Simoronsky ritual for a change of work. "Magic Magnet" - magnetize yourself! The funniest Simoron rituals

Many do not know that even the most simple and fun methods can increase income and attract success.

It has long been known that magic does not happen all at once. In order for your desire to come true, you need to move towards your goal daily. Every day, taking a small step towards your dream, you thereby come closer to its implementation, and only in this case, one fine day, your desire will come true. To do this, first of all, you need to follow certain laws of the Universe, which can be found in this article.

Of course, many have extensive experience in such matters, but what should those who have just begun to move in this direction do? Simoron's practices not only bring you closer to your cherished goal every day, but also help make your life much happier and more abundant.

How it works

Simoron is one of the easiest and effective techniques for the fulfillment of desires. And in recent times this method is used by many psychologists, who in practice are convinced that simoron works and is available to everyone.

The whole essence of Simoron practices lies in the ability to make a wish, and then forget about it. And to forget thoroughly and not to remember every five minutes and not to check whether it came true or not. It is in the ability to let go of your dreams that the most main secret their execution. If you constantly think about your desire, fixate on it, then it will never come true, because with your excess energy, you block all the possibilities for its realization.

In simorone, you can independently come up with the rules of the game, and the funnier and more absurd they are, the better. During this game, you calmly release your desire into the Universe and everything begins to take shape in the best way. This is what allows you to relax and enjoy the process of the game itself.

Simoron rituals to attract success on Monday

As the saying goes: “Monday is a hard day,” however, the beginning of the week can be made not only joyful, but also useful. To do this, it is enough to apply one of the rituals, and if desired, you can alternate them.

morning ritual for raking in money

It is necessary to prepare for this ritual in the evening. Take all the bills that you have in the house and before going to bed, scatter them on the floor in the room where you will sleep. On Monday morning, immediately after waking up, start crawling and raking money with your hands, as if with a rake. During this process, say the following words: “On Monday morning, I row the money to myself. One, two, three, four, five. From such an abundance, I lost count again..

This phrase should be repeated as many times as you see fit. In addition to bills, you can also use coins. Then this process will be even more exciting and funnier. After you're done, you can safely go to work. Be sure that the money will not be long in coming. Many people support such a ritual with a special talisman that you can make yourself.

Simoron ritual to attract the desired

This ritual is also best performed on Monday, since this day is associated in the subconscious mind as the beginning of something new. Prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which your desires will be written, for example: money, new position, promotion, financial abundance, happiness and the like. Take ordinary thread and cut off a fairly long piece. Next, you need to attach all the pieces of paper with desires to a thread. You can just glue it, or you can make some kind of beads out of them by piercing them with a needle in the middle.

After that, feel free to tie one end of the thread to yourself so that all desires follow you. And so go all morning. So you go to wash in the bathroom, and your desires follow you. Turn around and say this phrase: “Oh, how many desires were attracted to me”. And so every time. If you have the opportunity, then with such a thread you can walk at work, or you can connect colleagues to this game. The main thing is to have fun, but also not interfere with your immediate duties.

Simoron rituals are popular with many. You can come up with the same ones yourself, or use ready-made ones that attract not only money, but also love. Rejoice every day, do not be discouraged, if something went wrong, believe in the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.09.2016 02:06

Monday is lucky, because the events of this day set the pace for all six others. To capricious ...

What is Simoron? You can give two answers, serious and not very. Serious is psychotraining; not really - this is a game, a positive, the magic of humor.

Once, back in 1988, Petra and Piotr Burlan, famous Kievans, came up with a method for changing human behavior, a way out of stereotypes and problem states, and called it Simoron(currently Burlan-do).

To live easily and happily, you don’t need to strain, comprehend and create complex conclusions, on the contrary, you can just relax, call on a sense of humor to help you, wake up your childhood and start creating your life with a smile.

After all positive person sees more opportunities, has a simpler attitude to failures, perceiving them as steps to the desired, and even thinks more freely.

And so let's forget the conventions, throw off the tight framework and cheerfully walk to our favorite work!

Cimoron to work: It's in the hat

Remember the saying, right? The old-fashioned expression "the case in the hat" means that we did some business easily and simply. A little bit of history from S.V. Maksimov (this is important): “Throwing lots, determining the queues, a technique known to biblical Jews, was also practiced in Russia. In hats all over the place all sorts of lots are thrown in the form of conventional signs -whether it will be stone or bitten and chipped coins, or pieces of lead marked for happiness - in disputes and hiring.

Whose mark will be taken out, on that person and all disputes will end; his right to receive an order in front of his rivals for buying and selling, for supplying horses for overclocking, etc. is undeniable, and the case in the hat was only waiting in line: put it on your head - now your business will not jump out of it.

Well, we will not go deep, everything is clear. Just take a hat, paper and pen. We write on the sheet our desired business - the dream job. We describe in all colors and solemnly lower it into a hat. Now it is desirable to put a hat on your head and look like that a little. Voila, your business is definitely in the bag!

Simoron looking for a job: Darts

Why do you think desired job still no? This means that either the desire is weak, or there is no concentration on the dream. We train. Almost everyone has darts, and if not, then you can make it at home: draw a target on a sheet, make balls from crumpled paper.

And let's get started. We take a dart (or a paper ball), aim and ... no, no, do not throw - early! We check the sensations: in which circle is your dream? In ten? Or maybe eight? And in general, do you think that in order to get what you want, you need to constantly hit one target or score points? Everyone's is different. In general, check the sensations, listen to inner voice and forward, let's go! Aimed ... throw! Got it? Train! And always keep your dream in mind!

Simoron for a good job: We rub our hands

“Oh, good,” is what the people who got what they wanted say and rub their hands. It is this gesture that we will borrow - we will rub luck in advance. Moreover, in Simoron "three" is a special ritual. So, we go to the bath, take soap and wash our hands, saying: "I wash my hands with soap and wash away boredom."

We take a towel: “I rub it with a towel, the business will burn out for me.”

Now take the hand cream: “I rub my hands with cream, there is a work for me on the topic.
Interesting, profitable, ... (and be sure to add your description here so that the energy comes from you)”.

Rubbed? Wonderful! When you go to wash again - repeat.

Ritual to Get a Job Faster: Uniform

Or a suit, call it what it purrs to you. Choose clothes for yourself in which you will go to your dream job (it is better to buy new suit, and if it is already hanging in the closet, then it should be updated somehow: pick up a scarf, scarf, brooch, and so on). This is the uniform of your dreams! Try it on, try on your work. Are you comfortable? Is it happy? Is this what you wanted?

Turn around in front of the mirror and announce to yourself: “I’m putting on a suit, great job attract." You can take it off and put it in the closet. But not for long! Put it on more often and repeat the saying.

And a couple of rituals that will help you get your dream job:


Creating the model of your dreams is a well-known technique. And how can you do it? With the help of your "crazy" pens and imagination: come up with what you like best, it's better if it's something voluminous. Maybe, crochet an office building (yes, yes!) or a steampunk panel? Choose. By the way, we can help, go to

In this article:

Today work for man has great value, but what if you are not satisfied with your current position or you cannot find a suitable vacancy at all? In this case, effective Simoron rites and magical rituals come to the rescue to work.

With these simple means you can actually find the job of your dreams.

How does the ritual for attracting work begin?

One of the main rules for achieving desired result is the lack of haste. All magical practices you need to apply only with a clear knowledge of your desires, with an accurate formulation of the final result. Set aside a few hours to decide what you really want, think about your desires, about what your soul and your heart lie for.

All your thoughts can be written down in detail on paper, giving Special attention details. Remember that the more clearly you can imagine what you want to get from magic, the faster your desires will materialize. At this time, you should be as positive as possible, you should be sure that the magical ritual you have chosen will have positive influence for your life.

Simple Simoron rituals for finding a job

There are many Simoron rituals aimed at finding work. To achieve the maximum result, some rituals can be combined, that is, carried out all together, in turn. As a complex of rituals, the following five rites can be performed.

First ritual - honey shower

This is the first magical rite, with which it is worth starting the complex process of attracting work. Late in the evening, smear your body with fresh honey and repeat the magic formula:

“I (name), very attractive, attractive for a good position. As bees fly to honey, so the work itself will fly to me. May it be so. Amen".

After that, go to the shower and wash off the honey.

The second rite - charging the crystal

This is the second ritual from the Simoron complex, which must be performed the next day, after the first use of the shower with honey. To perform this ritual, you will need a piece rock crystal. Take the crystal in your hands and charge it with positive energy vibrations - close your eyes and try to imagine your future place of work as clearly as possible. Pay attention not only to the main duties that you will perform, but also to such details as: workplace, clothes in which you will go to work, environment, etc.


To enhance the effect of this rite, try also to experience those positive emotions who will come to you when you get the desired position.
After carrying out this ritual, it is worth starting active work search activities - respond to the vacancies found, go to interviews, etc.

The third ritual is a letter to the universe

To increase the effectiveness of the rituals already performed, write a letter to the Cosmos, asking for help in finding a job. In this letter, try to describe in detail what your new position should be, what duties you want to perform, what salary you want to receive in a new place, what career prospects will open before you.

After the letter is completed, thank the universe, put a sheet of paper in an envelope and put it in the nearest mailbox by writing "Universe" in the recipient line.

Fourth rite - work in your pocket

Take a small piece of paper and write as much as you can on it. beautiful handwriting phrase: "Great job" or "My dream job." Then fold the paper in half and put it in your pocket. My great job should always be carried with you.

In order for this rite to be truly effective and help you find a job, in the process of conducting it, you should try to feel the emotions that you will experience when you find a job.

The fifth ritual for a good job - office employment

Prepare two small sheets of paper, the first of which will play the role of a sign that is hung on the office door, and the second will be the name of the company. On the first sheet, write the name of the position you want to receive, and sign your surname and initials below. On the second sheet, write the full name of the company you are interested in.

Hang the first sheet on the door of the room where you spend most of your time or on the computer you work on.


Every morning, immediately after waking up, act exactly as if you were going to work - do exercises, take a shower, have breakfast, put on makeup, dress in suitable clothes etc. By eight o'clock in the morning you should go to your own office in full dress. You should have positive feelings and believe that you are not sitting at your computer at home, but at your real workplace. To enhance the effect, greet your colleagues, which can be pets or soft toys.

You need to be in the workplace throughout the working day, and you will need to perform the duties that will lie with you when you really take the position of your dreams.

When the working day is over, say goodbye to your colleagues and leave the workplace, removing the sign from the door.

Remember that magic works on your energy and on your imagination, the better and more clearly you can imagine yourself in your favorite workplace, the more believable you will play your own role, the sooner you will be invited to work and all your dreams will become a reality. .

Additional Simoron rituals

Simoron's techniques are not limited to the listed rituals. For effective search you can use other techniques to create your dream work.

Job search with red shorts

based on red underwear many different magical rituals are built in simoron. With their help, you can not only attract work, but also love, luck and wealth. AT this case we will consider only the method of attracting interesting work.

To begin with, you will need to decide exactly what kind of position you want to get. It is best if you choose a company and a vacancy in advance, learn about your future responsibilities, bosses and other details.

After that, try to concentrate on the fact that you have already received the position you are interested in. This must be done in order for you to experience real positive emotions from the realization of your own desire.

It is best to carry out these actions on the eve of the scheduled interview. As soon as you manage to tune in to the desired wave, put red panties in front of you, put your palms over them and read the words of the conspiracy: “Red panties will bring me good luck, they will attract the attention of the authorities, they will serve work on a silver platter. Let it come true, what is said.

After that, put your underpants under your pillow and go to bed, and the next day, put these underpants under your clothes and go to the interview.
This is a proven method that has repeatedly proven its effectiveness.

Simoron at work is dedicated to finding a new promising and high paying job, as well as to solve various problems at an existing workplace. Exists great amount interesting, fun and, most importantly, effective Simoron rituals for work. We will introduce them to you in this article.

How to prepare for the Simoron ritual

First of all, install for yourself real purpose- in this case it will be work. You need to understand for yourself what position you would like to work, with what schedule, under what conditions labor activity and for what wages you claim.

An important rule that helps to get good result in magical rituals is the lack of haste. resort to any esoteric practices should only be done if you are clearly aware of what exactly you want to receive and formulate the final result as accurately as possible.

Therefore, we advise you to devote a couple of hours of your time in order to set indicators for your future work. It is best to take a blank white sheet for this and write them down point by point from the most important to the least significant.

Try to imagine the realization of what you want in as much detail as possible - visualize as if you are already sitting in your new office chair, or flying in the cabin, or conquering the endless expanses of the sea - here you can give full rein to your imagination. But, of course, build on your education, professional skills and abilities.

Rituals for working simoron

Now it's time to consider the tested Simoron rituals for successful work.

Ritual for work book

If you have previously worked for official work and you have a work book, make a photocopy of its last page and enter the place of your desired work there.

Indicate the date of employment, your position - as if it were an employee of the recruitment agency, and not you. A with reverse side express your gratitude Higher Powers for help.

Put the completed sheet from the work book in the Northwest corner (according to the Feng Shui tradition, it is he who is responsible for help, as well as for travel).

The pillow ritual

Prepare a miniature pillow, also make a sign with the signature Work. It is not forbidden to decorate with a gift bow (this will symbolize that work is like a holiday for you).

Then hide the pillow in a secluded place in your room. Perfect option- to have another person do it, and then do a search. When a find is discovered, you will need to get a job - for this, sit on top of it and get comfortable. A very fun and relaxed ritual with great action!

Charm for work

The ceremony is performed at noon. You need to find a birch, pinch off its trunk a small amount of bark so that there are more white color. And when the sun hides behind the horizon, read the following slander seven times on the birch bark:

As ordered so took (a), for good, not for evil.

The amulet is always kept with you when you are at the workplace.

Recipe for getting a job

To perform this ritual, you will need to stock up on nuts, dried apricots, honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Each component has its own sacred meaning:

  • honey - acts as a magnet that attracts attractive work;
  • nuts are the received finances;
  • dried apricots is a good, generous boss;
  • and cinnamon - to make the activity interesting.

A tasty mass must be eaten exactly at midnight, standing in the central part of your home and making the following speech:

Work-work, you are better than a hippopotamus, take me to your place so that there is no fuss.

Rite Magic Remote

For him, stock up on any remote control and fill it with batteries, which are signed like this: Magic batteries. Leave the remote control overnight.

The next morning, the batteries are pulled out and put back into the remote control, while you say:

One-two-three, go to the remote control magic!

Then call ahead and schedule an interview. Don't forget to carry the remote control in your pocket. And when you talk with the boss, you need to quietly press the buttons three times and think to yourself:

Wow, I'm what (what), I'm already getting a job!

The rite has a certain peculiarity - you may not be hired exactly for the job at which you activated the remote control, but in any situation very soon you will be a working person. And work can come to you in a rather unexpected way.

Ritual for the box

A new, very beautiful box. It is important that she be perfect for you - had smooth edges, stylish design and so on. best material for the box is cardboard.

In this lovely box you need to write the sentence:

my ideal job

Additionally, add more precise characteristics of your perfect job, for example:

The position of an executive director in such and such a company ...

Salary - $1500

Work schedule is five days a week, five hours a day.

And in the end, fix your no less attractive photo on this box. This symbolizes the process of your employment. Looks like you already got a job!

An important point for the Simoron rituals to work with a bang is to always conduct them while in a light state of soaring, with a positive attitude and being confident in your own abilities. It is important to believe without a doubt that the rite will definitely work.

But when you have done the deed, immediately be distracted by something else so that your thoughts do not interfere with what you want to be embodied in life.

Honey shower ritual

When you are about to shower, take a small amount of honey and apply it on your body. At the same time, say the following slander:

You will need to resort to this ritual on a daily basis until you get a job that fully meets your expectations.

Ritual with raspberry jam

For him, you will need to prepare raspberry jam, and also write the phrase on a piece of paper: Work - raspberries. Then the leaf is glued to a jar of jam and close it with a lid (this will help better assimilation of information).

After an hour, you can start using sweet product one spoon a day. And very soon, work (which is sweeter than raspberries for you) will appear in your life.

Ritual to find a job Fishing

You need to make paper or cardboard fish figures and sign each as work. Then a small wire is taken and attached to the ruler. The end will need to be bent like a hook.

As a result, you get a semblance of a fishing rod. Then you fill the basin with water and launch your fishes. Now you can take on a fun fishing, during which you say:

Catch a job big or small, profitable and remote!

And when you catch a fish, express your joy about this:

I have a job! I am very happy (happy)!

Use the above rites to get the job of your dreams as soon as possible.