Where to find a good husband at 30. Where to look for a chosen one? How to find a husband if you have a child? Places to Avoid

Adalind Koss

For women, being single is a difficult and unpleasant problem, since the weaker sex, in contrast to the strong, considers the birth of children and a family as the goal. Therefore, neither career nor well-being makes ladies absolutely happy.

The problem of starting a family after 30 years is often vital for those who devote all their youth to a career, postponing marriage. Or for those who jump out early in marriage, but then get divorced.

The main stereotypes about marriage after 30

Become happy wife after 30 is not a problem, but a goal.

It is important here not to waste time on the main stereotypes:

Finding a husband is not easy after 30.

A considerable hindrance to the pursuit of happiness lies in the firm conviction that, having crossed the 30-year mark, it is almost impossible. If up to this point a woman is without a husband, then not everything is normal with her. Although in reality it’s not like that. Not everyone agrees to marry the guy who proposes first, because. And if you didn’t find “your” person before 30, then you will meet now. It is worth adhering to the principle that it is better to be alone than to live with the first person you meet. In Europe, few people start a family before the age of 30, and therefore there are fewer divorces. By this point, people are firmly on their feet, youthful maximalism is behind. And it is important to understand and not to rush. You will be young for a long time.

Pregnancy over the age of 30 is a problem.

Another well-known stereotype drumming into us the idea that after 30 it is not easy to give life healthy child... If you start a family at a similar age, then there is no time for children. Yes, in fact, it is better to give birth to your first child before 30, since it is easier for the body to cope with this load. But the mood of the body does not indicate a psychological readiness to become a mother. This is a serious responsibility: you need to finish your studies, find a job. Self-sufficient girls only then make plans to create a family. Scientists have proven that without the presence of pathologies in the body, a woman is able to give life to a healthy child after 30 years.

All the men are dismantled.

The next stereotype is that all the guys are already busy, so it is impossible to find a match for yourself. This is, in fact, a very stupid statement. If the previous opinions of "experts" in family life were based on more or less objective data, then they are meaningless. What are the guarantees that getting married at 19, by 30, you will not understand that this is not your man? And you got married out of stupidity. If a woman decides on, then she clearly realizes who her man is. You are able to appreciate his inner qualities, merits. At 19 it is difficult to do this, because the "man" has just finished the first year of university and is barely scrapping money for your flowers. At 19 the choice is wide: still unmarried. After the turn of 30 years, such a choice is important in terms of quantity and quality. It is worth carefully considering a possible groom. And do not lock yourself at home, happiness will not come to you by itself. Chat with new people, visit new places, travel.

Men are afraid of women over 30.

It is believed that the stronger sex is afraid of the girl's age. And even if you look great, you have an adorable personality - it does not matter if you are already over 30. Another absurdity. Smart men don't think about that. And you don't need a morally undeveloped and uneducated person.

The woman gets used to being alone.

This paragraph says that after 30 years, become married lady it is impossible, because a woman gets used to loneliness, she is so comfortable. She is developing bachelor habits. And she will not want to wash someone's socks, deny herself something. But it’s not up to “marriage specialists” to decide, but you personally. This is your destiny and life. Therefore, if you have a desire to become a wife and mother, then everything is in your hands. Don't risk your fate to please the public opinion. Get married so that you feel confident in the chosen one.

How to get married after 30 years

In order to quickly end a lonely life, it is important for women to know the rules after 30 years:

believe in yourself. If a person is confident that he will achieve goals, then they themselves are attracted to him. The key to a successful outcome is a positive attitude;
eliminate complexes and doubts. If you underestimate yourself, fixated on your worthlessness, then you will not get married at all. Other people see you as you see yourself, even if you are beautiful, attractive, and talented. The laws of psychology say: what kind of person perceives himself, that is how others see him. It is for this reason that not very attractive, but self-confident ladies are so popular among men. And the written beauties with complexes are left alone;

take care and take care of yourself. It is in your power to stop time, to stay young for a long time. Keep an active eye on your appearance. it wonderful way meet a man, even if you are over 30. The stronger sex notices attractive ladies. Everyone has beauty, learn to show it;
be active. If you are completely sure that fate will come to you by itself, then you should not be surprised that you will spend your life waiting for it like that. And at this time, active friends do not know how to fight off the crowd of gentlemen;
do not put inflated requests. Often women are lonely, because they do not want to delve into simple truths... There is no perfect person in the world. Indeed, when choosing a chosen one, it is important to notice his qualities, but do not lose your sobriety. Generous and handsome millionaire, great family man, father and Ideal husband in one person can only be found in a love story, but not in life;

take every chance. Women slow down themselves, they refuse real dating because of stupid stereotypes. Dating sites are popular these days, but women consider it stupid, shameful. And what is so embarrassing that someone will see your profile there? That's right, nothing;
strive not just for marriage, but for self-realization in your career. The fact that men are popular self-sufficient women, is true. They are more interesting than those with no education, no career, and no decent job. Therefore, increase your achievements;
remember the perspective. There is nothing wrong. Women from our country are distinguished by their care and thrift. Foreign suitors like them. If a man from our country is afraid of having children, then for foreigners it is not an obstacle. Income level plays a significant role here.

If you think about it, women who start a family after 30 have more advantages. V given age already comes wisdom, experience, realism. A woman knows herself, what she wants from men, and also what she herself can give them. And such marriages turn out to be stronger than earlier ones. Don't give up halfway, look for your destiny.

Some statistics

Here are some statistics about marriage after 30 years. According to surveys, in large cities, approximately 35% of women over 30 are unmarried. In other words, they have no husband or boyfriend. Moreover, 1/3 of these women have never been married.

With regards to unmarried men over 30, then it is easier for them to find a soul mate than the weaker sex the same age. And all because of the fact that for one potential groom there are 2.5 potential brides. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that not all single men are the men of your dreams.

But if you do not take into account the statistics, and look at the world soberly, then you will notice that the picture is not as scary as it seems at first. Thousands of divorced women, even with children, get married again, find happiness. So the search for a husband at this age, although difficult task but not impossible. In general, wisdom says: the happiness of a person is in his own hands... And whether you get married after 30, whether you become happy depends only on you, well, a little luck will not hurt.

19 February 2014

The statistics are disappointing - most marriages break up within 2-5 years. There are many reasons: betrayal, incompatibility of temperaments, different goals and priorities, everyday troubles, loss of love and respect, as well as no matter how strange the birth of a child. The corresponding question arises: where to find a husband for a woman with a child?

Unfortunately, most men are neither financially nor morally ready for the birth of children. Usually they are in no hurry with such a responsible step. Men want to live for their pleasure, be realized, open own business, buy housing and a car. Exhausting Caring for a Pregnant Wife, The Solution financial issues and the constant scream of such a desired, but at the same time hated child can nullify the most perfect relationship... What to do and where to find a husband after 30?

Abandoned women have a stereotype that most men are afraid and do not want children. If to my own father own child not needed, what can we say about a stranger's man? Probably, it's time to put an end to your personal life.

Benefits of a woman with a child:

  1. There is a purpose in life - a child. Remember, the happiness of the child depends on the happiness of the mother.
  2. Invaluable experience. The mistakes made in past relationships will never be repeated.
  3. Responsibility, decency, thrift. A woman with a child will not hang out in clubs and social events.
  4. She knows how to love and appreciate. Sometimes women with children find husbands faster than childless girlfriends.

A woman with a child is doomed to be happy. You should not dwell on the question: where to find a husband if you have a child. Are you confused? See a psychologist. Putting the question in this form: I am looking for a good father for my child is categorically wrong. A foreign man a priori cannot love your children as his own. In case of development Serious relationships, sooner or later it will appear different attitude to strangers and common children. Do not traumatize the psyche of your child. He already has a father, his own, dear. He must pay alimony and provide for the child. Do not forbid the parent to interact with the child and spend the weekend. Optimal infusion: I am looking for caring husband and a great friend for a child. Only in this way can you successfully get married after 30.

How to find a husband if you have a child? Places to be bypassed.

Women with children look for new love on dating sites is strictly prohibited. Most of the men registered here are looking for entertainment. Communication with such specimens can lead to the complete destruction of self-esteem and disappointment in men.

There is a stereotype - girls with children lose their heads at the sight of absolutely any "pants". They are more accessible and quicker to agree to friendly sex without obligation. Protect your self-respect and do not allow yourself to be mistreated. Choose worthy men, and not Casanov, hungry for the female body.

How to find a husband after 30? Should I say right away that there is a child?

Honesty - important quality that men love and appreciate. It will not be possible to hide the presence of children for a long time. On the other hand, a man stunned by the "good news" on his first date is more likely to run away.

Nowadays, more and more often to find their destiny, people of different ages enjoy social media... They register on various dating sites, create profiles, post a lot of photos, and all for the sake of creating a happy family life. After 30, for many, the question of marriage becomes one of the most basic. After all, the constant onslaught about the desire to have grandchildren on the part of the parents, the stories of friends about the wedding planning of children, etc., further exacerbate the criticality of the situation.

Growing up, we are going through meetings, partings, divorces, or we simply did not find a suitable person for life path, and in order to start a family, we are already beginning to be very careful about this not simple process... But I would like to note that it is at this age that people truly and meaningfully build the most strong relationships and consolidate them by marriage.

In this article, you will find some tips to help you build strong family after 30.

Dream, make plans, imagine your companion, and even if a previous relationship made you experience a lot of pain and suffering, do not give up.

You should not consider a potential husband in every man, enjoy the relationship, let them seek you. Men love women with a riddle, not an open book with simple, clear text.

As mentioned earlier in the article, at the age of 30, women begin to acquire many principles over the years that become a stumbling block in their new relationships, and the problem is not at all in age, as most women believe, but in harm.

You don't need to burden your man with constant problems, share these difficulties with your family and close friends, and with a new gentleman, keep your mouth shut.

Start spending more time on yourself. Start with self-development, study everything around, go to cooking courses (after all, as you know, the way to a man's heart lies through the stomach), visit more often beauty salons, fitness rooms, buy new dresses and shoes. Be bright and interesting. Love yourself, and only then will those around you begin to love you, and, undoubtedly, your man will make you the happiest woman.

Remember that for a start long and happy relationship, this is really what you should want, and not because of parents who give themselves up to worries about your personal life, do not notice how all boundaries are crossed, and not even because of the advice of happy or not very happy girlfriends, but it is your desire that is needed. Maybe you have completely different plans for life, you dream of career growth or travel around the world in search of unforgettable experience, and everyone around is repeating - "It's time to get married!", "At your age, it's time to have children!". Be that as it may, listen to your heart, it will answer all your questions. Be happy!

It is not worth turning the search good husband into the purpose of all life. Looking out for a father for a child in every passer-by is like paranoia. Get busy baby, find interesting hobby, do not refuse gatherings in a cafe with your girlfriends.

Yours will not leave you.