I want him to think only of me. How to make a man think of you? Psychological advice and magic rituals. Ritual of mental practice

Surely the easiest way is to flunk it romantic messages, but the effect that you will achieve by this will be exactly the opposite: you need to work more subtly. Therefore, forget about frequent calls, SMS and constant spending time together... Let the man feel free and not soul him with your love ahead of time. Don't be jealous of his friends. Every man needs to be able to escape for a day or two. Not to the left! And on fishing, to the dacha with friends, to the bathhouse or just to your own world. Give him the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Rule two: slow down the rapid development of the novel

It's hard, we know. But this fail-safe way, which was also used by our great-great-great-great-grandmothers: if a man is not given what he wants, he will begin to achieve it. Well, or at least think about the subject of your desire all the time. Another thing is that today, in XXI century, it will hardly be possible to marinate it for six months, without allowing anything more than innocent kiss on the cheek. Yes, in fact, this is not necessary. All you have to do is not settle for everything he wants right now. Sometimes he jumps over, it's okay.

Rule three: use technology wisely

The fact that we do not recommend that you bombard him with messages does not mean at all that you do not need to use at all. modern technologies: on the contrary, you can use them rarely, but aptly. Instead of sending him sad kittens and hearts in the messenger every 2 hours, write a message like: "I'm waiting for you on Skype on Wednesday night: it will be hot!" Until Wednesday, he will think about you and only about you. Especially if today is Thursday. Another way to make him think of you is to show, not tell. Especially if there is no opportunity to meet in the near future (for example, you or he is on vacation). We sent him selfies, but, of course, not in the spirit of "I am smiling in all 48 teeth against the background of the Eiffel Tower." Let it be something with a hint. Sexy, naturally.

Rule four: infiltrate the enemy's camp

In war as in war - all means are good! So feel free to join his inner circle and become your own person there. Make friends with his friends and try to charm them. Better yet, help them with something, for example, recommend it to a friend. best doctor in the town. Or the best bar that few people know about (the bar is definitely more effective). The goal is simple: other people should remind him of you, and remind him in a positive way: what a cool girl, don't let her go, bro!

Rule five: don't feed his self-esteem

There is absolutely no need to constantly stroke his fur: if everything is smooth and smooth, there is absolutely no need for a man to think about you. You are useful, convenient and trouble-free, like a washing machine. And who, one wonders, thinks about his washing machine, even if she is also beautiful? Quite right, nobody. Therefore, do not forget to weigh him sensitive clicks on the nose in time. In a figurative sense, of course.

Rule six: do not try to be "not like everyone else"

Before writing this article, we studied several online manuals on the topic "How to make a man bored" and everywhere we met the same advice: "Surprise him, be different!" And it seems to us that this is bad, worthless advice. First, what does “not like everyone else” mean? All women are so different, which one you shouldn't be? Secondly, this advice implies that you are, as it were, “like everyone else,” and therefore he is bored with you. A bit like an insult, don't you think? And thirdly, this advice means that you need to immediately change and start behaving unpredictably. Yes, of course, this is how you can make a man think of you. But what exactly to think - doesn't it matter? In general, we consider this advice unsuitable and give the exact opposite: do not try to impress him, pretending to be a mysterious "not like that". Otherwise, he will start thinking not about you, but about that “not like that”. Do not multiply entities (including your own).

Rule seven: provoke

But it is possible and necessary to provoke him. But it is better, of course, to play this game on the "bed" field: unforgettable night v in this case your friend, but an unforgettable scandal is not a very smart move. Although he will certainly think of you. Obscene.

Rule eight: don't get stuck

In fact, it doesn't matter at all if he thinks of you when you're not together. Because it either happens by itself when he falls in love in earnest, or it won't happen at all - if that's not your option. And if you feel that he really is not your option, do not waste your efforts on him. Because suddenly he really gets attached - and then what are you going to do with him?

Every woman dreams of becoming for her pretty young man a real obsession, that one and only, about whom he constantly thinks. For some girls, this desire is realized, while for others it remains an impossible dream.

How to make a man think of you? There are really many recommendations for this question: banal advice and psychological tricks as well as magic! With their help, you will find the same levers in your boyfriend's head, by pressing which, you can direct his thoughts in the direction you need.

Most main advice simple enough in theory and rather difficult to implement. It sounds like this: so that all the guy's thoughts are only about you, he needs to be liked. Someone easily achieves such a result, but others have problems with this.

Feminine behavior either attracts or repels the opposite sex. So, young ladies running after men look easily accessible and not too attractive. And, naturally, guys will not think and dream about such girls.

The next extreme is the touchy ones, who turn guys off with their isolation.

The ideal option is a moderately inaccessible young lady who challenges a man, as a result of which he constantly thinks about her.

Here are some ways to make your boyfriend miss you and direct his thoughts in the right direction.

Method number 1. Reason for jealousy

Of course, jealousy is not the best and the right feeling, however, it can be a wonderful assistant in the conquest of a man.

It is only important to understand how the “object” is subject to this emotion and how it reacts to the appearance of a rival on its territory.

Don't go overboard anyway, just flirt a bit with the other guy. Or inadvertently mention that you met a pleasant stranger online. Jealousy (or possessiveness) will make a man think about you regularly.

Method number 2. Ability to listen

Ability to listen and hear - truly female dignity... Don't talk about your problems, about the past personal life, but listen to a man you like. Not only girls need a kind of "vest" in which it is so pleasant to "cry".

The same advice assumes the ability to maintain a conversation, because you will not constantly sit with your mouth open, listening to your man. Take an interest in his hobbies, work, so that then skillfully enter the conversation and thereby create nice image intellectuals.

Method number 3. Disappearance

Another efficient method how to make a person think about you is as follows - disappear for a while after have a good date, crazy kiss, long and pleasant conversation. Just stop calling and picking up the phone. Wait a few days for men's thoughts to only revolve around your person, and then be the first to call him or write on social networks.

Method number 4. Close, far

This method of making a guy miss you works in skillful hands... Try to keep the man in love at some distance, playing a kind of cat and mouse. At first, you are hot with him, and then a chill appears in the relationship.

The guy is simply forced to constantly replay this situation in his head, naturally, remembering about you. Just play skillfully: with one man, more hotness in a relationship is preferable than cold, the other is crazy about inaccessible young ladies.

Method number 5. Romantic dinner

The phrase that it is through the stomach that the path to male heart is not without reason. Why don't you use this worldly wisdom? But only delicious food this is indispensable, since the main "dish" in this situation is you.

Your task is to create in the guy as many pleasant associations with you as possible, so dinner should be accompanied by romantic music, candles, stunning aromas of dishes. The centerpiece is you - in your most seductive outfit. After such dinners, a man, willy-nilly, will return his thoughts to you and wish for a repeat of such an evening.

The opinion of psychologists

To evoke thoughts or memories of you in a man, use the method of anchors, or stimuli, which trigger a reaction in response to any stimulus. They are of several types:

  • kinesthetic;
  • auditory;
  • olfactory;
  • visual.

There is no need to run after a man, showing yourself that you are beautiful. It is enough to occasionally send an SMS to your beloved, which will be a kind of friendly poke. It is only important to choose the right time for the message, for example, you should not distract the guy from the work meeting. Just wish have a good day, hinting at the desire to communicate in person.

Another variation of the visual "anchor" - small gift, which can be hung on your hand, a phone (keychain), put in a purse (your own photo). Or present your man a coffee cup so that he starts every morning with the thought of you.

Auditory "anchor"

To get a man to think about himself as often as possible, you need to come up with a word that will switch him to you. For example, after sex, you can say such a long-awaited word for guys: "great!" Yes, and hearing this word from another person, the man's thoughts will be with you.

Important! To similar method earned, repeat this Magic word at least seven times. In addition, you should rarely use this passphrase in normal conversation.

Olfactory "anchor"

Think of the supermarket tricks that use tangerine scents in your premises. The installation is triggered: the smell of citrus is associated with the New Year, so we begin to purchase more goods.

Choose a unique perfume or aromatic oil that a man will associate only with you. You can also place an aroma lamp in your bedroom to enhance the effect. Just be careful when choosing a scent so that the guy doesn't get a headache.

Important! To enhance the positive reflex, do not conflict in the bedroom, do not quarrel with a man when you are "wearing" your favorite perfume. Let nice smell causes only positive associations in a young man.

Kinesthetic "anchor"

Psychologists advise touching a certain place (neck, elbow) of your lover when he is experiencing strong positive emotions(laughter, happiness). Just touch it and hold your hand for a few seconds. To create a habit, an average of 10-30 touches are needed.

Such an "anchor" will help you create in a man good mood, even if 10 minutes before that he was furious. This kind of emotion management makes the guy constantly think about you and think that it is with you that he is good and carefree.

Thoughts are material! You can agree with this statement, but you can consider it stupidity. Magic and other esoteric techniques can also be used in love relationship... Let's say a man disappeared for a while. And in a woman's head, the question immediately arises, how to make a man think of you at a distance? Before dismissing any "witchcraft", let's find out all the details.

Ritual number 1. Setting up for sleep

Is it magic or just a certain attitude? Both, it is quite possible to remind of oneself by the power of thought, the main thing is just to want. Before falling asleep, think about the man you love who you want to dream about. Just think only good things about him, remember the most pleasant moments.

Close your eyes and say something like an incantation: “See, Peter, bright dreams with me, Katerina. May it be so!" Words are actually not that important, the main thing is your confidence in the end result and attitude. Say this "conspiracy" to yourself 2-3 times and address all own thoughts to a loved one.

Ritual number 2. Welcome call

Do you want to force a man to call you by the power of thought? And again "magic" comes to the rescue. Concentrate all your attention on the image of the young man from whom you are expecting a call. Present it in great detail: in full height, with all the details of the clothes. Special attention devote to the emotions on your face - let him be in a good mood.

Pick up cellular telephone and imagine the feelings a guy would have when he wants to call you. Look at your cell phone and continue to imagine the man, remember his voice. Of course, it may not work the first time, so exercise often.

Ritual number 3. Energy channel

This is not really magic, but rather the materialization of thoughts. To use this ritual, lie on the floor and relax. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and slowly.

Then introduce your lover and mentally guide energy channel from myself to him. Imagine how this connection becomes wider and stronger every second. Imagine how it begins to pulsate, tying you tightly together. Lie a little like this, smiling and thinking about him.

So, there are really many ways to make a young man think about you, and they are completely different: psychological techniques, everyday tips and even magic.

The main thing is not to dwell on this desire, but to continue living and being interested in the world around you. And if you are also curious, charming and moderately mysterious, then you will not need any tricks. How can you not think about such a beautiful girl ?!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

It is believed that the main adornment of a girl is pride and disinterest, and The best way to make a man bored and wanting is to pretend that you don't care about him. However, such a principle is only good for teenagers, and a wise grown woman must be able to demonstrate love and care unobtrusively so as not to cause rejection.

How to make a man think of you

If your romance is just beginning, or you are just looking at each other, great value has the image that you present to the young man. Men primarily tend to pay attention to their appearance, so do not be lazy once again emphasize femininity, beauty and sexuality. Try to follow simple tips:

  1. Before meeting a young man, give great attention clothes, neat hairstyle, manicure. Don't be sloppy.
  2. Try to understand the young person's communication style. in social networks and by phone. If a man is used to texting during the working day, support the initiative. However, if your messages remain unanswered (or laconic emoticons come in response), you should not impose, even if you are puzzling over how to make a man miss you. Moreover, the silence of a man does not mean indifference.
  3. If your relationship has already moved to an intimate level, sometimes try to stir up interest and desire. Not everyone will dare to take bold tricks like tossing lace panties into a man's business briefcase, but they will even be able to call and say that you hope to repeat the experience of last night as soon as possible. modest girls... You will definitely make the guy miss you!

How to make a man bored from a distance

In the life of happy, stable couples, there are situations when you have to part for a while: for example, because of a business trip or an internship in another city or country. If people have been together for a long time, they trust each other and will worry about the fear of betrayal. However, men are less emotional creatures than their wives, psychologists have proven. Then the woman has a question about how to make the man bored? Below are the solutions:

  1. If you have permanent relationship, you should forget about the principles like "do not call first" and leave them to teens. It's okay if you miss a man, and there is nothing humiliating about calling whenever you want.
  2. Try to talk more about your life, about new acquaintances. Ask what is going on with him. Then, when you meet, you will not have the illusion that you do not know anything about each other.
  3. If you are determined to find out how to make a man miss you, do not neglect meeting opportunities. For example, there is a chance to see each other on the weekend - great! Rare dates, especially of an intimate one, will only inflame mutual desire and serve as an excellent prevention of infidelity (unfortunately, this can happen if you do not see each other for six months).

How to make a married man bored

Situations in life are different, and if you once became the mistress of a married man, treat the incident philosophically. Women who find themselves in such circumstances should understand that they are still unlikely to be able to claim one hundred percent of the time, effort and attention of a loved one, they need to soberly assess the balance of power. However, it is quite possible to tie a man to yourself and make him bored. The main thing is not to dream that he will leave the family! In reality, this rarely happens. What to do:

  1. Try to be interested in the affairs of a man and to praise. WITH sincere interest listen to about work or hobby. If communication with his wife is minimized, he will reach for attention to you.
  2. Find "your" symbolic things: music, a restaurant or even a street. Finding himself in a familiar atmosphere alone, he will surely remember the woman he loves.
  3. Don't start throwing tantrums, making demands, or nagging your partner. The psychology of adultery is such that a man seeks lightness, interest and satisfaction of his desires (not only sex) from his mistress. Your bond will be stronger if you learn to guess his mood.

How to remind a man of yourself

If you are embarrassed that a man with whom you had a mutual interest stopped calling, do not rush to think about the bad. Modern life is such that a person can be really very busy. Try to remind yourself a couple of times: choose a moment to call, or write a message on the social network. If the man doesn't answer, try again in a couple of days. But not more! Obsession is useless here: you are not his wife in order to demand something, and if the young man chose to ignore the unanswered challenge, it means that feelings have changed (or were originally a mistake), and he decided to disappear in silence.

Psychologists have developed several lines of behavior that evoke positive emotions in the interlocutor, especially if it is a man. Keep in mind: not only will the partner's attitude towards you change, but you yourself will become more sincere, open and sensual. Try each technique in turn and watch yours change. internal state and the attitude of others.

Mental strokes

When communicating with people, even on the phone, imagine that you are lightly stroking the interlocutor on the head, shoulders, holding the hand. Experiment with which option works best for you and which one has the strongest effect.

Speaking gaze

Pay attention to where you are looking during a conversation. If you want to please a man, look at his nose tip or lips. This intimate area, men are very sensitive to such views. They quickly relax, start smiling, and are ready to chat. But looking strictly in the eyes or, even worse, between the eyebrows is a forbidden technique. It signals an attack or a serious defense.

Tender appeals

When the first two points have relaxed your man, you can start with heavy artillery. Say to yourself: "My you are good", "You are so cool", "I am happy that I have you." These phrases are so saturated with love that even if you say them to yourself, the interlocutor becomes very warm and comfortable. Do you remember what happens to houseplants if you water them and tell them sweet words? People react in the same way to warmth and affection.

Three touches

As you already understood, the essence of the technique is that you repeat all actions three times. I looked into my eyes, looked away, repeat three times. Come and touch his shoulder, then again and again. The fact is that men think about a lot and it is not so easy for them to switch as we do. And women often perceive this as a lack of love. Tactile contact faster will help them rebuild and start reacting to you correctly.

Words of power

In one word, you can fix a bad day and ruin great sex. So think about how you address your beloved. Do you want a man to really care about you? Replace diminutive nicknames with strong ones. Make him feel responsible for your life with him. He came home with the groceries, and you told him from the doorway: “The miner has come! Master of the house!" Be smarter and more inventive. If a man, having come home, immediately goes to his desk or plunges into computer games, Do not get mad. Give him time to come to his senses, and at this time go to the kitchen, heat a couple of spoons in a frying pan olive oil, squeeze out a head of garlic and add spices. Such an aroma will go through the house that your loved one will definitely pay attention to it. Enter the room, whisper in your ear: "I'm in the kitchen" and immediately leave the room. This technique has been tested by thousands of women and it works.

Give me a reason to brag

Everyone loves to talk about themselves beloved. Give your partner that opportunity. For example, at dinner, ask how he learned to ride a bike or what he liked best to do as a child. Men love to talk about their exploits, we just don’t ask about it and therefore we don’t know anything about them.

All of these techniques work perfectly not only with men, but also in relationships with children and with parents.

Anna Tok, editor of the section "He and she" website:

Very kind and sweet advice. The most pleasant and correct thing about them is that they are aimed at the inner state of a woman. It's in Once again proves how important how you feel about yourself. Your emotional background, mood, confidence, love, all these components attract people. Happy with life and happy woman performs all these techniques easily and without prompting.

What woman doesn't want a man to think about her, miss her? However, it would be inappropriate to use the word "force" here. You can't make anyone think or get bored. However, you can induce. To do this, a woman needs to create conditions in which a man will simply have to think about her, miss her, remember.

Psychological techniques are given in a large number on the site psychological assistance site. It should only be understood that some will have an effect on a specific man while others are not. There are many ways to motivate you here, noting which ones work and which don't.

Why does a woman need a man to think about her? Everything is simple here: it is pleasant for any person to realize that they are thinking about him, they do not forget, they remember in free time... After all, if they think, then the person is interesting. And if a man thinks about a woman, it means that he liked her - this gives confidence that the gentleman will definitely offer to build a serious relationship.

How to make a man think of you?

Each lady has her own opinion on the question of how to make a man think about himself. If this opinion really helps a woman to achieve, then you should adhere to it. If the opinion does not give the desired result, then the woman should listen to someone else's point of view. Moreover, there are a lot of ways to attract and make you think about yourself.

Every woman wants a man to think about her, because everyone (even men) wants to be in the center of other people's attention. Being the center of a man's universe is the goal of any woman who undertakes every imaginable act.

How to get a man to remember and think about you? Here it is necessary to be what he wants to see you. If he is impressed by your actions, your appearance, your views on the world and life, then he will definitely remember you.

The behavior of a woman is very important. After all, after meeting with a lady, a man remembers exactly what happened, what impression the woman made on him. The behavior of a woman who is imposed on him has a very negative effect on men. He, of course, remembers her, but exclusively from the position of how from such annoying fan get rid of. And you do not want to be thought of just such thoughts.

Men do not like behavior that is too intrusive or detached. You need to be slightly inaccessible, but friendly and good-natured with men - then they will definitely remember you with tenderness and love.

How to make a man think of you - psychology

Men need to be encouraged to think about you. Indeed, the degree of love depends on the quantity and quality of thoughts. As men like to say that women make up their own minds, the same mechanism works in their case: the longer and more pleasant thoughts about women spin in their heads, the more it seems to them that they are falling in love. And this is the first step towards building a serious relationship.

In order for a man to think about you as much and often as possible, you need to use the following recommendations:

  • Create good impression from his relatives or friends. Do not belittle the opinions of people with whom the man constantly communicates. If his friends or relatives are delighted with you, then, most likely, the man will also think of you as his chosen one. To make a good impression, you need to be feminine. This means that you need to be outwardly attractive and possess qualities that are welcome in a woman. Win the hearts of a man's friends, and they will definitely make him constantly remember, talk, think about you.
  • Become an interesting conversationalist. It should be pleasant and interesting for a man to communicate with you. Here you can use original expressions... It is better to stick to cultural vocabulary, since obscenities and obscene phrases are not impressive serious men... Be a good listener who understands the man. Also, interest in you will arise if you yourself sometimes propose a topic for discussion.
  • Become the trophy that many men want. These men can be friends of your chosen one or strangers who simply pay attention to you, want to get to know you, etc. Let's remember how this effect operates in school years: the class is distinguished by the most beautiful girl, which absolutely all guys begin to love and strive for, even if in fact they do not love her. Also among adult men: if there is a woman who is inaccessible and attractive to everyone, then the man for some reason begins to think about her and also plan how to conquer her.
  • Demonstrate to your man that he doesn't always fit your ideals. You seem to be interested in him, he sometimes thinks that you love him, which naturally relaxes him. However, there comes a time when you become dissatisfied with his actions or words. In other words, create a rosy atmosphere in your relationship, but sometimes darken it with ominous clouds or a raging wind. A man does not have to live up to all your ideals, which he clearly needs to understand and see.
  • Be a mystery. What does it mean? Here we mean that a man should feel some understatement, the undisclosedness of a woman. If he asks questions, you answer them, but do not tell everything about yourself. Let something in you constantly be undisclosed so that the man experiences intrigue.
  • Encourage jealousy. Do not flirt or cheat with other men, but show that the beauties are interested in you. You are not doing anything wrong, but the attention of other men will make your chosen one jealous.

If a woman wants to be remembered ex-man, then the following recommendations will become elementary and effective:

  1. Do not try to appear in the eyes of a man. The less often you look for meetings, the better.
  2. Engage in self-development. If suddenly a man sees you somewhere, then he must face a beautiful, happy and confident woman. Let you not bump nose to nose, but he will just see you in the distance. But this moment, when he watched a beautiful and confident woman, will be enough to think about her.
  3. Be the best of the best. Here you should be perfect in everything: in your mind, in appearance, in sex, in housekeeping, in communication, etc. The more virtues you have, the better, which will make you think of not only the former, but also the new gentleman.

How to make a married man think of you?

Many modern women have relationships with married men. They, of course, understand that it is better not to destroy the family and it is very bad to be in the role of mistresses. However, many have the hope that men will be much better next to them, so they will change and become faithful when they leave their wives and go to their mistresses.

Mistresses also want men to think about them. And here it is much easier to induce them to do this, rather than single gentlemen. First, a woman should consider the need to have a relationship with a married man. Indeed, in rare cases, such men really fulfill their promise, break off marriages and go to their mistresses. They often change mistresses rather than wives.

Moreover, a woman should understand that if her man is now cheating on his wife, then in the future, when she already becomes a wife, this man will cheat on her. This is a tactic that works when a man gets bored in a relationship, problems arise, a monotonous life, etc.

Why are married men so attractive?

  • They are more gallant, patient, reliable, calm and predictable. They are ideal for the role of husbands, according to women, therefore they attract everyone.
  • They are generous with compliments and gifts. Perhaps, by this they conquered their wives. Now with the same they conquer their mistresses.
  • They are well-groomed, clean, ironed. Only mistresses forget that their wives make them that way.
  • They have already achieved something in life. If there were women who agreed to become their wives, it means that these men can give something to the ladies: love, money, home, protection, etc.
  • They are calmer and more confident. Moreover, they do not have a "hungry" gaze that craves sex. Such men are ready to spend romantic evenings and create platonic love until the women are ready for sex.

What can make married man think about you? If you still decide to beat off the ringed gentleman, then follow the following recommendations:

  1. Be beautiful. Beauty attracts all people, especially men. Only a man will pay attention to a well-groomed and tidy, beautiful and charming woman.
  2. Be charming. A married man has probably already forgotten how to flirt with a woman, how to be charmed by her, to feel that she is playing with him, like a cat with a ball. A man has already forgotten that feeling when someone likes him as a man.
  3. Be interesting. Communication with you should be interesting. You should be able to listen, maintain a conversation, understand the discussed topic, start a discussion of other topics, etc. Here a man will be attracted by the fact that a woman knows how to understand him and accept his position.
  4. Be nurturing. Just distinguish between a mother's care for a child and a woman's care for a man. It is necessary not to patronize the gentleman, but to show tenderness, gentleness, sensitivity and give support.
  5. Find allies among his entourage. It's good if you manage to pleasantly impress him. best friend... Here, too, beauty, intelligence and charm will help you. It's good if a friend even wants to date you. This will make a married man think about you and even quickly start a relationship with you.
  6. Leave your item on the man's territory. Seeing her, he will immediately remember you and think.


A woman will be pleased to know that the gentleman thinks, remembers and misses her. Anyone will be pleased with this, as it clearly indicates that they are interested. And if a man thinks about a woman, it means that he liked her.

Of course, if a man thinks badly of a woman, then this speaks of the opposite: most likely, the lady angered him in some way, so he thinks impartially of her. However, sometimes even those who hated at first soon begin to fall in love with their enemies. Therefore, not always bad thoughts men are a bad sign of you. Perhaps than more man will think about you, the more will be attached.

Let's give a couple more tips for those who want to evoke thoughts about themselves in men:

  1. Live your life. Sometimes refuse a man to meet because you are busy with other things, but always meet later. Be busy with other things as well so that the man misses you even more and understands that he is not the center of your life.
  2. Become an addict. A addicted people become only when they receive something valuable and important from others. If you can give a man something that he cannot live without, then he will become dependent on you, which means that he will not be able not to think about you either.