A win-win formula for fulfilling your desires. Runic becoming "Dreams come true." When to expect results

Words are power, human expression, and the most important tool . They shape reality. Wizards known at all times knew how to use them: Merlin, Agrippa, Morgana, Paracelsus.

Every word has a thought behind it. What you think about is what you say.

More often, modern people express their dissatisfaction with words. Each of us is constantly dissatisfied with something. Only 5% of the words spoken in a day express Love. What should be the conclusion? Watch what you say.

It is better to remain silent, while closing your mouth, until some bad word has changed in the worst side your reality. Do it every day.

Talk about what you like.

You will begin to attract into your life the people and things that you dreamed about or hung pictures of them in your dream collage. All the most secret will come true.

Everyone is afraid of NLP. Programming scares them. But, nevertheless, you are constantly programming yourself using the power of the word.

Every word is part of your power as a true Creator own reality. It is hidden within you until you start talking.

A small list of 2 magic words

I use them in my daily practice to make my dreams come true. In the following posts, I will tell my stories, how I use these words, and what exactly comes true for me.

Your most will come true secret desires, you'll see.

1 word - "I command"

Very strong word, which you need to experience before you start using it. Repeat it as many times as necessary, in your opinion, until you understand what you associate it with. You need to get used to it, grow together with it as one. It should be comfortable to say "I command!".

“I command that all visitors to my blog site become regular readers!”

Remember, you are the master of your life.

2nd word - thank you

You GIVE GOOD! Thank you - a perverse form of the real word "thank you." The informational message to Heaven (the Higher Self) is much stronger in the second "spell".

In moments of elation, say: “Thank you for the good weather today / I earned $ 200 / went to relax by the sea (it is advisable to indicate “what kind of sea?”)!”.

In this formula, the word "thank you" is the power and expression of your confidence that you already have the way you want. Yes, in fact, there is no desire, but it will appear, because we live in one point. I already wrote, be sure to read.

ABRAHADABRA - another magic word

This is a spell that ascends to the powers of the God of duality - Abraxas. I just started testing it and putting it into practice. As soon as I understand how and in what situations it works, I will tell you.

P.S. Dear reader of my esoteric blog, write in the comments under the post, in which words is contained Magic power. And also tell us how you work with them in your daily practice.

Kind sunny autumn day, dear readers of the solar portal ! Today we bring to your attention wish fulfillment formula, in order to change your life for the better. We will also show you why complaining and grinding problems worsens our life and makes it even more difficult and difficult. How to stop complaining? We have already touched on this issue in the article: “The fastest way to fulfill a desire is to defeat censure, condemnation and reproaches, but here we will consider this issue in more detail.

There is a universal verbal formula, which is represented by the following words:

I ask and give thanks for the well-being

With the help of this formula, it is easier for you to achieve satisfaction with your life, to fulfill a deep desire.

Research conducted by scientists from the Finnish University of Kuopio, which involved 22,461 people, confirmed that people who are satisfied with their existence live longer. Satisfaction they defined as "interest in life, a feeling of happiness and ease of being." A report published in the American Journal of Epidemiology in 2000 reported that perpetually dissatisfied members of the human race were three times more likely to die of disease than their happier counterparts.

And it's not about circumstances that either contribute to maintaining health and a sense of happiness, or vice versa. The most important thing is how we behave in a given situation. Do you live in good home, but it seems that others have better houses, and you are not happy with what you have? Or do you pay more attention to what you like about your home and the people who share this space with you? They say the neighbor's grass is always greener, but if you stop looking over the fence and thinking about someone else's grass, you will feel much happier and healthier. What matters is what you focus on and how you feel.

Why do complaints make our life even more difficult and worse?

We offer a great exercise that will help get rid of criticism and complaints!

How often do you complain? In Will Bowen's wonderful book A World Without Complaining, the author suggests trying to live 21 days in a row without expressing dissatisfaction. That is, to refrain from complaints, criticism and unfair nit-picking. He advises wearing a purple bracelet on the wrist of one hand and changing it to the other hand whenever you complain about something, criticize someone, or express your dissatisfaction in another way. This exercise becomes a real revelation. Most people have to change the position of the bracelet more than twenty times a day. You begin to realize what is happening. And after a fairly short period of time, many easily achieve an impressive result: four or five days in a row without a single expression of discontent. The difference in behavior is huge, and I'm sure it will have a positive effect on your health.

Complaints and criticism have become an integral part of our lives. We don't even notice when we say something like that. Expressing dissatisfaction becomes a habit. And it is extremely rare for him to really find objective reasons Most of the time it's about our perception. Someone will look at the same object in a completely different way. For example, you did not receive your order on time. And you complain: it ruined your whole day, knocked you out of the schedule. You "wind" yourself, tension arises in the body. Another person in similar situation he will not be upset at all, he will find something to do, and as a result it may well turn out that the forced delay came into his hands. Get upset or rejoice? You decide. But remember, your health depends on such decisions.

Our complaints also affect those around us. We do not think about what, in essence, resembles a tuning fork. If you hit it, the sound will be reflected from the surrounding objects. Start complaining - and hear complaints in response. All of a sudden, others also have a desire to look for reasons to complain. I noticed on myself: if a girlfriend tells me something positive, then I also begin to filter my news and talk only about my good news. And if she is depressed, complains, talks about problems, I, too, seem to be forced to adapt to her “world” and tell my bad news, thus increasing the negative situation in the world !!!

Filter the news. And then the interlocutor will be, as it were, forced to filter his own. IN American culture"Every psychotherapist has his own psychotherapist." It is not customary for them to complain to each other and listen to each other. "How are you?" - "Great. How are you?" "And I'm an allright." Here we talked. We have a habit of listening to each other. But now I prefer to listen only to those people who sincerely need my help, who WANT to change their lives, and not just sob into my shoulder. If everyone will cry to me, no health will be enough.

Thoughts and emotions stimulate actions, which in turn create your world. The sphere of our existence is formed by our ideas and attitude towards surrounding reality. Which world do you choose? This was the main theme of Will Bowen's book. Let's stop complaining and we can start building new world. AND SERVE good service to your body. Instead of whining, find something you can be grateful for. Gratitude breeds gratitude. The more reasons you find to be grateful, the more there will be. And this is very good for the heart.

This working formula for fulfilling desires will allow you to get everything you want!

Below is a letter from our reader, which details the process of making wishes. We checked this information- Wish fulfillment formula works great!

Wishes really do come true!

This work equipment wish fulfillment works great.

So, in order to fulfill your desires consciously, adhere to the following method-algorithm.

But first, a small digression in order to more accurately convey the essence of the work of this wish fulfillment formula.

When God created man (we will stick with this theory for now), he put three computers in his head:

1 - the brain that controls all systems of the physical body.

2 - consciousness responsible for processing information coming from outside.

3 - the subconscious, which stores the experience of all the lives of this soul.

What is the nature of the subconscious?

It does not process information, it stores it. That is why it is also called the unconscious. IN certain period we can take information from there (thus Mendeleev took his table, Newton took his law of attraction, the cook took the Napoleon cake recipe, Grabovoi¹ took his number series and algorithms).

Everyone thinks that he has made a discovery, but in fact all information is stored in the information matrix of the Universe, to which our subconscious is connected. It is a kind of two-way portal that accumulates experience, transmits information to the Universe and receives the necessary knowledge from it.

Why is it so difficult to impose new knowledge on old experience?

Because the subconscious "knows" that it is possible to act differently. It stores previous experience, and when the question of choice arises, guided by the experience when a person felt comfortable.

So out of 10 coded alcoholics, 7-8 are sure to break down. Why? After all, when coding, a person is told that he can even die if he drinks alcohol again?

Because our subconscious knows that nothing like this will happen. He compares the previous experience, when a person was drunk and internally relaxed, and the present, when a person is on the verge of nervous breakdown. And the subconscious "protects" the person, offering him the best remedy for tension - drinking.

How to use this knowledge? Wish Fulfillment Formula

All our three computers are interconnected. If we want to fulfill our desire, then we need to use them all, only then the conceived 100% is realized.

How to do it?

This is how we use all our levels of consciousness!

The subconscious, “seeing the picture”, understanding the essence of what is desired, feeling positive emotions and correlating them with the moment "here and now", perceives the possible as real, keeping the information as an experience. And since there was such an experience, then it can be used again, especially since the soul at that moment was happy.

This wish fulfillment technique works 100%!

One of the important conditions!

When you build your desire, everything should be clearly spelled out. You should not slip the thought: “Where will it come from?” Trust your subconscious - it will find the answer.

Also, try to think positively. Your life and the fulfillment of your desires depend on your thoughts. If you evenly work out this formula for the fulfillment of desires, but thoughts will arise in your head: “It’s impossible”, “I never succeed” and the like, your desire will never come true, because the law of attraction will work.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi - Russian leader cult, the creator of a new religious movement "The doctrine of universal salvation and harmonious development”, founder of the “DRUGG party”, who declared himself “Jesus Christ at the Second Coming” (


Do you want all your wishes to come true on time? Then in this article you will learn about what are the runic formulas for the fulfillment of difficult desires, the features of working with them. Happy reading and good luck!

How with the help of runes you can fulfill your desires

There are a number of runes, the specifics of which are aimed at fulfilling the innermost human desires. For getting desired result, the operator is required to clearly formulate the ultimate goal. Learn more detailed information about the ancient Scandinavian symbols, the methodology for working with them, you can in the free book by Sergey Savchenko "Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards".

To enhance the effect of the runic formula on the fulfillment of a desire, drawing an image on a person’s personal item will help. It is allowed to use a temporary tattoo with the necessary symbols. It should be carried with you until the plan is fulfilled.

Exclusive bonus! If you are interested in Runes, you will definitely enjoy our  free mini-course  "Secrets Hidden in the Runes" ← Learn in 4 lessons features safe work with runic energy, how to use the Runes of Health and Wealth, and also...

Note. The most famous wish-fulfilling rune is Vunyo. This sign will help any person to realize the existing potential necessary to achieve the goal.

Runic becoming the fulfillment of desire with a reservation, like the formula, will help to achieve what was conceived for the maximum short time. This effect is achieved due to the presence of several potent symbols - the desired energy becomes more concentrated and focused.

Note! When compiling the necessary runic staves on your own, please note that some runes of ties can conflict with each other

Basic rules for compiling runic staves

When working with staves, it is important to strictly adhere to a number of the following rules

  • Indicate the main goal for which you want to become
  • When connecting various runes into one tie, remember that they should not conflict with each other.
  • For negative actions use dark runes and vice versa
  • The first rune in the formula is the symbol that starts its work. Others may go in any order. The desired outcome must be known before drawing up the stav
  • The combination is drawn in a circle. The tie lines are arranged vertically or diagonally - it all depends on the specifics of the stav
  • Use only runes in a straight position. The exception is specific rates
  • Symbols should not be located close to each other

Popular bets on the implementation of the desired

Here are examples of popular bets aimed at achieving the desired:

Becoming "3 Thrones"

The purpose of the stave is the fulfillment of desires. Consists of a combination of Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Symbols can be carved into wood or lignite. After an agreement on the final result, it is burned, the ashes are carried with them in a linen bag until the required result appears.

Becoming "Sauromat"

The purpose of this combination of runes is to achieve the goal, to get what you want. Consists of the following runes - Uruz, Teyvaz, Raido, Yera, Soulu, Turisaz, Kveort, Eyvaz, Fehu, Nautiz.

In working with the above stave, the final result should be clearly indicated. When making a reservation, you can list the barriers that may stand in the way of achieving the goal (optional).

Runic formula "Right on target"

The combination allows you to make a breakthrough in certain areas of the operator's life, achieving the desired result, regardless of the existing obstacles. Consists of the following runes: Yera, Kano, Inguz, Soulu, Teyvaz, Gebo.

The use of the runic formula allows you to collect, accumulate energy from the outside world, with the exception of factors that prevent you from achieving a specific goal. The combination does no harm to the operator, highlighting only the qualities necessary to achieve the intended.

To difficult desires realized faster, use one of the following runic staves.

Becoming "Getting Anything You Want"

The task of this formula is the fulfillment of any, even difficult to achieve goals, a breakthrough in the area previously specified by the operator.

A brief decoding of the runes included in becoming.

  • Vunyo: Luck, prosperity, well-being
  • Gebo: Receiving the Gift
  • Soulou: Victory, dominance, integrity, power
  • Perth: Creating a Gateway to Achieve Goals
  • Laguz: Development of the operator's intuition, which will suggest optimal solutions
  • Fehu: Material/spiritual property, well-being

Used runic combinations in the formula.

  • Gebo + Vunyo: Getting the desired result
  • Soulu + Fehu + Gebo: Wealth in all spheres of life
  • Soulu + Fehu: You can use a combination to charge the financial sector

Note. When drawing up a reservation, be sure to indicate the area to which the runic effect will be directed

Runic becoming "Dreams come true"

The goal of the stav is to achieve goals, the embodiment of the wildest dreams into reality. Consists of Fehu, Eyvaz, Turisaz, Hyera.

The clause must contain the following clauses

  • Achievement of the set goal without harm to the operator
  • Finding comfortable ways to implement the plan
  • Work without harm to amulets charged for similar or other purposes

Becoming a "Golden Fish"

Runic standing on the fulfillment of desire " gold fish» has been repeatedly tested for success, like the previous formulas. You can use it to achieve any goal. Consists of the following Scandinavian symbols: Dagaz, Fehu, Otala, Jera, .

As in the previous examples, the clause is drawn up taking into account the specific goal to which the impact of the runes will be directed. Compiled randomly.

When to expect the result?

If you have correctly followed all the above instructions, the result will not be long in coming. Usually, the action manifests itself in the range from three days up to a month - it all depends on the strength of the runes used.

Note! The main task of the runes is to open the gates for new opportunities, the implementation of what was conceived in all spheres of life. Most importantly - do not ignore the chance received, otherwise the formula will slow down or stop working. Be carefull!

You can get this knowledge free mini-course "Secrets hidden in the Runes".

Black stripe - white! [ Practical guide for managing one's destiny] Kharitonova Angela

Day 5 Wish Fulfillment Formula. Dealing with negative emotions

Wish Fulfillment Formula. Dealing with negative emotions


When a person does not work on the conscious creation of his life, but simply goes with the flow, life is still being built, but only somehow - without knowledge, without desire, without interest in the process on the part of its "owner". And here the same two forces that we have already talked about are mainly working - the power of desire and the power of fear. Why in the main? There are other forces that influence our destiny. In the formula, they are represented by the “fear” component. These are our negative emotions. Any of them is aggression against oneself, people and life in general - and produces fear or is a derivative of fear.

If life is modeled unconsciously, faith is too weak. Its quantitative and qualitative indicators are much higher when a person approaches life consciously.

Resentment is aggression little man", child. A child cannot fight back an adult, because an adult is strong and always right, so resentment arises. This is aggression that a person redirects to himself: resentment gnaws offended from the inside. If you often take offense, the child in you speaks. Resentment - faithful companions insecurity, self-pity and self-aggrandizement at the same time. All your strength is spent on an internal dialogue - about restoring "justice". If you leave resentment in your soul, three huge “minuses” arise: large losses of energy, fear of the future (“What if it happens again, with this or with another person?”) And the subconscious attraction of another similar situation into your life. Subconscious concentration on this situation, constant replaying it in the head simulates a similar situation in life. Like attracts like. Such is the law!

Anger is a more “honest” emotion than resentment. But when your anger lasts long enough and reaches the depths of the soul, it becomes no less destructive than resentment. If you have boiled a little and cooled down, already look at this situation philosophically or with humor - this is the most harmless option. If you are seriously angry with a person, then you get the same three negative consequences, which is offended.

Aggression and fear are two sides of the same coin. We get angry because we are afraid. And we are afraid because we are angry.

Envy is an extremely destructive emotion, which includes disbelief in one's own strengths (that is, aggression towards oneself), aggression towards the object of envy, aggression against life in general (“The world is unfair, everything is for him, but nothing for me”) and, of course, fear before the future as a consequence of such high level aggression.

Despondency is aggression towards oneself and towards the world (“I am bad, and there is nothing good in life”). And how will the world respond to you? As you know, he always answers "yes!".

Before you start working on building your destiny and fulfilling your desires, be sure to clear your inner world from aggression. Aggression against the world is the same as a cell that takes offense at the whole organism. The second step in such a cleansing will be working with fears.

Much has been said about the fact that forgiveness acts on a person in a magical, healing way. So do it for yourself! For your own happiness and health. Let go of all resentment. Do not litter your inner world with anger.

Each person has his own path, and if he walks along it, stumbling and falling, straying and, willy-nilly, hitting you, because you passed by, these are not your problems. But if you start to get angry, offended, or even worse - “to restore justice”, that is, simply to take revenge, they become yours. Mentally wish goodness and harmony to people who "hurt" you. Very often, after such a message, a person really stops showing aggression towards you, as he receives a portion positive energy. A plus for you and for him.

Today we are clearing negative emotions, resentment.

How to deal with past hurts

1. Take the situation as a lesson, a kind of strength test, which gives us life, and by and large - which we ourselves subconsciously model in order to learn something, to become stronger. After all, only strong man can save happiness. The weak often do not withstand the “suddenly” wealth, fame, love that has fallen on them and begin to degrade. Do you know examples of how people are spoiled by money and fame, how jealousy and selfishness kill love? I think it's enough! So take your hardships as preparation for your future happiness. From any life situation much can be learned from big minus to a big plus. As the saying goes, what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Even if this situation seems absolutely unfair to you, remember that there is still higher justice. The meaning of this situation, as well as what is its benefit for you, you will be able to understand only after some time.

2. Try in a state of trance to get into the shoes of the one who offended you and live his life. Try to feel the situation, the problems of the offender, his thoughts, his vision of the problem and his limitations. Sometimes it helps a lot. The exercise is especially suitable if this person is close to you (mother / father, husband / wife, child, friend, etc.). If a person is not close to you and is filled with negativity, try to understand him purely speculatively, without entering a trance state.

3. Sincerely wish the best and send love(in the highest sense of the word) to every person you feel resentment for. This is not always possible the first time, especially with old grievances that have already ingrained in your soul. Therefore, at first let this exercise be like a meditation, a prayer or a mantra, until peace reigns in your soul in relation to the offender. Imagine how your soul becomes pure, white, filled with love for life, for the world, and send a ray of love from your heart to this person. Just saying, “Okay, I forgive you” is not enough. Only love is healing.

Take these three steps in succession today and repeat them until you feel absolute lightness and openness to the world in your heart.

Of course, for such serious work as cleansing from resentment and other negative emotions, one day is not enough. Pay attention to this work every day, take off the burden of past grievances. This cargo keeps you from going to new life. Imagine the accumulated negativity in the form of a black heavy bag, which every day, as you work on cleaning your soul, decreases. Naturally, at different people this bag different sizes. Some people find it easier to get rid of it. And someone is sorry to part with such "good", so you have to make more serious efforts and spend more time.

When you are completely cleansed of negativity, we will begin to work with the flows - to fill ourselves with strength, energy, wisdom and spirituality. It will be in the second block. In the meantime, we are going through the exercises of the first block, spend at least 5-10 minutes every day working on forgiveness of grievances.

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