Message on the topic of household items. Excursion for old household subjects

Julia Mastichene

Objectives: Continue the acquaintance of children with the life of our ancestors, with Russian traditions. Rail interest in the national cultural life of the Russian people.



Introduce the features of the Russian hut, the lifestyle of Russian people in the old days;

Clarify and expand the ideas about the objects of life in Russia (trench, jug, grasp, cast iron, lapties, spinning battlefield, bench, on making methods and materials;

Enter children into a special distinctive world by its effective knowledge with the surrounding items.


Develop speech communication skills;

Intensify and enrich the dictionary;

Develop emotional responsiveness, attention, small motor Hands.


Awake in children a sense of love for native edgehis past;

Brief in the child's shower curiosity, a sense of beauty, help understand that they are part of the Russian people;

Attach children to popular cultural traditions, universal moral values, praise positive traits: hospitality, kindness, respect for work.

Integrable educational areas:

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Communicative and personal development.

Wordwork: Rushnik, jug, grasp, cast iron, lapties, spread, bench, beaches

Demonstration Material: Slides, Russian audio recordings people's song "Spinner"; Stylized objects of Russian life (spoons, jug, clay pot, wicker baskets, tablecloths, tumors, napkins, lapties, stove, etc.); Talking threads for each child.

Node move:

I. Organizational moment.

The teacher welcomes children by the old Russian custom, with a bow:

Good healthy, dear children!

What do you think, why did I greeted you on the old Russian custom? (children's responses)

Slavs were welcomed by a low bow to the earth respected in a human community, sometimes even touching or kissing her. Such a bow was called "big custom." Familiar and friends met a "small custom" - a belt bow, and strangers almost without custom: applying her hand to the heart and then dropping it down.

Today we will go on a trip to the past, I will tell you about how people lived in Russia in ancient times.

Ira "long-now"

I will call you words, and you will show your hands back if it was a long time ago. And in front of them, if this item is used now.

Apartment - Izba, sandals-lapties, self-singer, lantern-candle, electric stove - stove, saucepan - cast iron, wardrobe chest, well - plumbing.

II. Main part

Demonstration of slides.

Slide 1. "Rus wooden - edges expensive,

Here, Russian people have long been living.

They glorify the homes of relatives,

Round Russian songs sing. "

Guys, as you think, why Rus was called wooden (hut, dishes, furniture, many household items were wooden).

Slide 2. Russian hut is a wooden house that partially goes into the ground. Despite the fact that the hood of the whole thing consisted of one room, it was conditionally divided into several zones.

Slide 3. The windows were first closed with mica or bovine bubbles. Stew in Novgorod and Moscow appeared in the 14th century. But they were very expensive, and put them only in rich houses. Both mica and bubbles, and even a glass of that time only missed the light, and what happened on the street, it was not visible through them.

Slide 4. Was in the hover angle, which was considered a dirty place and separated from the rest of the scene of the curtain.

Slide 5. The red angle was the most important and honorary place in the house. In Russia, the hut has always been built in a certain way, taking into account the side of the horizon, the red corner was located on the east side, in the most distant and well-lit place. It was a home iconostasis. It was considered important that at the entrance to the hut, the man first of all should pay attention to the icon.

Slide 6. The icons were installed on a special shelf and had to be able to stand in a certain order. The red angle was always kept clean, and sometimes decorated with embroidered towels.

Slide 7. Although it was not distinguished by the decoration of hips with a variety of furniture: the table, shops, benches (shops) of so far (stools, chests, - everything was done carefully, with love and it was not only useful, but also a beautiful, pleasing eye.

Slide 8. The right from the stove. The angle was called Babi Kut or Head. The hostess commanded here, everything was adapted for cooking, there was a strawberry.

Slide 9. Good hosts in the hollow glittered cleanliness. On the walls - embroidered white towels; Paul, table, benches are dismantled; On the beds lace ruffles - subzora; The salaries of the icons are cleared to the brilliance.

Slide 10. Icon (dranched, chip) - thin long chips of dry wood, intended for a furnace extractor or hinding.

History is a very longstanding word. Translated from the Greek language, it means "study", a story about the events of the past. "

I know you love and are interested in history. For many centuries, the story has accumulated a huge amount of treasure and carefully keeps them for future generations. What do you think are these treasures? (Children's responses)

These are objects of history, culture of the past and present.

What is the past? (Children's responses)

All that we see and hear, instantly becomes past, but will not disappear, but remains with us.

Yes, children, right. The most important thing about what happened is not only remember, but also use. Moving forward, people rely on knowledge, skills, the experience of those who lived to them.

Children, what do you think, where are the stories stored? (Children's responses)

I think the past stories is kept in the museum.

Right. And today I invite you to an excursion to the museum. Our museum is not simple, but magical, so all items here can be touched, hold in your hands.

Finger gymnastics.

In the meadow, the house is worth

Well, the path is closed to the house,

We open the gate,

In this house we invite

The table is standing on a thick leg.

Near the chairs at the window,

Two barrels under the table,

Here I saw the house.

In our museum collected the objects of Russian life.

Which items are familiar to you? Name them and tell me why they are needed and how they were used, from which they are made.


Guess the riddle, what kind of subject it is about?

On the trample was

On the circles was

There was a fire

Came home -

The family fed.

Responses of children. (Clay pot.)

Yes, right, this pot made potter. He blinded him from

clay, and then burned in the furnace.

The educator comments on every subject, tells his story.

Lapties. Pellee Napti from the bark and undercase many deciduous trees: limes, birch, elm, oak, rockets, etc., depending on the material and wicker shoes were called differently: Berestyanians, Vyazyoviki, Duboviki, Rakatniki. The most durable and soft in this row were considered Lypny Lykti, made of lime scroll.

Clay toys

Rushnik. Icestari in Russia. Manual weaving was considered a traditional female occupation. There was no woman in the village that would not be able to weave. From dominant sewed clothes for the whole family. The girls were preparing their own dowry for the wedding, gifts groom and future relatives.

Stove. Emelya, Baba Yaga, Ilya Muromet ... What unites these fabulous characters? Stove! Emelya used it as original means Movement, Baba Yaga Soap-Paris in her uninvited guests, and the intimid Ilya Muromets on the oven layer lay the plafhmy long yearsWhile the wandering elders did not heal the epic healing and did not call him on the feats of rational. Russian oven hundreds of years served our ancestors faith and truth ...


Samovar. Symbol comfort, home heat, family focus is a samovar. He was bought for his whole life, sometimes he passed from his parents to the children, he was burned, he cared for him.

Wooden spoons

Articulative exercise

The teacher draws the attention of children to wooden spoons.

Here I have funny spoons, why do I call them so? (children's responses)

Take spoons in your hands, and will not be boredom in the house,

So that the spoons are fun played, we will help them:

"Ra-Ra-Ra - We are having fun in the morning

Ri-Ri-Ri - took spoons of Plogari,

Ru-Ru-Ru - We start the game.

Lodkari: "Spoons painted their business know,

They are in the hands of skillful fun playing. "

Tell us what you feel when you take into the hands of the things that are presented in our Museum? (children's responses)

In the old days they said: "I didn't get any hands,

In order to dangle in vain. "

All these things are made by the hands of masters and craftsmen, in each thing the particle of the soul, work and warmth human hands, so all these things seem to be alive, every thing tells your story.

Well done, you know a lot. Before there was no electricity, there was no radio, nor TV, winter nights Long, there were women in the hut, lit candles, and what do you think they did?

Red girls knitted, embroidered, straight on a bark, cliff lace, and good young legs of the legs, spoons cut out, prepared inventory to field work. Nobody was lazy. Everyone had a lot of cases.

Measuring is heard.

Who is yes where he is (children are looking for a kitten)

Oh, the kitty - which is, what did he do?

Cat - Cote, Fluffy Testing,

Under the bench sat, the paw was twisted, the balls dissolved.

Help me threads in the clusters to wind up.

Guys, masters at work always sang, no wonder the saying:

"With the song and work argues" (a verse from the r. N. Songs "Young Hand")

Exercise "Watching Clamps"

And now I invite you to visit one simple Russian family, in the past, we will move a hundred years ago.

Staging in the performance of children

Rustic hub: in it stove, veser, rocker, pots, grasp, broom, table, shop. On the table - samovar, wooden spoons, cast iron, light, bread.

Mistress: (addresses her husband and son) "Ivan Demyanovich and you are Frolushka, go slices." Father and son come to the table, sit down, bawrs, take spoons and eat from the total cast iron.

The owner: "Ay, are good for you, Nastasya Timofeevna, turned out."

Mistress: "Yes. They succeeded, the stripping hurts fell good. I look at me a stove, smoke something, and the straw broke. To establish. The lapties were tested by Frolushka, would regulate. I would glad. "

Host: The stove glanced, settled. Napti in the evening Zalagayu, and even sniff - tomorrow. (Beats the son with a spoon on the forehead) do not break at the table, eat! " The mother comforts the child, gives whistle, strokes his head says: "There is a reason to listen, not to stitch at the table."

Blank, go.

Spells Russian people work, loved and have fun and play.

Movable Russian antique game "Linen".

One playing sits in the center of the circle, all children stand in a circle.

Children: What are you lazy, lie?

Laziness: drink. I am hungry!

Children: What is needed for you?

Laziness: Bayars, state, state drink!

Children go in a circle, sing:

Who does not oppress his back,

So the spoon is not in the mouth,

And where the spin was bent -

There Rye is thick.

With grain cake,

From the spikelet - the whole bag!

Dream, babes, laziness, then let's drink it!

Children clap. Laziness dances.

And now do not yawa, they are rather catching up!

Considering children tea and ladies.

I and my focus wish you wish you and live and life, and a healthy, and who is a fat man, guess:

"It is a fat man, pouring a barrel,

Having hits and boils, all the tea is to drink. "

Just drinking we will not be tea, but a russian drink is a shot down, and from which the shooting is cooked, you can tell me now. (children by smell define honey appearance: Raspberry leaves, currant, lime color.)

III. Generalization and conclusions.

Sit down the table with a row, but let's talk to the spot, tell me where you were, what did you see? (Children's responses)

What did you most like in the life of Russian people in ancient times? (children's responses).

Shining. This is popular in the old century an instrument of labor and the subject of peasant life. With this device, straight threads. We remember Pushkin: "Three girls under the window were late in the evening." Copper measure. The object similar to a large mug was actually a dimensional capacity in which exactly a quarter bucket was included. Wooden bucket. He was hollowed out of a solid piece of wood. From antiquity until the XIX century, BRAGA, KVAS, honey poured with such buckets. Clace. Exotic for modern man The tool with the "hedgehog" of long sharp wooden needles was used for wool and flax. Rubel. The distant ancestor of the iron, with the help of which women stroked underwear. Manually pressing underwear was wound on the rolling pin or roller and rolled out the ruble. Tolkach, he is Macogon. Almost it was a pedestal for a mortar. They were pierced by the seeds of flax, triturated poppy, cottage cheese, oil. Big pushers crushed pigs for pigs. Rocker. Popular in the economy of past centuries, the adaptation that allowed uniformly distribute the severity of the portable cargo. Most often with the help of the rocker wearing water from the well. The rocker was laid on the shoulders, and the buckets with water were hanging on the hooks in its edges, and sometimes other goods. Remember the Russian riddle: "The painted rocker over the river was hung" (Radow - Rainbow) Oak barrel for wine. Wine in the old century was kept, worn and drove out in kegs from oak, in which the drinking drink was preserved no worse than in clay jugs. At the same time, the wooden barrel was incomparably stronger, did not break off from strikes. The plug-in hole on the sidewall plugged the plug, and on the end there was a drain crane. Like other barrels and bans, the wine barrels were tightened with steel hoops. Paw. Today it seems very unusual this an ancient device, with which shoemakers repaired shoes. Trap. Popular hunters trap for catching large animals. The beast squeezed in the drill to the trap. In the twentieth century, the trap was famous in the film "Beware of the car", where the character of Dima Semitzvetov installed it on the "Volga's pedal" to pushing the head of the hijacker. Libra. Presented in the museum, the device for weighing was 100 years old - it was manufactured in 1910. Cast iron mechanism, copper plates. Wooden scoop. This is recruited from bags or other flour, buckwheat and other tanks. Sickle. Weapon for cutting cereals and herbs with a rounded, tousing steel blade and a short wooden handle. Widely used when harvesting. In the older, the thin lunar crescent compared with the sickle. In the twentieth century, a sickle crossed with a hammer turned into one of the main symbols of communism, personifying peasant labor, one with a hammer denoting the work of workers. Horse plow. A typical picture of plowing in the past century: on the field leisurely there is a horse harnessed by a plow, and behind it, leaning his hands on the handle of the plow, the agriculture sticks. The peasant equestrian plow had one blade, which plowed the furrow, preparing the soil. Also, Plow destroyed the rhizomes of plants-weeds. Millstone. To grind wheat, rye or other grains into flour, two stone circles were used. They rotated, grain raged between them and they triturated grain in flour. The material from which the millstone was done was not random. Typically, the circles were made either of the fine-grained flint of porous sandstone, or from the replaced, containing limestone fossils. Gip or Rogach. Home furnace tool. The device with the help of which was put into the oven and was taken out of the casting furnace, in which the food was cooked. The grasp was a long wooden stick with a semicard metallic Rhitina at the end, for which he was sometimes called a horror. Under each size of the cast iron, his grasp was used - more or smaller. Poker. Indispensable assistant For firebox ovens. This is usually a long stick or a metal rod with a raised at right angled end. This tool allows you to shift, mix firewood in a furnace or fireplace, straw Sadnik. A wide flat shovel, usually a whole wooden, on a long stalk, with which the baked bread is removed from the furnace. Wooden shovel. Unlike metallic, not for earthworks, and during drying of the cleaned grain. Hook. Agricultural device for pulling hay from stack.

Filatova Maria



Excursion for old household subjects.

Bahur Sonya, Filatova Masha.

Hello. Today we will spend a tour of the school museum for you and tell me how our ancestors lived and how their life was arranged.

Peasant Razba Differed simplicity, the main space in it occupied the Russian oven. In the corner there was a table, the Borean was located on it with icons, along the walls were placed fixed beings. The shelves were embedded over the shops. Near the stove above the ceiling was arranged.

A relatively small spacing of the hut was arranged so that he lived big family At 7-8 people. Each family member knew his place in the house and at the table.

The owner of the house during lunch was sitting under the icon, the eldest son right hand From the Father, the second son - on the left, the third - next to the elder brother. Children were planted on a bench, coming from the front angle. Women ate on the withdrawal benches or stools.

IN common days The hut looked rather modestly. It did not have anything superfluous, the table without a tablecloth, the walls without jewelry. IN holiday The hut was transformed, the table was put forward in the middle, covered with a white tablecloth, festive utensils were exhibited on the shelves.

Utensils are the whole set of objects, necessary person in his everyday life. Utensils are dishes, for storing and cooking, feeding on the table. This is a box, clothing storage chests, personal hygiene objects, objects for burning fire and other items.

The name of the object of life changed depending on its use of the hostess: the pot in which Kashnik was cooked, called "Cashnik", a vessel made of clay was called a pot, cast iron - cast iron, from copper - a medical center. The vessel for the joy of vegetables of the bondary work was called a couple. The vessel, wetted from the tree, was called dull. A large container made of clay, called Korchagha.

Here is the clay dishes - a pot, watch, a jug, a maslotop. They were made of special pot clay, adding quartz sand. Did their potters - artisans. When the pot was ready, he was dried in the sun, then burned in the furnaces, and for beauty and strength covered with icing.

Pots put in the oven with the help of grasp.

Gipping - Dolia Rogatina, it consists of an iron alignment and a wooden cutter.

Kvass, beer, water, stored in large clay tanks - Korchaghah.

Kvass interfered in Korchaghah with a wooden stirrer. She knead the dough for bread.

Wooden L Rhôp - it raised to screaming liquid and crumbly food, sometimes it was used by the owner as a means of punishment for disobedience.

For the lighting of the room used to be used the lights to which they were attached wooden Lucino.. Later, kerosene lamps began to use for lighting. And the first electric light bulbs appeared in the 50s of the 20th century.

Lagoon - wooden utensils of the cooler work, served to transfer water, kvass, when they went to work into the forest, to the pouch.

The mirror in a wooden frame was decorated with carvings, it was fixed in the simpleness between the windows. Such mirrors have always been decorated with elevations, lacers.

The farm often used baskets different sizes And the forms, more often their spill from IV branches. Baskets were open and closed top. They went to mushrooms and berries.

The basket woven from the roots of pine is called rootary., Corewhat. They kept their homework and clothing.

From Beresto made Taues, they were decorated with patterns for beauty. We went to the berries with tuses and sometimes stored bulk products: salt, cereal. Now Tuesok is a traditional Russian souvenir.

For carrying buckets, Badeeks and baskets served as a rocker. They were made from Linden, Osin, Willow, because their wood was distinguished by flexibility and elasticity. The rocker in the form of an arc was well placed on the shoulders.

Almost in every house there was a weaving machine, on it the fabrics of the rugs and a linen canvas. The floor rugs were decorated, and the clothes were sewed and children from the linen canvas.

The Russian oven was necessary for heating housing and for cooking. The fire was divorced inside the oven, smoke went through the chimney. The stove had a cube shape, its length was 2 meters, width 180 cm., Height-170 cm. The top of the stove is smooth, here it was possible to lie down and gets intimidated.

Inside the furnace is a firebox with a vaulted ceiling and a flat bottom. The mouth of the furnace has a semicircular shape, the furnace closes the damper. Before the mouth is a playground, she called the sixth. For the sixth, there were pots, cast-iron and with the help of grasp them were entered into the oven.

Such furnaces beat out of clay, adding stones, they helped keep warm. A well-shot stove was durable and could serve several generations.

Holes in the furnace were called the chores. They dried socks and mittens.

On the legs, the peasants wore Napty. They were very comfortable, warm, lungs. They were spilled out of the strips of the linden bark, elm, rockets, heers. Napty cliff with a simple tool - cat.

For lapel weaving, a wooden block was used - a vesk.

So that the lapties did not sleep with their feet, they were tied to them with the help of ropes. For heat in the lapti, the hay was put, sometimes sewn to the sole, and then the legs in such lapties were not wrapped and not wet.

Sheltered with her own hands the shoes were called cats. Such cats wore a woman, and such - men. Cats were very comfortable. Inspire their clole hay, so as not to hurt legs.

But such shoes wore women when they went to the prayers to the church. These boots wore Markova Elizabeth, she prayed in our Nikolskaya church. To serve for a long time for a long time, rubber galoshes were dressed above.

Each farm was kept sheep. They cut them twice a year special scissors. Warm things knitted from wool. But before it was necessary to prepare threads.

Wool cleared OT. foreign objectsThen they were torn on the terebachki and folded in a flat foot - sowing.

Sidework was tied to a spiner, and straighten with his left hand, and the right rotated spine. Threads were wound on the spindle, then two threads were connected to one and spokes knitted socks and mittens.

The peasants were decorated with an ornament, pattern, and in their opinion it was protected from the evil eye and protected from dashing people.

The cradle-cradle is a device for sleeping and dummy child. It has the appearance of a rectangular wooden box with a bottom, she was suspended to the ceiling on the ropes - handles. On the bottom of the cradle laying hay, straw, rags, under the head put a pillow, naked with hay or straw. To protect the child from flies and mosquitoes and light on the cradle, a canopy was hung. In the cradle of the child kept 1-2 years.

On holidays, men were put on elegant shirts - spots, and women dressed skirts samudackers. It was customary to wear clothes from natural fibers - Wool and flax.

Flax for this was specifically grown in the fields. He was also called northern silk.

In the autumn, when Len hesitated, he was praised by his hands, so as not to damage the fragile stalks, folded in the field so that he searched two weeks. He was put in the sheath, seeded the seed, then the stem of muli with fumes, then quarreled, cleaned on the ridge and got a soft linen cap.

They hit the linen cudel, too, on a spiner. From threads weaving machine Watery fabrics. Crooked and sewed clothes from the cloth.

IN free time Women kneading lace, they sewed them to sheets, pillowcases, the walls of the house were decorated with embroidery smooth and cross.

Rubel - wooden elongated bar with a short rounded handle. On the internal surface This tool was made by transverse scars. It was used to smooth after washing dry linen fabric. The front surface of Rubel was made smooth.

And here the metal products are presented.

Baggorts used on the river alloy along the river, it is convenient to turn the logs floating in water and collect them into the rafts. It consists of an iron hook and spike.

For a peasant, the summer was considered the hardest sometimes, and the main event of the summer was hay. The grass on the desires mowed the litolines. Such a liter coars the grass, and the day of the day. The youth loved Senokos, like a holiday, worked spores, sang songs, joked.

At the end of the summer, bread ripened. Cleared bread with sickles. At first they rode rye, then barley, then wheat.

The peasants themselves went to the forest on the workpiece of firewood so that the tree fell into needideHis pushing iron rhotina, it was attached to a wooden stick.

Iron - used to smooth out clothes. At first, hot coals were put in the iron, he was constantly silent, and smoke came out through metal pipe. Used in farm and cast iron heavy irons.

Mortar - fixture for grinding different products: salt, pepper, horseradish. In this mortar, the pestle lacks. Wooden mortars were used in Russian villages.

The horseshoes for horses were made in the blacksmith. Horses hide the horses, so that they do not wound the hoof

To hide in a cart or sleigh, an arc needed.

There were also elegant arcs who were imputed on holidays, they were additionally decorated with ribbons and bells.

Racket - Metal Capacity round shape, with a wide hole for watering water, and nose. He was suspended on a chain or on a rope, a towel hung nearby. The furnace, the object of the cast-iron art casting, made on the Dobryan Metallurgical Plant.

The work of masters on the Dobryansky plant was manual, physically very heavy and harmful to health. And it was especially difficult to work in hot shops. The workshoes walked to the clothes from a domain canvas, put on her legs. Come to work, on top of the shirt masks put on a long apron from the canvas. Such rude clothing protected them from excessive heat and hot splashes.


We present you a list of examples from oldest objects Life and note that these are only the oldest surviving samples - many of these items existed much earlier.

These Egyptian woolen socks designed to wear with sandals produced between 300 and 499. AD, and found in the 19th century. (Photo:

"Sumerian beer recipe from 3000 BC. Beer is very strong and contains pieces of bread floating in it. " (Photo:

The oldest glasses in the world found on the boffin land in Canada. They were intended to protect against glare sun rayreflected from snow. (Photo:

The most likely age of the statue depicting human figure - 40,000 years. It is Venus from Cave Cave-Fels, Germany, carved from the mammoth bone. (Photo:

This 5500-year-old right mocassin of oxide leather was found in a cave in Armenia, it was preserved in herbs and dry sheep dung. (Photo:

This is a 40000-year-old bone flute from the south of Germany. (Photo:

The oldest pants in the world found in Western China, their age is 3,300 years old. (Photo: M. Wagner / German Archaeological Institute)

In the ancient city of Ephesus, Turkey, there were washing public toilets. Flowing water under the seats was worn to the nearby river. (Photo:

This bra was carried between 1390 and 1485 in Austria. There are more early historical descriptions This subject, but other copies are not preserved. (Photo:

This prosthesis 3000 years ago helped someone in Egypt again walk. (Photo:

Dog teeth are all that remained from the unpaved 4500-year-old wallet, which was found in Germany. They were probably part of the outdoor sash. (Photo: Klaus Bentele, LDA Halle)

This reusable condom from sheepskin was used in 1640 in Sweden. It was supplied with the instruction on Latin, in which the product was recommended to clean with warm milk to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. (Photo:

This chewing gum From Finland, chewed at least 5,000 years ago. It consists of Berriest and, most likely, used for curing oral cavity From infections or used as glue. (Photo:

The oldest recorded melody was found in the ancient city-state, in the territory of modern South Syria. Music wrote for the lira. (Photo:

The oldest of famous coins was found within the ancient Ellinsky city of Ephesus (Ephesus) in Turkey. One of her side decorates the image of the head of the lion. (Photo.