Introspection: “I don't like compliments. Rules and conditions for the provision of services. The best compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

Incredible Facts

Tell a girl: "You are beautiful" can anyone.

Let's be honest - thiscompliment became banal and uninteresting. Hardly attractive girl does not know about his physical virtues.

Therefore, it is logical that she wants to hear something unusual, unhackneyed and completely unbanal.

So, what is it nice to hear the fair sex from her lover?

Beautiful compliments to a woman

1. You are strong

Each smart woman you need a guy who will not immediately notice her strength, because she is not in her physical aspect, but emotional and mental.

She wants a partner who appreciates her forte, will respect her for this and will not be afraid that his partner is not a weak, insecure girl, but a true woman.

2. You are smart

When a man notices a woman's mind, and not just the obvious, her beauty, it elevates him in the eyes of a woman.

After all, the fact that he looks at the girl’s mind characterizes him as a deep, intelligent and not superficial person.

It also means that the guy is really interested in her and not looking for a one night stand.

After all, beauty is a passing phenomenon, and if a woman is smart, it will be interesting with her even after 20 years.

Beautiful compliments to your beloved

3. You are funny and interesting

Most women appreciate such a compliment.

After all, if she makes a guy laugh, it means that both are on the same wavelength. Having a healthy sense of humor is one of the sexiest qualities and is absolutely essential in a serious relationship.

Unusual compliments

4. You are real

In a world full of falsehood and something artificial, it is so nice to find naturalness and naturalness in a woman.

Every girl is pleased to hear that she is unique and stands out from the crowd. And when a guy notices it, it's especially nice.

5. You captivate

Such a compliment sounds better than just saying "You are beautiful" or "You are sexy." Any representative of the fair sex will appreciate it.

It is much more pleasant for a woman to hear a phrase less banal than a statement of the fact of her beauty.

Non-banal compliments

6. You inspired me to do something

Any girl is pleased to know that she inspires young man to something great.

Therefore, there is no better compliment than to tell her that she inspires, that thanks to her, he becomes better and achieves success.

Even if her contribution to his success was not so significant physically or financially, her support and words of encouragement make the guy feel motivated and realize his dream.

Therefore, it is worth talking about this girl.

best girl compliments

7. You have an incomparable (here it is worth inserting the part of her body that excites you the most)

Of course, it's always nice to remind a girl that she's beautiful.

But if you just say "You're beautiful", it may seem too banal to her. However, if you mark the part of the body that you especially like, she will certainly appreciate such a compliment.

Tell her she's crazy soft hair, or a surprisingly thin wrist, or she has unusual shape lips that drives you crazy.

The best compliments

8. Next to you, I can be myself.

Perhaps this is one of the best compliments for any girl. Everyone wants to hear something like this.

After all, this means that he feels comfortable next to her. He can entrust her with the most intimate thoughts and deepest feelings.

Such a compliment is a sign of closeness and trust.

Lovely compliments

9. You are important to me

A guy who tells a girl that she is important to him is probably truly in love.

Being significant to someone is much more important than just being beautiful.

This means that the girl brings something very important to the life of a young man, and he undoubtedly appreciates it.

The best compliments for a girl

10. I respect you

If a man respects a woman, it means that he appreciates her and will never cross the forbidden line.

As a rule, respect is the basis of something very strong.

Strong compliment

11. It is very important for me to hear your opinion.

A guy who cares about the opinion of his partner really appreciates and respects her.

Such a compliment suggests that he can trust the girl, share the most important things with her and wants to hear her opinion on a particular issue.

Such a phrase is a huge compliment, it can become a real incentive for a girl to continue to support her partner.

12. When I am with you, I am the most happy man in the world

If a young man says this to his girlfriend, it's worth a lot.

There are so many things in the world that make him happy, but if spending time with her makes him tremble with happiness… what more could you ask for?

This is such a wonderful compliment, because making someone happy is the greatest gift, and not everyone succeeds.

13. I love your cute weirdness

Some girls are embarrassed by their quirks, such as distraction or obsession with stupid things.

But when a man finds these weirdness cute zest, it's damn nice.

This means that he loves you entirely, appreciates not only your pluses, but is also indulgent to the minuses.

This attitude speaks of true love men.

14. You are an amazing friend!

Of course, such a compliment can be considered in two ways.

On the one hand, no one wants to be in the notorious friend zone.

However, if this is said by a man with whom the girl is already in a relationship, then this indicates that he sees her not only as a lover or potential future wife But he also sees her as his best friend.

15. You are the best girl you could ever want.

Such a phrase will undoubtedly amuse the vanity of every girl. This is a real balm for her ego.

Hear what she is best girl in the world that you can wish for, anyone wants.

I want to be the best not only in the bedroom, but also in Everyday life. Therefore, when a guy talks about it, he makes his woman happy.

This is one of those compliments that seems to say the following: "You suit me 100 percent."

16. You are elegant and sophisticated

Any woman can be fashionable and stylish if she has the means.

However, if a man tells his lover that she is elegant and refined, this means that she stands out from the others and has a certain class.

An innate sense of taste and elegance will exalt you in the eyes of a partner. He will be proud that such a woman is next to him.

It is not a shame to introduce such a girl to friends or bring her to a corporate party and introduce her to colleagues.

17. You make me a better person

When a man meets a woman who challenges him and shows him what real love, she inspires him to be a better person.

Therefore, every woman is pleased to hear that she had such a huge positive influence on a person that he could change.

This actually means that she brought him to new level self-development.

If a girl receives such a compliment, she can be proud of herself. After all, she succeeded in what others could not do.

One has only to put oneself in Vkontakte on ava, and not an extraneous picture - right there under it there are a lot of exclamations from girlfriends: "Ah, beauty!", "Ah, charm!" Moreover, there is a feeling that if you put yourself there in a nightgown with the remnants of makeup on your face, there will still be compliments. I don’t understand this reflex: since you put your photo, you need to build admiration under it. Damn, I like the photo - just put a "like" under it, fuck all this verbal pathos.

Kate McFly, 16/08/12
On the one hand, it seems pleasant, but it seems that this is just flattery. It becomes so uncomfortable, all that remains is to grumble in response: "Thank you." I especially do not like compliments about appearance, it becomes disgusting.

Yvette, 10/05/13
Because most of the time I don't care what anyone thinks of me. For me, only my own opinion is above all. If I feel bad about myself, then a compliment from someone else will only make me angry. I don't like it when people praise me for something. Especially if, in general, for nothing.

Complete psycho, 10/05/13
Because after the compliments, the girls cannot cope with the feeling of their own superiority that has gripped them, they begin to become conceited. Therefore, I say compliments to girls very rarely, and only with banter, sarcasm, so that it does not look serious - it turns out even better. Both laughter and CSF do not go off scale.

gais, 27/09/13
It is said that people with low self-esteem do not like compliments. Yes, I do not care, in principle. I still get annoyed when someone tells me some kind of heresy. As if I'll still owe them for it

Dasy, 15/01/14
Compliment. "You have beautiful eyes", "You look good today." , "Beautiful blouse!" . I don't like being graded like in school. If it were also in the first person: "I like your eyes," you can, if the situation is favorable. I don't like grades. The most powerful irritant is the phrase "You look good." The very fact that someone gives me a "good mark" for the appearance is very pleasant. But it's not enough to listen to it. When will I look bad? Of course they won't say it out loud. It's clear. * if you really want to say something pleasant, it’s better to talk about trifles in a positive way, or tell a joke. Of course there are nice compliments. But this is rare. Therefore, it is better without them.

carpet helicopter, 08/02/14
I hate compliments twice. For the first time, because since childhood I can’t and don’t know how to accept them, it seems to me that at this moment other people who don’t get them envy me, or they are sad that they don’t receive compliments, or they are angry at me for something a thread of bad wishes. In my opinion, it is better to do without flattering words in your address than to endure this. The second time why I hate them is because often people themselves ask for pleasant words and praise. They throw their photos, photos of their work, some poems, maybe something else, and they are sure that they will be praised. And I have to lie so as not to offend these m..eccentrics. I hate to lie, it seems to me that everything is written on my face. And to honestly say that I did not like this or that, somehow rude and insulting.

Ahessa, 23/08/14
Of course, we must admit that every person enjoys compliments, especially girls, and I am no exception. BUT I do not like compliments, because I understand that this is just flattery, that a person needs something from me. And besides, there are few people left on earth who will say a compliment from pure heart.

elizavetas, 23/08/14
I don’t like them, because I start to be shy, I don’t know how to react to them (stupid of course, but what can you do with yourself?). And you don’t believe in all compliments, because often in our time compliments are said just to get something from you, or just out of politeness, for the sake of formality.

WhatTheGirl, 08/07/15
they give me some pain. I often hear compliments about my appearance, but the fact is that compliments come from people who are unnecessary to me. a few years ago I loved a man who didn’t even want to spit in my direction, and at that time all my friends and acquaintances told me how beautiful and there is no boyfriend, how so? don't use beauty. should I be happy about this?

Unimmortal, 08/07/15
"Could there be something worthwhile from Nazareth?" - maybe not in the topic, but for some reason this phrase most often comes to my mind when I hear compliments addressed to me. Especially those related to appearance and appearance. I usually look like a middle-sex person, I do not emphasize either the eyes, or the grace of the wrists, or the instep of the foot, and therefore, when someone starts to burst into a nightingale for no reason, I feel only bewilderment and annoyance. And I absolutely do not know how to react to this, and most importantly - what this flatterer needs from me. After all, it cannot be that nothing is needed, let's be realistic. When they praise my work or some other achievements, I treat it adequately, but appearance ... Appearance is not my forte, and there is no need to constantly remind me of this, even if it is veiled.

The Pros and Cons, 24/03/16
If someone did not know, this is the name of all sorts of small and not very good snacks in restaurants, which you did not order, but they bring to you. Pts are often tasty, but this is some kind of unplanned food and not what they would have chosen themselves. As for the verbal ones: if I myself am dissatisfied with my appearance or some other factor, then compliments about him are wonderful to me (although if the factor is new to me, they can also claim somehow). But in general, then I don’t like these people and their standards. And if you are satisfied - it is not clear why this is. On many topics hundreds of times heard. It is not clear what is next and what they want. If, on the contrary, they tell me about their antipathy (which is mostly only on the Internet, it’s no wonder) - it’s not clear why, what the problem is, and what would I need otherwise. What good and useful things would the sympathy of those who have nothing good and useful give me. The only situation that can really evoke emotions is when they _do_ something for me (or against me).

The first step to starting a relationship is communication. If you like a girl and you want to win her over, compliment her. You shouldn’t shower with compliments too often, because it feels affected. Find golden mean and do not forget to please the girl with pleasant words. If you are not too eloquent, you can memorize compliments in poetry and prose. But it is better to learn how to speak them from the heart for a particular lady.

The main thing in the article

How nice to compliment a girl?

  1. according to external data. Ideal people do not exist. But something in the appearance of a certain girl hooked you, so highlight the part of the body you like and make a compliment. Example: "Do you have bright eyes! It’s so beautiful, and when you look at me, it’s like something lights up inside”, “How can you not notice such cute dimples on your cheeks when you smile.”

    Not all girls like it when breasts or buttocks are chosen as the object for a compliment. The guy in this case looks like a vulgar person who cannot consider the true essence of the girl.

  2. Comparative compliments. Something a girl should do better than others: cook, have a wonderful physical training getting along with animals. Compare her to someone who does worse, like yourself. Example: “You know how to put the house in order so quickly, I would like to learn from you”, “What delicious dinner you have prepared. No chef can compare."
  3. From the heart. Summarize the qualities for which you appreciate your lady. Example: “You are my support, I appreciate you for your support, for not letting me give up and forcing me to move on”, “Your sincerity helps me understand you better. Thank you for not arguing with me, but you can settle everything simple conversation heart-to-heart".
  4. Personal space. This includes compliments about the hobbies, hobbies and work of the girl. Example: “You manage to work and play sports, and also knit! You have done well with me, you know how to properly manage time”, “I kept thinking where did you get such a great lexicon and the ability to communicate clearly. No wonder you've read so many books."
  5. Support change with compliments. It's simple here - new hairstyle, cloth. Example: " new color hair? It suits you, he emphasized your expressive eyes and soft skin color”, “This dress is beautiful. It's just right for your slim figure."

100 Best Short Compliments to a Beautiful Girl You Like

  1. Well, it's a crime to be so luxurious.
  2. You cook even better than my mom.
  3. I love your sense of humor.
  4. You are stunning and charming!
  5. I lose touch with reality when I look at you.
  6. You deserve a thousand compliments.
  7. Irresistible as always!
  8. You are my love and my pride.
  9. You have so much tenderness, happiness and sensitivity!
  10. Adorable, I can't take my eyes off her!
  11. You, while walking towards me, did not bring a crowd of admirers behind you?
  12. You look brilliant!
  13. With such Hollywood smile only to act in films.
  14. Today you outshine everyone.
  15. Is yours trump card- independence.
  16. What a luxurious you are, you can immediately see - a real woman!
  17. You are my most precious gift in life!
  18. Charming, like a queen from a fairy tale.
  19. That sincere smile drives me crazy.
  20. Alluring, bewitching ... Not a sorceress, by any chance?
  21. Stylish and attractive lady, keep it up!
  22. Light as a cloud!
  23. Well-groomed and attractive!
  24. Sweet like a peach!
  25. Eyes are like magnets.
  26. Approaching you, I feel magnetism.
  27. You have great taste and sense of style!
  28. Polite and cultured.
  29. Stately, as if from the royal family.
  30. Angelic
  31. Radiant.
  32. Fascinating.
  33. Stunning.
  34. Extraordinary.
  35. Creative.
  36. Versatile.
  37. Unpredictable.
  38. Ardent.
  39. Mind-blowing.
  40. Harmonious.
  41. Perfect.
  42. Otpadnaya.
  43. Selfless.
  44. Touching.
  45. Marvelous.
  46. Bright.
  47. Amazing.
  48. Incendiary.
  49. Faithful.
  50. I love that you are a lady.
  51. You have such diverse interests!
  52. Your jokes are so original!
  53. I can do 1000 crazy things for you.
  54. You are so open, honest and simple.
  55. You can see the extraordinary in simple things.
  56. Intoxicating.
  57. Divine.
  58. Flirtatious.
  59. Desired.
  60. Unique.
  61. Flawless.
  62. Sparkling.
  63. Dreamy.
  64. Shy.
  65. Exciting.
  66. Incendiary.
  67. Playful.
  68. Beloved.
  69. Delightful.
  70. Fabulous.
  71. Diligent.
  72. Neat.
  73. Purposeful.
  74. Prominent.
  75. Unique.
  76. As from the picture.
  77. You know how to surprise.
  78. Immaculate.
  79. Knowledgeable and well-read.
  80. Comely.
  81. Soulful.
  82. Direct and open.
  83. You know how to stand out from the gray mass.
  84. I love your subtle manners and royal breeding.
  85. Unconstrained.
  86. Frank.
  87. A girl with a twist.
  88. You have an outstanding, bright appearance.
  89. Irresistible figure.
  90. You are positive and sparkling.
  91. You know how to listen and give good advice.
  92. Once seen, you cannot be forgotten.
  93. Sensual.
  94. Extreme.
  95. Generous.
  96. You are the one that I think about every minute.
  97. You are the most special and irreplaceable for me.
  98. Were you the first and only one in line for beauty?
  99. I love this playful live light in your eyes!
  100. Once you see you, you won't be able to sleep peacefully.

The best compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

  1. I envy myself that I grabbed such a beauty.
  2. You took the best from mom and dad and turned out incomparable!
  3. Everything that I dreamed about is in front of me!
  4. Your appearance is so beautiful that I would paint pictures of you if I were an artist.
  5. Your gaze beautiful eyes made me forget what I wanted to say and do.
  6. Perfectionists would get real satisfaction if they contemplated your beauty.
  7. Unlike many girls, you look great without makeup. I love your natural beauty.
  8. When I look at such a beauty, my heart flips.
  9. Everything is fine with speech. It's just that when I see a cute girl, my tongue starts making strange sounds.
  10. I can't take my eyes off your figure. She's perfect!
  11. The more I wonder what should be perfect girl the more I remember you.
  12. You are like a goddess descended from heaven to earth.
  13. Have you tried beauty pageants? I'm sure it would take the top spot.
  14. You are so luxurious that I have in my head regular stitches folded into poems in your honor.
  15. Only your daughter can surpass you in beauty.

Pleasant compliments to a girl in your own words

  1. In the photo you are beautiful, but it conveys only external beauty. You are even more beautiful on the inside.
  2. It is already unforgettable for me that I spend time with a sweet and intelligent girl.
  3. I'm sorry I'm stuck, I hear everything you say. I just can't stop loving you.
  4. I have learned a lot from you. Endurance, patience and perseverance.
  5. When we chat, it's like time doesn't exist.
  6. Your fingers are very delicate. When you touch me, all the pain goes away.
  7. Do not change anything in yourself, because for me you are perfect.
  8. You understand me like no one else, as if you read my mind. It drives me crazy!
  9. I like that you know what you want to achieve in life. You purposeful girl planning and getting things done.
  10. Adore your skill understand a man and keep the conversation going.
  11. I like everything about you inside and out. From easy gait to the ability to dress, from the ability to speak and express thoughts, to tactful and bold ideas.

The most beautiful compliments to a girl in verse

Sweet, unique
alluring, playful,
You are a fairy, I know for sure
I hope you will be mine.

Fire in the eyes, goodness in the soul,
Warm in your arms
charming, charming,
It's very interesting with you.

Your eyes and languid look
I am always attracted to you.

I'm not good at compliments
But I want to tell you
You are divinely beautiful
It seems like I'm in a dream.

You are not more beautiful in the world
It hasn't been a secret for a long time.
I think we are on our way
You won't find another one for sure.

Very gentle and beautiful compliments to your beloved girl to tears

  1. I never dreamed of such a girl. After all, compared with reality, dreams turned out to be insignificant.
  2. Do you know why I am the most happy man? I have you!
  3. Only with you can I be who I really am. Don't lie and don't pretend.
  4. I thought that there are only smart or only beautiful. You proved by your example that one person can combine both.
  5. We must thank your parents for the fact that they created a real miracle - you.
  6. When men turn around and follow you with their eyes, I'm not jealous. I'm proud to have you with me!
  7. When I saw you, I realized that natural beauty can be amazing and wonderful.
  8. Next to you, I managed to feel like a real man.
  9. Your gentle and slightly sly look made my heart rage and my hands tremble.
  10. I treat you too reverently, because you have awakened in me the desire to protect and protect.
  11. Although you are a fragile girl, you will quickly knock out with your eyes.
  12. There are few wise women who correctly set life priorities. But I found one.
  13. Fell in love at first sight. I feared that appearances were deceiving. You proved that I was afraid for nothing.
  14. I feel completely in your power. Well, let it be a pleasant slavery.

Unusual compliments to a girl for a photo

  1. When I look at your photo, goosebumps run through my body. How can you be so beautiful?
  2. You know, your photos are on all my gadgets. Because I can't stop admiring you.
  3. I can’t stop looking at your photo, but it’s much more interesting to communicate live and see you next to me.
  4. The range of emotions that you radiate in the photo energizes me for the day.
  5. Are you the beloved of God? He gave you unearthly beauty.
  6. Honey, you look a lot like your beautiful mother.
  7. Have you ever seen an angel look? I see in the photo.
  8. Can we take a photo together next time? I boast that I have a photo with a supermodel.
  9. I look at your photo and I have a dance of butterflies in my stomach, a rainbow in my head, happiness in my eyes. What are you doing to me?
  10. Great photo. You combine tenderness and passion, determination and inner balance.

When choosing a compliment, you should not openly flatter a person, this is inappropriate. It is also not necessary to lie for the sake of a compliment, because the girl knows her strengths and weaknesses very well, therefore she will consider you hypocritical. The most effective compliment is from a pure heart in your own words. This will show your sincerity, and you will be remembered by the girl for a long time.

I don't know about many women, but I I don't like receiving compliments especially from strangers or little known people. I always have a feeling of insincerity and as if a person needs something from me. When a person utters some "obtrusive-pleasant", but hackneyed phrases addressed to me - it's annoying. But if a compliment is made by a person I know, it does not cause negative emotions, on the contrary, it fills with positive, if the compliment is sincere. And in the case of familiar people, the sincerity of pleasant words is always clear, because you have known a person for a long time and have studied the manner of his communication.

I also love myself different reasons. For example, I have acquaintances - girls and boys - essentially sincere open natures, with whom it is easy to communicate and compliment them, since they themselves will surely, sincerely emphasize the detail I like in me. I like to praise others to cheer them up. My friend constantly buys something new for herself from things, but always doubts whether it suits her. Having brought the thing home, she asks for my opinion, so even if I don’t really like how the thing looks on her, I say that it suits her. After all, the purchase has already been made, positive emotions have been received from it, and I only need to fix them. Why upset someone...

But back to the heart of the matter, why people don't like receiving compliments. Often this is due to self-doubt. There are women in the world who begin to refuse a compliment addressed to them, showing awkwardness: “Oh, what are you ..”, “Yes, this is an old dress ...”, “Yes, I have been walking with this hairstyle for a long time ...”. Surely, such a rejection of pleasant words comes from childhood, in which parents praised their daughter little, and perhaps criticized more often. Therefore, even in adulthood, she is not able to admit that she can look good or do a great job.

I have met people who did not want to hear praise for themselves, because they were afraid that she would jinx them. It seems ridiculous to me, but they sincerely believe in it. It seems to them that after they began to be praised, a lot of failures and troubles will immediately fall on them. And oddly enough, they do happen, but it seems to me, more from the effect of self-hypnosis, and not from the received compliment. They are so afraid of someone else's envy that they are ready to look worse, work less, give the impression of unsuccessful people with all their might, etc. Probably these people very often faced intrigue or betrayal, so life has taught them all possible ways avoid envious compliments.

In any of these cases, when compliments cause us anxiety, embarrassment, or irritation, we can only recommend one thing: treat "nice words" as simply words: "you were told, you forgot and continued the day on." Most often, these words are just words that do not oblige you to anything, well, except to say “Thank you” in return. To learn how to accept compliments with confidence, you can start giving them to other people. But it is advisable to start not with the personality of a person, but with his more general virtues. For example, emphasize the color of the suit or praise for Good work. By starting to give compliments, you will immediately know the reaction of other people to them and will be able to see yourself from the outside, and adjust your ability to accept praise.

look next video and you will feel the power of compliments))

They say everyone loves compliments. However, there are people who claim that they don't like compliments. What's the matter here? Is it really possible not to love pleasant words, words of approval, compliments to your loved one?

In fact, a compliment is a form of approval, praise, respect, recognition, admiration. Is there really anyone who can do without kind words of encouragement, nice comments about themselves or their actions? It is unlikely that such a person exists. However, it is not uncommon to hear from a friend: "I do not like compliments." And the point here is different, and not that he really does not like compliments.

As children, such people rarely heard praise addressed to them. In general, you can remain silent - in society it is not customary to compliment a child, and in vain! The main manifestation of attention for those who allegedly do not like compliments was censure. It happens. When a child goes unnoticed, he lacks love and attention, unconsciously he tries to attract the eyes of others by all available means.

If good deeds do not evoke the emotions of parents, children do something that causes discontent in adults. Over time, a habit of constant criticism and abuse is developed. And it becomes a normal manifestation of attention. But that's not normal, right?

Reasons for not liking compliments:

1. Guilt. A person grows up with this feeling, with the feeling that he does not deserve compliments, praise, approval. Therefore, when he hears them addressed to him, he is lost and simply does not know how to react and what it means, why he is being complimented. Such confusion becomes the reason for the “dislike” for compliments.

2. Flattery and sycophancy. Even a sincere, insignificant compliment to someone may seem like flattery and sycophancy. Suspicion and distrust of others makes us perceive compliments as a desire to manipulate and often causes in response not a nice smile and “thank you”, but open aggression and suspicion.

3. Humility and self-doubt. A person does not like to be the center of attention, does not like to be noticed, a kind of "eternal gray mouse." Here the reason lies in excessive modesty and self-doubt, low self-esteem. These character traits are also formed in childhood.

4. Inability to respond to compliments. Hearing a compliment, a person simply does not know what to say in response, he is immediately lost. So instead of learning how to respond to good words, heard in his address, he prefers to simply not accept compliments.

5. Many pride does not allow worthy to accept compliments. Any words relating to a person are perceived as a manifestation of pity. The girl does not consider herself beautiful, the guy thinks that he can't do anything. And when they hear the approval of their skills or pleasant words about their appearance, then, naturally, the thought arises that they are told compliments to regret, because they already got it from life.

6. Fear of disappointment. Everyone cares what other people think about themselves. There is a category of people who do not like compliments because they are afraid not to justify someone's hopes, someone's opinion. They told the girl that she looks special today, and now she seriously thinks that if she is not on top tomorrow, then the end of the world will come. Internal discomfort arises - “it would be better if they didn’t give me compliments at all, it’s easier that way.”

Img by Evil Erin

7. Envy. There are people who think something like this: “yeah, they told me a compliment, now everyone who heard it will envy me and someone will definitely jinx it.” For what unnecessary problems? It's better not to deal with compliments at all.

Another category of people claims that they don't like compliments just because they don't get them. For themselves, they need to somehow justify this moment, so they decided that they do not like compliments. That is, it is such a mechanism of self-defense. In fact, such guys and girls, men and women want to be noticed, they want to hear compliments, they want to be admired, they say nice words.

Img by F. C. Photography

How to behave if you realize that your interlocutor does not like compliments? In such cases, you can use an indirect form of compliments. That is, statements should not directly relate to the interlocutor. How to do it?

Start your statement not with “You” or “you”, but with “I like”, “I have always dreamed (a)”, etc. Thus, the focus of attention shifts from the recipient of the compliment to yourself.

- I really like the way you talk to strangers

— I always dreamed of such an ability to do several things at the same time.

Let the interlocutor understand his role in something, his significance and merits, that he is not an empty place, but a lot also depends on him.

- What would I do without you? It's hard to do without your help!

- In your absence, the number of customers has dropped dramatically

Formulate a compliment in the form of a question:

- How do you do it?

What is the secret to making this cake? Delicious!

Img by Grant Lee78

Everyone loves, just not everyone feels comfortable when they receive them. Kind words should be given to all people. Only for some you need to choose the right words, and you will see and understand how grateful the interlocutor will be to you. After all, feeling important is one of the most important needs of any person.