Antibiotics from the penicillin group. List of penicillin antibiotics: description and treatment. For babies.

The composition of drugs that relate to group penicillins , depends on what kind of medicine we are talking about.

Currently, the use of four groups is practiced:

  • natural penicillins;
  • semi-synthetic penicillins;
  • aminopenicillins, which have an extended spectrum of action;
  • penicillins with a broad antibacterial spectrum of influence.

Release form

Preparations for injections are produced, as well as penicillin tablets.

Synthetic penicillins have been developed, such as methicillin and oxacillin, that are not degraded by the penicillinase enzyme, but these new penicillins do not affect bacteria that have developed resistance in other ways, such as altered cell wall structure. Other antibiotics, such as erythromycin, have become important in the treatment of infections with penicillin-resistant microorganisms.

Flory's Coat: The Story of the Miracle of Penicillin. The first of the first generation antibiotics, penicillin notate, is naturally produced by mold. When your dog is not feeling well, a trip to the vet is sometimes required. In most cases, hopefully your dog will be able to recover without any major medical intervention.

Means for injection are produced in glass vials, which are closed with rubber stoppers and metal caps. The vials contain different doses of penicillin. It is dissolved before administration.

Also produced are penicillin-ekmolin tablets intended for resorption and for oral administration. Sucking tablets contain 5000 units of penicillin. In tablets for oral administration - 50,000 IU.

But in some cases it is required little help to get your furry friend back on track for recovery. As with human medicine, antibiotics for dogs work by attacking the virus that is causing the infection, or stopping the virus from spreading to allow your dog's natural defenses to "fight back."

Usually, antibiotics begin to improve your dog's health within 24 to 48 hours of the first dose, and your dog's health should continue to improve with each dose. It is important, however, to complete full course any prescribed antibiotics for your dog, unless your vet stops.

Penicillin tablets with sodium citrate can contain 50,000 and 100,000 units.

pharmachologic effect

Penicillin - This is the first antimicrobial agent that was obtained using the waste products of microorganisms as a basis. The history of this drug begins in 1928, when the inventor of the antibiotic Alexander Fleming isolated it from a strain of a fungus of the species Penicillium notatum... In the chapter describing the history of the discovery of penicillin, Wikipedia testifies that the antibiotic was discovered by accident, after bacteria from external environment mold fungus, its bactericidal effect was noted. Later, the formula of penicillin was determined, and other specialists began to study how to get penicillin. However, the answer to the questions, in what year this remedy was invented, and who invented the antibiotic, is unambiguous.

What antibiotics for dogs can treat

If you stop treatment too early, your dog may feel unwell again. Antibiotics may be less effective if a second course of treatment is required, as the virus can become drug resistant. In general, there are four types of bacteria that can cause infection inside or outside your dog's body.

Even a tiny cut must be cared for to prevent infection. If your dog has a moderate injury such as a scratch or jaw, you should gently clean it saline... If you are in doubt as to whether your pet may need treatment, then head to your veterinary surgery.

The further description of penicillin in Wikipedia testifies to who created and improved the drugs. In the forties of the twentieth century, scientists in the United States and Great Britain worked on the process of producing penicillin in industry. For the first time, the use of this antibacterial drug for the treatment of bacterial infections occurred in 1941. And in 1945, for the invention of penicillin, the Nobel Prize was received by its creator Fleming (the one who invented penicillin), as well as the scientists who worked on its further improvement - Flory and Chain.

Keeping wounds clean and away from rubbing tongues and scratching paws is real problem but at least you have a good idea of ​​what's going on! Where it is much more difficult to understand what is causing your dog's illness is when they have respiratory infection or a gastrointestinal infection, mostly something going on inside.

These types of diseases can be picked up just as we get sick; went through the air, through environment, from another pet that is already unwell, or if your pet's overall immune system is low, making it prone to illness.

Speaking about who discovered penicillin in Russia, it should be noted that the first samples were obtained in the Soviet Union in 1942 by microbiologists Balezina and Ermolyeva... Further in the country began industrial production antibiotic. In the late fifties, synthetic penicillins appeared.

When this drug was invented, for a long time it remained the main antibiotic used clinically throughout the world. And even after other antibiotics without penicillin were invented, this antibiotic remained important drug for the treatment of infectious diseases. There is a statement that the medicine is obtained using cap mushrooms, but today there is different methods its production. Currently, the so-called protected penicillins are widely used.

Here you rely on the veterinarian's expertise to determine through tests and symptoms, what type of illness your bad puppy has, and therefore what are the best antibiotics for your dog. First, why don't you want to use medicated antibiotics?

All natural antibiotics have been used for centuries and are an effective and inexpensive treatment for diseases in dogs. It is strange that dogs cannot digest grass too well, especially rye, wheat, and barley grasses. If you give your dog grass as natural remedy then you may want to consider adding in addition to the powdered herb to mix with their diet.

The chemical composition of penicillin indicates that the agent is an acid, from which various salts are subsequently obtained. TO penicillin antibiotics relate Phenoxymethylpenicillin (penicillin V), Benzylpenicillin (penicillin G) and others. The classification of penicillins involves their division into natural and semi-synthetic.

This will allow your dog to take advantage of the rich. nutrients herbs, and the benefits of detoxification, but with fewer digestive problems. Medicinal properties garlic have been documented for centuries not only for humans but also for our animals.

Garlic is high in vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, B complex vitamins, magnesium and many others. Garlic detoxifies the body and helps your dog's good bacteria thrive and eliminate bad bacteria. Garlic helps open blood vessels and helps prevent blood clots. Garlic has shown signs of enhancing your dog's natural killer cells in the fight against cancer. Garlic helps the liver to cleanse waste from your dog's body more easily. ... When you're wandering the supermarket or grocery store and you're picking out your own probiotic drinks, the ones that keep your belly healthy and fuel the good bacteria in your body, why not take a look at them too?

Biosynthetic penicillins provide a bactericidal and bacteriostatic effect, inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of microorganisms. They act on some gram-positive bacteria ( Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium diphtheria), for some gram-negative bacteria ( Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae), on anaerobic spore-forming rods ( Spirochaetaceae Actinomyces spp.) and etc.

Some live only in the small intestine, others only in the large intestine, while others move throughout digestive system... They enhance immune system and can aid digestion. Some human studies have shown that certain strains of the probiotic can improve irritable bowel syndrome and inflammation, and while there is less research on how this affects our dogs, there is no reason not to consider the benefits to be the same.

Side effects of taking penicillin

Using probiotics to help reduce or eliminate allergic reactions has also been reported for calming and healing cellular generation within the intestines. It has also been shown to help bring relief to dogs suffering from sensitive digestion and stool problems.

The most active of the penicillin drugs is ... Resistance to the influence of Benzylpenicillin is demonstrated by strains Staphylococcus spp. that produce penicillinase.

Penicillin is not effective remedy in relation to bacteria of the entero-typhoid-dysentery group, causative agents of tularemia, brucellosis, plague, cholera, as well as whooping cough, tuberculosis, Friedlander, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and viruses, rickettsia, fungi, protozoa.

If your goal is to help your dog's digestion, then you should give them your dog's food. They can be added as a powder supplement or as an oral supplement. If, however, you want to reap the overall health benefits of probiotics, then it is advisable to give the supplement between meals as it stays in the stomach longer.

Probiotics are not limited for long term use. Is the switch to the number one antibiotic used by veterinarians for any non-viral infection. Today's amoxicillin is the modern equivalent of penicillin. When it was first developed during World War II, it was a breakthrough drug, but it quickly got rid of the body and couldn't handle stomach acid.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The most effective method is intramuscular injection. After this application active ingredient gets into the patient very quickly. The highest concentration of the agent is observed 30-60 minutes after application. After a single injection, only trace concentrations are determined.

If penicillins destroy bacterial cells, maybe they also destroy cells in the human body?

Science has perfected this original product and it is now much more stable in the body, which lasts longer and provides better protection from bacteria. The same standards apply to amoxicillin for dogs, and your dog can certainly take and enjoy the relief and benefits of this drug for fighting bacteria.

The desire to improve the animal arose as a result of research conducted at the dawn of the era of penicillin. Unfortunately, conceiving penicillin can make it difficult to achieve these lesser innovations. I think that medical research haunted by the memory of penicillin and other antibiotics that immediately followed. He had words for electron, penicillin, and calculus because he found them in his mind. Fertilizer bags may be on display, as well as penicillin bottles and herbicide cans. And in the blink of an eye, penicillin was in mass production saving countless thousands of lives. The effect of penicillin and some sulfate drugs on cockroach intracellular bacterioids. So far, he has had good luck with penicillin, but each time he has used it with serious doubts about its effect in patients adapted to Mars. Any of the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics derived from penicillin forms or synthetically synthesized, most active against gram-positive bacteria and used in treatment various infections and diseases.

It is quickly determined in muscles, wound exudate, in joint cavities, in muscles.

It is observed in the cerebrospinal fluid a small amount of. Insignificant amount will also enter the pleural cavity and abdominal cavity, therefore, if necessary, a direct local action of the drug is required.

Penetrates the fetus through the placenta. It is excreted from the body through the kidneys, so about 50% of the drug is excreted. Also, part of it is excreted in the bile.

Anti-infectious agents are also classified in the following groups... Antibacterial agents are classified according to their mode of action and chemistry. Combinations of antibacterial drugs with others medicines including local anesthetics or vitamins are classified at separate 5 levels in the corresponding antibacterial group using the 50 series.

Inhaled anti-infectious agents are classified here on the basis of the fact that inhaled preparations cannot be separated from injectable preparations. This group includes the beta-lactam antibiotics of penicillin, which inhibit the synthesis of the bacterial cell wall.

If the patient takes penicillin in tablets, he needs to take into account that when taken orally, the antibiotic is poorly absorbed, and part of it is destroyed under the influence of gastric juice and beta-lactamase, which is produced intestines .

Indications for use

Antibiotics of the penicillin group, the names of which will be suggested directly by the attending physician, are used to treat diseases provoked by microorganisms sensitive to penicillin:

Penicillin is often the first choice when it comes to fighting diseases caused by bacteria. They kill pathogens and prevent them from spreading if there is no resistance. This is the first antibiotic in modern times. Penicillin is obtained from penicillin mushrooms.

Penicillin is a type of antibiotic that is given or given by mouth. It is used against bacterial infections and prevents bacteria from forming a protective outer layer. The medicine must be taken for a long time to achieve full effect... As more and more bacteria become resistant to penicillin, new synthetic antibiotics must be developed over and over again.

  • pneumonia (croupous and focal);
  • empyema of the pleura;
  • septic endocarditis in acute and suborbital form;
  • sepsis ;
  • pyemia;
  • septicemia;
  • in acute and chronic form;
  • infectious diseases of the biliary and urinary tract;
  • purulent infectious diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, soft tissues;
  • erysipelas;
  • anthrax;
  • actinomycosis;
  • gynecological purulent-inflammatory diseases;
  • ENT diseases;
  • eye diseases;
  • gonorrhea, , blenorrhea.


Tablets and injections are not used in such cases:

Oral penicillins such as phenoxymethylpenicillin and propicillin can be administered orally. They are less pronounced than benzylpenicillin, but have the same effect. Stronger against the degradation of bacteria by penicillinase resistant agents such as oxacillin, dicloxacillin and flucloxacillin. However, they only act against staphylococci, which in most cases are already resistant to antibiotics.

A modern variant of penicillin is, for example, amoxicillin. It is taken orally and helps with infections respiratory tract, infections in the urinary and biliary tract, blood poisoning, whooping cough and otitis media. Penicillin use may cause side effects with other medicines. Many drugs prevent or reduce the absorption of hormones in the intestinal flora. It can worsen the contraception of pregnancy with an antibacterial agent as the effectiveness is reduced. If you take penicillin, then it must be additionally protected by condoms.

  • with high sensitivity to this antibiotic;
  • at , , and others;
  • with the manifestation in patients of high sensitivity to sulfonamides, antibiotics, as well as to other drugs.

Side effects

In the process of application, the patient must understand what penicillin is, and what side effects he can provoke. Allergy symptoms sometimes appear during treatment. As a rule, such manifestations are associated with sensitization of the body due to more early application these drugs. Same may occur due to prolonged use of the medication. When the drug is first used, allergies are less common. There is a possibility of fetal sensitization during pregnancy if a woman is taking penicillin.

The concomitant use of bacterial growth inhibiting antibiotics and phenoxymethylpenicillin such as tetracycline and erythromycin is prohibited. These active ingredients effective only when growing bacteria. It is possible that neutropenia is occurring, which means a decrease in white blood cells. There is also thrombocytopenia, a decrease in blood platelets. Other side effects include: agranulocytosis, skin rash, hives, Lyell's syndrome, drug fever, anemia, protein allergy reactions, kidney inflammation, facial swelling, heart palpitations, blood vessel inflammation, shortness of breath, joint pain, allergic shock, and bronchospasm.

Also, during the course of treatment, the following side effects may develop:

  • Digestive system: nausea, , vomit.
  • Central nervous system : neurotoxic reactions, signs of meningism, cerebrospinal meningitis, etc. a special scheme is prescribed by the doctor.

    Instructions for the use of penicillin tablets

    The dosage of penicillin tablets depends on the disease and on the treatment regimen prescribed by the attending physician. As a rule, patients are prescribed 250-500 mg, the drug must be taken every 8 hours. If necessary, the dose is increased to 750 mg. It is recommended to take tablets half an hour before meals or two hours after meals. The duration of treatment depends on the disease.


    It should be borne in mind that when taking large doses of penicillin, an overdose may occur, which may cause unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea ... But this condition is not life-threatening.

    With intravenous administration of potassium salt in patients suffering from renal failure , can develop hyperkalemia .

    With the introduction of large doses of the drug intraventricularly or intravenously, epileptic seizures may occur. But such a symptom manifests itself in adult patients only after the introduction of at least 50 million units. medicines. In this case, the patient is prescribed to take barbiturates or benzodiazepines.


    Taking an antibiotic may slow down the elimination process from the body due to inhibition of its tubular secretion.

    Terms of sale

    The drugs are sold by prescription, the doctor prescribes a prescription for the patient in Latin.

    Storage conditions

    You need to store at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, in a dry place.

    Shelf life

    The shelf life of penicillin is 5 years.

    special instructions

    Before using penicillin, it is important to test and determine antibiotic sensitivity.

    Carefully prescribe medication for people with impaired renal function, as well as for patients with acute heart failure , people who have a tendency to allergic manifestations or severe sensitivity to cephalosporins .

    If, 3-5 days after the start of treatment, there is no improvement in the patient's condition, it is important to consult a doctor who will prescribe other antibiotics or a combination treatment.

    Since in the process of taking antibiotics there is high probability manifestations fungal superinfection It is important to take antifungal agents during treatment. It is also important to take into account that with the use of subtherapeutic doses of the drug or with an incomplete course of therapy, resistant strains of pathogens may appear.

    When taking the drug inside, you need to drink it with plenty of liquid. It is important to clearly follow the instructions on how to dilute the product.

    In the process of treatment with penicillins, it is necessary to very accurately follow the prescribed treatment regimen and not to miss doses. If the appointment has been missed, the dose should be taken as soon as possible. You can not interrupt the course of treatment.

    Since expired medicine can be toxic, it should not be taken.


    Matching ATX level 4 code:

    There are a number of penicillin preparations, the most optimal antibiotic is determined by the doctor individually.

    With alcohol

    For children

    It is used to treat children only after a doctor's prescription and under his supervision.

    Penicillin during pregnancy and lactation

    It is advisable to prescribe an antibiotic during pregnancy only if the expected benefit outweighs the likelihood of negative effects. Lactation for the period of taking the drugs should be discontinued, since the substance enters the milk and can provoke the development of severe allergic manifestations in the child.

Mushrooms are the kingdom of living organisms. Mushrooms are different: some of them get into our diet, some cause skin diseases, some are so poisonous that they can lead to death. But mushrooms of the genus Penicillium save millions human lives from pathogenic bacteria.

Antibiotics penicillin series based on this mold (mold is also a fungus) are still used in medicine.

The discovery of penicillin and its properties

In the 30s of the last century, Alexander Fleming conducted experiments with staphylococci. He studied bacterial infections... Having grown a group of these pathogens in a nutrient medium, the scientist noticed that there are areas in the dish around which there are no living bacteria. An investigation has shown that common green mold, which loves to settle on stale bread, is to blame for these stains. The mold was called Penicillium and, as it turned out, produced a substance that kills staphylococci.

Fleming studied the matter deeper and soon isolated pure penicillin, which became the world's first antibiotic... The principle of action of the drug is as follows: when a bacterial cell divides, each half restores its cell membrane with the help of a special chemical element, peptidoglycan. Penicillin blocks the formation of this element, and the bacterial cell is simply "absorbed" in the environment.

But difficulties soon arose. Bacterial cells have learned to resist the drug - they began to produce an enzyme called "beta-lactamase", which breaks down beta-lactams (the basis of penicillin).

  • For the next 10 years, there was an invisible war between the pathogens that destroy penicillin and the scientists who modify this penicillin. So many modifications of penicillin were born, which now form the entire penicillin range of antibiotics.

    Pharmacokinetics and principle of action

    The drug for any kind of application quickly spreads throughout the body, penetrating almost all of its parts. Exceptions: cerebrospinal fluid, prostate and visual system. In these places, the concentration is very low, in normal conditions it does not exceed 1 percent. With inflammation, a rise of up to 5% is possible.

    Antibiotics don't touch cells human body, since the latter do not contain peptidoglycan.

  • The drug is quickly excreted from the body, after 1-3 hours most of it is excreted through the kidneys.

    Watch a video on this topic

    Classification of antibiotics

    All drugs are divided into: natural (short and prolonged action) and semi-synthetic (antistaphylococcal, broad-spectrum drugs, antipseudomonal).


    These drugs obtained directly from mold... On the this moment most of them are outdated, as pathogens have acquired immunity to them. In medicine, benzylpenicillin and Bicillin are most often used, which are effective against gram-positive bacteria and cocci, some anaerobic and spirochetes. All these antibiotics are used only in the form of injections into the muscles, since the acidic environment of the stomach quickly destroys them.

    Benzylpenicillin in the form of sodium and potassium salts belongs to natural short-acting antibiotics. Its effect wears off after 3-4 hours, so repeated injections must be done frequently.

    In an attempt to eliminate this deficiency, pharmacists created natural antibiotics prolonged action: Bicillin and novocaine benzylpenicillin salt. These drugs are called "depot forms", because after being injected into the muscle, they form a "depot" in it, from which the drug is slowly absorbed into the body.

  • Examples of drugs: benzylpenicillin salt (sodium, potassium or novocainic), Bitsillin-1, Bitsillin-3, Bitsillin-5.

    Semi-synthetic antibiotics of the penicillin group

    Several decades after receiving penicillin pharmacists were able to highlight its main active substance, and the modification process began... After improvement, most drugs acquired resistance to the acidic environment of the stomach, and semi-synthetic penicillins began to be produced in tablets.

    Isoxazolepenicillins are medicines that are effective against staphylococci. The latter have learned to produce an enzyme that destroys benzylpenicillin, and drugs from this group interfere with the production of the enzyme. But you have to pay for the improvement - drugs of this type are less absorbed into the body and have a smaller spectrum of action compared to natural penicillins. Examples of drugs: Oxacillin, Nafcillin.

    Aminopenicillins are broad-spectrum drugs. They are inferior to benzylpenicillins in strength in the fight against gram-positive bacteria, but capture a wider range of infections. Compared to other drugs, they stay in the body longer and better penetrate some of the body's barriers. Examples of drugs: Ampicillin, Amoxicillin. You can often find Ampiox - Ampicillin + Oxacillin.

    Carboxypenicillins and ureidopenicillins - antibiotics effective against Pseudomonas aeruginosa... At the moment, they are practically not used, since infections quickly become resistant to them. Occasionally you can find them as part of a comprehensive treatment.

  • Examples of drugs: Ticarcillin, Piperacillin


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    List of drugs



    Active ingredient: azithromycin.

    Indications: respiratory tract infections.

    Contraindications: intolerance, severe renal failure, childhood up to 6 months.

    Price: 300-500 rubles.


    Active ingredient: oxacillin.

    Indications: drug-sensitive infections.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity.

    Price: 30-60 rubles.

    Amoxicillin Sandoz

    Active ingredient: amoxicillin.

    Indications: respiratory tract infections (including tonsillitis, bronchitis), infections genitourinary system, skin infections, other infections.

    Contraindications: intolerance, children under 3 years of age.

    Price: 150 rubles.

    Ampicillin trihydrate

    Active ingredient: ampicillin.

    Indications: pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, other infections.

    Contraindications: hypersensitivity, liver failure.

    Price: 24 rubles.


    Active ingredient: phenoxymethylpenicillin.

    Indications: streptococcal diseases, mild infections and moderate.

    Contraindications: intolerance.

    Price: 7 rubles.