How to recover after the death of a husband. Tragic news: what can you face? Help from a friend or psychologist

It has long been known that no man can live forever. Unfortunately, our loved ones also go to another world at their own time. There's nothing you can do about it. Death is a natural biological process, it is a component of life. Everyone who is born must die. No one can escape their fate, and everything comes to an end one day.

What does a person feel when someone close to them dies?

All people who have lost loved ones experience a comprehensive sense of colossal inner pain. This pain is so strong that it breaks the heart from the inside, makes it difficult to breathe, think, live. All the thoughts of a man who has lost native person, concentrate only around the accomplished tragedy: how, why, why did this happen to us? From the heartbreaking stream of tears, I want to scream, tear my hair out, look for those responsible for what happened.

We are arranged in such a way that before we face death, we believe in our immortality, and therefore we can never immediately accept the departure from the life of a person who is dear to us. It is especially painful when a loved one dies and we have to bury him. At that moment, I want to lie next to you. It seems impossible to come to terms with this. The whole world seems to be turned upside down. How to survive the death of a beloved husband, if life without him seems incomplete, unhappy? It seems that nothing good will ever happen, that everything is lost forever. When everything is good in our life, we are surrounded by relatives and friends, it is very difficult to believe that this will ever end. We often begin to appreciate relationships after they have ended. Apparently, therefore, time is considered a priceless gift.

Unleash your feelings

When thinking about the question of how to survive the death of a beloved husband, do not demand too much from yourself at once. Allow yourself to go through all the stages of recovery after a severe emotional trauma. The state of grief is necessary for building long-term prospects and a new vision of life.

Do not hold back your tears: now there is absolutely no need to build an “iron lady” out of yourself, otherwise you will have to pay for a “recovery” very high price. When the feeling of pain is still very acute, it is highly recommended not to be alone: ​​let your family console you, just be there, help you. How to survive the death of a loved one, if it seems that life without him will not make sense? Just give yourself the opportunity to re-learn life. You will find answers to all questions gradually. The moment of emotional response is important for inner work over the situation. Recognize that you really can't change anything.

Ask for help

There is nothing shameful in asking for help from relatives and friends when you need it. Allow yourself to be weak, insecure and overwhelmed.

You don't have to be strong all the time. If you accidentally shed a tear in the office where you work, your colleagues are likely to treat it with due understanding and delicacy. Do not close yourself off from people all alone experience grief. Today, in almost any city, you can use the help of a psychologist. The specialist will work with your feelings, help you overcome the state of seeming impossibility to return to a full happy life.

Find yourself in an interesting business

When the severity of the trouble experienced begins to subside slowly, it's time to help yourself switch your attention. Without a doubt, you are still grieving, worrying, but your tormented soul needs renewal, it is in dire need of it. It's good if you have a favorite thing or hobby that you can devote yourself to. Then you will have less time to constantly tear your heart with disturbing and vivid memories. Many do not understand if they were the center of your existence. Here you need to change the paradigm: start looking at yourself as the basis of your being. In other words, take responsibility! Only you really decide whether you suffer or take steps towards "recovery". This approach may seem extremely harsh to some, but it is effective: you become stronger, and your life takes on a new meaning.

Take care of others

Nothing can help you free yourself from fearful thoughts and pain like communication with other people. Giving warmth and care to others, we become truly happy.

And although the image of your loved one will not fade from this, it will definitely become easier for you. Find those who are in a similar situation and offer your help. Just help other women survive the death of their husband - and you will help yourself. Give love to others and you will receive a sense of satisfaction in return.

Let yourself be sad sometimes

It is not unusual for sad thoughts to haunt you for quite some time. The loss loved one cannot but cause suffering. In the difficult question of how to survive the death of a beloved man, only time will help you. Be prepared for a sudden aggravation of the wound: even when it seems to you that the pain subsides, it can return and torment the heart with a vengeance. There is no need to be afraid of this: your feelings are completely normal. Many people who have lost loved ones think about how to survive the death of their loved ones and not go crazy. Pain so overshadows the mind that sometimes it seems impossible to continue life. These feelings are more than natural. No one will replace the dead for you. You may be in apathy for several days or weeks, but know that relief will surely come.

Don't put a cross on yourself

To everyone who has lost a life partner, it seems that they will now forever remain alone. But this is a false idea about life and itself. Give yourself time to recover from the impact.

Life will surely give you the opportunity to find happiness again. Of course, if you do not interfere with her in this. Many women are interested in how to survive the death of a beloved husband, how to learn to rejoice again? Intentionally. Only by deciding to become happy, despite the circumstances. If you are a young woman, but suddenly became a widow, this does not mean at all that you now have to be in mourning for the rest of your life. Having experienced grief, longing for a loved one, it is worth overcoming the pain and trying to find happiness again.

Let yourself be happy again

If you don't take care of yourself, it's unlikely anyone else will. Get yourself out of the psychological grave! You didn't die, your husband did. Understand that you are alive and can start a family again! Well, if from previous marriage you have children.

You will be able to compensate for your loss for a while, but only for a while, because you cannot fully satisfy the need for intimacy through love for a child. Learn to live without the dead. It is very difficult, but if you try every day, you will start to get pretty good at it over time. Find something interesting for yourself. Doing charity helps a lot: by giving others a piece of your warmth, you create a kind of “capital” for yourself for the future, which will definitely return to you in the form of love.

Collecting the heart from fragments, no doubt, is difficult and dangerous. You can get hurt, cut your fingers. But this work is necessary - it brings you back to yourself. Make it sure - take the bitter medicine of truth in order to be able to live on. Only time and tireless work on yourself will tell you how to survive the death of loved ones. No one has the right to advise you, condemn, push you to any actions. Allow yourself to experience the feelings that you have. Your emotions are amazing strength- they build a path for you to well-being through purification.

What does the church say about death?

According to Christian belief, on the third day after death, the soul ascends to heaven. In the question of how to survive the death of a loved one, Orthodoxy speaks of the ability to take care of those who remained nearby. It is believed that a yearning soul is thus freed from oppressive suffering.

According to Christian ideas, everything that we live in life is given to us for something in the future. Difficulties strengthen the character, suffering purifies and elevates the soul, obstacles temper and aim at positive result. Therefore, if it remains for you topical issue how to survive the death of a beloved husband, the answer may be: take care of yourself, worry about the purity of your soul, take care of others, give love selflessly. How more love you give, the more comes back to you by the great and powerful law of attraction. In addition, the Orthodox religion claims that we all (or rather, our souls) will meet in heavenly space. You just need to understand that we say goodbye to our relatives and loved ones not forever: we are separated only by moments of years, which are nothing compared to eternity. Orthodoxy answers the question of how to survive the death of loved ones most fully and essentially: you need to turn inside yourself, to your soul, understand what it wants, and begin to realize it in the world.

Surround your loved ones with care and attention - and it will become much easier for you to wake up in the morning, meeting a new day. Take care of each other! Try to give your loved ones everything they need. Then you won't have to regret the lost time later.

A woman's age tends to be longer than that of their male peers. Therefore, many become widows. Most women with the departure of a husband feel that this is especially true for wives who are very dependent psychologically on a loved one who has gone to another world. How do you get over the death of your husband?

First of all, you need to give free rein to emotions, and there is no norm here, every woman should cry and you need to do this as much as you want. Justice in determining the number of years allotted to this or that person should not be sought - for all the will of God. Often the good ones die young, while the bastards live to a ripe old age. Maybe God just gives more time bad people so they can fix their lives.

It is important not to close, on the contrary, call good friends and tell them that you need more attention during the first time after your husband's death. Often, close people are afraid of the sight of death and begin to behave inappropriately, be embarrassed and create awkward situations. This needs to be forgiven and understood by friends, because the question “How to survive the death of a husband?” you also started asking yourself recently. Your task after the first stage of pain passes is to try to find new friends. Of course, not everyone understands how to survive the death of a loved one, especially young friends, but try to find new topics that could occupy your head and be an alternative to talking and remembering your husband.

Your task is also to take care of another person who has gone into the world. After death, only prayer and commemoration in everything in the church can help him. A person himself cannot fix anything in the eyes of God if he has already died. But you, alive, can. If the husband sinned a lot and was guilty before you, you should pray especially hard for him. In this case, only your righteous life can save him, so you need to change your life in the direction of greater spirituality, so that it "counts" both for you and for him.

A new day will appear in the calendar - the Day of Death, but his Birthday, Valentine's Day and the date of the wedding will no longer be holidays, but days of sadness. You need to prepare for them in advance, deciding what you will do on each of these days so as not to be taken by surprise.

How to survive the death of a husband so that health does not suffer? You need to try to change your lifestyle, you need to be especially careful with food, because many are prone to improper eating behavior after a difficult event. There are two extremes here: stop eating altogether, and eat without control. Focus on nutrition, this will allow you to get away from thoughts about the death of a loved one.

It is also important to restructure your day, that is, write a new daily routine and try to follow it. Your day should be filled with things to do, perhaps you should learn new forms of needlework. If you do something with your own hands, then the mood will improve. Coping with the death of a loved one is easier if you are very busy. Of course, life will not be the same as it was before, you will feel loneliness, but you should definitely look for more communication, though it would be desirable to be closed one in an apartment and to cry.

If you have children, be sure to seek help from them. They will understand that the mother is hurt and lonely. Ask them to see you more often, and if you already have grandchildren, you can offer more help in caring for them. Take them to your place more often for weekends and holidays, small children distract from unhappy thoughts and help to focus on pressing problems, and not on the death of a loved one.

How do you get over the death of your husband? Accept what happened and try to occupy yourself with business, seek the company of others. Here is a summary of the entire article. Of course, positive considerations that, they say, life goes on, are inappropriate in this case. Yes, trouble happened, but you still have a lot of tasks left in life.

When, so suddenly for herself, her beloved spouse dies, it seems that life loses its meaning. And even if you have been married for many years, left behind heirs, it is difficult to imagine how to live on without soul mate. In this case, the priest's advice will help you understand how to survive your beloved husband. After all, as you know, when a person enters the afterlife, relatives on earth should help him in every possible way to reach Paradise.

Priest's advice on how to survive the sudden death of a beloved husband

  1. The deceased person is in great need of the care of people close to him who have remained here on this sinful earth. Everyone should remember that, as a person, a person does not disappear. He has an immortal soul, but if during his lifetime he was not a believer, then in order to survive his death, you must carefully consider own soul. First of all, don't get overwhelmed. After all, despondency is one of the eight deadly sins. If you allow it to settle in your soul, then a void will form in it.
  2. Try to calm down, put all your strength, love for the deceased into. Until the 40th day, pray. This is necessary for both your soul and the soul of your husband.
  3. Remember that after this life on earth, you will definitely meet your spouse, and therefore think about whether you deserve a good life after your own death. Do not forget that excessive lamentations, howling over the dead, are incompatible with Orthodoxy. Forget grief. It will not help either you or your loved one who has gone to another world. Remember that the husband is alive, but he is alive with God.
  4. Write a note and donate in the temple for the repose of the soul of your spouse. Pray more and ask the Lord to help you get through this difficult loss. And this rule concerns not only the question of how to survive the death of a husband for an aged woman, but also for a young widow. Remember that your life on this earth does not end. It is necessary to believe in the Almighty and continue to live, enjoy every day.

The loss of a loved one hurts unbearably. If the second half has gone to another world, it is very difficult for a woman to come to terms with this. It seems that life has lost all meaning, and the future seems gray and painful. How to cope with despair, how to survive the death of a husband? The advice of a psychologist and a priest will help you look at what happened with different eyes.

When a husband dies, all the foundations of a familiar, full of happy moments and plans of life collapse. The house is surrounded by familiar things and joint photos, a native voice sounds in memory, and what happened seems like a terrible dream ... After realizing the tragedy, the woman experiences shock, her behavior becomes uncontrollable. The cessation of the widow's uncontrollable weeping may seem like a relief. In fact, this does not mean that the pain has subsided. The consequences of a strong psychological blow can lead to deep depression and seriously affect health.

The opinion of psychologists: "There is a way out!"

Experts studied emotional state many people who had to endure the death of loved ones, and found out that there is a "grief reaction syndrome". Of course, due to individual features response to loss cannot be exactly the same, but common features, of course, there is. Starting a conversation on the topic “How to survive the death of a beloved husband?” Psychologists advise the widow to become aware of her feelings and emotions, which change in accordance with the stages of grief:

  • shock (in most cases accompanied by hysteria);
  • denial of what happened (it's hard to understand how everyone can live the same way if my husband is no more);
  • searches (dreams and sensations may appear that give the illusion of communicating with the deceased, tantrums often resume, the woman refuses help and wants to leave after her beloved);
  • despair (in addition to severe grief, the widow begins to feel remorse. It seems to her that she was in many ways wrong in relation to her husband and this shortened his age);
  • apathy (complete indifference to everything around).

What to do so that sad feelings do not make a woman unhappy forever? Strength to survive grief will give such steps.


It must be clearly understood that death will not bypass any of the living, and it is already impossible to influence what happened. If before all the time was filled with worries about her husband, you need to change your activities. Think: would a spouse want to see his beloved in constant suffering? The fact that the wife continues to give joy to herself and loved ones is an act that would greatly please the untimely departed husband.

Looking ahead

You can't become indifferent. Rejoice that in the past you were not deprived of happiness, rejoice in the current smiles of your relatives, the beauty of nature, small surprises, read exciting books.

Useful deeds

New goals captivate, drive away longing. Acquaintance with girls who have suffered the same loss helps a young widow survive the death of her husband. As a rule, seeing the deplorable state of others, a woman begins to support, give advice from personal experience, to realize that such grief fell not only on her lot. It is useful to start writing letters to suffering people.


Drawing, embroidery, knitting and any other types of creativity that a woman likes can distract from sad thoughts, please with new skills and successes.


It is necessary to expand the circle of friends, eventually start visiting interesting events. AT adulthood For example, at the age of 60, it is easier to survive the death of a husband if you explain how to understand, appreciate and respect each other to young couples. Possibly based on your rich experience family life someone will write an article or a whole book.

Salvation by Faith

Psychologist's recommendations the only landmark on the way to comfort. How to survive the death of a husband, the priest can tell. His advice will make it possible to comprehend what happened in a new way. Father will explain the following points.

Soul is immortal

An Orthodox Christian woman must know that, as a person, a person does not go into oblivion. The husband lives, but he lives with God, and the time will come when you can see him again. Falling into the sin of despondency, excessively sobbing and wailing, the widow harms herself and does not help the deceased in any way. But he expects that the relatives left on earth will help him reach the heavenly abode. Put all your strength and love for your husband into prayers. In the church you can:

  • ask to serve a memorial service (this is especially necessary on the 3rd, 9th and 40th day after the death of a loved one);
  • write a note with the name of the spouse and transfer to the altar;
  • order a magpie and a psalter.

It is also necessary to distribute alms with a request to pray for the deceased, to do charity work. All this should be done as often as possible, and not only in the first year after burial.

Seek support from the Lord

Understanding that, by staying on earth, you can help a dear person in the afterlife, it is very comforting. But, in addition to prayers for repose, you need to think about whether your husband can hope that you will live your life with dignity. For him, this is immensely important: he does not want to see you unhappy, committing sins, offending your neighbors. Of course, the soul is overwhelmed by the bitterness of loss. Ask the Lord to ease your suffering, give strength to endure grief, attend Divine services, read the Gospel, spiritual literature.

Appreciate life

According to Christian doctrine, God takes a person when his soul is in the most favorable condition. This means that the Creator was pleased to call your spouse to him right now. Do not forget that your life on this earth does not end. Continue to rejoice in all the good that surrounds you, warm with the love of your loved ones and console the mourners.

-”How to get over the death of a loved one?
I thought that mental anguish would eventually dissipate like smoke.
I went to church, lit candles. I confessed to the Father and prayed in silence. But it didn't get any easier. I'll go faster myself. They say that time heals. No, it only “removes burrs” where it hurts,” Lidia Egorovna from the city of Lipetsk shares her experiences with us.

The death of a beloved husband is a monstrous loss of oneself. This is how a psychologist friend of mine formulates grief. No wonder they say about the sacrament of souls and the soul mate.

When death comes suddenly, in the first days the so-called stage of denial is demonstrated, they say this cannot be. These are the most hard days, Lida.
In the event that death is preceded by a serious illness, then it is also bitter, but easier in the sense that your psyche was able to rehearse great sorrows.
It is very difficult for me to give any advice, so I had to ask for help from a regular reader of the site, who buried her husband eight years ago.

Of course, Lida, template solutions in this issue simply does not exist, but I feverishly believe that you will need her help.
The woman's name is Natalya Pavlovna. She lives in St. Petersburg. She turned forty-nine last year. Thus, you are almost the same age.
Natalia's husband left this world by accident, taking his last breath in a complex production. No signs of trouble. She rushed in suddenly.
When she found out about the death of her husband, it was necessary to urgently organize the burial.

So, the first feeling is a huge shock and shock.

- “Maybe he is still alive?” - was spinning in her head when Natalya crossed the thresholds.

This is the initial shock chain of the denial stage. Psyche in this case does everything possible to keep you alive. It absorbs the pain, turning off the most violent moments for a while. This is exactly what Natalya confirmed when she discovered some gaps in her analytical memory after the funeral.
To survive the death of her husband, she had to break through the stage of denial and find herself alone in a spacious room. And there, everything still.
Things, an ashtray, magazines and the invisible presence of her husband.

This is the second stage that needs to be experienced. You begin to clearly understand what you have lost dear person. You do not want to eat, but you are constantly thirsty. This is how Natalya Pavlovna described the symptoms of suffering.
A complete loss of the joy of life and a surging feeling of guilt. This is very milestone, Lida. From that moment on, you are left alone with your suffering for a while and spin the symptoms of guilt for everything that happened. It is this stage that is most shackled with grief.
In your letter, you frankly write that you feel immensely guilty. Take my word for it that self-torture in this case characterizes a wound that is still too painful. You have to break through this stage.

Of course, there are no clear recommendations, but try to take all your will into a fist. This is tantamount to a monstrous breaking or lump, which squeezes the Adam's apple with a death grip. You are constantly nauseous and the body requires medication to eliminate the symptoms.
Linda, don't give them up at least the first time.

In order to survive the death of a beloved husband, you must patiently wait until your psyche enters the “sobbing” phase. It will not come immediately, but gradually.
As for communicating with people, Natalya did not want to see anyone for about eight days. Taking a vacation at her own expense, she did nothing but cry.
Linda, this is peculiar defense mechanism, which allows you to “wash away sorrow”.

I cannot determine exactly how long the sobbing phase will last. It is possible that this will take several weeks.
All this time, you will receive heartfelt condolences about the heavy loss, which you will begin to listen to mechanically.
When you successfully break through the “sobbing” phase, the so-called resignation phase will begin. This does not mean that life will go on as usual. It's just that all the tears will be cried out, and the words of sympathy will be spoken.

You will make the first attempt to “get out into the light”. You will continue to be empathized, but the grief has not yet been fully adapted.
Natalya Pavlovna claims that at the moment of “returning back” your essence will begin to “clog sorrows” with working moments.
Lida, you are absolutely right when you talk about the heaviness in your soul when you return home, because everything reminds you of your lost husband.
Working moments should be understood as the main labor activity to help you cope with a bereavement. In order not to wear herself out, Natalya Pavlovna supported the body sedatives plant origin. She did not go to the doctor.

This went on for about five months.

By working hard, you switch from guilt and grief to life circumstances. You just go on living, breathing, eating and going to sleep.
But once again I will repeat. Through all the monstrous stages it is necessary to break through safely. Endure, weep, remember, but in no case do not engage in burning self-flagellation.

To survive the death of a beloved husband, it is necessary that the “healing time” come.

I have no right to advise you to be cheerful, playful and mischievous, especially to make new plans. All this will come in time.
When you learn to live with bereavement, the so-called “cleansing philosophy” will become available to you. You will begin to perceive death as an intermediary between new lives. A different interpretation of passing away will come into your mind, which will help you take a step forward towards personal happiness.

We lose relatives, sisters, husbands and mothers, grieving, but at the same time reconsidering life values.

Any loss is not death, but a test that must be resisted in order to direct your gaze in the right direction.

It was an article about how to get over the death of a loved one.
May God give you patience and strength to cope with grief.

The question was asked by: Lidia Egorovna from the city of Lipetsk.

She expressed her point of view: Natalya Pavlovna from St. Petersburg.

The material was prepared by me - Edwin Vostryakovsky.

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Number of reviews: 11

  • No matter how difficult it is, but in any tragedy there is a meaning of life wisdom, which is directed for the benefit of our existence.

    What benefit do you see in the death of a loved one?

    We lose relatives, sisters, husbands and mothers, grieving, but at the same time reconsidering life values.

    Something is kind of creepy.

  • In what direction are we reviewing them?

    We break away from the material, approaching the spiritual.

  • Your answer didn't convince me.

    No matter how difficult it is, but in any tragedy there is a meaning of life wisdom, which is directed for the benefit of our existence.

  • Is the death of a loved one given for our good?

    Hello dear Val.
    Death takes away a loved one from us - this is unconditional grief, but good is a revision life values, which are transformed from a material category into a spiritual wealth.
    Losing loved ones, we suffer, it hurts, but after a while, what once bothered fades into the background.
    If not convinced, forgive me.
    Be happy.

  • We lived with my Serezha for almost 38 years. He left me, left me alone in this world. How to survive, I do not know. He left on May 22, this is a terrible day for me, at first, everything was like in a dream, everything that happened was like not with me, it seemed to me that this nightmare would end and everything would be as before, then it seemed to me that my Serezha did not leave for a long time and will soon arrive. And as time passes, I realize that everything, this is the end, there is no my beloved person, that I will never see or hear again, why then live, the meaning of my existence without him. I now have a condition: a part of me was taken away irretrievably. There are no people like my Seryozha, this is a person about whom you can talk endlessly and only good things, so if they say reliable rear, strong shoulder, then this is about my Seryozha. When they talk about human halves, it's about us, when they say that marriages are made in heaven, it's about us. Such thoughts often come to me, how I live, but he does not. Why such injustice?

    Zoya writes:

    We lived with my Serezha for almost 38 years. He left me, left me alone in this world.

    Zoya writes:

    Why such injustice?

    Dear Zoya.

    I re-read your lines with sincere pain in my soul.

    Probably, in such cases, they don’t thank for the revelation ...

    It is infinitely touching and vulnerable to feel that our loved ones are not eternal.

    I want to ask you about one thing.

    Without seeing your eyes, prophesying from a distance, please gain strength, because our task is to go this way to the end.

    As I advised, do not withdraw into yourself - it's damn difficult, but necessary.

    Involve yourself in the Orthodox faith, which promises us a long-awaited meeting with our beloved ones.

    Once again, forgive me for touching your grief with simple words.

    Sincerely, Dmitry Nikolaevich (Edwin Vostryakovsky).

    thanks for good words I know you have to live, life goes on. Of course, I live, breathe, talk, and in my head there are lines - “Why is everything wrong, everything seems to be the same as always, the sky is also blue again, the same forest, the same air and the same water, only my Serezhenka is not there.” That's how it happens. What is there to do? I basically strong man, and, of course, I understand that no one will help me in this trouble, I have to cope on my own.

    On July 22, my husband Vasily died, he died trying to save a drowning man. He was only 33 years old, I am 30, we have two sons - the eldest is not and 5, the youngest will be 3 years old. He loved us immensely, he always told everyone that he had three children - 2 sons and an older daughter-dream, and treated me like a child. And I, I could not breathe on him, all 6 joint years I could not believe my happiness, every evening I thanked God for my husband and for wonderful children ... I envied myself. And then a terrible, ridiculous tragedy ... and EVERYTHING ... Everything collapsed, I can’t even breathe without him ... I can’t cope, I didn’t need anything, I just don’t want to live. Yesterday was 2 months of life without my Vasily ... but I still hope for something, I hope they wake up ... I'm waiting for him ... or I want to see him ... My husband's mother came to me - she cries days and nights and only insists that she does not want to live ... and I can’t even help her in any way - I don’t want to live on my own. How to endure this pain, how not to go crazy or leave this world? HOW to survive?

    Elena writes:

    Lena, please forgive me for touching your personal grief with my own words.

    I beg you, please read the publications, the links to which I will indicate below.

    Lena, it’s very difficult for me to advise, and it’s ridiculous in this situation.

    With the greatest effort of will, with deep and desperate faith in Christ, you are obliged to live for the sake of children.

    Forgive me…

    Girls, my dears.
    I also lost a loved one, and I'm thirty. We lived together, planned to get married, tried to have a child, but God did not give. And then he took it from me.
    You have children .... this is the fruit of your love. AND I?
    And I was left all alone, ... .. why live ???
    When at thirty, finally, here it is, here is happiness .... so many plans, how we loved and understood each other!
    He is not, and why should I live. Every night I ask him to pick me up.

    We have 2 wonderful daughters, 2 granddaughters aged 18 and 14, the eldest is already a student.

    My life, one might say, has stopped, there is no point in it, it is very hard.

    Serezha suffered from hypothyroidism for 10 years, when he moved to a new place of residence, he had a relapse, it seems to me that I have no reason to live without him, tears every day, how can I get out of this state!

    I still have to help my granddaughter student financially, but I don’t have the strength.