Runic formulas for the fulfillment of difficult desires. When to expect the result? This is how we use all our levels of consciousness.

This working formula for fulfilling desires will allow you to get whatever you want!

Below is a letter from our reader, which details the process of making wishes. We checked this information- the wish fulfillment formula works great!

Desires really come true precisely according to this principle!

This working technique wish fulfillment works great.

So, in order to fulfill your desires consciously, adhere to the following method-algorithm.

But first, a small digression in order to more accurately convey the essence of the work of this formula for fulfilling desires

When God created man (for now, we will adhere to this theory), he put three computers in his head:

1 - the brain, which controls all systems of the physical body.

2 - consciousness, which is responsible for processing information coming from outside.

3 - the subconscious, which stores the experience of all the lives of a given soul.

What is the peculiarity of the subconscious mind?

It does not process information, it stores it. Therefore, it is also called the unconscious. V certain period we can take information from there (so Mendeleev took his table, Newton took his law of attraction, the cook - the recipe for the Napoleon cake, Grabovoi - his number series and algorithms).

Everyone thinks that he has made a discovery, but in fact, all information is stored in the information matrix of the Universe, to which our subconscious is connected. It is a kind of two-way portal that accumulates experience, transfers information to the Universe and receives the necessary knowledge from it.

Why is it so difficult to superimpose new knowledge on old experience?

Because the subconscious mind "knows" that it is possible to act differently. It stores previous experience, and when the question of choice arises, he is guided by the experience when the person felt comfortable.

So out of 10 coded alcoholics, 7-8 necessarily fail. Why? After all, when coding, a person is taught that he may even die if he drinks alcohol again?

Because our subconscious knows that nothing like this will happen. He compares the previous experience, when the person was drunk and internally relaxed, and the present, when the person is on the verge of nervous breakdown... And the subconscious mind "protects" a person, offering him the best remedy for stress - a drink.

How can this knowledge be used? Working formula for the fulfillment of desires

All of our three computers are connected. If we want to fulfill our desire, then we need to use all of them, only then the conceived 100% is realized.

How can this be done?

This is how we use all our levels of consciousness!

The subconscious, "seeing the picture", understanding the essence of the desired, feeling positive emotions and correlating them with the moment “here and now”, he perceives the possible as real, preserving information as an experience. And since there was such an experience, then it can be used again, especially since the soul at that moment was happy.

This wish-fulfillment technique works 100%!

One of the important conditions!

When you build your desire, everything should be clearly articulated. You shouldn't have a thought: "Where will it come from?" Trust your subconscious mind - it will find the answer.

And more - try to think positively. Your life and the fulfillment of your desires depend on your thoughts. If you even work out this formula for the fulfillment of desires, but thoughts arise in your head: “This is impossible,” “I never succeed,” and the like, your desire will never be fulfilled, because the law of attraction will work.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy - Russian leader cult, the creator of the new religious movement "The doctrine of universal salvation and harmonious development", The founder of the" DRUGG party ", who declared himself" Jesus Christ in the Second Coming "(

The human brain is not used in full force: many of its capabilities are still a mystery. The ability to foresee the future, intuition, influence on objects with the help of thought - magic and nothing more. The laws of the structure of the world deny all these "unreal" processes and actually put an end to the more dynamic development of mankind. But what if, after all, there is some kind of force within us, and it can be described and made to work for our purposes?

In 1975, John Kehoe, creating a symbiosis of science and spirituality, deduced a formula that makes you look at human brain differently. He spent several years in the forest and developed a principle that at one time created a crushing sensation and opened up new possibilities for the development of brain power. You've probably heard the phrases "thoughts are material" or "our subconscious mind can do anything." Well, the followers of this life credo are known all over the world: Arnold Schwarzenegger, for example, loves to talk about how he really knew about all the achievements ahead of time, imagined how they happened to him.

Create new universe not that difficult. And managing it or moving towards your goals more dynamically is doubtful, but tempting. We will tell you what techniques are available for execution and why they are considered effective.

The brain affects what is happening around

Ironically, but a person resorts to changes only when everything starts to fall and hands. How more once the thought repeats itself, the great strength and it has the likelihood of being realized. The first step to get started new life: all you need to do is follow the direction and formulation of your thoughts.

You want to earn a lot and not deny yourself anything, but not enough. While you are focused on this, while frantically paying bills or even groceries in the store and thinking that further you will have to tighten your belts even tighter; as long as you torture yourself wondering how to deal with the situation, you will not achieve anything. If you strive for stable and high earnings, then you do not need to tune yourself into the fact that there is not enough money and how poor and unhappy you are: this way you only worsen the situation. "A successful person always has a consciousness set for success."

The world around you and its perception will not change until you develop a new type of consciousness. After all, you are a sculptor: either create another piece of art, or leave a piece of marble useless to take up space in the room. And the main thing to remember: you can benefit from what you do, or feel inaction on yourself! Think about what could happen to you in the future, what you would really like; just project it onto the present.

You need to be able to qualitatively visualize your desires

In order for the Universe to understand what you want to achieve, you need to articulate it clearly and clearly. It will be enough to follow five simple rules which you've probably already heard:
- formulate a goal;
- relax: take a breath, draw, read. Let go of thoughts!
- for a few minutes, imagine what you want to achieve;
- always imagine that what you want is here and now. Begin to play your part, formulate clear objectives and details;
- repeat the thought every day, you can even several times;

What lives in your head will begin to influence your life and events in it. Don't be afraid to expand your thoughts! Remember that making sure you have already achieved what you want is the foundation of the foundation; think of it as already accomplished. If you have an interview, for example, then think of it as if it has already passed! And don't forget to congratulate yourself. Try to think that the goal has already been achieved. And most importantly - believe it!

Thoughts should be good for you

The brain can only contain one thought, not three / five / ten at a time. Use your time and resources wisely. All the thoughts that arise in your head should be good for you and help you achieve your goal.
Avoid phrases that spoil your positive attitude:
"I'll never get it."
"I will never do it."
"It's impossible".
"I will fail."
"I don't know how to communicate with people."
"I know I'm going to make a mistake."
"I always fail."

We quickly forget that we have already achieved something, the joy of success. We are starting to focus on new goals and heights. Do not forget to repeat and remind yourself of how great you are, what achievements you have behind you!

What does intuition do?

The way you relate to life will help develop both you and your intuition, so this is where it is worth focusing. Respect her, and you will create a conducive environment for her to work. If you perceive it as a normal and natural phenomenon, useful and effective, it will definitely prove itself.

When a problem comes your way, you yourself are both the cause and the solution. If you are careless and weak, this ballast will pull you lower and lower. Build your self-esteem! Learn to perceive your stresses and problems in a more positive way: this is not an obstacle, but an opportunity. Successful person believes that life is full of opportunities and they should not be missed! And most importantly, remember: sometimes it is enough just to believe.


Do you want all your wishes to come true on time? Then in this article you will learn about what runic formulas are for the fulfillment of difficult desires, the features of working with them. Happy reading and successful work!

How you can fulfill your desires with the help of runes

There are a number of runes, the specificity of the work of which is aimed at fulfilling the innermost human desires. For getting desired result, the operator is required to clearly formulate the ultimate goal. Learn more detailed information about the ancient Scandinavian symbols, the method of working with them, you can in the free book by Sergey Savchenko "Evening tea by candlelight and tarot cards".

To enhance the effect of the runic formula on the fulfillment of desire, the application of an image on a person's personal thing will help. It is allowed to use a temporary tattoo with the necessary symbols. Should be carried with you until your plan is fulfilled.

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Note. The most famous wish-granting rune is Vunyo. This sign will help any person to realize the existing potential necessary to achieve the set goal.

Runic becoming on the fulfillment of a desire with a reservation, like the formula, will help to achieve what was conceived for the maximum short time... This effect is achieved due to the presence of several powerful symbols - the desired energy becomes more concentrated and focused.

Note! When compiling the necessary runic staves, please note that some ligature runes can conflict with each other

Basic rules for drawing up runic staves

When working with staves, it is important to strictly adhere to a number of the following rules

  • Outline the main goal for which you need to become
  • When combining various runes into one ligature, remember - they should not conflict with each other.
  • For negative actions use dark runes and vice versa
  • The first rune in the formula is the symbol that starts its work. Others can go in no particular order. The desired result must be known before drawing up the rate
  • The combination is drawn in a circle. Lines of knitting are arranged vertically or diagonally - it all depends on the specifics of the stav
  • Use only runes in an upright position. The exception is specific stakes
  • Symbols should not be located close to each other

Popular bets on the implementation of the desired

Here are examples of popular bets aimed at achieving the desired:

Becoming "3 Thrones"

The purpose of the stav is the fulfillment of desires. Consists of a combination of Vunyo - Teivaz - Vunyo

Symbols can be carved into wood or lignite. After an agreement on the final result - it is burned, the ashes are carried with them in a linen bag until the required result appears.

Becoming "Savromat"

The purpose of this combination of runes is to achieve the set goal, to get what you want. Consists of the following runes - Uruz, Teivaz, Raido, Yera, Soulu, Turisaz, Kveort, Eyvaz, Fehu, Nautiz.

In the work with the above set, the final result should be clearly indicated. When negotiating, you can list the barriers that may stand in the way of achieving the goal (optional).

Runic formula "Straight to the target"

The combination allows for a breakthrough in certain areas of the operator's life, achieving the desired result regardless of the existing obstacles. Consists of the following runes: Yera, Kano, Inguz, Soulu, Teivaz, Gebo.

The use of the runic formula allows you to collect, accumulate energy from the surrounding world, with the exception of factors that prevent you from reaching a certain goal. The combination does not harm the operator, highlighting only the qualities necessary to achieve the intended.

To make difficult desires come true faster, use one of the runic staves listed below.

Becoming "Getting everything you want"

The task of this formula is to fulfill any, even difficult-to-achieve goals, to make a breakthrough in the area previously agreed by the operator.

A brief transcript of the runes included in the becoming.

  • Wunyo: Luck, prosperity, well-being
  • Gebo: Receiving the Gift
  • Soulu: Victory, Dominance, Integrity, Power
  • Perth: Creating a Gateway to Achieve Goals
  • Laguz: Development of operator intuition, which will suggest optimal solutions
  • Fehu: Material / spiritual property, well-being

Used runic combinations in the formula.

  • Gebo + Vuno: Getting the desired result
  • Soulu + Fehu + Gebo: Wealth in all spheres of life
  • Soulu + Fehu: You can use a combination to charge the financial sphere

Note. When drawing up the agreement, be sure to indicate the area to which the runic effect will be directed

Runic becoming "Dreams Come True"

The goal of the stav is to achieve goals, to translate the wildest dreams into reality. Consists of Fehu, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hyera.

The clause must contain the following points

  • Achievement of the set goal without harm to the operator
  • Finding comfortable ways to implement your plans
  • Work without harm to amulets charged for similar or other purposes

Becoming the "Golden Fish"

Runic becoming on the fulfillment of a wish " gold fish»Has been repeatedly tested for success, like the previous formulas. You can use it to achieve any goal. Consists of the following Scandinavian symbols: Dagaz, Fehu, Otala, Hyera,.

As in the previous examples, the disclaimer is drawn up taking into account the specific goal to which the influence of the runes will be directed. Drawn up arbitrarily.

When to expect the result?

If you have followed all the above instructions correctly, the result will not be long in coming. Typically, the effect is in the range from three days up to a month - it all depends on the strength of the runes used.

Note! The main task of the runes is to open the gates for new opportunities, the implementation of what was conceived in all spheres of life. Most importantly, do not ignore the chance you get, otherwise the formula will slow down or stop working. Be carefull!

You can get this knowledge at free mini-course "Secrets Hidden in the Runes".

Desires - simple, everyday, or, conversely, grandiose, every person has while he is alive. This normal condition souls - to want something more or something better than you have. In order not only to want, but also to receive the cherished, one must know how to correctly formulate the desire. There are many tips on what and how to say, but it is better to write it down, and everything will certainly come true. Oh, if only it were that simple! Then in the world there would not be a single unfortunate, poor, sick ... But what is in reality? Why is the universe Higher power or someone else is not in a hurry to fulfill the conceived? Is it only because there were mistakes in the wording? In our article we will tell you not only how to correctly formulate a desire, but also how to make the Universe pay attention to it, how to activate the process of its fulfillment. The information we provide is based on knowledge and practical experience magicians, as well as on the opinions of scientists dealing with energy issues of the World Space.

Why the Universe makes wishes come true

You can find a lot of information that our Universe will certainly fulfill all desires, if only to properly voice them and transfer them directly to the Heavenly Chancellery. The result depends on the knowledge of how to correctly formulate your desire for the Universe. And how many people imagine what kind of sorceress this is, the Universe (or, as they say, infinite space in space and time)?

Scientists have already established that we humans are not easy dangerous mix material and spiritual. Each of us is a small microcosm, a separate unique Universe. Special energy fields surround and permeate it. Their nature is such that they absorb our thoughts every second - bad, good, all indiscriminately. Thus, a specific energy environment is created around us, which, according to still unclear laws, seeks to attract to us what we have thought up into it. And she pulls everything in a row, even what is not needed. An example of this is complaints about an unhappy life. He who cries a lot lives like that. Therefore, the first law of fulfilling happy desires is to think only of good things in any situation, and as often as possible. But it is strictly forbidden to complain, cry so that others feel sorry for you, think that nothing will work out for you, and the like.

What prevents dreams from coming true

Everyone wants to know how to correctly formulate a desire so that it comes true. And after doing everything, they wonder exactly why nothing changes. Perhaps if we lived on desert island, then wishes would come true more often. But our small Universes, to which we have given the installation for the fulfillment of desire, constantly come into contact with dozens of other similar Universes, the owners of which "write" to them each one of their own. Energy interactions between these very sensitive fields can erase records or correct them in a completely unnecessary direction. How can you influence this? No way. Only more often "overwrite" your own until it is fulfilled. In simple words, you need to wish for something often. This is especially good when no one and nothing distracts. Then you can fully concentrate and make the energetic "record" of desire especially strong, one that is difficult to erase. In general, it is ideal if you have the same dream with someone close to you, for example, your mother and you really want you to go to college. Then the "record" for one and the same desire will double and, accordingly, increase.

Which is better - to pronounce wishes or write them down?

Some, saying how to correctly formulate a desire, warn that it must be written down without fail. Basically, it's all the same for energy fields. Writing a desire on paper is necessary, first of all, for yourself. What for? Because not everyone can produce their own thought-forms with the same force. Therefore, a desire formed only in the mind does not always work. If a person perceives desire both in the mind and visually on paper, it receives an additional charge of energy. But, regardless of whether you wrote it down or said it out loud, you must visualize what you want out of life. This should be done to such an extent that you can smell desire, taste, see its color. Example: if you dream of getting a certain position, you need to mentally see yourself at the desired job every day. You can start to imagine this with how in the morning you are going to your new job, dress, comb your hair, ride in transport, then - how you are met, what you are told, how you sit at your desk, etc. Moreover, you need to visualize in great detail, right down to the color of your shoes or the taste of coffee that you on your new position will bring a caring secretary. In other words, you need to learn to mentally live in your already fulfilled desire.

Where to record dreams

For those who find it difficult to visualize, it is important to learn how to correctly formulate a desire on paper. Many advise to start for this special magazine called "The Book of Desires".

It is clear, it is needed only for you. By creating it, decorating, making out, you will conduct a kind energy ritual, with the help of which a simple notebook, bought in an ordinary stationery department, will turn into a magical assistant. How do you make such a book? First you need to look at a notebook with loose leaves. His appearance and the price depends only on your taste. At home, when no one is in the way, you need to design this notebook beautifully, adding your preferences to the decor. They can be color, lace, ribbons, pasted photos of flowers. Thus, you seem to bind this notebook to your energy. On the cover or on the first sheet you need to write your name and the words "Book of Desires". Some people advise adding "Dedicated to the Universe." You need to write in the Book without crossing out, diligently. Every desire needs to be allocated separate sheet, and after execution - to pull it out and burn.

How to correctly formulate desires, examples

The book is ready, now you need to know what to write in it. Everyone has their own desires. Someone needs fame, someone needs to get well ... And nevertheless, all desires for general rules... There are only six of them:

1. Write as if the desire has already come true, for example, not “I want to go” or “I will go to Egypt”, but “I am going to Egypt”.

2. Eliminate the "not" particle. For example, not "I am not sick," but "I am absolutely healthy."

3. Do not harm anyone with your desire. For example, not “I took the place of the boss Tanya Ivanova,” but “I received a wonderful high-paying job, which is worthy. "

4. Do not bet specific dates... Why? You and I have one time frame, and the Universe has a different one. A mismatch can destroy all efforts altogether.

5. Do not give specific names. For example, not “I am the wife of Petya Ivanov, whom I love very much,” but “I happy wife the most beloved man. "

6. Don't write down too many details. They are good at rendering, but they get in the way of recording.

When to wish

Sorcerers believe: it is important not only how to correctly formulate a desire to make it come true, but also when to do it.

Traditionally, everyone makes wishes while the clock strikes New Year... It is believed, and not without reason, that at this time the fulfillment of the plan is most likely. Making a birthday wish in front of the candles burning on the cake is also productive. Another day that sorcerers recommend is the 27th. Nobody can explain why exactly it is, but it works. And not only the day of the calendar, but any number 27. This can be the number of sweets bought and eaten during the guessing process, the price of the product, the house number, looking at which you pronounce your wish, etc.

Also, magicians advise all desires to make plans on the growing moon, especially those related to profit.

Science desires

Not only magicians, but also scientists are trying to answer how to correctly formulate a desire for it to come true. Only they do not use witchcraft, but reason. You are asked to draw a circle to represent the wheel of fortune. It will roll smoothly through life if it is without curvature. In the drawn wheel (circle) we draw 4 spokes, that is, we divide it in half and again in half.

It turned out to be something like a cross. At the top we write: "Body". This includes food, health, recreation, sports. On the contrary, at the bottom we write: "Work". This includes everything related to it - tasks, reports, meetings. On the left we write “Spirituality”. This is our self-improvement, work on self-knowledge, the discovery of something new. On the right we write: "Contacts". These are our friends, relatives, acquaintances. The filling of the wheel should be 100%, that is, each segment needs to be allocated only 25%, otherwise it will be skewed and will roll through life with only "eights". Therefore, desires in the sections "body", "work", "spirituality" and "contacts" need to be distributed equally. For example, you cannot dream about marriage, and only about it. You need to additionally set yourself some other goals in working on yourself, in developing your spirituality (suddenly you learn something useful for the same marriage).

Hope for the Universe, but do not make a mistake yourself

Even if you know exactly how to correctly formulate a desire, you cannot rely only on the Universe. You need to try a little yourself, because it falls into open mouths only in fairy tales. Therefore, it does not hurt at all, next to the desire, to write point by point what is needed to fulfill it. Here's a simple example: you want to get well. But if not treated, health will not appear by itself. To take another example, you wrote "I'm slim" in your notebook. Make an additional plan for yourself from very small desires:

I refuse cakes;

I don't eat at night;

I went in for sports.

The same can be said about other desires.

How to get rich

In our time, the question of how to correctly formulate the desire for money is the main one, because without them you can lose everything else. It is not superfluous, wanting to have a lot of money, make a plan to get it. Not only work can enter it, but also, for example, big win or something else. The main thing is that the ways to achieve your desire should not harm anyone. Further, writing down the thought about future money, you need to formulate a phrase like "I am rich, I am happy and glad." Magicians are advised to consolidate their application in the Universe. There are many rituals for this, but we offer the simplest one. In the stillness of the night on the growing moon, put a mirror, light a candle in front of it (preferably a green one), sit down, look at the flame and do your best to see yourself as successful, rich, and happy. The more bright live pictures appear before your eyes, the faster your wish will come true. How? Fate will tell.

How to correctly formulate a desire for marriage (example)

This question interests every single girl. Of course, if you write "I am the wife of a beloved man" and sitting at home waiting for him to appear, you can not sit out anything. It is necessary, as already mentioned above, to take certain steps myself - to lead active image life, make new acquaintances, travel, work on your appearance, go to discos in the end. You can also try to trust marriage agencies. Some of this will work.

Often women who have known betrayal and separation ask how to correctly formulate the desire for marriage. The attachment of women to their "ex" can become a hindrance to the fulfillment of the enigma. unforgiven grudges, plans for revenge. One can only advise - either fight for your destroyed happiness and not dream of a new one, or throw the past out of your head, tear it out of your soul, sincerely wish "him" all the best, thereby clearing a place for happiness in your energy field. Until this is done, the past simply will not allow the new to gain a foothold there. And you can write down the desire like this: "I am a happy and beloved wife, I have a very good, loyal and devoted husband"


In conclusion, I would like to say that desires are fulfilled only when we are fighting for it. The paths are different. Someone bets on the correct entries in the "Book of Desires", someone is trying to achieve everything himself. And the best way is to combine these two paths into one, that is, to use some magic of fulfilling desires, at least in the form of writing them down in a notebook and in daily visualization. And in parallel with this, make efforts to bring the deadline closer. The main thing is not to create happiness for yourself at the expense of the unhappiness of others. The universe does not accept such methods.

In this article, we would like to tell you, or rather remind you, about the wonderful Formulas of Abundance.

Formula Money

This technique is very effective when we need a certain amount of money, and in a short time. The essence of the technique is to write down the phrase on paper every day for a week: “Cosmic abundance is manifested by the flow of money in my life.». And you need to prescribe 54 times, no more, no less!

It is also very important not to get distracted during the writing process. An option to write ten times ... go for a coffee ... come back, prescribe twenty more ... go to stir the soup .... etc. does not fit! You need to prescribe 54 times without any distractions! And, as we said, do it every day.

By the way, it is not necessary to write by hand, it is quite acceptable to do it on a computer, of course, only on condition that you actually type the formula 54 times, and do not copy it :).

If you want to receive best result, it is better to do this exercise twice a day, morning and evening.

The formula for the fulfillment of desires

Choose one, the strongest and most sincere desire, think about it, immerse yourself in it, imagine that your wish has already come true! Now repeat the phrase 108 times in a row:

My wish is fulfilled.

It is filled with power.

Power is given by God.

Please pay attention to the fact that the desire must be SINCERE !!! Those. it should be exactly what you really want in this moment, not what you need!

Let's say you urgently need to repay the debt, and at the same time you, pah-pah, have problems in personal life... And more than anything else, you want everything to work out ... but you also have to repay the debt ...

Debt repayment in this situation is not sincere desire, and it is categorically impossible to use the Formula of the Fulfillment of Desires for this!

Formula of Gratitude

Thank you, Abundance.

Thank you, Strength.

Thank you, Luck.

Formula of strength

I can do everything.

Many of you already know this formula, it is she who is the most popular modern affirmations. But, as we have already said, it is not correct to perceive the Sun Light formulas as affirmations. AND this formula you need not just repeat, but repeat 100 times in a row.

Formula of joy

My joy is to receive.

My joy is to give.

(God is with you, God is with me)

You need to repeat this formula whenever you give something, when something is given to you, when you change something, buy, find, sell ...

Ideally, repeat it daily, at least 100 times, and better and more :).

I wish you happiness and fulfillment of your most cherished desires!

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