Traffic rules lesson. Summaries of classes, GCD. Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD - Cognitive-speech lesson on traffic rules in the mixed group "Let's Help Buratino"

Municipal children's educational budgetary institution

Kindergarten "Sun"

with. Gribskoe

Open lesson on traffic rules in senior group

« Little pedestrian school»

Compiled by the teacher:

Silkina D.I.

2017 Nov.

Target : to systematize the knowledge of children abouttraffic rules, O road signs , zebra crossing, traffic light.

Educational task: to clarify children's knowledge of concepts"Street", "sidewalk", "carriageway", " crosswalk" , " road signs " , expand and consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals andtraffic rules; fix in the speech of children words: pedestrian , passenger, sidewalk, names road signs.

Developmental task: develop memory, thinking when generalizing knowledge about vehicles for various purposes, about the meaning of traffic lights,pedestrian crossing, develop ingenuity, quick thinking, speech activity.

Educational task: to foster a general culture of behavior on road.

Equipment: Traffic signs , traffic light layout, templates, schematic cards, ball, presentation, medals, steering wheel, road black and white stripes, four cut signs, pictures with situations, a set of colored circles, a backing track for a song« We go, we go, we go ...» .

Methods and techniques : game moment, artistic word, show, conversation, classification, comparison, explanation, consideration, consolidation, encouragement, result.

Integration of educational areas : cognitive, speech, social - communicative, physical development.

Preliminary work:

Conversation " Traffic signals» , « Red, yellow, green" , " Road signs " , " Rules for crossing streets and roads"," About the striped "zebra" and the road sign " Crosswalk» , « In public transport»

- didactic games: "What is a street", "I am a driver", "Road signs"

- reading fiction Literature: Ya. Pishumov "Machines", V. Berestov "This is my run," M. Plyatskovsky "Stop the car! ", S. Mikhalkov" If the light comes on red", S. Yakovlev" Need to obey without arguing", B. Zhitkov" Traffic light "

- viewing photos« Streets of our village»

Painting " Truck", Application" Bus ", construction"Our street"

- storytelling about road situations according to the plot picture

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Hello, dear friends ! See how many guests have gathered in our hall, let'slet's say hello to them... Together: Hello!

Educator: The key that opens locks in people's souls, - It's a smile. You need to be able to smile beautifully. Now we will give each other a smile. And to our guestssend our smiles(children blow away from the palm).

Today in our nursery the garden is a great and interesting day! I want to invite you to« Little pedestrian school» . Guys, do you knowTraffic Laws? Do you respect them? Why do we need them?

Children's answers (- Traffic rules are needed toso as not to get into trouble on road so that there is order on road ... Traffic rules are needed in order tobehave right on the street... Observing the rules - we keep ourselves alive.)


Rules everywhere and everywhere always obey them

Don't play with your friends in the middle of the road!

Everyone follows the rules : polar explorer and pilot,

They have chauffeur and pedestrian rules.

Being a pedestrian always be polite

Cross the road on the "zebra" and then

Any driver will say: “Good pedestrian!

Let all our Russian people be equal to him!»

Baba Yaga stumbles into the hall. Spins around him, swears, condemns:

B. I : I almost ran over, old!

Educator : What happened to you?

B. I : I ran to you for a holiday,I crossed the road!

The car almost hit meold little

Granny Yagulechka - such a beauty!

Educator : How did you cross the road?

B. I : I hobbled, I limped, my broom was on lost the road.

The car bent down to look for me here - grab!

Educator : Baba Yaga, how can youstop on the road,

when do the cars go?

B. Me: Your truth!

Educator : Guys. Let's invite Baba Yaga to our« Little pedestrian school"And teach behave correctly on the road.

Now we will remembertraffic rules for pedestrians.

Rule 1. Slide 2

Road only for cars "

Here we go out into the street,

And to we are approaching the road,

Tires rustle on the asphalt

Different cars are going.

- Please note which a large number of cars on the road.

Don't go on the road , do not run, do not play is not allowed. Make the way you can only go to the specified location.

Rule 2. Slide 3

Go only along the sidewalk "

Pedestrian sidewalk,

There are no cars here!

A little higher than the road

Walking paths,

To keep everyone on the sidewalk

We could go without worries!

- Guys where you go with your mom fromkindergarten? (children's answers)

Which rules behavior should you observe when walking on the sidewalk?

Rule 4. Slide 5.

Crossing the carriageway "

How do you cross the road?

1. Always look to the left.

2. Then look to the right.

3. To move calmly, look to the left and listen.

4. Now go ahead.

Rule 5. Slide 6.

Be careful!"

How can you do that, girlfriends!

Where are your eyes and ears!

From such behavior

There may be a lot of troubles:

After all the road is not for reading

And not a place for conversation!

- Why you need to be attentive to road?

Rule 6. Slide 7.

Take care of your life "

Don't cling to the bus from the back guys

Don't go for it - you don't have to risk it!

Suddenly you will break loose - and maybe trouble happen:

It's easy to find yourself under a nearby car ...

Baba - Yaga (Ball game.)

- Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask the question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

Who is walking along the road? A pedestrian .

- Who is driving the car? Driver.

- How many eyes does a traffic light have? Three eyes.

- If the red “eye” is on, what is it talking about? Wait.

- If the green “eye” is on, what is it talking about? You can go now.

- Our legs are coming ...footpath.

- Where are we waiting for the bus? At the stop.

- Tell me where children are allowed to play.

On playground

Great ! All questions were answered right .


- Who does not know until now,

What is a traffic light?

What is its purpose

Regulate the movement?

Everyone is obliged to know it.

It's simple but very important.

Day and night all year round

He has a lot of worries:

Day and night all year round

He gives signals.(traffic light) (slide 8)


- Let's say what the traffic lights mean.

1. Remember friend at the red light

There is no way across the road!

And be careful in paths:

Always look at the traffic light. Slide 9.

2. Yellow light - warning:

Wait for the signal to move. Slide 10.

3. And behind him green light

Will flash ahead

He will say:

There are no obstacles, go boldly on your way ”. Slide 11.


And now you will drive your cars, and I will show you the traffic lights. The game"Road Alphabet".

Children are divided into drivers and pedestrians ... The drivers take the steering wheel in their hands and stand on an impromptu roadway, and the childrenpedestrians are standing by" zebras " and walk the sidewalks.

The teacher alternately shows traffic signals and monitors the execution rules.

Baba - Yaga is examining something on the phone.

Educator : what are you considering there?

Baba - Yaga: On the way When I flew, I photographed the landscape, there were some strange signs here.

Educator : Let's see. Maybe we can tell you.

Slides with signs, children read poems about them.

1 . What a "zebra" on the road ? They all stand with their mouths open.

Wait for the green blinking and the transition to begin.

Along the "zebra" the little man walks along the stripes.

So, here, it is clear to anyone -(Crosswalk).

2 . If you put your foot on the road road,

Pay attention, friend: sign road - red circle,

The man walking in black is crossed out with a red line.

And the road , like, but ... It's forbidden to walk here!

(No Pedestrians»)

3 . In cars here, friends,

Nobody can go,

You can go, you know, children,

Just on…. (" Bicycle lane".)

4 . And here, guys, it's no laughing matter

You can not ride on anything here,

You can only on your own,

Only for pedestrians. (" Footpath".)

5. You will notice this sign straightaway :

Three huge colored eyes.

The color of the eyes is certain:

Red, yellow and green.

Lights up red - it is dangerous to move.

For whom the green light is - drive through, there is no prohibition.(Traffic lights)

6 . In a white triangle

Bordered in red

For schoolchildren

It is very safe.

This sign is road

They know everything in the world:

Be careful,

On the road ... (children).

B. I : Oh, and I also have this. Some debris.

Educator : Let's help Baba Yaga figure out what these signs are.

Game "Collect the Sign"

B. I : Thanks for helping me figure this out! Now listen to my poems!

Where you need it, you must to tell :

« This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!»

- Who among you goes forward only where the transition is?

- Who flies ahead so quickly that they don't see the traffic light?

- Which one of you in a close carriage conceded old lady's place?

- Who knows that green light is the way open, and here is the yellow light:

"Attention" says?

- Who knows that the red light means there is no move!


Guys, what's the namepedestrian road?


Place to move vehicle(Carriageway)

B. I : And what kind of transport travels on the roadway?

Transport Riddles(with slides).

1. Steering wheel, wheels and pedals.

Did you know the transport for the ride?

The brake is there, the cab is not.

Rushes me. (Bike)

2. I am an important machine,

There is a body and a cabin.

I carry any cargo

On the ribbons of the roads.

And desks and watermelons

I will deliver it to you on time.

3. What a miracle - a long house!

There are many passengers in it.

Wears rubber shoes

And it feeds on gasoline.














Educator : And now I suggest you turn into a bus and transport passengers, observing traffic rules.

Relay race. " Bus and passengers»

B. I: conducts the game " Guess where to go»

On the command "right", "left", children turn and carry on traffic . At the command "around" revolve around their axis. By command" reverse " , back away on command"Back" turn around and go in reverse direction.

Baba Yaga: Yes. I now know : you are smart, dexterous, kind. They helped me learn the traffic rules. After such lessons, I willcross the road correctly, I will quickly get to my house and tell all forest dwellers about traffic rules, just in case, suddenly, they will find themselves in the city. Goodbye.


Today in our " Little pedestrian school» we repeated the main regulations , traffic signals, road signs ... You have already become big guys, you should be able to quickly find correct and safe for life solutions in problem situations on roads , leave pranks outside the doorstep. Try to be extremely careful so as not to cause trouble for yourself or those close to you.

So as not to worry

Every day parents

So that they rushed calmly

Street drivers

You should know well

And strictly observe

Traffic Laws!

Speech by the inspector and rewarding participants.

Targets and goals:

1. To reveal the level of readiness of preschoolers to solve road traffic situations.

2. To consolidate the rules of the road, to teach to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practice.

3. To activate the processes of thinking, attention and speech of children; bring up quick-wittedness and resourcefulness.

4. Raise the need for children to be disciplined and attentive on the streets, careful and discreet.

Course of the lesson:

There is a knock on the door, the postman enters and delivers a letter from the guys from the younger group.

Educator: The guys from the younger group are asking us to help solve the riddles. Let's help them? (Yes.)

Three colored circles

Flashing one after another.

Glow, blink -

Help people.

(traffic lights)

This horse does not eat oats,

Instead of legs - two wheels.

Sit astride and ride it

Only better drive.


I am at any time of the year

And in any bad weather

Very fast at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Amazing wagon!

Judge for yourself:

The rails are in the air, and he

Holds them with his hands.


Doesn't fly, but buzzes

The beetle runs down the street.

And burn in the eyes of a beetle

Two shiny lights.

Educator: Well done boys. What were the riddles about?

Children: About transport and traffic lights.

Educator: That's right guys. On the road, a traffic light helps to comply with the rules of the road, and what else helps our safe traffic on the roads?

Children: Road signs.

Educator: Road signs - best friends pedestrians and drivers. They talk about what you can and cannot do on the road.

There is a road on the way of the guys

Transport travels fast, a lot.

There is no traffic light nearby

The road sign will give advice.

So come on, come out,

Collect the signs quickly!

Each child receives a road sign cut into pieces. Children begin to collect their mark. When all the signs are collected, the children name their signs and explain what they are for.

Educator: And we continue. And now it's time to find out how well you know the rules of the road. Guys, stand in a circle. I will throw the ball and ask the question, and you answer the question and return the ball.

1. Who is walking on the sidewalk? (a pedestrian)

2. Where do people wait for transport? (At the stop)

3. Who is called the "driver?" (The person driving the vehicle.)

4. How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the road? (Special markings - "zebra".)

5. What is the name of the intersection of the two roads? (crossroads)

6. Why can't you appear suddenly in front of a nearby vehicle? (Because vehicles will not be able to stop right away.)

7. What is the difference between a transport traffic light and a pedestrian traffic light? (A traffic light has three signals - red, yellow, green, and a pedestrian two - red and green.)

8. Who should get off the bus first - an adult or you? (An adult always gets out of any vehicle, then a child.)

9. How should you get around the bus correctly, in front or behind? (We have to wait until he drives away.)

10. Can children play near the road?

Physical education "Cars".

Woke up, stretched.

Head tilt down, hands behind the head, elbows down.

Hands up and to the sides, raise your head - bend over - take a deep breath.

We start the engine.

Legs apart, arms to the sides. Turning the torso left-right with rotational movements of the hands in front of the chest.

Checking the seat belts.

Legs apart, arms along the body. Tilts left and right, handsslide along the torso.

Checking the brakes.

Hands behind the back, rotational movements of the foot of the left-right foot alternately.

Walking in place, running.

The game"This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Educator: I will read out the questions and if you agree with the statement, then amicably say the phrase "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!"

Who among you only goes forward where there is a pedestrian?

Who walks into the kindergarten in a merry band every day?

Who always goes forward, mouth wide open?

Who lets the cars through, observes the traffic rules?

Who walks indiscriminately at traffic lights?

Who always gives way to elders in a small tram?

Who will cross the road only where the crossing is?

Who kicks the fun ball on the road in front of the house?

To get some air on the trolleybus,

Who stuck both the head and the body out the window?

Does anyone know that a red light means there is no move?

Who is running forward so quickly that they don't see the traffic light?

Who knows that green light means - the way is open?

Who is playing a ball near the roadway?

Who helps the traffic police, oversees the order?

Educator: Well done, guys, they coped with the game. Children, pedestrians have helpers when crossing the street. Name them.

Children: traffic light and traffic controller.

Educator: Now I suggest you become a traffic inspector. Each child is given a card with a picture of a traffic situation (a picture of any violation), the child must comment on the picture.

Possible situations:

1. The boy runs out onto the road, chasing the ball.

2. The boy runs across the carriageway in in the wrong place because his attention was drawn to friends on the other side of the road.

3. Girls on back seat car travel without wearing seat belts. In addition, they interfere with the driver.

4. The car has not yet parked and has not stopped, and the boy is already in a hurry to get out, and into the roadway.

5. The boy runs across the road at a pedestrian crossing, but in front of a nearby vehicle.

6. The girl crosses the road, bypassing the bus in front.

7. Children run out onto the road from the bushes.

8. Boy and girl rollerblading on the road.

9. The boy makes a ground crossing on a bicycle.

10. The girl walks along the sidewalk past the arch from which the car leaves. The driver does not see the girl and can run over a young pedestrian.

Educator: Guys, I have prepared an unfinished drawing for you - a diagram showing the intersection of two roads. There are no road signs and no traffic lights in the picture. Help pedestrians and drivers by sticking the necessary signs.

Children carry out the task.

Educator: What are you guys! You know the rules of the road well. Try to be extremely careful on the road so as not to cause trouble for yourself or those close to you.

Safety in kindergarten preschool

Abstract of the OOD on traffic rules in the senior group of kindergarten "We know the traffic rules by heart"

Iskhakova Svetlana Minnullovna, educator MADOU№106 d / s "Zabava", Naberezhnye Chelny

Software content:

Target: skill building safe behavior on the road.


Educational: to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic signals, to consolidate the rules of safe behavior on the road, to expand the knowledge of children about transport, to teach how to act in a game together, on a signal, to follow the rules, the ability to collect puzzles and justify answers.

Developing: continue to form the skill of navigating by traffic signals, comply with the requirements of road signs, develop thinking, attention, coordination of movements, develop speech and activate children's vocabulary

Educational: to educate children in a culture of behavior on the road, a sense of respect for the work of a traffic police inspector, the ability to apply the knowledge gained in real life, develop speech.

Equipment: road signs pictures, multimedia installation, slide "Dunno

and sms message ", cars, cut pictures of transport, skittles.

Preliminary work: conversations: “How to behave on the road? "," Passenger transport ", consideration plot pictures on the topic of traffic rules, "Transport" studying traffic lights, memorizing poetry, guessing riddles, observing the traffic on a walk.

Vocabulary work: Overground, underground, pedestrian crossing, regulated and unregulated.

Methods used: practical, playful, conversation, artistic word.

Methodological techniques: verbal - question-answer, repetition, visual - showing, demonstration, play, outdoor game"Cars are coming."

OOD progress.

Children are included in the group.

Educator: Hello guys, guests have come to us today. Let's say hello? In what language, else, can we greet you?

Children: in Tatar. Isәnmeses.

Educator: I'll tell you a secret I got a message today (slide on the interactive whiteboard Dunno and sms)“My name is Dunno, I wanted to go to Znayka's school, he studies there. “I don’t know how to get there. I got to your city, and it's scary to walk down the street all the time I get into some unpleasant stories. Help me figure out how to properly follow the rules on the roads and streets of the city. Thank you in advance!"

Educator: Will we help you? Guys, we live in big beautiful city with green wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them, trams, buses go and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly adhere to the established traffic rules.

To avoid accidents.

It must be strictly observed

Traffic rules

And norms of behavior.

You will remember, friends.

On the road we cannot

Run, jump and jump

And play football with the ball.

And don't think in vain.

That it is not dangerous here at all.

Learn a little how to cross the road.

(Victor Verevka)

Educator: Our kindergarten is located next to the road where a lot of people move. various transport... You need to go to the tables and for each of the guys there are tasks, you need to collect pictures from pieces to make a whole car. And we will show Dunno what kind of transport goes through the streets of our city.

What kind of transport did you get?

Children: Trucks, cars, special vehicles, names of vehicles.

Educator: Now I suggest you try to answer the questions about your knowledge of the rules of the road.

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on? (On the sidewalk)

Which side of the sidewalk should pedestrians walk on? (On the right)

Why stick with right side? (In order not to interfere with the movement of pedestrians)

Where do you need to wait for a trolleybus, bus? (At the stop)

How should a passenger behave in transport? (Enter and exit at a full stop, speak softly, be sure to hold on to the handrails, give way)

When you are walking with your parents and you need to cross the street, how should you walk? (Hold parents by the hand)

Can I play on the carriageway? (You can't because there are cars going there)

What types of pedestrian crossings are there and what should preschoolers know? (Regulated and unregulated, ground, underground and elevated pedestrian crossings)

What is a signalized intersection? (This is an intersection where traffic is regulated by a traffic controller or traffic light)

Educator: Can we guess the riddle?

At the transition strip,

By the side of the road

Three-eyed beast, one-legged,

A breed unknown to us,

With multicolored eyes

Talking to us.

The red eye looks at us:

Stop! - reads his order.

The yellow eye looks at us:

Carefully! Stop now!

And green: well go ahead

Pedestrian, to the crossing!

This is how he conducts his conversation

Silent... (traffic lights)

Educator: What is a red light for, guys?

Children: Red light reminds of danger (fire trucks), we stand at a red light and do not cross the road

Educator: Yellow light in the middle. Why do we need yellow light?

Children: Yellow light means to get ready. The driver sees a yellow light from afar and slows down. And we must be careful when we see a yellow traffic light. Yellow - those who work on the roads - bulldozers, rollers that pave asphalt. And the road workers are wearing yellow suits.

Educator: Ah, there is a green light behind it. What does a green traffic light mean?

Children: When will light up green eye traffic light, we can cross the road calmly, but at the beginning carefully looking around.

Educator: I want to draw your attention to the fact that there are still many different signs on the street, only they are all messed up and you cannot make out where which sign is. I ask you to complete this difficult task to tell about these signs. ("Children", "Overground, underground pedestrian crossing" "Pedestrian crossing", "Point one medical care"," Food point "," Parking place "," No entry "," Road works "," Bicycle path ").

5. Physical education "Bus"

Here we are on the bus

and we sit and we sit.

And from the window

We look, we all look.

Looking back, looking forward

like this - like this, like this - like this.

Well, the bus is unlucky, unlucky

The wheels are spinning

like this, here, like that, here.

We rolled forward

That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.

And the brushes rustle on the glass

Bzhik-bzhik, bzhik-bzhik

All the droplets want to sweep away

Bzhik - bzhik, bzhik - bzhik.

And we don't just sit there,


And loudly, loudly we all hum


Let our bus shake

That's it, that's it, that's it, that's it.

We're going, we're going forward


Educator: I suggest you play a little. Let's form in two lines. Before you cars and four pins on the right and left. It is necessary to hold the cars between the pins, the team that does not touch the pins wins. And the first to finish our relay.

7. Reflection: What were we doing today? What did you talk about? Right. You and I have done a good job. And I will send Dunno pictures of our lesson.

Let's say to our guests: Goodbye! And also in the Tatar language: Sau bulygyz.

Goals. Clarify the idea of ​​children about the street, its features. Help understand how streets are named. Develop the ability to form adjectives from nouns. Foster a desire to comply with the Rules of the Road.

Material. Street layout, toy cars and road signs, mirror, pointer.

Course of the lesson

1. Psycho-gymnastics.

1. "Sunny Bunny". Children are offered to catch with the help of a mirror " sunny bunny". Then he is passed to each other in a circle, then released, but each one catches a piece of his warmth.

2. "Accordion". The mouth is open. Suck the tongue to the upper palate. Without lifting the tongue from the palate, strongly pull down its lower part.

“Antoshka has an accordion.

Play for us a little. "

II. Fairy tale.

Educator. Children, today I will tell you how a small road turned into a street in a big city. So, the road went, meandering and did not notice how it appeared in front of it Big city... There were many other roads in this city.

“Hello,” Doroga greeted cheerfully.

“Hello, hello,” was heard from all sides. It was the city roads that greeted our Road.

“How interesting you are,” she exclaimed. "You all have houses on both sides, and I walked on my own."

"That is why we are called not just 'road', but 'street'."

"So, to be called a street, you need houses alongside me?"

"But how, then, will they know that I am me?"

“It's very simple: every city street has its own name. For example, my name is Shady, because on a hot day I am always in the shade of the numerous trees that grow on both sides of me. "

“Try to guess, guess, guess, - rushed from all sides, - what was my name?”

Let's help the Road.

(III. Didactic game"Guess the name of the street." Children guess what streets might be called.)

"I'm going to the park." (Park.)

"I'm going to the lake." (Ozernaya.)

"It's always quiet on my street." (Silent.)

"There are many flowers on my street." (Floral.)

"What do you want to be called?" - asked the streets near the Road.

"I have always been the road of kindness, because I helped everyone."

"You will be a Good Street - justify your name."

Children, what is the name of the street you live on? What is the house number? (Answers of children.)

Educator. Let's build Good Street. What can be on the street so that it brings joy to people? (Children arrange models of houses, cinemas, shops.)

Educator. Soon our street became beautiful and very long, because everyone wanted to live on this street or work. And the builders had to build everything and build new houses, cinemas, shops. Then there was new problem: The street became very long, and it was very far for people living at one end of the street to walk to the other end to visit, visit the circus or shop. Who do you think can help people with this?

Children. Transport.

Educator. Right.

IV. Didactic game "Find and show the answer".

Educator. And again, a misfortune happened: the cars did not know where they could drive and where they could not, they collided with each other, injured people. Let's help them, divide the street in two; one part will be carriageway. What is it for?

Children. It is needed for transport.

Educator. The other is for pedestrians. What is the name of?

Children. This part of the road is called the sidewalk.

Educator. This is so that pedestrians and vehicles never collide or interfere with each other. What rule do we know?

Children. The pavement is for cars. The sidewalk is for pedestrians.

Educator. And the cars drove in a continuous stream, but people could not cross to the other side of the road. Who should help them?

Children. They will be helped by a traffic light, road signs.

Educator. We put them on the layout.

V. Physics minute "Tell me a word."

Game "Say a word"

All be true to the rule:

Stay to the right ... side.

A pedestrian must remember:

Crossroads - transition.

There are traffic signals -

Obey them without ... arguing.

Yellow light is a warning

Wait for the signal for ... movement.

Green light opened the way

The guys can go over ... they can.

The red light tells us:

“Stop! Dangerous! The way ... is closed! "

Lesha and Lyuba go as a pair.

Where are they going? On the sidewalk.

On the asphalt of the stitch points -


Sitting on a tram -

Elders place ... give way.

Hockey is a game on ice in winter

But not a game ... on the pavement.

Exam of Vital Signs

Keep it by the Rules ... traffic.

Educator. This is what happened to our Dear. But it's not finished yet, because being a city road is not so easy. And there are a lot of traffic rules. We will get to know them another time.

The street came to our city from afar. She walked on land, through mountains, through forests. And then no one called it a street yet, but simply called it a road. But then she came to the city, she was surrounded by houses, cinemas, shops, kindergartens, schools, trees and shrubs growing near the houses. People and cars are hurrying down the street. And the street runs through the whole city and at the very outskirts it again becomes a road. It’s a little sad when the street becomes dear, because the road is always a parting.

Children, so what is the street? What two parts is it divided into? (Answers of children.)

(The teacher invites the children to play on the model, observing the Rules of the Road.)

If you are faced with the task of organizing thematic session or GCD for the study of traffic rules, refer to the positive experience of colleagues, outlined in the publications of this section.

Here you can find plans for conducting and ready-made notes of successfully conducted classes, which contain many valuable ideas and successful pedagogical findings. During educational activities using the format of a conversation and a quiz, supplement and reinforce the knowledge of children about the main road signs, traffic lights, rules for crossing the carriageway and behavior on the streets. Develop your ability to solve problem situations in which pedestrians or passengers may find themselves. Enrich active vocabulary children, improve their dialogical speech.

Have a great class on traffic rules with us!

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All sections | Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD

Target: Arouse interest in the awakening spring nature, acquaint with spring changes, give an idea of ​​primroses. Continue to introduce children to unconventional technique plasticine images, spray painting and poking, teach how to create ...

Open OOD for traffic rules "Travel to the country of traffic rules" in the middle group Class on traffic rules in middle group "Travel to the country of traffic rules". Tasks: Educational: to consolidate children's ideas about the appointment traffic light, about his signals; clarify what it means colors: red, yellow, green; to form an idea of ​​the organization in children movement...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD - Cognitive-speech lesson on traffic rules in the mixed group "Let's Help Buratino"

Publication "Cognitive speech lesson on traffic rules in a mixed group" Let's help ... "
In our preschool educational institution great attention is devoted to the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of safe behavior on the roads and in transport. We conducted leisure activities and quizzes, entertainment and holidays, training games, and educational games. In early February, we conducted a cognitive speech ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

GCD summary "How Thomas learns the rules of the road" in the senior group Purpose: to create conditions for the consolidation of traffic rules and road signs. Tasks: To activate the children's vocabulary on this topic. To consolidate and systematize the knowledge and ideas of children about the streets of the city, traffic rules and road signs. Form skill ...

Purpose: - To continue to acquaint children with traffic signals; - Learn to sculpt a traffic light from a whole piece of plasticine; - Depict three colors of signals by applying; consolidating the knowledge and skills of children in sculpting an object consisting of several parts, using a straight and circular ...

Purpose: to consolidate the knowledge of older children preschool age according to the rules of the road. Objectives: 1. To clarify the knowledge of children about road signs; 2. To consolidate the ability to correlate the sign with a specific situation; 3.Exercise in the ability to find safe way to the destination; ...

Traffic rules, traffic lights, road traffic. Lesson notes, GCD - Lesson summary in the second junior group according to the rules of the road "Traffic light and Zebra visiting kids"

Lesson summary in the second younger group according to the rules of the road "Traffic light and Zebra visiting kids" Purpose: 1. To form an idea of ​​traffic safety and correct behavior on the roadway. 2. Teach the child to understand what signals ...

Abstract on traffic rules in the senior group "Travel to the traffic lights" Objective: to continue learning the rules of the road. Tasks: - to consolidate knowledge of the rules of the road; - to consolidate the ideas of children about the road signs they already know; - educate children to be responsible for their safety; - develop creativity ...