How beautiful to send a girl in a message. What to say to a man. Soft Ways to End a Relationship

Sooner or later, many girls are faced with such a problem: how beautiful to send a guy? Moreover, the key word here is "beautiful" because it's easy to send a guy rudely and primitively. But why do it? Everything can be solved in a civilized way, including. True, sometimes it is necessary culturally send a guy, with whom there was no relationship, but he is very eager for them. This article - practical guide on the question of how to send a guy.

So, if you didn’t have a relationship, as such, with a guy, but he persistently demonstrates his sympathy and hints that it would be nice to move on to a closer relationship, then it’s correct to explain that the relationship will not be possible in one of the following ways.

In a personal meeting, say something like the following phrase: “You will definitely be appreciated by another girl. You're just not my person." This method is suitable if a person, in general, behaves intelligently, but does not understand that his attentions are unpleasant to you.

If a young man does not understand correct phrases and behaves not quite adequately, then you can use not quite “beautiful” methods. For example, such.

  • Do not answer his calls, and then call back at three in the morning, do not come to appointments or come two hours late, and even make a scandal about the fact that he chose such an unfortunate place for a meeting where you could not get.
  • You can also demand gifts that the gentleman obviously cannot afford, such as a cute little yacht!
  • You can also invite importunate gentleman to visit her, and leave herself, leaving instead a bunch of girlfriends who will try to explain young man your relationship with him.
  • Behave in a way that makes the admirer ashamed of you: for example, sitting at a table in a cafe, loudly blowing your nose and coughing. But only if you are not afraid for your reputation.
  • Demonstrate in every way the presence of a bunch of fans with whom you allegedly maintain a relationship: call them, send SMS with him, you can even consult with an unpleasant gentleman: “Do you think it’s better to write to Vasya that I really want him or that I want him very, very - very? And what to write to Petya?
  • You can go on a date with your grandmother.
  • You can discuss with the gentleman himself, how beautiful to send a guy, and then begin to apply the fruits of this "advice" in practice with it.

Here how nice to send a guy! True, the word "beautiful" should be put in quotation marks! Most likely, any of these methods will work, and the gentleman will leave you alone.

It is more difficult when the relationship already exists, but they are also a burden to you and they must be broken. Here, of course, one must act more subtly and diplomatically than in the first case. It is important to decide for yourself whether you want to part completely and irrevocably and continue not to maintain relationships, or do you want to try to maintain good relationships. friendly relations. If there is a desire to communicate further, then parting should be tried to soften as much as possible and culturally send a guy. There are some nuances that should be taken into account before how nice to send a guy.

1) You should first rehearse your words, listen to them as if from the outside.

2) It is necessary to choose the right place for a decisive conversation. It is best to do this on "neutral" territory. For example, in a cafe (but not in one with which romantic moments are associated) or in a park. You can’t conduct a conversation at your place or at his place, as well as at work.

3) Be very honest with yourself. This does not mean that you need to tell about everything that does not suit you in him, but also to say that he is ideal and the whole thing is not worth it to you. You can, for example, say that in your relationship there is no longer the same “fire” or that you cannot give the young man the feelings and relationships that he deserves, and you are burdened by this.

If the young man nevertheless invites you to think and not break off the relationship, and you categorically do not want to think about it, as well as to reassure him in vain, then you can say a phrase that will definitely discourage the gentleman from continuing the relationship: “I realized that so far since I love ex boyfriend". This is, of course, unpleasant, but effective.

Many in their hearts can shout out something so abusive that they would not say in a normal state, others cannot say a word without a mat, which shows not only their disrespect for others, but also bad manners. Before answering the question of how to send a checkmate, let's figure out what a checkmate is.

Cursing is called the most rude kind of profanity in languages. It is believed that swearing is a phenomenon of purely Russian and closely related languages, but everyone knows a couple of swear words from foreign films in other languages.

Send without swearing

The use of obscenities in public, according to the law of many countries, is regarded as hooliganism, for which you will have to pay a fine. Therefore, you should not introduce yourself into waste, and if you really want to speak obscenely, here are a few examples of how to send a person without a mat.

  • Rearranging the syllables swear words, thus, the mat will no longer be perceived as a curse. For example: go natuy, zhuyobok
  • The second option for very witty people. You can show imagination and, one might say, literary talent. For example, in childhood, they often used the phrase: "Go to the butterfly farm to catch butterflies."
  • You can send it to where you came from.
  • Or another option - go to x, ygrik and the eleventh letter of the alphabet.
  • You can send the offender on an erotic tour.

How to send without a mat, without a mat at all - is already more difficult, but real.

For example, you can politely say that you do not want to communicate with this person, since his worldview has not yet developed to the level of an intelligent and sane person.

Another option is when you have been betrayed, and you want to somehow offend the offender. Tell him that he completely fulfilled his mission on the planet - he acted vilely and ugly, the mission was completed, the balance of evil and good was restored.

And you can also give you a recommendation to familiarize yourself with the works of V. Sinelnikov, who positions positive attitude to the world. Everything that happens to us, we caused ourselves by our actions or thoughts. And if someone brought you to the point that there was a desire to shout out offensive abuse, stop, think about why it happened. We ourselves create the world around us.

That's how beautiful to send a guy! True, the word "beautiful" should be put in quotation marks! But not everyone can send a girlfriend or friend beautifully to make it look civilized and civilized.

Here you will find many useful information for building beautiful body, improve overall physical condition, proper nutrition, sports humor and much more. is the number one website with phrases. Only the most best phrases, beautiful and funny, smart and winged sayings.

Is it nice to leave a guy?

Nadinka1984: How to send a man to come back or at least regret what he lost? Still plays a role always and the fact who exactly teases you, boyfriend, girlfriend, friend, enemy, child or mother-in-law (mother-in-law).

20 Ways to Send in English

If a young man does not understand correct phrases and behaves not quite adequately, then you can use not quite “beautiful” methods. That is, sending is easy, but getting him to take your words seriously is a completely different story. And sent you. With every right: without ceremony, completing the gestalt, restoring justice, raising fallen self-esteem.

Once upon a time, he was everything to you, and you could spend hours telling your friends how wonderful he is. The main thing is that if the desire to leave has arisen, make it as beautiful as possible so that your relationship and its finale do not affect your future. And one more thing ... When throwing guys, do not forget that you can also end up in the place of the abandoned one, so before taking the next step, put yourself in the place of another person.

How to send a man

Athletes and athletes of the city of Vereshchagino!!! Please take my computer away from me... ..and throw it out the window... that I never get in touch again... ..and spoil my mood by talking to you!..

Listen, I see you feel like a star??? So sit on the Christmas tree and shine! And remember, this is your level. The most complete collection of phrases structured by topic and direction. There may be enough reasons for this, and all of them most often lie in the people themselves with whom you had a chance to talk. What is wrong with the person opposite? People who interrupt often show their disinterest in you and your thoughts, problems, opinions, and so on.

Another unpleasant aspect is manifested in the excessive tactility of the person who entered into a conversation with you. But how to handle the situation gently and not abruptly? If this does not help and the interlocutor continues to return to what he started, change the questions more abruptly, literally throwing them at the person opposite.

Keep your composure and comic form point to sore spot opponent. Each man of culture able to lose control and self-control when the interlocutor goes beyond what is permitted. The main thing is not to throw sharp expressions and sharp words. This kind of rudeness is pleasant to you and quickly puts upstarts in their place. You need to leave beautifully and be beautiful at that moment, wish love from another, joy and happiness, if you live with him, leave everything to him and not share a sofa, curtains, a refrigerator with a vacuum cleaner and a toilet bowl.

Take only your things, tell about your love for him, that you always loved him and will love him ... And with a radiant smile, you left May with a flying gait .... Have you ever had cases when you were cruelly teased and at that moment you become very uncomfortable in your soul, you begin to be embarrassed, blush and want to hide away from everyone.

And of course, I wanted to know a worthy answer to all the jokes !!! It won’t work a little, next to me they turn gray all over and right away! A banal excuse with a threat: For some jokes, there are gaps in the teeth. Here it is: Asking if I like sex ??? In fact, they say the truth that you can kill with a word. But it is also true that if you wish evil, it will return to you! You try it, and I'm sure you will definitely return the good!

A wise and harmonious person in the soul cannot be humiliated, insulted and offended (“sent”) with words, because they do not take offense at the truth, and a lie does not deserve attention. Remember! No one can humiliate, insult or offend a person with words - only he himself, subconsciously interpreting the conflict situation not in his favor.

Being rude is real

And as you know, everything in the world returns to normal (like this person whom you insulted and humiliated - you “returned”, and you will be “returned”, if not him, then someone else - such is the nature of life). Insults, offensive and humiliating words are often perceived as psychological pressure on a person, and therefore as stress. Therefore, in order to morally “humiliate” a person with clever words without a mat, first of all, you need to learn how to either quickly relieve stress or treat it calmly.

Lot various people we meet in life, many and different, including conflict situations may arise in interaction with these people. In a personal meeting, say approximately the following phrase: “You are very good man, you will definitely be appreciated by another girl. You're just not my person." This method is suitable if a person, in general, behaves intelligently, but does not understand that his attentions are unpleasant to you.

Behave in a way that makes the admirer ashamed of you: for example, sitting at a table in a cafe, loudly blowing your nose and coughing. It is more difficult when the relationship already exists, but they are also a burden to you and they must be broken. Here, of course, one must act more subtly and diplomatically than in the first case. For example, in a cafe (but not in one with which romantic moments are associated) or in a park. You can’t conduct a conversation at your place or at his place, as well as at work.

Oops! Serious backlog. And why would all of a sudden? - A patamushta! Intuition, feelings, resentment and sympathy freeze and refuse to act in his direction. And, forgetting about it, you don't think at all. Vzh-zhzhzhih! Without smell. And you wonder how this could happen to you, and you are looking for, multiplying explanations for a phenomenon unknown to you until now. And as a result, you find, unwittingly, a single entity that, with a curly brace, combined all of these listed or forgotten in the "without" lists into one. And thus they were cut off as superfluous.

She said, cut off, and fled, right? Oh well. Believe me, sending a man is not as easy as it seems. But still women's magazine JustLady advises to part beautifully, that is, without squabbles and scandals. Well… In general… –?!!! - Okay. Here we will talk about how to send a man correctly. About when, indeed, it should be sent. Everything can be resolved in a civilized manner, including the breakup of relations. True, sometimes it is necessary to culturally send a guy with whom there was no relationship, but he really strives for them.

Perhaps every man experienced a moment when he asked himself: “How to send a girl away?” At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether people had close relationships or the girl only intended to take decisive steps. The only important thing is how to do it in order to avoid it. Let's analyze various ways say no.

When does it become necessary to send a girl off?

In fact, if you detail them, as many as you like, but if you approach the classification as generally as possible, you will get two options:

  • there were relations, but they have exhausted themselves;
  • the girl really wants, and the guy does not burn with desire.

The reporting point in the "Gap" project is defining. It is followed by all the specifics of the relationship. This affects the choice of one or another method of influencing the girl. Knowing her character, inclinations, tastes, preferences, it is easier to choose the method that suits her. Sounds like an advertisement, but what can you do if it is. Are you still preoccupied with the question of how to send a girl off? Then we move on to methods.

Soft Ways to End a Relationship

First the list, then the explanations:

  • stop calling altogether
  • when she calls, the guy says: "I'm busy, call me later";
  • neutral communication without any ambiguity: sexual jokes or hints;
  • introduce a friend.

Now we will reveal the essence of each method.

The first method is practiced by the heroine of the book Amelie Nothomb "Tokyo Bride". We will not illustrate it using the novel as an example, so as not to spoil the pleasure of reading for future readers. By the way, this book will also benefit the guys, they will be able to learn something interesting about the psychology of emancipated women. So method. Its essence is that a person simply stops calling himself, while he may well answer calls from that side. Sooner or later you'll get bored.

The second method is a bit rougher than the first, but they are the same if you compare the message. Messages to the other side: "I don't need you."

Neutral communication is also universal: it is suitable for cases when it is necessary to prevent unwanted relationships, and for cases when it is necessary to get rid of stories that have already exhausted themselves. Usually the method includes the phrase: "Let's be friends" or "Let's be friends." Girls are familiar with such things, they successfully practice them.

You can argue about the softness of the "introduce a friend" method, but sometimes it works. For example, a girl is passionate about a guy, but he cannot reciprocate her, but he has a lonely friend. Why not introduce these two, if a man already asks himself: “How to send a girl away?” In this case, all means are good.

Methods of "moderate severity"

In human life there are such forces with which it is difficult to argue, in fact impossible. Appeal to them offends, but not much, just because they are fatal. So, the following phrases will help a man out:

  • "I do not love you";
  • "I do not like you";
  • "I love another."

Nothing can be done about desires, so the cards fell. You can, of course, be offended by such a verdict in relation to your person, but this is unproductive. These phrases have positive side- certainty. With sympathy (and even more so with love) nothing can be done, you can’t force love by force. In general, some try and tried, but such behavior does not promise a good outcome. So there are answers to the question of how to send a girl off, these phrases are well known to everyone, use it.


If none of the above has helped, then “heavy artillery” is used. It is called so because these expressions can give rise to a lot of complexes in a girl. Consider the phrases:

  • "You don't suit me!"
  • "I do not want you!"
  • "It's impossible to love you!"

Why speak so rudely? Because here the guy goes strictly to the personality of the girl and "showers her with compliments." Let's compare two phrases: "I don't like you" and "I don't want you". Sympathy is an accidental formation and depends on situational and taste factors. When a person is told: “We don’t like you!”, He thinks: “Well, it happens, all people are different.” When a man says that he does not want a woman, it means that she has some fundamental flaw that does not allow her to be desired. I don’t want to analyze the rest of the phrases, how ugly and vile they are. True, if you look at it, the presented phrases are not much different in their essence, but an appeal to the physical inability to love someone is rudeness. Even when they say: “I don’t love you,” it doesn’t hurt so much. We must remember: the word - great power. It must be handled with care and spare the feelings of others whenever possible.

Types of girls and the right way to escape

To answer the question of how to send a girl off correctly, you need to understand who exactly the man is dealing with. There are three kinds of women:

  • smart;
  • not very smart;
  • stupid.

Smart people prefer to be told right away what the odds are. After all, as Hank Moody said: “A woman in the first five minutes after meeting knows what she wants from a man.” Believe me, with a man the same story. V this case you can apply the methods of "moderate severity", they, on the contrary, will be the most correct and easiest, no one will suffer more than usual.

And if you met couples who were first friends, then became lovers, then the point is not at all that their feelings matured for a long time, but that, as La Rochefoucauld said: “One loves, and the other allows himself to be loved.” This kind of relationship is similar to a game of poker, their main principle is who will change his mind and overpower whom. Or maybe everything is simpler: these people just searched and searched and did not find anyone, but a friend was always there. As a rule, this is a very strong relationship.

It's harder with the dumb. Methods from soft to medium are applicable to them. Although the degree of stupidity is different, so you can not renounce the "heavy artillery". But let's hope for the best.

But there are girls who either really crave love, and this desire blinds their eyes, or they are sorely lacking the intellectual ability to understand that a man is not the hero of their novel. With them, any means are good, otherwise you can pay for your pity all your life. History knows cases.

"Love is a golden staircase without a railing"

Of course, I want to be kind and gentle man, and it is also desirable that everything be clear from the first time. But life is not fairy tale she hurts. Love, like life, is multifaceted. famous phrase, put in the title, everyone can interpret in their own way, but one wisdom that is contained in it is important: feelings are not something that is guaranteed, and you can fall down this ladder at any moment. Therefore, it makes no sense to ask yourself: "How to leave a girl who loves you?" Parting is part of the lesson that life teaches us. Imagine a person who doesn't know how to let go. In separation, in addition to pain, there is a valuable experience.

Stop communicating with a person who is intrusive, rude or unpleasant to you. Just limit coexistence with it all possible ways. If this does not work out for any reason, then try not to pay any attention to the enemy. Ignoring is great way show a person your disinterest in his attempts to become a significant person for you.

You need to send people "to hell" in different ways. You can not equally "send" a relative, boss and friend. If this close person think about his feelings. It is clear that you will not be able to send a native for a long time. Then think about how you will restore the relationship. You can hint to the boss who has exceeded his authority that you are not going to endure humiliation. If the position is expensive, then you should not spray curses and swear words Sometimes it's better to just remain silent. The easiest way is to “send off” a friend by gently expressing your disapproval of his interest in your person.

Restraint is the key to success

Not all people know the word, so many try to respond with rudeness to obsession. By becoming like your ill-wisher, you become the same as him. Having entered into a rough skirmish, you can lose not only nerves, but also respect from people who are significant to you. Thus, we can conclude that sending someone on "distant wanderings" should be restrained. Show impudent person your superiority in that you can keep a face even in a situation that irritates you. When the opponent begins to give some arguments, just leave, informing him of the unwillingness to communicate anymore. A self-respecting person is unlikely to want to climb on the rampage and chase after someone who treated him so humiliatingly.

Proper presentation of information

If "sending" a person directly in the face is impossible for you, then do it by mail. This does not mean that you need to roll up a frank letter with obscene language, but you can express your dissatisfaction more intelligibly with the help of the epistolary genre. If you don’t know how to answer correctly, hire someone who writes texts to order. This method is convenient only when you need to get rid of a well-known person.

The ability to give a verbal rebuff provides people with independence from other people's judgments. By expressing your unwillingness to communicate with someone in a literary language, you will ensure not only peace of mind, but also approval from relatives, friends, and simply witnesses of the situation. As a last resort, if a person absolutely does not want to understand your explanations and climbs on the rampage, contact law enforcement agencies.