Conversation is fun in winter. Conversation "winter games and your safety". Boy Enters - January

MKOU secondary school No. 8


Classroom teacher

Fedorchenko Svetlana Anatolievna

Winter games and your safety

Winter walks always bring great joy. Many begin to look forward to snow in the fall in order to go sledding, slide down a hill, throw snowballs and build snow towers and labyrinths.

But winter time overshadows the joy of traditional colds for this time of year and very common injuries. Protect yourself from unpleasant consequences winter walks simple, and seemingly self-evident rules will help.

To begin with, consider, so to speak, winter equipment security.

It starts at the door. To prevent hypothermia, make sure that the clothes are multi-layered (air is retained between the layers, which retains body heat for a long time) and loose, and the shoes are spacious and light. If you're walking in the cold, return to warm every 15-20 minutes.

Winter fun- this is most often active and mobile rest, during which another unpleasant extreme can occur - overheating of the body. So just wear necessary minimum clothes that will not freeze and will not interfere with movements. And the best ones will keep their hands warm with waterproof mittens with fur inside. And don't forget to grab a spare pair.

In windy and frosty weather, it is useful to smear the face with cream for 10 minutes before going outside.

Unpleasant surprises such as glass from broken bottles, stones, pieces of iron and wire, and just rubbish can be hidden under the snow. Therefore, a place for winter games should be chosen away from garbage dumps, windows, porches and construction sites. For the same reason, try to avoid uncleaned streets. Rolled ice paths and clusters of icicles can also pose a danger.

Any person at any time of the year will need the ability to fall correctly. In winter, this is easier to learn. Find a large, soft snowdrift and practice falling on your side, gently cushioning the fall with your hands and bending your knees. Landing on your back or forward on your hands is traumatically dangerous.

Each winter fun has its own characteristics.


For walks on this winter "transport" you will have to dress warmly. Be especially vigilant when crossing the road: if the sled cannot be pushed in front of you, then the child should be taken out of it.

Please note that sledding downhill is not recommended. But if this cannot be avoided, you must follow the rules of behavior on the hill.


On the hill, it is important to observe discipline and consistency. And make sure the slide is safe: there should be no road and obstacles in the form of trees and fences nearby.

For such games, it is very important that the clothing is waterproof and protected from snow getting inside.

Making a snowman

The technology is known to everyone. Bring in something new. Roll not alone big snowman, but a few small ones. Decorate each of them differently, use paints and your imagination.

snow sculpture

If you pour snow into a dense cardboard box, and rammed, you get a snow brick - the basis for the construction of a fortress. And if the finished structure is poured with water, it will stand until spring.

Snow paints

Add to ½ cup of water food coloring, or watercolors. Now you can make multi-colored snow and sculpt snowmen, or other figures.


You don't have to jump at each other. You can make a goal, like archers and compete who will knock out more points with snowballs.

Basic safety rules during the winter games:

1. In no case should the descent of the slide lead to a roadway or a reservoir with thin ice.
2. Small children should ride in not crowded places, the child should always remain in the field of view of adults.
3. No snags or stones should stick out from under the snow on the hill.
4. The child must climb the hill where other children do not descend from it, otherwise they will simply knock him down.
5. You can not move down the hill with a train, in case of an obstacle, you can get injured.
6. You can not ride down the hill head first.
7. You can not throw snowballs with an ice crust, you can get injured.
8. If you plan to move winter Games, do not dress very warmly, as you can sweat and catch a cold.

Program content

To systematize children's ideas about winter phenomena in winter, to learn to establish a relationship between air temperature, the state of water, land, plants, animal life, birds.

Learn to notice and give an aesthetic assessment of winter landscapes, a poetic perception of nature. Develop memory, thinking, imagination. Cultivate a caring attitude towards the nature of the native land.

Children, I want to play the game "Seasons" with you. I will show the picture "season" - and you show the chip desired color.

Remind me what seasons do you know?

(children's answers)

Game "Seasons"

(the child’s answer is the season, as you determined)

Tell me, what happens only in winter?

(frost, snow)

And who knows the riddles about winter?

Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

Blizzard walks -

When does it happen?(winter)

The tablecloth is white, dressed the whole world.(snow)

No arms, no legs, but he can draw.(freezing)

Guess my riddle:

white as chalk

Came from the sky

I spent the winter

Fled to the ground

And who remembers how winter began?

The days got shorter

The sun shines a little

Here comes the frost

And winter has come.

What is the first month of winter?

Dec. boy enters.

Let's look at the weather calendar. All winter, every day we celebrated the weather.

And now let's look and compare with other months.

We open the first page - December.

How sunny days? How cloudy? What more?

What was the weather like? (frosty, cold, snowy, blizzard)

And all this is an old woman - winter got angry: she decided to freeze everyone. First of all, she began to get to the birds - they bothered her with their squeaks and screams.

What did the birds do?

Gathered, shouted, flew over the blue sea, to warm countries.

What birds are left to winter?

(ravens, tits, sparrows, goldfinches, woodpeckers, bullfinches)

How do you think birds live in winter?

(in winter you won’t hear the cheerful singing of birds, they don’t have time for songs, It’s cold, hungry, it’s difficult to get food. Many fly into the yard and live close to home - people take care of them, feed them)

A boy enters - January.

Open the calendar on the second page. What is the second month of winter?

Opening the calendar

January starts

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard

Snow on the roof, on the porch

Sun in the blue sky

Stoves are burning in our house

Smoke rises into the sky.

Everything green that pleased the eye in spring, summer, autumn disappeared, hid deep under the snow.

What snow?

(white, cold, creaky, crispy)

What is snow made of?


Do you want to know what snowflakes are made of?

I read about it in a book written by scientists.

They flew in the plane in the clouds and under the plane large flakes snow was falling, and high, high in the sky, small ice crystals flashed, and as soon as they fell into a cloud, they immediately became snowflakes. And small ice crystals are water vapor, in summer it turns into raindrops, and in winter into snowflakes.

Now tell me, what are snowflakes? What form?

(asterisks with six rays, flowers with six petals, needles, thin plates)

White snow fluffy

Spinning in the air

And the earth is quiet

Falls down

And in the morning with snow

The field turned white

Like a veil

All dressed him

Dark forest that beanie

Covered up wonderful

And fell asleep under her

Strongly, imperceptibly.

And what do we hear on a frosty day when walking? Why?

(rays break under the weight of the body)

The quieter the frosty, clear day, the prettier than snowflakes. And with the wind, the rays break off and turn into snow dust.

And outside the hard frost, what happens to the snowflakes going on?

(they break, roll into balls - grits)

And if several snowflakes stick to each other, snow flakes are obtained.

Even more angry winter.

She covered the fields with snow, filled up the forests with snowdrifts and sends frost after frost.

Reading the poem "Frost"

Many proverbs and sayings were invented by the people about winter.

Thanks, the frost that caused the snow.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

The sun is shining and the frost is crackling.

In winter, a day is like a mosquito's sock.

Winter without snow, summer without bread.

A cold dim sun rises in a cold fog. The snow-covered forest sleeps.

Come closer to the picture, look carefully.

What did the artist depict?

What happens in the winter in the forest?

I will start the story, and you continue.

Quiet. Winter. forest clearing covered with snow. It is quiet and empty. It seems that all living things froze in such a cold - not a sound, only trees occasionally crackle from frost.

(children talk about what they see)

Look at the trees, how beautifully the snow lies on the branches.

What happens to the trees?

(they stand "rest")

How can you check that they are not dry?

Let's put the branches in the water together. I went to kindergarten today and found these branches in our area - they were broken off by the wind.

(they are brittle from frost, break easily)

What does a favorite plant need for growth, maturation?

(light, heat and water)

So, after a while, the buds will swell on our branch, the scales will move apart on their tops and the tips of green leaves will appear. The scales will fall off, and tender, green leaves will grow.

Stump - old, rotten - but this is a tower - a tower.

Who hid under the bark?

(small insects, many of them, each took a tiny bedroom)

Who else lives in the forest in winter?

Winter is getting angrier than ever. Are the animals afraid of frost?

Squirrel gnaws nuts and mushrooms in a hollow.

Bunny jumps, eats tree bark.

The fox and the wolf run after the bunny, but they will never catch him, the bunny runs fast. It is very difficult for moose, deer, goats.

Walks in the summer, rests in the winter - the bear sleeps in the den.

(people help them)

No, the animals of frost were not afraid!

That's last month winter has come.

Look at the weather calendar.

Which days are more?

(clear, sunny, frosty)

What is the weather like in February?

(cold, hard frost in the morning, but in the afternoon the sun not only shines, but already warms)

The first thawed patches will appear in the fields, sparrows begin to fight and shout merrily, carry straws and feathers in their beaks, crows - knots for nests.

And on the roof, children

Look, white carrot

Deftly grabbed the roof

She cried softly

Shedding tears along the window.

The sun warmed up more

And he ate that carrot.

It’s a shame for winter - it didn’t freeze any birds, animals, or trees.

Do you want to get to the fish?

What happened to the rivers, lakes?

(they froze, but only from above, and the fish went deep into the depths - under the ice roof it is even warmer)

And who builds a bridge on the river - without an ax, without nails, without wedges and boards?

What ice?

(brittle, cold. hard, transparent)

Transparent as glass, but you can not insert it into the window.

I took this piece of ice when they made a hole in the ice on the river to catch a fish. Here is this fish, which is so good under the ice roof.

The fish is not afraid of frost, winter.

(consider live fish in a container)

Well, wait - thinks winter, I'll catch people. And sends frost after frost. Frost shrouded patterns of glass, and windows, knocking on doors and walls.

How do people protect themselves from the cold?

(dressed warm clothing- coats, hats, felt boots, they flooded the stoves, but they laugh at winter)

But the worst of all was the winter, that even the little guys are not afraid of it.

What proverb should be remembered in winter?

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

Nobody is afraid of the old woman - winter.

In January he is young

In December, completely gray

The cold is not a hindrance to him

Warm hat made of fur

Wool boots

Loves little ones

With a big stick, in mittens

He is one in many faces

Red-cheeked, red nose

His name is Santa Claus.

Comes in Santa Claus.

Hello children. Well, we had fun and played at the meeting of the new year. And now it's time for me to leave, but in the end I want to play with you.

  1. The game "Drag the Rope".
  2. Playing with Santa Claus with musical accompaniment.

Now, goodbye, kids.

Santa Claus and three months - a boy (December, January, February) are leaving.

So we said goodbye to Santa Claus and the Russian winter, which lives in three months.

You know a lot about winter and winter phenomena, but you will learn even more when winter comes to us again and we will observe and study.

educator kindergarten

DUU "Radiant"

Rovenky, Luhansk region, Ukraine

Topic: characteristic signs of the winter months:December January February.

Educational areas:

Priority : formation of a holistic picture of the world

In integration Key words: communication, cognitive-research activity, music.

Target : creating conditions for learning characteristic features winters in inanimate nature, winter phenomena in nature.


1) Educational:

Learn to distinguish between winter natural phenomena; learn to identify the winter months by signs; introduce the old names of the winter months;

Learn to express your point of view, keep the conversation going; express positive emotions when listening to a piece of music

2) Educational : to develop the ability to generalize, classify, communication skills.

3) Educational: cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, aesthetic feelings.

Planned result: be able to maintain a conversation on issues, express their point of view, identify signs of winter timeyear, compare natural phenomena, reason and give the necessary explanations.

Methods and techniques : considering illustrations, visualizations, conversation, explanation, creation of a problem situation, encouragement.

Preliminary work:

1) A conversation about winter;

2) Memorizing poems about winter.

Materials and equipment for the teacher : flannelograph, illustrations depicting a beautiful zimushka;

DOR: multimediapresentation "Winter months".

Equipment for children : ball, illustrations of a winter landscape and signs of winter, glue, paper snowman details.

Types of children's activities: productive, game activity, communicative, musical and artistic, labor.

Forms of work with children : collective, individual.

The content of the organized activities of children.


Educator: guys, let's play with you. Stand in a circle, I will throw a ball to each of you and name the seasons, and in return you must tell me the color related to this season.

(Kids are playing).


Educator: Well done! What time of year are we now?

(Children's answers: Winter)

Educator: 1) After what time of the year does winter come to us? (Children's answers: after autumn).

2) What do you think winter smells like? (Children's answers: snow, Christmas trees, cold.)

3) What signs of winter do you know? (Children's answers: it snowed, it became cold, the days became shorter and the nights longer),

Educator: "Zimushka-beauty" came to visit us today (drawing the attention of children to the painting "Zimushka-beauty"), and brought you riddles:

To fields and meadows

Until the spring snow fell

Only our month will pass,

We are meeting New Year(December)

Educator: (Slide number 1). Guys, you know that in ancient times December was called "jelly". Why do you think? (Answers of children). In December it is very cold and cold, so we dress warmly. What do we wear? (Answers of children).

Pinch ears, pinch nose

Frost climbs into boots

Splashes into the water, falls.

Not water already, but ice. (January)

(Slide No. 2) January was called "cut", since it divides the winter into 2 halves, it comes after the month of December and before the month of February, that is, it is in the middle.

Snow falls in bags from the sky

There are snowdrifts from the house,

That snowstorms and snowstorms

The village was raided (February)

(Slide No. 3) The month of February was called "fierce" because a lot of snow falls, and strong snowstorms, snowstorms, and blizzards often blow.

Educator: Well done! All riddles solved!

Fizminutka: "Snowball"

One, two, three, four (lean forward for snow)

You and I made a snowball (they show how a snowball is made)

Round, strong, very smooth (show which one)

And not at all sweet (they threaten with a finger)

One - throw, two - catch,

Three - drop and break.

Educator: And now what do we have winter month? Who will answer? (Children's answers: January). Who will tell a poem about the month of January? (child reads a poem).

Opening the calendar

January begins.

In January, in January

Lots of snow in the yard.

Snow on the roof, on the porch,

The sun is in the blue sky.

Stoves are heated in our house,

Smoke rises into the sky.

Didactic game: "Signs of Winter"

Game progress

On the table, randomly, are pictures with signs of all seasons. Guys, look what you see on the table? (children's answers). Our task is to find pictures with signs of winter and attach them to the flannelgraph. Children take turns going out and attaching pictures with signs of winter on a flannelograph (musical accompaniment).

Educator: So what does winter bring us? (Children's answers: wind, snowflakes, icicles, snowdrifts, snowstorms, snowstorms, blizzards, frost.) Please tell me what snowflakes look like? (Children's answers: stars, flowers). Well done!

Educator: Guys, do you know what a thaw is? (Suggested answer of the children). A thaw is whenthe sun warms and the snow begins to melt, the snow becomes wet and sticky and then it is easy to make snowballs from it. And after the thaw frost hits and a hard crust-ice immediately forms on the snow. A fluffy snow fringe-hoarfrost forms on the trees and wires, everything becomes beautiful The quieter the frosty weather, then the snowflakes fall slowly and beautifully. And if the weather is windy, the snowflakes mix and flakes form.

Look, I have an envelope with proverbsfrom Zimushka-beauty, I will now read them to you, and you tell me how you understood them.

New Year to spring turn.

Take care of your nose in a big frost.

The frost is great and does not order to stand.

And in severe frost, the work will warm.

Well done!

Summing up:

Educator: Now tell me what did we do today? (children's answers: played, solved riddles)What season are you talking about? About what months? Was it interesting? What new words did you learn? And now let's make a gift for "Zimushka - beauties." Together we will glue the picture with a snowman.

Conversation with children elementary school(7-8 years old) on the topic: Zimushka-zabavushka

Gest Ksenia Aleksandrovna, teacher physical education, MOU "School No. 53", Oktyabrsky settlement, Lyubertsy district, Moscow region.

Material Description: I present you with a summary. educational activities for children in grades 1-2 on the topic "Winter". This material will be useful for teachers of the senior preparatory group.
Target: consolidate children's knowledge about winter, winter phenomena.
- learn to coordinate speech with movements;
- develop dexterity, speed of reaction, coordination of movements, spatial representations;
- develop expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements;
- develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination
Demo material: Illustrations "seasons", snowflakes, snowman, crossword, "snowball", cards with words for the game "Third Extra", music for relaxation (sounds of bells) and the sounds of howling wind.
Handout: cards depicting natural phenomena and objects for the exercise "It happens, it doesn't happen."

Conversation flow:

Leading: Hello guys!
(the sound of howling wind and blizzard sounds)
Who knows the true sign
The sun is high, it means summer.
And if the cold, blizzard, darkness,
And the sun is low then…. (winter)

Right! We're talking about winter today.
Winter One of the four seasons, between autumn and spring.
And what is the main feature of this time of year? (children's answers) ... low temperature, snow falls.
What is the coldest month in winter? (children's answers) ... January!
Folk omens
(children explain each sign)
Winter is cold - summer is warm.
Snowy winter - rainy summer.
Winter snow is deep - bread is high in summer.
Stars shine strongly in winter - to frost.
The cat on the stove - to the cold.
Sparrows chirp together - to the heat.
Snow flakes are large - there will be a thaw.
Winter frolics not only in the forest, but on our nose.

Exercise "Name"
(The presenter has a ball of cotton wool - “snowball”.)
Host: I will speak unfinished sentence, and the one who receives the "snowball" will end the sentence with a word.
In winter, a blizzard ... (sweeps).
In the forest in winter, a hungry wolf ... (howls).
Trees in winter ... (sleep).
At night, the wind in the pipes ... (howls, howls).
In winter, snow is all around ... (covers).
Snowflakes from a snow cloud ... (fall, fly, spin).
In winter, the water in the river ... (freezes).
In winter, insects ... (hide).
For the winter, a bear in a den ... (falls asleep).
Frost on the cheeks and nose... (stings).
Hoarfrost on the branches of trees ... (shines).
Grass under the snow in winter ... (warms up).
Host: Well done! You did a good job, you know the winter phenomena.
Do you know what winter is without?

Exercise "It happens, it doesn't happen"
Presenter: I will give you pictures (each with two pictures on which objects, phenomena are drawn ...), and you will take turns raising the necessary cards to my question and answering:
“There is no winter without ... (snow, ice, slides, frost, ...)
Host: Well done! Let's keep playing.
“In winter, you can ... (make a snowman, ride a sled ...)
“It’s impossible in winter ... (there is snow, walking without a hat ...)


1. An asterisk circled
A little in the air
Sat and melted
On my palm.

2. Not snow and not ice,
And he will remove the trees with silver.

3. Snow prickly on the ground
The wind blows in...

4. White flakes fly,
Quietly falling, circling.
Everything turned white.
Why are the tracks covered?

5. Eh, soft pillow,
Don't take it under your ear!

6. Starts the calendar.
The month named...

7. Powdered the tracks,
Decorated the windows
Gave joy to children
And she rode on a sled.

8. "The end of the year and the beginning of winter!" -
That's how the riddle was given to me.
Frost and blizzard, and snow in the yard,
Winter is coming to visit us...

What a ridiculous person
Sneaked into the 21st century?
Carrot nose, broom in hand
Afraid of the sun and heat.
Host: Right!
One of the main winter fun, familiar to everyone since childhood, is snowman modeling. Where did this tradition come from? According to one version, she was associated with the beliefs of the ancient Slavs about the existence of spirits that control clouds, fogs and snows - heavenly maidens living in the air. It was in honor of them that our ancestors began to sculpt snowmen. Time passed, and, having changed, but without completely losing its original meaning, the snowmen turned into men - snowmen, symbolizing the spirit of winter, to which they called for help, asking that severe frosts recede. And the broom in the hands of the snowman is a certain symbol of his power, which is also associated with the fact that the snowman dispersed evil spirits with a broom, preventing them from entering the house near which he was blinded. However, there is another version of the origin of the snowman, according to which he was associated with some kind of evil and powerful creature, someone like Bigfoot. In ancient times, our ancestors were afraid of him and sculpted snowman idols and brought them gifts so that he would not steal their children.

Presenter: Let's build a snowman with you.
(Finger gymnastics).
Come on, buddy, be bold, buddy! (Children sculpt an imaginary lump and roll it away from themselves).
Roll your snowball in the snow - It will turn into a thick lump. (Draw a circle in the air.)
And it will become a snowman. (Children draw three circles of different sizes from bottom to top).
His smile is so bright! (They put their palms on their cheeks, depicting a wide smile).
Two eyes, a hat, a nose, a broom ... (Children show index fingers eyes, palm - hat, fist right hand- nose and imaginary broom).
But the sun will bake a little - (Children raise their hands up).
Alas! And no snowman! (They raise their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides, then squat down, covering their heads with their hands).
Well done!
Our snowman turned out to be not simple, curious, mischievous.
I want to know, what else do the guys do in the winter?
(children's answers: skiing, skating, sledding, playing "snowball fights" ...)

The game "Third extra"
Now look at winter words, one of three words will be superfluous, you need to name and remove it, explaining your decision.
1. December, winter, January.
2. Snowballs, skis, skates.
3. Blizzard, skates, snowfall.
4. Snowball, snowman, bullfinch.
Right! You know everything about winter, winter phenomena.

Today we had fun and played and frolicked.
And now it's time for us to relax, kids.
(Children relax to the sound of calm music. "Awakening" occurs to the sound of a bell):
Quietly, my little bell, ring, ring.
Nobody, my little bell, don't wake up, don't wake up.
Loud, loud, my little bell, ring, ring.
Wake up all the boys and girls, wake up.
The children stood up, stretched and smiled at me,
They said goodbye to Zimushka - a fun, they went to the group.

The conversation is primarily a method of clarifying and systematizing the ideas of children received by them in the process of Everyday life and in the classroom. The nature of the conversation requires the child to be able to actively reproduce their knowledge, compare, reason, and draw conclusions. Through conversations, children learned information about specific objects and phenomena, learned to convey in words the signs of objects, actions with objects. The conversation also enriched the children with new knowledge. Participating in a conversation, the child learned to concentrate his opinion on one subject, remembering what he knew about it, and learned to think logically. In a conversation, children clearly express their thoughts, develop the ability to listen and understand questions, correctly formulate the answer to them - briefly or in more detail, depending on the nature of the question, and ask questions correctly.

1. "305 funny riddles in verse" - Savelyeva E. A. - 2008
2. Russians folk omens and beliefs "- Kulmatov V.A., Kulmatova T.V. – 1999
3. "Winter, winter fun" (series "Grammar in games and pictures") - Borisenko M. G. / Lukina N. A. - 2005
4. " Outdoor games, physical minutes and general developmental exercises with speech and music in speech therapy children. Garden" - Ovchinnikova T.S. – 2006


  • Teach children ideas about winter, the state inanimate nature(the sun as a source of light and heat; the nature of the soil, the state of the air), the state of wildlife - flora and fauna.
  • Develop cognitive activity children: to establish causal relationships, the ability to use models in cognitive activity.
  • Raise the desire to help animals in winter, positive attitude for winter.

Material: Illustrations about winter, pictures with images of wintering birds, animals in winter.

Corrective tasks:

  • Development cognitive interests(observation, curiosity) and mental operations (generalization, comparison, analysis).
  • Development of coherent speech skills, development of auditory perception and attention, correction of the emotional-volitional sphere.

Preliminary work: riddles, proverbs about winter, reading poems about winter.

Vocabulary work: winter, wintering birds, snow, ice, hibernation, lair, stocks.

Models: The structure of a tree, weather phenomena in winter, snow, ice, adaptation of animals to winter.


Teacher: Guys, I met Dunno, he went to sunbathe in his shorts. He probably doesn't know about winter. Let's tell him. How did you know it was winter outside?

Children: In winter, there is snow and ice outside.

Teacher: In order not to forget anything, we will put a diagram. (Puts cards "snowflakes" and "water"). Why is it warm in summer and cold in winter?

Children: The sun heats poorly, gives little light and heat.

Teacher: What is the land in winter? (The ground is covered with snow.) Do flowers grow? Why don't flowers grow in winter?

Children: The earth is freezing, they can’t suck out moisture with their roots.

Teacher: Can a stem live in winter?

Children: The stem is freezing.

Teacher: Can a flower breathe cold air?

Children: If you remove the stem, then the leaves will not be able to breathe.

Teacher: Or maybe a flower without a root, stem, leaves?

Dunno: Since flowers do not live in winter, does it mean that bushes and trees also die?

Teacher: Let's explain Dunno, is it so?

Children: In winter, the trees sleep.

Teacher: Do tree roots absorb water?

Children: No, the trees are sleeping. The trunk is covered with bark. It protects from the cold.

Teacher: Why do trees shed their leaves for the winter?

Children: They have nothing to eat, because they don’t follow the root nutrients so the leaves fall off.

Dunno: There are no birds in winter, so it's boring. (The teacher exposes a model of a tree on which children plant wintering birds).

Dunno: I know the starling remained.

Teacher: Is Dunno right? Why can't the starling stay?

Children: He eats insects, but there are no insects in winter.

Teacher: And where do insects winter?

Children: Insects hide under the bark in winter.

Teacher: What birds stay in winter? Let's arrange the birds and tell about them.

Can ducks hibernate? Why? What do they eat? Do chickens hibernate? Who feeds the chickens? Does the woodpecker fly to warmer climes or hibernate? What does he eat?

Children: The woodpecker flies to warmer climes in Ukraine, in Belarus.

Teacher: Dunno says that he understood everything about birds.


Like a head between foliage Head movements up and down.

Woodpecker chisel trees?

Like fishing and waddling Running in place with arms out to the sides.

Goose after goose?

How surprised they stopped Tilt forward, arms back.

Geese by the river?

They drank water, spread their wings Hands to the sides, smooth movements up and down.

And slowly they went.

Teacher: And all the animals, probably, run away to Africa? How do animals adapt?

Children: Animals stay in winter, but they adapt. They change color, hibernate, etc.

Teacher: Why do animals hibernate?

Children: because it is hungry and cold.

Teacher: Why do animals starve? (For example, a bear. He eats raspberries, ants, nuts, mice, very rarely wild boar, elk.)

Children: because he sleeps in a den, and in winter there is no such food.

Dunno: I know that fish spend the winter in an aquarium.

Teacher: Is Dunno right?

Children: Fish fall asleep in winter. It's cold, ice, so the fish burrow into the mud.

Dunno: Do ​​people sleep in winter?

Teacher: Let's explain Dunno how people endure winter?

Children: People dress warmly.

Teacher: What do people eat in winter?

Children: They buy food in the store, make supplies for the winter.

Dunno: Okay, so people have no worries?

Children: People clear snow, go to work, feed animals and birds.

Dunno: Oh, how many worries. So people don't like winter? Is it so?

Children: No, we have fun in winter, we can sculpt from snow. In winter, the New Year holiday, and someone has a birthday.

Teacher: What do we like to play in winter?

Didactic game "Winter fun" (Children select pictures).

Do you want winter to be forever?

Children: No, in summer you can swim, sunbathe.

Teacher: Guys, imagine for a moment that winter will be permanent. What will happen then?

Children: If it is winter all the time, then all plants and animals will die.

Teacher: And yet it’s so wonderful in winter!

wonderful picture,

How are you related to me?

white plain,

Full moon.

the light of the heavens above,

And shining snow

And distant sleigh