Merry congratulations on the anniversary. Funny birthday greetings. Cheerful greeting a friend's birthday

Choose good gift The best friend for his birthday is just half an end.

Equally important to pick up needed words, avoiding brought sneaks like: "Health, happiness in personal life, for long years"…

And so I want to please the culprit of the celebration with original and fun congratulations.

Original birthday greeting girlfriend: Scenario "Valled guests"

For this unusual congratulations, costumes will be required in the national key. And from the participants themselves - creative attitude and a bit of artistry.

Stage is designed for 5 people:

Costumes can be rented, but they are easy to cook with their own hands. So, the image of the Japanese is evoked with the help of a kamono, an umbrella or a fuel.
The hair on the head should be pulled high in the tight bundle and pierce it with a thick needle for knitting, put a light powder on the face, and in the eyelids black arrows. They will make a lookout look like real Japanese.

National clothes indian women Sari is a long cut of a tissue wrapped around the body. In our case it is suitable simple curtain. The main thing is to wear on the home-grown indian, all the decorations available in the house at the same time (earrings, rings, beads, bracelets) and put on the forehead "Bindi" - a red point, symbolizing the "Shiva Eye" Hindu.

Black stocking on the head, a curly wig, a bunch of ram on the neck and comic image of a representative african tribal Almost ready! For much importance, you can take pineapple or bunch of bananas.

Simple Ukrainian Calconts will help to portray a wide shirt rejected by a wide red braid, straw hat And drawn mustache.

Scenario congratulations

It remains only to enter the role and you can start:

Leading: Attention attention! Says and shows the TV and Radio Company "Pull TV"! A minute ago at the airport ... (city name, villages) made a landing transatlantic airliner of the company "Born to crawl, flying can" with a foreign delegation on board.
Representatives of different continents arrived at us at the table to congratulate the expensive birthday heart ... (name).

Now I conduct a report from the scene of the event, from the landing strip, where the desired ... (name and middle name of the birthday girl) meets its guests. Here they have already stepped on the ground. And I appeal to welcome word To the first foreign guest - Mrs. Tomimim Cocoso who came to us from the distant Japan!

Japanese: Our company "Sushi Khoztsi" green ... (name) -san enlightenment and give last Development Nasii Specialists - a set for minorization.

On the Museum of the exhibition he took insistence of Furore. Selovk, who had him, became Mozozhet right for moon day. Who saw surprised. He was the eighty of the Pyats, and was the twice of Pyats.

And I am invited to the Lord ... (Name) -shan in Tokyo Singing the company Watch Fujiyama, bit the kitchen, sniffing Sakura and stitch Sake with Lucia Sumurai Survey Sonosa!

Leading: We thank Mrs. Tomima Tokoso for nice words. And now we ask our Indian guest of Drai Shobha Chandra. What did you please for my birthday?

Indiana: ABOUT! Great Brahma! The charming beauty of Mrs. ... (name) is revealed as a lotus flower, a ringing voice is thrown as the water of the Holy Ganges, the white smile glitters as expensive pearls.

Her eyes brighter stars In the sky, and the skin is more gentle by the thinnest silk. In my homeland they say that it is not enough to be beautiful, you have to be happy. For true happiness, she needs an elephant (pause). I give mistress ... (name) of the real five-tailed elephant!

Leading: I can `t believe my eyes! On the third landing page from Boeing 747, a huge elephant is unloaded, a cell with parrots, several monkeys and a glasses of cobra.

I hope in the apartment names there is a place for these wonderful gifts! And now the word is provided with a guest from the hot Africa, the messenger of the Tribe Muccha.

African: And I give Mrs. ... (Name) Feather from Ostrich Tail and Crocodile Tooth from Angry Spirit!

And my leader wants strong, smart and beautiful wife. On the council, the tribe decided to do ... (name) wife of the leader of all Muccha and therefore, after the holiday, we fly in a distant Africa, where many wild monkeys. There ... (Name) will rule over Mucchas, to make a war of the choundder, prick of coconut and fry on the fire of the hippo carcass.

Our leader kindly forgives ... (Birthday name) Her husband ... ( male name) And lets it with the world. Yesterday Shaman will spend marriage ritual and announce ... (name) 148th wife of the leader Muccha.

Leading: And now the guest is the guest with neighboring Ukraine.

Ukrainian: Garna Walna Ivanko W PID Vinnitsa, Tse I mean, kind of Celag Satzia I give you a peak of a good savory gorgeon.

Viewo, Scho to the risk Treba Salo, the axis here is the taka Visisha Dornitsya. I walked to Litati Litati, so from fat and everything has written to the nervous system, it is roselablaned. Good, Shcho Stewardes did not give the Zhilinka to Kurkuvati, and so bi and the beach would not be dew.

And you, Yak, we have to do in Ukraine, good in the hut, penny in Kiechen, Health, Love, Schasty and beautiful Rumy Chodovik, Yak I!

It would be nice to make several pictures or video frames of this bright greetingsAlthough there is no doubt that the birthday girl will remember him for a long time ...

Unusual greetings from the best friend "Fun Semi-Fabric"

On the store shelves, you can often find kits for creativity "DIY". Their idea is simple and genius. You need to follow the instructions, bring the semi-finished product to the condition of the finished product.

The set for masters includes all the components necessary for creativity. Who better friend Does it know what a hobby set to choose to a birthday present?

If you connect a fantasy, collect such a set of personally and come to business with humor, you will get a very original surprise.

  • Amateur sewing You can present a set for the needlework "more sama" with scissors, threads and cutting up.
  • Emplooked flower It is suitable for a set of pot, package with earth, seeds and scoops. And do not forget to put a comic instruction in the box, telling how to grow the executive semi-degree flowers. For landing money tree Instead of seeds, put a coin.
  • If a friend likes to cook, I will appreciate the set of objects with a fun culinary recipe. For example:

    "PrintAv gift set "Chef", immediately go to the kitchen.

    Remove from the refrigerator chicken fillet, cheese, mayonnaise, mushrooms and pineapple. File parts Separate 7 mm thick layers using a ruler from the "Chef" set.

    Speak, salt and take them off as a beater from the "Chef" set. Then put slender rows on the baking sheet, greased in advance.

    Use for grease gauze tampon, which is located in the "Chef" set. Put on each piece to lay on one teaspoon of chopped mushrooms, pineapples, curious cheese and mayonnaise. Where to get a spoon you already know!

    Before use, do not forget to put a baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes.

    If a ready Product It will be more than you can eat, call the phone from a set "Chef". You are always ready to come to the help of chicken fans in pineapple. When you hear crackle behind the guests of the guests, know everything is done correctly. "

Chastushki from girlfriend

These cheerful couplets will be perfectly perfect on the lap of nature, if the birthday is celebrated in the country, in the village, in the forest glade.

However, for this music greetings In addition to the painted handkerchief and the violated cheek, there is still a ring voice and music for chastushk. If all this is available, it's time to start rehearsal.

We are good girlfriends
Friends together for many years
And in ... ohm (locality name) district
There is no better girl girl.

How we come to nature
Sucks everything around
Because resting
Birds, if we sing.

Smells of delicious kebabs
And the wine flows the river.
Ignor not for a joke
And we do not need peace.

There is a brazier, there is karaoke
There are matches, and there is firewood.
And there is a water in the well.
That's what a leptitude!

Why my girlfriend
Do not bite mosquitoes?
Because scared
Terrible beauty.

Earn on the farm,
The cheeks will be like beet.
And forgive ... (for example, Moscow-Capital, Smolensk Favorite),
Urban bustle!

Noise of the avenue, could and traffic jams
On the roads, the whole thing!
Let them live a calosa
Milk big naughty!

Glossy magazine for the best friend

Modern computer techologies allow you to print photos, mount movies, publish newspapers and magazines without leaving home.

A gift prepared in this way will always have to do. After all, so much labor, patience, inspiration and time is invested.

A good presentation for best girlfriend May be homemade magazine. This will require knowledge of graphic programs and a color printer.

In a binding workshop journal Pages Salaminated, make a solid cover and give the glossy look.

However, that the publication turns into spectacular gift Little bright paint, it is important to make a comic content that will resist each reader. So, let's begin.

  • Page 1: "Cover".
  • On the first page of the gloss you need to place the name of the magazine and the photo of the birthday girl close-up. Image Processing in Photoshop - great way To joke. By the way, on the Internet, this case has a lot of glossy magazine and booklets.

  • Page 2: "From the editor".
  • "All this release is devoted to one person - our expensive ... (surname, name, patronymic)! Today we tell her the warm words of love and raise glasses for the health of the birthday story. "

    Read in our room:
    Life of the culprit of the celebration (photo gallery).
    It is interesting or the whole truth about ... (name).
    Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the "Battle of Psychics".
    You congrate.

  • Page 3: Photo Gallery "Life of the Celebration of the Celebration".
  • "The fact that ... (the name) should hardly live all these years, it is unlikely that someone will surprise. With its energy and optimism in one place do not stop, and we can only wish to continue to continue.

    The people say that it is better to see once than hear than a hundred times. Therefore, we offer photographic materials telling about everyday life and holidays of the birthday girl more eloquent than any words! "

    Beautiful wife.

    Thoughtful daughter (mother).

    Loving sister.

    Perspective worker.

    Lucky businessman (fisherman, mushroom picker, etc.).

    The stronghold of the family.

    First culinary district.

    Hospitable mistress.

    The best friend of four-legged.

    True connoisseur feline beauty.

    "And this is not all the advantages ... (name). Charm, kindness, incredible latitude of the soul and much more, are well known to her relatives and loved ones ... "

    - These good Words It is enough to beautifully complete the photo report.

  • Page 4: "It's interesting or the whole truth about ...".
  • On the page "It is interesting" you can turn around, but you will have to get caught in search of suitable materials.

    We begin like this:

    "Birthday is the most wonderful celebration of all! Do you know why? Because on this day we stop our run to pay attention to those who appreciate and love.

    We were so preparing for this point that even conducted our own investigation! ... (Name) - Who is she? Where? And what can be expected from her? Read the answers in the heading "It's interesting or truth about ... (name)."

    You can submit information in the section:

    • About the name (which means, from what language is translated).
    • About derivative names (for example: Maria - Marusya, Mashuna, Musya, Manyunya, etc.).
    • About names (when celebrated).
    • ABOUT folk proverbs And sayings (for example: good Masha, but not ours).
    • About character.
    • On the sign of the zodiac, the elements of patripes, talismans, etc.
  • Page 5: "Individual predictions for ... (name) from the winner of the" battle of psychics ".
  • This is a fun and optimistic page.

    "We do not know whether our respected birthdaynica believes in the prediction of fate, but decided to seek help to the famous owner of the third eye ... (any name).

    The "star" of psychic with pleasure responded to our request and told about the future ... (The name of the heroine) a lot of interesting things. Recall that all predictions of the lead came true and continue to come true ...

    "I made up for ... (name) individual horoscope. For help I had to turn to stars, cards and coffee grounds. For ... (name) I have good news", I have told a clairvoyant.

    "All Dark, Gainless remained far behind. But there are someone in front pleasant surprises. According to the position of Heavenly, the luminaries I made a horoscope for the next five-year plan, with whom you can meet. "

    • Romantic trip to Paris.
    • Stormy Roman with Bruce Willis.
    • Large gain in Sportloto.
    • Acquisition of mink coats.
    • Opening in itself the gift of clairvoyance.
    • Purchase Villa by the sea.
    • The main role in the Hollywood film, etc.

    "When we asked fortuneulk the question as far as you can trust the horoscope, she gave an exhaustive answer. "I give 100% that predictions will come true, but only under one condition! ... (name) should believe everything ... "

  • Page 6: "You congrate".
  • Another comic page for which you need to make a selection of photos from the world "stars" to the beloved shopping cat.

    In the center of the collage will be located a small text:

    "A lot of telegrams with best wishes came to the editorial office of our magazine ... (Name). Unfortunately, our modest edition does not have the opportunity to place on their pages all that have received the mail.

    Bags with correspondence ... (Name) will be able to pick up at any time, and we print photos of the persons who wished their sincere congratulations in the heading "you".

  • Page 7: "Conclusion".
  • The last page is no less important than the first. It is good for her a poem or text with soulful strings. For example:

    "Here, dear ... (name), you turned the last page of our magazine. We hope that you were very nice to get such a birthday present.

    Do not be sad about the years lived. Over the years you have gained invaluable life experience, I became bright constellation in the life of friends and loved ones, took place as a professional, and revealed as one hundred percent woman! Some and a hundred years are little to catch all this.

    You have everything you can only wish anyone: beauty, mind, dignity and vitality. Such as you love and appreciate people. Keep a swallow step to go through life and, most importantly, believe that all the best and bright you still have ahead! Your girlfriends ... (names). "

    Pages in such a gift publishing may be more. It all depends on the creative enthusiasm of his publishers.

    At the "culinary side", you can print recipes for your favorite bedroom dishes, in the heading "Trail in History", put the materials about famous girls, in the "Poetic Living Room" - a selection of funny poems.
    And, of course, the more color headers, bright pictures, saturated photos, the better.

    There is no doubt that reading a colorful magazine will deliver birthday and her guests a lot of pleasant minutes.

    Thus, to congratulate a girlfriend happy birthday unusual and is not fun large LaborIf you approach the preparation process creatively and with a soul.

    The effect of a comic insignation, a humorous magazine, funny presents is always bright, and brings no less pleasure to their creators than the most guilty of the celebration.

    And one more original idea Congratulations Friends Happy Birthday you can look at the video:

    | | | | | | | | |

    Congratulation Birthday Birthday Merry

    Let them tell me that I was banal
    As bubble aspirin.
    I want to raise the winery crystal
    But to drink in the evening decline.

    I'm not alkash. I just wish
    You wish so much.
    And to come true everything - I know exactly
    The glass must be fixed.

    So, let's begin. Health, money,
    Children, love, more children.
    Good luck, courage in solutions
    And many favorable ideas.

    Where children are - there will be happiness.
    And understanding three hundred tons.
    Nobody will not forget you,
    Even in a million years.

    From verbal wishes
    Sounding in this evening
    I hope it will be understood.
    I sleep in a salad. My term came.

    Congratulations Merry for a man's birthday

    Today you have fun,
    He celebrates her birthday today.
    This holiday is like a presentation.
    And I hurry to you with congratulations.

    Happy birthday you congratulate you,
    Until midnight today we take a walk.
    Let you be lucky in your holiday,
    And the wizard key from happiness will bring.

    Merry Congratulations in Prose Birthday

    I want to wish you in the next years of your life to know all the subtleties and perversions of sin, but only in thoughts. But at the same time I wish you for your favorite drink a kefir of family life.

    Verse-congratulations happy birthday fun

    Congratulations! I wish you
    Forces for men and female attention
    Business to develop up the scale of the universal,
    Cold beer in a warm company.
    You can once again about female attention
    Bourgeois money in a leather wallet,
    Less in life to celebrate frozen,
    Walking wheel cool and light green,
    (To beer, I forgot, more salted),
    Our enemies dunk everyone in the sort
    And, accordingly, the world is around the world!

    Short Congratulations Merry Birthday

    Let my bright poem,
    Will be like furious jerk
    And the birthday boy is blind
    For alcohol in the refrigerator!
    Let the body do not get sick,
    In bed, the girl will warm up
    Penthouse will be awarded in the Maldives,
    Be always so beautiful!

    Cheerful greeting a friend's birthday

    What is a birthday?
    Cake, candles, congratulations!
    Guests drunk at the end,
    All with lipstick!

    Oh, like a pity, today I
    I can not be with you
    But congratulating the SMIS,
    Be beautiful and adorable!

    Original Merry Happy Birthday Congratulations

    What is needed in your birthday:
    So as not a creaking bed,
    So that breakfast in bed for you brought
    So that very much and firmly loved!

    Money so that the chickens did not get you
    And everything so that they have helped around everything,
    Such a congratulation is handing you
    And on the guests on the scenes of the Namig realed!

    Cheerful birthday greetings

    As important in life, everything is in time:
    Put the children and the house to give birth
    And build a tree don't forget
    And my wife-model would like to have ...

    All this will be with you, I know for sure
    In another order, maybe, but not the essence.
    You congratulate you on your birthday today
    And I will try to look at the evening!

    Happy Birthday Congratulations in Stee Merry

    I wish the devits to you red,
    To drive blood in the veins,
    Wines, vodka and sorbets of different,
    What an empty stomach love!

    Let the fun fairy tales splash,
    And let every joke will understand
    I won't build me here,
    Luck you in life waiting!

    Congratulations - Washing Merry Birthday

    I wish the keys from the car
    So that you never be sad!
    And whatever you want a man -
    Beauties with forms always
    Cold beer more,
    Salted fish under it,
    So that everything lasted always longer,
    Not irritated anything!

    Merry happy birthday greetings in verse

    I wish you health, success, wealth!
    And the money to lip to the palms and heels!
    I wish good luck and loyal friends
    Huge happiness And sunny days!

    Cool congratulations happy birthday from friend cheerful

    What to wish a man on the birthday of birth?
    More useful business meetings,
    And life is sweeter than the best jam,
    And do not know sexual diseases ...

    To love more in life,
    Preferably - several times a day!
    So that you all women love
    And warmed the soul and bed!

    Merry birthday greeting woman

    Birthday? Interesting.
    Congratulations we are!
    Where are our treats,
    Where is champagne, friends?

    This is mega-time and the most natural tea bucket in bags
    The last and only declassified developments only in 2011, in which Nina took the most direct participation, collecting herbs.

    The bouquet is delicious and how it turned out from it it turned out a very fragrant nice relaxing tea.
    There was a candy in a small box, and the main gift package.
    I really liked it))) Nina, once again thanks for you!

    Photo 7darov

    And once again check out - as soon as I have a mirror, I can delight myself and everyone around so harmonious photos!

    Photo 7darov

    Immediately in the context of this tea Gift Let me remind you about the idea instead of a postcard Write congratulations to the wishes on improvised labels for tea bags.
    Read more about this gift idea Read

    Photo for collage

    Congratulations gift idea number 2.But a gift donated to one good manWith which it is always nice to go hiking.
    We wanted to buy him a new karent (tourist mat) instead of the lost one. And she accidentally it happened that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe carpet was bursting with a long-standing man's dream about the carpet of the plane.
    All who still do not believe in the existence of this phenomenon, please carefully look at this photo. And this is a real carpet-plane! Without Photoshop!

    photo 7darov

    Congratulations gift idea number 3.Go ahead. On the photo a gift Ole, who gave me a starry sky (it was)

    It is a pity that I was in a hurry and a gift remained not covered by photographing in the process, but I'll tell you everything now.
    Inside a gift is shrouded in several layers of paper (some kind of diamond hand resembles how the main character did gypsum with jewels), on each of them posts with wishes.
    Pictures are selected on the Internet, this time everything from your favorite blog
    About how and where to select pictures and ideas for wishes I detail
    You can use your own photos, which is much more interesting, because of them can get something so beautiful .... Mega-Production)) about this in detail

    And back to the gift for the Olya)) The key idea of \u200b\u200bthe congratulations was embodied by a specially purchased toy - here it is in the photo.

    Photo 7darov

    You probably saw such: you beat it or very shaking and she starts glowing.
    And the wish is: "So that it happens, let it only make you stronger, wiser, and perceived internally easily! Let everything go to the growth goes for the benefit and increased the light of your smile and your soul! Wait - I did not go to the sea, and okay, So something else is more interesting to come in, and so on. "

    Photo 7darov

    Congratulations gift idea number 4.But how we were congratulated on this time happy birthday beautiful man And friends MAXX-A., with one of the gifts that is connected one very busy story

    Maxx this time knew what he wants, so TS main topic The gift was defined - these are two RAM strips. Bored. In the sense that there are no more pear and some big and useless nonsense do not give (kidding joking!)

    What did we come up with? With the filing of the Oli-colleague, which I just told you about, we came up with this. We will negotiate the story from the moment of donation - it will be much more fun.

    As a gift, the birthday room got a fan incomprehensible box (by the way, as it turned out, break the box from under high-quality shoes It turned out more challenging taskthan we expected)

    Photo 7darov

    Opened, and there a lot of pieces of paper, from which there is a lot of strange things, fees, halves of the keyboard (we keys in the box too "crumbled")

    On each subject of wishes and jokes - I love to write notes here what you can do - if rushing works will stop hard

    Photo 7darov

    Photo 7darov

    The subject for the subject and ... Hurray! Power supply (in this case, we are silent, of course)
    But Maxx himself guessed: "I hope that the gift is not in the power supply"

    Photo 7darov

    Hopes however did not justify

    Photo 7darov

    The power supply was disassembled and there was a long-awaited gift in it! Ta daa-AM! Congratulations!

    Photo 7darov

    Congratulations gift idea number 5.And this is one of the "ingredients" of a gift that I gave me the girls with whom we are engaged in Wushu. Meet the Chocolate Angel.

    And although the angels themselves are unusual creatures, this is a special variety. This is an angel keeper. It needs to eat and he will guard as it were from the inside, in general more reliable))

    Photo 7darov

    Congratulations gift idea number 6.By the way, by the way! I have long wanted to post a congratulation from big letters. And it was embodied))

    This is how a gift for marina looked: congratulations and a little sweetie

    Photo 7darov

    In the photo happy owner and died of candy))

    Photo 7darov

    Happy birthday greetings

    How much this day when
    Mutna verbal water
    When your house was suddenly a museum
    And there is no post away from friends -
    And turned everything into friends
    And the trash you rod, like in the museum! -
    And expectations are waiting for eats;
    I'm so confessing, I do not want.
    I go for a second
    And quietly in the ushko sip:
    Kitty! Happy Birthday!

    I want to wish you night long
    On my birthday, you have fun!
    On this day you can almost all
    You can even get drunk a little!
    Let the soul unfold and the heart sings,
    And do not want to miss today.
    This day is only yours, enjoy them in full,
    To have something to remember!

    Make a congratulations from all soul
    Today, on the birthday of your own!
    Let the sunny mood
    It suddenly suddenly thunderstorms!
    Let it be a light road,
    Let the sadness be silent!
    We wish life without anxiety,
    Love and devotees!

    Today is the holiday setting,
    Birth with you!
    Take everything you want
    And pleases that the eye!
    We wish you a member awards
    And the joy of cosmic,
    Male, beautiful faithful friendship,
    Love electric!

    how sunbeam In this world you came
    Spring beautiful sometimes.
    Nature resurrected and suddenly came to life
    As if admiring you!

    Around everything snakes and sings
    Waking up from long sleep.
    So let always live in your heart
    Hope, Love and Spring!

    Hot summer, like coolness,
    You came to the world of earthly.
    How to save as a reward
    As a sip of water alive!

    Mother, wife, sister, girlfriend
    You please us, loving.
    All glasses we are in a circle
    Raise you!

    how golden autumn Good!
    So many wonderful paints of her.
    Let him having fun and sow soul
    We celebrate your birth!

    In you so much light and heat
    We give us happiness, joy and peace.
    We thank we autumn, what gave
    You and your character gold!

    In a clear day of snow-white winter
    Your birthday we celebrate.
    Let the cold do not touch you,
    Be optimistic about life always!

    We wish you friendly from our family
    Happiness, health, good and love!
    Let it be embodied in the life of the dreams!
    We do not freeze when you are near!

    We wish the birthday girl now
    For years about your forgotten at least an hour
    Well, better for a day or even two
    To go around his head.

    We were close from childhood, you remember that
    And again gathered at a wide table
    Do not regret moments of lived days
    And, as before, we appreciate your best friends!

    We will praise you today
    Your birthday came!
    And in this bright day to congratulate
    I was first hurried.

    Take everything you need
    Open faith and dream.
    Live on the full coil
    Let everything be in beauty!

    So we, such all beautiful, brought beauty, put on new "bin", came today to congratulate you, so what does it say? The fact that your birthday is a holiday for us, and we are going for this table always with great pleasure. After all, we were not lazy to come here through the entire city with gifts and flowers who are in a hurry to give you.

    A person is, of course he sounds proudly, but to congratulate you somehow not trite, I want to spend some kind of analogy. It is no secret that the mechanical inventions serve much longer, and wears much less. So I want to your heart He worked like a motor, without interruptions, the eyes glowed like headlights, from happiness and joy and in anticipation of a new day, one hundred years to you without repair and a hundred, and the way of your life would be even and long-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-deed. Let me not get to the turns, and the steering wheel hold strong and confident hands. There are no goats in this way for this way. And if you spend this parallel to the end - then let the seat belt serve you to serve as your close and beloved person - hugs you gently, and keeps on this, sometimes difficult, life road.

    You wished so much on your birthday, I will add it to all of the above: let health be borsky, love in Brazilian TV shows, but money in the Swiss bank.

    When you were (a) a little (Koy) you wished - "grow big!" Now, probably, it will be a relevant wish "Never stop growing over yourself!" Perceive changes in your life as an amusing tripin which there will be many adventures and difficulties, but which will definitely end well, and your road will lead you home. Let your house be the place where you will be nice to return all the time, the place where you are always waiting and will take. I wish you to next day Birth to make a good deed, to make a dream and get rich. That is, enlarge the chest, relax on the Canaries and marry the oligarch. Look at how much the people gathered behind this table to tell you about how you are wonderful man, After all, we all came here exactly for this - to congratulate you. Do not you think you, what did the desire led us here just to drink and eat for your account? If you think so, then you are not right (a), although neither drink none of us will refuse us, but only for your health, just for him. Let the husband become your lover, the head of your subordinate, and the most fashionable and beautiful shoes There will be only your size. Happy Birthday! I wish you a birthday to intoxicate from happiness, to drink guests and so that the head did not hurt in the morning. You have absolutely everything for happiness - legs, hands and head, use all this carefully and carefully. Think your head, we have enough hands, and do not let down, try to end the whole world, to see as much interesting and meet as much as possible good peopleTo make us more and more for this table every year, because your main wealth is not money, and the people who surround you.