Is it possible to bathe after the tan. Little secrets: how to get and how to save the tan. Sunbeam protection

11 Chose

After returning from the resort so much you want to keep the bronze tint of the skin. There are several simple ways to do this.

You probably noticed that the tan received at the seaside resort manifests itself much more intense: it looks brighter, but, alas, it keeps less. If you took sunbathing In native latitudes, then the skin shade will not be so bronze, but it will hold an order of magnitude longer. This is explained very simple: in the south, the sun burns much stronger and the skin gets a decent dose of irradiation, even if you sunbathe in all the rules. That's why sea Zan Such dark. Over time, the body will try to update the epidermis faster, which is why south Zan So quickly goes away. But there are ways to keep it. Take about it and talk.

Tanned skin is usually overpower. For the most part, for this reason, it begins to go earlier than you would like. Therefore, if you want to extend the life to your zagar - justice a good moisturizing body for the body. Usually such products have the prefix "Super", "Intensive" or "Extra". Apply it a few times a day when you feel the depth and necessarily after water proceduresHaving focused on some kind of dry bodies.

The easiest I. true way Support the tan - just extend it. For example, in solarium. Of course, this option will have our opponents and supporters. Be that as it may, if you decide to visit the solarium, prepare for this procedure as it should be. Namely: Take the Sun protective cream With a small protection factor, for example, 10 or 15 SPF. Before the tan in the solarium is better not to take a shower, so as not to wash off the protective lipid barrier of the epidermis. But the day before it is advisable to make good scrub for body. Although we will extend the tan, but in fact, we will receive a new portion of the ultraviolet and so that it will be smaller, the dead cells must be removed. After the solarium, be sure to moisten the skin with a soothing moisturizing lotion. The tanning time in the solarium depends on your skin type: bright girls will be enough 5 minutes, dark - 7.

Another sure way to save golden tint Skin - use auto market. Just use a lotion with a bronzing property once or twice a week. Of course, not forgetting about the scrub on the day before. By the way, the ladies who previously afraid to apply auto markets or had the unsuccessful experience of communication with him, it is best to make another attempt now when the skin is still tanned - any flaws will be simply not so noticeable.

In addition, modern auto markets imitate the natural tanning color so well that you can not be afraid to get too yellow or pink.

If you want to keep the tan, refuse to use bleaching products - masks and peels. They remove upper layer Skin, thereby literally washing and tan. If the need to use such means is large, then be sure to purchase a powder with a tanning effect or washed brimat. By the way, they can be used not only on the face, but also on the body. For example, in the neckline area, neck and on the shoulders.

Tan can be consolidated not only with the help of external means. Include in your diet as much as possible products with a high content of vitamin A and antioxidants. More drink fresh carrot juice and wipe your face. You can also put the course of polyvitamins.

To preserve the tanning, it is worth up with a visit to the sauna and a bath. After such procedures, the metabolism increases and the skin will noticeably pale. And during the adoption of the baths, add a strong infusion of tea or coffee into water - it helps to hold a dark shade.

Beautiful tanned skin is the dream of many men and women who spend a lot of time on the beach. But not everyone knows how harmful to her is ultraviolet. The skin after the tan quickly loses moisture, because of which various damage appears, for example, peeling or burn. Therefore, the care of tanned skin should be especially thorough and delicate.

How does the wrong tan

The excessive influence of the Sun can deliver a lot of trouble that will easily spoil the pleasure of a beautiful tan. Often, after a long stay in the sun, many notice the peeling. It may even occur if the skin was well moistened. Therefore, if it picks the skin after a tan, before going to the beach you need to make a soft peeling.

Spots on the skin after tanning appear at various skin diseases. Most often the cause of uneven skin color is the insufficient level of melanin. It is necessary to protect the epidermis from ultraviolet radiation. His drawback leads to the fact that white spots appear on the skin after the tan. In addition, the stains may appear due to fungal infection and reception of some medicinal preparations.

How to protect the skin

In order to reduce negative influence ultraviolet need to use special means. They are applied to the skin immediately before going out.

Usually sunscreen is easily absorbed in 10-15 minutes. For very dry skin, cosmetologists recommend using first milk or lotion.

The cream with the SPF filter must include antioxidants and vitamins A, C and E.

Such care can help prevent the appearance of unpleasant consequences from the wrong tan.

Skin care after tanning

To restore the skin after the tan, you need to care for it. Our recommendations:

  • After returning to the beach, you should not immediately take a shower. It should be given a little rest. Water should not be too hot, otherwise protective layer The epidermis will easily collapse. In addition, the high temperature of the water can easily trigger redness and peeling. Contrast shower helps to calm the skin. It is 10 minutes enough so that the pores opened.
  • The recovery of the epidermis is impossible without food and moisture. Especially if the skin is too dry or peeling. For this you need to do as often various masks For body, as well as use special lotions. It is best to moisten it with the means containing thermal water and vitamin E. In the mask of their own preparation it is important to add glycerin and essential oils. They not only feed the epidermis, but also help him hold moisture. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the appearance of peeling.
  • If the skin itches after the tanning, it means that it is formed burns. The second cause of such a body reaction is allergic to ultraviolet rays. Burn always accompanies redness. In the event that the cause of scabies becomes allergic reactionBubbles with liquid appear on the body. Itching perfectly removes Methyluracil ointment or phenyatil gel. Treatment should be not only superficial, so it is important to take antihistamines and antiallergenic agents.
  • If after staying in the sun it appeared burn, then it is possible to remove it with panthenol. But before treating treatment, it is necessary to dry a little burn. You can calm it using folk methods. For this usually use raw potatoes, sour cream or aloe juice. These products have antiseptic moisturizing properties that promote fast healing. In addition, they remove redness perfectly. Such body care allows you to quickly get rid of burns.
  • Often after burning burns, the skin gets very much. In order to quickly get rid of the dead layer, it is necessary to use scrubs. In this case, the tool should not only remove the cornea cells, but also moisturize. Dry skin really needs good nutritional properties cosmetics. Correct care Behind the tanned skin helps to quickly restore it. Therefore, if she gets, you should use home scrub based on sugar and olive oil.
  • White spots on the skin after tan can be removed, only rearing the reason for their appearance. If they appeared due to fungus, it is necessary to use antifungal creams. During treatment, it is better to reduce the time of staying in the sun to a minimum. Care for such skin should be especially gentle. It is also recommended to visit the dermatologist who can assign proper treatment.

Read: Balm with the effect of gradual sunburn: Application Rules

There are special cosmeticscontributing to the so-called tan activation. They contain components that enhance the natural tan. In this case, it will be not only beautiful, but will latch much longer. In addition, the activator is able to moisturize and protect the skin, so full care For her without this, the means is impossible.

Facial care and zone

Redness or burns most often can appear in the body areas where the skin is particularly gentle and sensitive. Therefore, the skin of the face, neck and area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline must be protected very carefully.

After tanning should be used special cream, preferably regenerating.

It should have many vitamins and components that protect the epidermis from exposure sun ray. The main components of such a means - peptides that contribute to updating the cells of the epidermis.

Another means that allows you to quickly remove the consequences of the wrong tan, this is a home mask. They include natural products that are much more effective in purchased tools.

Make them better than once In a few days, the skin has time to recover. The composition of such masks must include vitamin E, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. Dry skin especially needs moisture.

After a while, the skin darkens and can acquire grey colour. In order to remove it, care should include peeling. It should be done no more than 1 time per week, or even less often. For a face it is best to use enzyme peeling. After this procedure, it is necessary to apply a moisturizing cream.

In order for the skin for a long time had a beautiful homogeneous color, it is recommended to use light tapping. But the solarium is better not to visit, especially the first time after staying in the sun.

Secrets of beautiful sunburn

There are several rules that allow you to quickly get good tan. They should be adhered to not harm. For this you need:

  1. Before going to the beach, it is necessary to make a peeling of the whole body. Then the tan will fall uniformly.
  2. It is not recommended to sunbathe without the use of various sunscreens. This rule is especially important for people whose skin is too sensitive and prone to burns.
  3. During beach seasonAnd immediately after the tanning should not use strong peels or scrubs with a large number of abrasive particles. The tool should be easy and applied no more than 1 time per week.
  4. It is important to remember that excessive passionate peels contributes to the fact that the tan will quickly disappear. The fact is that these tools provoke active regeneration.
  5. Mandatory moistening usually implies the use of not only cosmetics, but also natural products. Among them are the most effective are considered olive oil, sour cream and essential oils.
  6. Moisturizing and nutrition tanned skin Must be in their composition vitamins and antioxidants.

Read: How is solarium better and safer?

In order to achieve a good natural tan, you need to properly protect the skin and care for it. Then no unpleasant consequences of staying in the sun, even long will not be. If peeling and burns appeared, it means that care was insufficient.

We so often strive for vacation, we dream of it, we build plans. One of mandatory attributes This holiday can be called as a smooth tan. It's hard to imagine full holiday at sea without receiving bronze Zagar.. However, it is not at all uncommon that more than half of the holidaymakers get at all what they dreamed about. Instead of even pleasant bronze shine on the skin, various kinds of peeling foci appear, after which the skin acquires for real Spotted view, as if leopard or cheetah. There are more planning results when the rest ends on hospital bed. Therefore, before you go on a journey or simply deciding to take sunny baths in your country, you should prepare well.

How to sunbathe in the sun? Is it possible to sunbathe at all?

IN lately There have been a lot of different types of publications that tell about the dangers of long-staying in the sun. However, it is impossible to completely definitely speak so categorically about solar hostility. It is enough to remember that all living on Earth cannot exist without sunlight.

Scientists have proven That the human body without a sufficient regular intake of vitamin D is very straightened and gets rich. More bright example In this plan, you can call plants. Almost no flower is capable of blossoming in the dark. The same vitamin is produced by the living organism itself, but only under the direct effect of sunlight, which, according to scientific, can be called ultraviolet radiation. In general, it presents three main groups in it: and, B and C. The first group is most dangerous. But at the same time, precisely thanks to her, we are safely developed and we assimilate everything necessary components. In addition, it is the bright sunlight that contributes to the conclusion of a person from depressive states or nervous overloads, since endorphins are produced in the body or "Hormones of happiness". Sunlight treats many skin diseases and colds.

Types of skin for sunburn

It turns out to talk about the dangers or benefits, attention should be paid to how much this ultraviolet is consumed and what type of skin you have. In accordance with this, the means of protection should also be selected, that is, special creams that reduce the harm from ultraviolet. If you are "Albino", that is, the skin, eyes and hair you have bright, then you are most at risk "charring." The protective cream factor must be the highest-SPF30 and even in this case, on the straight sun, you can be at no more than 20-30 minutes. Without protection, time is reduced to a maximum of 10 minutes. Approximately the situation is also the "Normanov". True, in their case, gradually the cream factor can be reduced from 30 to 15. Representatives of Central Europe without special protection can be under direct sunlight not more than half an hour. At the rest of the holiday, a factor of at least 20 should be used during the first week, and then it can be reduced as the personal tolerance of up to 10 or 8. If you are "smoothly", then as a result, you have two times higher than you will boast of a smooth velvety tan. than in previous types. For you enough factor 15 or 10, and after the first seven days you can reduce the bar to 8 or 6. But in this case To get involved in the sun without protection should not be - not more than 30-45 minutes. Representatives of such regions as India or Africa with very dark skin solar burns are almost not threatened. Nevertheless, from the very beginning, it should still use a lightweight protective cream with a factor 6 and also often apply a moisturizing cream.

Sunbeam protection?

The use of a protective cream does not guarantee receipt uniform tan. without unpleasant consequences. You will need to comply with a number of specific rules.

  1. First, you should start with the selection of sunbathing time. It is best to do it from early morning to 10:00 and from 16:30 to the evening. Then solar activity is minimal, and skin perception and its conversion is saved at a high level.
  2. The duration of the simultaneous stay in the sun should not be for the first 5-7 days should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Gradually, time is lengthened to one and a half or two hours. At the same time, pay special attention to the water when it shows the practice of more than 90% of holidaymakers forget about time and, as a rule, are burning. Therefore, people with very light skin should even swim in the first few days and walking in the open sun in a T-shirt, protecting shoulders and back. There is nothing strange here. Since the water reflects the sun's rays, then and, therefore, the skin sunbathes much more.
  3. Properly selected protective agent should be applied to the skin for at least 30-40 minutes before entering the solar space. It is so much time will need your skin to adapt to it and start acting directly. protective functions cream. At the same time, it should be applied to the whole body, without excluding the face. On him special attention It is necessary to pay the skin around the eyes, having finished its abundant portion of the moisturizing cream and putting sunglasses. Also, do not forget about the ears, which should be applied. For the delicate easily dried skin of the lips, special moisturizing balsams with ultraviolet-repulsive property are available. The cream has a property to be emitted or washed in water, whatever sweet promises you have given manufacturers in our advertising. After each washing or every three hours, the layer of cream should be updated.
  4. Since the water enhances the strength of the Sun and promotes burns, it should be in the sun only with dry skin, and after swimming, it's very good to wipe the skin and apply the cream there.
  5. Try not to use decorative cosmetics, perfume or deodorant, as it causes, as a rule, allergic and clogging. The use of the same cleansing lotions immediately before the tan faces the appearance on the skin. pigment spots. As defense, you can use natural protective equipment: coconut or olive oil.

The skin after the tan is typing and peeling. Skin care.

If despite all the warnings, you still burned, especially the face, then you can use the old people. Excellent helps the imposition of masks from potatoes, like raw, boiled. For example, you can take a small potato and grate it on a small grater, after which it is to add a spoonful of flour into the resulting Cashitz. The mixture is superimposed on the face with a thick layer for a quarter of an hour, and then wash off warm water. You can boil potatoes in the peel, clean and smash, after adding bold cream or sour cream, bringing the mixture to a homogeneous consistency. Used mask as well as the previous one. Also to the rescue comes such blows like a raw egg, or rather, his yolk, which should be hit and apply to the skin until complete drying. It is washed off with simple warm water. In addition, it should be remembered that if it is even a sunburn, it should also come with it, as well as with a conventional burn, that is, cool the affected skin. Compresses from very strong cold welding helps well. And of course, sour cream will relieve you from unpleasant dryness, burning and peeling.

Failure to comply with the rules of behavior in the Sun can cause the development of various kinds of diseases, starting with general alert and solar strike and ending with the development of oncological diseases. Therefore, to keep health, try all possible methods Musture yourself.

How to plan a tanning getting so as not to get burns, but buy smooth beautiful tan with a bronze tint.

Smooth and beautiful tan makes the body more attractive. However, it is necessary to sunbathe. Wrong sunbathing can lead to burns. In this case, no beauty will, there will be only a long and painful struggle with the consequences of the wrong tan. General rules Equally effective both in solarium and outdoor sun.

How does the skin of different types light up?

  • In total, there are four types of skin, each of which responds to the tan in its own way. To the first type include white or pink skin white color. This type of skin is called Celtic, is difficult to tan. Burns appear often, the result is not noticeable even after a multiple stay in the sun or in solarium
  • The second skin type is European, characterized by steady white. People with such type of leather quickly get the first tan results, but it does not work hard even after long sessions
  • Smooth skin refers to the third type, which is also called European, however, differs from the second type more dark color. With such a skin, burns almost never appear, and the tanning result is only increased by each time

How does light skin sunbathe? Photo

How does the dark skin sunbathe? Photo

How does the white skin sunbathe? Photo

How to sunbathe? 10 basic rules

1. Avoid the great activity of the sun. Sunbathe better in the morning up to 10-11 hours and evening after 16-17 hours. In the afternoon the sun ruthlessly, especially to those who came out under his rays

2. Correct your stay in the sun. The first visit should not exceed five minutes. Even if you do not feel any effect from the influence of the Sun, you still go to the shadow, which is for a long time. Believe me, a little longer, and the burn is provided, especially at the first two types of skin. Next time add a little more time and increase it gradually

3. Before you go under the sun rays, avoid using creams based on mineral fats, they significantly increase the chalk chance. Also should not abuse essential oils and spirits

4. Try always to use sunscreen. It improves the quality of the tan and protects from burns

5. Under the sun rays, it is better not to go out with a feeling of hunger or after abundant meals. For good tanning perception, the body should not feel internal discomfort

6. Be sure to wear a panama or golk on my head, and your eyes protect the glasses. This will prevent overheating in the sun and save from the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes.

7. Tanning, it is better to completely relax your body. Avoid reading or watching video. Eyes in the sun and so tense, tiring them once again do not do it. On the beach it is better to show more motor activity

8. sunbathing in a static position on the back or on the stomach, be sure to put something under the head, it must be raised. It will improve blood flow

9. Warring in the sun, do not run right to cool into the water. Go for a few minutes in the shadow and give the body to cool. Sharp and significant contrasts are stressful for the body

10. Always control the time of your stay in the sun, if you feel that we are about to fall, it is better to stand up and walk around the beach

How to get a good tan in the sun?

To get a good tan in the sun, it is necessary to clearly fulfill all the rules written above. it minimum setwhich will avoid problems with burns. Take care of the choice sunscreen, he must have a high SPF content ( sun protection factor). The cream is selected according to the type of leather.

Smooth tan can not be obtained at a time. This is the result of long work. A little failure in terms of fire will entail the burns, even minor will need to be treated. Thereafter smooth sunburn It will be very difficult to achieve. Therefore, it is necessary to show patience, sunbathe with minimal intervals to get the expected effect as a result.

What time do you need to sunbathe to not harm health?

  • If the tan is planned to receive in solarium, the tan time is not important, the main parameter is duration. If the tan is obtained naturally from sunlight, it is necessary to exclude day stay in the sun
  • The scorching heat is most dangerous not only for the skin, but also for health. During this period, people are most often getting a sunny or thermal blow. Turning into the sun, it is necessary less than salty products, because the salt is delayed in the body. Internal processes Must be as active, for this you need to drink a lot of fluid and move more, giving water through sweating
  • The best time for sunburn morning. From the morning and somewhere up to 10 or 11 hours. You can also sunbathe in the evening when the main pressure of sun rays will go to the decline

What if the skin burned in the sun? Urgent measures

First you need to evaluate the degree of burn. If he is insignificant, you need to go to a cool place, it can be a shadow of the tree or go home at all. If the condition allows you to take a cold shower at home to weaken the thermal effect. Perch in the water in the open sun is contraindicated.

Next, the scene should be treated with a special means of burns in the sun. Panthenol is the most popular and efficient. This is a spray that does not need to rub into the skin, which eliminates pain sensations. After that, it is recommended to drink a lot of dining clean waterAvoid access to the sun.

If the burn is felt nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and other negative reactionsshould immediately seek help to a doctor. You can call emergency help Or come to the nearest assistance point for a taxi.

With a burn, it is prohibited to use alkaline substances, soap, alcohol, vaseline and others. All this can only aggravate the condition. If blisters appeared after the tan, they cannot be poured - this will lead to skin infection inside. All recovery period Tanning should be avoided.

How to strengthen any tan?

To enhance any tanning, special creams are used, which have two functions: protective and amplifying. The result from such a tan is usually appearing quite quickly, but there is a short time. The selection of cream needs to be coordinated with the doctor. Contact a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

How to take sunbathing: tips and reviews
Solar baths can harm so that it does not happen, use the tips that are described in this article. Correctly controlling your tanning mode can be avoided negative consequences And get a beautiful and smooth tan.

Video: sour cream from sunburn

Video: Right tan

Thank you

Summer is a period of vacation and mini skirts. It is unlikely that there is at least one representative of the weaker sex, which would not want to summer season have a smooth and beautiful tan, attracting an opposite view. Yes, and men do not mind painting with their tanned pumped body. In the right rays of the Sun, many love to soak themselves, but not everyone knows how and when you need to sunbathe. Moreover, not everyone knows that ultraviolet radiation does not always have on skin and the entire body as a whole exceptionally beneficial effects. Right now we will try to figure out the main issues that are directly related to the tan.

What it is?

There are several definitions of this concept.
Tan is:
  • darkening skin coverwhich arises as a result of the excessive formation of the pigment of melanin ( dark natural pigment contained in the skin, hair, retina, etc.) in the outer skin layer under the influence ultraviolet rays or artificial light sources;
  • defensive reaction human organism from ultraviolet and sun through skin;
  • sign of good tolerability and favorable effects on the body of ultraviolet rays.
The skin darkening occurs gradually after the next irradiation of moderate intensity. In this case, the thickening of the horn layer is noted, as a result of which Melanin absorbs the heat rays and protects the body from the effects of long-wave ultraviolet irradiation. Long-flowing under the right rays of the Sun can lead to cell death, which are in the lowest layers of the skin. As a result, we get sunny burns either sunstroke.
Sunburn It is damage to the skin caused by excessive exposure to its sun rays.
Sunstroke - this is painful conditioncharacterized by a brain disorder due to the long exposure to sunlight on the uncovered head surface.


  • Activation of the process of blood circulation and metabolism;
  • Improving the activities of endocrine and respiratory systems;
  • The formation of biologically active substances;
  • Immunity;
  • Synthesis large number vitamin A D. ;
  • Rovna I. natural color skin;
  • An increase in the total amount of protein in the blood;
  • Enhancing enzyme activity;
  • Prevention and treatment of bone diseases;
  • Fighting cold and skin diseases;
  • Favorable effect on peace of mind and mood.


  • Promotes premature aging of skin cover ( if sunbathing more than 30 minutes a day);
  • Increases the risk of skin cancer and mammary glands;
  • Increases the risk of getting a heat or solar blow;
  • Provokes the development of allergic reactions.

Sun and children

Dermatologists argue that children under 3 years to be under the right rays of the sun is categorically contraindicated. Children's skin is endowed minor quantity Cells that synthesize melanin, that is why their protective layer of the tan is quite weak. In addition to this horn layer of the epidermis of children, much thinner than in adults. As a result, the sun's rays can easily penetrate the dend of skin cover, provoking the development of burns. Children's organism Heavier tolerates burns. Plus to all burns in childhood Strengthen the risk of skin cancer. Even after 3 years, children should be smeared with special sunscreen, which does not have dye, nor alcohol, nor additives, but only neutral physical filters. The fund protection factor must be at least 25. Children's skin to smear with such means it follows every 120 minutes.

Sun during pregnancy

All future mothers must be under the right rays of the sun minimal amount time. Otherwise, not to avoid trouble. First of all, insolation can cause temperature increase internal organs, and, consequently, the fruit temperature. Footing the fetus in the "overheated" condition for a long time can damage its brain.

In addition, estrogen levels increase during pregnancy ( female sex hormones produced by the follicles of the ovaries, the placenta, partially the bark of the adrenal glands and the seeds), which under the influence of the Sun cause appearance on the face dark spotsreferred to " mask pregnancy" These stains most often appear on the nose and forehead. Often they remain for the rest of their lives. During the studies conducted, scientists have established a bond between ultraviolet radiation and defects of development of the Central nervous system fetal. The thing is that ultraviolet rays lower levels folic acidwhich is especially necessary for the formation of the fetal spine.

Is it possible to buy a tan at home?

Of course, you can. To do this, it is necessary to open the window in the time when it comes to the room maximum amount sun rays. After that, place the body in such a way that the skin cover has obtained the maximum amount of ultraviolet radiation. It can be both standing and a supreme position. The most important thing is to remember that it is necessary to sunbathe at a certain time.

How to take sunbathing?

It is necessary to sunbathe slowly, and it is best to do it under an awning. The awning will help protect the skin from direct sunlight. Do not think that you do not boot. It is possible to achieve the beauty of the summer tanning from one light, which is reflected from the water or sand. Even if you sunbathe under an umbrella, be sure to put sunglasses and a headdress to protect your eyes, face and hair from the scorching sun. Initially, the duration of sunbathing should not exceed 5 minutes a day. Gradually bring this time up to 2 hours. Experts do not recommend immediately entering the sun in one bathing suit or smelters. The body should be opened gradually. First, open your arms, then the legs, etc. In a bathing suit you can take sunbathing only when the skin will get used to the sun.

When do you need to take sunbathing?

The best time for this procedure is considered to be the period from 9 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm. From 11 to 14 hours, sunbathing is strictly prohibited, since it is in this period of time that the ultraviolet rays are especially dangerous.

Contraindications for sunbathing

  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Nitamin deficiency group IN or FROM ;
  • DNA damage;
  • Reception of antibiotic agents or sulfanimamides;
  • People with light skin, red or blue-eyed;
  • The presence of a large number of moles or freckles.
1. Before entering the right rays of the Sun, do not wash the body and face with soap, do not rub the skin with cologne, do not use citrus essential oils. All these actions can lead to uneven skin pigmentation;
2. Anyone sunscreen Apply for skin 20 minutes before sunbathing;
3. Flame protective aneg before long stay in water, as water is not able to protect against harmful radiation, which penetrates to a depth of up to 1 meter;
4. Choosing a headdress, stop your selection on a hat with wide fieldswhich will cover the whole face, and not only one eyes;
5. We regularly use special tools designed to protect the skin of the lips;
6. To prevent the dehydration of the body, before reaching the sun, drink tea with lemon or eat something saline;
7. Being on the beach, spend such a test: Press your finger to the scan of the forearm. If you see a bright imprint of white, it means that today solar baths are enough.

Pros and cons of sunbathing in solarium

The intensity of the sun rays is determined immediately by several factors - the time of day, weather conditions, the geographical position of the country, the season, the degree of air pollution, etc. As for the radiation of the solarium, it can be monitored, taking into account the individual properties of the skin of each person. Despite this, the tanning in the solarium is also inherent in both its advantages and its cons.

  • A fairly fast and inexpensive way of tanning;
  • Obtaining beautiful color skin even in winter;
  • Full absence of harmful ultraviolet rays;
  • No disorders of skin elasticity;
  • Activation of vitamin synthesis D3. ;
  • Strengthening the immune system;
  • Defence from sun burns;
  • Prevention and treatment of fungal and other lesions of the skin;
  • Treatment of rhinitis and bronchitis.

How to sunbathe in solarium?

  • After the shower or bath, visiting the solarium should not - after water procedures, the skin is deprived of natural protection in the form of a layer of dead cells. Before the procedure is not recommended to wash with soap, since soapy foam It is necessary to waste the natural fat lubricant, as a result of which you can get a burn;
  • During the procedure women's breasts Must be covered. To do this, there are special plastic caps of a cone-shaped form;
  • Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove makeup from the face. Numerous cosmetics is inherent sunscreen. It should be removed from themselves and all the decorations;
  • It is not necessary to sunbathe more often once a day, as the skin is also exposed to sunlight;
  • Before the procedure should not use moisturizing cosmetics. They often include substances that protect against ultraviolet radiation, which adversely affects the quality of the tan;
  • If you wear contact lenses, you need to remove them before session;
  • During the procedure, use special sunglasses, as ultraviolet very easily penetrates through a subtle eyelid, providing indebid effect on the retina eye;
  • To prevent hair drying, regularly put on a special hat;
  • Underwear should be cotton;
  • The ratio of ultraviolet rays should be optimally suitable for your skin type.

Cosmetics - what to stop your choice?

The choice of modern cosmetics for sunburn is so diverse that sometimes we just do not know what exactly stops your choice. Through these means not only with their composition, but also a consistency, as well as the principle of application. After writing around for the consultation of the cosmetologist, you first hear about what you need, first of all, look at the packaging and install, are there any filters against ultraviolet rays BUT and B., as well as infrared rays that provoke aging of the skin and the appearance of pigment stains or burns. In addition, when choosing a fund need to be taken into account individual characteristics Your skin.

People with light skin need to select funds providing full protection. As a result, you will get a lightweight tan, in which there will be neither redness, no cracks, nor erythem ( anomalous skin redness caused by excess blood tide to capillary vessels). Remember, if you have light skin Solar baths will not make you a mulatto, so in vain do not try and do not overdo it. In a few days, it will be possible to proceed to using a filter with an average level of protection, however sensitive sites Bodies until the latter need to be lubricated with maximum protection.

If there is a dark skin cover, it is originally necessary to use again tools with high levels protection. Only after 2 - 3 days it will be possible to go to any weaker filter.

With dry skin, stop your choice on the creamy means, which are both protected, and moisturize, and also soften the skin. In the presence of mixed or bold skin, use the means of easier consistency, the use of which will help to prevent the appearance does not aesthetically fatty gloss. Like gel, and oil can only be used if you have a dark skin, which is not exposed to erythem and burns.

Cosmetics after tanning

Many are accustomed to cosmetics for sunbathing products, but not everyone knows the existence of funds that must be applied after insolation. Some know about them, but they neglect their presence, which is not entirely correct. The composition of such funds includes special components, which in the first of all soothing irritated skin. In addition, they provide a more resistant and even tan.

Choosing from all the diversity of data of funds, note that the cosmetics consisted of useful ingredients of the type of algae extract, aloe, vitamins FROM and E. , oil grape bones or avocado, etc. All of these components will help prevent the peeling and skin irritation. Plus, they are an excellent tool in prevention. premature aging Skin cover. Milk moisturizes the skin and remove all easy sensations. Spray will cool the skin and will return to it elasticity.

Attention! Before using these tools, experts are recommended for a short place them in the refrigerator to enhance their therapeutic effect.

Beautiful tan in 10 minutes!

Perhaps this. To do this, you need to purchase special cream, gel or spray for auto market. These funds perform not only their direct functions. It is also inherent soothing, moisturizing, as well as pulling effect. There are cosmetics for auto markets both separately for the face and for the whole body. In addition, all these cosmetics are divided into bronzates and consumerzates. The effect of bronzates resembles the action tonal creams. They consist of special coloring substances that retain the necessary effect only a few hours. When using car vehicles, a chemical reaction occurs, as a result of which the tan is saved on the skin much longer. Tickets are intended to paint the horny layer of the epithelium. Using these funds, you can forget about some of the disadvantages of appearance, namely:
  • about circles under the eyes;
  • on the uneven tone of the skin;
  • about cellulite or several extra kilograms.
It should be remembered that all means for auto market must be used with caution, well observing all the rules for applying them. Otherwise, after their application, you can begin to resemble orange zebra.

Miraculous napkins

It is possible to give the skin a beautiful bronze tint with the help of special tanning napkins, which today are particularly popular, as they are completely safe. The use of such napkins does not have any skin harmful effects. Moreover, for help to them, you can contact them at any time convenient for you. Clean and dry the skin, after which the lungs circular motion Wipe it with a napkin. After 3 hours, if necessary, the procedure can be repeated. The most important thing for a long time is not lingering on one site so that the skin color is uniform. The composition of the napkin is completely absorbed into the skin after 5 - 10 minutes. To keep the tan, experts recommend using a napkin 1 time in 4 days. Such napkins are suitable for people with any skin type.

Various food for sunburn

Apricots: They include beta carotene, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and other substances that are characteristic of protecting the skin from the Sun and accelerate the process of forming the pigment of melanin. In order to darken the skin under the influence of sun rays much faster, you need to eat about 200 g of fresh fruit of this fruit per day.

Carrot I. carrot juice: Both carrot juice and the carrot itself should be used in limited quantities, in order not to the skin of the skin, it did not become yellowish. The skin will darken if you drink 1 cup of juice before leaving the beach, after adding cream to it, which contribute to the absorption of vitamins. Fresh carrots are used with cream in a grated form.

Brazilian nut: The magnificent product, which both protects the skin from sunburn and strengthens the entire body as a whole. The daily dose of selenium is contained only in 1 - 2 nuts.

Cheese and fish: Cheese includes a large amount of amino acids in its composition, which contribute to the synthesis of melanin, as a result of which the tan becomes more even and clearer. It is enough to eat just a few pieces of cheese for breakfast, then go to the beach. As for fish, its choice is worth stopping on salmon, which contains a lot of fatty omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon can be replaced by ordinary herring, tuna or sardines. Eating them in food should be 2 hours before sunbathing.

Eggplants: contain in its composition vitamins of the group IN And antioxidants. Prepare them followed by a couple. Their use contributes to the development of melanin, and also warns the appearance of wrinkles.

Juices: The most effective in this case are the juices of citrus - grapefruit, mandarin, lemon and orange. They need to start drinking for 2 weeks before the alleged vacation. It is best to use them in the morning on an empty stomach, diluting with water in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 2. If there is a desire, it is allowed to add honey to juice.

Tomatoes: their composition includes a powerful antioxidant called likopinwhich enhances the synthesis of the pigment of melanin, giving the skin golden shade to the skin. Tomatoes also contain a large amount of water, so necessary to prevent the body's dehydration during insolation.

Olive oil: Beautiful source of antioxidants who return to life even faded skin. This oil Moistly moisturizes, nourishes and cleans. It also prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the body, improves the heart of the heart and warns premature aging.

Watermelon and spinach: These products make the skin hue bronze. It is also inherent in a fairly strong moisturizing property.

Folk remedies

Recipe number 1: 1 part of the cucumber seeds are poured with 10 parts of the vodka or 40% of alcohol and leave it for 14 days. After that, the leaky tincture is divorced by clean water in a ratio of 1: 10. We rub my face every day either we make a mask for 5 to 10 minutes.

Recipe number 2: We take a small amount of raw chicken yolk and lubricate your face thoroughly. As soon as the yolk hardens, wash it with water with soap.

Recipe number 3: Finely grind the root of parsley and weave it in boiling water. After a day, infusable and use it to wash the face.

Recipe number 4: We apply to the face of prokobvash and keep it for 20 minutes. After that, wash the mask with cool water.

Folk recipes for and after tanning

Recipe number 1: Mix 1 tbsp. Rhubarb roots juice with 1 tsp. any fat either nutrient cream for face. The resulting means lubricate the face in the morning and in the evening.

Recipe number 2: Mix 1 tbsp. Eggs raw yolk with the same amount of fatty sour cream and 2 tbsp. Rhubarb roots juice. The resulting means is applied to the face and keep 25 minutes, then wash off warm water.

Recipe number 3: grind coffee beans and mix them with small quantity water. As a result, a thick mixture should be obtained, which must be applied to the face with a thick layer. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. With dry skin, water is replaced with vegetable oil.

Recipe number 4: We scroll in 1 liter of boiling water 7 - 8 tbsp. Dry grass is a series of either chamomile inflorescences. After 120 minutes, infusable and use it for rinsing a face every morning.

Recipe number 5: We take 3 - 4 slices of lemon and insist them in 1 glat of water. After a few hours, we wash the resulting lemon water.

Recipe number 6: Mix 5 pieces lemon juice With 5 parts of water and 10 parts of vinegar. The resulting means wipe face 3 - 4 times a day.

Recipe number 7: brew fresh leaves walnut, after which we fill the resulting decoction in the bath. Take such a bath follows for 30 minutes.

How to extend the life to your zagar?

  • In no case we do not use bleaching agents such as cucumber, lemon and milk: their impact will lead to pale of the skin. Moreover, the tan can become uneven. Do not use cosmetics endowed with bleaching effect;
  • If possible, refuse saunas and baths: both couples and high temperatures Provide the purification of pores and the elimination of a large amount of moisture from the body. As a result, the skin color becomes pale;
  • We visit solarium: there will be a single procedure per week.
Before use, you must consult with a specialist.