nanny for two? The cost for a child is 250-350 per hour (in Moscow), for two it can be a little more expensive or at the upper limit.


Wholesale prices start over five hours =) We have a nanny who works 2 times a week for 5 hours and gets 1000 rubles, 2 times for 7 hours and gets 1350. But you have two, so the price may be higher.

02/24/2015 19:18:07, also m.

A nanny costs 200-250 rubles per hour in Moscow, on average. Would you like to take advantage of my offer?

I am looking for a nanny in SEAD (m. Tekstilshchiki, Kuzminki, Ryazansky). For a 3 year old girl. Responsibilities: 1. 4-5 times a week for 3 hours in the evening (approximately 17.00-20.00). Pick up your child from daycare...

babysitter and adopted child. Legal and legal aspects. Adoption. Discussion of adoption issues, forms of placement of children in families, raising foster children...


Katya, you need to take into account how much time the child spent in the institution and age. Definitely, it is not advised to immediately send small children to the institution at about the age of 2 years. But a child of 3 years and older, who grew up from birth in the "Group", at first it is very difficult without a team. As experience shows, active children get bored at first and ask to go to kindergarten themselves. But there are children who are content with communicating with an adult and are afraid to part, cling to an adult, because. think they will be sent back to Orphanage And they don't want to join the group. Still, it’s better to be alone for a week, take a closer look at the behavior, condition of the child, and if there is no more opportunity, then give it to the garden. And also watch how he parted and how he met the arrival. If he does not want to leave the group and calmly parted, then the child is "kindergarten". And yet, if addiction is painful, it is recommended to give it to the garden at first not for a full day. Here you can also connect someone to be taken home if you yourself cannot leave work. But with the choice of a nanny, this is not an adviser. Although I think that the main thing is that the person is good, and the child will be taught at school or kindergarten.

Let me tell you how we are. I do not work - Seva is not three years old, so we sit at home. With the advent of Natasha, we immediately got a nanny. She became familiar to her from the first days and adaptation takes place with her. But I’m not afraid that she won’t understand “who is mom” and which of “her” ones to get used to, because I’m still in front of my eyes - I’m fiddling with her, with Seva at the same time, and the nanny is a great help - to hold in my arms, take a walk, change clothes. And I do Masha (riding gymnastics-pools-skating), cleaning-cooking, Sevun the bully and there is sorely lacking time. What will happen when I go to work - I'll never know! How others cope - I can not understand !! But, with Natakha, I’ll probably wait a little and leave work for a year - my husband doesn’t drive yet :))

But this is from last year, now we have it until January, so the amount was left the same. But she plans to work for 40 rubles an hour. By the way, she has 5 of her children, so for her 2 is "elementary".
It seems to me that the amount of 40-45-50 rubles is quite real, and if it is also at home, then it can be less.
I am very satisfied with the nanny, a decent and responsible person. I am sure that the "goodness" of a nanny does not depend on the amount you pay her.
Our house is quite heaped up, bureaucratic, and a babysitter girl walked with us, who was paid 650 dollars a month. a very good young girl, with a higher pedagogical education, she is polite, she will never raise her voice to a child, she was engaged in educational games with her, etc. etc.
Only now the child for some reason was simply completely unbearable and ill-mannered. We just left the sandbox, because the constant shouting: This is mine, give it back! and get away! I won't play! the nanny did not react in any way, did not consider it possible.
As a result, the girl has very big problems in the kindergarten, although it is expensive and considered very good. 11/01/2002 21:10:10, cuckoo

Oh, it's about us. I have a nanny with two. 2 years old and 6 years old. Nanny 60 years old, kindergarten teacher with 40 years of experience. I am satisfied with her. I pay 50 rubles per hour. But my friend in Novokosino paid her nanny 30 rubles, so here you can agree. There are some nuances when there are two children, and even two of different ages. Almost all nannies have their favorites. Someone is easier and more interesting with Anya, someone with Natasha. Ideally, of course, an even relationship is necessary, but a slight advantage in one direction is quite acceptable.
When there are two children, it would be better if the nanny had a ped. an experience.
Our nanny does homework with Anya, takes her to gymnastics, plays with Natasha, cooks food for the children.

Finding a job as a nanny without experience is not an easy task. After all modern parents they are very demanding of the person to whom they trust the most precious thing - their baby. They want the nanny to not only take care of the child during the day, but also teach him the basics of etiquette, literate speech and foreign languages, and also know the features of baby food and the main symptoms of colds. How to get a job as a nanny without experience? What helps to increase the chances of a new babysitter finding a job? Where to look and what nuances to consider?

The ideal nanny - how her parents see her

Knows how to interest and win over the baby at the first meeting. This is a good signal for parents - the child, at least, will not be bored.

Has a secondary special or higher Teacher Education . So, he knows how to behave with children. Additional arguments in favor of a nanny without experience are knowledge of one or more foreign languages, as well as developmental techniques, the ability to play musical instruments.

It has medical education . This means that it can critical situation provide first aid to the child.

Appearance and age. From the point of view of many parents, the ideal nanny even without experience this is a woman of 35-50 years old, calm, neatly dressed, without defiant make-up and bright manicure. It is desirable that she had her own children. Also, many employers do not hire women with overweight. After all, children of any age for a full physical development you need to walk a lot in the fresh air and play in outdoor games. It will be hard for a full nanny to run and jump for a long time with the child.

9 unwritten rules things a novice nanny should keep in mind

  1. Interview. During the interview, a potential novice nanny should behave naturally, not overplay, provide only information about herself that is true.
  2. Contact with the child. If the nanny could not find an approach to the baby at the first meeting and win him over, then the probability that she will not be able to do this later is close to 100%. In such a situation, it is better to look for another family.
  3. understatement. All the nuances regarding work and payment should be discussed immediately. This will help avoid misunderstandings in the future.
  4. Nanny is not a friend of parents. Even if between the nanny and parents developed warm relationship, you should not climb into their lives with advice. It never ends well.
  5. Too much desire help. No need to rush to the baby's mother, lying on the sofa, with a cup of tea. The duty of a nanny is to look after the child.
  6. A nanny is a “second mother” for a child, only when parents are not at home. The nanny cannot scold or feel sorry for the baby if his dad and mom are nearby.
  7. Desire to take over additional responsibilities . Often, a nanny without work experience, in addition to caring for a child, tries to additionally wash, iron, and mop the floors. Employers rarely pay for such initiatives. Moreover, parents may think that the nanny is hinting at a salary increase.
  8. "2 in 1". Before you take on the duties of a nanny and, for example, a cook, you need to soberly assess your strengths. You get fired for poor quality work.
  9. "Black list" of nannies. There are special Internet resources with "black lists" of nannies. You can get into them by different reasons- for untidy appearance, for negligent performance of their duties, ignoring the wishes of their parents. If a nanny gets on such a list, it means the end of a career.

Nanny job without work experience and education - where to look

Acquaintances, friends, relatives. If a nanny needs a job, you can turn to friends or acquaintances. Many parents prefer to have a person near their child whom they know well personally.

Recruitment Agencies. If a potential nanny has no experience, then the agency will offer her to take special courses (at her own expense) in order to increase her chances of finding a job. Upon completion of these courses, a certificate is issued.

Also, reputable agencies, before adding a nanny to their database, spend time with her special testing on the willingness to work as a nanny: how she will behave in various non-standard situations, what she can offer the child, etc. - about 100 questions.

When looking for a job as a nanny without work experience, almost all serious agencies advise to conclude with parents labor contract. This will help the nanny to protect herself from unpleasant surprises, since the contract clearly states the schedule and working conditions, the presence / absence of sick leave and vacation, a list of duties, and the amount of salary.

Some agencies take away from the nanny for assistance in finding employment up to 50% of the amount of the first salary. Also, before starting work in the family, the nanny will be asked to undergo a medical examination and take tests at her own expense.

Internet. In the "services" section on any classifieds site you can put in a suggestion. The application must provide true information about yourself, as well as the desired age of the child, salary and working hours. If there is no experience at all, then it is better to try first