The best month for a wedding. Wedding calendar - or what month is better to get married. Meaning of weddings by winter months

What is the best month to get married?

One of the most most important days in every girl's life is, a day wedding ceremony. Every newly-made bride wants to be the happiest on this day and is very worried about various signs and superstitions that still exist in our everyday life. Therefore, often poor girls bring themselves to nervous exhaustion, for fear of doing something wrong. After all, only somewhere you make a mistake, and you will have to pay for it, with your family happiness.

But paradoxically, some people completely forget that the most important thing is the right month and day for the ceremony, because it depends on how happy you will be with your loved one, whether you will have a rich family life or full of sadness, sadness and betrayal.


- has long been considered one of the most unlucky months for the wedding of the young. If you get married in January, you will lose your soulmate. That is, you become a widow or a widower. The wedding should not be played this month.



- a wedding celebration planned for this month promises young people a long and harmonious relationship that will rarely be overshadowed by family troubles.

Days: 1,3,10,19,21


- getting married this spring month, you will live in another city (country). What do you agree, is also not bad.



- was considered not a very happy month, young it brings instability in everyday life and relationships. Big ups and very sharp downs.



- you will suffer all your family life. You will end up regretting ever getting married. Spousal infidelity or assault is possible. It is better to have a wedding at a different time than to "bite your elbows later."



- one of the most suitable months for marriage, family life will be sweet as honey. Relationships will be so all-consuming that only you will exist for each other. This month is also called the honeymoon month.



- most neutral month, it all depends on you and your love. It mirrors your relationship, how you will treat your soulmate, this is how your life will flow and will.



- an excellent choice for a wedding, the relationship will be harmonious and passionate. Your family life will boil and seethe all the time, very suitable for people who are passionate by nature.



- promises to bind you with a strong and reliable marriage. Young people can always rely on each other, but there will not be much passion between spouses. However, stability will always be present.

Days: 1,9,16,18,28


- will bring more difficulties to the relationship than agreement. Relationships will be very confusing and unstable. Threatens you very much frequent quarrels and misunderstandings in relationships.



- if you want abundance and prosperity in marriage, then you fit better this month. You will not have special love, but you will always have money and prosperity.



- with each new day your love will grow, grow stronger and bring joy, the family that married during this month will be the strongest. There will be many children in the family, as well as fun and joy.


  • Wedding signs by dates and days

Do not forget that before there were also certain days in which it was not customary to play a wedding.

On the thirteenth, the wedding was not celebrated categorically. In the old days, they generally tried not to celebrate anything on this day, since it was believed that you were calling the devil to witness.

  • Monday - to wealth.
  • Tuesday - be healthy.
  • Wednesday - promises good luck and success.
  • Thursday - loss, loss.
  • Friday - to frequent deaths in the family.
  • Saturday is a bad day.

With regard to the wedding, there are hundreds of different signs, some of which have become traditions. People who join their hearts in marriage strive to live next to their soul mate until the end of their days. And the desire to enlist the support of higher powers in this matter looks quite natural. Let's take a look at the most famous signs relating to the choice of the date of the wedding, as well as highlight the months that are suitable for marriage in 2017.

What is the best month to get married?

The date of the wedding in itself, no matter how successful it may be, cannot guarantee the spouses ideal life Still, the future married couple determined by the newlyweds themselves. But it is quite possible to increase the likelihood of creating a harmonious union by choosing the right month and day of marriage. Interestingly, according to old signs, the future fate of the couple is influenced not only by the month or date of the wedding date, but even by the day of the week.

  • It is believed that the wedding, which took place on Monday, will be the key to the prosperity of the young.
  • Tuesday - will give health.
  • Wednesday is an almost perfect day for a wedding, the bride and groom will live very happily.
  • A wedding scheduled for Thursday is fraught with many difficulties in family life.
  • The couple, who bound themselves in a sacred union on Friday, will have to go through many trials on the path of life.
  • Saturday wedding will be successful only if the lovers are ready to make any sacrifice for the benefit of their own family.
  • Sunday - like Wednesday, a great day for marriage. The life of the spouses will be joyful, they will inspire each other for any accomplishments.

Folk omens by months of the year

No one has the right to force you to believe, or, conversely, not to believe in signs. Each person decides this for himself. But don't focus too much on them. The most important thing in marriage is the feelings of the spouses. Those who are inclined to believe in wedding signs can use the sign good days for marriage every month. auspicious days highlighted in blue:

There are also folk wedding signs for all months of the year. According to our ancestors, it is undesirable to play a wedding in some periods, because the life of spouses threatens to be difficult as a result of neglecting precautions. Other months, on the contrary, are successful. Let's look at each month in more detail.

  • January has long been considered a bad time for marriage. It is widely believed that the spouses who signed this month will lose their soul mate early, that is, they will become widowed.
  • The wedding, played in February, will give lovers happy and harmonious relationship. Family scandals will happen very rarely.
  • The couples who tied the knot in March, according to folk omens- will move to live in another city (or even go abroad).

  • April is better not to choose for a wedding, because living together young will be extremely unstable, and light stripes will be replaced by black abruptly and unexpectedly.
  • Married in May risk suffering and sadness throughout their future life together. It can even come to treason or family assault. In order not to reproach yourself later, it is better to postpone the wedding date to another month.
  • June is great for binding hearts with a sacred union. Harmony and happiness will reign in the family, and spouses will love each other immensely.
  • July is not the most favorable, but not bad month. Your future family life will be a mirror image of your relationship with your soul mate.
  • August - favorable period. Love will be passionate and hot, and life will literally boil. V good sense the words. Marrying in August is best for emotional spouses.

  • A September wedding will be the key to a reliable and stable family life. The husband and wife will feel the support and understanding of their soul mate - but there will be no passionate and ardent relationships in their family.
  • A wedding played in October will most likely bring many obstacles to a life together. Often there will be scandals and misunderstandings. In this case, there is no need to talk about stability.
  • November, according to folk signs, will give wealth. Young people will not need money, however, their love will not be very strong.
  • December - practically perfect time for the celebration of the wedding, which will give a lot of tenderness, joy and love. The feelings of the spouses will only grow stronger over the years, they will have many children.

Wedding signs of astrologers

Folk omens are good, but astrologers are ready to say their weighty word about choosing a wedding date. Connoisseurs Lunar calendar report that it is desirable to avoid arranging a wedding on days 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19 Lunar cycle. Well, 10, 11, 17, 21, 26 and 27 days - on the contrary, are the best suited for such an important event.

It is known that astrologers divide the signs of the Zodiac into 4 elements - 3 signs in each. These are the elements of Fire (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius), Earth (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus), Air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and Water (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer). You may be surprised, but astrologers are sure that the signs of the Zodiac influence both the fate of individuals and the lives of couples. That is, the constellation under which it formed family union, leaves an imprint on future life families. What is the nature of the signs of each of the elements?

  • The life of a family formed under the signs of the element of Fire will be full of optimism, aspiration and passion.
  • If the wedding is played under the influence of the sign of the Earth, the life of the spouses will be reliable, measured and calm.
  • Marriage, sealed under the influence of the signs of Air, promises spouses ease, simplicity and openness.
  • If you marry during the period of dominance of the signs of the elements of Water, your relationship will be ruled by emotionality, sensuality and attention.

The best months for a wedding in 2017

Finally, let's ask the opinion of astrologers about all the months of the coming 2017. The stars will tell us how favorable or unfavorable for marriage each of them is:

  • January, according to experts, is an undesirable month for a wedding. Do not forget that the Blue Horse will cede its rights to the Goat only on February 19th. Since the horse is a devoted animal, the family formed under this sign will be strong. But this is the only plus. Spouses will not have to hope for financial success and great achievements.

  • February 2017 doesn't count either. favorable time for Wedding. You can select only 7 more or less successful days (2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13 February). A marriage played on these dates will be stable and calm.
  • In March, for a wedding, it is better to choose days from the first half of the month. On March 20, a small solar eclipse. According to astrologers, on days close to it, it is advisable to refrain from making significant decisions or doing important things. So, schedule a wedding for the first days of spring.
  • April. The first half of the month is not very good period, the second is favorable for a wedding. Moreover, folk signs testify to this.

  • May. Period from May 1 to May 20, 2017 – beautiful time to create a new family. Spouses will live long, joyful and happy.
  • First summer month- a favorable period for creating a happy and loving family. Patroness 2017 - Wood Goat, promises couples who have united their hearts during this month joy, fidelity and strong feelings forever. The best time is the middle and second half of the month.
  • A wedding played before July 20, no doubt, will be the key to a sweet and happy life together. Perhaps the young will occasionally quarrel, but then they will definitely find understanding with their soul mate.

  • August is the best month of 2017 for a wedding, regardless of the date. Happiness, love, fidelity, money, health - young people will have all this, more than enough!
  • September. 2 eclipses are scheduled for this month at once - lunar and solar, and this is an extremely bad sign. Try to avoid scheduling a wedding for the first month of autumn.
  • October. Folk signs say that this month is not in the best way suitable to get married or get married. But astrologers are not so categorical: in their opinion, the entire second half of October will be favorable.

  • By scheduling your wedding for November, you will right choice. Any day of this month will be favorable: the young will live happily and in abundance, not knowing sorrows and troubles.
  • December is another good month for a wedding this year. A couple who married in the first winter month will live stably, and the feelings of the spouses will be strong and all-consuming.

What month is the best time to get married? Here are all the pros and cons of holding a wedding, in each month of the year, taking into account the weather, folk signs, church canons and life experience:

The first half of January is full of holidays: New Year, Christmas, Old New Year... In the end, people get tired of celebrating, and the January wedding runs the risk of overfilling this festive cup... There are few weddings. By folk beliefs- get married in January, early widow. There are few wedding days, in general, a month for marriage is not the most successful.

Good month for those who dream about winter wedding. Stable winter weather: frosty, snowy. The first half of the month is wedding, then comes the great post. According to popular beliefs, a wedding in February brings peace and harmony in the family.
February is the best month for a winter wedding.

It is still cold, but the sun is already shining brightly and the roads are “delivering”. great post in full swing, do not marry. According to popular beliefs: a wedding in March - to live on a foreign side (to international marriages :). There are very few weddings, there is no excitement.
Rasputitsa, fasting, but sparingly.

The beginning of the month is closed by fasting and there are no weddings at all. This is the calm before the storm - Red Hill. Krasnaya Gorka is the week after Easter, which ends Great Lent. From point of view Orthodox Church and popular beliefs - the most wedding time. From our point of view - one of the most unfortunate, because of the excitement in the registry offices and in the market for wedding services. If you have applied for these numbers, please book as far in advance as possible, as soon as you apply. Otherwise, you run the risk of hearing: “Alas, everything has been busy for a long time for this number”

Symbolic month for marriage. May is International Family Day. Warmth, sun, nature blossoms and smells sweet. The church is for May weddings, many wedding days. But there are few weddings, because of the fatal consonance of the words "May" and "toil". Although, for those devoid of stupid prejudices - a great month. There are no queues, there are discounts for wedding services. The perfect spring wedding.

The first month of summer is good: there is no sweltering heat yet, and acquaintances have not yet dispersed along the shores of the oceans. Wedding excitement - everyone who "endured" Lent and May is getting married. However, the church does not welcome a wedding in June either - fasting. But according to popular beliefs - marriage in June - Honeymoon for life.

All the benefits of summer, but it can get hot. Be sure to check with the restaurant about air conditioning and buy more soda. Fortnight fast, in the second half - crowned. The city is empty - holidays. Perhaps because of this, a slight lull, compared with June and August. Folk signs say - "the wedding in the month of July, life is sweet and sour." The perfect summer wedding.

Summer, greenery, a successful photo session, wedding days 50 to 50. According to popular belief: a wedding in August - your husband will be faithful and beloved. Everyone is in a hurry to get married before the end of the summer, in the second half of the month a strong excitement is created. People are returning from vacations and collecting children for school - the city is in traffic jams. And yet August is a good time for a wedding.

Nature has not faded yet, but there will be no more exhausting summer heat. The church favors September weddings - they are crowned for almost the entire month. All friends and relatives have returned from holidays. Beautiful guaranteed wedding photos on a carpet of yellow leaves.
The number of weddings peaks at the beginning of the month, then slowly declines. According to signs, a wedding this month is for a calm and quiet life. In general, a very successful month for a wedding. The perfect fall wedding.

At the beginning of the month, the weather can still be lucky, but at the end it will already be cool. But the number of weddings by this time will fall to a minimum and will not eternal problem with a good restaurant for a wedding and limousines. From the point of view of the church, the month for marriage is successful - there are few fasts. But according to legend, a wedding in October is not easy and difficult life...

Sad and slushy time, there will be no long walk, good luck wedding photo shoot too. Although there is a way out, you can take pictures in the studio. Few weddings. Although according to popular belief, a wedding in November - to rich life... Yes, and the church says that this is a favorable month for marriage.

Especially the second half of it is an extremely unfortunate time for a wedding if you are going to order any wedding services. The excitement in the holiday market caused by the New Year corporate parties, inflates "at times" the prices for all holiday services. Despite this, many restaurants and hosts are booked as much as 3-5 months in advance. In addition, Moscow is turning into one big traffic jam. The Church does not favor December, a continuous post. Although, according to popular beliefs, the month is good and attracts many newlyweds with the opportunity "not to postpone the wedding for a year."

So what is the best month to get married? It seems to me that each couple decides for themselves what is more convenient for them. Don't believe in omens? - get married in May. Are you planning to get married? - in July. Want to save? - choose March. The main thing is not to forget that family happiness depends not so much on the day and month of the wedding, but on yourself :)).

Considering that in any month of the year, whatever you choose, the weather can interfere with photography, remember that in this case, a photo session in the studio will save you. Be sure to choose a professional photographer. Only a professional will offer a lot of ideas, various plans and will provide you with high-quality and interesting pictures. Set the tone for the entire photo session and select the best angles. With it, you will be able to relive such important and touching moments again and again.

Marriage is one of the most important events in the life of every person. On this day appears new family and lovers swear to each other eternal fidelity and support. Young people should correctly approach the choice of the date of the celebration. wedding omens by months indicate that the quality of future life together will depend on this.

Signs by month and date

In the days of the ancient Slavs, there was a belief that it is better to celebrate a wedding on one of church holidays. Often held wedding celebrations on the day Holy Mother of God. It was believed that in this way they acquire the support of higher powers that will help throughout life.

It is also important to consider the day of the month. The number 13 is always identified with the negative, so the 13th day was never celebrated. It was believed that 13 is the number of dark forces.

Wedding signs indicate that best numbers for the celebration are considered - 5, 9, 3 and 7.


Signs by months indicate that it is impossible to marry in January. This month is cold not only in terms of weather. People who play weddings this month quickly lose interest in partners. Marriages this month often end in divorce. There is a belief that one of the partners will die shortly after the marriage.

The January omens also include several more interpretations.

  1. They don’t get married until January 7, because a church fast is held during this period. If you violate this recommendation, then the marriage will not last longer than 4 years.
  2. You need to get married on the day of water baptism, January 19. Higher powers will accompany pleasant moments newlyweds, and their marriage will last until the end of their lives.


February is one of best months for marriage. If the newlyweds get married this month, then their life together will be happy. good omen is the wedding in the last days of February. At this time, there is a fast before Maslenitsa.

If the bride and groom decide to legitimize their relationship during this period, then their whole life will take place in wealth and mutual understanding. If in holiday snow falls on the street, this indicates that higher powers gave their blessing and support to this family.


In March, it is not recommended to play wedding celebrations due to the fact that Easter fast occupies this entire month. Having legitimized your relationship at this time, you will constantly be separated from your loved one. This is due to the fact that you will not be able to stay in one place, you will often have to move to different cities and countries.

The partner will constantly be sent on business trips, which will negatively affect the trust of the husband and wife and lead to quick divorce. If you decide to play a wedding in March, then it is better to choose dates that fall at the end of the month (after the 20th).


The wedding celebration this month will have a positive effect on relationships. Harmony will reign in the newly-made family, but joyful moments can be replaced by quarrels.

It is best to legalize the relationship a week after the celebration of Easter. If the date of the celebration falls on this day, the newlyweds will spend their whole lives together. You can't celebrate a wedding on Easter or Palm Sunday. This day is dedicated higher powers. Favorable numbers in April, those that contain the number 2 are considered.


It is extremely undesirable to celebrate the marriage this month, otherwise there will be misunderstandings in the family all their lives, and the bride will “toil”.

It is not uncommon for weddings this month to end in divorce. The reason for the gap very often is the betrayal of the spouse. better days for marriage are the 20th and 22nd.


It is best to legalize your relationship in early summer. This month has a favorable effect on the relationship between partners. There is a belief that, having become engaged in June, the spouses will spend their whole lives together.

In addition, June weddings promise a large number of pleasant events in life together. Understanding always reigns between husband and wife, and life is like a honeymoon when there is romance and passion between them. perfect days for the celebration are those in which there is a number 1.


The July wedding is the most controversial. There are ups and downs in your life together. You should take this into account when choosing which month to get engaged.

Living together depends on mutual understanding and respect. How you treat each other is how your life will be built. It all depends on the desire to live together all your life. It is better to play a wedding at the beginning of the month, until the energy of June has evaporated.


The celebration in August is an indicator that the spouses will forever remain close to each other. There will never be conflicts between them, and love will last a lifetime. If you want such a relationship, then August is perfect for getting married.

This is the month of romantic, passionate and faithful people. A wedding in August is a sign that between partners there is not only passion, but also friendship. There will be trust, but betrayal will never happen. If you marry on the 12th, 16th, 20th or 24th, then there will always be trust and love between you.


A wedding in September promises in a life together:

  • respect for each other;
  • loyalty;
  • conflict resolution - if a quarrel occurs between a husband and wife, they will resolve it peacefully;
  • calmness - you can not worry that your partner will cheat on you.

It is better to refrain from marriage on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, which falls on the 27th. If you break this rule, then life together will be full of betrayal and disrespect for each other.


Weddings in October are a contradiction in relationships. You must prepare for the fact that in your life together there will be both quarrels and passionate reconciliation. You can’t get married in October if you are not ready for drastic changes in your life.


Folk signs say that marriages made this month are long. Couples who have sworn vows of love and fidelity to each other will never need money.

Good financial situation family will allow spouses not to need anything, but this condition is met if you play a wedding on any day except the 13th.


Your marriage will get stronger every year. The love that was between the bride and groom before the wedding will be strengthened during family life.

Partners will get reliable support from each other. Cheating in such families is nonsense, so life together will be long.


Day and month wedding celebration has a significant impact on later life. When choosing a date, you should consider whether you are ready for the complexities of certain months, after which you can set a date.

Even though most people think best time for a summer wedding, quite a few couples decide to get married in the spring, autumn and winter months. different reasons, one of which are signs and superstitions. Portal will tell you about all of them to make it easier for you to choose the month of the wedding.

Weddings by month

Popular signs about the wedding can be divided by month:

  • summer,
  • autumn,
  • winter,
  • spring.

Meaning of weddings by winter months

What can be a wedding by months in winter? Wonderful and fabulous, beautiful and mysterious. For those who are in december waiting not only New Year, but also your own marriage, you should pay attention to the weather. Severe frosts before the holiday - to a strong marital relationship. And if the frost hit on the day of the celebration - expect a new stream of emotions and feelings. Warmth in winter is a valuable thing, so young people should appreciate and keep the warmth of feelings, the only way they can save the family and make it happy. If the sun comes out on your wedding day in December, this is a good sign.