Passing from the daughter from the father on the wedding day. Three strong paternal speeches at the daughter's wedding. Newlyweds from the Father

Father bridalwho always loved his girl, warped her and was strict parent.At the wedding, often from excess feelings is lost and can not say words of words. That is why congratulations are best prepared in advance. We are offering to you 7 best wishes From the father of the bride.

Wishes for the wedding from the father of the bride

1. Wish happiness bride from father

Today I marry I give out my daughter, I dedicate her every line,

So that they all have honey, and in life is all intelligent,

Family happiness wish you, for a friendly life you bless you!

I raged you sweet and fragile, and soon you wish you with a baby

You'll excellent momAnd the goals will reach all you are stubborn!

Take my native congratulations, and on happiness immeasurable blessing!

Wedding wishes from the pope of the bride

On the day happy, wedding I congratulate you,

Today for a couple of happy, I will share myself a secret,

Take the paternal you advice: you live together, not counting years.

Interest to each other you do not lose, good children bring up

So that everything is in good luck, I wish you a sweet life!

3. Newlyweds from the Father

Congratulate their both newlyweds

Today, two souls joined in a single whole, I am not pleased with this! Therefore, congratulations both. I wish you love crazy so that there was a house in good luck to live happiness in it, so that the children did not cry, so that you were happy everyone in the world!

4. Comic congratulations Testa

Young I congratulate, happiness, I wish you joy!

We will be friends with the son-in-law: where he, there and me.

We will together watch football, and sit on fishing,

We will build our women, not to argue with them!

And now for "bitter!" hour! Perform my order!

Having married a daughter in the head so many thoughts and wishes, but I can not say everything. So I join the rest of the congratulations! I wanted to want to wish you too, that both mother-in-law, but I could not say so to speak, so I say easier. The main thing is to respect each other, do not get upset the little things, so that the luck was in large deeds And on trifles!

6. Congratulation of young for black life

So, daughter ended your white days! I wish you all black in your new life! Let the weekend you will go to the Black Sea on the Black Mercedes and there is a black caviar!

Father's congratulations at the wedding of his daughter in their own words great valueAfter all, with his blessing, newlyweds begin to build their lives. Even now, some couples refuse to marry if someone from parents against and do not agree to give a blessing.

The role of the father is important not only in slavic culture. Westing parents is developed in many countries and for more than a thousand years. It is believed that the girl is only a guest in the house of parents. She grows there, gets education, love and care. Then leaves the father's house, leaving her husband. So it is very important for her to hear sincere wishes from dad, it is hot Support In a difficult period for her. After all, now the bride will start new life. On the day of the wedding can tell their father.

Examples of congratulations

Daughter, so you have become completely adult. I came to let you go to a new life. Be happy, follow the marriage oaths, build a strong and friendly seven.! Live well, love each other and appreciate every day. Health strong to you, daughter. I wish you to become a real combat girlfriend, loving wife, in future - happy mom And please us with grandchildren.

Beautiful woman is beloved! From the first birthday, as I saw my eyes, I realized that the most important person for me was born in the world. For many years we spent together, growed together, learned new. With you, I again went to school, I knew the joy of broken knee and met your first friends. Worried, accompanied on the graduation, his princess. You grew up and good every day. And now you have become so adult, a real woman. The most native, we defeat you with sincere wishes. Do not be afraid nothing and boldly go ahead!

Let your love burn brightly and smoothly for many years. Be happy together, inseparable, like two halves. Build your life thoughtfully, become support for each other, best friendsequal to partners, favorite people. Valine the world in the family. Do not know serious disagreements, quarrels will be, as in any family, but always remember that the most important thing for you and find the forces to make it. Live in happiness, love long years!

It doesn't matter what kind of nationality the couple is building a family. Fathers of different nations Wishing young primarily - peace in the family, happiness and of course, be together. Wedding speech For the father of the bride, the most exciting performance in life, I want to say everything that is conceived and not forget the main thing. Pick up.

My daughter, today you get married. In this concept, more meaning is hidden, because it is not for nothing that the daughters are only guest in from the house. However, I did not want to put up to put up with the position of things and when you were born, such a little and defenseless, I promised that I would always be there. Protect and be your support. You know, years have passed, I think, kept kept this word. You grew up a beautiful, smart, glorious girl, ready to go to your own way. And today from the future son-in-law, I also want to hear the promise to protect you, love, keep from all the misfortunes and to be you real support. Instead of me. So that you, daughter, did not know the troubles and misfortunes, was happy in my family and of course, pleased with grandchildren!

Nature laid down that woman weaker man In the physical plane. She is fragile, feminine, she keeps a homely focus, she gives birth to children and gives them all love and care. The man fell out a different role. Get meals, build a house and love your family. Today you are marrying, my children and each of you knows your role allotted by nature. I wish you both following your oaths, and most importantly - promise to appreciate each other, be primarily loyal friends, then with equal loving partners.

Then your family fortress, just an emerging now, will become a real bastion, and no trouble will be terrible. Be happy, keep the light of love that knitted you and led here to the marriage altar. I give my daughter today with excitement future son-in-law And I hope that you will love and keep it as well as me.

What parents are most important

When the father's congratulation sounds at the wedding of his daughter in his own words, in it the head of the family conveys a young instruction. As an experienced adult, he knows that a young family will meet ahead different days. There will be thunderstorms and storms will be clear sunny days, be cozy evenings And lonely tears. All this is worried about people in every family. In his speech, the father only wants to say that it is important to wait for any thunderstorm and understood the main thing for himself, to find the forces to reconcile, go and stay together.

Dear children, daughter and future son-in-law. You already like the second son. Today your destinies are connected in one, the road begins together. And today you will already meet the first evening as new family.

You are waiting for the first weeks of addiction, then the first years and the first difficulties, the first joy together. I can't promise you a cloudless life, in which you just run, holding hands, how children run in the meadow. Not. You will see gathering clouds on our horizon, hear the storm, visit the boos. You will have times without light, cold, winter nights And summer, full of sun and warm sea. All this is waiting for each family couple. But no storm or cold is terrible when the couple holds hands and meets it together. I wet in the rain or to warm up the fireplace firmly hugging even romantic. Appreciate each other, love, endlessly forgive each other, for a variety of mistakes.

Feel one whole, composed of your promises, not just two people near, in the same house. And two - as a couple, together in any misfortune, in any joy! Who even quarreling know that there is for each other. Then you are aware of yourself real family And you will be happy! Do not promise yourself a cloudless life, promise to always stay together, then no difficulties are terrible.

Wishes of the father at the wedding of his daughter in their own words

Cute my newlyweds! Allibly hug you, still so young and touching. You are a little scary before a new, unfamiliar life. This is normal. Hold onto your hands stronger, keep each other and let it be every day. Your destinies today merge into one, and tomorrow another, new life will begin.

Kids i want to wish you cozy homein which you will meet every day, let it be fulfilled by spiritual warmth, merry laughter Friends, and then joyful trap your children. Plant your garden and fill it with different blooming trees. Be infinitely happy and generously share your joy, because it is only full.

Do not forget us, parents, but most importantly, do not forget our promises to be supporting for each other, love, be near in poverty or wealth, in happiness and in trouble, in health, in illness. Ahead is a lot of events, now you are a family and all divide equally!

Well, dear newlyweds, the "fatal" day, wedding! Everything, the free life of each "I" ended, now you can only say: "We". However, it is not worth upset, freedom did not end and family life is not at all slavery. Of course, you are waiting for different difficulties and problems, but remember, together everything is much easier to overcome. You are strong, friendly, funny and boldly look into the future! My children, happiness you and of course wealth, warmth in the house!

My father and I stand together
I get married daughter.
We want to hug you,
Sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness wish.

So that a husband loved
Used you, appreciated.
Let a success accompanize
Grandchildren waiting for us the most.

Once in, long-year year,
You have appeared with us.
We still did not know then
That miraculously was born.

Emphel, thoughts typed,
Beautiful very old.
And now you married -
You did not interfere.

We wish you daughter, we are
In the family life of happiness,
Let her love husband, keeps you
From the troubles and from the misfortune.

Let your house, warm, to the edge
Will be filled with love
There will be children who will be
Wealth and Health!

My mother's daughter, today you are the most beautiful bride in the world! We are happy to see your sparkling eyes, your smile, see how touching you keep your husband's hand. We wish your family to be strong and friendly. Love, respect, take care of each other. Be a wise, patient, caring wife, and your husband will be a strong, loving, faithful spouse. Happiness to you!

My baby, our sun,
My ray of light, kindness,
Today you are all beautiful in the world!
My wife today has become!

Be tender, affectionate, obedient
Husband her husband,
In cases of serious talking,
Once you trusted him.

Do not forget that you are beautiful
In everyday life, in the care of the family
And most importantly, you be happy
We always wish you!

Daughter dear
We wish you:
Let us proster
Always in your family.

Let my husband proud of
Let the warm will be warm.
And let her daughter be born,
Well, the son is then.

Let be satisfied
And beetor, and mother-in-law.
Live together, children.
Advice to you yes love!

How fast you become an adult.
Flying, rushed years.
I led you to school by hand,
It was as if yesterday.

And today you put on the veil,
New life stepped on the threshold,
Maybe I failed a lot
May God help you in life.

For all life, I wish the right love
Be happy, my children,
Tenderly hug you gently
And I wish you sturdy family.

We wish you to save that feeling
What is called love.
All the lives of joy to know
What is before you again.

So that husband defeated you,
Was for a family support.
You understood each other you
From a single out of sight.

Heat of family comfort
You, daughter, always keep.
And affection, gentle care
Beloved his darius.

Cute our girl
Became an adult at all already,
In a white dress, on the finger of the ring,
Tears of joy, happiness in the shower.

Take care of each other, keep,
Help everywhere and always
Understanding the heart let
By side, let it takes trouble.

In my dreams you are still babe,
You read books in the evenings,
And you already bride, dear,
Beautiful, beloved, native!

I wish you happiness and without measure,
Conscious, deep, strong faith,
So that joy and pain you divided
And right, very friendly in the world lived!

To loved much each other,
Did not give you no rain or snow, no blizzard,
Their parents did not forget
And with grandchildren came to visit us!

What are you beautiful and gentle!
Blanks the ring, slightly trembling her hand.
Today you put on a white dress.
Instead of the hairpin - light veil.

I wish you daughter, happiness, and good luck,
And endless devotional love!
Decide all the destinies of the task together,
Keep the Lord you and bless!

Today we let go boldly
In the happy adult life.
Beautiful daughter, in this dress white,
On the hall you are in wedding dance Circling.

Let there be a family-friendly light,
Let the path do not bring misfortunes and troubles.
Be severe and bold, and cunning, and clever,
And let the angels help you.

We wish you peace and joy, light,
Support mutual and strong love.
Beautiful couple .. happier you no!
Let God your union preserve forever.

Good day to all. If you do not know how to sing, it is better not to do this. "And here songs? What are it talking about? " - There is a logical question. Recall the film E. Kusturica "Black Cat, white cat" A very cool bride congratulated the brother, who was her instead of his father. How he sang! Just an eloquent film about that "how it should not be" and how it is not necessary to do. Let's discuss it better that "how it will be right", solemnly and touching.

A rather scrupulous topic is a father's speech at the daughter's wedding.

When is it better to give the word dad and listen to his parting?

We also have three options for the development of events:

  1. At the beginning of the banquet. The bride's father will congratulate the young and will open the event
  2. In the midst of the holiday. But there is a risk that it is getting lost among other congratulations.
  3. At the end of the banquet, as a final speech.

In any case, you need to seriously discuss this moment together with my parents and listen to their wishes. When is it better to announce the blessing of the parents? Congratulations must be non-standard. What form is supposed to do this? How would you like to see it on video and in the photo album. In prose or in verses, songs or in your own words from the entire father's heart. But please, just not impromptu! And without tears, though ... By the way, dear readers who had an impromptant at the wedding, tell. Curiously what he ended ...? The situation is of course cheerful, but better without it.

Remember how at weddings that were covered, dust years, guests congratulated the newlyweds? All without exception wanted the same clean sky And white bread. Finished the wish - "advice to you, yes love. Bitterly!" Good wordswhich were transmitted from mouth to mouth. The Internet was not and everything was invented by Aunt Lyuce - Massovik Colding. Yes, I wonder, and someone knows why "bitter!"? Tell me about it. Because the arguments and information are different. So, will continue.

Speech can be played as follows:


Beautiful words from Pope are expressed in different ways. Tell your parable or story from life. Just not like Garika HarlamovOtherwise, the celebration will be the "bestseller" of the Internet. The text is better to speak in the second part of the holiday, i.e. in the middle. Add more actions or tasks. Dance Pope with daughter or offer guests, such as tablecloth and markers for painting wishes for memory. You can also give the book of wishes with the same hint. An interesting turn ... thought appeared. We will make an overview of this accessory in the next article. But continue the discussion further.


Here with the song, as mentioned at the beginning, more difficult. You must be able to sing. We pick up a song and music in advance, otherwise you risk donating karaoke - an option that all sing.

I really liked this video:

Takes to tears, look at yourself! The final part of the wedding will fit here. Guaranteed, guests will be in cultural shock. And watching the video after years, feelings will only increase.


Prepare two strict address folders for the following samples. Do not confuse with books of wishes or covers for testimony! "Why such?" - you ask. Because it will be a certificate of conformity and configuration on the groom and its future wife. Speech with congratulations and solemn launch into operation new cell societies; Great moment to start a banquet.

I think congratulatory words, and that are, very necessary and important. Any girl at her wedding wants to feel dad's care and show her guests. Girls, still daddy daughter.

I hope my article made a little clarity in response to the question: how to deal with the pope speech at the wedding? All tips are confirmed by life and practical experience Works in the wedding industry. Interest on matters, and more search in my blog.

Subscribe to news at the end of the article and share with friends by clicking on the buttons in the social. networks. Just one of your friends, now looking for such information and needs it very much. Because, the fever after the engagement only begins, and will continue until everything is planned and rehearsed. It turns out perfectly! Do not even doubt. Specify questions. Write your recommendations and post your photos in the comments. Tell pro interesting experienceShare with others. Before the emergency ... so far!

For the Father - great joy and honor to issue married native daughterHowever, this is a very exciting event. To find needed wordsTo express how you love her and want her happiness, it is not easy. Our site presents beautiful and warm greetingswhich can sound as a father's toast at the daughter's wedding.

Poems for the wedding toast of the father of the bride

Fast time flew by
Childhood escaped away.
And today, as I wanted
You get married, daughter.

You get out and shine
Happiness glows the groom.
Long years to you! Congratulations
We are with a wedding of you two.

Let luck predict
It rains you.
You wish love forever
And rather, the grandchildren are waiting.

Bright days, heat, wealth,
Lungs and direct roads.
Life let your be sweet,
And keep you, children, God!

I gave your daughter ...
Be happy together!
Young we congratulate
We wish an understanding.

Live in consent and love
Babies soon start.
To rear in the family wealth,
And with the work was order.

Native daughter,
You are the beauty and pride of our.
Let everything be happening with you
Our children, in good time!

You we, daughter, congratulations
With happiness found yours!
With sadness in the heart let go,
These words are saying:
Live happily and friendly
Keep loyalty for many years!
Decide everything unanimously.
Love you, children, yes advice!

Text Father at the daughter's wedding in verse

What to say in this happy day newlyweds, for what to raise the toast at the wedding on behalf of the father of the bride? Wish newlyweds to live together and happily, let them smell to love and take each other.

All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth!
Family having loved by love
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union was in joy only
So that the children were near you.
You, young, we will simply say:
Live together, in good time!

You, young, our wishes:
Love, consent and joy in everything
Take care of each other, predict desires,
Do not split, always alone!
Over the years, let the feelings, let them become
Honeymoon lasts let the year,
And all hopes and dreams will be performed!
Live together always!

We bless you at this hour
For happiness, love, joy,
To be happy our old age,
Let the storms, the blizzards do not touch you!
Let your house be full of children,
Fun, song, wool laugh,
Let flowers bloom in this house,
And quarrels are withering like grass under the snow.

What to wish the father of the bride in the wedding toast?

Wedding toast The newly-made test can be addressed not only to the bride, but both newlyweds and even separately - by the son-in-law, because it will not be superfluous to your advice and instructions.

As a dove our daughter,
Take care of her, son-in-law!
A year later, let the granddaughter
But not bad and granddaughters.

From parents take
Our gift, congratulations.
Come to visit more often
This is our consolation.
Let the desire come true
And cherished dreams.
Happiness to you and understanding
And spiritual warmth!

Dear, favorite son-in-law!
That's how to take an example!
So that you live yes did not pass,
Daughter loved, friends with me,
I drink this drink to the bottom.
Pour all the wines!
For newlyweds I drink
And no droplets!

Today I give my treasure
In reliable man's hands son-in-law.
So that my daughter was happy myself,
Lelle's dream I am on your wedding day.
Do not try to swear
Learn you to give up each other.
Yes, maybe it will be difficult to try
But it is necessary to respect each other.
Love your lovely carry
Through long and long years,
Easy to love every day.
Now the family you have become forever!

Toast Father at the wedding of his daughter in his words in prose

How to congratulate close people with happy event Beautiful and non-bank? The bride's wedding toast can be sounded not only in verses, but also in prose. Choose suitable text, read for festive table - And you will see how the bride and groom's eyes will appear from happiness.

When I look at this beautiful girl In a stunning white dress, I remember how a cute baby she was in childhood. She always brought joy to us with her mom. Today she begins a new life with an excellent young man. I see in her eyes the joy and love that has never seen before. And I want all those present here, as well as I would wish the newlyweds of happiness, long years of joyful and happy life - as husband and wife.

Favorite our daughter! In all fairy tales, the wedding ends. But know that the wedding is only the beginning, the beginning of a long and happy family life. This is the beginning of love, and not just passionate love. This is the beginning of the life of your children. And so that the life of your family lasted for many years and pleased you both, you, daughter, should be wise, patient and loving. After all, there is no wonder that the family keeps the family. And we wish your family to live long and happily!

Dear daughter! Today you got married, you have my own family. I really want you to become an exemplary hostess, relief girlfriendAnd in the future - a caring mother and a reliable support for their children. Try to be wise and compliant in a relationship with your spouse: this is the most winning option in the family. Know that your mom is always there, and we will always wait for you to visit!

Congratulations, dear kids, happy your wedding day, with this wonderful and joyful holiday. Cute son-in-law, take care of our daughter and love her all my life, and you, in turn, native, keep loyalty to the spouse and save warm atmosphere in the House. Let your family be strong and happy, let your life decorate bright emotions And beautiful actions.

Dear newlyweds! In this joyful day, I want to give you such an order. Build your family life thoughtful, become support for each other, best friends, equal partners, favorite people, value the world in the family. Try to avoid serious conflicts and disagreements. Yes, the quarrel between you will be, as in any family, but always remember that the most important thing is your marriage for you, and find the forces to make up. Live in happiness and love for many years!

Favorite and dear children! Today the most long-awaited, the most important and happiest day in your life is the wedding day. We wish your family to be loving and friendly, be sure to appreciate and respect each other. The bride, we wish to become a caring hostess, the keeper of a homely hearth, a faithful girlfriend with her husband and a happy mother. And we want to wish the groom to become a strong "wall" and the support of your family and future children. Be happy and love each other, and you have the rest! Bitterly!

Family is a separate kingdom. And only the spouses themselves can fill it with joy, love, create an atmosphere of heat and comfort. Let our younger kingdom always be lit by light lovely love and loyal friendship. And even in this kingdom there will always be a place for us, your parents. Bitterly!